
bkerensaNothing like trying to reach a community manager at 4:48pm on a Friday to confirm last minute details for a weekend event00:49
czajkowskijcastro: is there lens documentation somewhere08:10
AlanBellczajkowski: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Lenses08:57
AlanBellbut some of that might be outdated, seems it is best to take a working lens and read the source08:58
AlanBellstep 1 is deciding on vala or python I think08:58
czajkowskiAlanBell: was looking at it for the UK Ml thread09:01
czajkowskisomeone was complaingin about lack of doc wanted the link09:01
AlanBelloh, not read that yet09:01
AlanBellthe bliss lens is being packaged now, that should make unity a lot easier to use for people who want to find applications they have09:07
bkerensaAlanBell: The Bliss Lens is packaged and ready to go as of a yesterday I think its just waiting approval :D09:34
bkerensaI think come sunday a lot of things that need packaging will be pending review09:35
=== Gwaihir is now known as Guest10558
ashamsHey o/18:29
ashamsHow can I help with Precise irc workshops?18:29
pleia2ashams: did you receive the emails from akgraner and myself on the 15th? we gave links to the recommended resources to join18:34
pleia2right now is a bit of a quiet time for classroom due to the holidays18:34
ashamspleia2, yep, I got it and the trello board seems to be filled :)18:35
ashamsI mean all jobs seem to be for one person only18:35
pleia2oh no, anyone can help out18:35
akgranerashams, you can add yourself18:35
akgranerthe more help the merrier :-)18:35
pleia2if you click on a card it will bring it up and you can see details, lots of tasks :)18:35
ashamsit will need some organizing among ppl on the same task18:36
ashamslike "Call for speakers" -- we can't call twice18:37
pleia2yep, so just look for something you're interested in and we coordinate in #ubuntu-classroom-backstage18:37
ashamspleia2, All great18:37
pleia2we chat about all the tasks on IRC :)18:37
pleia2and each has a date, so when January 5th rolls around someone says "time to do call for speakers!" and someone does it18:38
pleia2(for developer week, for instance)18:38
pleia2but as I said, not much happening in december because a lot of people have family, travel and vacation going on due to the holidays18:38
pleia2that's why it's been quiet18:39
ashamspleia2, Now clear18:39
akgranerashams, did I sent you the link to all the sample emails and stuff I use to modify for each call for speakers and follow-up emails - I just tweak them for each event..18:55
akgranerif I didn't I can share that now - I think I shared it with pleia2 and nigelb at one time18:56
akgranerAs soon as I hear back from Rick I'll fix the template so it's always there18:58
akgranergrrrr wrong channel18:59
ashamsakgraner, Do you know who to contact to get a domain for a loco? it's given by canonical, right?19:17
ubot2The RT kernel is the Ubuntu kernel with a realtime preemption patch applied. It is included in Ubuntu Studio by default. For more information please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime/19:18
akgranerthe Loco Council19:18
AlanBellnope, not that19:18
AlanBellerr, not the real time kernel I mean19:18
ashamsAlanBell, rt is dead :)19:18
pleia2akgraner: approved teams are entitled to a domain, let me get the link, sec19:18
ashamsI opened that ticket since 24 oct :)19:19
akgranerpleia2, I was just sending himn to the LoCo Council so they know what people are asking etc and if help is needed they can assist19:19
AlanBellashams: yes, they are spectacularly unresponsive, however RT is the right place + what akgraner says19:20
pleia2ashams: do you have a ticket number?19:20
ashamspleia2, yep one sec19:20
ashamsactually they're 219:20
pleia2I'd include that in an email to the loco council, they can get someone on the IS team to look at it19:20
ashamspleia2, that's the first one: https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=1832319:21
AlanBellanyone seen jpds recently?19:22
pleia2ashams: yeah, I'd follow up with the loco council, I'm not sure about the rules at this point as far as who is entitled to a domain (I thought it was approved teams, but that might just be for hosting)19:23
ashamsAlanBell, jpds is not responding, hope he's fine :)19:24
ashamspleia2, it's for non-approved teams too19:24
ashamsthe egyptian team has one19:25
ashamsand it's nota pproved yet19:25
ashamsbut it redirects to the wiki19:25
pleia2ah ok :)19:25
ashamspleia2, the second one: https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=1894819:25
pleia2I'm not on the loco council, you'll want to email them :)19:26
AlanBellor ask in #ubuntu-locoteams19:26
AlanBellor both19:26
ashamsthat's what doing, *Both*19:27
ashamsI don't want to wait any more19:27
ashamsThanks :D19:27
pleia2the canonical sysadmins don't do tickets on weekdays, so if you email the council they can follow up on Monday19:27
pleia2err weekends19:27
ashamsno problem19:28
* ashams suspect if they do tickets on any other day :P19:28
pleia2sorry you're having a poor experience, they have gotten better in the past year, sometimes they just require a nudge19:29
pleia2that's why the loco council has more direct contact with them these days19:29
ashamsheh, same ppl on a different channel :P19:32
czajkowskiashams: which ticket and team are you looking after Egypt, Palestine or Syria ?20:44
czajkowskiashams: I'll look into it monday and leave a comment on the tickets.20:51
mhall1192/w 5020:58
ashamsczajkowski, hi21:02
ashamsstill here?21:02
ashamsI'm from Egypt loco and we help the other two on building resources to get up and running21:03
czajkowskiashams: ahh ok thats the confusion21:10
czajkowskithey should be requesting it their team contact21:10
czajkowskieven adding their names and email addresses to the ticket will help21:10
czajkowskiI'll follow up on Monday with IS for you21:10
czajkowskiI know October was bad as it was release and November is post release so I expect it to be done soon21:10
ashamsczajkowski, yeah, thanks21:11
czajkowskiashams: in the mean time can you add the team contacts names and email addresses to the ticket as they will be needed21:11
czajkowski<--- movie time21:11
ashamsczajkowski, Ok, will do21:12
mhall119oh a movie! what are we watching czajkowski?21:18

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