kristian-aalborg | Unit193, I seem to remember gparted not being able to see the hidden partitions? | 00:34 |
kristian-aalborg | I want to sweep the drive, but not really time for DBAN | 00:35 |
DoctorDuck | Anyone wanna help a noob with some apache2 permission issues? | 01:27 |
pleia2 | DoctorDuck: sure, what's the trouble? | 01:37 |
pleia2 | (I actually have to leave soon, but if it's quick..!) | 01:37 |
kristian-aalborg | hmm, so I tried shred -n 2 -z -v /dev/sda --it seems to miss some of the drive, listing only 466 gb out of 500? | 02:22 |
JackyAlcine | kristian-aalborg: might be protected by root. | 02:24 |
kristian-aalborg | JackyAlcine, this is from a livecd, and I'm using sudo | 02:24 |
kristian-aalborg | ah wait | 02:24 |
kristian-aalborg | user said something about having to fix BIOS when installing windows | 02:25 |
kristian-aalborg | let me look there | 02:25 |
JackyAlcine | Yeah, because Windows installs its own MBR and replaces Grub. | 02:26 |
JackyAlcine | !grub | 02:26 |
ubot2 | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 02:26 |
JackyAlcine | But that's in the first 512 sectors of the disc. | 02:26 |
kristian-aalborg | JackyAlcine, I know what grub is | 02:28 |
kristian-aalborg | this is the hidden recovery stuff I am talking about | 02:28 |
JackyAlcine | :X sorry, habit. :) | 02:28 |
kristian-aalborg | there's an option to "reset configuration data" in BIOS | 02:29 |
JackyAlcine | o.O wouldn't that be for the BIOS config? | 02:29 |
JackyAlcine | And what system are you running? | 02:29 |
JackyAlcine | What shows up when you run "# fdisk -l"? | 02:29 |
kristian-aalborg | I'm in bios now | 02:31 |
kristian-aalborg | but, it shows /dev/sda as 500 g | 02:31 |
kristian-aalborg | and then when I use gparted or shred, I only get 466 g | 02:31 |
kristian-aalborg | however, there was an "installed O/S" thing that said XP... I changed it to "other" | 02:32 |
kristian-aalborg | let's have another look | 02:32 |
kristian-aalborg | I have a feeling that they've conspired ;) | 02:35 |
kristian-aalborg | wut!! Now I have 465 GB in gparted! | 02:38 |
JackyAlcine | \o/ | 02:41 |
kristian-aalborg | no, the opposite of that | 02:43 |
JackyAlcine | o.O how come? | 02:44 |
kristian-aalborg | ah | 02:52 |
kristian-aalborg | it's that age old trick, it gets me every time | 02:52 |
kristian-aalborg | "let's count it so it looks bigger"... 465=500 | 02:53 |
kristian-aalborg | no prob, it seems - good | 02:53 |
kristian-aalborg | is libreoffice still the place to be? | 02:59 |
Space-Duck | I installed LAMP and made a link from /var/www to /home/space-duck/www; everything works great! | 07:55 |
Space-Duck | I ssh'd to another desktop and scp'd a directory to my home www and now I get a 500 error, apache2 gives me permission errors. | 07:55 |
Space-Duck | if I manually recreate the directory using the file contents, it works. How do I fix files from scp? | 07:55 |
Space-Duck | The images transferred over fail to load in pages too. I'm confused. | 07:57 |
Space-Duck | apache2 | 08:01 |
uwe | hi | 09:48 |
truepurple | hi | 09:48 |
sattu94 | hi | 10:11 |
truepurple | Is it easy to switch to a different DE with ubuntu? | 10:12 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
sattu94 | truepurple: yes. | 12:44 |
sattu94 | truepurple: it's easy to switch to a different DE in linux as a whole. | 12:44 |
sattu94 | truepurple: i myself run gnome,kde,enlightenment,xmonad,fvwm2,openbox... xD | 12:44 |
sattu94 | truepurple: on the same box.. | 12:45 |
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk | ||
truepurple | My flash player is messed up, perhaps from a update, a problem with residue images when the screen changes, how do I fix it? | 19:02 |
truepurple | My flash player is messed up, perhaps from a update, a problem with residue images when the screen changes, can anyone help me fix it? | 20:51 |
escott | truepurple, flash is a pretty hard thing to fix as it isnt open source. are the image problems inside the flash image, or might they be artifacts left by the compositor? | 21:04 |
truepurple | escott, I don't know what your asking, but it wasn't always like this, before flash didn't do this. Someone else mentioned there was a issue like this with one of the newer versions of flash | 21:08 |
escott | !paste | truepurple send us a screenshot | 21:08 |
ubot2 | truepurple send us a screenshot: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 21:08 |
escott | assuming it shows up in a screenshot | 21:09 |
truepurple | I am sure it would | 21:10 |
escott | you might be surprised, but go ahead and take one. hit the printscreen button | 21:11 |
truepurple | it does | 21:11 |
truepurple | escott, | 21:14 |
truepurple | To fix it, I need to scroll down till the flash window is completely off screen, then back | 21:15 |
truepurple | each time this happens | 21:15 |
truepurple | which is regularly | 21:15 |
escott | truepurple, so that sounds like an xdamage/compositing issue | 21:15 |
truepurple | I don't know what that means, but how do I fix it? Remember, it wasn't always like this | 21:16 |
escott | truepurple, you could try to disable your compositing (disabling the 3d desktop), but if that doesnt fix it then its likely that the flashplugin is doing something weird which is messing up the damage calculations | 21:16 |
truepurple | damage calculations | 21:16 |
truepurple | ? | 21:16 |
escott | truepurple, what parts of the screen have been "damaged" (changed) and need to be redrawn | 21:17 |
truepurple | 3d desktop? I am not using unity, how do I disable composting. | 21:17 |
truepurple | oh | 21:17 |
truepurple | It doesn't happen outside of flash stuff | 21:17 |
escott | truepurple, then its very likely something flash specific. and there is no source available for flash | 21:18 |
holstein | yeah, messing with 3d is a good idea though | 21:19 |
holstein | and the graphics driver | 21:19 |
truepurple | So escott, holstein, what should I try now? To elaborate, this mostly happens after I click a button that causes a change of screen, usually that change of screen mostly doesn't register or something | 21:23 |
holstein | if you are using 3d, try without... if you're not, try with | 21:23 |
holstein | try a different graphics driver | 21:23 |
holstein | try the vesa driver... try from a live CD (one that has flash) maybe latest mint? something with different packages | 21:24 |
truepurple | holstein, a vesa graphics driver? I have a radeon 6850 graphics card, getting my driver set up right was hard enough as it was, I don't want to mess with it. And what do you mean with/without 3d, how do I turn any 3d on/off, what 3d anyway? | 21:27 |
escott | truepurple, are you running unity? | 21:28 |
escott | truepurple, and what version of ubuntu is this | 21:29 |
holstein | truepurple: thats also why i suggest something like mint with flash installed 'out of the box' on the live CD... you can try forcing the vea driver live and see without messing with your current setup | 21:29 |
truepurple | escott, I told you earlier, I am not running unity, and my version is 11.04 | 21:30 |
escott | truepurple, is compiz running right now? if not you can just do metacity --replace to disable the compositor | 21:30 |
truepurple | escott, sorry, I didn't understand any of that | 21:32 |
escott | truepurple, `ps aux | grep compiz` what does it say | 21:32 |
holstein | truepurple: when you ask the question 'how to i disable 3d' ^^ thats one way to do it, the suggetion that escott offered... metacity --replace | 21:33 |
truepurple | escott, | 21:33 |
escott | truepurple, so you are currently running compiz, and all your windows are being redirected through the compositor. its possible that is the cause of the corruption. if you run metacity --replace your compositor will be disabled, and you will have a 2d desktop, but maybe flash will work better | 21:36 |
truepurple | That 2d desktop thing, how will that effect me? Will it effect the running of any 3d games? | 21:38 |
escott | truepurple, it shouldn't affect 3d games as 3d will still be available. it just wont be used for drawing the 2d desktop | 21:39 |
truepurple | escott, and how do I do what your saying, and is it easily reversible? | 21:39 |
escott | truepurple, compiz --replace to turn compiz back on | 21:39 |
escott | truepurple, and be sure to put an & at the end metacity --replace & | 21:40 |
holstein | it will potentially effect you by making flash more stable | 21:40 |
truepurple | escott, "metacity --replace &" ? will the effects be immediate with no reload of anything required? | 21:45 |
holstein | truepurple: you can always reboot | 21:48 |
escott | truepurple, it will be immediate. there may be some flickering as metacity takes over window management and switches to direct rendering | 21:48 |
holstein | you can go to tty via control+alt+F1 and login there and run sudo reboot | 21:48 |
truepurple2 | escott, holstein ok I ran the command, but no "replace &" at the end, the screen flickered, still had trouble in flash, I went to try the command again, this time with "replace &" at the end, but the terminal was locked up, so I went to close it and load another, but the moment I closed that terminal, my desktop got all messed up | 21:51 |
holstein | truepurple: thats information then | 21:51 |
truepurple2 | All windows lack minimize/maximize/close buttons, and I can't switch to new tasks | 21:51 |
holstein | you can try forcing vesa from a live CD | 21:52 |
truepurple2 | I had to make a new xchat session just to chat with you, since I can not switch to the old one | 21:52 |
holstein | truepurple: thats why i suggested familiarizing yourself the the worst case scenario back-up plan | 21:52 |
escott | truepurple2, then metacity crashed or something. you can ctrl-alt-f1. export DISPLAY=:0 and try metacity --replace again, or compiz --replace | 21:52 |
holstein | control+alt+F1, login, sudo reboot... wait and all is well again | 21:52 |
holstein | escott's suggestions are the more proper ways to deal with that issue... sometimes, i just reboot though | 21:53 |
truepurple | Yeah rebooting fixed the desktop problem, though I wish you had warned me about ctrl alt f1 sending me to a command prompt | 22:00 |
escott | !tty | truepurple | 22:00 |
ubot2 | truepurple: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login). To change the resolution for your TTY, see | 22:00 |
truepurple | It's weird, it shows everyone repeating what they said twice in the last bit of my IRC clients history | 22:00 |
escott | truepurple, because you had two xchats logging to your history | 22:01 |
truepurple | ah | 22:01 |
truepurple | so which version am I running now, 3d or not? | 22:01 |
escott | truepurple, probably the 3d version again. check with ps aux | grep compiz, and see if there is a compiz process running. you can try again to start metacity, and try and figure out why it crashed | 22:02 |
holstein | 16:32 < escott> truepurple, `ps aux | grep compiz` what does it say | 22:02 |
truepurple | a 22294 0.5 0.4 313644 35736 ? Sl 15:57 0:01 /usr/bin/compiz, means its 3d again? | 22:03 |
escott | truepurple, yes. | 22:03 |
truepurple | escott, "metacity --replace &" | 22:04 |
truepurple | ? | 22:04 |
escott | truepurple, you could get a bit fancy and do "metacity --replace & sleep 10 & compiz --replace &" which should start metacity, wait 10 seconds, and then start compiz. hopefully you can scroll backwards and figure out why metacity crashed | 22:04 |
escott | truepurple, or you could start metacity, let it crash, jump to tty1, export DISPLAY=:0, and do compiz --replace | 22:05 |
escott | truepurple, sorry that should be "metacity --replace & sleep 10 && compiz --replace" | 22:06 |
truepurple | escott, but there is a new issue, graphics in my flash game are appearing absurdly slow, if at alll | 22:06 |
truepurple | Ok, they eventually appear if you wait long enough | 22:07 |
escott | truepurple, sounds like a flash issue | 22:07 |
escott | truepurple, when you scroll up and down, you trigger what are called "expose" events meaning that the part of the window should now be refreshed. with the way compiz works the window is always drawn to memory, and compiz interrupts some expose events and handles them itself, with metacity all expose events are sent back to the application | 22:08 |
escott | truepurple, so you can diagnose compiz issues by taking a window from a different application and dragging it over the corrupted area. if you xchat window "wipes" away the corruption, then its more likely a compiz issue than a metacity issue | 22:09 |
truepurple | that was before I inputed your command though | 22:09 |
escott | if the corruption can only be fixed by scrolling up and down in mozilla then its more likely a flash issue | 22:10 |
truepurple | hmm, it doesn't seem to do the corruption any more now | 22:14 |
truepurple | no, its still there | 22:16 |
holstein | i would still like to see no 3d with the vesa driver | 22:17 |
escott | truepurple, so drag your xchat window over it. does the corruption wipe away? | 22:17 |
truepurple | escott, does alt tabing between aps produce the same effect? | 22:18 |
escott | truepurple, im not sure. probably | 22:18 |
truepurple | No, moving another window over it does not fix the problem | 22:19 |
escott | truepurple, i suspect the problem is with the flash plugin then | 22:19 |
truepurple | but moving to another tab and back does | 22:19 |
escott | truepurple, interesting. hard to say, as i dont know if compiz is sending window expose events or not on an alt-tab | 22:20 |
truepurple | escott, I rather suspected so from the beginning since someone told me that this was a problem with one of the newer versions of flash and how it just appeared out of nowhere (probably auto-update causing trouble in the background), so how do I fix it? | 22:20 |
escott | !pinning | 22:20 |
ubot2 | pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See | 22:20 |
escott | truepurple, you could pin to an older version of flash if it worked | 22:21 |
truepurple | "so you should probably not do this on an Ubuntu system", I don't understand that part | 22:22 |
truepurple | I am also struggling greatly to understand these instructions. Is there any risk involved with such instructions? Any possibility I could screw something up trying to follow these instructions but make a mistake? | 22:24 |
holstein | truepurple: you can also try other browsers... opera, chrome (chromium), midori | 22:25 |
truepurple | escott, | 22:30 |
escott | truepurple, if you pin you are saying. i knw better than ubuntu what works, and dont update my system in the future. and if you forget then at some point in the future if this bug is fixed you are stuck with an old out of date buggy version | 22:30 |
truepurple | escott, yes, but how do I do it? and is it hard to undo? Also, do the upgrade/update commands cover flashplayer? Perhaps a new version that upgrades out of the issue is in order | 22:33 |
escott | truepurple, its not something you should do if you dont understand those instructions. | 22:36 |
truepurple | escott, well then, please answer my question about upgrade/update and flash player | 22:37 |
escott | truepurple, if you installed flash through apt then you have the most recent version that has been released for your distribution | 22:38 |
truepurple | escott, You mean because it checks for flash updates every time I turn on my PC? I don't remember how I installed, is there a way to check? | 22:41 |
escott | truepurple, no every time you update your system | 22:42 |
escott | truepurple, and you can check if you installed flash by opening synaptic and search for flash | 22:43 |
truepurple | escott, you mean through the update/upgrade commands? | 22:45 |
truepurple | escott, If I installed it through apt, it will or it won't be listed in synaptic? | 22:46 |
escott | truepurple, it will be listed in synaptic as installed if you installed it through apt-get | 22:47 |
truepurple | escott, but it won't be if I installed it through the software center? | 22:48 |
escott | truepurple, no software center = apt = synaptic all are acceptable ways to install the software | 22:48 |
escott | truepurple, if you installed it through software center then everything is fine | 22:49 |
truepurple | What other ways could I have installed it that wouldn't list in synaptic? | 22:49 |
escott | truepurple, you might have downloaded a file from the adobe website | 22:49 |
truepurple | flash version | 22:50 |
truepurple | So that would be what is known as compiling? | 22:50 |
escott | truepurple, no compiling is when you download source code and the make an executable for it. flash has no source code that is available which is part of the problem | 22:51 |
truepurple | So how would I install from downloading from adobe then? | 22:52 |
escott | truepurple, im not going to tell you how to do that because it makes more trouble for the rest of us when you come back and say your flash is broken and you installed it by downloading something from | 22:53 |
holstein | truepurple: how did the opera browser work? | 22:54 |
truepurple | I thought I did have opera installed, but I don't, I do have midori installed, so far no artifact trouble, but I have had stability problems and flash problems with midori before | 22:57 |
truepurple | escott, I am not asking to do so, I am asking so I understand how it all works better, so please don't worry about such things and tell me | 22:58 |
holstein | truepurple: the package you get will have a readme | 22:59 |
holstein | it will cause more issues than it solves though | 22:59 |
truepurple | Again, I don't plan to do so, which means I don't have a download file to view a readme, might you please summarize what kind of things it would tell you to do? | 23:00 |
escott | truepurple, if you want further help from me drop this approach | 23:00 |
holstein | it really depends on the package, but there are usually well documented readme files that give information on what you want | 23:01 |
truepurple | Like what kind of things, command lines to input I assume? | 23:01 |
holstein | truepurple: the dependancies | 23:01 |
holstein | dependencies* | 23:01 |
holstein | literally whatever the package needs, and how to build/install it | 23:02 |
holstein | its not going to be trivial, and at the end, you end up with something hard to revert from, and probably not fixing anything, and potentially making matters worse | 23:02 |
truepurple | Ok | 23:03 |
holstein | you can also try that on a live CD potentially | 23:03 |
truepurple | So anyway, do the upgrade/update commands make me have the latest flash version then? Or will it be more automatic then that? | 23:03 |
holstein | truepurple: you can search in whatever package manager you like to use for flash like escott suggests | 23:03 |
holstein | you can upgrade just that one package if you want | 23:04 |
truepurple | I mean, does flash upgrade automatically every day if new versions are available with everything else? Is that how ubuntu works? | 23:05 |
holstein | ? | 23:05 |
holstein | truepurple: flash does what you tell it to do | 23:05 |
holstein | if you have, and run upgrades, it upgrades, assuming an upgrade is available... just like the other packages | 23:06 |
truepurple | If I have upgradees? What do you mean? | 23:07 |
holstein | truepurple: if upgrades are available, and if you are running them | 23:08 |
truepurple | How do you 'run upgrades'? | 23:09 |
holstein | i personally have auto-upgrades and upgrade mangers turned off | 23:09 |
holstein | truepurple: however you run them | 23:09 |
holstein | sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade | 23:09 |
holstein | sudo aptitude safe-upgrade | 23:09 |
holstein | in synaptic | 23:09 |
holstein | in the upgrade manager | 23:10 |
holstein | in the software center | 23:10 |
truepurple | But does it install upgrades to things like flash player automatically daily, or what? | 23:11 |
holstein | truepurple: ? | 23:11 |
holstein | if you have it set up that way, and assuming daily upgrades to flash came in, which they do not | 23:11 |
truepurple | Does ubuntu, install upgrades by itself without any command and does it do so for flash | 23:11 |
holstein | ubuntu does what you have set it up to do | 23:12 |
truepurple | Well yes, I specified, "if a upgrade is available" before | 23:12 |
truepurple | What is the default? | 23:12 |
holstein | truepurple: you get a popup about updates being available | 23:13 |
truepurple | ah, so if it is set to check for updates daily, it will tell you about the updates? and get confirmation whether you want to install them too? | 23:14 |
holstein | truepurple: it will literally say updates are available | 23:15 |
holstein | or, thats how it used to be... im not using unity in 11.10 | 23:15 |
holstein | AFAIK, how you proceed from there is up to you | 23:15 |
holstein | i think its safe to assume that a way to apply the updates you are promted about being availalbe will be obvious | 23:16 |
truepurple | So where is this update manager in synaptic? | 23:16 |
holstein | truepurple: its a package manager.. so you can go to a package, such as flash, after you search for it, like escott suggested, and then you can right click and update it, assuming updates are available | 23:17 |
holstein | you can hit 'reload' at the top... thats kind of like running sudo apt-get update | 23:18 |
holstein | that updates the list of available packages | 23:18 |
truepurple | then how do I do the upgrade? | 23:22 |
holstein | truepurple: this is what i do... | 23:22 |
truepurple | Oh I see | 23:22 |
holstein | i open a terminal | 23:22 |
holstein | i run... | 23:22 |
holstein | sudo apt-get update | 23:22 |
holstein | ^^ that upgrades the list of available packages | 23:22 |
truepurple | refreshing in synaptic is exactly the same thing? | 23:22 |
holstein | then i run | 23:22 |
holstein | sudo aptitude safe-upgrade | 23:23 |
holstein | ^^ that upgrades all the packages that are available to be upgraded | 23:23 |
holstein | you can do that in *whatever* package manager you choose | 23:24 |
truepurple | refreshing in synaptic is exactly the same thing as sudo apt-get update? And why the word safe in that command? | 23:30 |
holstein | truepurple: safe is part of the command name.. you can run sudo apt-get upgrade | 23:31 |
holstein | if the word "safe" scares you somehow | 23:31 |
holstein | truepurple: clicking 'reload' in synaptic has a similar effect as sudo apt-get update | 23:32 |
truepurple | If I can run it without the word safe in there, why use it? | 23:38 |
holstein | truepurple: im just showing you what i do | 23:40 |
truepurple | Why do you use the word safe if its unneeded and doesn't do anything? | 23:40 |
holstein | feel free to search for documentation about aptitude and decide what you want to use | 23:41 |
holstein | truepurple: i read somewhere about the benifits of aptitude, and in that tute the safe-upgrade command was used | 23:42 |
holstein | so, ive been using that ever since | 23:42 |
holstein | truepurple: feel free to stick to the GUI | 23:42 |
truepurple | holstein, what does aptitude have to do with the safe command? | 23:49 |
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