[03:47] I've actually switched to Kubuntu due to Unity running terribly on my system. [03:48] KDE running smoother/faster. Whodda thunk? [05:27] no surprise to ME, lol [05:27] I've been a KDE user for around 10 years [21:40] if a user is not part of the right groups, would xdm/gdm/kdm not allow that user to log in? [22:01] Woo, finally made a hackergotchi! [22:04] riddell made mine, I still don't know how [22:05] This is the first time I've ever done it. :D [22:10] I guess I'll see it in planet! [22:10] if I get time to read it [22:11] and after I finish setting up planet. [22:11] I've been promoting 30 hours per day for awhile now, but so far, still stuck with 24 [22:11] not enough! [22:12] Indeed! [22:12] What have you been promooting? [22:12] er, Promoting. [22:15] longer days, so I can get more done [22:16] sun keeps setting early though, and the clocks haven't changed [22:19] Aye..