
BugeyeDcelem: if you have to ask, you probably don't really want to know.01:18
BugeyeDparticularly where holstein is concerned.01:18
BugeyeDi'm way out in winston, otherwise i'd probably be there most times. holstein is alright in my book. :)01:19
holsteinBugeyeD: :)05:17
holsteinyeah, i *really* want to get some big team meeting going on05:17
holsteinsomewhere in the middle near charlotte or something like that05:17
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk
NivexI do find it somewhat amusing that despite there being a huge tech center in the central part of the state, the bulk of the talkers here are in the western part.16:26
celemI lurked my way to the meeting at the Firestorm Cafe. Pretty good sized group in attendance - I didn't count but looked to be about 15 folks. I appreciated Mike's presentation on Mint-12 as it convinced me that Gnome-3 isn't quite ready, at least for me.21:23
holsteincelem: o/21:24
holsteinhehe... yeah, too bad i pretty much discovered gnome3 and mate are 'not ready yet'21:25
holsteinbut, the mint team are still going strong21:25

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