
psusicjwatson, debian is upstream for parted aren't they?  and they released 3.0 back in may.. haven't they fixed d-i to work with it yet?02:14
cjwatsonthere are Debian developers involved upstream, and I think Debian may provide some hosting; that does not make Debian the upstream02:23
cjwatsonthe person in Debian who currently has the baton for adjusting d-i to work with 3.0 is me02:23
psusiheh... yay ;)02:23
cjwatsonand no, I haven't done it yet :-P02:24
psusicorrect me if I'm wrong, but it sure looks like the fs code in parted could do with most filesystem types is detect that they are there... the handlers for ntfs for instance only register probe function... no resize, and parted itself says resize only works on ext2, so partman must already handle that some other way no?02:25
cjwatsonpartman has specific fallbacks for some cases, but I am telling you that it uses libparted resize code in some cases too02:26
cjwatsoner, libparted fs code I mean02:26
cjwatsonand in any case there are long-standing bugs about the lack of good progress bars in cases where partman doesn't use libparted02:27
cjwatsonso this needs to be fixed *anyway*02:27
cjwatsonbed > germinate hacking, I think02:30
jtokarchukhello there. anyone around?03:52
broderoh, huh. the sponsorship queue doesn't show my backports bug that has sponsors subscribed04:20
broderi will optimistically assume that's the only reason my patch hasn't gotten sponsored yet and fix the queue04:20
broder...oh, yeah, that would never pick up my backports bug04:21
EvilResistanceany of the godly helpers around>?05:52
EvilResistancei.e. motus05:52
EvilResistancewe're (that is to say, me and antother person) are trying to find why this dependency didnt get installed in the build process: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/86480906/buildlog.txt.gz05:52
EvilResistancepbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: yaml-cpp-dev (>= 0.2.7) but it is not going to be installed.  <-- that specifically05:52
BachstelzeEvilResistance: this package doesn't seem to exist in the archive06:48
broderpushed out the new backports docs! kees https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports are all shiny, new, and may even be accurate for the next, i don't know, 5 minutes or so :)08:27
broderkees: uh, sorry about that. irc client got a bit tab-happy for some reason...08:28
tumbleweedthere are two mono uploads with blank lines in the middle of the .changes file http://launchpadlibrarian.net/32316567/mono_2.4.2.3%2Bdfsg-2_source.changes http://launchpadlibrarian.net/38490961/mono_2.4.3%2Bdfsg-1_source.changes08:51
* tumbleweed wonders how those were accepted08:52
broder...why aren't they signed? is that auto-sync evil?08:53
tumbleweedlp strips the signature08:53
tumbleweedbut yes, those look synced08:53
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Laneyweird, he admitted that it didn't show syncer and then still said I was wrong09:41
LaneyAAs (used to?) have to hack mono's changesfiles to sync them09:41
Laneybecause of a bug in dak which added blank lines09:42
Quintasantumbleweed: If I am installing dev headers in another package then I am supposed to remove the soname form the -dev package name, right?09:53
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
broderbah. everybody pretend not to notice that i just misspelled "karmick" in my mass close comments!10:39
nigelbbroder: Shame!11:29
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
fabrice_spHi. I wrongly run a sync for 2 packages on Oneiric (as seen in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+queue?queue_state=0). Who can I poke to delete them from new?12:17
nigelbfabrice_sp: Someone from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive would be your best bet.12:20
fabrice_sp(by the way, I discovered recently https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+missingpackages)12:20
fabrice_spnigelb, thanks: I'll ask there12:20
nigelbfabrice_sp: You can also just mention this in #ubuntu-release, someone should notice it eventually.12:21
nigelbI don't think there'd be anyone around today, but someone should catch it in scrollback on Monday.12:21
fabrice_spright: it will be rejected anyway, given that this are new packages :-)12:22
tumbleweedfabrice_sp: be aware that +missingpackages doesn't know about the sync blacklist13:08
ockham_hi, anyone feel like reviewing http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/unity-lens-bliss ?15:01
tumbleweedockham_: I can review packaging, but not the unity lens itself (I know nothing about those)15:03
tumbleweedLaney: I couldn't help myself :/ lp:~stefanor/ubuntu-dev-tools/on-images-876554 lp:~stefanor/+junk/ubuntu-image-contents15:04
ockham_tumbleweed: fine for me!15:04
tumbleweedockham_: whoah, does a simple python script really need autotools?15:05
ockham_tumbleweed: seems like that's how upstream's packaging unity stuff...15:08
tumbleweedockham_: commented on REVU15:20
ockham_tumbleweed: thx, gonna check it out15:21
ockham_tumbleweed: about libexec: any clue where that comes from? pdebuild'ing it for precise yields a lib dir instead of libexec15:22
tumbleweedah, that's possibly from me mucking around with the package. dh does try to avoid libexec (which is a GNUism)15:27
ockham_tumbleweed: it's not necessarily you -- if i pdebuild it for oneiric, i also get libexec...15:28
tumbleweedoh, duh, you are overriding dh_auto_configure15:32
tumbleweedyou shouldn't need to15:32
Laneytumbleweed: addict16:01
Ampelbeintumbleweed: I updated the merge branch for ubuntu-dev-tools, it now uses the full bug title as filename and included a check for 450 response code at mail delivery.16:03
tumbleweedLaney: I know :/ I swear I had more useful and urgent things to do today16:05
* Laney certainly does16:05
Laneyhome brewing and soup kitchening16:05
tumbleweedmmm, brewing16:06
Laneyfirst attempt...16:06
tumbleweedAmpelbein: shouldn't you just catch all 400 series errors?16:07
Ampelbeintumbleweed: It doesn't make sense to give a retry option on 451/452 errors in my opinion.16:07
Ampelbeintumbleweed: Of course I can catch all those temporary errors, but like I said in my comment, the non-450 errors can't expected to be fixed in a reasonable timeframe and it's better to just error out and send manually at a later time. (Or with a real email client)16:09
tumbleweedprobably reasonable16:10
tumbleweedAmpelbein: what's the point of the second loop?16:13
tumbleweedAmpelbein: it'll still try and send to the same recipients, right?16:13
tumbleweedLaney: what are you brewing?16:14
Ampelbeintumbleweed: The first catches errors while connecting (i.e. the HELO/EHLO phase), the second loop catches error while sending (MAIL FROM/RCPT TO/DATA)16:14
Laneytumbleweed: just a kit I found in the shop... Tom Caxton Real Ale - mixed reviews16:19
=== Elbrus_reconnect is now known as Elbrus
tumbleweedAmpelbein: ah, the exception only catches RecipientsRefused16:22
tumbleweedmost of the time 450 means graylisted, and retrying won't work so well, but prints the error, so I guess that's ok16:22
Ampelbeintumbleweed: Yes, the intent is that the user sees "Greylisted, try again in 5 minutes" and can then hit enter and the mail is gone.16:23
AmpelbeinOf course this only works if the timeout on the smtp server is higher than the greylist time. I should probably add a smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected exception.16:24
tumbleweedi'd suggest being more aggressive with the title re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '') or something like that16:25
tumbleweedLaney: good luck with it. I keep intending to do one of those (but then there'll be pressure to go full-grain...)16:28
Laneythat is the next step :-)16:36
=== keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx
tumbleweedbroder: thanks for picking up that microcode.ctl bug. It was languishingin my should-look-at-again pile in the inbox20:21
brodernot a problem. i was slightly worried that there was some other reason you upload it20:22
tumbleweedthat package seems to break every other day20:23
* broder sighs. why does everybody fix _FORTIFY_SOURCE FTBFS by turning off _FORTIFY_SOURCE?20:23
tumbleweedit's slightly better than fixing unused-result by storing it in a variable and not doing anything useful with it.20:26
broderat least if you left FORTIFY_SOURCE turned on you'd get all of the buffer overflow protection20:26
broder...actually, why does everybody do -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE instead of -Wno-error=unused-result20:31
fmakerI'm building a new package for revu which requires oneric, but I'm running natty.  Is there a way to create a minimal oneric test environment without create a full VM?22:39
tumbleweeduse a pbuilder chroot (or any other chroot for that matter) ?22:40

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