
psusicjwatson, per my discussion with smoser at UDS about the cloud images needing to online extend the root fs while booting without an initrd, I have some patches to parted and the kernel to do this.  Any chance of getting parted 3.0 merged for precise?00:02
slangasekpatching the kernel for it? eew? :)00:09
cjwatsonpsusi: I think it's unlikely given the amount of installer work that has to be done first00:13
cjwatsonpsusi: specifically removal of everything that relies on libparted's filesystem code, which is going to involve writing a wrapper that knows how to transform various tools' progress output into debconf progress; I made a start on this a while back but there's quite a bit to do00:14
psusicjwatson, ohh.. I thought the installer hadn't been relying on the parted filesystem code for a long time, seeing as how it has been basically broken for ages00:23
psusislangasek, needed to add the missing BLKPG ioctl command to change the length of an in use partition... online expand and shrink of a btrfs partition is a beautiful thing ;)00:24
broder...how can that ever be remotely safe?00:24
* slangasek does not get warm fuzzies00:24
psusibroder, lvm has been doing it for years00:25
psusiext4 can only grow online, but btrfs can shrink too00:26
cjwatsonpsusi: it still does in some places where it hasn't been broken00:27
cjwatsonpsusi: yes, it needs to move away from that anyway; but there are places where the practical effect of that would be a regression for users in terms of what progress bars we manage to provide, and I want to avoid that00:27
psusicjwatson, so it relies on libparted to handle resize of fat filesystems and provide feedback?  anything else?00:28
cjwatsonI forget, sorry, you'll have to hunt through partman00:29
cjwatsonpretty certain it's a good deal more than that though00:29
psusik.. just afaik, fat and bare bones ext2 were the only filesystems it could actually deal with00:29
cjwatsonRTFS :-)00:29
cjwatsonstart with parted_server, look for use of removed ped_* functions, then look for use of the corresponding parted_server commands in the rest of partman00:31
psusiparted_server is a custom front end to libparted right?00:32
cjwatsonit's in the partman-base source package00:32
cjwatsonit's probably most concisely described as shell bindings for libparted00:32
psusiand the rest of partman is written in shell right?00:33
cjwatsonapart from a couple of tiny C helpers00:33
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fetovaHere, bothering again.00:59
fetovaI've done again the push of the bug 886680, this time taking the code of lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/app-install-data-ubuntu/ubuntu and i get a really big diff...00:59
fetovaWhat i've done wrong? :(00:59
fetovaThe merge proposal: https://code.launchpad.net/~fetova/ubuntu/precise/app-install-data-ubuntu/fix-for-886680/+merge/8434700:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 886680 in app-install-data-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Dia fails to install from the Software Center: There isn't a software package called "dia-gnome-gnome" in your current software sources" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88668000:59
cjwatsonfetova: again, you need to propose it for merging into the same branch that you branched from01:09
cjwatsonfetova: you should call your branch lp:~fetova/app-install-data-ubuntu/fix-for-886680 (tedious namespace differences that I won't go into) and propose it for merging into lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/app-install-data-ubuntu/ubuntu01:10
psusican you not search the source package list with apt-cache?01:13
cjwatsonI doubt it01:14
psusitrying to find all the bloody assorted partman packages ;)01:14
cjwatsonapt has a fairly weak internal representation of source packages01:14
fetovaok... i want to get this fully, so, another question:01:14
fetovaWhy should I name my branch lp:~fetova/app-install-data-ubuntu/fix-for-886680  instead of lp:~fetova/app-install-data-ubuntu/ubuntu/fix-for-886680 ?01:14
cjwatsonfetova: drat, now I have to go into the grotty details :)01:15
cjwatsonbranches of the form lp:~OWNER/PROJECT/BRANCHNAME are upstream branches; branches of the form lp:~OWNER/DISTRO/SERIES/PACKAGE/BRANCHNAME are source package branches01:15
cjwatsonsource package branches are a newer invention, and a fair number of relatively old packages still use the upstream form, although we'd like to get everything over to source package branches eventually01:16
cjwatsonin general if you find two branches of the same thing in the two different namespaces you can't assume that it's possible to freely merge between them; you need to figure out which one the developer of the package is using and match that01:17
cjwatsonso, this package declares which it's using in the Vcs-Bzr field in debian/control (also shown by 'apt-cache showsrc' etc.)01:18
cjwatsonthat tells you where you should branch from01:18
cjwatsonand you should ALWAYS propose a merge into the same branch that you branched from01:18
cjwatson(unless you know exactly what you're doing and know better, in which case you don't need my advice)01:18
fetovatrue :P01:19
fetovaok, so i need to explain the debugging i've made so far, to ask for advice for what i exactly should do in this case01:20
cjwatsonthe final piece is that it's normally best to use the same namespace as the branch you branched from, to reduce confusion in the Launchpad UI01:20
cjwatsonso if it's three-level, use a three-level name; if it's five-level, use a five-level name01:20
cjwatson(it's unfortunate that quite this much complexity is on the surface)01:21
fetovayeah... a bit...01:21
psusiit's not bad once you understand it... just needs written down somewhere for people to read ;)01:22
fetovawell, as i investigate on the sources, there is a script (update-menu-data.sh) that get from http://rookery.canonical.com/~mvo/gnome-app-install/ the .desktop01:23
fetovaaccordly by the date "today"01:23
fetovathe last taken on the launchpad code has the bug01:23
fetovathe most recent on that url, not01:23
fetovaso... the bug is fixed on that code just getting this last .tar.gz01:24
smoserpsusi, still around ?01:25
psusismoser, yo01:25
smoserso forgive me for beign gravely ignorant.01:26
psusibless you my son ;)01:26
smoserbut given a kernel patch, we basically will just have to rewite the partition table (which I do already using sfdisk) and then amke a IOCTL , right ?01:26
smoserassuming you can get the stuff into kernel, the rest seems easy for me. i dont see the need for parted.01:27
smoseragain, i'm sure i'm making an idiot of myself and missing something obvious :)01:27
psusismoser, yea... and I have parted doing that nicely now... problem seems to be that ubuntu is still using an old parted because d-i still depends on some of the crappy filesystem code that has since been removed from parted ;)01:27
psusiwell, if you want to patch sfdisk to do it, go for it01:27
smoserbut its not even necessary to patch sfdisk.01:28
fetovaso... i'm not sure how i should get the bug fixed, if geting this .tar and doing all the import stuff it on the lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/app-install-data-ubuntu/ubuntu code... or on the source package branch01:28
smoseri can just rewrite the partition table with sfdisk and tell it either not to call BLKKRRPART, or call it, it wont do anything.01:28
psusiwell... it really should be done in the partition table writing tool... this isn't just a "hey, read the partition table", it is an "move the end of this partition to sector x"01:28
smoserand then i have a little program that makes the right call.01:28
fetovawhat do you think, cjwatson? :)01:28
smoserpsusi, fair enough, but even then, that isn't *too* bad. i can have sfdisk tell me what that new sector is.01:29
psusiyou *could* write a quick and dirty tool to do it and pass the sector and partition number from your script, but that feels a little kludgy to me01:29
smoseri agree, that better for sfdisk to do it. or parted, but if that is goign to require installer chagnes and possibly regressions... i'd do without.01:30
smoserif it saves me 2 seconds or something every boot in a cloud image, thats a big win.01:30
psusisounds reasonable01:31
smoserand i don't really see the possible fallout.01:31
* psusi needs to take HDIO_GETGEO out back and bury it behind the tool shed01:33
cjwatsonpsusi: surely it's easily enough backportable in parted anyway.01:36
cjwatsonfetova: don't know, sorry, I've never attempted to do a full update of a-i-d-u from a new data dump; you want mvo01:37
psusicjwatson, I'm not sure... because old parted has a resize command that also resizes the filesystem.. that was removed, and I have replaced it with one that just resizes the partition01:37
fetovaI see, i'm mailing him01:38
fetovaThanks a lot for the guiding!, cjwatson :D01:38
cjwatsonpsusi: I meant the underlying libparted bit01:40
cjwatsonpsusi: as far as the parted command-line program goes, repurposing an old command is bad style, even if it was removed.  Give it a new name instead01:40
psusicjwatson, sure, that's easy.. but you need a user interface for it ;)01:40
cjwatsonpsusi: people with scripts that use 'resize' should get an error message with parted 3.0, not have the script do some random other thing instead01:41
psusicjwatson, they will get an error as the arguments are different.... old one took start pos, new one does not... only moves the end01:42
cjwatsonpsusi: that's a pretty fragile way to do it; a new command would be easier to understand01:46
cjwatsonwhat if somebody adds another optional argument in future, say01:46
cjwatsondesign for people coming along and modifying your code later without full context :)01:47
cjwatsonand that will make the backport trivial, so it should be a no-brainer to do it that way?01:47
psusiwell, what should you call it?  this one should be called resize, and the original one should have been named resizefs, but it was't...01:47
psusithat's the reverse naming convention of all of the other commands01:48
* cjwatson shrugs01:48
cjwatsonor use a different verb01:48
cjwatsonI can't do naming after local midnight01:48
infinitySO MANY OPTIONS.01:49
psusiI guess resizepart could work... I just hate introducing things that make people go "why the hell was it given THAT name? oh, because there was an older broken misnamed command that was removed, but had the logical name for this one"01:50
infinityYou could just name it britney.01:53
psusilol... actually, if I did name if resizepart, because you can use short prefixes and the old resize command is gone, "resize" would still be recognized as resizepart01:53
infinityrpart?  rsizepart?01:54
cjwatsonchangesize, changeextents01:55
cjwatsonwhy was it given that name> sometimes compatibility is painful but that doesn't make it less valuable ...01:56
* infinity grumbles about people using dh_autoreconf in their clean targets..01:57
cjwatsoninfinity: debuild -S -nc  IYF01:58
cjwatson(with care)01:59
infinitycjwatson: IYF?01:59
cjwatsonis your friend01:59
psusimaybe I could name it changesize, and require that name to be used in batch mode for clarity, but going forward, alias resize for interactive users...01:59
infinityHuh.  dpkg-buildpackage was supported -nc forever.  No idea how I missed that.02:00
cjwatsonit's only been allowed with -S since dpkg 1.15.1 (May 2009)02:01
ubottuDebian bug 304404 in dpkg-dev "Please allow dpkg-buildpackage -nc -S / building source packages without cleaning" [Wishlist,Fixed]02:01
psusithen drop the requirement and accept either in batch mode in say, 2-3 years02:02
psusiyea... I like that...02:02
infinitycjwatson: Ahh, could be why I never used it.  Maybe I once tried and failed. ;)02:02
broderdid clutter-gst just get promoted? (trying to figure out if my lintian lab is on crack or just out of date)02:40
broder(i see it's in main now - trying to figure out if it was just moved recently)02:41
broderhmm..no, looks like it was a few days ago02:42
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brodersince the sponsorship queue isn't picking it up, could i get some kind soul to sponsor bug #897383 for me?04:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 897383 in Hardy Backports "Please backport tomcat6 6.0.18-0ubuntu3.3 (main) from intrepid-updates" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89738304:34
hallynIf there is any MOTU or coredev around in the mood to upload a (well 3) one-line change to ii, bug 899494 is here to spice up your friday night...05:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 899494 in ii (Ubuntu) "in not created on privmsg" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89949405:10
broderhallyn: i can take a look as long as it's quick05:10
broderwow. this is a special package05:11
hallynbroder: that'd be great, thanks!05:13
hallynyes, it is :)05:13
hallynugh, just opened my (precise-changes-subscribed) mbox :)05:16
infinityhallyn: *cough*05:18
infinityhallyn: Sorry. :P05:18
hallyn:)  np, delete is quick :)05:18
infinitymicahg: You still around?05:21
broderhallyn: test building now, but a few points of feedback05:23
broder(which i'm just cleaning up in my build)05:24
broder(a) ii in lucid is a source format 1.0 package, which means that it doesn't apply quilt packages by default05:24
hallyn(sbuild did apply it, though)05:25
broderno, your debdiff has the patch applied05:25
hallynoh.  i see. that explains why .pc was in the debdiff05:25
broderwe don't usually add a patch system to a package in an SRU05:25
broderor as an ubuntu diff in general05:25
hallyni should've paid more attention to that, thanks05:25
broderso for packages that aren't already either using quilt or source format 3.0 (quilt), the general convention is to just patch the source directly05:25
infinityOh, how I'm glad that best practice reversed on that.05:25
infinityI used to tear my hair out merging packages where some helpful Ubuntu dev had added a patch system that wasn't there upstream.05:26
broderhmm...in fairness, this may be an ubuntu-motu-land best practice and not a general ubuntu one05:26
broderbut i'm doing the review so you get to play by my rules :-P05:26
hallynbroder: not even using dpatch?05:26
infinitybroder: No, it was MOTU that used to be guilty of the above insanity.05:26
infinitybroder: And I smacked many for it.05:26
infinitybroder: It seems that things went my way. ;)05:26
infinityhallyn: Adding a patch system just plain shouldn't be done for an SRU or for a Debian->Ubuntu merge.05:27
hallynbroder: put another way - in oneiric it uses quilt, does that change anything?05:27
infinityhallyn: Just view an SRU as an Ubuntu->Ubuntu merge.  Adding extra code just makes it confusing.05:27
broderhallyn: yeah, you'd use their quilt hooks05:27
broderuse the patch system that's there, but don't add a new one05:27
infinity(And yeah, if it already has a patch system, use it)05:27
hallynright, but not in lucid, even though oneiric has it?05:27
infinityYeah, not in lucid.05:28
hallynok (oneiric already has the fix :)05:28
infinityYour delta is from lucid->lucid, not from oneiric.05:28
hallyni'll post a new debdiff, but you had more?05:28
broderactually, i think my point 1 managed to expand to cover everything :-P05:28
broderdon't worry about a new debdiff, though05:28
broderi've already got it taken care of05:28
hallynbroder: thanks!05:29
infinityrm -rf .pc debian/patches && done? :)05:29
broderinfinity: pretty much05:29
broderand tweak the changelog to not mention a file in debian/patches that's not there :)05:29
hallyn(this bug was driving me nuts, very mysterious :)05:29
broderi can't believe you use this thing05:30
broderok, uploaded05:30
broderand -> battery dead05:30
broderi'll be back later if there's any fallout :)05:30
hallyngood night - thanks again05:30
infinityIt sounds handy for event-driven shell<>IRC scripting.05:31
infinityAlso, knowing anyone uses such a gateway, I'm not inclined to try injecting code into it.05:31
hallyninfinity: it makes interacton with xmpp (i.e. google chat) trivial05:32
hallynand, it becomes very usable with pcw or multitail+vim05:33
infinityI'll concede the first point.  The rest just sounds perverse.05:33
infinityBut hey, I haven't really changed my UI over nearly two decades of irc->ircII->BitchX->irssi, so who am I to talk?05:34
infinityIf IRC doesn't have a blue bar at the bottom, I don't know it's IRC....05:35
hallynhaha, the right byobu theme could do that for you i'm sure :)05:35
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quadrisprohi all16:14
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apwinfinity, i've uploaded those hf fixes ... fingers crossed16:21
apwogra_, its on a buildd, so i guess 3-4 hours till we know, but i hacked (literally) one of cross build chroots to test it properly, so its as good as i can make it without building it in the real chroot16:23
apwso there seemed no point to hold it off any longer16:24
ogra_yeah, lets see16:24
ogra_right, its not like we are short on buildd power :P16:24
ogra_if it fails it fails16:24
apwfor arm thats a nice position to be in16:24
ogra_well, currely hf owns most of them i think16:25
ogra_el is indeed a bit short16:25
bdrungtumbleweed: http://paste.debian.net/147955/18:59
bdrungtumbleweed: shouln't we do another upload19:00
bdrungbesides that: some "Missing docstring"19:02
bdrungtumbleweed: man pages are missing19:02
bdrungtumbleweed: test cases are missung19:03
bdrungcan we get rid of "E: 80:main: Class 'PersonTeam' has no 'me' member"19:03
bdrungbesides that both branches seems to be fine19:04
tumbleweedbdrung: yes, due for one soon, but (as you can see) I have some new things I've been playing with that need a little polish, first :)19:19
bdrungtumbleweed: RL keeps me busy. therefore i have only little time to review (no time for developing new things)19:20
* tumbleweed probably shouldn't be writing new things either :)19:20
bdrungtumbleweed: but now you have to finish them! :p19:21
tumbleweedyeah :/19:21
bdrungtumbleweed: let me know if i should review something20:27
tumbleweedbdrung: you can tell me how useful those tools in braches attached to bug 876554 are (and give UI review)20:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 876554 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "Add a who-can-upload tool?" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87655420:28
bdrungtumbleweed: they are useful20:29
tumbleweedgreat, must clean them up then :/20:30
apw_infinity: ogra_ ..armhf is pending binary new ... :)21:30
tumbleweedbdrung: there, first branch is reviewable21:37
bdrungtumbleweed: which?21:37
bdrungtumbleweed: "R: 25:main: Too many statements (54/50)"21:42
bdrungtumbleweed: split it into more functions21:43
bdrungtumbleweed: maybe split command line parsing21:44
tumbleweedyup, the only logical split21:44
bdrungtumbleweed: main has no comment21:45
bdrungtumbleweed: can we get rid of E: 93:main: Class 'PersonTeam' has no 'me' member21:46
tumbleweedbdrung: no, pylint doesn't unterstand metaclasses21:46
tumbleweedour pylint configuration file already whitelists PersonTeam21:46
tumbleweedbdrung: pushed r125221:51
bdrungtumbleweed: ./upload-permission audacity  -r lucid-proposed21:54
bdrungtumbleweed: i can't upload to lucid :( and lucid-proposed is unknown21:55
tumbleweedpermissions are the same across pockets21:55
bdrungtumbleweed: "You can not upload this package, yourself." -> name the package21:55
bdrungYou can upload this package. -> name it21:56
bdrungtumbleweed: then why $ ./upload-permission audacity -r lucid21:56
bdrungYou can not upload this package, yourself.21:56
tumbleweedah, the bit that answers that does check the pocket21:57
bdrungtumbleweed: "You can upload audacity." -> "You can upload audacity to oneiric." maybe?22:14
bdrungtumbleweed: http://paste.debian.net/147975/ -> shouldn't line 5 and 6 removed?22:16
tumbleweedbdrung: yeah, fixed22:20
bdrungtumbleweed: You can upload audacity to None.22:21
bdrungtumbleweed: i would kill the last line too: http://paste.debian.net/147976/22:22
bdrungtumbleweed: http://paste.debian.net/147977/ -> packagesets VS component?22:24
tumbleweedgot all that22:27
tumbleweedactually, no22:28
bdrungtumbleweed: it looks good now. last point: the name of the script22:31
bdrungtumbleweed: is it precise enough?22:32
bdrungtumbleweed: maybe ubuntu-upload-permission?22:32
tumbleweeds/^/ubuntu-/ ?22:32
bdrungthen it's not short, but the tab-completion will help22:33
bdrungtumbleweed: debian/control -> sort it22:39
bdrungtumbleweed: ups, no. update-maintainer is twice there22:40
tumbleweedah, I thought it was missing22:41
bdrungtumbleweed: backportpackage is missing there22:43
bdrungtumbleweed: you can merge your branch now22:45
psusiyay!  online partition resize patches successfully backported to precise22:45
tumbleweedbdrung: next branch22:46
bdrungtumbleweed: i will go to bed in the near future22:46
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bdrungtumbleweed: will you merge the approved branch first?22:53
tumbleweedbdrung: done. (took a while, suffering temporary network problems 50% packetloss somewhere between ZA and UK) :/22:54
tumbleweedcjwatson: this is something I did this morning, as a result of a conversation we had a while back about a tool to show if a package is "seeded" inimages. I'm rsyncing the manifests & lists from cdimage and building an index of packages22:55
tumbleweedif we find this useful, it'd probably be preferable if I didn't have to generate the index separately, and we could do it somewhere in the publication pipleines (it's tiny, so fast to do)22:57
bdrungtumbleweed: good night23:02
tumbleweednight, thanks for dusting out all the corners :)23:02
bdrungyou're welcome23:03

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