
BarkingFishMorning ops - just a quiet word in your ears, please watch mohamad in #ubuntu, he's just informed a user in their not to waste his time with me, after I warned the user through ubottu for using foul language.  He seem s to be rather impatient ant the least.01:14
BarkingFish*at the least01:14
BarkingFishfor the record, he's also suggested to this user to ignore FloodBot1 too01:15
CarlFKmohamad is fine.  other than not being a native english speaker, and someone gettign confused on who was using what language.01:35
CarlFKbye bye01:35
bazhang* FckYouNgger is now known as eboy05:46
ubottubekks called the ops in #ubuntu ()08:18
DanQPlease prohibit Ubuntu developers from transforming this distribution to one like Mac OS X.09:55
LjLgord: stop doing that, plskthx09:56
* LjL has done his duty09:56
MyrttioCean: I would have just told him to move the discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, and told ActionParsnip to go with :-P10:12
oCeanBut now I have another chance to talk to sabdfl, since another report of my abuse is going there.10:13
oCeanhis desk must be full of such reports10:14
LjLwhat, you gave sabdfl the finger or something?10:20
MyrttioCean: oooo, you're speshul10:30
oCeanno, lately it seems to be a trend to inform him of my OP actions <DanQ> Please be advised Mark Shuttleworth will hear of the abusive power you conclude.10:31
Myrttiyou are speshul10:31
Myrttihere, have a daisy10:31
LjLdaisy, daisy, give me your answer do10:31
bazhangI'm sorry Dave, I can't do that10:45
ldunn_My mind is going10:47
MyrttiSiri, sing me a song10:47
Sidewinder1I'm getting disgusting PM.s from ubuntunoob.. Could one of you wonderful folks please handle this for me? He's already been kicked from #u.15:10
ikoniayes, I'm dealing with him now15:10
ikoniahe's doing the same to me15:10
ikoniahe's just been kicked from #rhel and been warned enough in #ubuntu15:10
ikoniaSidewinder1: could you pm me what he sent you please15:11
ikonia(remove anything that is personal to you)15:11
Sidewinder1ikonia, Please stand by..15:12
ikoniaSidewinder1: thank you15:12
bazhangnow in #xubuntu with more nonsense15:15
Sidewinder1Have a great day, all.15:17
ubottutheadmin called the ops in #ubuntu (AnusUranus)17:06
marienzLjL: fwiw: #RubyOnRails a few minutes ago: < ~smokerrrrr> U CANT STOP CHOLBU17:36
marienzyou've probably heard of him17:36
marienz(minus the typo)17:36
LjLmarienz: uh actually, no17:36
marienzrecurring problem with entirely too many proxies/vps hosts17:36
marienz(cholby, that is)17:37
LjLthere's a little buggety in the floodbots as well....17:37
LjLmarienz: ugh, he/they are doing it in several channels with different nicks at the same time... (#debian and #ror)17:39
marienzI don't think #debian is him (scrollback goes back too far)17:40
LjLyeah you're right17:40
LjLjust presumed from the "cunts"17:40
=== oCean_ is now known as oCean
oCeantonyyarusso: they've been advertising the anontux site more than once lately19:35
tonyyarussooCean: Ah, good to know19:37
tonyyarussoWell, now I can say "You already asked that"19:37
bazhangwabi hello22:47
wabihello bazhang22:50
bazhangwabi how may we help you today22:50
wabican someone help me out a little, why my fixed ip of mine.. is banned on #ubuntu ?22:51
bazhanglet me check the ban tracker22:51
wabicool, a ban tracker :) how does this one work ?22:54
wabibad behaviour.. according to ip nick/adresses something like that ? :)22:56
Flannelwabi: It allows us to keep notes on bans that are set/removed, which allows operators who are different than the ones who set the bans to help remove them.22:58
wabiget it, Flannel22:58
wabiso if i got on that list.. (somehow) getting to a banned list... housing a fixed ip.. i got to be a very bad guy :) right ?23:01
Flannelwabi: well, I'm not sure about you being a bad guy, but I certainly don't understand why you did what you did to get banned.23:02
Flannelwabi: From what I can tell, you joined #ubuntu, and then asked "<wabi> can i say "pussyfucking" here without beeing banned ? smile23:04
wabiyeah.. this is truely one of mine.. and i can stand to statement, Flannel  :)23:05
Flanneland then went on to some remark about there being no girls in #ubuntu.  Those two things got you removed, after which you came back, and told an operator that you "still like to say 'pussy'"23:05
Flanneleven if it's offtopic for #ubuntu.23:05
Flannelwabi: So... yeah.  Care to shed some light on why you thought that'd be a good idea?  I'm taken aback.23:06
wabiFlannel, as i said, i can stand to that statement :) .. you seem to be a bit more aware on englisch talk than i am23:09
Flannelwabi: So... if I unbanned you from #ubuntu, we'd just get more of those sorts of comments?23:10
Flannelwabi: by "stand by those statements" you mean you admit to making them? or are proud of them?23:11
wabino you would not.. but i might get an answer to my keyboard problems regarding to use ubuntu :)23:11
wabiFlannel, i dont know.. why people got some problems "with pussy" :) this seems to be international :) you are very "diplomatic" ..and i appreciate your effort23:14
Flannelwabi: It's not just that word, Ubuntu channels follow the Ubuntu IRC guidelines, part of which is to keep things family friendly and avoid profanity and the like.23:15
Flannelwabi: In fact, please read and understand them now (take your time): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:15
wabisorry, Flannel . i need to look up what "profanity" means in the dictionary :)23:17
Flannelwabi: swear words23:17
Flannelwabi: Whats your native language?  We might have someone who can do this in it.23:18
wabimy native language. is human :) Flannel :)23:19
wabibut , german, english, some french.. chinese..also23:21
wabiwhats your second language.. Flannel ? smile23:22
Flannelwabi: German.  But I wouldn't be helpful in this instance.  Just keep going through the IRC Guidelines the best you can.  Ask when you have questions or need help understanding something.23:23
wabiso your second language is german ?... shoudnt you then be "aware" why  i am banned ?.. on ubuntu ? by just mentionin "pussy" ? smile, Flannel ? grin23:27
Flannelwabi: Yes, I am aware.  I already told you why.23:28
Flannelwabi: Lets try to stay focused.  Please read through and understand the IRC Guidelines.23:29
wabiyou are nice, Flannel :) but you can "ban track back" on what ever Irc guidelines there are :)23:30
wabiwho is setting those up ?23:30
Myrttithe community, including IRC ops, IRC users and other Ubuntu volunteers, over several years.23:31
Flannelwabi: The Ubuntu community has set them up.  The IRC guidelines are already summarized on this page:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:31
wabiblah, Flannel :) i do say "pussy".. unregarded.. to what some irc guidelines say :).. if this is a matter to be banned.. do so :)23:34
Flannelwabi: If I had to pick the top three that are relevant to you right now: Code of Conduct, Language and Subject, Don't be annoying.23:34
wabiwe are not in america , here .. Flannel23:35
Flannelwabi: That's correct, we're not.23:35
Flannelwabi: However, if that's how you're going to insist on behaving, then I don't think you'll get unbanned today.23:36
wabiwell, it must not be. Flannel ..  helping out someone, a day.. is a task.. aint it ?23:37
Flannelwabi: It is.  Unfortunately you've indicated that you're not willing to respect the rest of the people helping/getting help in #ubuntu, so I can't unban you.23:38
Flannelwabi: Is there anything else that you need help with regarding Ubuntu IRC channels?23:39
wabiwell Flannel . thank you very much for your standpoint.. but it seems that you are in more need, than i am :)23:41
Myrttiwabi: are you done?23:41
wabito what, Myrtti ?23:42
Flannelwabi: It's not my personal standpoint, but the standpoint of the IRC community.  If there's nothing else, I'm going to ask you to leave so other people can use this channel when they need to, thanks.23:42
wabithats lame.. Flannel :) and you seem to know.. using a channel is to have some talk :)23:43
Myrttiwabi: please leave.23:43
elkywabi, when you visit people, you should follow by their house rules. If you can't, then the people you upset can rightfully kick you out. That's what has happened here.23:44
Flannelwabi: This channel isn't a social channel, it's for resolving administrative issues.  Your issue won't be resolvable today, so I ask you part the channel so that we can resolve the issues of other people when the need arises.  Thanks.23:44
wabisorry, i am not a native english speaker..23:46
wabineed to read this .. to get a clue..on what you want to say23:46
elkywabi, this channel isn't for social chat. this is for ops to talk to people about bans and stuff. we need you to leave so that when other bans need discussing, we can do so with less interruption.23:46
ubottuActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu ()23:47
bazhangjust finished trolling in #freenode prior23:48
Picibazhang: a904?23:48
bazhangPici, yeppers23:48
elkylooks like there will be a need very soon, wabi. could you please go?23:49
wabiso you discuss bans here ?.. but you cant stand an argument ? without .. wanting people to "leave" that are not .... "in your sight of way" ?.. is this the way you discuss bans here ?23:50
elkywabi, we've discussed with you and you insist to keep behaving badly. do you wish to change your mind on that?23:50
Myrttiwabi: if you can't understand that pussy and offensive language towards women is not a good thing on our channels, then there's nothing else to talk.23:50
Myrttiasdf, can't make sense of what I'm writing myself anymore23:51
Myrttitime to go catch some zzZZ, gnite23:51
elkywabi, we ask people to leave when they finish a discussion, because if we just let everyone stay here, there may well have been lots of people interrupting the discussion you and flannel had, and you would not have gotten to talk to him23:52
wabielky.. it pretty late over here now23:54
wabibut okay23:54
wabiwhat do you think..is a bad behaviour.. on saying pussy..and beeing interested on opposite sex ?23:55
Myrttisorry, wabi, this isn't going anywhere. bye.23:56

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