gbear14275 | Exxon, ubuntu rep... for chrome? | 00:00 |
sharpK | almoxarife what is 'done wrong'? | 00:00 |
_katja_ | rubyplusplus: i wouldn't suggest it, the versions in the repository are outdated and open to some arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities, i just grab the deb straight from google and install with dpkg | 00:00 |
gbear14275 | although I should probably ask here... anyone run into the unclickable flash settings window yet and been able to resolve? | 00:00 |
almoxarife | sharpK: following the company web site method, I stick to nivida-current package for stability | 00:00 |
Exxon | gbear14275, that what i am asking you if it i don't use if | 00:01 |
magpii | how to i pm someone on this channel? | 00:01 |
jasox | Hi guys, one question. Does anyone have working auto-complete mode that is installed from ubuntu-soft-center on ubuntu 11.10 ? | 00:01 |
rubyplusplus | _katja_, I do install from the deb file, however sometimes I have had it not install and throw an error, to which I resolve by doing sudo apt-get -f install | 00:01 |
gbear14275 | Exxon, I wasn't able to find a ubuntu repository or ppa for chrome itself... just chromium | 00:01 |
Emiru | sudo -s == sudo su ? | 00:01 |
ViaNocturna | magpii, any luck if you run 'sudo modprobe snd_hda_alsa'? | 00:01 |
santonio | escott: So the complete error message when failing to login is: Maximum number of tries exceeded (5) / keyctl_search: Required key not availble / Perhaps try the interactive 'ecryptfs-mount-private' | 00:01 |
ViaNocturna | magpii, oops i mean 'sudo modprove snd_hda_intel' | 00:02 |
_katja_ | rubyplusplus *nods* because they updated some dependancies that you're not up to date on yet, so apt-get -f fixes those | 00:02 |
Exxon | gbear14275, | 00:02 |
_katja_ | <3 apt-get -f :) | 00:02 |
ViaNocturna | magpii, sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel (i need sleep i think lol) | 00:02 |
magpii | the command does nothing, | 00:03 |
xangua | gbear14275: Exxon google chrome deb package already adds google's deb repository as i said before, no need for that | 00:04 |
magpii | when i open the volume preferences on the panel, there is no applications running, nor any hardware listed, yet i can clearly hear futurama through my headphones, but not my speakers, nor can i change volume levels | 00:04 |
xangua | and that is for chromium XD | 00:05 |
Exxon | xangua, thanks for that info..i don't use it not aware of it. :)) | 00:05 |
ViaNocturna | magpii, try running alsamixer again | 00:07 |
gbear14275 | I was curious about one other thing. I've noticed my icons have changed and now they seem to be loading slowly | 00:07 |
=== whoever is now known as Guest60189 | ||
Guest60189 | ls | 00:07 |
escott | santonio, i think that as long as you cannot unwrap you are not going to be successful. did you change your password on this computer at any point? | 00:08 |
santonio | Not after I installed it, no | 00:09 |
Guest60189 | hi all, is there a TTS app that will speak hlighted text ? ie: reading a pdf, select and read selction, tried orca but seems to be geard more tword completly blind | 00:09 |
santonio | I tried the passphrase that I thought it required | 00:09 |
magpii | alsamixer is still showing the same volume levels as before, and still no way of changing them. yet i can hear sound through my headphones and very faint sound through my laptop speakers | 00:09 |
santonio | And all other passphrases I could think of | 00:09 |
santonio | But no dice =/ | 00:09 |
santonio | My Caps Lock isn't on so that's not he issue | 00:09 |
ViaNocturna | ok if you install gnome alsa mixer see if you are able to control the sound through that | 00:10 |
gbear14275 | santonio, anyone else have the pw? | 00:10 |
gbear14275 | you in SA santonio? | 00:10 |
Exxon | magpii, | 00:11 |
santonio | gbear14275: I wouldn't give it to anyone =/ | 00:11 |
santonio | Is this happening because I am running the OS on new hardware? | 00:11 |
magpii | exxon, i have run through that troubleshooting page and still the same issue unfortunatly | 00:11 |
ViaNocturna | Exxon, previously wasnt any sound, having disabled pulseaudio does produce some sound | 00:12 |
magpii | at least now i have some sound, but i cannot change volume via the volume applet on the dock, or the volume controls on my keyboard | 00:12 |
Exxon | magpii, | 00:12 |
escott | santonio, when you tried ecryptfs-mount-private it complained that the file was not formatted correctly right? | 00:12 |
santonio | I don't remember | 00:13 |
santonio | Do you want me to boot into the LiveCD again to see? | 00:13 |
escott | santonio, no you dont need to | 00:13 |
escott | santonio, login to your new user (i assume you already have) | 00:13 |
santonio | Oh yeah, it gave the ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly message | 00:14 |
escott | santonio, and then open a terminal and try to su username | 00:14 |
santonio | New username or the one I can't log into? | 00:15 |
andyn | sanovat että... | 00:16 |
Exxon | santonio, you are right go with the live cd cut the process and the time | 00:16 |
andyn | oops sry | 00:16 |
santonio | I am getting conflicting messages here | 00:17 |
escott | santonio, try | 00:17 |
santonio | It's all crossed out. Do I go to the new link? | 00:17 |
diego_ | Hey, who were helping me with my brightness problem? | 00:18 |
bl4ckc00k1e | hi i have this problem, | 00:18 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 442795 in gdm (Ubuntu) "Login Screen Settings menu does not unlock" [Wishlist,Triaged] | 00:18 |
diego_ | donno why my friend list isnt saving | 00:18 |
bl4ckc00k1e | please help | 00:18 |
bl4ckc00k1e | ubuntu forzen on splash screen, i must tu kill the demon from gdm, i cant open browser like firefox, but i can open nautilus | 00:19 |
bl4ckc00k1e | gedit, dons work to | 00:19 |
escott | santonio, yes | 00:20 |
diego_ | Who were helping me with my brightness problem? | 00:20 |
santonio | Okay, downloading the 11.10 ISO | 00:20 |
santonio | Since the site doesn't offer 11.04 anymore | 00:20 |
zwiep` | is it ok if I just flap out a question here, a problem that I have with installing? Ive done a lot of testing and I can't really figure it out (I'm totally new though) | 00:20 |
escott | zwiep`, yes | 00:21 |
Exxon | bl4ckc00k1e, bug is of 2009 what kubuntgu are you using its having a gdm login by default | 00:21 |
jnwhiteh | Is there an easy way to add a shortcut to a terminal-based application (in this case weechat-curses) to the unity dock? | 00:21 |
=== alberto is now known as QuestionMark | ||
Dr_Azil | Can I use a DVD to install Ubuntu? | 00:22 |
bl4ckc00k1e | Exxon, i use ubuntu 10.04, and the proble is in all gdm... i cant add panel on the toolbar, and to many things more stranges... | 00:22 |
escott | jnwhiteh, you cna setup an xterm to exec the program you want | 00:22 |
diego_ | I cant remember the nicknames that were helping me, but ive solved the brightness problem manually changing at NVIDIA X Server Settings | 00:23 |
robin0800 | jnwhiteh: if its in dash you can just drag it I think | 00:23 |
escott | jnwhiteh, and then use alacarte to make the launcher | 00:23 |
Exxon | bl4ckc00k1e, gdm is pre-installed for xubuntu..or any ubuntu version .. | 00:23 |
jnwhiteh | escott: thanks, I'll try that! | 00:24 |
robin0800 | Dr_Azil: yes | 00:25 |
bl4ckc00k1e_ | if i do this "sudo apt-get install gnome-shell" can be fixed the problem? | 00:26 |
Exxon | bl4ckc00k1e_, it has nothing to do with the gdm ... | 00:27 |
zwiep` | ok so, Im running an atom d525/ION setup. I wanted to install a minimal ubuntu installation (with openssh). first I tried the latest (11.10), yet it had some network errors during the installation, after repeating a few steps of the installation process I manage to finish the installation (dno if it completed right) but when I rebooted I got strange artifacts on my screen (but I'm able to log in w | 00:27 |
zwiep` | ith ssh and ctrl-alt-f1 works to get into a terminal). | 00:27 |
zwiep` | Anyway since I got not really pin down why this was happening I decided to try some older versions of ubuntu minimal. Installing 10.10 worked just fine, so I decided trying to upgrade to 11.04 and thesame problem with the artifacts appears. when I lspci it seems that the ION gfx was detected though, so I'm not really sure as what to do to solve this. | 00:27 |
FloodBot1 | zwiep`: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 00:27 |
zwiep` | oops sorry for the flood | 00:27 |
benbloom | does anyone know if kde would auto rebuild ~/.kde if i erase it? | 00:27 |
escott | zwiep`, if you want the minimal then start with the ubuntu-minimal iso | 00:28 |
bl4ckc00k1e_ | Exxon, no.... its problem from packets like gdm and ubuntu-desktop, i try to reinstall but nothing changes | 00:28 |
bl4ckc00k1e_ | and other error that i have is: | 00:28 |
soreau | zwiep`: What gpu is it listed by 'lspci|grep VGA'? | 00:28 |
escott | benbloom, yes but all your settings will be lost. better to just rename it | 00:29 |
bl4ckc00k1e_ | The name org.gnome.DisplayManager was not provided by any .services files | 00:29 |
escott | benbloom, did things work after removing the xorg.conf | 00:29 |
IrmGar63 | Hi there everyone, if someone need french translation and help in french just /msg me i'll be glad to translate and help :) | 00:29 |
escott | !fr | IrmGar63 | 00:30 |
ubottu | IrmGar63: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 00:30 |
benbloom | it's been a total nightmare | 00:30 |
zwiep` | give me a sec soreau, going to check | 00:30 |
benbloom | escott: i don't know why but i cant even log into the plasma desktop anymore | 00:30 |
IrmGar63 | escott, being french doesn t make you excluded from here, i m not even in france :) | 00:30 |
Exxon | bl4ckc00k1e_ so what do you think what gdm can solve the problem | 00:30 |
benbloom | it works and works and works but never gets it up | 00:30 |
jnwhiteh | quit | 00:30 |
benbloom | i'm gonna try renaming .kde and see if i can at least get in that way | 00:31 |
escott | benbloom, probably missing some opengl visuals that plasma is expecting. make sure the nvidia drivers are completely purged from the system | 00:31 |
magpii | EXXON, thanks for ya help with my sound, unfortunatly the ubuntu troubleshooting guide didnt help, but the link that vianocturnum gave actually worked, i just needed to reboot my system and now i have complete volume control again | 00:31 |
bl4ckc00k1e_ | Exxon, because the first program that started to failed was Gedit (from gnome) and in the reboot, all Gnome have errors... | 00:31 |
magpii | i think his/her name was vianocturnum anyway | 00:32 |
escott | bl4ckc00k1e_, can you check if dbus is running | 00:32 |
escott | bl4ckc00k1e_, ps aux | grep dbus-daemon | 00:32 |
zwiep` | 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT218 [ION] (rev a2) | 00:33 |
zwiep` | soreau* | 00:33 |
Exxon | bl4ckc00k1e_, so you concluded gnome .switch to something else will solve it.. by default and pre-build is gnome i don't think you can configure kde, fluxbox etc.. sorry for that | 00:33 |
soreau | zwiep`: Did you install the nvidia proprietary driver? | 00:34 |
zwiep` | I havent installed anything save for ubuntu 10.10 minimal, then the upgrade to 11.04 | 00:34 |
soreau | zwiep`: Does X work enough for you to install it? | 00:35 |
magpii | ok, now for my next issue, i have firestarter installed, but whenever i try access the internet, i have to disable it before it will let me online, how do i remove it? | 00:35 |
bl4ckc00k1e_ | Exxon, dbus-daemon its running... we can install kde, but we wanna Gnome, so the gnome must be fixed... how can reinstall all gnome again? | 00:36 |
zwiep` | it's a very minimal install, i only opted openssh in, so if I want to instlal it I should probably do it from a terminal | 00:36 |
Dr_Azil | I was thinking of trying out Chrome OS | 00:36 |
soreau | !find jockey-cli | 00:36 |
ubottu | Package/file jockey-cli does not exist in oneiric | 00:36 |
soreau | !find jockey-text | 00:36 |
ubottu | File jockey-text found in jockey-common | 00:36 |
Exxon | bl4ckc00k1e_, i don't repeat my friend its pre-build , don't you get it | 00:37 |
soreau | zwiep`: Well if you didn't install X, it might be enough to just blacklist the nouveau module | 00:37 |
soreau | ! blacklist | 00:37 |
ubottu | To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u » | 00:37 |
zwiep` | let me try that | 00:37 |
benbloom | escott: ran apt-get purge nvidia-* able to get in, but plasma still hijacks my screen. no panel, no windows, all new windows open somewhere offscreen. i just want to get back to stock kubuntu! it worked really well until i messed with it | 00:38 |
bl4ckc00k1e_ | Exxon, maybe if i upgrade 10.04 to 10.10 can be works? | 00:39 |
benbloom | im able to ssh into the computer from another and load windows through -X that way. just thinking of a fresh install since i have a separate partition for my /home anyway | 00:39 |
magpii | whats the best testing software to determine the security of my internet connection? | 00:39 |
triss | hey all. | 00:40 |
escott | benbloom, well a fresh install may not help. you need the plasma to stop thinking there is a glx capable display and drop back to 2d | 00:40 |
triss | I'm having a few issues with my graphics card on oneric | 00:40 |
Exxon | bl4ckc00k1e_, i am not sure.. | 00:41 |
escott | magpii, you could nmap your own machine, but you would need to do so from outside. it won't tell you much you dont already know | 00:41 |
triss | it's an old nvidia thing. | 00:41 |
soreau | triss: What issues? | 00:41 |
triss | the screen shakes and i can't see grub at boot time at all, just get distortion | 00:41 |
triss | when installing booting with no modeset fixed this | 00:41 |
magpii | thanks, i switched from windows a few months ago and have been told that i dont need to worry too much about viruses and malware on ubuntu, yet i am still "windows paranoid mode" | 00:42 |
triss | but i don't know how to set that now it's installed..... | 00:42 |
zwiep` | soreau: i blacklisted nouveau, now I'm just greeted by a black screen on startup, same symptoms as the corrupted artifacts display, can still switcht o terminals with ctrl-alt-fx | 00:42 |
triss | I'm also not sure I'll be able to change res with nomodeset set. is that true? | 00:42 |
soreau | zwiep`: I'm not really sure what's wrong then.. are you trying to login to a graphical session or what? | 00:43 |
escott | zwiep`, if you dont want a gui, why install one. use the ubuntu-minimal image | 00:43 |
Exxon | Dr_Azil, | 00:43 |
zwiep` | I did use that, i didnt install a gui | 00:43 |
Dr_Azil | The browser is easy to get. I was thinking of the OS | 00:43 |
zwiep` | the problem is that my startup doesnt work correctly, why does it show me a black screen or artifacts when Im supposed to get a login terminal | 00:44 |
escott | !nomodeset | zwiep` | 00:44 |
ubottu | zwiep`: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 00:44 |
zwiep` | ah, let me look into that | 00:44 |
zwiep` | thanks | 00:44 |
Dr_Azil | I have it downloaded but I'm trying to figure out how to have it run alongside Windows and Ubuntu | 00:45 |
zwiep` | sorry ot be such a hassle | 00:45 |
bl4ckc00k1e_ | Exxon, dosnt work your link :( | 00:47 |
bl4ckc00k1e_ | i cant lose all the configuration in that system xD | 00:47 |
benbloom | i'm boned | 00:47 |
Kimble | Hey. I have 2GB of RAM on my server, and the usage seldom seems to go above 10%, so I was thinking of implementing /tmp in ramfs. Will the lack of data saved between restarts cause any problems, eg in performance? Ub 11.10 | 00:48 |
escott | Kimble, it should be fine | 00:50 |
Kimble | okily dokily, i'll give it a go. Cheers. | 00:52 |
chz|bacon | so i'm still working on this software raid issue escott | 00:53 |
chz|bacon | moved it over to a vm this time though | 00:53 |
zwiep` | k, i added the nomodeset option and removed nouveau from the blacklist, now it's just a blinking cursor, and I can still login with ssh. I'll jsut shoot straight here, I'm trying to follow this guide ( ), I just don't know what kind of problem I'm dealing with or which solution to use to have the lowest impact on the flow of the guide | 00:54 |
escott | chz|bacon, ive gotten configurations like yours to work, but i've always started by migrating a working system non-raid system to mdadm. its been a while since ive done it | 00:54 |
escott | zwiep`, what is your runlevel | 00:55 |
chz|bacon | yeah i kind of thought about doing that escott | 00:55 |
zwiep` | zwiep@htpc:~$ runlevel | 00:55 |
zwiep` | N 2 | 00:55 |
chz|bacon | should have done that earlier today | 00:55 |
zwiep` | whatever that means? | 00:55 |
escott | zwiep`, can you ctrl-alt-f1 on the device | 00:55 |
murfie | !zen | 00:56 |
zwiep` | yep, that always works, even when I got the artifacts or black screen, witht he cursor aswell | 00:56 |
=== Lizard_ is now known as Dr_Azil | ||
escott | zwiep`, it is fully booted. i suspect that getty may only be running on vt1, and nothing is on vt7 | 00:56 |
zwiep` | ok I don't really know what that means, but this somehow happened when I updated from 10.10 to 11.04? | 00:57 |
Guest60189 | need some help creating a keyboard shortcut to a script in ubuntu 11.10 . I have tried keyboard >> shortcuts but only see name and command no where to enter the script, it is disabled so I try to doulle click or hold down the modifier keys that i want to use and nothing has changed | 00:57 |
benbloom | escott: creating a fresh ~/.kde dir did the trick. I'm happily setting it all up again. it's a pain, but at least it works! | 01:01 |
thomc | I want to do a minimal ubuntu install. I know I need to install xorg, display manager, window manager (or desktop environment) and alsa. Is there anything else I need to get a working desktop? | 01:02 |
buri | h | 01:04 |
buri | Hi. | 01:04 |
adam_ | ll | 01:05 |
adam_ | join xserver | 01:06 |
mohamad | Hi guys, I'm try make a stream music on ubuntu to my xbox 360 by ushare. I'm nearly to make it, but ubuntu 11.10 don't say to me where is my wireless conection... I've tried "ifconfig" and "iwconfig" and nothing. How can I discovery where is my wireless conection? | 01:06 |
sn00p | how do I make a new xorg.conf in ubuntu 11.10? | 01:06 |
adam_ | join #xserver | 01:06 |
=== adam_ is now known as shovell | ||
mohamad | sn00p, it's hard to work and just make it if You have a good reason | 01:07 |
shovell | is there any trem xserver admins here? | 01:08 |
sn00p | mohamad, my netbook wont let me do no higher than 800x600 resolution so I have to change drivers | 01:08 |
sn00p | I have an extended monitor on my netbook | 01:08 |
thomc | sn00p, what drivers are you using? | 01:08 |
mohamad | huuum... What's is the "mark" of your netbook? | 01:08 |
sn00p | I dont know | 01:08 |
sn00p | mohamad, gateway netbook LT2 something | 01:09 |
mohamad | It is "sony" or "acer", or something else? | 01:09 |
Mitra-IT | anyone here? | 01:09 |
sn00p | gateway | 01:09 |
mohamad | Gateway is "Toshiba", no?! | 01:09 |
sn00p | no | 01:09 |
mohamad | no no, "Satellite" is toshiba | 01:09 |
sn00p | Si | 01:10 |
mohamad | You speak spanish? | 01:10 |
sn00p | a little not much | 01:10 |
sn00p | ;x | 01:10 |
Mitra-IT | anyone can help me? where can i get pgadmin the latest version, for postgresql-9.1 | 01:10 |
sn00p | But I need to create a new xorg.conf so I can change my drivers | 01:10 |
sn00p | and its pissing me off | 01:10 |
mohamad | ok, You sholud use "lspci" to discovery what "video board" is yours | 01:10 |
mohamad | easy | 01:11 |
mohamad | take easy | 01:11 |
BarkingFish | !language | sn00p | 01:11 |
ubottu | sn00p: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 01:11 |
whoever | on ubuntu 11.10 how do i create a keyboard shortcut to a script | 01:11 |
sn00p | hang on let me find the video board | 01:11 |
sn00p | its intel | 01:11 |
sn00p | I know that | 01:11 |
mohamad | Don't haste your time with him sn00p, let's to your problem | 01:11 |
mohamad | Well, Intel is unusual have any conflict | 01:12 |
sn00p | VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integ | 01:12 |
sn00p | rated Graphics Controller (rev 03) | 01:12 |
sn00p | 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML E | 01:12 |
sn00p | xpress Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) | 01:12 |
FloodBot1 | sn00p: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:12 |
mohamad | ok ok | 01:12 |
mohamad | I understand | 01:12 |
sn00p | Sorry I should of used pastebin | 01:12 |
mohamad | Don't haste your attention with it... | 01:13 |
mohamad | so sn00p, intel is a great collaborator with linux and is unusual don't have drivers to linux | 01:14 |
sn00p | yea, I know I just gotta figure out how to change the driver | 01:14 |
sn00p | the driver sets are installed | 01:14 |
mohamad | may be it don't pass 800x600 to be a netbook, no? | 01:14 |
sn00p | I had it working fine in 10 | 01:15 |
sn00p | until i upgraded to 11.10 | 01:15 |
mohamad | hum... | 01:15 |
sn00p | ever since the upgrade, the monitor would blank and I had to turn it on and off again to get it back with 1024X768 res | 01:15 |
paradox1 | anyone know how to install Blink VOIP on linux mint | 01:15 |
mohamad | ok, wait a moment that I'll find a tutorial for you... | 01:15 |
sn00p | ok | 01:16 |
paradox1 | worked on my ubuntu | 01:16 |
paradox1 | but not linux mint | 01:16 |
MonkeyDu1t | paradox1 wrong channel | 01:16 |
paradox1 | what channel? | 01:16 |
paradox1 | this is ubuntu isn't it? | 01:16 |
MonkeyDu1t | yes, but not mint | 01:16 |
paradox1 | mint is ubuntu | 01:16 |
BarkingFish | !mint | paradox1 | 01:17 |
ubottu | paradox1: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 01:17 |
MonkeyDu1t | almost but not quite | 01:17 |
MonkeyDu1t | it's the same but different | 01:17 |
mohamad | try it | 01:17 |
rdx0 | hello | 01:18 |
whoever | can't assign a shortcut in 11.10 ... help | 01:18 |
=== MonkeyDu1t is now known as MonkeyDust_ | ||
paradox1 | kubuntu sucks | 01:19 |
paradox1 | best thing i ever did was uninstall it | 01:20 |
sn00p | mohamad, find the article? | 01:20 |
mohamad | | 01:21 |
=== root is now known as Guest43966 | ||
=== MonkeyDust_ is now known as MonkeyDust | ||
Fudge | hi when using a pae kernel do you have to have the generic image installed as well i.e metapackages linux-image-generic and linux-image-generic-pae | 01:30 |
trism | Fudge: you should only need linux-image-generic-pae (to keep up with kernel updates) | 01:32 |
Fudge | trism i thought so too, ist just hte other metapackage also was installed | 01:33 |
Fudge | if i purge linux-headers-2.6.32-36-generic linux-headers-2.6.32-36 | 01:35 |
Fudge | the pae stuff wants to be removed also | 01:35 |
hase | So I am trying to get the morrowind graphics extender to work through wine and I pretty much got it, but the last step the internet searches say I need to remvove a question mark from msdn for DirectoryInfo.GetFiles | 01:39 |
PeeOnYou | I'm trying to run the Ubuntu Software Center and I get RuntimeError: Gtk couldn't be initialized | 01:40 |
trism | Fudge: it shouldn't, what packages exactly is going to be removed when you try to purge the headers? | 01:42 |
hase | The problem with a plugin selection window in rev 178 is caused by the search pattern "*?.esm". More precisely the problem with interpretation this pattern in WINE (see msdn for DirectoryInfo.GetFiles). If to remove the question mark from this search pattern the problem disappears. However, it somewhat changes the logic of selection of files. how do I do this, sorry for being sucha noob | 01:42 |
bazhang | hase, checked the appdb yet? #winehq for specific app help please | 01:43 |
bazhang | !appdb | 01:43 |
ubottu | The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 01:43 |
D_Russ | hello | 01:44 |
D_Russ | all | 01:44 |
thinker_ | hi | 01:44 |
thinker_ | you | 01:44 |
D_Russ | so quick question. well i hope its quick, lol | 01:44 |
D_Russ | if i install gnome 3.0 will it screw anything up? | 01:45 |
thinker_ | through synaptic? | 01:45 |
thinker_ | are you using synaptic package manager? or compiling it, or what? | 01:45 |
D_Russ | well which ever is the best way to intall it. ide prefer through the software center but i have synaptic aswesll | 01:45 |
thinker_ | ok, no, go ahead | 01:46 |
funnyfingers | Would it be proper in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS to create a run once script by putting the init.d script with LSB headers in /etc/init.d/ and use a symlink to it from rc3.d and then have the script delete itself and the symlink? Also is this still true in 11.04? | 01:46 |
D_Russ | thinker: will i be able to go back to unity on login if i dont like gnome 3.0 | 01:46 |
thinker_ | software center and synaptic are pretty much trouble free ways to install any package... emphasis on pretty much | 01:46 |
D_Russ | lol | 01:46 |
thinker_ | D_Russ: yes, just select it from the drop down box at the bottom of the screen | 01:47 |
thinker_ | however, i do believe at log on their should be an ubuntu classic mode option | 01:47 |
D_Russ | cool | 01:47 |
D_Russ | which do you prefer? | 01:47 |
thinker_ | i hate unity | 01:47 |
D_Russ | why? | 01:47 |
thinker_ | i'm using xfce 4 right now | 01:47 |
aa__ | hello, how can i change root mysql user? | 01:48 |
aa__ | password? | 01:48 |
thinker_ | it's too simplified, i like my windows to each have their own file menu, plus when i tried it i had the dead mouse regions bug | 01:48 |
D_Russ | i hate universal menus also | 01:48 |
aa__ | How can i change my mysql root user? | 01:48 |
D_Russ | but you do know that can bediabled | 01:48 |
D_Russ | disabled | 01:49 |
thinker_ | no, i didn't know that... | 01:49 |
aa__ | i mean root password | 01:49 |
D_Russ | yeah | 01:49 |
D_Russ | that seems to be the biggest complaint | 01:49 |
thinker_ | i wasn't a big fan of the menu either though, i'm a power user, and a bit old school | 01:49 |
thinker_ | so i like my programs gnomish | 01:49 |
D_Russ | hold on a sec thinker | 01:49 |
thinker_ | mmk | 01:50 |
D_Russ | k nevermind | 01:50 |
D_Russ | was going to provide you the link that explains how to disable univeral menus and that overlay scrolling crap | 01:50 |
thinker_ | nah, i'm using xubuntu now | 01:51 |
D_Russ | i figured as much | 01:51 |
thinker_ | unity doesn't like compiz-fusion either and i gotta have my desktop cube | 01:51 |
xangua | D_Russ: did you see webupd8 oneiric post¿ | 01:51 |
xangua | | 01:51 |
D_Russ | thats the one | 01:51 |
omegalimit | ? | 01:51 |
hase | the wine appdb is where i got the info i got so far | 01:51 |
D_Russ | xangua: thats one of them | 01:52 |
hase | WINE (see msdn for DirectoryInfo.GetFiles it said to remove the question mark from the search query but i dont know what they mean, do i edit it in wine or notepad | 01:52 |
thinker_ | so does anyone know if they plan to..... improve unity? | 01:52 |
burisk | test, test. :D Hi all. | 01:53 |
PeeOnYou | I'm trying to run the Ubuntu Software Center and I get RuntimeError: Gtk couldn't be initialized | 01:54 |
PeeOnYou | any help? | 01:54 |
D_Russ | thinker_: unity is not bad, the problem is the stupid global menu and the overlay scrolling thing. both of which can be removed but a lot of people dont bother to search for how to remove them | 01:54 |
thinker_ | hey burisk | 01:54 |
thinker_ | ? | 01:54 |
D_Russ | xangua: this is the better way to remove the global menu. | 01:55 |
thinker_ | but imo you really shouldn't have to remove or change anything out of the box, you know? | 01:55 |
D_Russ | the webupd8 way works too but i think that link works better | 01:55 |
thinker_ | it should just work right | 01:55 |
D_Russ | it does work right thinker_ | 01:56 |
D_Russ | it works the way they designed it tooo | 01:56 |
thinker_ | yeah, i suppose | 01:56 |
D_Russ | it may not cater to you or i | 01:56 |
D_Russ | but the beauty of linux and ubuntu is that it can be changed | 01:56 |
thinker_ | yeah, and that's why we did :D | 01:56 |
D_Russ | lol | 01:57 |
D_Russ | i am going to give mint a test drive on virtual box | 01:57 |
thinker_ | i loved mint | 01:57 |
D_Russ | been hearing a lot of good things about it | 01:57 |
thinker_ | the last one i used was 10 | 01:57 |
thinker_ | but it was nice | 01:57 |
D_Russ | im fairly new to linux | 01:58 |
D_Russ | i have only used ubuntu | 01:58 |
thinker_ | really? i couldn't tell | 01:58 |
D_Russ | i do a lot of reading | 01:58 |
D_Russ | did | 01:58 |
D_Russ | and podcasts | 01:58 |
thinker_ | i've had a lot to do with puppy linux | 01:58 |
D_Russ | really | 01:59 |
thinker_ | man yeah, ever checked it out? | 01:59 |
D_Russ | your a dev? thats sweet | 01:59 |
D_Russ | no but i have heard about it | 01:59 |
thinker_ | it's only 125 megs you should run it in virtual box | 01:59 |
thinker_ | you'd be surprised | 01:59 |
rohtash | Hi | 02:00 |
thinker_ | say you were to d/l it i'd get 5.2 lupu, it's ubuntu based | 02:00 |
bazhang | !ot | thinker_ D_Russ | 02:00 |
ubottu | thinker_ D_Russ: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 02:00 |
rohtash | sir how cn i create binary package | 02:01 |
rohtash | sir how cn i create binary package | 02:01 |
bazhang | !packaging | rohtash | 02:01 |
ubottu | rohtash: The packaging guide is at - See for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at - See also !backports | 02:01 |
rohtash | sir i want say somgthng about firewall on my system | 02:03 |
rohtash | hw cn | 02:03 |
bazhang | rohtash, ufw or gufw | 02:03 |
rohtash | mtlb | 02:03 |
rohtash | cn't understnd | 02:03 |
bazhang | rohtash | 02:04 |
rohtash | plz again | 02:04 |
bazhang | rohtash, then read the link above | 02:04 |
rohtash | ok | 02:04 |
rohtash | hw use | 02:04 |
bazhang | rohtash, read the link | 02:04 |
rohtash | allmost in there | 02:04 |
rohtash | ok thank you | 02:04 |
Economics-101 | how would i broadcast or stream, or output in some way my auxilary input from my sound card in ubuntu 10.04lts, to a url | 02:05 |
chz|bacon | Economics-101: you could using something like an icecast server | 02:06 |
reisio | Economics-101: what chz|bacon said | 02:06 |
CarlFK | Economics-101: icecast will serve but not read from the sound card - so add liveice | 02:07 |
Gaming4JC | I upgraded from Ubuntu 11.04 to 11.10 dbus is corrupt as is mysql. ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) | 02:07 |
Gaming4JC | :( | 02:08 |
chz|bacon | Economics-101: what CarlFK said :P | 02:08 |
reisio | Economics-101: what chz|bacon said about what CarlFK said | 02:08 |
Gaming4JC | I could definately use some help fixing it, I already checked the config, reinstalled and more :P | 02:08 |
chz|bacon | haha | 02:08 |
Gaming4JC | The worst part... ls: cannot access /var/run/mysql: No such file or directory | 02:09 |
reisio | Gaming4JC: what's up, mysql init script giving you troubles? | 02:12 |
Gaming4JC | reisio: yes, once I upgraded my mysql broke. I've been reading the forums and got some help on #ubuntu-server but the guy helping me had to leave :/ | 02:12 |
Gaming4JC | and it's still broke | 02:12 |
reisio | Gaming4JC: how does its brokeness manifest? | 02:13 |
Gaming4JC | reisio: type mysql and you get - ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) | 02:13 |
reisio | sometimes if the run file wasn't initiated properly you have to pgrep -l sql and kill the pid | 02:13 |
reisio | and then restart the init script | 02:13 |
Gaming4JC | we restarted the service several times | 02:14 |
Gaming4JC | I also got mysql.conf in a pastebin | 02:14 |
Gaming4JC | no abnormalty detected | 02:14 |
Gaming4JC | | 02:14 |
reisio | try sudo mv /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock ~/ | 02:14 |
reisio | and then pgrep -l sql and kill the process, if it's already running | 02:14 |
Gaming4JC | reisio: mv: cannot stat `/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock': No such file or directory | 02:14 |
reisio | okay | 02:14 |
reisio | is the process already running? | 02:14 |
Gaming4JC | doesn't seem to be | 02:14 |
Gaming4JC | mysqld was earlier | 02:15 |
Gaming4JC | reisio: when I ran pgrep -l sql, it returns nothing | 02:15 |
reisio | okay, and starting the init script/service still gives that 2002 error? | 02:15 |
Gaming4JC | reisio: services seem to be messed up considerably... when I run start or stop I get other errors. | 02:17 |
reisio | Gaming4JC: for anything, or just mysql? | 02:17 |
Gaming4JC | good question... | 02:17 |
* Gaming4JC tries to kill off another service | 02:17 | |
Gaming4JC | reisio: just mysql. I killed sendmail without error | 02:18 |
Gaming4JC | when I do sql... | 02:18 |
Gaming4JC | stop: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.6" (uid=1000 pid=17636 comm="stop mysql ") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Stop" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="init") | 02:18 |
reisio | hrmmm, less familiar with upstart | 02:18 |
jujugoboom | can someone give me a ubuntu 11.10 copy with wine preinstalled. i cant figure it out and my wireless needs windows drivers to work or if anyone can help with issues on a netgear WNDA3100v2 wifi usb stick | 02:19 |
reisio | Gaming4JC: that's as root/sudo? | 02:19 |
EvilResistance | jujugoboom, wine doesnt help you with drivers. | 02:19 |
reisio | jujugoboom: Wine isn't going to be a useful approach to using Windows drivers for wireless | 02:19 |
reisio | jujugoboom: what EvilResistance said | 02:19 |
* EvilResistance ninja'd reisio | 02:20 | |
jujugoboom | then what will, i cant use ubuntu without internet and i only have wireless | 02:20 |
reisio | jujugoboom: v1 seems to be supported by the ar9170 driver/module | 02:20 |
reisio | one _might_ presume a more recent version of that driver would cover v2 | 02:20 |
reisio | or possibly even ar9170 as it is | 02:21 |
reisio | jujugoboom: lsmod | grep -i ar9170 | 02:21 |
Gaming4JC | jujugoboom: NDISWrapper (with GUI) is your friend, comes on the Ubuntu CD. :) | 02:21 |
reisio | jujugoboom: sudo modprobe ar9170 | 02:21 |
=== christian is now known as Dr_Azil | ||
Gaming4JC | reisio: as sudo it seems to be hanging, just a blinking | in my terminal | 02:22 |
Gaming4JC | at* | 02:22 |
Dr_Azil | This is me talking from XChat on Ubuntu ^.^ | 02:22 |
jujugoboom | well i cant find ndiswrapper and im on windows right now so ill try that and report back | 02:22 |
Dr_Azil | So yeah. Successfully installed it. | 02:22 |
reisio | Dr_Azil: gj | 02:22 |
Gaming4JC | Dr_Azil: w00t, w00t. :) | 02:22 |
Dr_Azil | Thanks guys | 02:22 |
Dr_Azil | Thanks for the help too earlier | 02:22 |
Dr_Azil | I saw something weird though when making the new partition | 02:23 |
Dr_Azil | I had two partitions already. One for my main OS, Windows 7, and one for Windows Vista. | 02:23 |
Dr_Azil | I have no clue where Vista came from | 02:23 |
reisio | jujugoboom: here's some old instructions for using what appears to be a custom/development version of the aforementioned module to get it working: | 02:24 |
Gaming4JC | eww Vista :P | 02:24 |
Dr_Azil | Well I tried booting up in Vista | 02:24 |
reisio | Dr_Azil: saw where | 02:24 |
Gaming4JC | reisio: mysql stop/waiting :) | 02:24 |
Gaming4JC | (when sudo) | 02:24 |
Dr_Azil | And received a big red ERROR message | 02:24 |
reisio | Gaming4JC: so it just never does anything? | 02:24 |
Dr_Azil | I saw it when I was installing Ubuntu, and Ubuntu was asking how I wanted my partition set up | 02:25 |
reisio | Dr_Azil: nothing to worry about unless it is | 02:25 |
Dr_Azil | I thought I broke my computer when I got the red ERROR message | 02:25 |
fmoritz | question: I have two wd m4 64gig sata3 ssds in ahci mode...should I set them up in a raid array or split the os between them?...if the later, how should I go about setting up the file system to best results? | 02:26 |
fmoritz | I'm a 3D artist making a major switch btw | 02:26 |
jujugoboom | the tut requires internet :( | 02:26 |
Gaming4JC | reisio: exactly :( | 02:26 |
knoppies | Hey, I have a partition mounted at /media/data and I am trying to change the ownership of this to my main user (it is currently root:plugdev) | 02:26 |
zykotick9 | knoppies, is if FAT/NTFS? | 02:27 |
jujugoboom | and how can i find NDISWrapper | 02:27 |
usr13 | knoppies: What filesystem is on it? | 02:27 |
jujugoboom | or where | 02:27 |
knoppies | oh I see. I think its NTFS | 02:27 |
reisio | Gaming4JC: ask the channel how to get a new init script | 02:28 |
knoppies | zykotick9, usr13 does that mean I cannot change its permisions? | 02:28 |
zykotick9 | knoppies, you can't apply POSIX permission/ownership to MS file system (natively anyway) | 02:28 |
reisio | Gaming4JC: if that doesn't work ask how to reinstall upstart | 02:28 |
=== max is now known as Guest26457 | ||
Gaming4JC | jujugoboom: If you have the LiveCD open, go to Administrator Tools >> Synaptic Package Manager. Then you can choose repository settings, check the "CD" option, refresh repo, and search for "ndiswrapper" | 02:29 |
knoppies | zykotick9, yea I didnt think about that. Thank you. | 02:29 |
xangua | jujugoboom: ndiswrapper and ndisgtk, que gui interface are on ubuntu cd | 02:29 |
Gaming4JC | jujugoboom: Then as long as you have a windows driver for your wireless card you'll be all set. | 02:29 |
usr13 | knoppies: zykotick9 Yes | 02:29 |
jujugoboom | well i dont have internet | 02:29 |
Gaming4JC | jujugoboom: use the computer your using now? | 02:29 |
RockMeAmadeus | In depth look, now show? | 02:30 |
RockMeAmadeus | Sorry | 02:30 |
RockMeAmadeus | wrong place | 02:30 |
=== X_ is now known as FreeNET | ||
rhizmoe | does ubuntu have something like redhat et al's chkconfig, a runlevel util i guess? | 02:30 |
jujugoboom | well im running windows, without it i dont have internet, and i dont feel like running wubi | 02:30 |
Dr_Azil | This is awesome! | 02:30 |
zykotick9 | rhizmoe, you can install chkconfig in ubuntu if you want | 02:31 |
Dr_Azil | Ubuntu imported all my documents from Windows 7 | 02:31 |
fmoritz | Question: I have two wd m4 64gig sata3 ssds in ahci mode...should I set them up in a raid array or split the os between them?...if the later, what would be the best way to go about partitioning the file system? | 02:31 |
Dr_Azil | So when I first booted up I had my familiar wallpaper! :D | 02:31 |
Dr_Azil | And my function keys are working | 02:31 |
Gaming4JC | jujugoboom: :) | 02:32 |
Dr_Azil | So far I love this OS | 02:32 |
Dr_Azil | And I've only been using it for 5 minutes | 02:32 |
Gaming4JC | Dr_Azil: nice, now all you need is a decent theme. I can't stand GTK3 myself, unless it's in classic mode | 02:33 |
fmoritz | yeah they really streamlined the hell out of it which is part of the reason why i'm switching now | 02:33 |
=== Tac_Home is now known as atdiehm_lappy | ||
fmoritz | but i can see how it's pissing a lot of vets off since the interface has become so intuitive, even a monkey could use it | 02:33 |
jujugoboom | thanks | 02:34 |
jujugoboom | that help | 02:34 |
jujugoboom | s | 02:34 |
=== brjannc__ is now known as brjannc | ||
Dr_Azil | Do you think the documents from my external hard drive will work? I don't have it near me right now. In the garage taking a smoke break | 02:34 |
Dr_Azil | Pardon my newbness | 02:34 |
jujugoboom | and it will work from a usb flash drive too right? | 02:35 |
fmoritz | yeah | 02:35 |
ChTiPowA | Hi, i need help for Crontab plz : do */1 * * * * if ! ( ps -U <chtipowa> | grep rtorrent > /dev/null ); then rm /home/chtipowa/rtorrent/session/rpc.socket /home/chtipowa/rtorrent/session/rtorrent.lock; /etc/init.d/cht.rtord restart; fi is correct ? | 02:35 |
usr13 | Dr_Azil: Sure. You'll be able to access documents from the external HD. | 02:35 |
usr13 | Dr_Azil: Your happily finding out what lots do every day. Pretty cool stuff this Ubuntu! | 02:36 |
usr13 | Dr_Azil: Welcome aboard. | 02:36 |
Gaming4JC | How can I get a new init script? | 02:36 |
fmoritz | any good in depth tutorials on partitioning between multiple drives? | 02:37 |
Dr_Azil | usr13: Thanks :) Now I can use this when Windows 7 derps out on the router. All our Windows 7 PC's sometimes simultaneously disconnect from the router and won't reconnect until the router is restarted. Our only Windows XP PC never has that problem. | 02:37 |
fmoritz | i have two 64gig ssds, and i'm just worried that if I do it wrong I'll end up running out of space in one partition or another | 02:38 |
usr13 | ChTiPowA: You should write a script, put it in /home/chtipowA/bin | 02:38 |
usr13 | Dr_Azil: That's strange. | 02:39 |
ChTiPowA | usr13 i'm not a pro, could you tell me more please ? | 02:39 |
fmoritz | is it possible to resize partitions and move them between hdds without losing data? | 02:39 |
usr13 | ChTiPowA: Have you tested the above commands? | 02:40 |
ChTiPowA | yep usr13 but i'm doubtful if it works or not because when Rtorrent is frozen it doesn't restart itself and seems not deleting those files. | 02:40 |
anth0ny | will installing a new version of Python on my Ubuntu server affect my old projects? | 02:41 |
sn00p | can anybody please tell me how I can edit my xorg.conf in ubuntu 11.10 there isn't any xorg.conf? | 02:41 |
xangua | sn00p: there is no xorg conf file, but you can create one if you want | 02:41 |
sn00p | xangua, how? | 02:41 |
sn00p | and will X use it | 02:41 |
Dr_Azil | usr13: It is. And Microsoft says it's not a problem with the OS, but when all the 7's in the house disconnect at the same time, it tells me otherwise. | 02:41 |
fmoritz | sigh, so much for google and comes the thrill of adventure into the unknown...take it easy folks | 02:41 |
Amdpc | !arch | 02:42 |
sn00p | i forget how to make a xorg.conf file | 02:42 |
dwarder | how do i rename flash drive label? | 02:42 |
sn00p | wasn't it Xorg .1 -configure | 02:42 |
reisio | dwarder: what FS? | 02:42 |
dwarder | is says msdos | 02:42 |
reisio | dwarder: sudo dosfslabel /dev/foo# label | 02:43 |
Amdpc | Hi...What is the name of the channel which support arch linux ? | 02:43 |
reisio | man dosfslabel | 02:43 |
bazhang | Amdpc, #archlinux | 02:43 |
dwarder | reisio: i think i need to make it fat32 someway | 02:43 |
dwarder | reisio: can i convert it before this | 02:43 |
dwarder | somehow | 02:43 |
reisio | dwarder: it probably already is fat | 02:43 |
usr13 | ChTiPowA: You're wanting this to run every minute? | 02:44 |
ChTiPowA | yep usr13 | 02:44 |
dwarder | reisio: how do i find out | 02:44 |
whoever | looking for a way that i can pause , unpase festival. PID -STOP, PID _CONT only take ints but i want to stop in untill i push a hotkey | 02:44 |
srini | hi | 02:44 |
srini | Is there anyone to clear my doubts regarding linux? | 02:44 |
whoever | can anyone assist | 02:44 |
bazhang | srini, this is ubuntu support only | 02:44 |
ChTiPowA | usr13: the purpose is to check every minutes if Rtorrent is running and if not deleting those files then restart it. | 02:44 |
reisio | dwarder: could check with blkid (or sudo blkid) | 02:45 |
reisio | srini: sure | 02:45 |
usr13 | ChTiPowA: So, is it working? | 02:45 |
Amdpc | srini : Also join ##linux | 02:45 |
dwarder | reisio: /dev/sdb1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" UUID="50EE-984B" TYPE="vfat" | 02:45 |
ChTiPowA | usr13: no but if i do delete files manually and i restart it then it runs again But not automatically. So i'm worried about this command. | 02:46 |
reisio | dwarder: vfat, good to go | 02:46 |
srini | @reisio: i couldnt download some of the mp3 files from ubuntu....Am using ubuntu 11.04... | 02:46 |
reisio | srini: what happened when you tried to download them? | 02:46 |
usr13 | ChTiPowA: I've never run a command every minute, not sure about this. I guess it SHOULD work. | 02:47 |
Dr_Azil | Oh that's cool. It's telling me how long until the battery is charged :D | 02:47 |
dwarder | reisio: thank you | 02:47 |
ChTiPowA | usr13: is there normally <> to the username ? | 02:48 |
usr13 | ChTiPowA: But I think it would be easier to write a script. | 02:48 |
usr13 | ChTiPowA: You could write the script, test to see that it works ok and then just have the cron job run the script. | 02:49 |
Dr_Azil | Now that notification is being invasive. | 02:49 |
Dr_Azil | It won't disappear | 02:49 |
ChTiPowA | usr13: sorry but how to write a script ? | 02:49 |
usr13 | no | 02:49 |
marozh | ok you people you speak spanish? | 02:50 |
usr13 | ChTiPowA: Take away the angle brackets ps -U chtipowa | 02:50 |
blackwidow | yes | 02:50 |
bazhang | marozh, in #ubuntu-es | 02:50 |
ChTiPowA | ok usr13 i do that :) | 02:51 |
blackwidow | hi | 02:52 |
reisio | hi | 02:52 |
Dr_Azil | I take it I have to install things manually? | 02:52 |
blackwidow | hi u ! | 02:52 |
bazhang | Dr_Azil, use apt-get , the ubuntu software centre or synaptic package manager | 02:53 |
Dr_Azil | I'm trying to update Firefox | 02:53 |
bazhang | !software | Dr_Azil | 02:53 |
ubottu | Dr_Azil: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at - See also !Packages, !Equivalents | 02:53 |
ChTiPowA | anything else usr13 ? :) | 02:53 |
bazhang | Dr_Azil, to what version | 02:53 |
Dr_Azil | The latest. 8 | 02:54 |
jianchen | hi, guys, i can't ssh to my ubuntu 10.10, openssh-server is install and run? | 02:54 |
bazhang | Dr_Azil, what version of ubuntu are you using currently | 02:54 |
Dr_Azil | 10.04 | 02:54 |
xangua | !fx6 | Dr_Azil | 02:56 |
ubottu | Dr_Azil: Firefox 6 has been released as a security update for 11.04. For 10.04 and 10.10, you can use the unofficial and unsupported PPA at | 02:56 |
xangua | the ppa already has fx8 ;) | 02:56 |
srini_ | Tell me some of the channels in IRC chat? | 02:56 |
bazhang | !alis | srini_ | 02:56 |
ubottu | srini_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* | 02:56 |
xangua | srini_: #ubuntu :P | 02:56 |
bazhang | srini_, please ask in #freenode for more | 02:56 |
=== VoX is now known as vox | ||
spundun | hi all | 02:58 |
spundun | quick question | 02:58 |
blackwidow | I need work with lampp and i have an error 202 with import database | 02:58 |
bazhang | blackwidow, you mean lamp | 02:58 |
spundun | I'm trying to figureout what's the keyboard shortcut to change keyboard layout in gentoo | 02:58 |
spundun | any idea? | 02:58 |
bazhang | spundun, #gentoo | 02:58 |
spundun | I meant ubuntu | 02:58 |
blackwidow | no Imean lampp mysql | 02:58 |
spundun | sorry | 02:58 |
spundun | :) | 02:58 |
spundun | I'm on ubuntu, not gentoo, oops | 02:59 |
spundun | anyone know the answer? | 02:59 |
whomp | my comp wont recognize my second monitor, what might be problem? | 03:01 |
reisio | whomp: recognize? | 03:02 |
usr13 | ChTiPowA: | 03:02 |
ChTiPowA | ok usr13 thx :) | 03:03 |
whomp | it acts like its not there | 03:05 |
whomp | i hit detect displays, no dice | 03:05 |
reisio | whomp: what graphics device? | 03:05 |
srini_ | How to download mp3 file from ubuntu? | 03:05 |
reisio | srini_: the normal way | 03:05 |
srini | reisio, its not working. | 03:06 |
bazhang | !work | srini | 03:06 |
ubottu | srini: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 03:06 |
reisio | srini: what isn't working? | 03:06 |
blackwidow | hello I am on ubuntu 10.04 and I need work with lampp mysql I have problem with export database somebody can help me | 03:06 |
sn00p | How do I find out what video driver i'm using? | 03:07 |
whomp | i have a nvidia 260m | 03:07 |
reisio | sn00p: lspci -k | less | 03:07 |
leocolocolo | hi everybody im learning to use john the ripper any tutorial suggest?? | 03:07 |
reisio | whomp: okay are you using nvidia's driver, or nouveau? | 03:07 |
reisio | leocolocolo: no, but there are tons | 03:07 |
whomp | nvidia's driver i think | 03:07 |
blackwidow | bay thanks | 03:08 |
wwb | hi | 03:08 |
reisio | whomp: lsmod | grep nvidia | 03:08 |
reisio | wwb: hi | 03:08 |
whomp | it says | 03:08 |
whomp | nvidia 10390874 46 | 03:08 |
wwb | how to install backtrack? | 03:09 |
srini | reisio, there is a website called Its meant for downloading mp3 songs...I couldnt do it from ubuntu | 03:09 |
srini | reisio, pls suggest ideas urgent | 03:09 |
bazhang | wwb, ask in the backtrack support channel | 03:09 |
bazhang | wwb #backtrack-linux | 03:09 |
jtokarchuk | Is there a channel that I can go to to get started with MOTU? | 03:09 |
wwb | thank you... | 03:09 |
=== cesar_ is now known as Guest37871 | ||
jtokarchuk | Also: Alt-combinations do not seem to work in 11.10 for me? Laptop specific issue? (CTRL ALT T, ALT-TAB) | 03:10 |
sn00p | reisio, any idea why my extended monitor keeps blanking when i'm on 1024x768 resolution ? | 03:10 |
Guest37871 | oi | 03:11 |
reisio | sn00p: maybe you told it to | 03:11 |
mansoor-s | I am running an applicaiton with nohup, how can i bring it back into focus? | 03:11 |
reisio | whomp: okay, run nvidia-settings see if you can get it to detect it | 03:11 |
reisio | mansoor-s: did you use & ? | 03:11 |
srini_ | how to copy in irc chat? | 03:12 |
mansoor-s | reisio, i believe so | 03:12 |
bazhang | srini_, copy what | 03:12 |
boolean | mansoor: do a jobs | 03:12 |
EvilResistance | srini, depends on the client, if you mean text | 03:12 |
srini_ | copy text | 03:12 |
mansoor-s | boolean, nothing | 03:12 |
boolean | mansoor: then do fg $ | 03:12 |
EvilResistance | srini_ iirc, select it, and hit ctrl+c | 03:12 |
bazhang | srini_, what client | 03:12 |
EvilResistance | bazhang, -srini_- VERSION xchat 2.8.8 Ubuntu | 03:12 |
boolean | mansoor: $ == the number of the job | 03:12 |
reisio | mansoor-s: might not still be running, pgrep | 03:12 |
boolean | otherwise u didnt use & | 03:13 |
mansoor-s | pgrep did it! | 03:13 |
mansoor-s | thanks guys | 03:13 |
hop | hi | 03:13 |
=== hase is now known as footofthehare | ||
cncking2000 | Hello all I have an issue, I have done a netboot of 11.04 server, and I have had to reinstall the OS now three times. The username and password that I enter is seemingly not saved, and I cannot login. I have tried three times, replacing keyboards, etc. I can verify that the password is typed in correctly, I know that I am not crazy, so how do I change a users password? This is a fresh install, and I can't even log in. | 03:14 |
srini_ | Just i want to copy the text from above chats | 03:14 |
reisio | hop: hi | 03:14 |
bazhang | srini_, then just check the logs | 03:14 |
boolean | cncking2000: next install dont put a password | 03:14 |
bazhang | !1984 | srini_ | 03:14 |
ubottu | srini_: Official channel logs can be found at . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see | 03:14 |
reisio | cncking2000: boot from rescue mode? | 03:14 |
reisio | cncking2000: then passwd username | 03:14 |
hop | reisio where are you from | 03:15 |
cncking2000 | How-to boot from rescue mode? New user here. | 03:15 |
hop | i little speak english | 03:15 |
hop | and i need help | 03:15 |
footofthehare | Ok so I am trying to get a program to run that imrpoves the graphics on morrowind, but when it tries to load the plugins it's using a msdn for DirectoryInfo.GetFiles with a question mark and according to the wine forum I need to remove the question mark and it will be able to find the plguins | 03:15 |
bazhang | hop ask a question then | 03:15 |
footofthehare | but I dont know where they mean to remove it, or even how to edit the c+ | 03:15 |
reisio | hop: Antillia | 03:15 |
reisio | hop: what do you speak? | 03:15 |
bazhang | footofthehare, #winehq for specific app help | 03:15 |
hop | turkish | 03:16 |
bazhang | !tr | hop | 03:16 |
ubottu | hop: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 03:16 |
jtokarchuk | Alt-combinations do not seem to work in 11.10 for me? Laptop specific issue? (CTRL ALT T, ALT-TAB) | 03:16 |
boolean | Z/ws 3 | 03:16 |
eqwd | is it possible to remove the top panel? | 03:16 |
reisio | hop: not a lot of people there, come on back if you can't get any help | 03:16 |
reisio | eqwd: you don't need anything it provides? | 03:16 |
eqwd | reisio that's right, i need the vertical screen space | 03:16 |
hop | ok thx | 03:17 |
srini_ | bazhang, i couldnt understand wat u r saying | 03:17 |
hop | everybody | 03:17 |
reisio | eqwd: I'm sure you can disable it | 03:17 |
hop | good night | 03:17 |
bazhang | srini_, check the channel logs. | 03:17 |
wwb | hi | 03:17 |
bazhang | !logs | srini_ please read carefully | 03:17 |
ubottu | srini_ please read carefully: Official channel logs can be found at . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see | 03:17 |
reisio | eqwd: have you tried just right clicking on it? | 03:17 |
reisio | man, people putting the version of what they're using in their sigs on _really_ decreases the usefulness of searching it | 03:18 |
wwb | i think 11.10 is not perfect than 10.4 | 03:18 |
Vosko | Hi everyone, I have a question. I managed to deploy an ubuntu version through PXE. Everything seems to work fine until i reach "Select your language". My entire computer is frozen then. Anyone any idea? | 03:18 |
bazhang | wwb, not a support issue though | 03:18 |
boolean | really? | 03:18 |
reisio | wwb: :D | 03:18 |
jtokarchuk | wwb: big changes require beating down some lumps in the carpet afterwards | 03:18 |
eqwd | reisio, yes there is no context menu, i dont think there is a built in option to remove it | 03:18 |
wwb | i think it is | 03:19 |
=== christian is now known as Christian | ||
srini_ | bazhang, ok thanks.I thought you people would help me...but again i have to go back for internet browsing only....For all purpose,only internet is the solution you people are giving. | 03:19 |
=== Christian is now known as Guest10078 | ||
bazhang | wwb, then you'd be mistaken | 03:19 |
reisio | eqwd: try this: | 03:19 |
bazhang | wwb, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat | 03:19 |
Guest10078 | =\ | 03:19 |
eqwd | reisio, thanks i will check that out | 03:19 |
jtokarchuk | why is half of my screen enveloped in a ubuntu-brown box? just happened all of a sudden. | 03:19 |
=== Guest10078 is now known as Dr_Azil | ||
wwb | :) | 03:19 |
bazhang | srini_, reading links is required in many cases | 03:19 |
jtokarchuk | nevermind. got it. | 03:20 |
ChTiPowA | Hey guys, how to find a file and a folder recursively in terminal please ? | 03:20 |
kleewyck | find . -name "*fraggle*" -print | 03:21 |
srini_ | bazhang, :ofcouse i agree.For all doubts am asking in IRC chat,you people are showing the finger to browsing only. | 03:21 |
Vosko | Does anyone here have experience installing ubuntu through PXE? | 03:21 |
reisio | Vosko: why do you ask | 03:21 |
Vosko | Because I am having problems :(( | 03:21 |
wwb | who is the fans of python? | 03:22 |
mbeierl | OT, I know, but a big thank-you to all the 11.10 devs who made Oneric my favourite update yet! All the backward compatibility I want (until I get brave enough to try new interfaces) and yet plenty of new stuff that just works out of the box! | 03:22 |
bazhang | !ot | wwb | 03:22 |
ubottu | wwb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 03:22 |
wwb | i very love it | 03:22 |
lorddelta | Does anyone know where I can find the list of packages recently updated by Ubuntu. | 03:22 |
johnnywengluu | anyone knows what this code does: | 03:22 |
lorddelta | Whatever updated, went and broke my video config >_< | 03:22 |
wwb | apt-get update | 03:22 |
whoever | is there a way to pause festival reading ?i am using xsel to read my selection, but am now looking for a way to pause and resume | 03:22 |
Vosko | Ubuntu loads through PXE, says install ubuntu, loads a new interface where it says Select your language. And there it's stuck. | 03:23 |
boolean | Vosko: r u getting an IP from bootp or the option to add an ip manually? | 03:23 |
lorddelta | wwb: No, recently updated, not how to update | 03:23 |
Black | Lorddelta..what you mean | 03:23 |
Vosko | bootp | 03:23 |
whomp | it says, Failed to set MetaMode (1) 'DFP-0: 1366x768 @1366x768 +1920+0, CRT-0: 1920x1200 @1920x1200 +0+0' (Mode 3286x1200, id: 51) on X screen 0. | 03:23 |
wwb | ... | 03:23 |
lorddelta | Black: I mean...I want to know what change recently made on this system caused h264 vids to be suddenly unplayable. | 03:24 |
Vosko | why boolean? | 03:24 |
reisio | why indeed | 03:24 |
lorddelta | Black: Nothing else happened on this system except me updating tex recently...its the maintainer's fault, I need to figure out who broke which package now... | 03:24 |
boolean | if i am correct, it might not downloaded the full install from network ... therefore it might be loosing its ip address and the load of the install failes | 03:25 |
wwb | who know python? | 03:25 |
Black | Lorddelta. I think you can on dpkg log | 03:25 |
bazhang | wwb, try #python | 03:25 |
feijo | which commands do we have to check for a domain details such as NS, MX, etc? | 03:25 |
boolean | by obtaining the ip address of the device you are trying, you can continuously ping it to rule it out | 03:25 |
wwb | whois | 03:26 |
Vosko | err... | 03:26 |
lorddelta | Black: thnx | 03:26 |
boolean | isnt there an install shell that runs paralel to X installer? ... you ALT over to that and see if you have access | 03:27 |
wwb | whois can do it | 03:27 |
reisio | dig from bind-tools, also useful | 03:27 |
AndrewX192 | Hello. I have just installed 3 monitors on 2 graphics cards on Ubuntu 10.04, 2 of the monitors are in twinview, and the other one is a seperate X screen. Now windows open in the middle of the twinview setup between the two monitors. How can I fix this? Maximized windows also span the two monitors in twinview. | 03:27 |
reisio | AndrewX192: sepArate | 03:28 |
feijo | whois is nice, thanks! | 03:28 |
feijo | dig was showing only the domain ip | 03:28 |
AndrewX192 | reisio: Huh? | 03:28 |
reisio | AndrewX192: I believe that is the purpose of twinview | 03:28 |
AndrewX192 | reisio: It doesn't behave the same way when done with two monitors | 03:28 |
lorddelta | Black: ...doesn't look like said option exists... | 03:28 |
AndrewX192 | reisio: I don't want my panel expanding to two monitors | 03:28 |
lorddelta | Black: Happen to know where the log file is actually kept? | 03:28 |
reisio | then you probably don't want twinview | 03:28 |
reisio | although I assume there are all sorts of hacks | 03:29 |
wwb | my pleasure | 03:29 |
lorddelta | Black: nvm found it! | 03:29 |
AndrewX192 | reisio: Xinerama works fine, but no compiz - and window redrawing sucks | 03:30 |
AndrewX192 | reisio: I see the windows repaining themselves completely when I drag them | 03:30 |
whomp | reisio do you have any ideas? | 03:30 |
Black | Lorddelta. You can look on /var/log dir.. Normaly dpkg/apt will kept log here | 03:31 |
lorddelta | Black: ...looks like that won't work either, after all. Looks like logs are getting cleaned out every two days. | 03:31 |
colloquialismic | yo guys | 03:31 |
lorddelta | Black: I made my changes before that, apparently. Is there an official changelog on the web somewhere? | 03:31 |
Black | Lorddelta yeah,changelog have been included on every package release | 03:32 |
lorddelta | Black: Mmm...I suppose something like apt-get changelog | grep date? | 03:33 |
Vosko | boolean: so what do you suggest (Sorry i lost connection) | 03:33 |
AndrewX192 | reisio: Can I enable compiz with Xinerama, or must I use XGL? | 03:33 |
reisio | not sure | 03:34 |
colloquialismic | has anyone here setup a znc bouncer? | 03:34 |
AndrewX192 | Reikoku: Most articles I've found seem to say no | 03:34 |
colloquialismic | if so, can someone please /whois colloquialismic and tell me the results | 03:34 |
Black | Lorddelta. You can use graphical tool if you like | 03:35 |
[deXter] | Hi all, anyone know of a fat32 undelete program that can restore files with their original file/folder name and structure? (Because PhotoRec doesn't ..) | 03:35 |
lorddelta | Black: No. I prefer text. | 03:35 |
Black | Lorddelta that was good | 03:36 |
luthfi | how can I add my Oneiric themes?? | 03:37 |
wwb | i am a chinese | 03:38 |
wwb | haha | 03:38 |
wwb | :) | 03:38 |
bazhang | wwb, stay on topic here | 03:38 |
mbeierl | colloquialismic: Username: ~colloquia@unaffiliated/colloquialismic | 03:38 |
wwb | ok,mbeierl | 03:38 |
mbeierl | colloquialismic: sorry - missed the part about ZNC. ignore me | 03:39 |
luthfi | please give me answer | 03:40 |
ghostnik11 | hi I am currently running puppy linux lucid edition and would like to install Lubuntu 10.10 but here is the thing i want to do it while puppy linux is running, is that possible? | 03:40 |
bagels | I just installed ubuntu ubermix and seem to not have admin privileges. I know the password, but how do I add myself to groups so I can see "system settings" and stuff in unity? | 03:40 |
Vosko | anyone else knowledge about PXE boot? | 03:40 |
bazhang | bagels, what is ubuntu ubermix | 03:41 |
ghostnik11 | meant to say 11.10 | 03:41 |
bagels | bazhang, it's designed for netbooks. | 03:41 |
footofthehare | The forum I am reading says "The problem with a plugin selection window in rev 178 is caused by the search pattern "*?.esm". More precisely the problem with interpretation this pattern in WINE (see msdn for DirectoryInfo.GetFiles). If to remove the question mark from this search pattern the problem disappears. However, it somewhat changes the logic of selection of files." and I don't know what that means, | 03:41 |
bazhang | bagels, 3rd party, or from | 03:41 |
footofthehare | I tried asking in #winehq but theres no one there | 03:42 |
bagels | believe it's 34 | 03:42 |
bagels | third party | 03:42 |
Epx998 | Can syslogd save the logs from the various nodes into seperate files on its own? | 03:42 |
bazhang | bagels, contact the ubermix folks. it's not supported here | 03:42 |
bazhang | ghostnik11, while it's running? no | 03:43 |
bagels | bazhang, what i really need to know is how do i go into a termial and give myself different groups? | 03:43 |
bazhang | ghostnik11, unless you mean in a vbox or the like | 03:43 |
bagels | you know, in general. | 03:44 |
Vosko | please i need some help guys, my computer is not loading from usb drive for some reason :( so i really need help setting up PXE | 03:44 |
chaz|afk | bagels: groupadd | 03:44 |
chaz|afk | is the usb device supported as a boot device in bios? | 03:44 |
CarlFK | Vosko: | 03:44 |
mbeierl | Vosko: people are not ignoring you, just there's probably no one here right now that can help, sorry | 03:44 |
Vosko | yes, it recognizes the usb device as well in bios, the usb stick is bootable | 03:44 |
bagels | chaz|afk, which groups should i be in, so that settings and stuff show up in applications? | 03:45 |
usr13 | Vosko: Did you try hitting F12 for boot menu? (Or what ever F-Key it says?) | 03:45 |
ghostnik11 | no, guess I will just burn it to cd then boot if from there, thanks bazhang; i thought u could install it like how ubuntu has a windows ubuntu installer | 03:45 |
dr_willis | !pxe | 03:45 |
bazhang | ghostnik11, not like that; if it were ubuntu, you could install lubuntu-desktop package, but as it's puppy that wont fly | 03:45 |
usr13 | Vosko: In order to do pxe boot you need to set up a pxe server and set your router up to point pxe boots to it. | 03:46 |
Vosko | sorry mbeierl, @usr13: It's a foxconn nt-A3500 so its a nettop. It doesn't have that feature i can only set boot order | 03:46 |
Black | Vosko. I think you need configure dhcp server and boottp correctly on other side | 03:46 |
ghostnik11 | bazhang: cool, thanks for the help | 03:46 |
CarlFK | Vosko: that looks way simpler than bind9+isc-dhcp (what I use becaus I didn't know about dnsmasq yet | 03:46 |
Vosko | I have PXE running, until a certain point | 03:46 |
Vosko | When i reach the Select your language screen, its frozen | 03:46 |
boolean | Vosko: did u check for a paralel install shell? | 03:47 |
bazhang | Vosko, the usb was written with unetbootin? | 03:47 |
boolean | Vosko: I believe there is also a log window too | 03:47 |
CarlFK | Vosko: pastebin your default | 03:47 |
Vosko | Ok so this is my set up. TFTP, with a dhcp.conf (i got dhcp installed, and it's also assigning an ip to my client) | 03:48 |
Vosko | When i download the whole 3 gig of the OS, it gives me access denied, when i put the netboot folder in it, it starts, but stuck at language screen | 03:49 |
boolean | faulty download maybe? | 03:50 |
CarlFK | Vosko: what dhsp server are you using? | 03:50 |
Vosko | this is the guide i followed | 03:51 |
Vosko | | 03:51 |
atdiehm_lappy | installing ubuntu on a new asus zenbook ( i5 w/ SSD ) ... anything I should do to optimize ubuntu specially for this? | 03:52 |
CarlFK | Vosko: dhcp server is running on osx? | 03:52 |
thinker_ | atdiehm_lappy: i'd still download the 32 bit version | 03:53 |
Gaming4JC | How do I disable uneeded services? (From Terminal) | 03:53 |
thinker_ | atdiehm_lappy: other than that it should run quite smoothly | 03:53 |
* Gaming4JC feels ubber :) | 03:54 | |
Vosko | yes | 03:54 |
Vosko | CarlFK: yes | 03:54 |
atdiehm_lappy | thinker_, why 32 bit? | 03:54 |
thinker_ | Gaming4JC: try sudo killall processname | 03:54 |
atdiehm_lappy | it's got 4gb of ram, and the processor obviously can do 64 bit... | 03:54 |
Gaming4JC | thinker_: that doesn't disable a process before boot-time | 03:54 |
Gaming4JC | e.g. a running service script | 03:54 |
bazhang | atdiehm_lappy, no reason at all. use 64 | 03:54 |
dr_willis | !upstart | Gaming4JC | 03:55 |
ubottu | Gaming4JC: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: | 03:55 |
thinker_ | i suggested it because most of the programs aren't 64 bit anyways | 03:55 |
sn00p | Ubuntu have a lot of bugs in it still 11.10? | 03:55 |
bazhang | thinker_, no longer an issue with 11.10 | 03:55 |
thinker_ | really? | 03:56 |
atdiehm_lappy | bazhang, thinker_ ... which one do I listen to :-p | 03:56 |
bazhang | sn00p, which in particular | 03:56 |
sn00p | bazhang, video drivers | 03:56 |
sn00p | i'm going to do down grade | 03:56 |
thinker_ | i'm downloading 64 bit now then, and i'll let you know | 03:56 |
sn00p | to 10.4 | 03:56 |
bazhang | sn00p, which card | 03:56 |
sn00p | bazhang, onboard iontel 940gm | 03:56 |
sn00p | intel* | 03:56 |
sn00p | in a netbook | 03:56 |
Gaming4JC | dr_willis: I need to read a manual just to start and stop services? wow... Upstart-fail :( | 03:56 |
rohtash | sir | 03:56 |
rohtash | sir | 03:56 |
thinker_ | if you had 16 gigs of ram or something it'd make sense to use 64 over 32... | 03:57 |
bazhang | sn00p, those are not in additional drivers, intel generally are not | 03:57 |
rohtash | hw cn i create package | 03:57 |
sn00p | bazhang, I cant have 1024x678 if I do the monitor blanks o ut | 03:57 |
bazhang | rohtash, you asked this before | 03:57 |
CarlFK | Vosko: are you using the lucid files? | 03:57 |
bazhang | !packaging | rohtash please read carefully | 03:57 |
ubottu | rohtash please read carefully: The packaging guide is at - See for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at - See also !backports | 03:57 |
sn00p | bazhang, problem started occurring after I upgraded | 03:57 |
bazhang | rohtash, what package | 03:57 |
rohtash | sory thay are about binary package | 03:58 |
atdiehm_lappy | the ubuntu site docs say you should run 64 unless you have a reason to run 32 .. but I still figured I'd come in here to ask... | 03:58 |
rohtash | it is for packahe | 03:58 |
bazhang | rohtash, which one | 03:58 |
rohtash | package | 03:58 |
bazhang | atdiehm_lappy, yes 64 is fine | 03:58 |
rohtash | i need process | 03:58 |
bazhang | rohtash, specify the package | 03:58 |
rohtash | hw cn i do | 03:58 |
bazhang | rohtash, give us full info, stop repeating the same | 03:58 |
thinker_ | yeh, i haven't installed a distro in a while, i'd say 64 then too, going on bazhang's advice, like i said, i'm downloading it now so i don't seem outdated | 03:59 |
rohtash | no sir not getting install any package | 03:59 |
bazhang | rohtash, which one | 03:59 |
bazhang | rohtash, and read the packaging guide | 03:59 |
rohtash | which | 03:59 |
bazhang | rohtash, the one I've linked you to twice now | 04:00 |
rohtash | ayyyyy | 04:00 |
rohtash | ok bye | 04:00 |
sn00p | bazhang, nobody seems to have an answer for my blank screen in 11.10 for resolution higher than 800x600 | 04:00 |
rohtash | thng | 04:00 |
Vosko | @CarlFK: No oneiric | 04:01 |
Gaming4JC | :D :D | 04:02 |
thinker_ | sn00p: on a netbook? | 04:02 |
chrislabeard | Hi, guys I have openssh installed on my box it was working just fine and then I restarted my machine and now I'm getting a connection refused error when trying to ssh into it? Any ideas? | 04:03 |
CarlFK | Vosko: im kinda surprised it gets to a question and hangs | 04:03 |
dr_willis | Gaming4JC: user learnigs.. success | 04:03 |
sn00p | thinker_, yes | 04:03 |
sn00p | thinker_, on my extended monitor | 04:04 |
dr_willis | Gaming4JC: ive not found it worth the effort to disable any services. i use all that start | 04:04 |
thinker_ | snoop: and higher resolution worked pre upgrade? | 04:04 |
Black | Sn00p are you sure your graphic driver installed correctly | 04:04 |
Vosko | Well when i use the entire oneiric folder in my tftpboot folder, it doesn't work. But when I only put a netboot folder in it (15 mb in size) it works until languages | 04:05 |
sn00p | Black, I dont know which one its using | 04:05 |
thinker_ | sn00p: it's a bit cavemanish, but you could try VESA | 04:05 |
followJesus | still no nexus? | 04:05 |
bazhang | followJesus, this is ubuntu support; got an ubuntu support question? | 04:05 |
sn00p | Black, and I have no way of knowing since ubuntu doesn't have xorg.conf | 04:05 |
sn00p | know one knows :( | 04:06 |
Black | Sn00p until you know your type and driver,you can vesa driver.. | 04:06 |
CarlFK | Vosko: explain "doesn't work" | 04:06 |
sn00p | Black I already know it and its installed | 04:06 |
sn00p | I'll guess i'll have to continue with my downgrade | 04:07 |
sn00p | Intel Graphics 945m extended graphics | 04:07 |
_jason | Black: read /var/log/Xorg.0.log that's how you would determine what's going on even if you were using an xorg.conf | 04:07 |
Vosko | CarlFK: PXE-T02: Access Violation | 04:07 |
CarlFK | Vosko: what kind of machine are you trying to install to? | 04:08 |
sn00p | I'm off to downgrade | 04:08 |
Vosko | Foxconn nT-A3500 | 04:08 |
Gaming4JC | dr_willis: apache2 and sendmail don't need to be running on my PC. :O | 04:08 |
Gaming4JC | but thanks for the tip | 04:08 |
_jason | sn00p: read /var/log/Xorg.0.log that's how you would determine what's going on even if you were using an xorg.conf | 04:08 |
sn00p | good bye 11.10 | 04:08 |
thinker_ | lol | 04:09 |
wwb | what's time now? | 04:09 |
whoever | is there a way to pause and restart espeak or is my only option to use the guI? | 04:10 |
CarlFK | Vosko: this? | 04:10 |
chrislabeard | I'm getting an error of "tilde_expand_filename: no such user ." when trying to restart openssh any ideas what that is? | 04:11 |
Vosko | CarlFK: Yes | 04:13 |
CarlFK | Vosko: neat. any chance you have a ubuntu box you could setup the pxe stuff on? | 04:14 |
morning | I need to use "thinkpad_acpi," but I'm getting "command not found." And in fact I can't find such a file anywhere on my disk. But I do have "thinkpad_acpi.ko." What should I do? | 04:14 |
Vosko | No :( I only have my Mac and this tiny box | 04:15 |
Vosko | I guess i could run ubuntu on my mac here? | 04:15 |
CarlFK | Vosko: it should work. I was hoping to apt-get syslinux. | 04:15 |
CarlFK | Vosko: you could even do it all with a live cd | 04:16 |
Vosko | Oh, i see. Carl do you have a private mail where i can contact you on when I'm back? | 04:17 |
Vosko | in ubuntu | 04:17 |
CarlFK | Vosko: boot live cd, apt-get install git; git clone my repo, cd ...pxe, sudo install.. and then start the dhcp server | 04:17 |
Vosko | CarlFK: Do you got an email address I could contact you on? Or maybe hotmail to chat or so? | 04:18 |
Vosko | I could really use some help on this one :( | 04:18 |
CarlFK | Vosko: check your IM widnow or whatver | 04:19 |
Crisco | how should one go about playing just a pulse audio stream? | 04:19 |
CarlFK | Vosko: /msg CarlFK foo | 04:19 |
Crisco | I have a capture card and I don't have audio splitters so I don't get and audio on the tv... | 04:19 |
CarlFK | Vosko: i don't think you are seeting my replies | 04:20 |
Keirton | Upgraded Firefox, it wiped out my bookmarks/settings/ there an easy way to go back to Firefox 3.6 since I don't manually backup or anything? Googling is leading me in circles :( | 04:31 |
Keirton | There's no System Restore or anything fancy, is there? | 04:31 |
morning | Keirton: As far as I know, there's not. | 04:32 |
Keirton | Ubunto Software Centre SHOWS the upgrade today under "History", but it doesn't appear to have any kind of "revert" button | 04:32 |
Keirton | which seems odd | 04:32 |
morning | Keirton: I don't know whether Firefox makes a backup copy of your bookmarks file upon upgrade. Maybe someone else might know. | 04:34 |
Keirton | eh, it wasn't catastrophic, the loss of bookmarks, mostly want to go back to 3.6 for the sake of having my extensions (like TorButton) work :( | 04:35 |
Keirton | But oddly, Ubuntu seems to lack any kind of ability to "revert upgrade" | 04:36 |
Keirton | I guess I can just apt-get remove firefox, apt-get install firefox 3.6 or something? | 04:36 |
Keirton | any idea what the old package name would be? | 04:36 |
morning | Keirton: Keirton: That idea would work. | 04:36 |
Keirton | Hrm, it says no such package :( | 04:38 |
Keirton | any idea how I'd find the name of the package? | 04:38 |
agentgasmask | Hi all. Does anyone know hoe to make the wtmp, or 'last' command keep the data. Mine only goes back a day or two. | 04:38 |
morning | Keirton: You can do it with Syaptic Package Mgr. | 04:39 |
morning | Keirton: I haven't done it, but I see the instructions for it. | 04:39 |
knoppies | Keirton apt-cache search firefox | 04:39 |
rafael | anybody know how to use basename "file with spaces" because i want to create a script in bash | 04:39 |
Keirton | thx, let's go try | 04:40 |
morning | Keirton: In Synaptic Pkg Mgr, search for "Firefox," right click on it when you find it. Choose "properties." In the tabbed interface that comes up, choose "Versions." You'll see a message on how to install a version other than the current one. | 04:41 |
Keirton | good, because terminal search was failing to find old :( | 04:41 |
Keirton | if this works, I owe you something | 04:41 |
Keirton | hrm, looks like you found it | 04:43 |
dr_willis | !pin | 04:44 |
ubottu | pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See | 04:44 |
sn00p | problem solved, 11.10 gone and 10.04 installed | 04:45 |
Satyr_ | Can someone please help me out? | 04:45 |
frustro | hi all, had a friend with an external 2x1tb disk in a raid 0. disk1 is good, but disk2 is toast. trying to mount the disk1 ntfs volume errors with a problem with the last sector. well, the last secor of that volume is on a dead disk. anyone know of a way to edit the fat table to set the last sector so that it is on the same disk? | 04:45 |
frustro | if I could at least recover the data from disk 1 that would be awesome. | 04:46 |
reisio | Satyr_: with? | 04:46 |
Satyr_ | Could someone help me solve this. I am running KXStudio on OneiricOcelot 11.10, Ubuntu, and upon installation, when I tried to run Wine it continuously outputs Wine: Virtual Memory Exhausted | 04:46 |
usr13 | Satyr_: What is KXStudio ? | 04:47 |
usr13 | Satyr_: How large is your swap partition? | 04:47 |
Satyr_ | How do I check? | 04:47 |
Satyr_ | I have a 320gb Hard Drive, 4 gb ram, DDR2, and a 1 tb hard drive | 04:48 |
usr13 | Satyr_: sudo fdisk -l | 04:48 |
knoppies | frustro, I miay be wrong, but my understanding is that when you RAID0, the data is split at the block level, so there is no way of recovering the first disk without the second disk. | 04:48 |
Satyr_ | which option is going to tell me the result yo want? | 04:48 |
Satyr_ | What should it say before the value you want. | 04:48 |
Satyr_ | It outputted a lot | 04:48 |
usr13 | Satyr_: sudo fdisk -l |grep Swap | 04:49 |
kingfarvito | ubuntu has been running abnormally slow lately anyway to speed it up? | 04:49 |
Satyr_ | That outputted nothing | 04:49 |
afidegnum | hello good morning all, pls i have installed lamp on my ubuntu pc, as a root, how do I grant permissions to a user "afidegnum" ? | 04:49 |
knoppies | Satyr_, you can your output and link it in here. | 04:49 |
usr13 | Satyr_: sudo fdisk -l |grep swap | 04:49 |
nbf | is there a list anywhere of some good ubuntu alternatives | 04:49 |
reisio | afidegnum: same way you do as non-root, with chown | 04:50 |
knoppies | afidegnum, permission for what? To edit the files? | 04:50 |
nbf | I'm a long time ubuntu user but I have to get rid of this POS, the horrible new uis for ubuntu and gnome have seriously hurt my productivity | 04:50 |
usr13 | nbf: Alternatives to what? | 04:50 |
nbf | something like ubuntu with little fuss but that doesn't suck hard like 11.10 does | 04:50 |
Satyr_ | Ok so here /dev/sda5 616757248 625141759 4192256 82 Linux swap / Solaris | 04:50 |
reisio | nbf: you should know that all distros will be abandoning GNOME 2, Ubuntu just got there first | 04:50 |
afidegnum | knoppies: permissions to shutdown apache server, use ftp, edit files | 04:50 |
usr13 | nbf: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 04:50 |
kingfarvito | for instance every few minutes firefox freezes up for about 5 secs | 04:50 |
reisio | nbf: you might indeed try usr13's suggestion; | 04:50 |
knoppies | kingfarvito, use top (or even htop) to see if you can find the cause, low ram could be your problem. | 04:50 |
OerHeks | mbf try distrowatchdotcom | 04:51 |
nbf | thanks guys I'll go the xfce route | 04:51 |
Keirton | Morning, now Synaptic says it's installed old version...yet Applications>Internet says no version | 04:51 |
kingfarvito | if I try to open a terminal it takes 5-6 secs | 04:51 |
* Keirton investigates this | 04:51 | |
usr13 | Satyr_: So that's not the problem. Again, what is the program you are tying to run? | 04:51 |
kingfarvito | knoppies: is that a program I need to install? | 04:51 |
usr13 | Satyr_: What is KXStudio? | 04:51 |
frustro | knoppies, you may be right too! I was hoping that the raid 0 w/ntfs would create a volume that spanned both disks, but would begin writing at the beginning of the 1st disk. currently the block size total is the total amount of 2x1tb....that's why I'm looking to edit the fat table so that the volume looks complete on disk 1 although missing data from disk 2 and the file(s) that spanned the blocks between the two. | 04:52 |
Satyr_ | Here is the link to KX Studio: | 04:52 |
knoppies | kingfarvito, top should be there by default, htop you will need to install. They are both similar, htop has a nicer interface. | 04:52 |
Satyr_ | And the install instruction on their site: | 04:52 |
kingfarvito | thanks man | 04:52 |
Satyr_ | it is essentially an audio tool set that is used as a desktop upgrade for ubuntu, that way you can use things like Jack instead of Pulse | 04:52 |
Satyr_ | At least that is what I though | 04:53 |
Satyr_ | It installed successfully, however when I try to use wine (andwine only) it continuously give me the virtualmemory exhausted | 04:53 |
kingfarvito | right around 200000K memory not being used | 04:53 |
knoppies | frustro, the data is striped, I dont think you can recover the data the way you suggest. You can setup a span but I forget the name. | 04:54 |
knoppies | kingfarvito, that sounds like a lot of free ram, is your CPU load up in the 90s? | 04:55 |
kingfarvito | I think I foud the issue | 04:55 |
Satyr_ | USR any idea? | 04:55 |
knoppies | afidegnum, you still there? | 04:55 |
Satyr_ | I have attempted reinstalling wine, uninstalling, installing older versions, and removing folder. | 04:55 |
knoppies | kingfarvito, good. Hope its easy to solve. | 04:55 |
kingfarvito | "Cpu(s): 37.5%us, 18.6%sy, 0.0%ni, 43.3%id, 0.5%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.2%si" | 04:55 |
afidegnum | knoppies: yes | 04:56 |
knoppies | afidegnum, Do you understand how linux file permissions work? And are you familiar with chmod and chown? | 04:56 |
usr13 | Satyr_: So you are trying to run the MS Windows version under wine? | 04:57 |
afidegnum | I am familiar with chmod and patially chown | 04:57 |
wwb | chmod +x is meaning you can excute it | 04:57 |
kingfarvito | How do I close a program that is not showing up on the taskbar? | 04:57 |
usr13 | Satyr_: | 04:57 |
wwb | exectue it | 04:57 |
usr13 | kingfarvito: pkill <package-name> | 04:57 |
kingfarvito | there is a program media tomb taking up the largest amount of resources of anything im running | 04:57 |
Satyr_ | Wait, no I am have installed the repositories as described at: | 04:57 |
Satyr_ | Then I restarted my computer | 04:58 |
Satyr_ | Like it told me to at the end | 04:58 |
usr13 | kingfarvito: or kill pid# | 04:58 |
Satyr_ | And when I tried to run wine, it started giving me this error | 04:58 |
kingfarvito | operation not permited | 04:58 |
knoppies | each file has its own permission, so to edit the file, you either have to set o+w or you need to change the ownership of the file to afidegnum, and then set o+r so that your lamp can read the file (otherwise you get a 'you do not have permission to view this file' when you browse to it) | 04:58 |
usr13 | Satyr_: Install the Linux version. | 04:58 |
Keirton | alright morning, your trick you want me to call my wife "morning" while I smack her arse tonight (might be confusing if I waited till morning!) or pretend I baked eCookies in thanks? | 04:59 |
Satyr_ | I did that though usr | 04:59 |
usr13 | kingfarvito: sudo | 04:59 |
knoppies | afidegnum, "chown user:group /path/file" the ":group" is optional. | 04:59 |
Satyr_ | I added those PPA's to synaptic | 04:59 |
Satyr_ | Updated | 04:59 |
Satyr_ | Then installed packaged using sudo apt-get | 04:59 |
Satyr_ | Everything ran successfully | 04:59 |
OerHeks | Satyr_, where do you need wine for then ? | 04:59 |
=== eboy is now known as byoe | ||
Satyr_ | I am trying to install FL Studio, which was the whole reason that I installed kxstudio to begin with | 05:00 |
knoppies | kingfarvito, you can also use "killall <name>" but you will probably have to use sudo as well. | 05:00 |
Satyr_ | I can't even run wine config without the error | 05:00 |
=== byoe is now known as oeyb | ||
usr13 | Satyr_: | 05:01 |
=== oeyb is now known as DamnNaiveSir | ||
Satyr_ | I went there already | 05:01 |
Satyr_ | And I followed those instructions usr. | 05:01 |
Satyr_ | It is not a problem with kxstudio anymore | 05:01 |
Satyr_ | It installed and seems to be fine | 05:01 |
kingfarvito | things seem to be running much faster now | 05:01 |
Satyr_ | It is a problem with wine not being able to even run its own config without telling me virtual memory has exhausted | 05:02 |
usr13 | Satyr_: I don't know what to tell you. I don't know anything about KXStudio Sorry. | 05:02 |
OerHeks | never heard of FL studio either | 05:02 |
knoppies | afidegnum, Your files are probably located in /var/www/ Im not sure about permissions for ftp. | 05:02 |
kingfarvito | I used that program once almost a month ago and havent restarted since | 05:02 |
kingfarvito | and thats aout the time I started to have issues | 05:02 |
Satyr_ | Can you tell me how to take kxstudio off? | 05:02 |
OerHeks | check the wine database, Satyr_ | 05:02 |
OerHeks | !wine | 05:02 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 05:02 |
Satyr_ | That would be really nice | 05:03 |
harsh343 | how to run the file in ubuntu I am trying this | 05:03 |
harsh343 | | 05:03 |
Satyr_ | Because I can try to find a different solution, but I need to get back to where I was before I installed kxstudio | 05:03 |
usr13 | Satyr_: | 05:03 |
Satyr_ | I have read that a million times. Which group would I need to be a part of though? | 05:04 |
Satyr_ | Wait,how do I change what kernel version ubuntu runs on | 05:04 |
knoppies | harsh343, Im not sure wha you mean, what file are you trying to run, have you tried reading NOTICE? | 05:04 |
harsh343 | knoppies, I am trying to run adb | 05:05 |
harsh343 | | 05:05 |
knoppies | harsh343, can you please pastebin ls -l | 05:05 |
harsh343 | knoppies, yes u can see that I already paste that | 05:06 |
atdiehm_lappy | in 11.10, it seems the option for disabling the touchpad when typing is no longer there.... how would a guy go about doing that :) | 05:06 |
Satyr_ | Can someone please tell me how to remove kxstudio without breaking ubuntu? | 05:07 |
dr_willis | Satyr_: how did you install it? | 05:08 |
johnficca | xterm is showing up as white background on black text how can i change that? | 05:09 |
Dr_Azil | I got a serious problem =\ | 05:09 |
Dr_Azil | I was watching a movie using the pre-installed media player when the player froze | 05:10 |
Dr_Azil | Now the play bar at the bottom is stuck over the normal taskbar thingy, and the full screen button is over the shut down button | 05:10 |
dr_willis | johnficca: xterm -rv check xterm man page and guides for more info | 05:10 |
burrst | | 05:11 |
johnficca | dr_willis: i have changed the colors myself but i will not do it unless i run xterm -class XTerm-color | 05:12 |
atdiehm_lappy | alt | 05:12 |
atdiehm_lappy | sorry | 05:12 |
harsh343 | knoppies, there ? | 05:12 |
chaospsychex | what does the 'tour' on the ubuntu website use? java ? | 05:12 |
Milos|Netbook | he's probably not there no | 05:13 |
chaospsychex | the tour of the desktop | 05:13 |
lapsus | can someone help, my usb headset or usb speakers are not working anymore after I disconnected them, they where working before | 05:13 |
burrst | put them up your butt. | 05:13 |
chaospsychex | lol | 05:13 |
chaospsychex | 0_o | 05:13 |
knoppies | harsh343, sorry, doorbell. "ls -l" | 05:14 |
harsh343 | knoppies, hmm | 05:14 |
=== mohammad is now known as Guest5035 | ||
chaospsychex | how is having the Archlinux logo displayed in ascii upon opening the terminal achieved ? | 05:14 |
Milos|Netbook | up-butt-putting is unhelpful | 05:14 |
chaospsychex | oops | 05:14 |
chaospsychex | lol | 05:14 |
burrst | up-butt-putting | 05:15 |
r3v0 | whats the best way to upgrade from 7.04 to 11.10? | 05:15 |
burrst | i like that | 05:15 |
ActionParsnip | chaospsychex: it'll be some guff in ~/.bashrc | 05:15 |
atdiehm_lappy | any idea how to get 11.10 to disable the touchpad when typing? | 05:15 |
burrst | r3v0 put the computer in your butt | 05:15 |
ActionParsnip | r3v0: there is no best | 05:15 |
r3v0 | :/ | 05:15 |
r3v0 | looks like ill be going from 7.04 to 11.10 upgrading each version | 05:16 |
ActionParsnip | r3v0: the fastest will be a clean install, upgrading to 7.10, then to 8.04 then to 10.04 (LTS to LTS), then to 10.10, then to 11.04, then to 11.10 will take AGES | 05:16 |
harsh343 | knoppies, | 05:16 |
Timewarper | HEY | 05:16 |
Timewarper | Do all usb flash sticks use wear-leveling? | 05:16 |
ActionParsnip | r3v0: A clean install of 11.04 will not only ensure old configs don't botch the system but will also be a tonne faster | 05:17 |
reisio | all of any specific category probably doesn't use the same thing | 05:17 |
r3v0 | ActionParsnip, that means ill have to backup 8tb of data | 05:17 |
ActionParsnip | r3v0: you should have a backup anyway | 05:17 |
=== christian is now known as Dr_Azil | ||
ActionParsnip | r3v0: what if your drive motor fails? | 05:18 |
maestrojed | I have an secondary internal hd, it is available under "Places" in the main menu but does not seem to mount on startup. How can I make it mount on startup? | 05:18 |
ActionParsnip | Timewarper: | 05:18 |
r3v0 | idc | 05:18 |
ActionParsnip | Timewarper: I guess so | 05:18 |
reisio | maestrojed: when does it mount? | 05:18 |
burrst | 8tb of porn | 05:19 |
burrst | looooooooool | 05:19 |
reisio | that's a lot | 05:19 |
ActionParsnip | r3v0: think about it..... its GONE, it will eventually die out and you will lose your data and need professional (and non-guaranteed ) data recovery costing thosands, or hundreds for some external storage for your data | 05:19 |
reisio | I've only ever gotten up to 400GB before deleting | 05:19 |
maestrojed | reisio if I click on it in places, it pops up on my desktop and is available. But some programs like XBMC and Spotify that are suppose to just monitor that drive, they can't until I mount it | 05:19 |
dr_willis | !fstab | maestrojed | 05:20 |
ubottu | maestrojed: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 05:20 |
jalen | atdiehm_lappy: are you in gnome3? | 05:20 |
maestrojed | dr_willis checking it out, thx | 05:20 |
lapsus | the usb speakers are recognized, but do not show up in sound settings | 05:20 |
r3v0 | ActionParsnip, its useless data | 05:20 |
atdiehm_lappy | jalen, whatever the default install is.... I assume so? | 05:20 |
r3v0 | oh well here it goes | 05:20 |
ActionParsnip | r3v0: then reinstall away if it's useless, why keep 8Tb of useless data? | 05:20 |
r3v0 | cause it might come in useful | 05:21 |
r3v0 | lol | 05:21 |
jalen | atdiehm_lappy: goto applications, System Tools, then click System Settings | 05:21 |
lapsus | any ideas guys, regarding the usb speakers? | 05:21 |
r3v0 | and im up for a challenge | 05:21 |
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jalen | atdiehm_lappy: click mouse & touchpad | 05:22 |
atdiehm_lappy | jalen, done | 05:22 |
atdiehm_lappy | right | 05:22 |
atdiehm_lappy | the option that's usually there... isn't | 05:22 |
jalen | atdiehm_lappy: under the advanced tab there should be an option for it | 05:22 |
atdiehm_lappy | I have no advanced tab | 05:22 |
atdiehm_lappy | just one tab... mouse | 05:22 |
jalen | atdiehm_lappy: er, sorry, touchpad, should be there - is on mine | 05:23 |
skyball | #ubuntu-bugs | 05:23 |
* ActionParsnip doesn't think all the drives he's ever owned add up to 8Tb | 05:23 | |
atdiehm_lappy | jalen, no sir... just the one tab for mouse | 05:23 |
jalen | atdiehm_lappy: I don't know then, is on mine - sorry :( | 05:24 |
=== mrapple is now known as Guest36873 | ||
tresk | Hi, I just installed the Ubuntu kernel 3.2rc4 .. everything works well except my Intel 5100 Wifi card isn't enabled, but I can find it via lspsi ... | 05:28 |
ActionParsnip | tresk: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc | 05:29 |
tresk | ActionParsnip: oneiric | 05:29 |
ActionParsnip | tresk: then you installed a 3rd party kernel which is not supported here | 05:29 |
chaospsychex | lol | 05:30 |
ActionParsnip | (pretyped) | 05:30 |
atdiehm_lappy | jalen, apparently there are fixes in kernel 3.2 for my touchpad .... any thoughts on my upping to 3.2? | 05:31 |
ActionParsnip | atdiehm_lappy: you could install the alpha of precise, it has 3.2.0-2-generic by default, but your support will be in #ubuntu+1 until release in April | 05:32 |
leo | hola | 05:32 |
tresk | I downloaded the Kernel from ... mmm | 05:32 |
leo | hi | 05:32 |
ActionParsnip | tresk: doesn't matter, you are not using the kernel designed for your release, so we cannot support it | 05:33 |
reisio | tresk: why'd you do that | 05:33 |
jordan_ | I have pinguy os and whenever i update kernels they work on boot up only when they want to, they sometimes crash | 05:33 |
jordan_ | i went back to version 2 | 05:33 |
ActionParsnip | jordan_: pinguy isn't supported here, sorry | 05:33 |
jordan_ | where can i go? | 05:33 |
ActionParsnip | jordan_: #PinguyOS | 05:34 |
jordan_ | and sorry, just figured since it was based off ubuntu | 05:34 |
atdiehm_lappy | ActionParsnip, is it stable enough to use? | 05:34 |
ActionParsnip | jordan_: none of the spinoff distros are supported here, this is only for Caonical official releases | 05:34 |
jordan_ | ok | 05:34 |
tresk | reisio: because since 11.10 my notebook isn't useable anymore... power consumption is ridiculous high | 05:34 |
ActionParsnip | atdiehm_lappy: here it is but my hardware is insanely linux friendly | 05:34 |
atdiehm_lappy | ActionParsnip, i have the new asus i5 zenbook | 05:35 |
atdiehm_lappy | if that helps | 05:35 |
ActionParsnip | atdiehm_lappy: you will more than likely get issues all the way up until release, you could try it in liveCD / USB to test | 05:35 |
ActionParsnip | atdiehm_lappy: not familiar, sorry. My Dell D420 is 100% linux friendly, even wifi works out of the box and suspends perfectly | 05:36 |
zHammeRz | how old is the 420? I have a co worker who still uses a 610 and I thought that was old | 05:36 |
ActionParsnip | zHammeRz: dunno, it works and does what I need, let me see.... | 05:37 |
ActionParsnip | zHammeRz: june 2006 | 05:38 |
wwb | dell vostro | 05:38 |
zHammeRz | which ubuntu release you using? | 05:38 |
atdiehm_lappy | ActionParsnip, thanks | 05:38 |
ActionParsnip | dual core 32bit U2500 @ 1.20GHz with 3Gb RAM and Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS running Precise | 05:39 |
Russ | check it out, ocelot spotted in tucson | 05:40 |
Russ | | 05:40 |
tresk | ActionParsnip: I thought I maybe only need a blacklist parameter like with 11.04... because the card is listed by entering "lshw -C network" in the shell | 05:40 |
Russ | oneiric ftw | 05:40 |
ActionParsnip | tresk: we cannot support 3rd party kernels here, sorry | 05:41 |
wwb | dell vostro 1014 2.1Ghz 250gb 3Gb RAM | 05:41 |
tresk | ActionParsnip: Ok, I thought it my help you to fix something. So there is no IRC support for this kernel anywhere? And if I install the 12.04 alpha kernel I can ask in #ubuntu+1 ? | 05:42 |
ActionParsnip | tresk: try #linux or #kernel | 05:43 |
ActionParsnip | tresk: yes #ubuntu+1 is the channel for pre-releases | 05:43 |
zHammeRz | how do you know if you have a supported kernel | 05:43 |
=== DamnNaiveSir is now known as FckYouNgger | ||
dr_willis | use the kernels in the repos | 05:44 |
Zimph | So is this a good channel for support? | 05:44 |
dr_willis | ubuntu support yes. | 05:44 |
zHammeRz | I use 3.0.0-13-generic #22-Ubuntu SMP | 05:45 |
Zimph | sweet | 05:45 |
Zimph | well can I throw a question out there? | 05:45 |
ActionParsnip | Zimph: ask away :) | 05:45 |
Zimph | well alrighty then | 05:45 |
=== FckYouNgger is now known as eboy | ||
MachHare | \\\\ | 05:46 |
tresk | Ok, so I install the 12.04 alpha kernel now. Maybe it works that way :) | 05:46 |
Zimph | pretty simple question (maybe), I was trying to install wubi and I've retried like 3 times and when it gets done with the expanding portion it like says "privelage denied" or something to that effect, so I checked the logs and got this message: IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'E:\\wubildr | 05:46 |
Zimph | Any thoughts? | 05:46 |
KM0201 | yes, be thankful wubi didn't work | 05:47 |
Zimph | Well I was trying to do that because I really wanted to see what it was like, and my cd-drive sucks ass so it would take me forever to burn it | 05:47 |
KM0201 | partition your drive, and set up a proper dual boot system | 05:47 |
dr_willis | Zimph: i thought wubi had to go on the c: drive | 05:47 |
Zimph | yeah it like does it with windows or something | 05:47 |
Zimph | I mean I wasn't trying to all out convert to ubuntu just yet | 05:48 |
Zimph | I mainly wanted to get a feel for it and see if I liked it at all | 05:48 |
Zimph | but I didn't feel like doing a dual boot | 05:48 |
ActionParsnip | Zimph: how are you kicking off the wubi installer? via the standalong exe, or the full ubuntu ISO, possibly burned to CD etc | 05:48 |
dr_willis | Zimph: test in virtualbix. or use a bootable ysb | 05:48 |
Zimph | the wubi installer on the website | 05:48 |
dr_willis | i hate wubi. :-) | 05:48 |
ActionParsnip | Zimph: wubi is a dual boot, ust that the OS is stored in a file in your NTFS partition, rather than it's own proper partition | 05:48 |
KM0201 | i agree w/ dr_willis if you want to test, use virtualbox... Wubi is a MESS. | 05:49 |
Zimph | well I understande that | 05:49 |
Zimph | but I didn't want to do the traditional dual partition way | 05:49 |
ActionParsnip | Zimph: I recommend you either use virtualbox to try it, or download the ISO, MD5 test it and mount with magicdisk or daemontools and run wubi from that | 05:49 |
Zimph | yeah I think I'll give that a shot | 05:49 |
dr_willis | does unity work in vbox? it used to have issues. | 05:50 |
ActionParsnip | Zimph: make sure you run the installer as an admin account too | 05:50 |
Zimph | well of course | 05:50 |
Zimph | it's my computer and i am the only account | 05:50 |
KM0201 | dr_willis: 3d.. i don't think so. | 05:50 |
ActionParsnip | Zimph: as in, right click -> run as administrator ;) | 05:50 |
Zimph | ah | 05:50 |
Zimph | I got you | 05:50 |
Zimph | why wouldn't it automatically run it that way anyway? | 05:51 |
ActionParsnip | Zimph: Server 2008 needs that to happen even if you log in as admin, not sure if it is also needed in desktop OS | 05:51 |
Zimph | yeah probably for a couple things | 05:51 |
ActionParsnip | dr_willis: afaik, it can but 3d isn't quick. Better to use Unity2D if you want Unity ;) | 05:51 |
Zimph | oh well, I got a couple options to work with though and seeing as I just got it recommended a punch I might try virtual machine or w/e that is | 05:52 |
Zimph | But I really appreciate the help and I'll probably be back here soon :P | 05:52 |
dr_willis | i just use lubuntu in vbox normally | 05:52 |
KM0201 | Zimph: vbox is definitely safer than wubi, in my opinion. | 05:52 |
ActionParsnip | Zimph: there's always options with Linux, unlike some OSes I can name | 05:53 |
Zimph | lol yeah | 05:53 |
z3ro3x | Can someone explain squares in Empathy? Here's visual aid. | 05:53 |
ActionParsnip | z3ro3x: what language are the names in ? | 05:53 |
z3ro3x | ActionParsnip, English. | 05:53 |
ActionParsnip | z3ro3x: i see, strange. | 05:54 |
ActionParsnip | z3ro3x: can you give a pastebin of the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; apt-cache policy empathy Thanks :) | 05:54 |
z3ro3x | ActionParsnip, | 05:57 |
ActionParsnip | thanks | 05:57 |
z3ro3x | ActionParsnip, No problem and thanks for the help. :-) | 05:57 |
ActionParsnip | z3ro3x: does: pidof moblin-panel-people output anything? | 05:57 |
z3ro3x | ActionParsnip, Nope. | 05:58 |
ActionParsnip | hmm | 05:58 |
ActionParsnip | z3ro3x: is there the ability in Empathy to change the font of the application? | 05:59 |
z3ro3x | I'll check. | 05:59 |
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z3ro3x | ActionParsnip, Nope. I just noticed this. :-/ | 06:04 |
ActionParsnip | z3ro3x: does it happen in any other app? | 06:04 |
z3ro3x | ActionParsnip, Not that I am aware of. | 06:05 |
ActionParsnip | z3ro3x: have a sniff around, let me keep hunting' | 06:05 |
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z3ro3x | ActionParsnip, Are you able to see the same issue in Empathy on your side? I installed (can't remember the package name) Advanced Settings for Gnome Shell. I can play witht he system wide fonts. If I change any setting in there from it's default it fixes the problem. But I'd still like to know what's broke to have a better understanding of the issue. | 06:10 |
ActionParsnip | z3ro3x: could try: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jacob/comm; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install empathy; sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jacob-comm-*; sudo apt-get update | 06:11 |
ActionParsnip | z3ro3x: bit of a later build, may help | 06:11 |
ActionParsnip | z3ro3x: I don't use empathy, I've used pidgin (and Gaim when it was Gaim) for as long as I've used Linux | 06:12 |
KM0201 | pidgin is awesome | 06:13 |
* KM0201 HATES empathy | 06:13 | |
kla | KM0201, :) | 06:13 |
Timewarper | is this the info (ouput of lsusb -v) of my usb flash drive? or the controller of the pc? | 06:15 |
vox | how do i force 11.10 to boot with a degraded raidset? | 06:15 |
z3ro3x | ActionParsnip, I may just switch back to pidgin. I was only using Empathy because it's integrated in Gnome Shell. The groups are also disorganized in Empathy because of Facebook and Google. Nothing goes where I tell it to. Empathy seems more concerned with putting things where the servers want stuff instead of where I want it. :-/ | 06:17 |
KM0201 | vox: usually it will anyway won't it?.. you just hit M (i think it's M) to skip the error | 06:17 |
the_3f_rule | Anyone know the easiest way to connect to a nas on xubuntu? | 06:17 |
KM0201 | the_3f_rule: either Samba, or NFS | 06:17 |
KM0201 | what is your NAS running? | 06:17 |
the_3f_rule | Its a black armor nas, with Nfs enabled. I can get to the admin page via the ip address but cant figure out how to navigate to the files | 06:18 |
vox | KM0201: nope. i have a system disk, and two 4-disk raid5s for storage. one of the raidsets degraded, and now ubuntu refuses to boot to because it cant start(the non-system) raid. even putting in kernel boot flags still just drops me to busybox | 06:18 |
KM0201 | the_3f_rule: the "easiest" way, is samba... but thats strictly opinion... NFS isn't hard, but if you're using a mixed environment at home (linux, 'doze, mac) it might be easier to just run samba, as all the OS's can access it. | 06:18 |
KM0201 | vox: weird... i've never used raid 5, but i've dealt w/ several degraded raid 1's.. and they booted fine. | 06:19 |
KM0201 | after acknowledging the error... are you sure only 1 drive is bad on each raid? | 06:19 |
vox | KM0201: they did for me aswell until 11.10 | 06:19 |
the_3f_rule | Im brand new to xubuntu and linux. Is samba GUI or command line? | 06:19 |
KM0201 | the_3f_rule: well, its neither... samba is what your server runs... | 06:20 |
vox | KM0201: two drives were bad, but it has *nothing* to do with the system. it is only storage and does not mount on / | 06:20 |
KM0201 | vox: yeah, unfortunately thats beyond my ability, i'm not really sure on that one. | 06:20 |
KM0201 | the_3f_rule: what OS is your server running? | 06:20 |
vox | im going to find the ubuntu dev responcible and strangle them | 06:21 |
vox | it's unacceptable | 06:21 |
ActionParsnip | the_3f_rule: it will have a connect option under the file menu in your file browser | 06:21 |
the_3f_rule | Linux | 06:21 |
ActionParsnip | vox: I suggest your read your EULA | 06:21 |
KM0201 | the_3f_rule: what version of linux is the NAS running?.. linux is very general | 06:22 |
vox | ActionParsnip: i suggest you understand that the way its set now renders any box with a degraded raid unbootable, and needs to be changed. no other linux os has this implimentation and it's stupid. | 06:23 |
KM0201 | good lord those blackarmor's are expensive! holy crap. | 06:24 |
KM0201 | why didnt you just build your own for about a 1/3 of that price | 06:24 |
ActionParsnip | vox: then get the raid fixed and restore data from backup if necessary | 06:24 |
the_3f_rule | Because im not very smart, and im new | 06:24 |
KM0201 | the_3f_rule: well, that doesn't have anything to do with it.. but... have you enabled CIFS on the server? | 06:25 |
the_3f_rule | It doesn't work worth a s}%% with my mac, and im not a windows fan. Hence the stupid xubuntu questions | 06:25 |
vox | ActionParsnip: i would if it would boot. but it wont boot until the raid isnt degraded. and i cant un-degrade it until it's booted. which i cant do. because of stupidity. :) | 06:25 |
the_3f_rule | Cifs...I think so. | 06:25 |
Satyr_ | Can someone help me out with jack audio? | 06:26 |
ActionParsnip | vox: you can boot liveCD or USB and chroot, or mount the storage and manipulate it there | 06:26 |
KM0201 | the_3f_rule: double check on the server that CIFS is enabled | 06:26 |
the_3f_rule | Looking | 06:26 |
ActionParsnip | KM0201: you weren't kidding, looks pretty though | 06:26 |
KM0201 | ActionParsnip: yeah, but.. holy smokes, a 4tb NAS is 1400 bucks... lol | 06:26 |
KM0201 | i built mine for about 500. | 06:27 |
ActionParsnip | KM0201: | 06:27 |
the_3f_rule | I paid about a third of that for my 4tb if it makes you feel better | 06:27 |
Dr_Azil | I thought my computer was broken when I held a window from the top and it warped... | 06:27 |
KM0201 | the_3f_rule: thats fine.. i just realized it was saying 979... but still thats at least 400 to much in my opinion.. | 06:27 |
the_3f_rule | I've had it a couple of years. They've really gotten expensive since then | 06:27 |
KM0201 | oh ok. | 06:28 |
KM0201 | then i'll stop harping on the | 06:28 |
KM0201 | the_3f_rule: anyway, do you have CIFS enabled on the server? | 06:28 |
the_3f_rule | I will ask you guys how to build one next time! | 06:28 |
Satyr_ | Can anyone please tell me how I can make Jack Audio recognize only a two speaker system versus a surround 5.1? | 06:29 |
vox | ActionParsnip: yes which requires physically removing the box from the rack and manipulating the hardware, as opposed to ubuntu using, you know, common sense and allowing a system to boot with a degraded raid, that has *zero* to do with the system, like every other OS on the planet. but yes, i will need to put a live cd in or something stupid like that. | 06:30 |
the_3f_rule | NSF and FTP are enabled, cant find Cifs yet | 06:30 |
KM0201 | the_3f_rule: i've never configured NSF.... look for cifS or SMB | 06:30 |
ActionParsnip | vox: if the raid is degraded then it shouldn't boot as it may damage data. What raid level have you used? | 06:30 |
the_3f_rule | I meant nfs | 06:31 |
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KM0201 | the_3f_rule: so did i... | 06:31 |
KM0201 | :) | 06:31 |
ActionParsnip | vox: and is it a hardware raid card of cheap crappy onboard fluff | 06:31 |
the_3f_rule | Lol | 06:31 |
the_3f_rule | Not seeing cifs. Should be in the same area as nfs and FTP services, right? | 06:32 |
KM0201 | the_3f_rule: i would think so. | 06:32 |
vox | ActionParsnip: the raid is storage-only. the os is on its own seperate disk. raid is handled by md. even if i tell it not start the raidsets, it still says "lol i cant start raid, have some busybox". raid is two raid5 sets, one set was degraded | 06:32 |
ActionParsnip | vox: if its a decent raid, like raid 1, then you can pull the drive from the set, then reinsert it and tell the drive to rebuild | 06:33 |
ActionParsnip | vox: there are ways with software raid but i've not used it | 06:33 |
the_3f_rule | It looks like I have to mount it via the command line if I want to do it with cifs | 06:34 |
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KM0201 | the_3f_rule: on the server, or on xubuntu?.. xubuntu can mount CIFS w/o command line | 06:35 |
KM0201 | so long as you have cifs running | 06:35 |
KM0201 | on the server | 06:35 |
the_3f_rule | The server has an nfs checkbox, but nothing for cifs. Hang on ill send the link to what I am looking at | 06:35 |
the_3f_rule | | 06:36 |
KM0201 | the_3f_rule: lol, i just googled and hit that. | 06:37 |
the_3f_rule | Sorry if this is like talking to a five year old. I really appreciate the help though | 06:37 |
vox | ActionParsnip: rebuilding it isnt a problem, its the fact that ubuntu will not allow me, under any circumstances, to boot the system since 11.10 came out | 06:37 |
vox | (while the raid is degraded) | 06:38 |
ActionParsnip | vox: surely the rebuild will put into an ok state thus allowing boot? | 06:38 |
KM0201 | the_3f_rule: no problem... so lets start from the top.. setup... you sad you did step 2 (where you enabled NFS)... .. right? | 06:38 |
the_3f_rule | Right | 06:38 |
KM0201 | the_3f_rule: ok, step 3... on the NFS service, did you add your xubuntu box IP address there? | 06:38 |
tresk | ActionParsnip: I think, it makes no sense to install the Precise 3.2 kernel, because it's exactly the same kernel like the 'mainline' one I already installed ... I expect an upgrade won't resolve my WiFi problems | 06:38 |
the_3f_rule | No. | 06:39 |
ActionParsnip | jesus software centre is slow, by the time this thing loads I could've installed the package in cli | 06:39 |
KM0201 | the_3f_rule: well there's our fail | 06:39 |
vox | ActionParsnip: of course, but it wont boot in the firstplace to /allow/ me to rebuild it. even if i tell ubuntu not to start the raidsets at boot time, it still complains that it cant start the raid(!) then gives up and fails to busybox. and its only starrted doing that since 11.10 | 06:39 |
smw | ActionParsnip, software center is only good for browsing | 06:39 |
KM0201 | the_3f_rule: lets take this to PM, because it is straying way off the topic of this channel | 06:39 |
the_3f_rule | Ok. | 06:39 |
ActionParsnip | vox: so its software raid then, not able to nter the raid config to rebuild the drive there. Looks like you will need liveCD then | 06:40 |
Black | Tresk..some wifi card need you reinstall your driver against running kernel | 06:40 |
vox | ActionParsnip: yeah, but that behavior, as a default, is utterly stupid, is my point | 06:41 |
vox | and needs to be changed | 06:41 |
ActionParsnip | vox: report a bug is all I can suggest, software raid is garbage imho | 06:41 |
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tresk | Black: This may be the problem. Because booting the 3.0 kernel works still fine. So you mean I may have to compile the kernel module on my own? | 06:43 |
=== eboy is now known as eboy|hat | ||
Rallias | Ubuntu is immune to the whole pdf vulnerability scene, right? | 06:51 |
Mr_EE1 | good mornings guys | 06:52 |
Mr_EE1 | how to set a dual display on ubuntu11.10 | 06:52 |
sn00p | How do I have my extended monitor on my netbook use my intel drivers instead of the vesa driveri? | 06:52 |
ActionParsnip | Mr_EE1: which video chip? | 06:53 |
ActionParsnip | Rallias: not heard of that | 06:54 |
Mr_EE1 | ActionParsnip: nvidai x1300 | 06:54 |
kamilnadeem | Hi | 06:54 |
Rallias | ActionParsnip, You know, the bunch of pdf vulnerabilities that you could execute remote code found in like may... | 06:54 |
Satyr_ | Hey has anyone here dealth with Jack Audio much? | 06:54 |
ActionParsnip | Mr_EE1: after you install the proprietary driver you canuse nvidia-settings to easily configure the display | 06:54 |
ActionParsnip | Satyr_: not at all | 06:54 |
kamilnadeem | In Ubuntu 11.10 I set my sudio systen to 4.1 surround but it alsways reverts to stereo output ? | 06:55 |
kamilnadeem | Is there a fix? | 06:55 |
Mr_EE1 | ActionParsnip: i havent installed any drivers | 06:55 |
Satyr_ | Ugh... I am just having trouble with telling Jack Sink to stop thinking that there is a surround sound system... | 06:55 |
ActionParsnip | Rallias: seemsto only affect windows afaik | 06:55 |
Satyr_ | Instead I have two speakers and a subwoofer | 06:55 |
Satyr_ | :( | 06:55 |
kamilnadeem | Satyr_: stereo uplex aint working for you? | 06:56 |
kamilnadeem | duplex* | 06:56 |
Rallias | ActionParsnip, mmk.. I'm going to look at this potentially (but undetected) pdf file in ubuntu. | 06:56 |
ActionParsnip | Satyr_: maybe others can help | 06:56 |
Mr_EE1 | ActionParsnip: how do i install the drivers? | 06:56 |
ActionParsnip | kamilnadeem: how are you setting it? | 06:56 |
Satyr_ | Well there is an audible difference between the sound I used to have before using kxstudio (which uses jack) and just regular pulse audio, so I would imagine no | 06:56 |
ActionParsnip | Mr_EE1: use the additional drivers app in dash | 06:56 |
kamilnadeem | ActionParsnip: sound setting>hardware>profile>4.1 surround | 06:57 |
Mr_EE1 | ActionParsnip: the problem is that i am new on ubuntu i was using fedora so its killing me now i cant do anything | 06:57 |
ActionParsnip | Satyr_: try the forums, and/or ask a little later, different users will be in the channel then, there may also be an ubuntu audio channel | 06:57 |
Guido1 | hello | 06:58 |
Guido1 | I have problems with upgreading from 9.04 to 9.10. In the end i would like to have 10.04. What can i do? | 06:58 |
Logos01 | Hello -- I need to change the default desktop environment in 11.10. In what file is this setting stored? | 06:58 |
Logos01 | Guido1: Try an install CD. | 06:58 |
ActionParsnip | Mr_EE1: search in dash, you'll see the app, it will install the driver for you | 06:58 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: do you mean for autologin? | 06:58 |
Mr_EE1 | how should i search it? | 06:58 |
sn00p | How do I have my extended monitor on my netbook use my intel drivers instead of the vesa driveri? | 06:58 |
Guido1 | sadly they don't work or is there an update function | 06:58 |
Logos01 | ActionParsnip: I mean exactly what I wrote, but yes for autologin. | 06:58 |
ActionParsnip | Mr_EE1: type in the top bar | 06:58 |
Logos01 | I need to do this by CLI. | 06:58 |
airtonix | who are you | 06:59 |
rigel | sorry, some big tymers just came up on my playlist | 07:00 |
dr_willis | ? | 07:00 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: you can edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf | 07:00 |
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Guido1 | sadly the instalation CDs newer than 9.04 don't work or is there an update function | 07:01 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: you can awk the file and such to edit it | 07:01 |
Logos01 | I'm not using lightdm, but lxdm, and lxdm's default isn't being honored. | 07:01 |
Satyr_ | There is no ubuntuaudio | 07:01 |
Guido1 | on other computers it was possible to get 10.04 by upgreading | 07:01 |
Logos01 | So there's got to be a global default somewhere. | 07:01 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: i believe there is a custom.conf which may be in place | 07:01 |
Logos01 | Not unless Ubuntu created it. | 07:02 |
Logos01 | In which case... knowing the location of that would be useful. | 07:02 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: yes, Lubuntu will have one | 07:02 |
Logos01 | I'm not using Lubuntu. | 07:02 |
Logos01 | Openbox-kde | 07:02 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: try: sudo find / | grep custom | grep conf | 07:02 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: interesting combo, likeit | 07:02 |
Guido1 | so what else can i do? | 07:03 |
Satyr_ | Oh well, my audio at least works, even if it is not the same. And I have learned a lot with installing kxstudio, so it has been a good day lol | 07:03 |
Logos01 | Guido1: Like I already said, use an install CD to upgrade. | 07:03 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: or even: sudo find / | grep dm | grep conf | 07:03 |
sidney | my present partition scheme 73Gb os 4.3GB swap | 07:03 |
ActionParsnip | !eol | Guido1 | 07:03 |
ubottu | Guido1: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 07:03 |
sidney | Is this the proper way to setup a drive 500MB boot 5 Gb swap 12 GB Root the rest home? | 07:03 |
ActionParsnip | sidney: how much RAM do you have? | 07:04 |
sidney | 2 gb | 07:04 |
ActionParsnip | sidney: and do you hav a particular reason for a seperate /boot partition? | 07:04 |
sidney | i read online | 07:04 |
reisio | I read about raptor jesus online | 07:04 |
Mr_EE1 | ActionParsnip: it says ""NO proprietary are in use on this system."" | 07:05 |
ActionParsnip | sidney: you don't need one unless you have good reason (like non bootable raid and such) | 07:05 |
kamilnadeem | ActionParsnip: Am I doing it wrong ? | 07:05 |
ActionParsnip | sidney: you only need 2Gb swap, unless you are intending to use a LOT of RAM | 07:05 |
reisio | sidney: what ActionParsnip said | 07:05 |
sidney | so leave the boot partition out | 07:05 |
ActionParsnip | Mr_EE1: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current will install what you need | 07:05 |
Guido1 | on the other computers i could upgread to 9.10 and than 10.04 some weeks ago | 07:05 |
reisio | you can probably just tell Ubuntu where the partition space is and let it use its default partitioning system | 07:05 |
ActionParsnip | sidney: yes, it can be part of the / partition with no ill effects at all | 07:05 |
ActionParsnip | kamilnadeem: there may be a cli way to set that | 07:06 |
Logos01 | ActionParsnip: custom.conf is gdm-specific | 07:06 |
sidney | swap dosent have to be twice the ram | 07:06 |
Mr_EE1 | ActionParsnip: and after installing what should i do? | 07:07 |
kamilnadeem | ActionParsnip: If you may direct me to it? | 07:07 |
aussie_matt | can anyone help with an aspire that wont boot ubuntu? It ran mandriva ok, my usb is ok as well as it boots on my desktop | 07:07 |
Logos01 | sidney: It does not need to be, but having it be 2x RAM ensures clean hibernation events. | 07:07 |
Logos01 | aussie_matt: Where does the boot process die? | 07:08 |
aussie_matt | stalls before grub/lilo, let me boot it up and i can tell you exactly | 07:08 |
reisio | sidney: it's an old rule, from 512MB RAM days and earlier | 07:08 |
sidney | ok thanks to both of you | 07:09 |
Guido1 | and linux sees that ther is a newer version, but downloading does not work | 07:09 |
ActionParsnip | kamilnadeem: may be able to edit /etc/pulse/daemon.conf and change: ; default-sample-channels = 2 to ; default-sample-channels = 5 | 07:09 |
ActionParsnip | Mr_EE1: reboot | 07:09 |
Mr_EE1 | ActionParsnip: ok | 07:09 |
kamilnadeem | ActionParsnip: OK trying it | 07:09 |
aussie_matt | Logos01: 'SYSLINUX 4.03 2010-10-22 EDD Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al' | 07:09 |
ActionParsnip | kamilnadeem: and remove the semicolon too | 07:09 |
Logos01 | aussie_matt: Try reinstalling GRUB? | 07:10 |
aussie_matt | Logos01: thats all it says with a blinking cursur below it | 07:10 |
ActionParsnip | kamilnadeem: if you get no sound after a reboot, re-edit the file back and reboot | 07:10 |
Logos01 | ActionParsnip: I found custom.conf -- it's in /etc/gdm -- but that's not being honored either. | 07:10 |
aussie_matt | Logos01: im trying to boot from the usb to install it | 07:10 |
Mr_EE1 | reboot | 07:10 |
Logos01 | So there's got to be some other source for default sessions for Ubuntu. | 07:10 |
Logos01 | aussie_matt: So reinstall grub to the USB. | 07:10 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: strange, have you tried asking in #lxde too | 07:10 |
aussie_matt | Logos01: but it boots my desktop ok, shouldnt it be ok on my netbook? | 07:11 |
Logos01 | ActionParsnip: Well, no. But it doesn't seem to be an LXDE 'thing'. | 07:11 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: it's lxdm right? | 07:11 |
Logos01 | Since the lxdm-binary gets called, but LXDM's logic checks for whether there's already a default environment and then uses that. | 07:11 |
Logos01 | So even if I configure a default *for lxdm* it won't use it so long as Ubuntu's default continues to exist. | 07:12 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc please | 07:12 |
Logos01 | In fact... I've got a process "gnome-session --session=ubuntu" running, and that's exactly wrong. | 07:13 |
Logos01 | ActionParsnip: oneiric | 07:13 |
kamilnadeem | ActionParsnip: Basically it happens when I increse the volume to max, on medium it will remain 4.1 but as I turn it to full it changes to stereo output. The reason of it may be the that the connector in sound settings interchanges randomly between headphones and Analog speaker. | 07:13 |
Logos01 | aussie_matt: Well... probably. But you never quite know with these things. | 07:13 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: have you seen /etc/lxdm/default.conf | 07:13 |
Logos01 | ActionParsnip: Yes. | 07:14 |
ActionParsnip | kamilnadeem: why would you want it at full, it'd distort sound, crank on the speakers :) | 07:14 |
Logos01 | ActionParsnip: "## default session or desktop used when no systemwide config | 07:14 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: maybe /var/log/lxdm.log will have clues | 07:14 |
sasori | to revive the terminal that has a current ssh/vim session going on?..because I left my terminal for few minutes, when i came back, i can't move the cursor of the vim anymore | 07:15 |
Logos01 | ActionParsnip: There's nothing useful int here. | 07:16 |
kamilnadeem | ActionParsnip: :) well I keep the speakers volume to medium on the speaker control and change it via the sound indicator, when I do it full the connector in sound settings is dancing between headphones and speaker. I don't have a headphone connected | 07:16 |
Logos01 | s/int here/in there/ | 07:16 |
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sn00p | Why does my extended monitor blank out on resolution 1024x768? | 07:16 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: could ask in #lubuntu they may be able to advise some | 07:17 |
Logos01 | sasori: Hit <enter>~? <-- exactly that. What happens? | 07:17 |
kamilnadeem | this is the reason why 4.1 reverts to stereo output as headphones don't support 4.1, what say , am I correct in my diagnose? | 07:17 |
Logos01 | ActionParsnip: I really do believe this is an Ubuntu-specific thing because there's some sort of global desktop environment configuration somewhere. | 07:17 |
Guido1 | looks quite complicated :-( | 07:18 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: lubuntu is an official ubuntu release using lxde as well as lxdm, the guys may know the config a little better | 07:18 |
Logos01 | I don't think it's an lxdm config issue, is what I'm saying. | 07:19 |
ActionParsnip | kamilnadeem: can you give the output of: wget -O; chmod +x ./; ./ | 07:19 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: how is it not? lxdm manages the autologinon your system.... | 07:19 |
kamilnadeem | ye sure | 07:19 |
sasori | Logos01: the cursor is just blinking from where i stopped awhile ago | 07:20 |
Logos01 | ActionParsnip: Because lxdm's config file specifically states it uses the global default session if it exists. | 07:20 |
Logos01 | So that means I need to change the *global* default session, and that's not in lxdm. | 07:20 |
Logos01 | sasori: Did you do what I asked? | 07:20 |
kamilnadeem | ActionParsnip: here | 07:21 |
kamilnadeem | or do I pastebin the whole terminal | 07:21 |
sasori | Logos01: yes i did hit enter | 07:21 |
batista | hi all / oi todos | 07:21 |
batista | lol | 07:22 |
kamilnadeem | ActionParsnip: here is the terminal output | 07:22 |
diki | so a week ago I tried playing with swap from a 10.04 tutorial and...i thought that it will work | 07:22 |
diki | turns out i screwed my ubuntu installation | 07:22 |
sn00p | Why does my extended monitor blank out on resolution 1024x768? | 07:22 |
Logos01 | sasori: And it's not responding? | 07:22 |
diki | is there a way to initiate a repair and keep my files? | 07:22 |
sasori | Logos01: yep, it's not | 07:23 |
Logos01 | Then your ssh process is entirely frozen, and you're not going to get it back. | 07:23 |
Logos01 | Kill the process and reinitialize ssh to the box. | 07:23 |
dr_willis | diki: what did you do exactly? if you altered swap in fstab , you can use a live cd to repair the file | 07:24 |
qmanjr5 | What would be an efficient way to be able to edit files quickly on a networked computer? | 07:24 |
dr_willis | qmanjr5: what os on the machines? | 07:25 |
Logos01 | ActionParsnip: So... yeah, there's a global session config entry *SOMEWHERE*. | 07:25 |
qmanjr5 | dr_willis, Ubuntu on the one with the files, Windows Vista on the other one | 07:25 |
sasori | Logos01: aren't there any methods/technique to keep a session alive always ? | 07:26 |
Logos01 | I need to know where so I can change it or remove it and let lxdm's default get honored. | 07:26 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: the find dm conf command may show it, that's all I got | 07:26 |
Logos01 | sasori: Nothing's going to help a frozen process. | 07:26 |
reisio | qmanjr5: ssh in, edit with console editor like nano or vim ? | 07:26 |
ActionParsnip | sasori: you can kill its parent ;) | 07:26 |
reisio | just like ole Oedipus Rex | 07:26 |
Logos01 | ActionParsnip: He doesn't want to kill a zombie, he wants to keep ssh from freezing/dying. | 07:26 |
qmanjr5 | reisio, ugh. | 07:27 |
sasori | reisio: vim | 07:27 |
reisio | qmanjr5: don't like that? | 07:27 |
dr_willis | qmanjr5: samba to make shares the windows box can access. or use one of the sshfs tools/sfpt clients for windows. i forget the name of one ActionParsnip tole me about last week. | 07:27 |
reisio | sasori: vim! | 07:27 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: yeah mine does that but I just close putty and load another and boot the old session | 07:27 |
dr_willis | qmanjr5: or use xming and ssh x forwarding. | 07:27 |
qmanjr5 | dr_willis, how would I access the files on the Windows box? | 07:28 |
reisio | qmanjr5: do you want to edit system files, or random personal documents? | 07:28 |
qmanjr5 | and how do I set up Samba? | 07:28 |
dr_willis | qmanjr5: for linux to windows. you make a share | 07:28 |
qmanjr5 | reisio, personal | 07:28 |
reisio | ah | 07:28 |
dr_willis | and point the gnome file manager to it | 07:28 |
ActionParsnip | qmanjr5: | 07:28 |
ActionParsnip | qmanjr5: dr_willis | 07:29 |
reisio | :) | 07:29 |
reisio | mentioned in a comment in ActionParsnip's first link | 07:29 |
reisio | or yeah you could use samba | 07:29 |
dr_willis | i couldent get dokan working reisio | 07:29 |
dr_willis | swish works well it seems | 07:29 |
qmanjr5 | reisio, dr_willis which would be easier? | 07:29 |
reisio | dr_willis: never tried it myself, looked like there were step-by-step instructions in the aforementioned comment | 07:30 |
dr_willis | qmanjr5: acessung a windows file from a linux box. you basically have to use a windows/samba share | 07:30 |
Guido1 | i folow this link but get "error during upgreading" (chosing conect to internet, but the internet is working) | 07:30 |
qmanjr5 | It's accessing Linux files from Windows. | 07:30 |
dr_willis | qmanjr5: accessing a linux file from windows.. you got more options | 07:30 |
Logos01 | dr_willis: Not if you have a running ssh instance on the Windows box. | 07:31 |
Logos01 | Or an rsync server running on it. These *do* exist. :-) | 07:31 |
reisio | lot of overhead | 07:31 |
dr_willis | swish should work well. if you want to use a windows editor | 07:31 |
qmanjr5 | dr_willis, i just want something where I can open the files on the Windows box and save them without hassle | 07:31 |
dr_willis | qmanjr5: what kind of files | 07:31 |
qmanjr5 | Web development. PHP and CSS | 07:32 |
reisio | qmanjr5: you want to edit them with Windows tools? | 07:32 |
Logos01 | qmanjr5: Umm... firefox? sftp://user@dns-entry | 07:32 |
sasori | has anyone ever tried screen on ubuntu terminal while being ssh/vim connnected ? | 07:32 |
ActionParsnip | qmanjr5: yep, swish should do that | 07:32 |
reisio | qmanjr5: you could enable th VNC server and remote in graphically | 07:32 |
dr_willis | sasori: yes. all the time | 07:32 |
Logos01 | sasori: Sure. Screen is always useful. But you have to use it *first*. | 07:32 |
Logos01 | Can't port an already-existing process to screen. | 07:32 |
* reisio just got done adding screen to /etc/skel/.bashrc for a box full of newbs :p | 07:33 | |
qmanjr5 | So I can edit the files without having to move them back and forth with Swish, right? | 07:33 |
reisio | qmanjr5: seemingly | 07:33 |
sasori | ok | 07:33 |
dr_willis | reisio: byobu has that option in its settigs. ;) | 07:33 |
qmanjr5 | wait, do I install it on the Windows box, or the Linux box? | 07:33 |
reisio | dr_willis: what, make all new accounts use byobu? | 07:33 |
reisio | qmanjr5: windows | 07:34 |
qmanjr5 | reisio, do i have to set anything up on the Linux machine? | 07:34 |
dr_willis | qmanjr5: a ssh server | 07:34 |
qmanjr5 | Which should I use? | 07:34 |
dr_willis | andchat crashed on me... ;( | 07:35 |
reisio | qmanjr5: sudo apt-get install openssh-server && sudo service ssh start | 07:35 |
reisio | qmanjr5: there's essentially only one of note, openssh's | 07:35 |
dr_willis | qmanjr5: the one in the repos' | 07:35 |
dr_willis | ;) | 07:35 |
reisio | and, I guess update-rc.d it | 07:35 |
qmanjr5 | Apparently I already have it | 07:35 |
qmanjr5 | and am running it | 07:35 |
reisio | :D | 07:35 |
dr_willis | it sets itself up to auto run and runs when you install it.. | 07:35 |
reisio | qmanjr5: using the server edition? | 07:35 |
Logos01 | ActionParsnip: So... #lubuntu is dead-silent. | 07:36 |
qmanjr5 | reisio, well it said the job is already runing: ssh | 07:36 |
reisio | Logos01: and? | 07:36 |
reisio | qmanjr5: mmm, strange | 07:36 |
reisio | I thought it wasn't included or started by default, at least in the Desktop edition | 07:36 |
qmanjr5 | reisio, I think I may have installed it before | 07:36 |
reisio | maybe you forgot you added it | 07:36 |
reisio | yeah :p | 07:36 |
qmanjr5 | :P | 07:36 |
qmanjr5 | So what now? | 07:36 |
qmanjr5 | Go install Swish on the windows machine? | 07:36 |
reisio | qmanjr5: setup that win32 app you were talking about | 07:36 |
dr_willis | reisio: when you install it.. it sets itself up and starts | 07:36 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: dang | 07:36 |
reisio | dr_willis: right but it isn't installed by default last I checked | 07:37 |
Logos01 | Twenty minutes and I'm the only person who's peeped. | 07:37 |
qmanjr5 | reisio, how would I connect to this computer? | 07:37 |
reisio | dr_willis: does it add itself to bootup? | 07:37 |
qmanjr5 | What IP do I use? all that | 07:37 |
dr_willis | reisio: its not. ;) but your other commands are not needed | 07:37 |
reisio | qmanjr5: user@IP (from ifconfig) | 07:37 |
dr_willis | reisio: yes. yes it does.. | 07:37 |
reisio | qmanjr5: or possibly @hostname, if you configure it right | 07:37 |
reisio | dr_willis: ah, good beans | 07:37 |
qmanjr5 | mkay, so I take the IP from ifoncfig | 07:38 |
qmanjr5 | ifconfig* | 07:38 |
reisio | right | 07:38 |
dr_willis | ssh is worth learning well qmanjr5 ;) its sooooo handy | 07:38 |
reisio | the rest the win32 app installer/configurator/instructions will hopefully cover | 07:38 |
qmanjr5 | can I use my LAN address? i.e., 192.168, all that | 07:38 |
reisio | and pretty darn secure | 07:38 |
reisio | qmanjr5: yes | 07:38 |
dr_willis | qmanjr5: yes. the ip of the server | 07:38 |
qmanjr5 | Sweet | 07:38 |
kamilnadeem | ActionParsnip: did you get anything out of it? | 07:39 |
ActionParsnip | kamilnadeem: out of what? | 07:39 |
qmanjr5 | well, if I don't come back, then it'll have worked.If not.....well, we'll talk then. | 07:39 |
qmanjr5 | Au revoir | 07:39 |
MeirD | Hello, Is there a way I can set up VPN without static IP address? | 07:39 |
kamilnadeem | ActionParsnip: the output of the commandyou asked me to run? | 07:40 |
ActionParsnip | kamilnadeem: just reading, looks fine afaics, but my sound troubleshooting isn't great | 07:40 |
kamilnadeem | ActionParsnip: ok :) | 07:40 |
KM0201 | MeirD: it'd be pretty difficult.. can you assign IP addresses via your router? (that's how i usually assign them) | 07:41 |
Logos01 | ActionParsnip: So, I just reviewed the Xsession script for lxdm. It *definitely* inherits the session entry from somewhere. It is designed to take that as an argument to its invocation. | 07:41 |
Logos01 | The find / | grep dm | grep conf did not find what this file is. | 07:41 |
MeirD | I am not sure I understood.. my ISP assigns dynamic addresses | 07:41 |
KM0201 | MeirD: do you have a router? | 07:41 |
Logos01 | I am very, very annoyed right now with how user-unfriendly Ubuntu can be to anyone who is just a few grades above GUI-only. | 07:42 |
KM0201 | most routers have the capability to assign IP addresses | 07:42 |
KM0201 | MeirD: oh wait, nevermind, i'm sorry.. i'm totally spacing it right now.. | 07:42 |
KM0201 | my bad, i follow what you're saying now | 07:42 |
MeirD | :) | 07:42 |
Logos01 | MeirD: Yes, there is. You want to set your home router up with a DynamicDNS service. | 07:42 |
Logos01 | And then use that DynDNS entry for your private VPN sessions. | 07:43 |
ActionParsnip | MeirD: or :) | 07:43 |
dr_willis | dynamicdns is soooooo handy | 07:43 |
MeirD | oh great, thnx! | 07:43 |
Logos01 | ActionParsnip: *is* a DynDNS service. I use it myself. :-) | 07:44 |
reisio | Logos01: sorry, what was your lubuntu thing? | 07:44 |
ActionParsnip | Logos01: its similar, but not the same | 07:44 |
Logos01 | reisio: I'm trying to change the default session value for lxdm. | 07:44 |
Logos01 | The logic of Xsession for lxdm inherits that value from "somewhere". | 07:44 |
Logos01 | I cannot figure out where. | 07:45 |
Logos01 | It's not /etc/lxdm/default.conf -- that gets overriden by the global default. | 07:45 |
reisio | Logos01: you know about dpkg -L lxdm ? | 07:45 |
dr_willis | Logos01: perhaps a system wide 'dmrc' file | 07:46 |
reisio | otherwise I imagine you want /etc/X11/Sessions/ or /etc/env.d/FOOxsession | 07:46 |
reisio | or something else in /etc/X11/ | 07:47 |
Logos01 | dr_willis++. | 07:47 |
dr_willis | locate dmrc | 07:47 |
Logos01 | There's indeed a ~/.dmrc | 07:47 |
dr_willis | finds 3 | 07:47 |
dr_willis | i see some dmrc also | 07:48 |
Logos01 | And it has an entry that maps well to my ps entries. | 07:48 |
dr_willis | users have a .dmrc i see a lightdm/dmrc and a kdm/dmrc also | 07:48 |
dr_willis | /var/cache/lightdm/dmrc | 07:49 |
dr_willis | and a /etc/kde/kdm/dmrc | 07:49 |
dr_willis | not on a lubutu box. ) | 07:49 |
DeltaEpsilon | I am starting to like gnome 3 | 07:50 |
sn00p | How come my extended monitor wont go over 800x600 resolution its on netbook and running ubuntu 11.10 every time I switch to 1024x768 it will blank out it uses i945g would appreciate some help thanks | 07:50 |
Logos01 | YES! | 07:52 |
Logos01 | dr_willis: Many bonus points to you, good sir. | 07:52 |
Logos01 | The global file was indeed ~/.dmrc | 07:52 |
zus | does any one still use the sawfish window manager? | 07:53 |
dr_willis | thsts not the global file | 07:53 |
dr_willis | thats the users personal file | 07:53 |
Logos01 | lxdm treats it as the global file. | 07:53 |
reisio | probably sourced by default from a global file in /etc/ | 07:53 |
Logos01 | system setting anyhow. | 07:53 |
dr_willis | Logos01: for that one user.. | 07:54 |
reisio | zus: can't imagine otherwise | 07:54 |
Logos01 | Point is, it lets ~/.dmrc override /etc/lxdm/default.conf | 07:54 |
dr_willis | which was not what you wer asking for earlier. ;) | 07:54 |
reisio | Logos01: indeed | 07:54 |
reisio | in general ~/.foo files are user-specific, for overriding system-wide configuration files in /etc/ | 07:54 |
Logos01 | And it does that *for the "Default" entry in the login screen.* | 07:54 |
dr_willis | lxdm most likely chnages the .dmrc each time the user selects a session | 07:54 |
=== fornix__ is now known as fornix | ||
Logos01 | dr_willis: No, it doesn't do that. | 07:55 |
zus | i read it was Gnome standard Wm before metacity 2.2, i was hopeing some one still used it | 07:55 |
Logos01 | Maybe it *should*, but after logging into the environment I wanted manually a good six times, it still wasn't taking that environment as the default for the user. | 07:55 |
dr_willis | Logos01: gdm and kdm work that way. you pick 'foo' foo gets saved to .dmrc | 07:55 |
Logos01 | That is true. | 07:55 |
Logos01 | But lxdm wasn't saving. | 07:55 |
dr_willis | check permissions on the file. | 07:55 |
Logos01 | I just wrote to it as non-sudo | 07:56 |
dr_willis | or just delete it and let lxdm remake it | 07:56 |
Logos01 | Since it's a single-user box, problem solved. | 07:56 |
dr_willis | lxdm reads it befor the user logs in. so it may be special permissions | 07:56 |
zus | the repos have an older version, there is a 1.8.1 , i want to know if it will update to 1.8.1 if i install from repos or will i have to find another way? | 07:56 |
Logos01 | rw-r--r-- | 07:57 |
Logos01 | Nothing fancy. | 07:57 |
dr_willis | same here. owned by user.user | 07:57 |
Logos01 | Yup. | 07:57 |
Superxgl | hi all, a side question, which IRC client is best ? | 07:58 |
dr_willis | Superxgl: depends o your needs | 07:58 |
dr_willis | on.. | 07:58 |
dr_willis | i use weechat. | 07:58 |
Superxgl | i am a newbie, i don't know | 07:59 |
dr_willis | or andchat on my phone. | 07:59 |
Superxgl | i use mIRC | 07:59 |
bekks | irssi and colloquy | 07:59 |
fornix | Superxgl, then u need xchat | 07:59 |
dr_willis | Superxgl: stick to xchat then. not xchat gnome | 07:59 |
bekks | mIRC is the worst :) | 07:59 |
dr_willis | worser then worst | 07:59 |
Superxgl | err... | 07:59 |
dr_willis | ;) | 07:59 |
bekks | Even evil. | 07:59 |
Superxgl | xchat? why? it is beteter than mIRC? | 08:00 |
sattu94 | irssi ? | 08:00 |
dr_willis | mirc teaches some very bad habbits/expectations and attitudes | 08:00 |
zus | Superxgl, i like Xchat best for graphical IRC, but either WeeChat or irssi for terminal IRC | 08:00 |
bekks | Superxgl: Literally everything is better than mIRC - due to the fact that mIRC is known to be a GUI for a lot of security issues, bugs, flaws. | 08:00 |
dr_willis | xchat runs on linux and windows ;) | 08:00 |
fornix | Superxgl, as u are in #ubuntu channel, we assume you use Linux. Mirc is for windows only. | 08:01 |
Fuego | My speakers will randomly start to replace all audio with a high-pitched ringing noise. | 08:01 |
reisio | randomly like when you move a microphone near them? :D | 08:02 |
Fuego | No microphone. | 08:02 |
Superxgl | i use windows now,so which one is best for windows? | 08:02 |
Fuego | Like, I'll boot up, all will be normal, after a while all audio will start to come out as ringing. | 08:02 |
bekks | Superxgl: We dont know. This isnt a Windows channel. | 08:02 |
zus | Superxgl, Xchat | 08:02 |
reisio | Superxgl: one of these: | 08:02 |
fornix | Superxgl, try xchat -> | 08:03 |
Superxgl | ok, thank you very much for you guys, i will have a try on xchat | 08:03 |
freaky[t]_ | hi all. how do I upgrade to Oneiric? oO | 08:03 |
reisio | I bet ubottu knows | 08:03 |
Fuego | And it only shows up if I have something making audio- like, if I pause banshee/close out of youtube/whatever, it goes away. | 08:03 |
zus | windows channel or not, since xchat runs on both systems, when he does come to linux hell be familliar with one program, | 08:03 |
jtannenbaum | is there an easy way to empty the trash from the command-line? It would be more pleasant than having to do it with GUI and I could even bind it to a key combo | 08:03 |
reisio | !upgrade > freaky[t]_ | 08:04 |
ubottu | freaky[t]_, please see my private message | 08:04 |
freaky[t]_ | found it thanks | 08:04 |
reisio | awe :p | 08:04 |
jtannenbaum | "rm -rf ~/.Trash/*" - google | 08:04 |
dr_willis | !trash | 08:04 |
ubottu | Your GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device. | 08:04 |
jtannenbaum | doesn't work though | 08:04 |
dr_willis | not .Trash these days.. | 08:04 |
jtannenbaum | GUI it is | 08:04 |
dr_willis | !dosentwork | 08:05 |
reisio | see the idea is to make it really hard for you to get rid of your pornography :D | 08:05 |
Logos01 | Alrighty... now on to the next project. | 08:05 |
Logos01 | Enabling Flash-plugin GPU accelaration on this box. | 08:05 |
dr_willis | cd .local/share/Trash ..... rm -rf * | 08:05 |
zus | reisio, a clean install should fix that - of its bad pron lol | 08:05 |
eigar | When I start gnome-terminal the menu is visible. If I hide it , close window and start new the menu is back. I have also tisked off menu in configuarion editor. Stil it is there. Only change is that it is not "ticked" in the menu (shows as disabled/hidden) - resulting in that I have to select hide menu twice. How to fix? | 08:06 |
reisio | rm pr0n && echo '' > ~/.bash_history && history -c | 08:06 |
mazda01 | I can't figure out WHERE to modify which kernel is loaded in Grub2. Which config file to change or command to run to update the grub2 menu so it AUTO boots a certain kernel. | 08:06 |
reisio | mazda01: /etc/default/grub | 08:06 |
bekks | mazda01: Dont touch that file. | 08:06 |
reisio | mazda01: modify, run sudo update-grub | 08:06 |
mazda01 | reisio, | 08:06 |
mazda01 | bekks, I know | 08:07 |
reisio | das my name | 08:07 |
mazda01 | bekks, which is correct way to do it? | 08:07 |
reisio | he probably wants you to use the custom file in /etc/grub.d/ | 08:07 |
bekks | mazda01: mazda01 By reading this: | 08:07 |
Logos01 | It's menu.cfg... | 08:07 |
reisio | my way is perfectly correct :D | 08:07 |
Fuego | Anyone heard of the ringing thing? (Not mic related, do not own microphone) | 08:08 |
reisio | Fuego: I'd check levels in alsamixer | 08:08 |
reisio | Fuego: anything that says analog, especially, and boost | 08:08 |
mazda01 | Fuego, i get a weird buzzing when my iphone 4 is too close to computer. it comes out the speakers. | 08:08 |
reisio | mazda01: speakers that prefer open source software, no doubt | 08:09 |
Fuego | Alright. Stupid question- how do I open alsamixer? | 08:09 |
reisio | Fuego: 'alsamixer' | 08:09 |
Fuego | Well, they work fine when I first boot up. | 08:09 |
=== drew is now known as Guest70875 | ||
reisio | TAB to see more, ESC to quit | 08:09 |
Logos01 | Fuego: in terminal, execute `alsamixer` | 08:09 |
eigar | Anyone else have same problem? | 08:09 |
Fuego | Okay. What am I looking at here? | 08:09 |
mazda01 | reisio, LOL. if I could load up android os on my iphone I would! | 08:09 |
eigar | It is a rather fres install of Ubuntu 11.10 | 08:10 |
dr_willis | Fuego: the ncurses based alsa mixer? | 08:10 |
reisio | well, there are android phones that are the familiar rounded rectangle shape of an iPhone :p but we digress | 08:10 |
Fuego | Just to re-hash - everything is fine when I first boot up. After a while, it changes over to just producing the same ringing noise for all audio that should be played. | 08:10 |
reisio | Fuego: the levels for all your audio devices | 08:10 |
Fuego | Okay. Which ones would be at fault? | 08:11 |
reisio | arrow keys & tab, m to mute | 08:11 |
reisio | Fuego: I'd check for anything mentioning 'analog' or 'boost' first | 08:11 |
dr_willis | arrow past the right if there more they will appear | 08:11 |
blkperl | so kernel 3.0.0-13 doesn't boot for me... | 08:12 |
Fuego | None of them say analog or boost. | 08:12 |
reisio | blkperl: I advise you do not use it, then | 08:12 |
Fuego | I'm not sure how to say this- the ringing noise is decidedly *related* to what should be being played. | 08:12 |
reisio | it'd be weird if it weren't | 08:12 |
blkperl | reisio: thanks so helpful | 08:13 |
reisio | Fuego: and you're sure it's not just your ears? :D | 08:13 |
mazda01 | anyone know if startup manager works with 10.04 BUT using grub2? | 08:13 |
Fuego | Pretty sure. | 08:13 |
Fuego | Again, when I first boot up, it's fine. | 08:13 |
reisio | mazda01: GRUB doesn't have much to do with the system after it's booted | 08:13 |
reisio | Fuego: hrmmm | 08:13 |
Fuego | Then after a while- maybe a half hour or so- it switches over to ringing. | 08:13 |
reisio | really sounds more like hardware failure to me | 08:14 |
zus | will ubuntu uodate a window manager from 1.2 to 1.8 if the older one is in the repos? | 08:14 |
Fuego | *Shrugs* Works find on my windows boot. | 08:14 |
reisio | it'd be odder for your software to be going bad over time, after a boot | 08:14 |
reisio | Fuego: interesting | 08:14 |
Fuego | That's one word for it. | 08:14 |
reisio | zus: is or isn't | 08:14 |
Fuego | I had more linux-experienced friends over who heard it- they thought it might be something about the audiopipe. | 08:15 |
Fuego | Mind, I have no idea what that means. | 08:15 |
reisio | probably made it up | 08:15 |
zus | reisio ubuntu has it in the repos but its 1.2 the new version is 1.8 | 08:16 |
reisio | all I can think of is ordinary debug practice: | 08:16 |
reisio | disable stuff i pulse & alsa | 08:16 |
reisio | disable as much as you can without losing the playback you want | 08:16 |
Fuego | i pulse being...? | 08:16 |
reisio | Fuego: runs on top of alsa, has some additional features | 08:16 |
reisio | pulseaudio | 08:16 |
reisio | disable stuff in* I meant | 08:16 |
reisio | zus: by default Ubuntu will only be aware of what is in its repos | 08:17 |
dr_willis | next time it does it. log out/back in.. see it is gets fixed for a while. | 08:17 |
mazda01 | bekks, reisio going to check to see if it boots my 4 menu item, versus the default 0 | 08:17 |
mazda01 | BRB if needed | 08:17 |
eigar | Ok. Fixed it. | 08:17 |
Fuego | Okay, how do I get into pulse audio? | 08:18 |
reisio | no idea, someone else will know | 08:18 |
reisio | I don't use it | 08:18 |
hippsta | hi all :) | 08:18 |
zus | Reisio how does ubuntu know to update whats in the repos? of all the time i used linux i never questioned that | 08:18 |
Cocksucker | i like it when guys piss in my asshole | 08:18 |
Fuego | Ok, it's related to audio profiles. | 08:18 |
bekks | !ops | 08:18 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U! | 08:18 |
reisio | hippsta: hi | 08:18 |
Fuego | Cause when I change those, some tests work, some fail. | 08:18 |
Cocksucker | would any of you care to piss in my asshole? | 08:19 |
bekks | thx pangolin :) | 08:19 |
reisio | zus: "Ubuntu developers" watch upstream development activity | 08:19 |
reisio | zus: and add new releases as they are made, according to various things | 08:19 |
reisio | zus: I'm sure people also request for "version bumps" through the various bug trackers, too | 08:19 |
zus | ah i didnt realize all that | 08:20 |
reisio | zus: or, rather, in the case of Ubuntu, frequently, Debian "developers", I would imagine | 08:20 |
Fuego | Grr... messed around with audio profiles. | 08:20 |
reisio | they build the packages and modify them according to the distro practices, and the filesystem placement varieties | 08:21 |
Fuego | Problem's gone (for now), not sure if it's related or coincidence. | 08:21 |
Fuego | Trying to reproduce. | 08:21 |
zus | interesting reisio i never thought to really look into that and took it for granted, when using synaptic | 08:21 |
reisio | zus: worth knowing | 08:22 |
ratan | hi | 08:22 |
reisio | ratan: hiyo | 08:22 |
kio_http | Hi, I run Kubuntu 11.10, I installed ubuntu-desktop and I am getting this Now attempting to remove all ubuntu-desktop packages using fails as does removing totem or totem-common | 08:24 |
eigar | Fuego: Fuego : I have paman + pavucontrol etc. But it seldom solves things. | 08:24 |
nicknefarious | Hi guys... Anyone can help me out with Flash problems....? | 08:25 |
kio_http | My system is stock except for Kubuntu's official KDE backports PPA for KDE 4.7.3 | 08:26 |
eigar | paman is pulse audio manager, and pavucontrol is pulse audio server volume controller | 08:26 |
fmoritz | wo0, empathy is i can bug the Gods of being bugged on a regular basis now =] | 08:26 |
kio_http | Any ideas?? | 08:27 |
kio_http | I hate these stupid Gnome things stuck on the system | 08:28 |
reisio | kio_http: ideas about what? | 08:28 |
kio_http | Hi, I run Kubuntu 11.10, I installed ubuntu-desktop and I am getting this Now attempting to remove all ubuntu-desktop packages using fails as does removing totem or totem-common | 08:28 |
kio_http | reisio: | 08:28 |
woshizuokuntian | hello guys? | 08:28 |
reisio | woshizuokuntian: hello? | 08:28 |
reisio | kio_http: fails how? | 08:29 |
nicknefarious | Hi guys, can anyone here help me out with Flash problems on Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit? | 08:29 |
kio_http | reisio: | 08:29 |
woshizuokuntian | I am from china | 08:29 |
reisio | woshizuokuntian: hello | 08:29 |
woshizuokuntian | my english | 08:29 |
nicknefarious | Ni Hao... | 08:29 |
reisio | nicknefarious: what problems? | 08:29 |
reisio | woshizuokuntian: there's #ubuntu-cn and #ubuntu-tw also | 08:29 |
nicknefarious | Shockwave plugin keeps crashing.... | 08:29 |
reisio | apologies if one of those offends you :p | 08:30 |
CaptAnon | is excellent | 08:30 |
Logos01 | nicknefarious: Ko-ni-chi-wa, motherfucker. (As Sam Jackson would say.) | 08:30 |
reisio | nicknefarious: not shockwave | 08:30 |
nicknefarious | Firefox, Opera, Chromium, Chrome... | 08:30 |
wendico | hello, i have ubuntu 64bit and i have a ntfs partition created from ubuntu wich is working perfectly from ubuntu 64 and 32. NEvertheless my partition is not accesible trought xp 32bit (gpt partition) can i solve the issue without loosing any data in my harddrive? i need to access it trought xp 32 bit also | 08:30 |
fmoritz | trying to play skyrim using wine 1.3.28 on Ubuntu 11.10...steam loads and then minimizes to the bottom left...never to return | 08:30 |
pangolin | !language | Logos01 | 08:30 |
ubottu | Logos01: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 08:30 |
Logos01 | ... | 08:30 |
Logos01 | Seriously? | 08:30 |
fmoritz | bt right* | 08:30 |
Logos01 | Suck it. | 08:30 |
reisio | fmoritz: you follow the notes if any at ? | 08:30 |
fmoritz | thank you | 08:30 |
reisio | nicknefarious: which version? | 08:30 |
nicknefarious | Chrome and other now return an error reporting that the shockwave plug in has crashed... | 08:31 |
reisio | wendico: XP might need some extra software for GPT is my guess | 08:31 |
reisio | wendico: should probably ask ##windows | 08:31 |
reisio | XP predates GPT popularity by some time | 08:31 |
reisio | nicknefarious: it's not shockwave, it's just flash | 08:32 |
reisio | nicknefarious: can you tell me what version it is? | 08:32 |
fmoritz | reisio: so in order to run it, i have to install of the prerequisites first and foremost?: 3dx9,dsound,directmusic,dotnet20,dotnet30,vcrun2008,vcrun2010. | 08:32 |
reisio | fmoritz: if that's what the notes say, probably, they're usually pretty accurate | 08:33 |
nicknefarious | Flash version? Downloaded the latest version from Adobe website a couple of days back using Flash-Aid add-on in Firefox | 08:33 |
reisio | fmoritz: look like winetricks options | 08:33 |
nicknefarious | I'll check now... | 08:33 |
reisio | fmoritz: know what that means? | 08:33 |
reisio | nicknefarious: ah, there's your first problem | 08:33 |
fmoritz | yes | 08:33 |
fmoritz | looking | 08:33 |
kio_http | reisio: Try to remove ubuntu-desktop's nonsense gives this and trying to install ubuntu-desktop and apt-get install -f both gives this | 08:33 |
reisio | kio_http: sorry looking | 08:34 |
glitchd | question, if i upgrade to 11.10 from the update manager, will all my files still be on the system, including the programs i currnetly have installed?? | 08:34 |
fmoritz | reisio: i'm in wintricks | 08:34 |
kio_http | glitchd: yes | 08:34 |
reisio | fmoritz: it's a script, you run it with those things you listed as options | 08:34 |
fmoritz | o0o | 08:34 |
reisio | fmoritz: explained here: | 08:35 |
reisio | 'Using winetricks' section | 08:35 |
Folklore | how do I get a shell script to work by itself, it works when i run inside terminal but if I just double click it lets me choose execute or execute in terminal | 08:35 |
fmoritz | danke reiso | 08:35 |
Folklore | neither of those work | 08:35 |
Folklore | have to manually type ./whatever in terminal | 08:35 |
glitchd | kio_http, i also have burg installed ontop of grub, will i have to reinstall burg? | 08:35 |
reisio | Folklore: does it have a shebang? | 08:35 |
wendico | reisio, i know windows 32 bit cannot access that partition, my question would be, is there something i can do with gparted (from ubuntu since my hard disk is not accesible trought windows) to convert the partition (with all its data) to a ntfs 32 bit partition? | 08:35 |
kio_http | glitchd: Probably unless burg is in repos | 08:36 |
glitchd | kio_http, how would i find out if its in the repos? | 08:36 |
reisio | wendico: I doubt the arch you made it from is the issue | 08:36 |
nicknefarious | Flash version - from Adobe-s testing page... | 08:36 |
kio_http | glitchd: did you install it from repos | 08:36 |
glitchd | kio_http, i had to manually install it on this system previously | 08:36 |
glitchd | kio_http, i believe it was a .deb package | 08:36 |
kio_http | glitchd: Then best install grub again then upgrade then install burg | 08:37 |
reisio | web1109: is the NTFS fs on an external drive? | 08:37 |
auronandace | !find burg | glitchd | 08:37 |
ubottu | glitchd: Found: burgerspace, liburg0, liburg0-dev | 08:37 |
Folklore | reisio no | 08:37 |
Folklore | ill add that and see if it helps thanks | 08:37 |
reisio | nicknefarious: | 08:37 |
reisio | nicknefarious: might want to try and remove whatever Adobe's installer added, too :/ | 08:37 |
glitchd | kio_http, i dont understand why i would need to install grub again, its still installed currently | 08:37 |
kio_http | reisio: Any ideas, I have default repos + the kubuntu backports ppa | 08:37 |
=== imark is now known as error404 | ||
kio_http | glitchd: Then just upgrade | 08:38 |
glitchd | kio_http, ok thx | 08:38 |
glitchd | kio_http, are u using 11.10? | 08:38 |
reisio | kio_http: sorry I'm not familiar with that error, you might try searching for it on | 08:38 |
kio_http | glitchd: It will probably replace burg on mbr | 08:38 |
glitchd | kio_http, are u using 11.10? | 08:38 |
kio_http | glitchd: Yes but Kubuntu 11.10 | 08:38 |
=== error404 is now known as imark | ||
Folklore | reisio I added to the top | 08:38 |
Folklore | didn't help | 08:38 |
reisio | Folklore: how about a .sh extension? | 08:39 |
fmoritz | reisio = support samurai :-O ...inspired | 08:39 |
Folklore | my folder is /home/me/Deskopt/new if that helps | 08:39 |
glitchd | kio_http, ok, i was wondering about the speed of the system basically | 08:39 |
auronandace | Folklore: what does your script do? | 08:39 |
glitchd | kio_http, im still with 10.04 because i found it super fast | 08:39 |
reisio | fmoritz: :p | 08:39 |
Folklore | auro it does rm file | 08:39 |
Folklore | then wget url | 08:39 |
Folklore | then gcc | 08:39 |
Folklore | thats it | 08:39 |
wendico1 | reisio, it is, 64bit partitions are build as GPT (not mbr) so it can be partitions bigger than 2 terabites, nevertheless my partition is just 500GB so it should work correctly with a mbr partition. Does anyone knows how to convert a GPT partition to a MBR partition without moving out the data? | 08:39 |
=== imark is now known as error404 | ||
kio_http | glitchd: My experience on this here I tested all varriants | 08:40 |
reisio | Folklore: I think what you're supposed to do is make a .desktop file | 08:40 |
reisio | Folklore: which I would think right-clicking on the desktop would guide you through | 08:40 |
glitchd | kio_http, one last quesiton, currently im running a pae kernel, i was wondering if 11.10 will default and give me the option to or automatically install a pae kernel | 08:40 |
Folklore | it has to be on the destkop? | 08:40 |
kio_http | glitchd: Manual install is possible | 08:40 |
nicknefarious | reisio:So that is the most up to date solution? It doesn't mention 11.10 | 08:41 |
glitchd | kio_http, ok thx again | 08:41 |
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fmoritz | wendico1: if the gpt was built in windows you can you use the recovery options > cmd > diskpart to convert it to mbr | 08:41 |
reisio | wendico1: you don't have the space to just move it elsewhere and then back? | 08:41 |
reisio | nicknefarious: I'd try what it does mention | 08:41 |
reisio | Folklore: thought you wanted it there | 08:42 |
auronandace | !cookie | reisio | 08:42 |
ubottu | reisio: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 08:42 |
mia | Good morning, I could use some help, I installed ubuntu 10.04 lts desktop edition last night onto a dell laptop, unfortunately The wireless card doesnt seem to be working, is anyone able to help me out ? | 08:42 |
reisio | Folklore: .desktop denotes stuff AIUI, not "on desktop" | 08:42 |
nicknefarious | reisio: And how to identify and remove any previous installations and extra bits? | 08:42 |
wendico1 | reisio fmoritz --> that it is the problem, i do not have the space to back up the data | 08:42 |
reisio | nicknefarious: good question | 08:43 |
mia | or do i need to go to a different channel ? :) | 08:43 |
reisio | nicknefarious: I think the main part is to mv plugin stuff in ~/.mozilla/ | 08:43 |
wendico1 | fmoritz --> yes, i know the diskpart option but it will destroy all the data, im wondering if gparted (or similar from linux) can do without destroying the data | 08:43 |
auronandace | mia: you are in the right channel | 08:43 |
reisio | mia: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && lspci | grep -i net | pastebinit | 08:43 |
nicknefarious | So the l;aternative install you have offered installs and is available across all browsers? | 08:44 |
Folklore | said rm isn't a keyfile group or comment when I changed to .desktop | 08:44 |
Folklore | ill just used terminal, thought this would be easier | 08:44 |
reisio | Folklore: well you'd probably want the .desktop file to be told to execute the shell script _file_ | 08:44 |
reisio | Folklore: I think if you right click on the desktop or inside the empty space of the file manager, you can get a little mini-wizard to create a shortcut like this | 08:45 |
reisio | nicknefarious: sorry don't know | 08:45 |
wendico1 | mia: aqre you connected to the internet on the affected computer? | 08:45 |
wendico1 | mia: by cable maybe? | 08:45 |
fmoritz | wendico1: you have no choice but move whatever data you have on that drive to one that utilizes a mbr | 08:45 |
mia | I am yes through a wired connection | 08:45 |
wendico1 | fmoritz: i would need to burn DVDs ..... i hope there exist a different aproach.... | 08:46 |
Folklore | alright reisio thanks for the effort, appreciate it, have a good one | 08:46 |
wendico1 | allow me to ask some more, just in case somebody knows a work around | 08:46 |
mia | Done that reisio | 08:46 |
reisio | wendico1: do you have space on any device attached to any computer on your local network for the data? | 08:46 |
reisio | mia: need to tell us the link pastebinit gave | 08:47 |
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mia | | 08:47 |
wendico1 | reisio, i wish! i have 3 computers, full of data! mostly working data (wmwares.....) i cannot make enought space to empty my harddrive | 08:47 |
reisio | mia: | 08:47 |
reisio | wendico1: feel your pain | 08:48 |
wendico1 | reisio if there is not workaround i should have to buy a new harddrive | 08:48 |
Browser | hi | 08:48 |
fmoritz | perhaps you could temp. utilize a cloud service... | 08:48 |
reisio | wendico1: you could possibly move it in increments, and resize the partition in increments :p I probably wouldn't try it, though | 08:48 |
reisio | Browser: hiyo | 08:48 |
wendico1 | reisio that is a owesome idea | 08:48 |
reisio | well it's an idea :p | 08:49 |
reisio | Browser: hiyo | 08:49 |
fmoritz | how many gigs are you trying to push? | 08:49 |
wendico1 | should i resize to free the little space i have left, then move as much as i can and resize again, is that the idea? | 08:49 |
wendico1 | almost 300GB | 08:49 |
reisio | wendico1: could take ages :p | 08:49 |
fmoritz | what's your upload speeds? | 08:49 |
mia | yeah first step coming up command not found <_< | 08:50 |
reisio | wendico1: you don't have 300GB even in small few-gigabyte sections across your various devices? | 08:50 |
mia | ignore me got around it | 08:50 |
wendico1 | i wish but i dont | 08:50 |
wendico1 | i have very small hard drives | 08:51 |
fmoritz | you could try to upload it all to a file sharing service and then redownload it all | 08:51 |
nicknefarious | reisio: Cheers I will go away and have another try at sorting it out. | 08:51 |
wendico1 | in spain still expensive, connections also expensive i have only 1Mb upload line | 08:51 |
reisio | mia: | 08:51 |
reisio | nicknefarious: don't have to go :p | 08:51 |
fmoritz | sigh, in the philippines, they have no caps...50mbs up/down | 08:52 |
TA5K | Hi does anyone know how much bandwidth the installation of Gnome-Shell might be? | 08:52 |
reisio | wendico1: you might pop open baobab and make sure you don't have some giant files/collections you really don't want | 08:52 |
wendico1 | reisio--> baobab? | 08:52 |
fmoritz | this is a shot in the dark, but what if he were to change the file system to mbr and then use recovery utilities to bring it all back? | 08:53 |
reisio | wendico1: visualizes disk space usage | 08:53 |
reisio | quick way to find big files you don't want | 08:54 |
wendico1 | fmoritz --> i though about it, but i guess the recovery tools will try to recover the old partition format | 08:54 |
reisio | reclaim space you didn't know you had | 08:54 |
wendico1 | reisio-- im instaling! | 08:54 |
afidegnum | hello good morning. pls I am having the following error how do I fix i t? | 08:55 |
afidegnum | mkdir: cannot create directory `events': Permission denied | 08:55 |
wendico1 | by the way, note my problem may become normal problem! Do not create NTFS partitions trought Ubuntu 64 bit if you plan to use those with your win32 system! :) | 08:55 |
mia | ok got the STA driver and it is activated and currently in use. However wireless is still not working, any further advice reisio | 08:56 |
reisio | mia: pop open NetworkManager, click around | 08:56 |
afidegnum | any answer please ? | 08:57 |
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fmoritz | wendico1: for the past two days i've been making my jump into ubunto...i have 2 sata3 sdds, 1 wd 1500k sata2 hdd, and 3 1 terabyte of which uses the guid partition table | 08:58 |
mia | not entirely sure how to open it if I`m honest, been reading alot of forums and guides that mention it, I know its the icon at the top with 2 arrows pointing up and down but beyond that no sure how to access it... | 08:58 |
wendico1 | mia: in laptops i found sometimes that if you have a wifi off-on hardware switch, you may have to play with it DURING BOOT to make your wifi work (do you have a blinking wifi led?) | 08:58 |
milen8204 | Anyone knows how to set-up my settings to make select all, whit Ctrl+A keycombination? | 08:58 |
fmoritz | so i'm a bit confused as to what you're trying to do since i'm not having any problems | 08:58 |
fmoritz | or achieve rather | 08:58 |
wendico1 | milen8204 : spanish as mother language? | 08:59 |
mia | I dont no wendicol, when i had window 7 pressing the wireless button brought up a wireless on or off animation on the screen but that no longer happens | 08:59 |
milen8204 | wendico1, no sorry | 08:59 |
sattu94 | afidegnum: Where are you creating the directory, make sure you have permissions to d oso. | 08:59 |
computer_ | Damn it! | 09:00 |
computer_ | It just happened again | 09:00 |
computer_ | ! | 09:00 |
reisio | computer_: I hate 'it' | 09:00 |
fmoritz | speaking of hdds, is it worth creating a raid array using dual sata3 ssds? | 09:00 |
sattu94 | computer_: 'it' should not happen | 09:00 |
fmoritz | from what i've read, burst speeds go down if you do | 09:00 |
reisio | fmoritz: if you can afford two more, sure | 09:00 |
fmoritz | but i have no way to test it | 09:01 |
fmoritz | that's what i thought | 09:01 |
milen8204 | How can I make key combination "Ctrl+A" do "select all" | 09:01 |
wendico1 | milen8204--> Ctrl+A for select all is default in spanish (spain) systems :P | 09:01 |
afidegnum | sattu94: no, it is a fress installation i am doing in the /var/www folder | 09:01 |
fmoritz | but i only have two ports that support sata3 | 09:01 |
milen8204 | wne | 09:01 |
reisio | milen8204: in what? | 09:01 |
reisio | CTRL+a for select all is pretty standard for English systems as well | 09:01 |
milen8204 | reisio, In everywhere when I type | 09:01 |
sattu94 | afidegnum: well to create a directory in /var/www folder you need to have root permissions. | 09:02 |
milen8204 | for example here | 09:02 |
sattu94 | !permissions > afidegnum | 09:02 |
ubottu | afidegnum, please see my private message | 09:02 |
computer_ | My battery time indicator was saying I had around 40 minutes of battery time left, when all of a sudden out of no where it jumped down to 2 minutes and put my laptop into suspend! | 09:02 |
wendico1 | milen8204: i see... | 09:02 |
reisio | milen8204: XChat not being a text editor doesn't support that | 09:02 |
milen8204 | wendico1, ok thanks for the information | 09:02 |
sattu94 | !permissions > sattu94 | 09:03 |
ubottu | sattu94, please see my private message | 09:03 |
reisio | what you'd normally do to get a lot of XChat info other than click-and-drag-ing is to copy from your log | 09:03 |
computer_ | Only for me to turn it back on and have first 33 minutes left | 09:03 |
milen8204 | reisio, ok it is impossible then :D | 09:03 |
reisio | computer_: annoying much | 09:03 |
computer_ | and now 1 hr and 23 minutes left | 09:03 |
reisio | milen8204: for XChat, I believe so, by default | 09:03 |
wendico1 | computer_: most normal in this escenario is that your battery is worn out and need replacement, but i could be some ACPI not compatibility, try to play with ACPI options in your bios or replace your battery | 09:03 |
computer_ | Yes reisio very | 09:04 |
sattu94 | computer_, it's just like the winxp file copy dialog time estimation! :) | 09:04 |
leonardo-gois | preciso de Antivirus | 09:04 |
computer_ | Okay wendico1 will do | 09:04 |
reisio | sattu94: heh | 09:04 |
Ako | hi, | 09:04 |
milen8204 | when i hit Ctrl+A in XChat the cursor goes in the beginning of the row | 09:04 |
computer_ | Yes I have been thinking that since it have been happening sattu94 | 09:04 |
fmoritz | misses notepad++...think i'm having withdrawls from's like trying to quit there any text editors out there that remotely resembles and functions like notepad++? | 09:04 |
Ako | Is there anyway to get an Ubuntu CD? Shipit has closed, and there is no way I can download Ubuntu CDs over a dial-up connection | 09:05 |
Ako | :( | 09:05 |
reisio | leonardo-gois: clamav | 09:05 |
computer_ | It is the only comic relief I have had | 09:05 |
sattu94 | fmoritz: gedit, for a basic npp like auto indent etc, else use vim/emacs(really powerful) | 09:05 |
leonardo-gois | mais e Ubuntu 11.10 | 09:06 |
fmoritz | ty | 09:06 |
milen8204 | Ako, I think you can order a CD trough mail | 09:06 |
reisio | leonardo-gois: #ubuntu-br #ubuntu-pt | 09:06 |
computer_ | wendico1, It is just that this only started happening when I upgraded to 11.10 | 09:06 |
Ako | milen8204: How? Can you help me with it? | 09:06 |
sattu94 | milen8204: IIRC, ship-it has stopped | 09:06 |
computer_ | Still haven't flash the BOIS yet like I have been planing to | 09:06 |
milen8204 | sattu94, I didnt understand you | 09:06 |
computer_ | Battery must have just started to die at the same time I guess | 09:07 |
milen8204 | Ako, I will check and tell you wait | 09:07 |
fornix | sattu94, gvim is the beast you need! vim plus gui if you are uncomfortable with vi commands. | 09:07 |
fmoritz | as a 3d artist, has anyone successfully done a turntable animation using marmoset tool bag? | 09:07 |
wendico1 | computer_: then it may be some ACPI options, try to enable or disable some options in your bios under power save | 09:07 |
leonardo-gois | obrigado | 09:07 |
Ako | milen8204: OK, Thanks | 09:07 |
reisio | fmoritz: that is quite a specific question | 09:07 |
sattu94 | milen8204: the free shipping service from canonical is no more active, unless you are planning to buy CDs through mail. | 09:07 |
computer_ | Yep wendico1 that would be the first thing to do, will do | 09:08 |
sattu94 | fornix: i dont mind commands, actually i love them, :) | 09:08 |
fmoritz | well, i'd like to compete in Dominance's an unspoken requirment | 09:08 |
milen8204 | sattu94, ohh ok, Ako did you read that ? | 09:08 |
reisio | fmoritz: what's the problem? | 09:08 |
Ako | milen8204: Read what? | 09:08 |
Ako | ship-it has stopped? | 09:09 |
fmoritz | one sec, fiddling around | 09:09 |
sattu94 | Ako, milen8204: | 09:09 |
Ako | I know it has stopped, (look at my first line). | 09:09 |
milen8204 | Ako, | 09:09 |
Ako | milen8204: Is there any other way I can get an Ubutnu CD? I am really stuck! | 09:10 |
leonardo-gois | estou precisando de antispyware | 09:10 |
reisio | Ako: where are you geographically? | 09:10 |
Ako | Iran :( | 09:10 |
leonardo-gois | estou precisando antispyware | 09:10 |
milen8204 | Ako, I don`t see any other way sorry | 09:10 |
reisio | leonardo-gois: you do not | 09:11 |
Ako | We are doomed! | 09:11 |
sattu94 | Ako: You can download it right> | 09:11 |
reisio | Ako: perhaps someone in #ubuntu-ir can get you one | 09:11 |
milen8204 | Ako, I can send you a letter whit the CD :) | 09:11 |
Ako | milen8204: Really? | 09:11 |
wendico1 | ako, i would not mind either | 09:12 |
milen8204 | But it will be delivered to you in next 2-3 mounts | 09:12 |
sattu94 | lol mounts. | 09:12 |
reisio | Ako: someone in #ubuntu-ir can probably get you one faster... | 09:12 |
wendico1 | if your want to pay a faster service ako..... | 09:12 |
Ako | 2-3 months? | 09:12 |
Ako | :( | 09:12 |
Ako | that is too late | 09:12 |
fmoritz | reiso: for the most part, it just won't launch the installer | 09:12 |
mia | Unfortunately still coming up wireless disabled. Any ideas? STA driver installed. | 09:13 |
computer_ | find | 09:13 |
fmoritz | and i do believe it runs of dx11? | 09:13 |
Ako | I would pay, but there is no credit card here! As I said, we are doomed! | 09:13 |
reisio | fmoritz: dx is a Windows things | 09:13 |
reisio | fmoritz: are you using Wine? | 09:13 |
fmoritz | yes, latest verion | 09:13 |
milen8204 | My country does not support much couriers to Iran | 09:13 |
fmoritz | version | 09:13 |
reisio | fmoritz: what's the name of this app? | 09:13 |
wendico1 | ako, is there Western Union in iran? | 09:13 |
fmoritz | | 09:13 |
Ako | What is Western union? | 09:14 |
Ako | :S | 09:14 |
wendico1 | money send services | 09:14 |
reisio | Ako: /join #ubuntu-ir | 09:14 |
fmoritz | it's what all of the top game character designers use for showcasing their creations | 09:14 |
reisio | fmoritz: for that particular game, you mean? | 09:14 |
fmoritz | none | 09:14 |
fmoritz | it's for Dominance Wars | 09:14 |
fmoritz | which is a competition | 09:15 |
fmoritz | between game character designers | 09:15 |
mia | Anyone know of a command that should turn on wireless cards? | 09:15 |
sattu94 | fmoritz: I'm not much into 3D animation, but you could try blender, it's pretty good, just make sure you get v2.4+ for the GUI. | 09:15 |
jonathon | How would I go about updating my ubuntu to the latest linux kernel? It's already got 3.0.0 from when I upgraded to 11.10, But I'd like to update it to 3.1.4 | 09:15 |
fmoritz | after using maya for 7 years, i've made the switch to blender, hence the reason for me being here | 09:16 |
sattu94 | fmoritz: :) | 09:16 |
reisio | fmoritz: they probably accept a format you can get from Blender (or from something from Blender) | 09:16 |
reisio | fmoritz: where're the rules? | 09:16 |
sn00p | WHy does my extended monitor blank after I switch it to 1024x768 resolution this is on u buntu 11.10 and its a netbook and uses i945gm | 09:16 |
fmoritz | i believe within the next 10 years, blender will be the dominant force in 3d creation despite autodesk monopolizing like a mofo | 09:17 |
reisio | jonathon: why? | 09:17 |
fmoritz | early start so to speak =] | 09:17 |
jonathon | reisio, Just because, It seems like something neat to do | 09:17 |
reisio | jonathon: :p | 09:17 |
reisio | jonathon: this is the out-of-repo kernel build guide: | 09:18 |
cwok | hy | 09:18 |
wendico1 | Does anyone has experience converting (not loosing data) GPT based partitions? Help needed! | 09:18 |
fmoritz | reisio: | 09:18 |
reisio | cowlicks: hiyo | 09:18 |
ActionParsnip | wendico1: you should have a backup..... | 09:18 |
=== root is now known as Guest76173 | ||
fmoritz | rules: | 09:19 |
ActionParsnip | !rootirc | Guest76173 | 09:19 |
ubottu | Guest76173: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. | 09:19 |
reisio | fmoritz: oh turntables | 09:19 |
reisio | fmoritz: though you wanted to model a record player :p | 09:19 |
reisio | fmoritz: I'm sure you can generate a rotating render MOV from Blender and possibly some helper apps | 09:19 |
reisio | fmoritz: I'd ask #blender3d about it | 09:20 |
fmoritz | reisio: lol no, a turn table of my creations | 09:20 |
Superxgl | how to change the xchat setting to use the english version? | 09:20 |
ror | hi, I've a problem (more annoyance): When opening chromium it no longer takes focus, so I'll click to open it, start typing as if in google then find it just typed all over my work D: | 09:20 |
jonathon | reisio, Thanks much | 09:20 |
reisio | fmoritz: or whatever their chan is | 09:20 |
reisio | fmoritz: #blender | 09:20 |
fmoritz | yeah, i'm thinking as much...about to connect...thanks! | 09:20 |
wendico1 | ActionParsnip: i have no posiblity to make a back up (not space, not enought internet connection, no money....) | 09:20 |
ActionParsnip | wendico1: then is your data not valuable to you? | 09:20 |
wendico1 | Does anyone has experience converting (not loosing data) GPT based partitions? Help needed! i have no posiblity to make a back up (not space, not enought internet connection, no money....) | 09:21 |
reisio | fmoritz: it should be just some MOV file assembled in a particular way | 09:21 |
ActionParsnip | wendico1: no backup == data is disposable | 09:21 |
mia | is there a help channel that aimed at idiots who cant get their wireless cards working? #stayawayfromothers or something? | 09:21 |
wendico1 | ActionPArsnip: im broke, if not, i would just buy another harddrive | 09:21 |
reisio | fmoritz: probably just a matter of exporting right and then feeding it through ffmpeg or the like | 09:21 |
afidegnum | hello, I've read the manual about permissions and tried cpples of things but it didn't work for me. can you please give ha hand. ? | 09:22 |
wendico1 | ActionParsnip: i would give it a try, but data is not personal, is work data, may be disposable (not my travel pictures :P) | 09:22 |
fmoritz | reisioL well there's more to it than just creating a turn around of your character...artistic consistency is the main reason why that tool is used, so that accurate judgements can be made. | 09:22 |
Superxgl | i do download the english version | 09:22 |
wendico1 | ActionPArsnip: do you know a way to convert to MBR based partition that should work (even though i MAY (not WILL) delete my data? | 09:24 |
fmoritz | reisio: the very soul of 3D is based upon creating illusions, so anyone could fake the details within these competitions....marmoset tool box helps to set a base line on it all | 09:24 |
fmoritz | bleh | 09:24 |
reisio | fmoritz: well, sounds like they need to update their rules | 09:25 |
WebGoddess008 | there an easy way to switch from Ubuntu Desktop to Xubuntu Desktop? | 09:25 |
reisio | fmoritz: could run it in a VM | 09:25 |
reisio | WebGoddess008: | 09:25 |
ActionParsnip | wendico1: try scalpel or foremost, I suggest you sort a backup regime. Ubuntuone gives you 5Gb free | 09:25 |
ActionParsnip | WebGoddess008: install xfce4 package, log off, log in to xfce session | 09:26 |
fmoritz | reisio: well if you really think about it, it does make a lot of sense since if all of the characters that are submitted are rendered within one program, it makes it pretty danm easy to spot out whether or not it has been photoshopped | 09:26 |
=== zz_r3v0 is now known as r3v0 | ||
=== root is now known as Guest31219 | ||
fmoritz | reisio: subtle alterations to the shadowing and lighting, etc | 09:27 |
reisio | fmoritz: that part makes sense | 09:27 |
reisio | fmoritz: that the program is crappy non-cross-platform proprietary software doesn't | 09:28 |
WebGoddess008 | thanks :) | 09:28 |
sn00p | WHy does my extended monitor blank after I switch it to 1024x768 resolution this is on u buntu 11.10 and its a netbook and uses i945gm | 09:28 |
fmoritz | reisio: sadly :-! | 09:28 |
r3v0 | ActionParsnip, im in 11.10 now :D | 09:28 |
r3v0 | didn’t take to long | 09:28 |
fmoritz | it used to be free...but then every character designer out there and his mother started using it | 09:29 |
celes | ciao!! | 09:29 |
curiousx | cya | 09:29 |
celes | !list | 09:29 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 09:29 |
bullgard6 | When Update Manger updated the package linux-generic , it displayed: "Bump ABI". I know what ABI is. Bu t what does »bump« mean? | 09:29 |
wendico | ActionParsnip: Do you sugest me to delete de partition make a new (not formating) and then try recovering my files? | 09:30 |
ActionParsnip | wendico: scalpel and foremost can act on the drive as it is | 09:30 |
reisio | fmoritz: free is nice, but "free" (open source) is more important | 09:30 |
WebGoddess008 | i like 111 dotzero :P | 09:30 |
WebGoddess008 | idk why the dot is in the wrong spot | 09:31 |
curiousx | free as freedom, not free beer =P | 09:31 |
curiousx | Richard M. Stallman =P | 09:31 |
WebGoddess008 | hehehe | 09:31 |
fmoritz | we won't be free for another hundred years | 09:31 |
curiousx | xD | 09:31 |
wendico | ActionParsnip: those tools may try to convert my partiton then? | 09:31 |
fmoritz | i predict | 09:31 |
mia | Ok, I have checked and I have doubled checked, driver for my wireless card is installed and working, does anyone know of further reasons why wireless might be disabled? | 09:31 |
reisio | I'm free right now :p | 09:31 |
WebGoddess008 | lol i'm not waiting that long fmoritz | 09:31 |
ActionParsnip | wendico: no, they will attempt to recover the files and copy them to a write mounted partition you choose | 09:32 |
WebGoddess008 | iThink freedom is around the Korner, like on 12/12/12 | 09:32 |
fmoritz | until monetarism outlawled...none of us are free | 09:32 |
ActionParsnip | wendico: you can't just recover a partition, do yo realise how complex the data is? | 09:32 |
curiousx | me too | 09:32 |
* WebGoddess008 working on gNu eCash Marketplace | 09:32 | |
wendico | mmm, but that wasnt my question, i have to mounted partition, not network folder not online folder to hold all the data, i need to convert holding the data in the same disk | 09:32 |
* WebGoddess008 thinks if U eCash ppl cash from a tablet or phone to make purchases then no need for MC or Visa | 09:33 | |
curiousx | install "vrms" and see how many privative software do yo have =P | 09:33 |
WebGoddess008 | ~ like dwolla | 09:33 |
wendico | letś me ask again so it will be less confused.... | 09:33 |
warm | where should i ask a question concerning iptables nat | 09:33 |
r3v0 | i <3 gnome 3 | 09:33 |
reisio | warm: #iptables | 09:34 |
warm | reisio, thanks~ | 09:34 |
wendico | I have a GPT based partition holding data wich is not possible to back up because i have no posibilitie at all (no, i have not even money to buy a new disk) is it posible to convert that partition to a MBR based partition without losing the data? | 09:35 |
r3v0 | sup arvut | 09:35 |
fmoritz | no | 09:35 |
fmoritz | | 09:36 |
html | hi yall | 09:38 |
curiousx | aloha html | 09:38 |
sn00p | WHy does my extended monitor blank after I switch it to 1024x768 resolution this is on u buntu 11.10 and its a netbook and uses i945gm | 09:39 |
fmoritz | is it me or am i the only one who feels the need to wear an eye patch when reading full screens of txt | 09:39 |
celes | ciao!! | 09:39 |
celes | !list | 09:39 |
celes | !lista | 09:39 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 09:39 |
=== marcelo is now known as Guest97817 | ||
wendico | fmoritz: thank you, it looks like i can convert with that tool, im studing it! | 09:39 |
bullgard6 | When Update Manger updated the package linux-generic , it displayed: "Bump ABI". I know what ABI is. Bu t what does »bump« mean? | 09:40 |
fmoritz | wendico: yeah i'm trying to read it right now...but i keep going cross eyed...danm these large monitors of mine! | 09:40 |
Ste1 | Hi, i've just installed 7.04, now i'd like to perform updates but i receive an error on update-manager :( | 09:40 |
sn00p | WHy does my extended monitor blank after I switch it to 1024x768 resolution this is on u buntu 11.10 and its a netbook and uses i945gm | 09:41 |
ActionParsnip | Ste1: Gutsy is dead and gone | 09:41 |
Ste1 | Fawn! | 09:41 |
ActionParsnip | Ste1: it's no longer supported in any way | 09:41 |
ActionParsnip | !feisty | 09:41 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details. | 09:41 |
reisio | Ste1: since you've only just installed, it'd be simpler to just download the install media for a newer version | 09:41 |
ActionParsnip | Ste1: yep, nearly 4 years dead | 09:41 |
bullgard6 | Ste1: Ubuntu 7.04 is an outdated Ubuntu version. | 09:41 |
Ste1 | so i need to install a more recent live? | 09:41 |
reisio | Ste1: need, no, want, probably | 09:41 |
ActionParsnip | Ste1: yes I suggest you grab Oneiric, its the latest stable release | 09:42 |
bullgard6 | Ste1: Yes. | 09:42 |
Ste1 | do i need to burn a cd? | 09:42 |
ActionParsnip | Ste1: you can use USB if you like | 09:42 |
ActionParsnip | Ste1: or SD card etc | 09:42 |
Ste1 | can i perform inside Fawn? | 09:42 |
reisio | Ste1: what OS are you using now? | 09:42 |
bullgard6 | Ste1: There are alternatives to burning A CD for your purpose. | 09:43 |
reisio | Ste1: ah, yes | 09:43 |
reisio | with dd :D | 09:43 |
nicknefarious | reisio: Sorry disconnected... As I was saying the sevenmachines Flash repo in the link you sent me to 404's. There is no Flash package/folder in it and it hasn't been updated since July | 09:43 |
ActionParsnip | Ste1: just remember to MD5 test the ISO and if you do use a CD, burn it as SLOWLY as possible | 09:43 |
reisio | nicknefarious: bummer | 09:43 |
ActionParsnip | Ste1: cd burning, yes you can use the installed CD burner | 09:43 |
fmoritz | sn00p: ctrl+alt+t > nvidia-settings > display configuration ...set it up...>click save save to Xconfig. file...reboot | 09:43 |
sn00p | its not nvidia | 09:43 |
sn00p | intel | 09:44 |
ActionParsnip | fmoritz: you will need: gksudo nvidia-settings to use the save to X config button | 09:44 |
fmoritz | don't know then | 09:44 |
sn00p | onboard extended graphics | 09:44 |
Ste1 | any way without burning CD? only usb ? | 09:44 |
fmoritz | it's what worked for me | 09:44 |
WebGoddess008 | ~ me heading out, if anyone wants to "social" i'm @ | 09:44 |
ActionParsnip | Ste1: usb, or pxe boot if you have a pxe server | 09:44 |
fruitys- | good morning all | 09:44 |
WebGoddess008 | <333 | 09:44 |
ActionParsnip | fmoritz: do you login as root? | 09:44 |
fmoritz | sudo yes | 09:45 |
ActionParsnip | fmoritz: so you use your usual user and use sudo? | 09:45 |
fmoritz | well that's what i did | 09:45 |
fmoritz | yeah | 09:45 |
ActionParsnip | fmoritz: users don't have write access to /etc/X11 so the app will need running with gksudo or kdesu to get write access | 09:45 |
fmoritz | there's a prompted explination to solving it...hold on | 09:45 |
fruitys- | i received a new notebook and would like to install ubuntu onto it. after booting from cd and i get the grub loader i can choose to run live os or install. no matter which option i choose, i have a black screen after. | 09:46 |
fmoritz | that's why within nvidia-settings, i clicked Save to X conf File | 09:46 |
fmoritz | and that did the trick | 09:46 |
fruitys- | but when i choose "boot live" for example, it is loading in background sincei can hear the welcome sound | 09:46 |
ActionParsnip | sn00p: you may need an xorg.conf to define the screen, sounds like the other screen is not providing EDID. | 09:46 |
fruitys- | so it seems theres a problem with my gfx or so ? | 09:46 |
fmoritz | despite my screen turning into an 8bit soup of maddness...but after rebooting...all was fine | 09:47 |
ActionParsnip | fruitys-: what GPU do you have? | 09:47 |
sn00p | ActionParsnip, can you tell me how do I make one and have X use it? | 09:47 |
reisio | nicknefarious: so what version did you get from adobe, again? | 09:47 |
ActionParsnip | sn00p: you will find samples online, it can be quite painful to make | 09:47 |
fruitys- | ActionParsnip, intel hd 3000 | 09:47 |
ActionParsnip | !nomodeset | fruitys- | 09:47 |
ubottu | fruitys-: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 09:47 |
fmoritz | fruitys: no, it's a known problem | 09:47 |
fruitys- | ActionParsnip, ok i will have a look, thanks :) | 09:48 |
fmoritz | which didn't arrise until 11.10 | 09:48 |
nicknefarious | reisio: - (though flash-aid add-on says .95) wehn I go to Adobe testing page it says .96 - successfully installed... | 09:48 |
fruitys- | fmoritz, hm ok, i tried opensuse and linuxmint too for testing, all showed the same problem | 09:49 |
reisio | nicknefarious: huh | 09:49 |
reisio | nicknefarious: you might want to try an older version | 09:49 |
ActionParsnip | nicknefarious: the sevenmachines ppa is dead as 64bit flash is in the partner repo | 09:49 |
reisio | like | 09:49 |
ActionParsnip | nicknefarious: enable partner and install adobe-installer and you will get 64bit flash | 09:49 |
fmoritz | fruitys: one sec while i bring up the forum post that helped me | 09:49 |
nicknefarious | reisio: Before following your link - I removed all traces of flash and redid install with flash-aid... everything worked fine, restarted chrome - watched a whole music clip on youtube and then went to another website to was flash video and it crashed | 09:50 |
reisio | nicknefarious: 11.2 is a beta, of a software package that is always buggy | 09:50 |
fmoritz | fruitys: | 09:50 |
nicknefarious | I believe I had Flash installed from the partner repo before and it used to start chewing CPU... | 09:51 |
ActionParsnip | nicknefarious: Adobe flash is Adobe flash, its proprietary | 09:51 |
nicknefarious | Which is why I went looking for alternatives... and ARE THERE SOME ALTERNATIVES... | 09:51 |
fruitys- | fmoritz, ok ill have a look at this too, thanks | 09:51 |
ActionParsnip | nicknefarious: sure, gnash, lightspark, swfdeck player | 09:51 |
ActionParsnip | nicknefarious: lightspark isn't in the default repos | 09:52 |
fmoritz | supposedly, that's the fix...which halfway worked for me...other half had to do with me fiddling around | 09:52 |
reisio | again, you should try simply not using the beta version | 09:52 |
html | there are some FREE adobe flash like products | 09:52 |
nicknefarious | Why can't Ubuntu just have an official webpage that says do this and this will work? | 09:52 |
ActionParsnip | nicknefarious: | 09:52 |
ActionParsnip | !flash | nicknefarious | 09:53 |
reisio | nicknefarious: it does, they're just slowly updated | 09:53 |
nicknefarious | Thanks AP... | 09:53 |
ActionParsnip | nicknefarious: in software, nothing is certain :) | 09:53 |
reisio | why can't the be promptly updated? :p because | 09:53 |
nicknefarious | But I don't want alternative | 09:53 |
ubottu | nicknefarious: To install Flash see - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 09:53 |
reisio | ha, lag much | 09:54 |
ActionParsnip | nicknefarious: you can download the compressed archive for 64bit and copy the file to your browsers plugins directory | 09:54 |
nicknefarious | Sure but Flash is a big thing (hopefully soon not as big ;-) ) but has caused problems throughout my 3 years with Ubuntu... | 09:54 |
reisio | that's what he did, except he downloaded the beta instead of the stable | 09:54 |
ActionParsnip | never had an issue with it | 09:54 |
reisio | nor I | 09:54 |
reisio | I've had an issue with a beta before :p | 09:54 |
reisio | what I did was not use it | 09:54 |
html | nicknefarious, cuz theres so many interchangeable part as software the are in other distros its hard to tell | 09:55 |
=== r3v0 is now known as r3v0_zZzZz | ||
fmoritz | any clever ideas on paritiioning ubuntu between 2 64gig sata3 ssds and one 150gig wd 15000k hdd? | 09:55 |
fmoritz | i mean at the stand point of a graphic designer? | 09:55 |
nicknefarious | AP: reisio just sent me to this page... | 09:55 |
nicknefarious | It's the one that links the defunct sevenmachines repo | 09:55 |
reisio | fmoritz: definitely put the system files on an SSD | 09:55 |
ActionParsnip | nicknefarious: the ppa is dead as the packages it gave are now given in the partner repo, so its a pointless ppa | 09:56 |
fmoritz | reisio: writing it down...anything else? | 09:56 |
fruitys- | ActionParsnip, thanks the nomodeset option helped. will it work for installation only now do i kinda hve to permanently set this option ? | 09:56 |
ActionParsnip | fmoritz: put / on the SSD, put /var and swap on the platter based drive and put your home folder on the platter too | 09:56 |
DanQ | Why is Ubuntu trying to be like Mac OS X? | 09:56 |
DanQ | Why is Ubuntu trying to be like Mac OS X? | 09:57 |
ActionParsnip | fruitys-: you may not need it after updates | 09:57 |
reisio | fmoritz: good advice | 09:57 |
nicknefarious | AP: But that's the web page you are telling me to use to install Flash... the instructions say to install the sevenmachines repo and install Flash from it | 09:57 |
reisio | DanQ: because GNOME is trying to be | 09:57 |
theadmin | DanQ: You don't need to repeat. And it's because Shuttleworth seems to be a OS X fan :/ | 09:57 |
fruitys- | ActionParsnip, ok thanks | 09:57 |
ActionParsnip | fmoritz: any temp guff, put on the platter | 09:57 |
fmoritz | reisio: interesting, i'm going for it | 09:57 |
theadmin | reisio: gnome != unity. | 09:57 |
ActionParsnip | DanQ: it's not, depends on config | 09:57 |
fmoritz | any tools that come with ubuntu to compare the results with? | 09:57 |
DanQ | theadmin: is that a fact? | 09:57 |
reisio | theadmin: try running Unity without GNOME | 09:57 |
dr_willis | i dont find osx and unity very similer either | 09:57 |
reisio | dr_willis: ...seriously? | 09:58 |
theadmin | reisio: You can run Unity on top of KDE as well... Anyway, I have to reboot | 09:58 |
ActionParsnip | dr_willis: + | 09:58 |
dr_willis | reisio: yes... | 09:58 |
reisio | dr_willis: ... | 09:58 |
DanQ | Shuttleworth is a fan of OS X? | 09:58 |
oCean | DanQ: this channel is not for general discussion | 09:58 |
reisio | they are incredibly similar :p | 09:58 |
dr_willis | ive used both.. and os9 and everything back to cp/m and minix | 09:58 |
ActionParsnip | DanQ: he may be, but what does that matter? | 09:58 |
reisio | right, not sure what minix or those others have to do with it | 09:58 |
fmoritz | reisio: so basically, i'm dividing the user load between the system load? | 09:59 |
dr_willis | icons and panels... so what. geos had those.. ;) | 09:59 |
ActionParsnip | DanQ: I don't mind Win XP, does that mean I make all my systems look like XP, no it doesn't | 09:59 |
reisio | fmoritz: you want the system files to be accessed fast | 09:59 |
fmoritz | user load = platter, system load = ssd | 09:59 |
reisio | fmoritz: but you don't want swap to prematurely destroy your drives | 09:59 |
fmoritz | indeed | 09:59 |
reisio | plus if you can afford SSDs, you probably don't need much swap | 10:00 |
dr_willis | if you are splurging on a ssd. you should max out your ram ;) | 10:00 |
ActionParsnip | fmoritz: if you have a tonne of RAM then you may be able to get away with no swap | 10:00 |
nicknefarious | AP: So where to download the Flash from? | 10:00 |
DanQ | ActionParsnip: I very much mind Ubuntu, does this mean I want to kill myself everytime I use it, yes it does. | 10:00 |
reisio | nicknefarious: | 10:00 |
fmoritz | when i was using windows, i'd often go over my the limit of my system memory...i have 6gigs | 10:00 |
oCean | DanQ: Please don't continue. This channel is for tech support issues only | 10:00 |
reisio | fmoritz: doesn't seem like a lot for someone with two SSDs | 10:00 |
ActionParsnip | nicknefarious: you can grab the 64bit compressed file, extract it and copy the (or watever its called) to your browser's plugins folder | 10:01 |
fmoritz | which usually arrises when i'm sculpting | 10:01 |
superpippo | !ciao | 10:01 |
ActionParsnip | DanQ: thats irrelevant to the thread of the conversation | 10:01 |
superpippo | !list | 10:01 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 10:01 |
ActionParsnip | DanQ: instead of bitching the OS, why not change it. It's far more productive and mature. The OS is extremely changable | 10:01 |
ActionParsnip | fmoritz: then you'll want 6Gb of swap at least | 10:02 |
DanQ | Please direct me to Mark Shuttleworth's contact so I may address the catastrophic issues Ubuntu faces. | 10:02 |
fmoritz | well, when i initially bought this board, i purchased 6 gigs of a particular type of memory which i can't upgrade to higher amounts due to the limitations of the board | 10:02 |
oCean | DanQ: last warning, don't continue | 10:02 |
fmoritz | but with other types i can get it as high as 24gigs...but that's a massive investment all on its own | 10:03 |
ANIE | ciao | 10:03 |
ANIE | !list | 10:03 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 10:03 |
ActionParsnip | DanQ: what do you hope to achieve? ow much email do youo think the guy gets? Do you not think he has a software or person to filter out emails like the one you intend | 10:03 |
dr_willis | fmoritz: linux tends to use ram more efficently then windows i find. | 10:03 |
DanQ | oCean: Please stop harassing me. | 10:03 |
ActionParsnip | DanQ: just think about it | 10:03 |
reisio | he's already sold on Linux :p | 10:03 |
ActionParsnip | dr_willis: shared libs ftw :) | 10:03 |
reisio | ActionParsnip: not being coded by schizophrenics ftw | 10:04 |
reisio | :D | 10:04 |
dr_willis | shared lib/files = smaller downloads to install new stuff also | 10:04 |
fmoritz | the main reason why i because i saw this one guy on youtube sculpting a model that consisted of 45million polygons...for the life of me, i can't get my poly count that high and he had worse system specs than mine | 10:04 |
reisio | that's hard to imagine | 10:05 |
fmoritz | i have a fist gen i7 2.6ghz overclocked to 4ghz too | 10:05 |
fmoritz | so i'm at a loss | 10:05 |
ActionParsnip | main reason I switched.....random BSODs in Win 2000 even though all components were ok, switched to Mandrake and amazingly no issues | 10:06 |
reisio | there's no good reason not to switch | 10:06 |
ActionParsnip | reisio: gaming | 10:06 |
airtonix | no | 10:06 |
reisio | I was just about to say | 10:06 |
reisio | -> for those of us who no longer play games | 10:06 |
dr_willis | irc is a game! ;) | 10:06 |
fmoritz | like i stated earlier, it's like quiting smoking...takes willpower! | 10:06 |
ActionParsnip | reisio: proprietary software which will not run in wine | 10:06 |
airtonix | i'm playing skyrim right not on 11.10 | 10:07 |
fmoritz | i'm trying! | 10:07 |
reisio | though arguably gaming is not a good reason :p | 10:07 |
reisio | ActionParsnip: don't need it | 10:07 |
ActionParsnip | reisio: if that's what the PCs only role is to run, then Ubuntu is a poor choice | 10:07 |
reisio | yes, well if there is no choice, obviously you don't need to contemplate switching | 10:07 |
reisio | in which case reasons for switching don't become a factor | 10:07 |
fmoritz | instead of that funky half-axxed favorite menu, they should have made customizable marking menus | 10:08 |
ActionParsnip | reisio: so there is a good reason not to | 10:08 |
reisio | ActionParsnip: there is not :D | 10:08 |
fmoritz | so that you can load up custom batch files and quickly switch between skills | 10:08 |
dr_willis | !brainstorm | 10:08 |
ubottu | Post your ideas for Ubuntu at and vote for the ones you like! | 10:08 |
ActionParsnip | reisio: I'll let you think it over ;) | 10:08 |
reisio | no need | 10:08 |
reisio | if your software isn't portable, it should be replaced | 10:08 |
fmoritz | i would love to see marking menus in ubuntu...massive productivity increase right there | 10:09 |
reisio | not wanting to replace it is not a good reason | 10:09 |
ActionParsnip | reisio: not if its worth multi millions of pounds on a production line type environment | 10:09 |
reisio | ActionParsnip: yes even then | 10:09 |
reisio | but I can see how that could be used as an excuse | 10:09 |
ActionParsnip | reisio: and it does its job well and works fine, then you are fixing something which isnt broken | 10:09 |
reisio | improving on things that aren't "broken" is how a business endures | 10:10 |
oCean | Let's move the usability discussion to -offtopic please | 10:10 |
reisio | those that don't improve die | 10:10 |
ActionParsnip | reisio: so you expect companies to plow time and money intofixing something which isn't broken, justso it works on a new platform? | 10:10 |
ActionParsnip | reisio: funny guy | 10:10 |
nicknefarious | Do I need to do anything with the other folders in the downloaded archive? Or just move libflashplayer to plug ins folders? | 10:10 |
fmoritz | sigh, trying to get moonlight to work in firefox...since netflix has publicly stated that they have dropped *looking into developing a client for linux....dang it, what's the alternative? | 10:13 |
reisio | fmoritz: they did? | 10:13 |
reisio | wtf, did they only just announce they were doing that? | 10:13 |
nicknefarious | AP: reisio: Do I need to do anything with the other folders in the downloaded archive? Or just move libflashplayer to plug ins folders? | 10:13 |
fmoritz | reisio: about 4 months ago they did | 10:13 |
reisio | fmoritz: and when did they say they dropped it? | 10:14 |
reisio | nicknefarious: probably if you use ActionParsnip instead of AP he'll notice your messages better | 10:14 |
ActionParsnip | reisio: indeed :) | 10:14 |
fmoritz | reisio: i vaguelyemember it from an article I read on trying to get it to work under ubuntu | 10:14 |
nicknefarious | Sure... | 10:14 |
reisio | fmoritz: I think that's old | 10:15 |
reisio | fmoritz: I think they re-announced a linux client plan | 10:15 |
hw` | ÖÐÎÄ | 10:15 |
nicknefarious | ActionParsnip: Do I need to do anything with the other folders in the downloaded archive? Or just move libflashplayer to plug ins folders? | 10:15 |
MrMind | Hi. I have installed nginx + phpmyadmin and I get to phpmyadmin with http://phpmyadmin from the server. The /etc/hosts file looks like this: " localhost phpmyadmin" how can I then use phpmyadmin from computers in the network? | 10:15 |
reisio | fmoritz: as in they abandoned it once already, but _currently_ are saying they're doing it | 10:15 |
fmoritz | reisio: i've had an account with them for 3 years...this is really spinning me off the walls | 10:15 |
reisio | yeah it's lame | 10:15 |
ActionParsnip | nicknefarious: you only need the plugin file, the rest is not needed | 10:16 |
reisio | fmoritz: they'll figure it out, it runs on Android after all | 10:16 |
fmoritz | well, tonight I tried out Amazons attempt at the netflix thing...watched Fear and Loathing in los Vegas...picture quality was acceptable but their selection is lacking | 10:17 |
reisio | ah, well that's another issue | 10:17 |
fmoritz | which works on linux | 10:17 |
reisio | netflix has _not_ been improving their service (/me looks at ActionParsnip) and they will almost certainly lose the high ground if they continue | 10:17 |
nicknefarious | Can you tell me the specific folder in which it should be placed? The one the others will link to? | 10:17 |
nicknefarious | Sorry... | 10:18 |
nicknefarious | ActionParsnip: Can you tell me the specific folder in which it should be placed? The one the others will link to? | 10:18 |
ActionParsnip | reisio: netflix said there would be a linux client soon, see | 10:18 |
ActionParsnip | nicknefarious: which browser(s) do you use? | 10:19 |
reisio | ActionParsnip: that's what I heard, yeah | 10:19 |
nicknefarious | Chrome mainly... | 10:19 |
fmoritz | reisio: most of netflix's partners are scumbag director the kind of people who make 1 month ripoffs of Transmorphers is to Transformers | 10:19 |
bullgard6 | Update Manager: "There are no updates which could be installed." Synaptic: "W: The file »« could not be downloaded. 404 Not Found [IP: 80]." What is the reason? | 10:19 |
ActionParsnip | nicknefarious: most likely /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins | 10:20 |
nicknefarious | ActionParsnip: will that cover chrome and chromium - both are installed | 10:21 |
computer | Wow, the latest release of Banshee is 2.3.2 but Ubuntu 11.10 only uses 2.2.1 | 10:22 |
teddie | :O | 10:22 |
teddie | and the latest version of gnome shell not yet in the repos (released over 2 weeks ago) :( | 10:22 |
reisio | and the last time someone complained about a buggy new version of something was when? | 10:23 |
dr_willis | thats not supriseing | 10:23 |
ActionParsnip | nicknefarious: I don't use chrome, but I imagine it;s the same bag | 10:23 |
teddie | almost every software release has bug fixes, so every version is buggy | 10:24 |
ActionParsnip | all software has some bugs | 10:25 |
sn00p | I created a new xorg.conf and placed it in /etc/X11 how do I know whether X is using that one? | 10:25 |
fmoritz | i've lost faith in chrome...eventhough i'm not a fan of firefox, I've switched to them... | 10:26 |
dr_willis | been uisng opera lately.. moving back to chrome | 10:26 |
reisio | sn00p: if you restart X and it works, it's using it | 10:27 |
fmoritz | i dunno, i feel safer with the firefox addons | 10:27 |
fmoritz | from what i've compared | 10:27 |
fmoritz | between firefox and chromium that is | 10:27 |
* teddie uses firefox because he likes to support organizations which don't monopolize (buy small start-ups/competitors then kill them etc) | 10:27 | |
sn00p | Reisio I did lightdm stop and then start again is that fully restarting? | 10:27 |
reisio | last I checked the extensions I use for Firefox had Chrome/ium versions, but they didn't work the same/properly | 10:27 |
reisio | sn00p: should be, yes | 10:28 |
sn00p | I switched drivers I guess I gotta edit my .conf more | 10:28 |
fmoritz | yeah most of them are ports to chrome | 10:28 |
reisio | sn00p: why do you guess that? | 10:28 |
fmoritz | i'm not guessing, it's stated | 10:29 |
fmoritz | oh nevermind, sry | 10:29 |
sn00p | Reisio because i get the same thing when I switch resolutions blank screen when I go to 1024x768 | 10:29 |
dr_willis | sn00p: what drivers? | 10:29 |
reisio | sn00p: what is it you're trying to accomplish? | 10:29 |
fmoritz | read this | 10:30 |
sn00p | right now i'm in 800x600 and I cant go above because if I go 1024x768 it will give me a blank screen | 10:30 |
fmoritz | | 10:30 |
reisio | ah | 10:30 |
fmoritz | sn00p: this seems to be the defaco fix atm | 10:30 |
Inumedia | How do I black list the synaptic driver for my touchpad? | 10:30 |
sn00p | i've been trying at it all night and its making me mad :( | 10:30 |
teddie | Inumedia, /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 10:30 |
fmoritz | but i had to play around a bit towrds the end of it to make it work for me | 10:31 |
sn00p | I dont have nvidia | 10:31 |
sn00p | though | 10:31 |
mauro | !list | 10:31 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 10:31 |
sn00p | I have crap intel onboard graphics | 10:31 |
fmoritz | can you point me to a resource that displays the AMD settings? | 10:31 |
fmoritz | or INtel | 10:31 |
sn00p | means the one i have in xorg.conf? | 10:32 |
fmoritz | perhaps I can help you figure out which sequence of buttons to push lol | 10:32 |
fmoritz | yeah | 10:32 |
fmoritz | anything you can pull up | 10:32 |
fmoritz | throw it in here | 10:32 |
dr_willis | i had to play with my intel laptops fn-keys to get my external monitor working/on. then messed with the monitors/display tool. | 10:33 |
fmoritz | btw, can you give the extact system specs sn00p? | 10:33 |
bullgard6 | Update Manager: "There are no updates which could be installed." Synaptic: "W: The file »« could not be downloaded. 404 Not Found [IP: 80]." What is the reason?# | 10:33 |
sn00p | fmoritz, | 10:34 |
sn00p | fmoritz, its a netbook l210 | 10:34 |
sn00p | gateway | 10:34 |
sn00p | why is it using | 10:34 |
sn00p | freaking fbdev | 10:34 |
nicknefarious | ActionParsnip: Works for Chromium but not Chrome... any other ideas where I can find chrome folders? | 10:34 |
sn00p | driver | 10:34 |
fmoritz | ok that's all deprecated crapola | 10:35 |
fmoritz | what's the verioning of your gpu | 10:35 |
sn00p | i945g | 10:35 |
sn00p | gme | 10:36 |
ActionParsnip | nicknefarious: as I said, I don't use the browser | 10:36 |
sn00p | | 10:36 |
sn00p | grr | 10:36 |
sn00p | 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller | 10:36 |
fmoritz | try fooling around with the debug option | 10:37 |
fmoritz | wait | 10:38 |
sn00p | ok | 10:38 |
fmoritz | sn00p: what's your exact problem again? | 10:39 |
fmoritz | dual monitor problem | 10:39 |
sn00p | yes | 10:39 |
ajitabh | yes | 10:40 |
sn00p | my extended monitor blanks when I try and configure it for 1024x768 it works for a few minutes then it blanks | 10:40 |
fmoritz | same here with my nvidia card, but i managed to fix it with that tutorial i showed you | 10:40 |
gunfire007 | ActionParsnip: nice to see you :) i remember that almost a year or more you guided me when i was having trouble with my ubuntu :) | 10:40 |
fmoritz | but it only worked until a certain point | 10:40 |
fmoritz | in which case, i had to improvise | 10:40 |
sn00p | I was reading about that gtk stuff | 10:41 |
fmoritz | sn00p: is there anyway you can pull up the dialog for adjusting the settings? | 10:41 |
ActionParsnip | gunfire007: hehe nice to be remembered :) | 10:41 |
sn00p | I just use the dialog that came with ubuntu 11.10 | 10:42 |
sn00p | in system settings | 10:42 |
BryanWB | is the sun-java6-jdk package still available on ubuntu 11.04? i am on 11.10 and I don't see it | 10:42 |
tp43 | anyone install flex, was it easy, or wasn't it difficult? | 10:42 |
fmoritz | can send a screenshoot? | 10:42 |
Guest89093 | so a week ago I tried playing with swap from a 10.04 tutorial and...i thought that it will work | 10:42 |
Guest89093 | turns out i screwed my ubuntu installation | 10:42 |
Guest89093 | is there a way to initiate a repair and keep my files? | 10:42 |
tp43 | I wish flex was in apt-get | 10:42 |
sn00p | fmoritz, sec | 10:42 |
reisio | tp43: a while back I did, it was easy | 10:42 |
Guest89093 | I did not edit the file fstab..not just yet | 10:42 |
fmoritz | cool beans | 10:42 |
tp43 | reisio, you installed jdk first? | 10:43 |
Guest89093 | i read i first had to reboot, it didnt boot at all | 10:43 |
reisio | tp43: though when I did it their shell scripts all had DOS newlines and failed, I had to dos2unix the lot | 10:43 |
ActionParsnip | BryanWB: Oracle changed the license so it needs manually installing | 10:43 |
reisio | tp43: I believe so, yes, my distro's package manager handled it | 10:43 |
BryanWB | ActionParsnip, on 11.04 as well? fucking oracle | 10:43 |
qetuR | I cant start firefox, I get crash report upon start. I use 11.04 | 10:43 |
tp43 | reisio, sounds painful, maybe next year it will be in repos, I'll just wait | 10:43 |
oCean | BryanWB: control your language here, please | 10:43 |
BryanWB | oCean, sorry | 10:43 |
reisio | tp43: should be pretty simple | 10:43 |
tp43 | qetuR, go chrome in the meantime | 10:43 |
reisio | tp43: it's all Javau2122 | 10:44 |
reisio | Java™, even :p | 10:44 |
WaltherFI | qetuR: open up a terminal, type firefox -v | 10:44 |
WaltherFI | for verbose output | 10:44 |
ActionParsnip | BryanWB: I can give a script if you want? | 10:44 |
fmoritz | qetur: reinstall the app. | 10:44 |
BryanWB | i ask as i am working on the chef cookbook for java | 10:44 |
BryanWB | ActionParsnip, thanks i ask as I am actually writing my own script in the form of a chef recipe | 10:44 |
sn00p | fmoritz, | 10:45 |
BryanWB | ActionParsnip, but is sun-java6 no longer available on 11.04, 10.* ? | 10:45 |
tp43 | reisio, thanks | 10:46 |
BryanWB | this is the script that I am updating | 10:46 |
ActionParsnip | BryanWB: not sure | 10:46 |
ActionParsnip | BryanWB: Installs 32bit Oracle Java 1.7.0 | 10:47 |
bullgard6 | Update Manager: "There are no updates which could be installed." Synaptic: "W: The file »« could not be downloaded. 404 Not Found [IP: 80]." What is the reason?# | 10:47 |
BryanWB | ActionParsnip, u r able to get away w/out clicking the license checkbox? | 10:47 |
ActionParsnip | BryanWB: yes | 10:48 |
xuser1 | hi | 10:48 |
BryanWB | ActionParsnip, stupid me , i have been storing on my corporate download site | 10:49 |
milen8204 | Anyone familiar whit VirtualBox shering folder ? | 10:49 |
sn00p | fmoritz, only if intel had intel-settings | 10:50 |
bullgard6 | "init: gdm main process (786) terminated with status 1." What does »status 1« mean? | 10:50 |
ActionParsnip | milen8204: I'd ask in #vbox too ;) | 10:51 |
teddie | a status other than 0 indicates failure | 10:51 |
xuser1 | i broken my system i tryed to use remastersys and noe i cant login > Install Problem! The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly. Please contact your computer administrator. | 10:51 |
xuser1 | please help me | 10:51 |
xuser1 | the filesystem is now full | 10:51 |
qetuR | WaltherFI, I have version 8.0 | 10:51 |
qetuR | fmoritz, I have tried to reinstall it | 10:51 |
qetuR | without success | 10:51 |
milen8204 | ActionParsnip, I will ask there too | 10:51 |
BryanWB | ActionParsnip, how u browse to those links? i am trying to find correct url for jdk 6 | 10:52 |
bullgard6 | teddie: So the init process detected a failure in the gdem process? | 10:52 |
bullgard6 | teddie: So the init process detected a failure in the gdm process? | 10:52 |
ActionParsnip | BryanWB: not sure, I use 1.7 from the website, once you accept the licens you can copy the URLs so I put it in a script.... | 10:53 |
bullgard6 | xuser1: First try 'sudo apt-get clean'. | 10:53 |
teddie | bullgard6, it means what it says: the gdm process terminated because of an error | 10:53 |
xuser1 | im on live cd | 10:53 |
teddie | bullgard6, the message is not enough to diagnose what caused the failure | 10:54 |
xuser1 | i tryed but the filesystem is still full | 10:54 |
BryanWB | ActionParsnip, those oracle dorks, i can't find the .tar.gz for linux for jdk6, but i see how u got it for jdk6 | 10:54 |
kio_http | aptitude : Depends: libept1 but it is not going to be installed | 10:54 |
kio_http | apturl : Depends: gconf2 (>= 2.28.1-2) but it is not going to be installed | 10:54 |
kio_http | Depends: gnome-icon-theme (>= 2.14.0-1) but it is not going to be installed | 10:54 |
kio_http | Depends: gir1.2-gtk-3.0 but it is not going to be installed | 10:54 |
kio_http | Depends: gir1.2-webkit-3.0 but it is not going to be installed | 10:54 |
FloodBot1 | kio_http: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:54 |
kio_http | Recommends: libgtk2-perl (>= 1:1.130) but it is not going to be installed | 10:54 |
xuser1 | i scanned the filesystem with disk usage analyzer but i dontknow what happening | 10:55 |
xuser1 | only 1 gb free | 10:55 |
ActionParsnip | xuser1: try bleachbit, be careful with it and have as many apps as you can CLOSED | 10:55 |
ActionParsnip | BryanWB: I've seen the .run file on the java site, won't 1.7 do? | 10:56 |
bullgard6 | teddie: I did not ask to diagnose what caused the error but I asked who made the statement that the gdm process terminated because of an error. | 10:56 |
xuser1 | i aleready tryed and no result it cleaned only some mb | 10:56 |
ActionParsnip | xuser1: did you run it as root too? | 10:56 |
xuser1 | yes | 10:56 |
ActionParsnip | xuser1: removed old kernel? | 10:56 |
BryanWB | ActionParsnip, no, there is a nasty lucene bug, and my devs use lots of lucene | 10:56 |
ActionParsnip | BryanWB: I see | 10:57 |
teddie | bullgard6, yes.. init is the parent process of gdm | 10:57 |
sn00p | fmoritz, all it is just pull down and 1024x768:4:3 is there | 10:57 |
sn00p | fmoritz, those are the only two | 10:57 |
xuser1 | no i tryed to use remastersys and after reboot i get this error | 10:57 |
bullgard6 | teddie: Thank you very much for your help. | 10:57 |
xuser1 | any ideas? | 10:59 |
DeltaEpsilon | I am in love with gnome3 + ubuntu . what do I do|? | 11:00 |
=== patrick is now known as tsaknorris | ||
BryanWB | ActionParsnip, tks for your help, come see me on #chef if u ever have any chef questions ;) | 11:01 |
ActionParsnip | BryanWB: haha colage | 11:01 |
ActionParsnip | *coolage | 11:01 |
tsaknorris | gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen 'true' <-- didnt work for me (i also browse other gsettings schemas) | 11:01 |
tsaknorris | i have 11.10 | 11:01 |
milen8204 | ActionParsnip, i didn`t get any answer | 11:01 |
milen8204 | from #vbox | 11:02 |
tsaknorris | maybe i can delete whole screensaver package :D | 11:02 |
milen8204 | Anyone knows any useful app fro vido to audio decoding ? | 11:06 |
kamilnadeem | HI , having sound issue with Ubuntu 11.10, well I keep the speakers volume to medium on the speaker control and change it via the sound indicator, when I do it full the connector in sound settings starts interchanging between headphones and speaker. I don't have a headphone connected, this is the reason why when I set my profile to 4.1 surround in sound settings it rolls back to stereo output . Is there a fix? | 11:06 |
oCean | kio_http: please don't paste again | 11:07 |
bullgard6 | !prefix | xuser1 | 11:07 |
ubottu | xuser1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 11:07 |
kio_http | oCean: Sorry | 11:07 |
oCean | kio_http: it's ok. Use | 11:07 |
kio_http | oCean: I thought this was #flood | 11:07 |
oCean | kio_http: oh! No, it isn't :) | 11:07 |
filip_ | hi. why is it impossible to configure or move gnome panels in 11.10? | 11:08 |
MonkeyDust | | 11:09 |
SteMMo | hi all, can i run an oneiric image from a usb disk running from a intepid live cd? | 11:09 |
teddie | oO | 11:10 |
bullgard6 | milen8204: mplayer. For example '~$ mplayer -vc null -vo null -ao pcm:fast:waveheader:file=test2.wav dvd://2'. | 11:10 |
teddie | SteMMo, you just blew my mind.. can you rephrase the question | 11:11 |
SteMMo | run intrepid lice cd | 11:11 |
SteMMo | live | 11:11 |
milen8204 | bullgard6, does it have a GUI ? | 11:11 |
SteMMo | on a usb disk i have the image for oneiric | 11:11 |
bullgard6 | filip_: You better state your Ubuntu release number and your desktop environment. | 11:11 |
SteMMo | can i run the upgrade to oneiric? | 11:12 |
filip_ | bullgard6, didn't I write gnome classic, and 11.10? | 11:12 |
tsaknorris | gconf-editor desktop--> gnome--> lockdown --> disable_lock_screen | 11:12 |
tsaknorris | ok lets test this :) | 11:12 |
SteMMo | i cannot burn a cd | 11:12 |
SteMMo | and the pc is not able to boot from external usb | 11:13 |
kio_http | Hi I have very poor performance with ubuntu 11.10 on a 1.6Ghz 2 GB ram netbook | 11:13 |
tsaknorris | plah | 11:13 |
kio_http | gma 950 graphics | 11:13 |
bullgard6 | milen8204: You can answer this yourself by reading 'man mplayer'. | 11:13 |
tsaknorris | that didnt work also :/ | 11:13 |
milen8204 | bullgard6, ok | 11:13 |
kio_http | It can get unusably slow esp apps like software center | 11:14 |
tsaknorris | suspend mode LOCKS my screen :( | 11:14 |
Ylar | Hello! | 11:15 |
kio_http | any ideas? | 11:15 |
bullgard6 | filip_: I amnot using Ubuntu Classic in 11.10 and cannot answer your question. | 11:15 |
tsaknorris | wow | 11:16 |
tsaknorris | now it works xD | 11:16 |
filip_ | bullgard6, well don't answer then. | 11:16 |
tsaknorris | so the solution for 11.10 ubuntu is gconf-editor :) | 11:16 |
Ylar | Can i update Ubuntu over Internet if i install an old version? | 11:16 |
kio_http | Ylar: yes but its stupid to do | 11:16 |
Ylar | I have an old version on a CD... :/ | 11:17 |
Ylar | xD | 11:17 |
bullgard6 | filip_: I'd appreciate a more precise question on your side just at the start. | 11:17 |
teddie | I imagine it has to be a supported version for upgrade to work? | 11:17 |
tsaknorris | "gconf-editor" better than "gsettings" | 11:17 |
Ylar | It is Ubuntu 9 or 10 | 11:18 |
Sidewinder1 | Ylar, What version? I just logged on.. | 11:18 |
kio_http | ANy ideas to improve ubuntu 11.10 performance on my netbook its unusably sloe | 11:18 |
kio_http | w | 11:18 |
Ylar | Don't remember... | 11:18 |
filip_ | bullgard6, it's very precise. I am using gnome-classic session, in 11.10, and can not do anything to change the default gnome panel layout. Nor can I move icons on the panels as it used to be possible. | 11:18 |
teddie | kio_http, use unity 2d? | 11:18 |
kio_http | teddie: Still slow even gnome-shell | 11:18 |
Ylar | It is Ubuntu 9 or 10 | 11:18 |
kio_http | teddie: vista and KDE work extremely well on it | 11:18 |
teddie | kio_http, gnome shell uses graphics accerlation too | 11:19 |
filip_ | nor can I change the theme to 'mist' that I always used. no matter how many theme packages I install, I always have only the 5 or 6 ubuntu default themes. what's up with that? | 11:19 |
teddie | kio_http, try unity 2d.. does not use the 3d acceleration | 11:19 |
teddie | maybe that is the bottleneck | 11:19 |
kio_http | teddie: KDE works with all desktop effects! so does vista | 11:19 |
kio_http | brb | 11:19 |
bullgard6 | filip_: hihi. "[12:08]filip_hi. why is it impossible to configure or move gnome panels in 11.10?" | 11:20 |
Ylar | Sidewinder1: It is Ubuntu 9 or 10 | 11:20 |
Sidewinder1 | Ylar, Why not just obtain a current version, 10.04 leaps to mind, it's the older Gnome, like you're probably used to, and it's supported 'til 2013 | 11:20 |
filip_ | bullgard6, exactly. | 11:21 |
theadmin | filip_: Because GNOME 3 dropped most of the panel support. | 11:22 |
bullgard6 | Update Manager: "There are no updates which could be installed." Synaptic: "W: The file »« could not be downloaded. 404 Not Found [IP: 80]." What is the reason? | 11:23 |
theadmin | filip_: They're no longer configurable. | 11:23 |
filip_ | theadmin, i see. i wonder what are those people smoking | 11:23 |
theadmin | filip_: I wonder that too sometimes... Hey, try XFCE, it's compatible with and looks a lot like GNOME 2. | 11:23 |
teddie | gnome shell is bearable with mgse | 11:24 |
filip_ | theadmin, tried. wont' work for me, I've a very specific setup that is usually not handled well by smaller wm | 11:24 |
=== rymate1234 is now known as rymate1234|away | ||
filip_ | I've just been trying out a new batch of those, and every single one of them screws things up | 11:24 |
theadmin | filip_: XFCE and gnome are not wms. They're desktop environments. | 11:25 |
* teddie has to admit he likes gnome shells' eye-candy :s | 11:25 | |
* theadmin enjoys her xfce | 11:25 | |
filip_ | theadmin, I know; which is why using icewm doesn't qualify. it doesn't do enough. | 11:25 |
teddie | it looks polished and expensive, but yeah.. they need to put some basic functionality back in | 11:25 |
filip_ | and I don't want to spend time configuring it from scratch, so that the next system update walks all over it | 11:25 |
theadmin | filip_: Do you mind if I pm you about this? | 11:27 |
bellamy | | 11:27 |
filip_ | not at all. | 11:27 |
theadmin | filip_: Already did actually, if you see no new window from me try "/query theadmin" | 11:27 |
theadmin | bellamy: You need /server before that | 11:27 |
bellamy | yes i know ^^ | 11:27 |
=== rymate1234|away is now known as rymate1234 | ||
jisaacs1207 | Hey, anyone know how long quotacheck should take? | 11:30 |
Superxgl | hmm | 11:30 |
MonkeyDust | jisaacs1207 of what on what? | 11:34 |
kamilnadeem | I have posted my prob on ask ubuntu here | 11:35 |
kanyl | Hi all, I'd like something like rsync, but faster. I have alot of bandwidth and i want to sync some media files between two computers. Any recomendations? | 11:42 |
mkanyicy | kanyl, filezilla | 11:42 |
kanyl | How is that like rsync? | 11:43 |
kanyl | I want to sync files | 11:43 |
mkanyicy | kanyl, i dont know how is rsync like :) | 11:43 |
MonkeyDust | kanyl i use rsync | 11:43 |
mkanyicy | kanyl, but you say you have a lot of bandwith and your priority is more speed | 11:43 |
=== fornix__ is now known as fornix | ||
kanyl | It syncs your files, but it's slow, does not use all my bandwidth :( | 11:43 |
asgdj1231 | hi guys, i installed ssh on my ubuntu, and now, how do i check my ssh's host/ip address? | 11:43 |
kanyl | asgdj1231: ip addr | 11:44 |
MonkeyDust | kanyl for large files, rsync is faster than cp | 11:44 |
kanyl | MonkeyDust: Oh really? :O Well the files are pretty huge | 11:44 |
kanyl | But it used like 300 kbit/s last time i tried it. With a webserver and wget it got 11MegaBytes/s | 11:45 |
MonkeyDust | i guess rsync is the fastest way | 11:45 |
kanyl | But it's so slow :( | 11:45 |
MonkeyDust | it's the best there is | 11:46 |
kanyl | Darn | 11:46 |
mkanyicy | MonkeyDust, kanyl im not sure about rsync, but does it do multiple simultaneous transfers in parallel as well? | 11:46 |
imark | kanyl: i use rsync and get as much speed as whatever connection will allow | 11:46 |
kanyl | imark: weird, I will have to experiment some more | 11:46 |
imark | kanyl: 100mb/s on ethernet | 11:46 |
MonkeyDust | mkanyicy haven't tried | 11:47 |
imark | kanyl: your not using the daemon mode are you? forks the process to the background and gives a low priority | 11:47 |
MonkeyDust | kanyl rsync -azvv is prety fast | 11:47 |
mkanyicy | MonkeyDust, I think that is where one might gain an extra speed | 11:47 |
kanyl | imark: I was.. | 11:47 |
asgdj1231 | i've connected to ssh, it ask for username and password. where can i get it? | 11:48 |
kanyl | asgdj1231: Use the username you choose under the installation | 11:48 |
mkanyicy | asgdj1231, you should know it beforehandl | 11:48 |
kanyl | And the password | 11:48 |
MonkeyDust | asgdj1231 ssh from what to what? | 11:48 |
mkanyicy | asgdj1231, you cannot connect to ssh, ssh is the way of connecting | 11:49 |
MonkeyDust | i use ssh to connect to my remote pc | 11:49 |
asgdj1231 | i want to to that too | 11:49 |
mkanyicy | asgdj1231, then you should specify the username and password of the remote pc | 11:50 |
MonkeyDust | asgdj1231 ssh [remote user]@[remote ip address] | 11:50 |
mkanyicy | asgdj1231, like 'ssh remoteusername@remote_ipaddress' | 11:50 |
MonkeyDust | asgdj1231 obviously, you need to know the remote password | 11:51 |
jisaacs1207 | MonkeyDust : Running qutocheck on a 1tb drive | 11:53 |
jisaacs1207 | It has taken like an hour so far. | 11:53 |
Swian | /away | 11:53 |
MonkeyDust | jisaacs1207 external usb? if yes: usb is slow | 11:53 |
jisaacs1207 | MonkeyDust : No, it is on a remote server but internal hd. | 11:53 |
MonkeyDust | jisaacs1207 1tb is a lot, of course | 11:54 |
jisaacs1207 | MonkeyDust : So it is normal a 1tb is going to take over an hour? | 11:54 |
* dr_willis looks at his 3tb external usb.... | 11:54 | |
* MonkeyDust has 500GB only :( | 11:55 | |
=== Furai` is now known as Furai | ||
asgdj1231 | figured it out | 11:55 |
asgdj1231 | thank you :) | 11:55 |
MonkeyDust | asgdj1231 what did you do, so we know for future reference? | 11:56 |
asgdj1231 | just entered the [name]@[address] correctly, and my password. and it worked lol | 11:57 |
JennyBlueBird | Hi guys, I installed the package Xubuntu-desktop on an Ubuntu install because I figured decided I prefer xubuntu ( have it on my laptop ) , is there an easy way to get rid of all the gnome stuff I no longer use, while still keeping the Xubuntu stuff ? | 11:58 |
dr_willis | !purexfce | 11:58 |
ubottu | If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « » | 11:58 |
JennyBlueBird | ty | 11:58 |
aussie_matt | hi guys, doing an install of 04.11, im stuck at bootloader install failed, none of the options will work, even cancel the install, any help most appreciated | 11:59 |
jrib | aussie_matt: 04.11? | 11:59 |
dr_willis | You mean the keys dont work/mouse? or you select somthing and they some how crash? | 12:00 |
aussie_matt | jrib: 11.04 lol | 12:00 |
jrib | aussie_matt: checksum your cd | 12:00 |
aussie_matt | jrib: is good | 12:00 |
asgdj1231 | and how do i disconnect now ? | 12:01 |
jrib | aussie_matt: reboot, if problems exist, reinstall grub yourself | 12:01 |
jrib | !grub > aussie_matt | 12:01 |
ubottu | aussie_matt, please see my private message | 12:01 |
aussie_matt | jrib: is the install complete other than bootloader, ie the bootloader the last section? | 12:01 |
jrib | aussie_matt: should be | 12:01 |
jrib | aussie_matt: you could also try reinstalling and telling it not to install the bootloader (is that still an option on the cd?) | 12:02 |
aussie_matt | jrib: not sure, im on usb drive | 12:03 |
jrib | aussie_matt: huh? | 12:03 |
JennyBlueBird | grub failing is probably one of the most annoying things to try to explain to a novice how to fix ... | 12:03 |
aussie_matt | jrib: dont worry, im loosing my mind here lol | 12:03 |
jrib | aussie_matt: oh, but you are using the regular desktop install? That's what I meant | 12:03 |
jrib | JennyBlueBird: !grub does that for you :) | 12:03 |
aussie_matt | JennyBlueBird: im not a total newb, but it tried to install grub to a sd card that was removed, now none of theother options respond | 12:04 |
aussie_matt | jrib: yes, normal desktop | 12:04 |
aussie_matt | does anyone know if I can close te bootloader install failed box? none of the options respond | 12:05 |
JennyBlueBird | aussie_matt, oh I was more getting associations to when my dad tried installing ubuntu. See the issue is he's one of those people who THINKS he knows what he is doing ... | 12:05 |
jrib | aussie_matt: I just told you you could :) | 12:06 |
JennyBlueBird | my friend who I helped install it at least knows she doesn't have a clue, so she doesn't try to "fix" things on her own | 12:06 |
aussie_matt | jrib: i click on the x but it wont close :( | 12:06 |
jrib | aussie_matt: can you get to a tty? | 12:06 |
JennyBlueBird | it's much harder when you're trying to help somebody who has pasted 30 sudo commands off some random web tutorial into the terminal before they give up and ask you to help | 12:07 |
aussie_matt | JennyBlueBird: i used to know grub quite well , but that was years ago....a stable install of mandriva has spoilt me, now i gotta go back to basics :( | 12:07 |
dr_willis | and its grub2 these days | 12:07 |
aussie_matt | jrib: i have a vertual terminal. is that ok? | 12:08 |
JennyBlueBird | I try to keep things simple and by the defaults. It's when you start to tinker with it that things break because the developers did not expect that "you did what now ? " | 12:08 |
jrib | aussie_matt: sure, just poweroff from there | 12:08 |
aussie_matt | jrib: erm...let me think.....reboot -now? | 12:09 |
jrib | aussie_matt: you can just type « sudo reboot » | 12:09 |
aussie_matt | nice | 12:09 |
milen8204 | Anyone knows any useful app fro vido to audio decoding ? | 12:13 |
milen8204 | Anyone knows any useful app for video to audio decoding ? | 12:13 |
JennyBlueBird | milamber, ffmpeg doesn't do what you want ? | 12:14 |
JennyBlueBird | milen8204, * | 12:14 |
aussie_matt | ok, so it boots off the usb, but it doesn't have an option for installing grub? | 12:14 |
JennyBlueBird | not used to channels with 1000+ users :) | 12:14 |
hugli | ~ | 12:14 |
Sidewinder1 | JennyBlueBird, Yes, things can move kinda' fast. | 12:15 |
milen8204 | JennyBlueBird, makes files unreadable, and when I start them dummy-- stars :D | 12:15 |
Sidewinder1 | JennyBlueBird, Actually, it's rather slow, now.. | 12:15 |
JennyBlueBird | Sidewinder1, I was referring more to 2 letters being insufficient for reliable tab completion :P | 12:16 |
Sidewinder1 | OIC. | 12:16 |
milen8204 | dummy-mesage* | 12:16 |
JennyBlueBird | nice | 12:17 |
JennyBlueBird | switching from Ubuntu to Xubuntu was remarkably painless | 12:17 |
JennyBlueBird | I remember back in the days when doings omething like that would wreac havoc with everything :P | 12:17 |
jenev | hey | 12:17 |
jenev | if i want to install ubuntu alongside windows i know i can use the windows installer | 12:18 |
jenev | but can i download the cd and achieve the same thing? | 12:18 |
MonkeyDust | jenev yes | 12:18 |
T0mM | I have installed my wifi drivers on my ubuntu 10.04 machine but i cant access | 12:18 |
MonkeyDust | jenev if you have space on the HDD | 12:18 |
jenev | MonkeyDust ok thanks | 12:18 |
Sidewinder1 | jenev, I would strongly suggest that you stay away from WUBI; WADR to the developers. :-) | 12:18 |
JennyBlueBird | jenev, yea, the windows installer does the same thing as the CD one, it just starts from a different place | 12:18 |
MonkeyDust | jenev you were referring to wubi? | 12:19 |
Mr_EE1 | hello | 12:19 |
Sidewinder1 | jenev, Don't forget to Md5sum the ubuntu ISO, orior to burning at the SLOWEST speed. | 12:20 |
Mr_EE1 | how can i use GENIUS scanner on ubuntu11.10 | 12:20 |
aussie_matt | hey guys, do i boot a live ubuntu to install the grub that was missed during install? | 12:20 |
Sidewinder1 | prior, even. | 12:20 |
jenev | do the dvd downloads contain packages like gcc, etc? | 12:21 |
MonkeyDust | jenev even if they don't, you can easily get them through the repos | 12:21 |
=== jjjrmy_ is now known as jjjrmy | ||
jenev | i know but my current network adapter isn't working with linux | 12:23 |
jenev | not sure when the new one is ariving | 12:24 |
jenev | so for now i need as much offline support as possible | 12:24 |
edfed | hello, how to update flash under ubuntu with the terminal? | 12:25 |
edfed | thanks | 12:25 |
MonkeyDust | edfed sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade | 12:26 |
edfed | but does it take in acount flashplayer? | 12:26 |
edfed | thany monkeydust | 12:26 |
edfed | thanks* | 12:26 |
ThinkT510 | edfed: if you installed flash via the repo then yes | 12:27 |
ubuntunoob | im a noob. | 12:27 |
bazhang | Mr_EE1 this one? | 12:27 |
edfed | me too | 12:27 |
bazhang | Mr_EE1, alternately what about launching simplescan, and see if it detects your scanner | 12:28 |
diesch | jenev: if network is working with windows you can use to download packages | 12:28 |
Mr_EE1 | bazhang: it says no scanner detected | 12:28 |
milen8204 | JennyBlueBird, could you tell me the comand that have to write for decoding file.mp4 to file.mp3 whit ffmpeg | 12:29 |
mahsom | I can not start Virtual machin in virt-manager ! | 12:29 |
mahsom | receive this error : "Error creating virtual network: internal error '/sbin/iptables --table filter --delete INPUT --in-interface virbr0 --protocol udp --destination-port 69 --jump ACCEPT' exited with non-zero status 1 and signal 0: iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?)." | 12:29 |
mahsom | this is /var/log/message : | 12:29 |
jenev | diesch, niiiice | 12:29 |
jenev | thnaks alot | 12:29 |
bazhang | Mr_EE1, then you will need to provide more info than simply "genius scanner" assuming there is more than one model by that company. | 12:30 |
JennyBlueBird | milen8204, I don't think ffmpeg will create mp3 files for you unless you got some mp3 encoder installer, but it should be straight forward to turn it into flac, wav or ogg | 12:30 |
milen8204 | JennyBlueBird, thanks | 12:30 |
milen8204 | #vlc | 12:30 |
Mr_EE1 | bazhang: its a genius series v1.1 | 12:31 |
rgb247 | after I setup bind9 for one domain, which are the NS that need to change for the domain which I setup bind9? | 12:31 |
JennyBlueBird | milen8204, ah yea, VLC can write to files | 12:31 |
bazhang | Mr_EE1, that looks like the software version, what is the exact model name | 12:32 |
MonkeyDust | diesch using keryx, where does it get the packages on an offline computer? | 12:33 |
Fremen_ | hello everyone | 12:33 |
JennyBlueBird | milen8204, ok, so ffmpeg can certainly dow hat youw ant but I'll be daned if I'm going to go figure out how :P | 12:33 |
Mr_EE1 | bazhang: its a colorpage-HR6 seriesV1.1 | 12:33 |
Fremen_ | i am looking for a FOSS internet video phone call application that is working on the windows too ? | 12:34 |
Fremen_ | do you have any recomandations ? | 12:34 |
milen8204 | JennyBlueBird, ok thanks no need to be banned :D | 12:34 |
rgb247 | is anyone here which can help me with bind9 configuration? | 12:34 |
andrew_46 | milen8204: FFmpeg problem? | 12:34 |
milen8204 | andrew_46, I want to convert .mp4 file in .mp3 | 12:35 |
ThinkT510 | Fremen_: a skype replacement? i think google talk works in the US (i wouldn't know i'm in uk) | 12:35 |
JennyBlueBird | andrew_46, he wants to dump the audio portion of a video to an mp3 file , which probably means he wants to intsall LAME and use ffmpeg. It should be possible, but I don't want to read up on how to use ffmpeg just for this :P | 12:35 |
aussie_matt | jrib: are you able to help me install grub? | 12:35 |
jrib | aussie_matt: follow the link ubottu gives | 12:35 |
jrib | !grub | aussie_matt | 12:35 |
ubottu | aussie_matt: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 12:35 |
rgb247 | anyone can help me with bind9 configuration? I need some answers.. | 12:36 |
MonkeyDust | !anyone| rgb247 | 12:36 |
ubottu | rgb247: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 12:36 |
edfed | apparently, it don't works | 12:36 |
andrew_46 | milen8204: The repository FFmpeg has been stripped of the ability to encode with libmp3lame but this guide will put it back: | 12:36 |
JennyBlueBird | aussie_matt, have you tried this : | 12:36 |
milen8204 | andrew_46, and now asking about help to do that First i have tried whit VLC, and have installed bunch of codecs and noting happen | 12:36 |
Fremen_ | ThinkT510: yes a skype replacement, is there a FOSS program that is better than skype and also works on linux ? | 12:36 |
Fremen_ | *windows | 12:36 |
oCean | rgb247: just so you know, there is a specific #bind channel | 12:36 |
milen8204 | andrew_46, ok thanks will read it | 12:37 |
rgb247 | I have setup bind9, I followed a guide, after I configure it for a domain, which are the Name Servers which I need to change to active my domain for the new DNS server | 12:37 |
rgb247 | ok oCean, thanks you | 12:37 |
edfed | how to update under ubuntu from a downloaded package? | 12:37 |
JennyBlueBird | andrew_46, oh, ffmpeg no longer uses lame when it is intsalled ? | 12:37 |
ThinkT510 | Fremen_: i've never needed viop but i've only really heard about googletalk (and i think that is usa only for now) | 12:37 |
edfed | adobe made a new update but it isn't seen by linux | 12:38 |
andrew_46 | JennyBlueBird: You can pipe to lame | 12:38 |
Fremen_ | ThinkT510: ok thanks anyway | 12:38 |
jenev | diesch, is there anything like this for suse? | 12:38 |
jenev | or rpms | 12:38 |
bazhang | jenev, you're using ubuntu, or suse | 12:38 |
JennyBlueBird | andrew_46, was it legal reasons that had it removed ? | 12:39 |
andrew_46 | JennyBlueBird: License issues I believe | 12:39 |
JennyBlueBird | I thought they were both gpl | 12:39 |
Fremen_ | does anyone know a good FOSS VOIP program that is better than skype and works on windows ? i found a list on wikipedia : | 12:39 |
dr_willis | I think the version at medibuntu has the features. | 12:39 |
dr_willis | but i normally compile from source to get all the goodies :) | 12:39 |
matrixiumn | hello | 12:40 |
bazhang | Fremen_, works on windows? what does this have to with ubuntu | 12:40 |
Benkinooby | hi, some1 knows a risk like game for linux (and windows too would be cool)? i use xfrisk now, but on some computers there are font problems :( | 12:40 |
=== Default is now known as default__ | ||
raven | gvfs does connect to and - what is this doing? | 12:40 |
andrew_46 | milen8204: Your mp4 may already have mp3 audio so then: ffmpeg -i my_file.mp4 -acodec copy audio_only.mp3 would do it | 12:40 |
Fremen_ | bazhang: nothing actually :), i am asking here because this is the largert irc channel on freenode and i though maybe someone here has tried FOSS VOIP programs and could gave me advice | 12:41 |
andrew_46 | milen8204: If another codec: ffmpeg -i my_file.mp4 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 128k audio_only.mp3 | 12:41 |
bazhang | Fremen_, then ##windows , this is ubuntu support only | 12:41 |
jenev | i'm using ubuntu currently, but there's a chance i might also have to use suse | 12:42 |
milen8204 | andrew_46, thanks a lot | 12:42 |
bazhang | jenev, there is #suse for their package questions | 12:42 |
jenev | cool :) | 12:42 |
Fremen_ | bazhang: ok , before i leave, do you know any large irc channel about FOSS programs in general ? | 12:42 |
andrew_46 | dr_willis: I compile from git as well :). | 12:42 |
Varazir | I'm using upstart, and I have a script that uploads file to a file server on shutdown/reboot. How can I make sure the system will do that before it shutdown ? | 12:43 |
ThinkT510 | !alis | Fremen_ | 12:43 |
ubottu | Fremen_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* | 12:43 |
bazhang | Fremen_, ##linux , but they will redirect you to ##windows as well | 12:43 |
Fremen_ | ok thanks | 12:43 |
Fremen_ | have a nice day | 12:43 |
Varazir | I have this in the .conf file start on runlevel [06] | 12:44 |
andrew_46 | JennyBlueBird: Pipe to lame like this: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -f wav - | lame - output.mp3 | 12:45 |
thisistheaussiet | Can you update the Linux kernel on Maverick to the latest one? | 12:45 |
* andrew_46 loves FFmpeg :) | 12:47 | |
jisaacs1207 | Is it safe to run quotacheck in the background? It has taken 2.5 hours so far... toooo looooong. | 12:48 |
theadmin | Varazir: That should do it just fine. | 12:48 |
Varazir | ok | 12:48 |
fornix | does ubuntu installer give u an option to specify the mbr on which disk you want to install grub on? if I want to install it on the MBR of an external drive, how do I do it? | 12:50 |
theadmin | fornix: Just choose the external drive, e.g. /dev/sdb in the "Install GRUB on: " menu. | 12:51 |
fornix | theadmin, cool. one more question. If i install Ubuntu on an external drive, say sdb5, and install grub on hda. I am dual booting windows nd ubuntu. if i don't connect external drive, will grub load normally? | 12:53 |
theadmin | fornix: GRUB will load but won't boot the OSes on the external | 12:53 |
RiotingPacifist | Is there a channel for help with aptitude (specifically the tui)? every packages shows up twice in the tui | 12:53 |
milen8204 | anyone can help whit that: report | 12:54 |
fornix | theadmin, so does grub install itself completely in MBR of first disk? I had thought the mbr is just the entry point and from there it loads grub from the disk u installed ubuntu on | 12:54 |
ghufran | hi. what is proxy setting in .bashrc used for ? for anything running from the terminal? | 12:54 |
theadmin | fornix: Oh... true, indeed, sorry, I forgot | 12:55 |
theadmin | fornix: I'm not thinking too well | 12:55 |
fornix | theadmin, ok. then i have no option but to load grub on mbr of second disk. and whenever i want to boot from the disk, i'll hit F12 during bios bootup and select external drive to boot from :) | 12:56 |
theadmin | fornix: okay | 12:56 |
Gaming4JC | Hey all, simple issue (I think) I'm using screen and for some reason I'm still not able to keep a session going when I close Putty. (SSH'ing into an Ubuntu-server from windows ;P ) | 12:56 |
Gaming4JC | I just want to be able to keep a command running and close Putty without it logging me out completely. | 12:57 |
Gaming4JC | :) | 12:57 |
theadmin | Gaming4JC: command blah blah &disown | 12:57 |
Gaming4JC | theadmin: sounds like a good command, googling and thx mate :D | 12:57 |
Sidewinder1 | milen8204, Perhaps completely remove and then reinstall, "libavcodec", that's about all I could suggest.. | 12:59 |
brontosaurusrex | Gaming4JC, ctrl + d then a, then quit putty | 13:00 |
milen8204 | Sidewinder1, you mean to apt-get purge libavcodec | 13:00 |
theadmin | brontosaurusrex: Isn't ctrl+d EOF, thus gonna quit the shell? | 13:01 |
ghufran | for what things are proxy settings in .bashrc used? | 13:01 |
Gaming4JC | somehow I keep loosing the window I'm working on. :O | 13:01 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 13:01 |
Gaming4JC | then it just kills the session so ya | 13:01 |
brontosaurusrex | sorry, ctrl +a then d, then quit putty | 13:01 |
dr_willis | Gaming4JC: screen is worth looking into also. | 13:01 |
theadmin | ghufran: For anything which you would start in the bash shell which reads that bashrc... | 13:01 |
theadmin | tmux > screen (imo) | 13:01 |
Sidewinder1 | milen8204, Well, I stink at CLI so I use Synaptic for those types of tasks, but apt with proper syntax will accomplish the same thing. | 13:01 |
dr_willis | of course putty + screen + xming (on windows) is a very handy combo | 13:01 |
brontosaurusrex | gamer1990, a mini example | 13:02 |
ghufran | theadmin: so anything that is run from the terminal? | 13:02 |
Gaming4JC | dr_willis: Yes, I've been reading the man pages on this, looks very nice. I have yet to get it working perfectly though. As soon as I close putty (ssh) it just kills screen also | 13:02 |
theadmin | ghufran: Quite so | 13:02 |
Sidewinder1 | Mornin'! BluesKaj | 13:02 |
dr_willis | Gaming4JC: hmm.. i can just reconnect the screen session. or use byobu and make that your default shell. | 13:02 |
BluesKaj | hey Sidewinder1 | 13:03 |
brontosaurusrex | i mean Gaming4JC | 13:03 |
Gaming4JC | dr_willis: I've been using FreeNX which is a nice solution but a bit heavy on memory since I only need ssh :) | 13:03 |
ghufran | theadmin: im asking because i added settings in bashrc and im getting an error while trying wget. while it is working fine for apt-get because apt apparently has its own proxy settings | 13:03 |
Gaming4JC | brontosaurusrex: thanks | 13:03 |
ghufran | theadmin: but i was wondering what else might not work | 13:03 |
dr_willis | Gaming4JC: ive never had much luckj with freenx. using vnc right now. | 13:03 |
Bagels | when i suspend my computer, it never wakes up. i'm on a netbook. any ideas? | 13:04 |
JennyBlueBird | Gaming4JC, uhm, you mean it closes screen on the host ? | 13:04 |
JennyBlueBird | Because that is just not how it is supposed to work | 13:04 |
Gaming4JC | JennyBlueBird: yeah because I've been closing the putty window and it seems to just logout immediately on it's own. Hence closing screen. | 13:04 |
brontosaurusrex | nx nonOS works well for me, if client is either osx or linux, kinda random if client is windows | 13:05 |
dr_willis | Gaming4JC: you log back in, and do a 'screen -r' and screen reconnects... you have ben dooing that> | 13:05 |
z11 | Just formated a USB drive to ext3, and when mounted it cannot be written to, what needs to be done to allow anyone to mount and have full access to the drive? | 13:05 |
JennyBlueBird | Gaming4JC, tried just detatching the screen before you logout ? | 13:05 |
bekks | z11: How did you mount it? | 13:05 |
Gaming4JC | JennyBlueBird: about to test this now, I think I've been doing it wrong. :) | 13:05 |
JennyBlueBird | Gaming4JC, the whole point with running screen on the host is that it keeps running even after you log out :P | 13:06 |
aussie_matt_ | im having no fun at all following those grub guides, can someone please help? | 13:06 |
z11 | bekks: Just plug in to a USB socket on the computer. Used gparted to format. | 13:06 |
bekks | z11: After formatting, how did you mount it? | 13:06 |
z11 | bekks: I unplugged it and then plugged it in again. It mounts automatically, but I cannot write to it. | 13:08 |
bekks | z11: Then set the appropriate permissions on the mount point. | 13:08 |
ubuntunoob | im a noob. | 13:09 |
ubuntunoob | ubuntu noob. | 13:09 |
milen8204 | Sidewinder1, I made it, I have installed libavcodec-extra and all is ok, thanks | 13:09 |
Sidewinder1 | z11, Try sudo chown -R yourusername:yourusername /media/DiskUUID | 13:09 |
bazhang | ubuntunoob, actual support question? | 13:10 |
z11 | bekks: Isn't that what I'm asking how to do? | 13:10 |
Gaming4JC | !ask | bazhang | 13:10 |
ubottu | bazhang: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 13:10 |
Gaming4JC | :D | 13:10 |
Sidewinder1 | milen8204, Glad it worked; my pleasure. :-) | 13:10 |
bekks | z11: You can do it with sudo chown youruser:yourgroup /media/yourstick for example | 13:10 |
z11 | Sidewinder1: But would that allow others to use the drive on their computer? Or just my user id? | 13:11 |
bekks | z11: No. | 13:12 |
bekks | z11: They will have to have the same userid/groupid. | 13:12 |
Sidewinder1 | z11, Others may be able to read it but probably not write. | 13:12 |
bekks | z11: But they can change the permissions, like you can do :) | 13:12 |
Bagels | when i suspend my computer, it never wakes up. i'm on a netbook. any ideas? I mean, the screen doesn't turn back on. Why? | 13:13 |
z11 | I would like to have the drive accessible by all others. | 13:13 |
Sidewinder1 | z11, You may wish to have a look here: | 13:13 |
jrib | z11: this is a usb flash drive? Is it a good idea to use a journaled filesystem on it? | 13:14 |
bekks | jrib: Yes, why not? | 13:14 |
z11 | Sidewinder1: Googling I saw a suggestion to chown -R nmt:nmt * but was unable to find out what nmt does. | 13:15 |
theadmin | z11: It's a user&group name | 13:15 |
jrib | bekks: it will wear out the drive faster, you should probably use ext2 | 13:15 |
z11 | It's a 500GB USB drive. | 13:15 |
sasori | hi, is there some sort of encoding stuff issue with vim? | 13:15 |
Phr3d13 | I downloaded a run file from nvidias website and installed it, how would I go about going back to the one in Ubuntu's repos? | 13:15 |
Sidewinder1 | z11, I have no idea, my CLI abilities are rather limited. :-( | 13:15 |
bekks | jrib: Wear out... There were 24/7 tests with 3y duration not able to actually wear it out... | 13:16 |
jrib | z11: I asked if it was a flash drive? The size of that drive makes me doubt that | 13:16 |
theadmin | Phr3d13: Uninstall that one you installed... You normally can use the same .run file, just pass an "--uninstall" flag to it or something, see it's help | 13:16 |
sasori | because I edited a php code, using vim at a prod server, i refreshed the browser and I got a WPOD ..then I did the same stuff at my local machine using a decent IDE and uploaded it..refreshed the page, it worked | 13:16 |
z11 | jrib: It's a hard disk, not a memory stick. | 13:16 |
Sidewinder1 | jrib, I'm pretty sure it's an ext. usb/esata drive. | 13:16 |
jrib | z11: ok, then you do not need to worry about the journaling overhead | 13:17 |
cupetong | Phr3di3 maybe there are uninstaller script from installer package | 13:17 |
jrib | !permissions > z11 | 13:17 |
ubottu | z11, please see my private message | 13:17 |
Phr3d13 | OK I'll look into that | 13:17 |
Sidewinder1 | z11, chown will allow you to take ownership; if you wish to allow others write/execute, you'll need to read up on permissions at the link that I gave you. | 13:18 |
dr_willis | Hmm. | 13:18 |
z11 | Sidewinder: OK, thanks. | 13:18 |
Sidewinder1 | z11, What jrib/ubottu, said. :D | 13:19 |
jrib | yes, I didn't see Sidewinder1 already gave you the link :) | 13:19 |
dr_willis | Closeing the actual putty window on windows.. seems to close out all the apps i got started on my xming X server.. trying screen, nohup, &, and so on.. i can exit the putty shell.. but if i close the actual putty window all the apps also close. | 13:19 |
Sidewinder1 | z11, My pleasure. :-) | 13:19 |
z11 | Read that too. Thanks both. | 13:19 |
Sidewinder1 | Good luck! | 13:19 |
jrib | dr_willis: putty probably kills the connection? | 13:20 |
dr_willis | jrib: yea. i sware ive had it working this way befor. or perhaps i was just using the xming lanuchter to do it all the time in t he past. | 13:20 |
jubo2 | So I find Xubuntu buggy, someone says Kubuntu has larger user base and therefore should be more error free then a fringe distribution. What should I do | 13:21 |
jrib | dr_willis: not sure, I have been defenestrated :) | 13:21 |
dr_willis | jubo2: there is lubuntu also.. | 13:21 |
gulzar | is it possible to have emerald + openbox? ignoring the status of emerald. | 13:21 |
jubo2 | I cannot has audible alerts in any irc program so I'm liek desperate | 13:22 |
dr_willis | gulzar: emerald is a window decorator for compiz. so no... | 13:22 |
jubo2 | dr_willis: what is Lubuntu ? | 13:22 |
jehoshua02 | Can I please get some troublehooting tips for problems setting acl rules for a symlink? Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS. Keep getting "Permission denied": | 13:22 |
gulzar | dr_willis: Oh ya... compiz ONLY OK | 13:22 |
jrib | jehoshua02: you're actually trying to set acl rules on the symlink's target, correct? | 13:23 |
Sidewinder1 | jubo2, This should explain some of the differences: | 13:23 |
jehoshua02 | jrib: Good catch. Yes. The target. | 13:23 |
jubo2 | sidewalk: 'k lookin' | 13:23 |
jrib | jehoshua02: pastebin the output of « mount » | 13:23 |
Sidewinder1 | Hmm, ;-) | 13:23 |
raven | gvfs does connect to and - what is this doing? | 13:24 |
jrib | jehoshua02: why are you setting mask like that? | 13:25 |
jehoshua02 | jrib: | 13:25 |
jehoshua02 | jrib: because . . . | 13:26 |
jrib | jehoshua02: what's the output of « getfacl whatever_that_file_is » now? | 13:26 |
zoidfarb | Does anyone know how to adjust underscan/overscan using the ATI `radeon` open source driver? | 13:27 |
zoidfarb | With the proprietary fglxr, there's a slider in the Catalyst panel that lets you adjust it | 13:28 |
jubo2 | I have to live without Compiz so pls help me | 13:28 |
jubo2 | I need an os with "full screen task switcher" ( called Exposé in OS X ) and translucent irc and shell windows and a button to bring all shells to front with one click .. i.e. I want a sweet OS | 13:29 |
meadhikari | Hey, what is the easiest way to convert a mkv file to a 320*240 14fps mp4 file? | 13:30 |
brontosaurusrex | meadhikari, ffmpeg | 13:31 |
jehoshua02 | jrib: getfacl output: | 13:31 |
theadmin | meadhikari: Try winff | 13:31 |
theadmin | meadhikari: Nice GUI media converter with tons of options | 13:31 |
meadhikari | brontosaurusrex, i mean option for ffmpeg.. | 13:31 |
* tommylommykins waves | 13:31 | |
tommylommykins | Does 11.10 work on Modern ati/anmd hardware yet? | 13:31 |
Sidewinder1 | meadhikari, winff is the GUI, front-end for ffmpeg, I think.. | 13:31 |
tommylommykins | *AMD | 13:32 |
jrib | jehoshua02: you're on ubuntu? | 13:32 |
cipherboy | tommylommykins: sorry, only run old AMD hardware, so not sure. Did it not work on this version? | 13:32 |
jehoshua02 | jrib: Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS. | 13:33 |
brontosaurusrex | meadhikari, hold on | 13:33 |
tommylommykins | cipherboy: No, it completely broke. I was told to ome back when AMD released new hardware. | 13:33 |
jrib | jehoshua02: check parents all the way up to / are accessible to redmine. i.e. can redmine get to /, /opt, /opt/gitosis | 13:33 |
meadhikari | brontosaurusrex, will be waiting :) | 13:33 |
tommylommykins | I don't know if this has happened, and even if it has, I want personal testimonial before I spend the afternoon installing | 13:34 |
cipherboy | tommylommykins, you can always boot the livecd and try it out | 13:34 |
cipherboy | That's the beauty of th thing | 13:34 |
cipherboy | *the | 13:34 |
tommylommykins | I don't know how to run fglrx off the livecd | 13:35 |
tommylommykins | it's fglrx that's broken | 13:35 |
jubo2 | What OS should I choose ? Linux Mint would come with Compiz pre-installed. Someone said Kubuntu would be nice. pls help | 13:35 |
cipherboy | Oh, sorry, didn't know that | 13:35 |
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mercy_lago | hi, I'm new to freenode, wondering if there's an "offic topic" channel or something for just general tech discussion | 13:35 |
tommylommykins | The open source drivers have too low performance for me to bother | 13:35 |
mercy_lago | i figured this is the biggest channel, maybe someone here would know :) | 13:36 |
jrib | mercy_lago: #defocus is the network-wide one, #ubuntu-offtopic is where a lot of people here hang out | 13:36 |
mercy_lago | jrib: ok. thanks | 13:36 |
zoidfarb | I was just going to say #ubuntu-offtopic is pretty good | 13:36 |
Sidewinder1 | jubo2, My personal preference is ubuntu desktop, 10.04, supported 'til 2013. | 13:36 |
jehoshua02 | jrib: I'm not totally sure what it's supposed to look like: | 13:37 |
jubo2 | Sidewinder1: I'm not a big fan of GNOME | 13:37 |
chemick | #/j ia | 13:37 |
jrib | jehoshua02: it will be easier to read if you do ls -lad :) | 13:37 |
jubo2 | I went for Xfce to be outside of the GNOME / KDE wars | 13:37 |
brontosaurusrex | meadhikari, maybe: ffmpeg -i file.mkv -vf scale=320:240 -r 14 -vcodec libx264 -crf 21 -preset slow -acodec libvo_aacenc -ab 128k out.mp4 | 13:37 |
mercy_lago | is xfce availiable on ubuntu? | 13:37 |
ThinkT510 | jubo2: check out xubuntu, xfce is my favourite | 13:37 |
jehoshua02 | jrib: I'm guessing the point is to have git own all the git stuff, and only allow redmine to use the private key to connect to git repositories. | 13:37 |
jubo2 | mercy_lago: yes, in Xubuntu | 13:37 |
zoidfarb | mercy_lago, yes, xubuntu | 13:37 |
mercy_lago | aha. ok | 13:37 |
mercy_lago | thus the x | 13:38 |
mercy_lago | haha | 13:38 |
cupetong | Mercy exactly | 13:38 |
jrib | jehoshua02: but yes I see the problem is /opt/gitosis/, you need to let redmine execute that | 13:38 |
jubo2 | ThinkT510: I've Xubuntu and it's a buggy piece of shit | 13:38 |
Sidewinder1 | jubo2, Then xcfe may be best for you; depends on what meets your needs, the best.. | 13:38 |
zoidfarb | Does Ubuntu have an equivalent of cleartype? Something to smooth out the fonts? | 13:38 |
ThinkT510 | jubo2: not buggy for me | 13:38 |
jubo2 | I mean take a fresh OS X and fresh Mapple Computer Products Corporation HW .. it truly works | 13:38 |
Sidewinder1 | xfce, even. | 13:38 |
jehoshua02 | jrib: | 13:38 |
zoidfarb | Xubuntu has gotten heavier than it used to be. I ran it on a crappy P3 laptop back around 2006-2007, but nowadays it's kind of clunky on my little asus netbook | 13:39 |
jrib | jehoshua02: yep, did you see my last? | 13:39 |
jehoshua02 | jrib: I'm checking that right now. | 13:40 |
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ThinkT510 | zoidfarb: you might want to try lubuntu for lxde lightness | 13:40 |
cipherboy | Zoidfarb: the beauty of Linux is that you can make it less heavy. | 13:40 |
zoidfarb | ThinkT510: I'll check out lubuntu. chipherboy: Indeed. I've been using fluxbox mostly | 13:40 |
brontosaurusrex | jubo2, its a bit weird, but only after some brief testing of the lion i kinda understand where gnome-shell is trying to go | 13:41 |
cipherboy | zoidfarb: IMO, flux box is lighter than lode | 13:41 |
cipherboy | *lxde | 13:41 |
brontosaurusrex | jubo2, the same with unity i guess | 13:41 |
cipherboy | Stupid autocorrect on iPad | 13:41 |
jehoshua02 | jrib: --> Thanks. I'm sure that `chmod 777` ain't the best solution. What would you recommend? | 13:43 |
jrib | jehoshua02: just use ACLs like you did on /opt/gitosis/.ssh | 13:43 |
jehoshua02 | jrib: drrr. Thanks. You got lightningy troubleshooting skill! | 13:44 |
zoidfarb | cipherboy: fluxbox is lighter than almost anything (maybe not ratpoison). It's hardly even a desktop; just a thin window manager. | 13:45 |
* Sidewinder1 Bows to jrib. | 13:45 | |
knoppies | zoidfarb, if I remember correctly, its 8mb to download. | 13:46 |
raven | gvfs does connect to and - what is this doing? | 13:46 |
=== BluesKaj is now known as BluesKaj-busy | ||
PeeOnYou | sorry for the join/quits | 13:47 |
PeeOnYou | couldn't get irssi to behave | 13:47 |
dr_willis | fluxbox IS just a window manager. :) | 13:48 |
theadmin | PeeOnYou: Change that nickname, this channel requires family-friendliness. | 13:49 |
Sidewinder1 | PeeOnYou, Yes, please; I think you could choose something a little less offensive. :-) | 13:51 |
PeeOnYou | nahhhhhhhhhh | 13:51 |
aaronliu | who | 13:51 |
aaronliu | no boyd? | 13:52 |
aaronliu | no body? | 13:52 |
computer | Checked out power settings in my BOIS. Nothing there | 13:52 |
aaronliu | exit | 13:52 |
aaronliu | exit | 13:52 |
aaronliu | quit | 13:52 |
FloodBot1 | aaronliu: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:52 |
computer | Oh well will just put up with it for now | 13:52 |
computer | I wish i could find out what is coursing it | 13:53 |
=== bromichaelhenry_ is now known as bromichaelhenry | ||
computer | I will buy a new battery soon and see how that goes | 13:54 |
Gaming4JC | JennyBlueBird: brontosaurusrex: dr_willis: Thanks at all. Screen working like a charm now. :) :) | 13:54 |
MonkeyDust | Gaming4JC try byobu | 13:54 |
Gaming4JC | MonkeyDust: ok, but I just learned screen. xD | 13:55 |
ubuntunoob | im a noob. | 13:55 |
Gaming4JC | ubuntunoob: we all were once friend | 13:55 |
MonkeyDust | Gaming4JC byobu is a screen extension | 13:55 |
ubuntunoob | iwanna learn more about linux commands | 13:55 |
JennyBlueBird | The "commands" are basically programs that you run , which programs you got installed determine what youc an run | 13:56 |
JennyBlueBird | so , "cp" is a program that copies files | 13:56 |
JennyBlueBird | and "chmod" is a program that changes the permissions of files | 13:56 |
Sidewinder1 | ubuntunoob, Have a look here; it's old, but has many links: | 13:56 |
ubuntunoob | cheers | 13:56 |
MonkeyDust | ubuntunoob | 13:57 |
meco | I have huge problems playing mkv media files on my system. Can anyone suggest what I can do about it? I have noe problems with avi files. I'm using 11.04 and my pc is very poorly configured (hardware-wise). | 13:57 |
ubuntunoob | nice | 13:57 |
jehoshua02 | jrib: That fixed my prob. I can create repos in Redmine. Nice. | 13:58 |
ThinkT510 | meco: when you say huge problems you mean you can't play that format or the cpu overheats when you do? | 13:59 |
meco | ThinkT510: I get the sound playinf fine, but the video, at best, only shows single frames every so many seconds. | 13:59 |
meco | I've tried vlc, totem and smplayer | 14:00 |
ThinkT510 | meco: oh, it plays but your hardware isn't up to the task of playing smoothly? | 14:00 |
Sidewinder1 | meco, Please state your processor, and RAM.. | 14:01 |
meco | Right, I suppose that's the problem. I asked about it on the talk page of the Matroska Wikipedia article, but the guy who responded said that this format shouldn't have any higher hardware requirements than avi files | 14:01 |
ThinkT510 | meco: you could try playing the file at halfscale | 14:01 |
Fuwex | hi guys | 14:01 |
ubuntunoob | 离? | 14:02 |
meco | Sidewinder1: Intel 4 2 GHz, 494 MB RAM | 14:03 |
Sidewinder1 | meco, For instance, I have 1 Gig of RAM and a single Pent. 4, or is it 5? I forget. Anyway avi.s play great but as soon as I go to high-def or large mp4.s I get "choppy", video.. :-( | 14:03 |
echofish | I need the debug libraries for Qt4. Is there deb-packages for this? | 14:04 |
Sidewinder1 | meco, I even upgraded the video card, with an additional 512 M of video ram, but still have the same situation. | 14:04 |
ThinkT510 | meco: odd amount of ram. you got 512 and some reserved for video? | 14:04 |
meco | ThinkT510: It's what the System Manager tells me. I don't know. | 14:06 |
chid_t | I've screwed up ubuntu so that X won't boot, is there an easy way to restore everything else? nvidia graphics (won't even load low graphics mode) | 14:06 |
MonkeyDust | chid_t startx? | 14:06 |
=== BluesKaj-busy is now known as BluesKaj | ||
chid_t | MonkeyDust it gives me an error that says GLX module nvidia not loaded | 14:07 |
p0ison_boX | i cant login to my openbox session | 14:07 |
chid_t | like can I install 11.04 over my installation | 14:07 |
user82 | hi. do you know if i can set reverse printing as default? i have to enable it for every single job.. | 14:07 |
meco | Sidewinder1: you mean, avi's are fine, mkv's aren't? | 14:08 |
meco | ThinkT510: What do you mean by playing "half-scale"? | 14:08 |
ThinkT510 | meco: try playing with vlc and go to video and scale | 14:09 |
skypent | are there any freq analysis programs for ubuntu? | 14:09 |
p0ison_boX | hello... i cant login to my openbox session | 14:09 |
meco | ThinkT510: That made no difference. | 14:09 |
MonkeyDust | !details| p0ison_boX | 14:10 |
ubottu | p0ison_boX: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 14:10 |
Fuwex | I run a bash script in the background, invoked from an init script, such as this: myscript & . In this script, I start a .NET application with 'mono myapp.exe'. However, upon killing the initial script (myscript) using 'killall', its child processes are not killed, and the forked mono process still remains. I don't understand why | 14:10 |
RealRaven | Good afternoon. I need some help with Ubuntu | 14:10 |
p0ison_boX | yea im running ubuntu 11.10 with xfce | 14:10 |
p0ison_boX | i install openbox | 14:10 |
p0ison_boX | but i cant login | 14:10 |
RealRaven | At the moment I am using ubuntu from a Virtualbox | 14:10 |
p0ison_boX | it just returns to the login screen | 14:11 |
ThinkT510 | meco: sorry, try zoom and half | 14:11 |
RealRaven | one problem I have since 11.4 the clipboard doesn't work anymore | 14:11 |
p0ison_boX | should i manually create a openbox session?? | 14:11 |
p0ison_boX | how ? | 14:11 |
RealRaven | also the screen doesn't resize automatically when the host resizes | 14:11 |
MonkeyDust | p0ison_boX in grub try booting in recovery mode and repair | 14:12 |
RealRaven | any ideas? | 14:12 |
RealRaven | I want to review Firefox addons under Ubuntu | 14:12 |
p0ison_boX | but my xfce is working fine | 14:12 |
meco | ThinkT510: No, it doesn't matter. Also, CPU usage is at 100% | 14:12 |
RealRaven | and seamonkey, thunderbird | 14:12 |
p0ison_boX | its only openbox | 14:12 |
RealRaven | can somebody help? | 14:12 |
ThinkT510 | meco: well that is your bottleneck then | 14:12 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, I have no experience with Virtualbox, sorry. :-( | 14:13 |
SteMMo | hi there, is it possible to run an update (oneiric) from a usk disk whe i'm on live (intrepid) ? | 14:13 |
ThinkT510 | meco: you need a better cpu | 14:13 |
p0ison_boX | k ill try that | 14:13 |
ikonia | SteMMo: it's not really worth updating the livecd | 14:13 |
RealRaven | @Sidewinder1: can you help me setting up a shortcut within Ubuntu that works ? | 14:13 |
Sidewinder1 | ThinkT510, That was my thought, as well. | 14:13 |
ikonia | SteMMo: unless I've miss understood what you are asking | 14:13 |
meco | ThinkT510: I do, but it's kinda odd that mkv should have such higher requirements than does avi.. | 14:13 |
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ThinkT510 | meco: it is my understanding that both avi and mkv are container formats | 14:14 |
SteMMo | i need to upgrade an old installation to oneiric but i have only the image and the livecd | 14:14 |
=== frackle_heart is now known as fractal_heart | ||
RealRaven | I have SeaMonkey in my download folder and I moved it to the public folder. there is a "seamonkey" file in there that can be used to start the program | 14:14 |
ikonia | SteMMo: ahhh, I seee what you're asking | 14:14 |
ikonia | SteMMo: what is the old version ? | 14:14 |
SteMMo | 8.10 | 14:14 |
RealRaven | actually it is a shell script | 14:14 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, The other problem is that I use 10.04 so I'm not terribly familiar with 11.04, sorry. | 14:14 |
ikonia | SteMMo: I personally would not advise an upgrade like that | 14:15 |
ThinkT510 | meco: you might find that your avi files are of a lower definition than your mkv files | 14:15 |
ikonia | SteMMo: the jump in gnome versions and kernel versions (and therefore associated libraries) would take a long long time and not be the most stable process | 14:15 |
RealRaven | how do I create a shortcut to a shell script on my desktop | 14:15 |
RealRaven | is there a ubuntu noobs channel somewhere? | 14:15 |
meco | ThinkT510: avi's consistently play fine, mkv's consistently don't | 14:15 |
SteMMo | ok, i can reinstall from the scratch | 14:15 |
ikonia | SteMMo: that would be my advise yes | 14:15 |
RealRaven | is it even possible to create a shoprtcut in ubuntu? | 14:15 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, Simply copy it to Desktop? | 14:16 |
SteMMo | which image i need to download ? | 14:16 |
MonkeyDust | RealRaven we were all beginners, once, and please don't use the word 'noobs' | 14:16 |
ikonia | SteMMo: which ever one you want | 14:16 |
ThinkT510 | meco: one thing that usually gives it away is the size of the file, compare say an avi movie with an mkv which file is bigger (or has higher resolution) | 14:16 |
RealRaven | will it still point to the location of the program? | 14:16 |
RealRaven | @MonkeyDust: okay grasshoppers :-) | 14:16 |
SteMMo | but i will need to launch it from a livecd | 14:16 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, It should simply run the script. | 14:16 |
ThinkT510 | meco: the only mkvs i come across are usually hidef | 14:17 |
ikonia | SteMMo: yes, | 14:17 |
RealRaven | I thought the shellscript has to reside in the same folder as the program? | 14:17 |
SteMMo | but i cannot burn a cd | 14:17 |
RealRaven | I will try that so | 14:17 |
ikonia | SteMMo: you can download the images and use it on an USB stick, | 14:17 |
ikonia | SteMMo: I personally don't like that process, but it is possible, | 14:17 |
ikonia | !install | 14:17 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See - Don't want to use a CD? See - See also !automate | 14:17 |
meco | ThinkT510: It could be that the default for mkvs are high def and that people simply go with th default settings | 14:17 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, Then there's the "path" command, but I'm not very good with CLI, I prefer to do most things via GUI... | 14:18 |
SteMMo | ikonia: and boot from the usb stick? | 14:18 |
RealRaven | hmm, if I copy the script to the desktop ot doesn't do anythying. | 14:18 |
ikonia | SteMMo: correct | 14:18 |
RealRaven | is it not possible to create a shortcut to it ? | 14:18 |
SteMMo | ikonia: i cannot boot from a usb device! | 14:18 |
ikonia | SteMMo: see the link ubottu just posted | 14:18 |
RealRaven | or is it called symbolic link? | 14:18 |
ikonia | SteMMo: then you cannot do it | 14:18 |
RealRaven | or link? | 14:18 |
RealRaven | or maybe I can write a script that starts the other script? Sort of like a batch job? | 14:19 |
RealRaven | I think this would be better tham messing around with PATH as I have many test programs installed (the4re are 2 different versions of SeaMonkey 2.0 canonical and 2.5 for testiung the latest extensions) | 14:20 |
Sidewinder1 | ikonia, When you're finished with SteMMo could you possibly help RealRaven ? His questions are getting beyond my limited abilities. :=( | 14:20 |
RealRaven | but maybe this is only possible in windows? | 14:20 |
RealRaven | In windows I would just right-click the file, drag to desktop and select "create shortcut". | 14:20 |
RealRaven | what does "Make link" do? | 14:21 |
ikonia | Sidewinder1: I can certainly try, what's up ? | 14:21 |
RealRaven | is there an irc channel that answers beginners questions? | 14:21 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, No! I know what you're doing is possible; I just am not sure of the exact process and I don't want to "steer you wrong." | 14:21 |
Myrtti | RealRaven: this is the channel | 14:22 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, Olease restate your question for ikonia | 14:22 |
Sidewinder1 | Please, even. Now you know why I avoid CLI. :-) | 14:22 |
ThinkT510 | RealRaven: what does your script do? | 14:22 |
RealRaven | start seamonkey | 14:23 |
D_Russ | anyone know how to get steam games to play on ubuntu | 14:23 |
D_Russ | i was able to get steam installed but the game wont play | 14:23 |
RealRaven | the only problem is I just accidentally deleted it. | 14:23 |
RealRaven | any way to get it back? is there a trash can somewhere? | 14:23 |
ikonia | what's the question ? | 14:23 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, In the "trash"?, perhaps. | 14:23 |
RealRaven | ok, I have found the trash can it was in the bottom status bar. (hidden because of the virtual box screen issue) | 14:24 |
RealRaven | so I have restored it. when I start if from the folder it just opens SeaMonkey 2.5 | 14:25 |
Sidewinder1 | ikonia, He's trying to work with scripts; copy them to desktop, to execute, in a nutshell; no pun intended. ;-) | 14:25 |
ikonia | Sidewinder1: sounds simple enough | 14:25 |
RealRaven | but I don'[t want to open the folder evewry time I would like an icon on the desktop | 14:25 |
unannounced | downloaded skype-.bz2 file, untar-ed it but when i run ./configure in the directory of the file, i get an error that says no such directory or file | 14:25 |
RealRaven | maybe I didn't explain that clearly enough | 14:25 |
ikonia | unannounced: skype is closed source | 14:25 |
ikonia | unannounced: you can't compile it | 14:25 |
ThinkT510 | !skype | unannounced | 14:25 |
ubottu | unannounced: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga | 14:25 |
ikonia | so "./configure" will never work | 14:25 |
ikonia | unannounced: you also shouldn't use "./configure" unless you really understand what you are doing | 14:26 |
RealRaven | does anybpdy else know how to create a shortcut / link to a shell script ? | 14:26 |
unannounced | unless i understand what i am doing.... good one! | 14:26 |
ikonia | RealRaven: sure, right click, create shortcut | 14:26 |
RealRaven | let me try... | 14:27 |
ikonia | unannounced: seriously, unless you understand what you are doing, blindly using options such as ./configure is a bad idea | 14:27 |
Sidewinder1 | unannounced, What ikonia said; you might have a look here for compiling: | 14:27 |
RealRaven | ~ikonia: there is no "create shortcut" | 14:27 |
RealRaven | there is "make link" is this the same? | 14:27 |
ikonia | unannounced: the basics of being able to check if a file is there that sort of thing suggests you may not be in the best position to start trying to build software | 14:27 |
ikonia | RealRaven: ahh, this is unity, "make link" sounds reasonable | 14:27 |
RealRaven | ok, I tried this before ... lets see | 14:28 |
raven | gvfs does connect to and - what is this doing? | 14:28 |
Sidewinder1 | ikonia, That's part of the reason I couldn't help RR; I'm on 10.04. | 14:28 |
ikonia | Sidewinder1: yes, I'm not "unity match fit" | 14:28 |
Sidewinder1 | :D | 14:28 |
Trieste | Hi, I've got a machine here that was apparently shut down during a system update, now the system doesn't boot, the kernel "Oops", there's a message about "the target system doesn't have an init" and it throws me into a busybox shell. It freezes when I try to mount the / partition, but the hdd works alright | 14:29 |
RealRaven | ok I made the link and movced it to the desktop. the problem is, now if I double click it it asks me every time: "do you want toi run 'link to seamonkey' or display its contnet" | 14:29 |
RealRaven | why can it not jsut execute the link? | 14:29 |
unannounced | unannounced: the basics of being able to check if │ | 14:29 |
unannounced | │a file is there that sort of thing suggests you may not be in the │ | 14:29 |
RealRaven | this is what confuses me. and makes me think link is not the same as shortcut? | 14:29 |
unannounced | │best position to start trying to build software....kk | 14:29 |
RealRaven | or should I disable unity? | 14:30 |
ikonia | RealRaven: ok, lets step back a little | 14:30 |
RealRaven | thank you | 14:30 |
ikonia | RealRaven: is your script launching seamonkey yes/no | 14:30 |
unannounced | oops | 14:30 |
RealRaven | yes | 14:30 |
ThinkT510 | unannounced: you don't need to repeat it | 14:30 |
* Sidewinder1 Sighs.. | 14:30 | |
ikonia | RealRaven: can you pastebin the script please ? | 14:30 |
RealRaven | and it does so without asking me first | 14:30 |
ikonia | RealRaven: lets have a look at what you are doing | 14:30 |
RealRaven | ok, I will pastebin it, one moment | 14:30 |
* unannounced knows that is why he said oops | 14:30 | |
Sidewinder1 | unannounced, It's all good. :-) | 14:31 |
ubuntunoob | . | 14:31 |
unannounced | but thanks all, especially Sidewinder1... | 14:31 |
Sidewinder1 | ubuntunoob, My pleasure! | 14:32 |
unannounced | and ikonia i managed to get my AP up and running yesterday.... :) | 14:32 |
gregoire | what "sudo rm / -rf" does I did it and I have loset files!!!! | 14:32 |
Sidewinder1 | Oops..Wrong nick,. | 14:32 |
ubuntunoob | .,. | 14:32 |
gregoire | *lost | 14:33 |
ThinkT510 | gregoire: why did you run that when you don't know what you are doing? | 14:33 |
Sidewinder1 | gregoire, Yes, it's all gone. :-( | 14:33 |
gregoire | What !!! | 14:33 |
RealRaven | @Ikonia: | 14:33 |
Sidewinder1 | !danger | 14:33 |
ubottu | DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! | 14:33 |
ikonia | RealRaven: ok, let me read | 14:33 |
RealRaven | it is the standard seamonkey shell script that you get when you download the official seamonkey tarball | 14:33 |
gregoire | loool so funny to troll you :p | 14:33 |
Sidewinder1 | gregoire, Bye. | 14:34 |
ikonia | gregoire: don't do it | 14:34 |
matthias1 | \exit | 14:34 |
gregoire | :p | 14:34 |
user_ | is anyone else effected by no option to close the black notifications that pop up in the right hand corner of the screen in ubuntu? | 14:34 |
user_ | | 14:34 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 487869 in One Hundred Paper Cuts "Notification popups have no close button" [Undecided,Invalid] | 14:34 |
ikonia | gregoire: ok - so what happens when you run that script ? | 14:34 |
user_ | if so please comment/add in on this | 14:34 |
ubuntunoob | im dancing to some ubuntu music. | 14:34 |
Sidewinder1 | !ot > ubuntunoob | 14:35 |
ubottu | ubuntunoob, please see my private message | 14:35 |
Sidewinder1 | :D | 14:35 |
=== patrick is now known as Guest94456 | ||
gregoire | I think windows is WAY better than ubuntu | 14:35 |
ubuntunoob | !ot > ubuntunoob | 14:35 |
RealRaven | define better | 14:35 |
ikonia | gregoire: stop now, | 14:35 |
Sidewinder1 | gregoire, Again, see 'ya. :-) | 14:35 |
ThinkT510 | gregoire: can you stop that please | 14:35 |
llutz | <°)))o>< - take your fish and troll away - ><o(((°> | 14:35 |
llutz | gregoire: | 14:35 |
ikonia | gregoire: the topic is ubuntu support discussion, please keep to that topic, but stop trying to troll. | 14:35 |
ubuntunoob | !ot > lltuz | 14:35 |
ubuntunoob | !ot > llutz | 14:36 |
ubottu | llutz, please see my private message | 14:36 |
ikonia | ubuntunoob: please stop it | 14:36 |
Sidewinder1 | and from fr, no less. | 14:36 |
RealRaven | ok, so should I modify the shell script and copy it to desktop with the new location of seamonkey? | 14:36 |
ikonia | RealRaven: step back again, what happens when you run that script ? | 14:36 |
RealRaven | or is there an option "run in" like in windows | 14:36 |
ikonia | RealRaven: lets work it through rather than rushing ahead | 14:36 |
RealRaven | when I run the script from the seamonky folder it simply starts seamonkey | 14:37 |
RealRaven | but I want to be able to double click an icon on the desktop to run it | 14:37 |
=== root is now known as Guest59365 | ||
RealRaven | in windows I would create a shortcut | 14:37 |
ikonia | RealRaven: ok - but when you run it from the desktop it does..... | 14:37 |
RealRaven | I just don't know how to do this in ubuntu | 14:37 |
ikonia | RealRaven: what happens when you use the "make link" option in ubuntu | 14:37 |
ThinkT510 | !rootirc | Guest59365 | 14:37 |
ubottu | Guest59365: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. | 14:37 |
RealRaven | when I _copy_ the script itself to the desktop and run it from therfe it does nothing | 14:38 |
ikonia | RealRaven: ok, that's not what we want to do | 14:38 |
ubuntunoob | !rootirc | RealRaven | 14:38 |
ubottu | RealRaven: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. | 14:38 |
RealRaven | when I create a "make link" ubuntu asks me what to do run or open | 14:38 |
ikonia | ubuntunoob: stop | 14:38 |
RealRaven | well I am IRCing from windows | 14:38 |
Trieste | Hi, I've got a machine here that was apparently shut down during a system update, now the system doesn't boot, the kernel "Oops", there's a message about "the target system doesn't have an init" and it throws me into a busybox shell. It freezes when I try to mount the / partition, but the hdd works alright. I don't even know where to even start, any ideas? | 14:38 |
RealRaven | my ubuntu runs in a virtualbox | 14:38 |
ikonia | RealRaven: ok, | 14:39 |
ikonia | could we do a little test please ? | 14:39 |
RealRaven | @ikopnia: yes of course | 14:39 |
=== Dos is now known as Guest97563 | ||
ubuntunoob | im up for it too. | 14:39 |
ikonia | RealRaven: ok, where is the seamonkey script | 14:39 |
ikonia | ubuntunoob: stop it, you are not helping the channel, stop messing around | 14:39 |
RealRaven | it is in the same folder as the unpacked seamonikey tarball: <username>/public/seamonkey | 14:40 |
RealRaven | along with everything that it needs to run seamonkey | 14:40 |
ikonia | RealRaven: ok, | 14:40 |
ikonia | RealRaven: do you know how to create symboic links ? | 14:40 |
juboubuntu | ikonia: 'ln -s'-command ? | 14:41 |
RealRaven | no. but there is a context menu entry "Make link" | 14:41 |
ThinkT510 | ikonia: so essentially RealRaven wants a .desktop file that points to the script? | 14:41 |
RealRaven | I know how to open terminal as well | 14:41 |
ikonia | juboubuntu: correct | 14:41 |
RealRaven | ah,. so shortcut = .desktop file???? BIG lightbulb | 14:41 |
ikonia | ThinkT510: well, I'm thinking just a symlink for a test first, but yes, thats the end goal | 14:41 |
ikonia | RealRaven: excellent | 14:41 |
juboubuntu | ikonia: symbolic links are gwwweat. no bytes wasted and the file is visible in multiple places / locations | 14:41 |
ikonia | RealRaven: see where I am going with this | 14:41 |
RealRaven | ok lay it on me :) | 14:42 |
RealRaven | I have been doing windows for toooo long, so I have to relearn everything | 14:42 |
ikonia | RealRaven: ok, the test I'd like to do is create a symlink from the shell script in the correct place, to ~/Desktop/script_name | 14:42 |
RealRaven | ok, what do I do | 14:42 |
ikonia | RealRaven: ever used the "ln" command | 14:42 |
RealRaven | nope, what does it stand for? link? | 14:43 |
ikonia | RealRaven: pretty much | 14:43 |
ikonia | RealRaven: so "ln -s /place/you/script/is /home/$username/Desktop/link_name | 14:43 |
RealRaven | ok i have opened a terminal | 14:43 |
ikonia | RealRaven: obviously replacing it with the correct path | 14:43 |
llutz | ikonia: that won't work with most of mozilla startscripts, due to things like "curdir=`dirname "$progname"`" and " run_moz="$curdir/" | 14:44 |
RealRaven | is there any way I can copy the location from this explorer like window? | 14:44 |
ikonia | llutz: well, that's what I'm wondering in the test | 14:44 |
llutz | ikonia: seamonkey does aswell | 14:44 |
RealRaven | there is no address bar just broken up panels < [user] [public] [seamonkey] | 14:45 |
ikonia | llutz: I wasn't %100 sure if the script would take the real cwd, or the link target cwd | 14:45 |
* Sidewinder1 Doesn't, now feel so stupid.. :-0 | 14:45 | |
RealRaven | well user is my name really so it is [axel] [Publi] [seamonkey] | 14:45 |
llutz | ikonia: i just grabbed seamonkey to check that | 14:45 |
ikonia | RealRaven: ok, so check llutz comment, we are on the wrong track | 14:45 |
ikonia | llutz: thank you for the time saving | 14:45 |
RealRaven | just wnat to make sure if I get the complete path or whether there is anything hidden before root | 14:45 |
RealRaven | @llutz: what;s the alternative? | 14:46 |
llutz | ikonia: easiest to make a short script: " cd /path/to/seamonkey && ./seamonkey" | 14:46 |
llutz | RealRaven: ^^ sry | 14:46 |
RealRaven | ok, that sounds easy | 14:46 |
ikonia | llutz: agreed, that seems a much much better solution | 14:46 |
llutz | RealRaven: put it into ~/bin | 14:46 |
RealRaven | so I am creating a script file on the desktop? | 14:46 |
RealRaven | ok, so I am creating this script and save it in ~/bin what does ~ stand for? | 14:47 |
llutz | RealRaven: ~ == $HOME == your users homedir | 14:47 |
unannounced | well i got it! | 14:47 |
RealRaven | ok. let me check | 14:47 |
CrazyThinker | Can I make apt use multiple internet connection while downloading packages? | 14:48 |
biopyte | hi, i just ran an update on 11.04. window borders changed, xterm doesnt even have a window border anymore. how can i repair this mess? | 14:48 |
ikonia | unannounced: are you using backtrack linux or ubuntu ? | 14:48 |
RealRaven | ok echo $HOME returns /home/axel | 14:48 |
Sidewinder1 | unannounced, You're now compiling away, to your hearts content? | 14:48 |
Tannerbaum | Where does Ubuntu put the openssl library by default in 10.04? | 14:48 |
RealRaven | so I need to create the script in /home/axel/bin | 14:49 |
unannounced | ikonia for today BT5R1 | 14:49 |
ikonia | Tannerbaum: /usr/lib | 14:49 |
Guest84275 | hi ubuntu | 14:49 |
RealRaven | sorry for being so slow | 14:49 |
ikonia | unannounced: please take the support questions to #backtrack-linux then | 14:49 |
llutz | RealRaven: gedit ~/bin/ | 14:49 |
RealRaven | but my clipboard doesn't work | 14:49 |
Tannerbaum | ikonia: /usr/lib/ssl? | 14:49 |
ikonia | RealRaven: it's not an issue, you're working fine | 14:49 |
jtokarchuk | Where do people who would like to contribute to Ubuntu usually start? I have read the literature online. All my programming experience is in Windows thus far. | 14:49 |
RealRaven | @llutz: ah ok tilde is expanded autmagically. that's handy! | 14:49 |
ikonia | Tannerbaum: I thought it was just /usr/lib, but possibly | 14:49 |
ikonia | !contribute | jtokarchuk | 14:50 |
ubottu | jtokarchuk: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see and | 14:50 |
unannounced | BT is built on ubuntu, thanks | 14:50 |
llutz | !backtrack | unannounced | 14:50 |
ubottu | unannounced: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition | 14:50 |
RealRaven | ok got the file in the editor | 14:50 |
ikonia | unannounced: yes, it is based on ubuntu, but it is not the same, which is why we don't support it here, please take it to #backtrack-linux (again, please) | 14:50 |
raven | gvfs does connect to and - what is this doing? | 14:50 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, clipboard=notepad? If so just run gksudo gedit for root priv., for modifying/saving... | 14:50 |
raven | gvfs does connect to and - what is this doing? | 14:50 |
raven | gvfs does connect to and - what is this doing? | 14:50 |
jtokarchuk | ikonia: I have read through that. Just unsure if bugfix or MOTU would be a more proper fit | 14:50 |
unannounced | well guys don't complain i got it working. | 14:50 |
Tannerbaum | raven: you need to be patient, please. | 14:51 |
unannounced | should be happy for me | 14:51 |
RealRaven | and now just type in "cd /path/to/seamonkey && ./seamonkey" | 14:51 |
Sidewinder1 | :D | 14:51 |
RealRaven | what does the && do? looks like a logical AND | 14:51 |
llutz | RealRaven: add 3 lines: 1st line: "#!/bin/sh" 2nd "cd /path/to/seamonkey" <replace the path to the real location 3rd line "./seamonkey" | 14:51 |
ikonia | unannounced: thats great, but I'm just askig you to take your support requests in future to #backtrack-linux please. | 14:51 |
ikonia | jtokarchuk: bug fixes would be most welcome | 14:51 |
llutz | RealRaven: without the quotes | 14:51 |
llutz | RealRaven: it is logical and | 14:52 |
jtokarchuk | ikonia: Alright, that being said, do I need to be running a bleeding-edge release? Or can I fix in the latest release? Is there an IRC channel? | 14:52 |
RealRaven | @sidewinder: clipboard = shared clipboard between windows (with kvIRC running) and Ubuntu (in virtual box) :-) | 14:52 |
RealRaven | so basically I cannot just copy from irc to ubuntu | 14:52 |
RealRaven | I have to type everything | 14:52 |
RealRaven | but that's a separate issue | 14:52 |
ikonia | jtokarchuk: you can fix anything you want, has a list of bugs, pick one and get stuck in | 14:52 |
unannounced | ikonia: i appreciate your info but i will stay in here | 14:52 |
jtokarchuk | ikonia: Thank you. | 14:52 |
ikonia | unannounced: you are welcome to stay here, however please take your support requests to #backtrack-linux | 14:53 |
ikonia | jtokarchuk: bugfixes are a real lacking area, many people would appreciate resolutions, | 14:53 |
=== max is now known as Guest82624 | ||
llutz | RealRaven: should read like this | 14:54 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, Once you accomplish your task, you might have a look here, it's old but has many, many links to CLI stuff (stuff that I stink at :-(): | 14:54 |
Sidewinder1 | HTH. | 14:54 |
RealRaven | ok got it in pastebin: 1391548 | 14:54 |
RealRaven | that's, sorry | 14:55 |
Sidewinder1 | "At ain't a URL.. | 14:55 |
RealRaven | (I am a mozillian( | 14:55 |
llutz | RealRaven: URL pls, no puzzles | 14:55 |
Sidewinder1 | oops, too slow, again.. | 14:55 |
unannounced | just sit back relax, have a glass of champagne mixed with orange juice. then you will have a good attitude towards me! | 14:55 |
RealRaven | ok | 14:55 |
ikonia | unannounced: just respect the rules, and take your support requests to #backtrack-linux and there will be zero issues | 14:56 |
RealRaven | I am a bit slow because of the missing clipboard | 14:56 |
llutz | RealRaven: fine, save & quit, then "chmod +x ~/bin/" | 14:56 |
Phr3d13 | !ot > unannounced | 14:56 |
ubottu | unannounced, please see my private message | 14:56 |
unannounced | have not asked you any questions and i know the rules in here. | 14:56 |
RealRaven | ok | 14:56 |
unannounced | ok ubottu | 14:56 |
Sidewinder1 | unannounced, Personally, I prefer Scotch; but that's "ot." | 14:56 |
ikonia | unannounced: please see the pm I've just sent you | 14:56 |
RealRaven | something strange happened when I pressed save | 14:57 |
RealRaven | it says "could not fine the file /home./axel/bin/" | 14:57 |
RealRaven | this is in gedit | 14:57 |
ikonia | RealRaven: look at the . | 14:57 |
RealRaven | do I need to run gedit as admin? | 14:57 |
teddie | no | 14:57 |
llutz | /home./axel/bin/" remove dot | 14:57 |
ikonia | RealRaven: /home. | 14:57 |
ikonia | should be /home/axel | 14:57 |
Sidewinder1 | gksudo gedit, perhaps? | 14:57 |
RealRaven | hold on that was just a typo | 14:57 |
RealRaven | I created the file from terminal | 14:58 |
llutz | no need for sudo/gksudo | 14:58 |
RealRaven | I had Terminal openL | 14:58 |
* Sidewinder1 Is glad others make typos; misery loves company; I know, enough of the commentary.. | 14:58 | |
RealRaven | axel@PhoenUx:~$ gedit ~/bin/ | 14:58 |
llutz | RealRaven: thats why i use notation like " ~/bin/" less place for typos | 14:58 |
RealRaven | I assumed this would create a new file? | 14:58 |
RealRaven | it opene gedit and started to edit the file, I will try save as.... | 14:59 |
benkant | hahahahaha | 14:59 |
Sidewinder1 | benkant, ? | 15:00 |
benkant | wait for it | 15:00 |
biopyte | the update killed my winddow borders. how can i reset window borders? | 15:00 |
RealRaven | So I am tryiung to navigate to /home/axel.bin | 15:00 |
RealRaven | So I am tryiung to navigate to /home/axel/bin | 15:00 |
RealRaven | but there is no bin :-) | 15:00 |
llutz | RealRaven: mkdir ~/bin | 15:01 |
RealRaven | explains why I cannot put it there ;-) | 15:01 |
RealRaven | hmmkay | 15:01 |
benkant |!/benkant/status/136619173412474881 | 15:02 |
RealRaven | ok, I have done it. shell file is in place. so now, how to create the .destkop file pointing to it? | 15:02 |
llutz | ikonia: your turn, i don't fiddle with desktops/gnome/unity :) | 15:03 |
RealRaven | also could you explain what the first line does? #!/bin/sh ?? | 15:03 |
* Sidewinder1 Grabs popcorn and is eager to follow/learn the answer. :-) | 15:03 | |
ubuntunoob | . | 15:03 |
llutz | RealRaven: it calls /bin/sh (/bin/dash) to run this short script | 15:03 |
RealRaven | I can understand the second and third line the cd and calling the seamonkey shell scripty | 15:03 |
ssta | RealRaven: that's called the "shebang", it tells the shell how to run your script | 15:03 |
ThinkT510 | RealRaven: it is a shebang and tells the system what to run it with (in this case /bin/sh links to the dash shell) | 15:04 |
RealRaven | ah, shebang. I know that one. I live in Ireland ;-) | 15:04 |
benkant | shebang haskell | 15:04 |
benkant | she bang? not likely | 15:04 |
RealRaven | "the whole shebang" | 15:04 |
=== basti2 is now known as basti | ||
ikonia | llutz: sorry, just dealing with something else, I'll catch up in a minute | 15:05 |
RealRaven | so there are different shells and the one in /bin/sh is a "dash shell" | 15:05 |
f0x | how do i drop root shell with networking in recovery mode | 15:05 |
f0x | because 11.10 doesn't have that menu anymore | 15:05 |
benkant | 5.04 was porno, but you know what happened? OS X. we all wanted a great Unix :( | 15:05 |
ThinkT510 | !dash | RealRaven | 15:05 |
ubottu | RealRaven: /bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash | 15:05 |
ssta | RealRaven: yes, but in this case it's because someone in the dim and distant past (probably at MIT) decided that "#!" (hash bang) should be pronounced "shebang" | 15:05 |
llutz | RealRaven: /bin/sh is a link to the system default shell, which is /bin/dash on a lot of distros today | 15:05 |
RealRaven | ah ok. it just represents another shell folder | 15:06 |
f0x | how do i drop root shell with networking in recovery mode | 15:06 |
raven | gvfs does connect to and - what is this doing? | 15:06 |
RealRaven | so now I need to create this .desktop file | 15:06 |
benkant | sudo ifdown eth0 | 15:06 |
benkant | ^down^up | 15:06 |
=== froes_ is now known as froes | ||
RealRaven | how does that exactly work, do I create a Seamonkey.desktop file on the desktop ? | 15:07 |
RealRaven | or is it just called .desktop | 15:08 |
RealRaven | brb (just needs to put on water for pasta for kids) | 15:08 |
ssta | RealRaven: generally you can just drag it from the menu to the desktop | 15:10 |
froes | hi guys. i have created on my server a share with the name storage, i want it to be read only, thats ok. working. but i want the user to be able to create files on storage\users | 15:10 |
benkant | drag your dick into the GCC bin | 15:10 |
f0x | how do i boot in recovery mode with networking on 11.10 | 15:10 |
Gentoo64 | benkant, what? | 15:10 |
f0x | can anybody please tell me | 15:10 |
benkant | ./configure && make && make clean | 15:11 |
benkant | fixes all | 15:11 |
Trieste | Hi, I've got a machine here that was apparently shut down during a system update, now the system doesn't boot, the kernel "Oops", there's a message about "the target system doesn't have an init" and it throws me into a busybox shell. It freezes when I try to mount the / partition, but the hdd works alright. I don't even know where to even start, any ideas? | 15:12 |
RealRaven | ok, from the menu to the desktop. the file I made? from which menu? | 15:12 |
Braden` | Hello | 15:13 |
Gentoo64 | hi | 15:13 |
Braden` | How do I use sed to delete every line before a pattern? and then stop when it finds the pattern | 15:13 |
RealRaven | the new shell file is now in ~/bin (hope that is the right place) | 15:13 |
Darktower | join #xubuntu | 15:14 |
benkant | buy a mac | 15:14 |
maria | ciao a tutti | 15:15 |
RealRaven | hmm there is a bad S/N ratio at the moment | 15:15 |
diesch | Trieste: can you access the partition from a rescue system? | 15:16 |
RealRaven | somebody suggested top drag the shell file "from the menu" to the desktop. Don;t know quite what to make fo that | 15:16 |
RealRaven | // of that | 15:16 |
korben | hello | 15:16 |
Trieste | diesch, yes, I can | 15:16 |
RealRaven | I am now in Nautilus and can see the shell file in Home folder/bin | 15:17 |
RealRaven | so how to create this desktop shortcut ? | 15:17 |
Trieste | diesch: I can chroot into it, and I'm doing a quick backup now | 15:18 |
RealRaven | (and couldn't I have done that with the original shell file from SeaMonkey as well?) | 15:18 |
Dj_FlyBy[ms] | I keep getting an error when trying to use the package manager / apt-get in terminal --> Please see for the error. Any help is aprpeciated | 15:18 |
RealRaven | @ssta: you said something about dragging, is that correct? | 15:18 |
=== somebody_else is now known as fabbo | ||
ThinkT510 | !fixapt | Dj_FlyBy[ms] | 15:19 |
ubottu | Dj_FlyBy[ms]: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 15:19 |
RealRaven | @ssta: because I tried that with the original shell file (assuming it would work like a shortcut in windows) | 15:19 |
RealRaven | but it didn't :-( | 15:19 |
RealRaven | :'( | 15:19 |
RealRaven | ok, I will use the time to test the new shell file... | 15:20 |
kubanc_ | any idea what is bad_area_nosemaphore | 15:20 |
RealRaven | hmm, if I double click the shell file it opens in gedit instead | 15:20 |
RealRaven | how does Ubuntu determine the "real" filt type? Is it not using the extension? | 15:20 |
Zippa | Hi | 15:21 |
milen8204 | Why every time when I start Ubuntu 11.10 my Bluetooth starts whit the Ubuntu ? | 15:21 |
Zippa | Ubuntu is Great | 15:21 |
milen8204 | Why every time when I start Ubuntu 11.10 my Bluetooth starts whit the Ubuntu ? | 15:21 |
RealRaven | I thought shell files should be executed by default? What tells Ubuntu what to do with a file whne I double click it? | 15:21 |
RealRaven | I think I need to buy a book :) | 15:21 |
diesch | Trieste: Does it have /sbin/init | 15:21 |
Dj_FlyBy[ms] | ThinkT510: I've tried that and I still get the error | 15:22 |
RealRaven | I know, in windows if I double click a .com or .bat file, it just executes. | 15:22 |
Zippa | I love Ubuntu | 15:22 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, I think if you right click on it, it'll give you an open with... and perhaps have a place to click that says "do this always, with this type of file.. | 15:22 |
RealRaven | o0k. let me try | 15:22 |
RealRaven | there are thre "open " commands: open with gedit, open with other application and open as administrator | 15:23 |
Zippa | To format the SD card in Ubuntu 11.10 | 15:23 |
RealRaven | but no "RUN" | 15:23 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, open with other app | 15:23 |
RealRaven | I would have thought means run to sh | 15:23 |
RealRaven | ok | 15:23 |
RealRaven | ok, getting a big list | 15:23 |
Zippa | I try all ways and lime | 15:23 |
Gentoo64 | sh | 15:23 |
Trieste | diesch: Yes | 15:24 |
Zippa | :-) | 15:24 |
RealRaven | there is use a custom command | 15:24 |
RealRaven | how does Ubuntu know how to execute the original shell script from Mozilla? | 15:24 |
Braden` | How do I use sed to delete every line before a pattern? and then stop when it finds the pattern | 15:24 |
Zippa | I am from poland . Do you speak polish | 15:24 |
RealRaven | I thought it uses the file extension? | 15:24 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, try chmod +x on the file first | 15:25 |
bazhang | !pl | Zippa | 15:25 |
ubottu | Zippa: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 15:25 |
RealRaven | ah, you mean I have no execute rights on the file. that might explaiun it | 15:25 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, then double click it | 15:25 |
Gentoo64 | yeah | 15:25 |
ya4 | milen8204: Bluetooth is enabled by default so that devices that have bluetooth hardware (laptops, for example) can use it with no further configuration. | 15:25 |
Gentoo64 | otherwise itll open in a text editor | 15:25 |
Gentoo64 | rather than executing | 15:25 |
RealRaven | ahh now I get a different prompt when I double click: | 15:26 |
Gentoo64 | one that says execute? | 15:26 |
Gentoo64 | or run in terminal etc | 15:26 |
RealRaven | do you want to run or display its content? its pretty much the same as what I got when I "Made link" | 15:26 |
Zippa | I have a problem with formatting the sd card is my version of ubuntu 11.10 | 15:26 |
RealRaven | I would like to always run it, of course | 15:26 |
RealRaven | chmod +x is a good one anyway | 15:27 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, if its in the home folder you may be able to right click it and choose make executable | 15:27 |
RealRaven | ok I am doing run but the shell doesn't open seamonkey | 15:27 |
RealRaven | first of all should I not make sure it does what it is supposed to | 15:28 |
Zippa | My desktop environment is KDE | 15:28 |
alex77ale | ciao | 15:28 |
alex77ale | !lust | 15:28 |
Gentoo64 | list | 15:28 |
alex77ale | !list | 15:28 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 15:28 |
Gentoo64 | heh | 15:28 |
Zippa | I love ubuntu | 15:28 |
RealRaven | ok if I "run" nothing happens | 15:30 |
RealRaven | is the #!/bin/sh command really necessary> | 15:31 |
Gentoo64 | in terminal whats it say when you do sh | 15:31 |
RealRaven | let me try... | 15:31 |
=== abc is now known as Guest7550 | ||
RealRaven | it says cd: 2: can't cd to /axel/Public/seamonkey :) | 15:31 |
Guest7550 | | 15:31 |
Dj_FlyBy[ms] | I keep getting an error when trying to use the package manager / apt-get in terminal --> Please see for the error. Any help is appreciated | 15:31 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, does that dir exist? | 15:32 |
ThinkT510 | RealRaven: you forgot the tilde and the . before seamonkey | 15:32 |
RealRaven | but in Nautilus it definitely looks like that path is right | 15:32 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, is /axel your home dir? | 15:33 |
Gentoo64 | if so its wrong | 15:33 |
RealRaven | @GEntoo64 I don;t know, how do I find out? | 15:33 |
Gentoo64 | whats your username | 15:33 |
RealRaven | is there a Where am I command in terminal? | 15:34 |
RealRaven | I don't know which path I am in | 15:34 |
Gentoo64 | type whoami | 15:34 |
RealRaven | ok | 15:34 |
Gentoo64 | pwd for current dir | 15:34 |
RealRaven | axel | 15:34 |
RealRaven | ah | 15:34 |
=== dikidera is now known as HouseOfD | ||
RealRaven | i am now in /home/axel/bin | 15:34 |
=== HouseOfD is now known as diki | ||
RealRaven | so my command should be cd /homne/axel/Public/seamonkey | 15:35 |
Gentoo64 | sounds more right | 15:35 |
Gentoo64 | as the home dir is in /home not / (root) | 15:35 |
RealRaven | it is a bit confusing as there are lots of folders with same neam in different folders | 15:35 |
RealRaven | ok | 15:35 |
ssta | it is confusing to start with, but after a while it starts to make sense | 15:36 |
RealRaven | ok, so running my new shell script seems to work. now I need to get rid of the prompt "run or open?" | 15:36 |
Gentoo64 | you can use ~/ instead of /home/axel | 15:36 |
Gentoo64 | but stick to the proper way imo | 15:36 |
RealRaven | ok ~/ works as well | 15:37 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, Another piece of advice, don't name directories or filenames with a "space" in them; linux handles that differently and can be a PIA.. :D | 15:37 |
Gentoo64 | yeah, thats whatsever user you're usings /home dir | 15:37 |
RealRaven | how do I add a comment to a shell script ? | 15:37 |
Sidewinder1 | # | 15:37 |
ThinkT510 | RealRaven: #this is a comment | 15:37 |
RealRaven | @ah, thaqt means the first line #!/bin/sh doesn't do anything? | 15:38 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, yeah anything after a hash is discarded | 15:38 |
ThinkT510 | RealRaven: good practice to keep comments on seperate lines in scripts | 15:38 |
Sidewinder1 | ^ | 15:38 |
RealRaven | hmm, ok. so why even put in that line #!/bin/sh | 15:38 |
RealRaven | I thought it invoked the dash shell ? | 15:38 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, For info., purposes. | 15:38 |
RealRaven | yes like in C#, Javascript, asp, etc. | 15:39 |
ThinkT510 | RealRaven: no, #! is a shebang treated different to comments | 15:39 |
ssta | RealRaven: it invokes /bin/sh (which may or may not be the dash shell) | 15:39 |
RealRaven | ah ok | 15:39 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, its required | 15:39 |
RealRaven | ok | 15:39 |
RealRaven | ok. so now how do I get ird of the prompt and create the desktop shortcut? | 15:39 |
RealRaven | // get rid off | 15:39 |
Gentoo64 | what are you on, gnome 3? | 15:40 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, May I please, make a friendly suggestion? | 15:40 |
Gentoo64 | 11.10? | 15:40 |
RealRaven | @sidewinder, sure | 15:40 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, You may wish to peruse the following link for much info... | 15:41 |
RealRaven | ok, wd | 15:41 |
Sidewinder1 | It has many links to CLI related items... | 15:41 |
Sidewinder1 | :D | 15:41 |
RealRaven | ok, need to create an account there first | 15:42 |
FnorZ | anyone has a nice program with which one can store IRC chat snippets? i mean if someone pasted a nice expalantion or url or so, then to simply copy these lines into a not-taking-like application for storing and ordering??? (and yes, i know tomboy, gnotes, etc....) | 15:42 |
brontosaurusrex | RealRaven, and a nice bash guide | 15:42 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, There's many, many more; more than anyone could possibly read, in a lifetime. Welcome to Linux/Ubuntu! | 15:42 |
llutz | FnorZ: | 15:42 |
Gentoo64 | FnorZ, for stuff like that i just use text editor | 15:43 |
FnorZ | llutz, needs an open browser :/ | 15:43 |
Phr3d13 | As far as I know the chat here is logged somewhere | 15:43 |
Sidewinder1 | Yes. | 15:43 |
ThinkT510 | FnorZ: just take what you want from the log files, xchat keeps logs of the chat | 15:43 |
FnorZ | Gentoo64, not easy too order the infos with | 15:43 |
llutz | FnorZ: true, so use "vim mynotebook" | 15:43 |
FnorZ | ThinkT510, i want to a program to directly ystore the info | 15:43 |
Gentoo64 | FnorZ, name the text file something informative and use lots of text files | 15:43 |
Sidewinder1 | ThinkT510, C-Chat must be configured to log the chanel. | 15:44 |
Sidewinder1 | X-Chat, even. | 15:44 |
FnorZ | Gentoo64, thought about that. too compliacted imho... best solution i found yet is basket | 15:44 |
RealRaven | Sorry was just gone opening that ubuntu forums link, had to create a UID | 15:44 |
MonkeyDust | am i doing something wrong, or is it not possible to create a symbolic link to another device? | 15:44 |
ThinkT510 | Sidewinder1: works for me straight off the bat, i always get a log of what was said last time when i log on again | 15:45 |
* Sidewinder1 Chops his/her fingers, off to prevent further typos. | 15:45 | |
Gentoo64 | tbh i dont take notes much, i suppose if you do a lot it might not be that convenient | 15:45 |
llutz | MonkeyDust: symlinks only on unix-fs | 15:45 |
ThinkT510 | Sidewinder1: are you thinking of xchat-gnome (the slimmed down thingy) | 15:45 |
Sidewinder1 | ThinkT510, Perhaps logging is turned on, by default, when installing; turned mine off, a while ago.. | 15:46 |
Gentoo64 | logging is on by default on xchat (afaik) | 15:46 |
Sidewinder1 | ThinkT510, I'm on 10.04, so perhaps, the answer is yes.. :D | 15:46 |
ssta | MonkeyDust: you should be able to | 15:46 |
RealRaven | Ok, so now I have written the shell script and I want it to always run (and not open it with a editor) when I oduble click it. and also I want to bne able to run iot fgrom a desktop icon | 15:47 |
RealRaven | preferably an icon showing the Seamonkey logo | 15:47 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, youd have to manually do the icon | 15:47 |
RealRaven | (I wish this was as easy as creating a windows shortcut) | 15:47 |
ThinkT510 | Sidewinder1: i've only ever used the normal xchat so i wouldn't know about the defaults of xchat-gnome | 15:47 |
Gentoo64 | is it ubuntu 11.04 with gnome 3? | 15:47 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, it was as easy on gnome2 | 15:47 |
Gentoo64 | not on gnome 3 | 15:47 |
RealRaven | so first, how do I make the shell file react to a double click in the proper way ? | 15:48 |
exiff | hello...I have an application serving a page on localhost:**** , how do i access it in a browser on another computer on the same network? | 15:48 |
FnorZ | Gentoo64, the problem with txt files is that you have to organize them. i was thinking of a note taking application with which one assign keywords | 15:48 |
RealRaven | (I am learning) | 15:48 |
Tanvir | Hello, I just added a PPA package in my software sources, how to update the software center now to install that that software? Thanks. | 15:48 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, it should, now its executable | 15:48 |
Gentoo64 | Tanvir, apt-get update | 15:48 |
Gentoo64 | then apt-get install as usual | 15:48 |
RealRaven | but it always asks me: | 15:48 |
jnwhiteh | Is anyone familiar with Empathy? I can't seem to get back to my contacts window and the menu that I'm getting is just for the conversation I'm in.. | 15:48 |
jnwhiteh | Any suggestions? | 15:49 |
RealRaven | Do you want to run "eamonkey,sh" or display ists contents? | 15:49 |
RealRaven | which is kind of surprising to me since it is a shell file aftetr al | 15:49 |
Sidewinder1 | ThinkT510, Me neither; I just know that since I've used it, I turned off logging, to save disk space. | 15:49 |
Tanvir | Gentoo64, worked, thanks a bunch. :) | 15:49 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, hmm not sure. something to do with clikcing it in the file manager | 15:49 |
brontosaurusrex | exiff, just point it to ip or hostname/page.htm | 15:49 |
RealRaven | it can't be that difficult to create a shorcut | 15:49 |
Gentoo64 | as opposed to running it properly from terminal | 15:49 |
RealRaven | por maybe it can be but its seriously clunky | 15:50 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, is it ubuntu 11.10? | 15:50 |
RealRaven | I am on this now for over an hour. And I am not generally computer illiterate | 15:50 |
Gentoo64 | afaik gnome 3 is a pita for desktop shurtcuts | 15:50 |
RealRaven | it is ubuntu 11.04 | 15:50 |
RealRaven | can't up-grade to 11.10at the moment | 15:50 |
Gentoo64 | ok, can you right click the desktop on 11.04? | 15:51 |
Gentoo64 | and create shortcut? | 15:51 |
Gentoo64 | or dont that work | 15:51 |
exiff | brontosaurusrex.. I did that and it says "It works.. this is the default web page for this server.... no content has been added yet" | 15:51 |
RealRaven | create folder / create launcher or create document | 15:51 |
Gentoo64 | create launcher.. | 15:51 |
RealRaven | ok | 15:51 |
Gentoo64 | thats a shrtcut | 15:51 |
Gentoo64 | basivally same as windows | 15:51 |
jinho | If I have a personal development machine, and another machine acting as a local server with multiple accounts, should I be creating ssh keys for each account, or is it normal to use just one private/public key pair when ssh-ing into the 3 different accounts? | 15:52 |
RealRaven | ok, that's the 3rd term for shortcut I heard today. but that;s cool. now I can actually select an application | 15:52 |
Gentoo64 | then name it, choose an icon and the command to run | 15:52 |
Gentoo64 | now you know, it is easy :) | 15:52 |
brontosaurusrex | exiff, sorry, how does your localhost link looks like? | 15:52 |
ssta | jinho: generally I'd setup a key per account. | 15:52 |
exiff | brontosaurusrex: the link? | 15:53 |
RealRaven | there is even command .. browser. might even be able to point it to the orighinal shell file (if I am allowed to pick an execute location as well) | 15:53 |
Gentoo64 | yeah | 15:53 |
brontosaurusrex | exiff, yes the link | 15:53 |
Gentoo64 | point it to whatever you want to run | 15:53 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, I know some will jump all over me for suggesting this, but you might want to try 10.04, desktop, it's supported 'til 2013 and is more similar to win, than unity. Just a suggestion. :D | 15:53 |
rethus | wasn't there a multimedia-live-version of ubuntu for music-studio apps? | 15:53 |
Gentoo64 | ubuntu studio? | 15:54 |
RealRaven | hmm, no I don't want to revert because it takes a lot of bandwidth to redownload a different version | 15:54 |
RealRaven | also I want to uise the system for reviewing Mozilla addons. so newer is better | 15:54 |
jinho | ssta: after asking it, I kind of figured I would get that response, but thanks for reaffirming! | 15:54 |
rethus | Gentoo64: is it possible to use it as live-cd? | 15:54 |
RealRaven | so I better learn the new ways | 15:54 |
Gentoo64 | rethus, id imagine so | 15:54 |
Gentoo64 | havent tried it myself | 15:54 |
exiff | brontosaurusrex, I don't know what you mean by that... do you mean the resource I'm trying to access? or the url in the address? or..? | 15:54 |
jinho | ssta: actually one more question: do you name your keys after the account you'll be using them for? | 15:54 |
RealRaven | ok, the launcher works. no problem. that was almost too easy | 15:54 |
RealRaven | :-) | 15:54 |
rethus | Gentoo64: or may be a good choice to install on seperate hdd, and use it via startOnUSB? | 15:55 |
Gentoo64 | rethus, im pretty sure all ubuntus work as livecd | 15:55 |
Sidewinder1 | !who | RealRaven | 15:55 |
ubottu | RealRaven: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 15:55 |
RealRaven | now for the dot on the i how to change the icon | 15:55 |
brontosaurusrex | exiff, the working localhost url, like http://localhost:5800/file.htm | 15:55 |
RealRaven | @ubottu ok | 15:55 |
Sidewinder1 | :D | 15:55 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, there should be a generic icon when you edit the launcher, try clicking it | 15:55 |
RealRaven | @gentoo | 15:55 |
RealRaven | ok | 15:55 |
Gentoo64 | should bring you to a file list | 15:55 |
Gentoo64 | try usr share pixmaps for some general icons in there | 15:56 |
RealRaven | @Gentoo there is properties... lets see... | 15:56 |
RealRaven | ok there is emblems, but no seamonmkey unfortunately | 15:56 |
brontosaurusrex | exiff, and the server is apache? | 15:56 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, you can download icons and use them | 15:56 |
exiff | brontosaurusrex, it's "localhost:8080"... | 15:56 |
soreau | ! tab | RealRaven | 15:56 |
ubottu | RealRaven: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 15:57 |
Sidewinder1 | RealRaven, No, type Gento and hit "tab" key; it'll auto-complete for you. No @ needed. | 15:57 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, | 15:57 |
Gentoo64 | something like that idk | 15:57 |
brontosaurusrex | exiff, and if you do from another comp, like ip.ip.ip.ip:8080 you get what? | 15:57 |
exiff | brontosaurusrex,I'm really not sure... but i certainly have apache installed | 15:57 |
Tanvir | Gentoo64, can you please tell me how to add something in Luncher? | 15:57 |
Tanvir | Gentoo64, I wanted to add Force Quit option in Launcher. | 15:58 |
Tanvir | want* | 15:58 |
exiff | brontosaurusrex, I get "unable to connect" | 15:58 |
Gentoo64 | Tanvir, what launcher? | 15:58 |
RealRaven | @gENTOO, that tab thing doesn't work - yes well can I just use the icon in the seamonkey folder? | 15:58 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, just tpe the first few letters of someones name then press tab | 15:58 |
Gentoo64 | it types the name for you | 15:58 |
brontosaurusrex | exiff, what happens if you ping ip.ip.ip.ip? | 15:58 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, yes you can use whatever icon you want | 15:58 |
RealRaven | @Gentoo doesn;t work in kvIRC | 15:58 |
ThinkT510 | RealRaven: are you using a web irc? | 15:58 |
ThinkT510 | oh | 15:59 |
RealRaven | nope i am using kvIRC | 15:59 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, ah ok. that sucks hard, lol | 15:59 |
=== cantonic_ is now known as cantonic | ||
Tanvir | Gentoo64, the desktop launcher at the left of desktop? | 15:59 |
Gentoo64 | i would switch clients, for that alone tbh | 15:59 |
RealRaven | yep. but that's the only one I could make work here in windows | 15:59 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, for windows use xchat wdk | 15:59 |
RealRaven | I might switch to chatzilla once I figured it out | 15:59 |
Gentoo64 | its free | 15:59 |
Sidewinder1 | If sub-titles are hard-coded into the .avi file, is there an easy way to get rid of them? | 15:59 |
Gentoo64 | sidewalk, no | 16:00 |
RealRaven | anyway. the problem is not how to get at icon files it is how to assign it to the launcher | 16:00 |
Gentoo64 | not afaik | 16:00 |
exiff | brontosaurusrex, 100% successful packets with average round trip time of 1.02ms | 16:00 |
Sidewinder1 | Or must I re-encode? | 16:00 |
Gentoo64 | Sidewinder1, yeah i think so | 16:00 |
Gentoo64 | hardcoded = part of the movie | 16:00 |
RealRaven | @Gentoo, :@Sidewindwer1 at the moment it shows the launcher icon (lijke a springboard) | 16:00 |
Gentoo64 | unless you wana edit every frame, lol | 16:00 |
Trieste | Sidewinder1: It's basically impossible to get rid of them completely | 16:00 |
brontosaurusrex | exiff, and your 8080 service is what exactly? | 16:00 |
ThinkT510 | RealRaven: edit the launcher | 16:00 |
Sidewinder1 | ffmpeg, I'm guessing, or no?,.. | 16:00 |
RealRaven | @Think: how? | 16:01 |
exiff | moinmoin, a wiki. | 16:01 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, yeah, click the spring (in the properties) and you can choose the icon from there | 16:01 |
ThinkT510 | RealRaven: rightclick and pick edit | 16:01 |
brontosaurusrex | Sidewinder1, the easy way would be to crop the bottom part of the video, but thats not usually nice | 16:01 |
RealRaven | there is no Edit on rightclik menu | 16:01 |
Sidewinder1 | Trieste, I wouldn't want a blank space, where they used to be. | 16:01 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, right click the launcher and choose properties, or similar | 16:01 |
ThinkT510 | RealRaven: i think you are starting to see why i don't use unity | 16:02 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, then youll see the spring icon on yje left, click the spring | 16:02 |
RealRaven | there is Properties / make link / open / opan as admin and te usual suspects from the file manu]# | 16:02 |
Sidewinder1 | Thanks ALL! | 16:02 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, choose properties then click the spring | 16:02 |
RealRaven | ahh, got it, just clikc on the icon in the propertie | 16:02 |
Gentoo64 | yeah | 16:02 |
RealRaven | easy once you know it | 16:02 |
brontosaurusrex | Sidewinder1, there are filters like delogo, but i dont know if thats in ffmpeg, in any case its probably to hard to do it | 16:02 |
Gentoo64 | the spring is the generic icon i was on abotu earlier :) | 16:02 |
rethus | Gentoo64: is there a special distribution for musicans? Or is this that ubuntu studio? | 16:03 |
exiff | brontosaurusrex,is what I'm trying even possible? | 16:03 |
Gentoo64 | rethus, tbh i dont know. i think for recording (afaik) youd want a low latency kernel | 16:03 |
ThinkT510 | rethus: i thought ubuntu studio was discontinued | 16:03 |
brontosaurusrex | exiff, of course | 16:03 |
Gentoo64 | rethus, which ubuntu studio may or may not use | 16:03 |
Sidewinder1 | brontosaurusrex, That's what I thought; guess I'll just live with it.. Can't really, easily, get another copy as it's very, very old. Black and white, days. :-( | 16:04 |
rethus | which else desti can i use vor low latency? | 16:04 |
RealRaven | sugar, I forgot where I put the original seamonkey. | 16:04 |
ThinkT510 | rethus: distrowatch to the rescue! | 16:04 |
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Gentoo64 | rethus, you can manually compile the kernel for low latency, but ubuntu studio is prob the easiest option | 16:04 |
U-b-u-n-t-u | how do I move the buttons from the left top to the right top on ubuntu 11.1 | 16:04 |
dr_willis | !controls | 16:05 |
ubottu | Starting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information and workarounds, please see | 16:05 |
ThinkT510 | !controls | U-b-u-n-t-u | 16:05 |
ubottu | U-b-u-n-t-u: please see above | 16:05 |
Sidewinder1 | brontosaurusrex, Just in case you were curious, "In Harms Way." | 16:05 |
RealRaven | I got it. thanks all | 16:06 |
Sidewinder1 | Kewl! a "controls", factoid.. | 16:06 |
RealRaven | now if I could figure out the clipboard in virtualbox .... | 16:06 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, you need guest additions | 16:06 |
RealRaven | it used to work in 10. | 16:06 |
RealRaven | I have installed the, | 16:06 |
RealRaven | them | 16:06 |
RealRaven | and the right version as well | 16:06 |
Gentoo64 | hmm, should work... | 16:06 |
ThinkT510 | RealRaven: you can ask the dudes in #vbox | 16:06 |
Gentoo64 | does for me | 16:06 |
RealRaven | also enabled 2 way cliboard suoport from the host | 16:06 |
RealRaven | //sorry typing too fast | 16:07 |
Gentoo64 | RealRaven, ask in #vbox yeah | 16:07 |
min|dvir|us | Hello. Do Intel graphics work with 3D monitors? | 16:07 |
RealRaven | ok., good idea!! | 16:07 |
brontosaurusrex | how does gnome-shell runs on atoms? (some eee pc here) | 16:07 |
Gentoo64 | brontosaurusrex, depends on gpu | 16:07 |
Gentoo64 | much more than cpu | 16:07 |
RealRaven | @Gentoo: hmm, I need to find an IRC server for that one. | 16:08 |
exiff | doushio.. | 16:08 |
Gentoo64 | /join #vbox | 16:08 |
ThinkT510 | !alis | RealRaven | 16:08 |
ubottu | RealRaven: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* | 16:08 |
Gentoo64 | its in freenode | 16:08 |
=== Plinker_ is now known as Plinker | ||
U-b-u-n-t-u | I really don't like ubuntu 11.10 it has removed the ability to customize it and it seems it is trying to be OSX's little brother... but fails.. I wish I could revert to 9.04 | 16:09 |
ikonia | U-b-u-n-t-u: well you can't, so no point wondering | 16:09 |
brontosaurusrex | does that tell you anything Gentoo64 ? | 16:09 |
ThinkT510 | U-b-u-n-t-u: why revert when you can use a better desktop environment like xfce? | 16:09 |
realburb | hi, I am installing my server on an usb stick right now (with virtualbox) how can I later check, if the server accesses the usb drive with usb1 or usb2? | 16:10 |
Gentoo64 | brontosaurusrex, does what? i didnt get a message | 16:10 |
bergle | i use xfce now, i didnt like unity | 16:10 |
brontosaurusrex | oh | 16:10 |
exiff | mmm... brontosaurusrex, thanks for your help so far.. I'm out, ciao... | 16:10 |
brontosaurusrex | Graphics: Card nVidia ION VGA [GeForce 9400M] X.Org 1.10.1 Res: 1366x768@50.0hz | 16:10 |
Gentoo64 | sorry | 16:10 |
Gentoo64 | brontosaurusrex, yeah itll run it | 16:10 |
brontosaurusrex | exiff, no problem | 16:10 |
U-b-u-n-t-u | ill try xfce I have tried gnome classic and KDE now they all seem to be moving away from what made me love ubuntu | 16:10 |
bergle | i like my eye candy, but seriously, unity.. just didnt give me enough info at a glance | 16:10 |
bergle | like having a large cell phone os on my computer | 16:10 |
RealRaven | RealRaven: what do these !command commands mean? | 16:11 |
ThinkT510 | !bot | RealRaven | 16:11 |
ubottu | RealRaven: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at | Usage info: | Bot channels and general info: | 16:11 |
RealRaven | like !alis | Realraven? | 16:11 |
brontosaurusrex | Gentoo64, i imagine that, but gnome2 with some compiz is actually quite slow, so the question is, can i expect some speed boost from the new version, or everything will crawl? | 16:11 |
gnagno | hello all | 16:11 |
ThinkT510 | RealRaven: they call the bot | 16:11 |
ninx | quick question, to new ubuntu here, what command do I need to use after i had run tar xvf? | 16:11 |
Gentoo64 | brontosaurusrex, gnome 3 doesnt have the same effects, but it uses gpu. itll prob be fine with the nvidia driver | 16:11 |
ikonia | ninx: what are you trying to do | 16:11 |
RealRaven | @think what does the bot do? | 16:12 |
brontosaurusrex | Gentoo64, ok, thanks | 16:12 |
ikonia | ninx: that depends on what command you need | 16:12 |
gnagno | after installing some extensions on my gnome shell from gnome is not working anymore... is there any way I can delete all my gnome settings and have a clean gnome shell? | 16:12 |
Gentoo64 | brontosaurusrex, only way is to try it, but it should be fine it isnt a really crappy card | 16:12 |
ThinkT510 | RealRaven: give information, didn't you read the link? | 16:12 |
ThinkT510 | !bot | RealRaven | 16:12 |
ninx | ikonia: get my audio working i downloaded a file that was tar.gz, and I already decompress the tar and gz | 16:12 |
piratenradio | Hi, i have a little question. Where can i get the onformation on wich device the audio input is dedicated to? | 16:12 |
ikonia | ninx: what sound card do you have | 16:13 |
brontosaurusrex | Gentoo64, well it can play 1080p video (kinda), but of course thats not really related to gpu | 16:13 |
Gentoo64 | brontosaurusrex, could be | 16:13 |
Gentoo64 | mplayer defaults to vdpau (gpu) if you use nvidia drivers | 16:13 |
Gentoo64 | not sure about other players | 16:13 |
brontosaurusrex | yes, that makes it happeb | 16:13 |
brontosaurusrex | happen* | 16:13 |
ninx | description: Audio device | 16:14 |
ninx | product: N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller | 16:14 |
ninx | vendor: Intel Corporation | 16:14 |
ninx | physical id: 1b | 16:14 |
ninx | bus info: pci@0000:00:1b.0 | 16:14 |
ninx | version: 02 | 16:14 |
FloodBot1 | ninx: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:14 |
ikonia | ninx: that should work fine out of the box | 16:14 |
ikonia | ninx: the intel cards are normally very well supported | 16:14 |
=== max is now known as Guest23920 | ||
ThinkT510 | ninx: try alsamixer in a terminal to see if it is muted | 16:14 |
ThinkT510 | ninx: what are you trying to play that has no sound? | 16:15 |
ninx | on the sound settings on output it saids dummy output and hardware is blank | 16:15 |
ninx | just music | 16:15 |
ThinkT510 | ninx: have you installed the codecs you need? | 16:16 |
ThinkT510 | !codecs | ninx | 16:16 |
ubottu | ninx: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 16:16 |
U-b-u-n-t-u | has anyone tried sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback ? | 16:16 |
colloquialismic | Ok... I have a serious need for a ubuntu 10.04 makeover | 16:16 |
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colloquialismic | any ideas, you fancy fellows? | 16:16 |
ninx | not sure about the codecs part | 16:16 |
MonkeyDust | !anyone| U-b-u-n-t-u | 16:17 |
ubottu | U-b-u-n-t-u: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 16:17 |
selim | slt takos tu est la | 16:17 |
MonkeyDust | "tu es" | 16:17 |
=== Guest36873 is now known as mrapple | ||
colloquialismic | Is the Macbunutu for Ubuntu 10.04 sleek? | 16:17 |
U-b-u-n-t-u | MonkeyDust, that was a "real" question | 16:17 |
colloquialismic | or are there any other amaza-zing ones? | 16:18 |
ThinkT510 | colloquialismic: macbuntu is not a supported derivative here | 16:18 |
colloquialismic | oh | 16:18 |
colloquialismic | ThinkT510, What derivatives are? ;) | 16:18 |
Braden` | How do I use sed to add a newline before each instance of a pattern? | 16:18 |
Braden` | or rather after each instance of a pattern? | 16:18 |
colloquialismic | I want to spice it up a little and that was first on my list of results | 16:18 |
ThinkT510 | colloquialismic: only the official ones: ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu, edubuntu, and mythbuntu i think | 16:19 |
theadmin | Not really the place to ask, but does anyone know a Chrome extension to download Flowplayer-based videos? | 16:19 |
dougl | colloquialismic, gonna check out macbuntu = got a link? | 16:19 |
D_Russ | hello. does anyone know anything about getting steam games to work on 11.10? | 16:20 |
colloquialismic | ThinkT510, Do you just have the normal ubuntu? | 16:20 |
ThinkT510 | !themes | colloquialismic | 16:20 |
ubottu | colloquialismic: Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 16:20 |
hrolf | When I do "sudo mount -o /home/farsi/Downloads/VBoxGuestAdditions_4.1.6.iso /media/vbox | 16:20 |
landman | :%s/\(pattern\)/\n\1/g | 16:20 |
ThinkT510 | colloquialismic: i use xubuntu (xfce fan) and i like the albatross theme | 16:20 |
colloquialismic | Oh wow... thanks ThinkT510 | 16:20 |
hrolf | I get error saying that cannot find /media/vbox in /etc/fstab | 16:20 |
ThinkT510 | colloquialismic: no worries :) | 16:20 |
colloquialismic | Yeah... I use my ubuntu for everything now | 16:20 |
llutz | hrolf: mount -o loop ... | 16:20 |
colloquialismic | i absolutely hate windows | 16:21 |
RealRaven | I just restarted ubuntu and now it looks very different. there is a vertical button bar at the left | 16:21 |
colloquialismic | i started shell scripting, learning networking a while back and decided to just go ubuntu | 16:21 |
RealRaven | I am missing the top menu icons | 16:21 |
RealRaven | i mean items | 16:21 |
RealRaven | applications / yadda / systen] | 16:21 |
colloquialismic | RealRaven, it does that sometimes... did you tweak anything? | 16:21 |
ThinkT510 | RealRaven: that is unity for you | 16:21 |
colloquialismic | lol oh u have unity | 16:22 |
ssta | RealRaven: that's unity. It's Good For You![tm] | 16:22 |
colloquialismic | i have LTS :) | 16:22 |
RealRaven | arrg | 16:22 |
colloquialismic | take it just take it | 16:22 |
RealRaven | can i disable tghat ??? | 16:22 |
colloquialismic | its ok | 16:22 |
wwb | i think gnome3 is better | 16:22 |
colloquialismic | lol | 16:22 |
colloquialismic | yes | 16:22 |
FloodBot1 | colloquialismic: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:22 |
colloquialismic | oh snap | 16:22 |
RealRaven | I just want my menu bar back | 16:22 |
ThinkT510 | !classic | RealRaven | 16:22 |
ubottu | RealRaven: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity | 16:22 |
RealRaven | ther eis no log out on m y user name anymore ! :-(( | 16:23 |
RealRaven | no log out command! | 16:23 |
colloquialismic | i guess i need to make more concise and less drawn out sentences ha. oi ThinkT510 what is your opinion of me installing gnome-shell on LTS? would it break it all? | 16:23 |
MonkeyDust | RealRaven ctrl-alt bcksp | 16:23 |
RealRaven | wait its on the power button | 16:23 |
ThinkT510 | colloquialismic: yes, catastrophically | 16:24 |
colloquialismic | ThinkT510, i thought so :( | 16:24 |
wwb | you can uninstall the unity ,next install gnome or kde | 16:24 |
RealRaven | @ubottu: hmm i am on the login screen but no "session box" | 16:24 |
ThinkT510 | RealRaven: type in your name then before you type in your password there is a session box | 16:25 |
wwb | resart it | 16:25 |
gnagno | is it possible to delete all actual gnome settings and have everything clean like a fresh gnome install ? | 16:25 |
RealRaven | there is now a box at the b ottom saying Engliush Ireland Ubu8ntu | 16:25 |
MonkeyDust | gnagno bleachbit | 16:25 |
gnagno | what will happen if I delete the .gnome2 folder in my home dir? | 16:26 |
RealRaven | and Ubuntu is a drop up with different Ubuntu options | 16:26 |
RealRaven | Ubuntu / Ubuntu Classic / Classic (nbo effects) / Ubuntu Safe mode / User defined | 16:26 |
RealRaven | so is it classic I want? | 16:26 |
RealRaven | or user define? | 16:26 |
ThinkT510 | RealRaven: those are the sessions, yes classic is what you want | 16:26 |
RealRaven | YEs! everything is back to normal :-) | 16:27 |
Ryukoji | hey guys | 16:27 |
RealRaven | yesss!!! clipoboard is back working!!! I willbe productive again!!! | 16:28 |
MonkeyDust | \o/ | 16:28 |
ThinkT510 | !yay | RealRaven | 16:28 |
ubottu | RealRaven: Glad you made it! :-) | 16:28 |
gnagno | MonkeyDust, isn't bleachbit just for deleting unnecessary files? | 16:28 |
tp43 | man...ubuntu isn't as stable as debian, my system is running slow these days | 16:29 |
ThinkT510 | tp43: thinkpad user? | 16:30 |
tp43 | ThinkT510, you guessed it | 16:30 |
ThinkT510 | tp43: great aren't they? my xubuntu works well for me, not slow at all | 16:30 |
hrolf | How can I determine my graphic hardware, like what type is it, model etc ? | 16:31 |
MonkeyDust | hrolf lshw | 16:31 |
ThinkT510 | hrolf: lspci | grep vga | 16:31 |
tp43 | ThinkT510, hmmm, used to be, gets really hot though, and my batter needs replacement, my cdrom and screen aren't working | 16:31 |
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ThinkT510 | tp43: wow, my t40 is still ticking along fine (but it does overheat when you stress the cpu) | 16:32 |
tp43 | ThinkT510, maybe if i replace the battery, my cdrom and screen will work then | 16:32 |
ThinkT510 | tp43: i've always run off mains | 16:33 |
tp43 | ThinkT510, mains? | 16:33 |
avernos | how can i make a comand in bash repeat all the time? | 16:33 |
ThinkT510 | tp43: the mains, the plug in the wall | 16:33 |
tp43 | when I close a window, there is a delay these days | 16:33 |
diesch | hrolf: sudo lshw -C display | 16:33 |
tp43 | ThinkT510, yeah, me too | 16:33 |
llutz | avernos: use "watch" or see | 16:34 |
ThinkT510 | tp43: just out of curiosity what desktop are you using? | 16:34 |
tp43 | gnome, compiz, cairo-dock/glx-dock | 16:35 |
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ThinkT510 | tp43: ah, my t40 struggles if i try compiz on it | 16:35 |
osguitechshowfan | Is there a way to install the Ubuntu Software Center from Oneiric in Maverick? | 16:35 |
tp43 | ThinkT510, really, works fine for me | 16:35 |
ThinkT510 | osguitechshowfan: no, don't try it, you won't get support here if you do | 16:36 |
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tp43 | I love compiz, you can set up a sceenlets screen, and switch with scaling, and alt-tab with the mouse too, basically, do need a task bar except for launching, for screen real estate | 16:36 |
wwb | what about dell vostro? | 16:36 |
ThinkT510 | !rootirc | Guest89763 | 16:37 |
ubottu | Guest89763: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. | 16:37 |
hrolf | Okay thanks ya'll | 16:37 |
=== max is now known as Guest71494 | ||
hrolf | I have max resolution 1366 x 768 is there anyway I can increase it? How do I know if my graphic card (built-in) supports more or not? | 16:38 |
ThinkT510 | hrolf: connect to a different monitor and see what it offers | 16:39 |
meco | I have downloaded a package called handbrake-gtk_0.9.5-1ppa1~natty1_i386.deb. Now how do I install it? | 16:39 |
ThinkT510 | meco: hang on | 16:39 |
tp43 | like I mouse over to bottom left corer, and it goes to screenlets page with desktop grayed out a bit, and i have a big clock and calendar and windows icons to switch. THen if i mouse over to top right corner, all the widows scale out and I can click to the windows I want to switch too, and if I mouse click the bottom right corner, I can switch to previous window. In this way, the task bar is not need except for program launching | 16:39 |
D_Russ | how do i confirgure my graphics card? nvidia g230? | 16:39 |
D_Russ | having issues playing steam games | 16:40 |
ThinkT510 | meco: nevermind | 16:40 |
hrolf | ThinkT510: Why? I don't want to use another monitor | 16:40 |
hrolf | ThinkT510: I want to know if it's possible with my laptop LCD | 16:40 |
meco | ThinkT510: Well, I still would like to get som help :-) | 16:40 |
ThinkT510 | hrof: then no, you can't get a larger resolution than your laptop can handle | 16:40 |
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tp43 | all the other compiz features I turned off, like fire and wobbly windows and stuff, I don't care for them | 16:41 |
ThinkT510 | !ppa | meco | 16:41 |
ubottu | meco: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa | 16:41 |
ThinkT510 | meco: i tend not to use ppas | 16:41 |
meco | ThinkT510: I don't know if handbrake is available any other way. Anyway, I already have downloaded the package. | 16:42 |
ThinkT510 | meco: what i'm saying is if i don't use ppas i can't help you with them | 16:42 |
meco | Oh... didn't you have experience with handbrake? | 16:43 |
gnagno | meco: sudo dpkg -i handbrake.... | 16:43 |
meco | ok! | 16:43 |
ThinkT510 | meco: no, don't even know what it is for | 16:43 |
Jerrak0s | NickServ identify flwros007 | 16:43 |
ThinkT510 | Jerrak0s: change your password and next time do that outside a channel | 16:44 |
MonkeyDust | Jerrak0s you forgot / | 16:44 |
meco | ThinkT510: ok :) | 16:44 |
=== Guest72435 is now known as robot | ||
Jerrak0s | ThinkT510, how to change password ? | 16:45 |
=== robot is now known as Guest91004 | ||
meco | ThinkT510: If you ever learn to drive a car you can use the handbrake when you park the vehicle so that it doesn't bump into other cars etc. | 16:45 |
ThinkT510 | Jerrak0s: i'm not sure sorry, i've never needed to, the guys at #freenode may know though | 16:45 |
metadan | hey can anyone recommend something i can install on my ubuntu server at work to monitor external websites and notify me if they go down? | 16:46 |
Jerrak0s | i found it | 16:46 |
ThinkT510 | meco: funny... i meant the software | 16:46 |
meco | ThinkT510: I'm goingto try and use it for downgrading mkv files so my meager pc are able to digest them. | 16:47 |
ThinkT510 | meco: i see | 16:48 |
meco | I just installed an app (handbrake) using the command "sudo dpkg -i handbrake-gtk_0.9.5-1ppa1~natty1_i386.deb". How do I execute it? | 16:49 |
gunfire007 | h00k: hi hook ;D | 16:50 |
LargePrime | Does anyone mind If I am lazy and just ask for an update on the unity fiasco? | 16:52 |
ThinkT510 | LargePrime: meaning what exactly? | 16:52 |
theadmin | LargePrime: Unity is still the same | 16:52 |
theadmin | LargePrime: Nothing really new to it | 16:52 |
LargePrime | pland to change it? | 16:52 |
rocco | buonasera a tutti | 16:52 |
ThinkT510 | LargePrime: unity is likely to stay the default until mark regains some sanity | 16:53 |
rocco | qualcuno parla italiano? | 16:53 |
ThinkT510 | !it | rocco | 16:53 |
ubottu | rocco: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 16:53 |
forceflow | LargePrime: let's just hope for a good Gnome 2 fork | 16:53 |
LargePrime | so we should pray for mark sanity? | 16:53 |
LargePrime | or a better Gnome 3 | 16:53 |
rocco | grazie | 16:53 |
forceflow | my netbook used to be fast and snappy | 16:54 |
ThinkT510 | LargePrime: doesn't affect me, i use xfce | 16:54 |
forceflow | since unity and all that big-icons-are-awesome stuff ... not so much | 16:54 |
oscar- | hi, what is the default unitiy/gnome3 theme in oneiric? | 16:55 |
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oscar- | anyway, in theme "adwaita" i see this old set of icons, that looks somehow '90s. how can i fix this or reset the config party responsible for that? | 16:57 |
escott | oscar-, try the respective tweak tools | 17:00 |
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dr_willis | so many tweak tools.. we need a tweak tool tweaker... | 17:03 |
AnusUranus | suck my cock. | 17:04 |
imark | thank you but i decline | 17:04 |
AnusUranus | well suck my dick then. | 17:04 |
imark | still the same im afraid, just pay for it like everyone else | 17:05 |
AnusUranus | well better lick my asshole then. | 17:06 |
AnusUranus | you fucking wankers. | 17:06 |
theadmin | !ops | AnusUranus | 17:06 |
ubottu | AnusUranus: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U! | 17:06 |
AnusUranus | cunts | 17:06 |
AnusUranus | . | 17:06 |
LjL | errrrrr | 17:06 |
theadmin | Geebus. | 17:06 |
AnusUranus | well | 17:07 |
dougl | I dont understand his question - lol | 17:07 |
AnusUranus | FUCK OFF. | 17:07 |
Hilarie | dude, nice! | 17:07 |
AnusUranus | WANKERS. | 17:07 |
FloodBot1 | AnusUranus: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:07 |
AnusUranus | CUNTS. | 17:07 |
theadmin | Bah... Ban this thing please | 17:08 |
LjL | theadmin: not like i didn't | 17:08 |
Hilarie | LjL forgot to finish him | 17:08 |
asswipeD | O HI MOTHERFUCKERS | 17:08 |
asswipeD | FUCK WANKERS | 17:08 |
FloodBot1 | asswipeD: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:08 |
theadmin | Holy hell... This is crazy. | 17:09 |
Hilarie | this is what happens when people are trying the new unity | 17:09 |
LjL | well now the channel is +r | 17:09 |
AnusUranus | CUNTS. | 17:09 |
theadmin | LjL: What's +r again? | 17:09 |
Hilarie | +r registered only? | 17:09 |
LjL | yes | 17:09 |
theadmin | Ah yes | 17:09 |
LjL | although here they can still join by answering a captcha | 17:09 |
wolfric | how do i get to power management now? i'm running ubuntu 11.10 with gnome 2 | 17:10 |
theadmin | They probably wouldn't bother | 17:10 |
Hilarie | There we go, he gave up, this is going to happen more and more with unity | 17:10 |
wolfric | i don't see it under the "other" menu option | 17:10 |
theadmin | wolfric: err, gnome2 is not supported on 11.10 | 17:10 |
ssta | sure it is, it's in the supported repository | 17:10 |
Hilarie | wolfric go back to 11.04 classic, life will make more sense | 17:10 |
ssta | well, sort of | 17:10 |
escott | wolfric, in 11.10 press the "windows" key and then type "power" | 17:10 |
theadmin | ssta: It ain't... Well... We have gnome-panel, but... | 17:10 |
ThinkT510 | !gnome2 | ssta | 17:11 |
ubottu | ssta: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience. | 17:11 |
wolfric | escott: ??? | 17:11 |
wolfric | theadmin: then what is the option "ubuntu-clasic" in the login option | 17:11 |
varnie | what does it mean "to run teavbiewer through virtualbox"? | 17:11 |
wolfric | Hilarie: not helpful. | 17:12 |
varnie | teamviewer* | 17:12 |
theadmin | wolfric: errr... Are you sure you're using 11.10 and not 11.04? | 17:12 |
wolfric | theadmin: very... | 17:12 |
LjL | theadmin: there is still a "classic" option | 17:12 |
LjL | theadmin: but it's not GNOME2 | 17:12 |
theadmin | wolfric: Probably just gnome3-panel then | 17:12 |
theadmin | LjL: Am I correct? | 17:12 |
wolfric | LjL: then what is it | 17:12 |
escott | theadmin, its called gnome-fallback | 17:12 |
LjL | theadmin: yes | 17:12 |
wolfric | fine, "ubuntu classic" where is the power option | 17:13 |
warya | I was watching someone using terminal and when the pressed a key the file name they where typing auto completed anyone know How to do this? | 17:13 |
wolfric | is there any gui command anywhere? what is it called etc? | 17:13 |
theadmin | warya: Tab key | 17:13 |
escott | wolfric, nowhere in 11.10 is it called classic AFAIK | 17:13 |
LjL | warya: hit Tab? | 17:13 |
wolfric | escott: does it really matter? | 17:13 |
Hilarie | wolfric it is quite helpful, I was prepping to bail on ubuntu until I found out about 11.04 classic I can't be the only one | 17:13 |
warya | Tried that does not seem to do anything | 17:13 |
escott | wolfric, to the extent that everything you have described says you are running 11.04 | 17:13 |
game-master | LOL | 17:14 |
warya | Oh wait it does work thans | 17:14 |
game-master | fuck off you fucking pricks | 17:14 |
wolfric | escott: cat /etc/issue says 11.10 | 17:14 |
imark | anyone got a blu ray player with ubuntu? | 17:14 |
escott | wolfric, ok. well if it looks like old gnome2 then its probably gnome fallback | 17:14 |
meco | I just installed an app (handbrake) using the command "sudo dpkg -i handbrake-gtk_0.9.5-1ppa1~natty1_i386.deb". How do I execute it? | 17:15 |
theadmin | meco: Most likely you can just type "handbrake" or "handbrake-gtk" in a terminal. | 17:15 |
Hilarie | meco have you tried typing handbrake into terminal? | 17:15 |
meco | theadmin: Neither work | 17:15 |
brianherman | do locate handbrake in terminal | 17:15 |
theadmin | meco: Huh... dpkg -L handbrake-gtk | grep bin/ | 17:15 |
wolfric | .... disregarding any questions i have currently asked, what is the gui program called so i can run it from bash for managing power... | 17:16 |
escott | meco, you could also dpkg --contents handbrake....deb | grep bin | 17:16 |
oscar- | another problem is, that my wireless password (wpa2-psk) is not remembered. is there already a solution for this? | 17:16 |
wolfric | sorry, take out the bash part, just the name of the program would be nice | 17:16 |
brianherman | wolfric: | 17:16 |
meco | Hah! The executable is called 'ghb'... that's not very intuitive :-/ | 17:17 |
gnubu | wifi shuts down dialup -- how to fix? | 17:18 |
wolfric | brianherman: read it, gnome-power-manager seems to be mia, apt-get says it's installed but it's not located in any default locations in $PATH | 17:18 |
hrolf | How do I access a Windows share in Linux/Ubuntu? | 17:19 |
brianherman | did you goto system settings | 17:19 |
ThinkT510 | !samba | hrolf | 17:19 |
ubottu | hrolf: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 17:19 |
brianherman | under power | 17:19 |
brianherman | wolfric: did you try system settings under power? | 17:19 |
escott | hrolf, try and open nautilus the file browser and type in //ipaddressofwindows/sharename | 17:20 |
brianherman | oh wait | 17:20 |
brianherman | you want to do it with bash | 17:20 |
brianherman | wolfric: you want to mess around with your acpi | 17:21 |
brianherman | | 17:21 |
pangur | From the console in sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available, when I do dir, it shows three files. When I do sudo rm -r *.*, it claims that there are no files but dir tells a different story. Anyone able to explain what is happening or what I am doing wrong please? | 17:22 |
oscar- | pangur, do the file names contain a dot? ;) | 17:23 |
hrolf | escott: It says couldn't find please check spelling | 17:23 |
peepsalot | When i got to add a network printer, it says "FirewallD is not running. Network printer detection needs services mdns, ipp, ipp-client and samba-client enabled on firewall." | 17:23 |
=== shi-tianlong is now known as cablop | ||
peepsalot | there is a box to enter the ip, but no way to click to the next step. anyone know what i need to do? | 17:24 |
pangur | When I do sudo rm default, it deletes default, oscar. No dots are shown. | 17:24 |
escott | hrolf, sorry forgot the smb:// at the beginning. smb://ipaddress/share | 17:25 |
osse | pangur, *.* assumes that there is a dot in the file/dir name. Use only * | 17:25 |
pangur | sudo rm * works, oscar - thanks for telling me about that. I had presumed that there was a dot in every file name. | 17:25 |
oscar- | ^^ | 17:25 |
gnubu | dialup hackers here? Dialup fails if wifi is on at the same time. eth0 too, but I can manually bring eth0 up with no conflict. Not so w/ wifi. | 17:26 |
pangur | thanks osse too | 17:26 |
Si2100 | there | 17:27 |
attack-tro-lLOL | o hi | 17:27 |
attack-tro-lLOL | cunts | 17:27 |
Si2100 | What format does Ubuntu login wallpaper need to be ? | 17:28 |
lauratika | hi everyone, sudenly banshee and totem wont play any radio stations (conect to internet) if im not root, totem say i dont have permission to open the file or link... how this happens it was working normal help! | 17:28 |
Si2100 | have you tired reinstallin ? | 17:29 |
Tm_T | LargePrime: first, you should never run any GUI app with sudo | 17:30 |
Tm_T | lauratika:first, you should never run any GUI app with sudo | 17:31 |
Tm_T | LargePrime: sorry, misfire (: | 17:31 |
lauratika | Tm_T: i know im not running banshee as sudo | 17:32 |
lauratika | Tm_T: you read wrong | 17:32 |
Tm_T | lauratika: ah, my bad then (: | 17:32 |
tryIntryOUT | FUCK OFF | 17:32 |
Si2100 | lol | 17:32 |
Tm_T | lauratika: can you provide some example error message? | 17:33 |
AlanBell | Si2100: jpeg or png, oddly enough the default wallpaper has a .png extension but is actually a jpeg | 17:33 |
theadmin | lauratika: Some permission issues apparently, you could consider reinstalling them or erasing their .folders in ~ | 17:33 |
theadmin | lauratika: Or it may be a bug | 17:33 |
Si2100 | AlanBell, I have a HD .jpeg, and when i selected it with LightDM manger, and login out ti just gave me a back windows | 17:33 |
Tm_T | theadmin: reinstalling doesn't fix ownership problems of files, if that's what you think | 17:34 |
Tm_T | theadmin: well, unless you effectively remove all user's files too | 17:34 |
lauratika | theadmin: but this happens just today no changes to the system at all last months been working as expected | 17:34 |
AlanBell | Si2100: so you are trying to set the lightdm background, not the logged in desktop wallpaper? | 17:34 |
theadmin | Tm_T: It would normally install files from the packages == with packages permission... But yeah, if it's somewhere in user's config then they'd have to clear that out first | 17:34 |
AlanBell | Si2100: is it in your encrypted home directory by any chance? . . . | 17:35 |
gunfire007 | guys can you see my msg ? | 17:35 |
gunfire007 | ?? | 17:35 |
lauratika | Tm_T: if i open movie player and add a radio station address says: Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file | 17:35 |
AlanBell | gunfire007: yes, got any questions about Ubuntu? | 17:35 |
lauratika | banshee try to fetch the radio station link then comes idle no message at all... any station any link | 17:36 |
Tm_T | lauratika: I still suspect it's file ownership problem, could you try setting all your homedir contents to you with following command? "sudo chown username -R /home/username" where username should be replaced with your username on that system | 17:36 |
kamilnadeem | Hi | 17:36 |
gunfire007 | i got a msg from #ubuntu-unregged as they thought i am a bot, and was not able to sign in this channel, so after confirming that i am human, wanted to chk whether my msg were getting delivered or not.. | 17:36 |
RealRaven | gun your visible | 17:37 |
kamilnadeem | I am having an issue with sound in UBuntu 11.10 here are the details | 17:37 |
theadmin | Tm_T: To avoid such confusing substitutions, by the way: sudo chown -R $USERNAME $HOME # :P | 17:37 |
lauratika | Tm_T: FYI if i try to open same link in banshee as sudo it will open | 17:37 |
* Sidewinder1 Thought gunfire007 was a bot. :-) | 17:37 | |
escott | lauratika, +1 for Tm_T if you ran something as root a gvfs mountpoint might be root owned. chown user:user the files | 17:37 |
Sidewinder1 | gunfire007, JK.. | 17:37 |
K350 | I've 16 (!) virtual desktops on my Kubuntu 11.04. By some reason everytme I change that it gets back to 16 desktops again. Anyone? | 17:37 |
theadmin | err | 17:37 |
gunfire007 | Sidewinder1: no i am a human :D | 17:37 |
theadmin | $USER, not $USERNAME | 17:38 |
gunfire007 | luckily :) | 17:38 |
Tm_T | theadmin: heh, wasn't sure if sudo would affect to those (I assume not but...) | 17:38 |
Sidewinder1 | Gotcha'. | 17:38 |
theadmin | Tm_T: Not unless you run sudo -i or sudo su or something like that | 17:38 |
theadmin | Tm_T: They're shell-wise so | 17:38 |
gunfire007 | Sidewinder1: why you thought that i am a bot ? | 17:38 |
Tm_T | theadmin: that's what I was thinking, but as I cannot check myself, I rather try be sure, but thanks for the info (: | 17:39 |
Si2100 | AlanBell, Its not worked with Jpg | 17:39 |
Sidewinder1 | gunfire007, I was just kiddin'. :-) | 17:39 |
mneptok | !ot | 17:39 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 17:39 |
Sidewinder1 | 'Ya think? | 17:39 |
gunfire007 | Sidewinder1: coooool :D | 17:39 |
n000000k | go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. | 17:39 |
n000000k | go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. | 17:39 |
FloodBot1 | n000000k: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:39 |
AlanBell | Si2100: I doubt the format is the problem | 17:39 |
Sidewinder1 | Bye! | 17:40 |
kamilnadeem | AlanBell: Hi Sir | 17:40 |
Si2100 | AlanBell, it works with all the Ubuntu wallpapers but not mine =/ | 17:40 |
Sidewinder1 | Kewl, the floodbots can now kick! | 17:40 |
* mneptok waits for it | 17:40 | |
olsen-twinz | go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick yo | 17:40 |
olsen-twinz | go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick you cunts. go suck my fuckin dick yo | 17:40 |
FloodBot1 | olsen-twinz: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:40 |
theadmin | That doesn't stop for quite a while now... | 17:41 |
Si2100 | AlanBell, have you heard of Unity-greeter ? | 17:41 |
Si2100 | | 17:41 |
Sidewinder1 | Maybe the ban should be on 69.22.*? | 17:42 |
LjL | Sidewinder1: can't ban the whole internet... | 17:42 |
mneptok | Sidewinder1: i do not want to direct the offtopic factoid at you again. please stay on-topic. | 17:42 |
Sidewinder1 | LjL, Though it would be nice, sometimes.. :-) | 17:42 |
byp | hi, question about FTP servers - it there some main diffrence between wu-ftpd, pure-ftpd or proftpd or any other ftp deamon? | 17:42 |
Sidewinder1 | mneptok, Sorry, won't happen again. :D | 17:43 |
mneptok | Sidewinder1: thanks | 17:43 |
kamilnadeem | Ain't no body here who can help with the sound issue,I set the sound profile to 4.1 surround but when I turn up the volume(from the sound indicator)to high it reverts to stereo output.I think I found the reason of it being that when I increase the volume the connector in sound setting starts interchanging between Headphone and speaker(like crazy because I don't have a headphone connected) and because of that sound profile reverts to stereo output(as | 17:45 |
kamilnadeem | headphone connector doesn't support 4.1 surround profile). I have had this problem on all of my Ubuntu 11.10 installs. Is There A Fix? Thank You. | 17:45 |
brianherman | ls | 17:45 |
Sidewinder1 | mneptok, NP! | 17:45 |
kamilnadeem | Here is is the screenshot of it I selected 4.1 surround then increased the sound to max, the profile changed to stereo output as the connector started to interchange between speakers/headphones. | 17:45 |
sidney | I just installed from a flash drive the top panel has nothing on the right | 17:45 |
DeltaEpsilon | hi | 17:45 |
DeltaEpsilon | how can I setup auto backup to a sftp account? | 17:46 |
escott | DeltaEpsilon, it is easier if you have an ssh account because you can use tools like rsync | 17:48 |
escott | DeltaEpsilon, assuming you cannot have ssh, you can just use an mput to put the data on the remote server | 17:48 |
kamilnadeem | Have to leave , bye | 17:49 |
A|i3N | Are there ANY good proxy scrapers for ubuntu/linyx? | 17:49 |
A|i3N | er linux | 17:49 |
escott | A|i3N, what is a "proxy scrapper" | 17:51 |
Socky_ | Hey all. How do I enabled ipv6 in ubuntu. if i type sudo modprobe ipv6, and then lsmod | grep ipv6 i get nothing. yet i get no errors about doing the modprobe | 17:51 |
XeonBloomfield | Hello | 17:52 |
A|i3N | *scrape*-er | 17:52 |
Skummel | Socky_ ipv6 should be active by default | 17:53 |
XeonBloomfield | Is there anyone who have working hibernation with mdadm RAID? | 17:53 |
theadmin | Socky_: Well, make sure IPv6 is not set to "Ignore" for your connection in Network manager | 17:53 |
Socky_ | Im using server. how do i check without network manager | 17:53 |
A|i3N | and escott it's a program that'll search web sites or say, google, for working proxy servers and usually have a a function that verifies they work and how fast they are | 17:53 |
andykriss | exit | 17:54 |
escott | A|i3N, I would think that would be called a proxy checker not a scraper (scraping usually implies that you will dowload everything from that site) see | 17:56 |
A|i3N | well.. whatever you want to call it. It's the program that GETS the public proxies for you before you check them :) | 17:56 |
escott | A|i3N, if the suggestions in the above link dont look good, try searching for proxy checker/tester/finder | 17:58 |
johnficca | hey so I installed ubuntu minimal and I'm using scrotwm the problem I'm having is when my monitor goes to sleep the keyboard and mouse can't wake it up I have to turn on and off the monitor...any ideas on how to fix that? | 17:58 |
cntrational | my speakers don't turn on automatically when I plug in my headphones, and vice versa <.< what do I do? | 17:58 |
A|i3N | Thank you escott - I run Windows in a VM on the desktop, so I can get a program to scrape with but it's nice to have a checker for linux available | 17:59 |
=== root is now known as Guest3964 | ||
XeonBloomfield | mdadm RAID + Hibernation - anyone? | 17:59 |
Guest3964 | So I partitioned my second hard drive, yet i'm still out of space according to rutorrent. I partitioned it, then created a filesystem and mounted it however it's like i did nothing. | 17:59 |
escott | XeonBloomfield, what kind of raid is your swap partition on | 17:59 |
mneptok | Guest3964: do you have permission to write to that volume? | 17:59 |
XeonBloomfield | escott: RAID 1 (whole system is on 10 x RAID 1 partitions) | 18:00 |
Leno4ka-telo4ka | hello | 18:00 |
mneptok | Guest3964: an empty disk you cannot write to might as well be full. and appears so to the system. | 18:00 |
A|i3N | escott ok I did find one with that link - Yaph. Now if I can figure out how to compile it, I'll be set. lol | 18:00 |
Guest3964 | well the server provider told me to partition it myself, it's their policy or something. | 18:00 |
mneptok | Guest3964: pastebin the output of "df -h" please | 18:01 |
Guest3964 | one sec | 18:01 |
Guest3964 | | 18:02 |
mneptok | Guest3964: the volume in question is /dev/sdb1 mounted at /sdb ? | 18:02 |
Guest3964 | yes | 18:02 |
DeltaEpsilon | UbuntuOne now giving away 5GB free? :o | 18:02 |
lauratika | it's me again how do i chane ownership permission of home folder? | 18:03 |
brianherman | laurtika: chown username.username home | 18:03 |
mneptok | Guest3964: "touch /sdb/test.file" | 18:03 |
Guest3964 | nothing happened | 18:03 |
mneptok | Guest3964: does "test.file" now appear in the root of that disk? | 18:04 |
Guest3964 | i'll have a look | 18:04 |
mneptok | Guest3964: it will be an empty, 0 byte file, but it should exist | 18:04 |
Guest3964 | yes it does | 18:04 |
mneptok | Guest3964: be aware, /sdb is a total of 7.6MB in size | 18:05 |
Guest3964 | so does that mean i screwed up the partition? | 18:05 |
mneptok | Guest3964: something trying to save a file bigger than 7MB to that disk is going to complain | 18:05 |
_jacob_ | Hello, is there a way to downgrade from ubuntu 11.10 to ubuntu 11.04. I want to have the kernel 2.6 | 18:06 |
Phrogz | "/boot is using 98.9% of 91MB" How do I increase the size of the partition and/or identify files that can be deleted? | 18:06 |
lauratika | there is something very odd with totem and banshee trying to cennect to internet on any link given, any ideas what can be the issue seems to be that i dont have permission to use this application running in sudo play any links | 18:07 |
Phrogz | (No idea why such a small partition was created for /boot; I assume I used the defaults during setup.) | 18:07 |
mneptok | Phrogz: look for kernel version older than what "uname" reports, and remove them. that will free space in /boot | 18:07 |
Guest3964 | mneptok: can i just create a new partition so it uses the whole drive? or should i format it then try again or? | 18:07 |
mneptok | Guest3964: i would delete the existing /dev/sdb1 partition and start again | 18:08 |
Phrogz | mneptok: Any/all files with older version? abi- config- initrd.img- vmcoreinfo- and vmlinuz-? | 18:08 |
Guest3964 | could you guide me through it, because obviously what i did didn't work | 18:08 |
theadmin | Phrogz: Just remove the corresponding packages | 18:08 |
Phrogz | theadmin: Forgive my noobness, but what packages are those? Can I list them with apt-get, or find them with aptitude? | 18:09 |
Sidewinder1 | Guest3964, You may wish to have a look here, for a step-by-step..: | 18:09 |
Guest3964 | Thanks | 18:09 |
theadmin | Phrogz: They're normally called linux-image-generic-VERSION and linux-headers-generic-VERSION. | 18:09 |
Guest3964 | fdisk /dev/sdb | 18:10 |
Guest3964 | woops | 18:10 |
Phrogz | theadmin: OK, thanks. That gives me something to go on :) | 18:10 |
omido | i have problems with installing additional drivers . when i open additional drivers and want to install ATI drivers it tells me : "sorry , installation of this driver failed.Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log" | 18:10 |
Sidewinder1 | Guest3964, I think it's sudo fdisk -l | 18:10 |
theadmin | omido: Pastebin that file. | 18:10 |
byp | omido what /var/log/jockey.log says:) | 18:12 |
omido | | 18:13 |
omido | byp: theadmin | 18:13 |
theadmin | Woah that's long | 18:14 |
omido | i can see AMD Catalyst control center in my applications list but additional drivers tool says the drivers are not enabled yet | 18:14 |
Choir | Hi? | 18:14 |
DeltaEpsilon | any one knows of a good app to use for timesheets? | 18:14 |
ikonia | omido: why is nvidia in there too | 18:15 |
theadmin | DeltaEpsilon: Try Rachota (it's javabased, see ) | 18:15 |
omido | i dont know | 18:15 |
omido | i dont have Nvidia | 18:15 |
omido | i just used Additional drivers tool | 18:15 |
byp | omido: there is line ERROR: modinfo: could not find module fglrx | 18:15 |
Choir | Anyone here willing to help a newbie? | 18:15 |
ikonia | Choir: what's up | 18:15 |
lauratika | cant download packages from ubuntu software center play any links in totem seems applications cant access internet what can be wrong? | 18:15 |
theadmin | Choir: Just ask the actual question | 18:15 |
byp | i don't know this module but it may by problem | 18:15 |
omido | byp: i'm Noob. i dont know how to fix it | 18:16 |
Choir | ikonia > I just switched to ubuntu (I was on win7 previously) and I'm having issues with several things | 18:16 |
=== Mud is now known as Guest80021 | ||
ikonia | Choir: ok, well, lets see if we can fix any of them | 18:16 |
Phrogz | theadmin: Am I in a fucked state? (I can't seem to purge via aptitude, apt-get check shows missing image dependency, but apt-get -f install fails) | 18:16 |
ikonia | Phrogz: tone down the language please | 18:16 |
Phrogz | ikonia: My apologies. | 18:16 |
Si2100 | hmm, lightdm broke =/ | 18:17 |
Choir | firstly, my connection is strange; if I'm not really close to the modem, I can't access the internet. It just asks me for the passwork again and agait... | 18:17 |
=== andy_ is now known as Guest31706 | ||
byp | omido try to google it:) i'm not familiar with linux graphics driver installation | 18:17 |
ikonia | Choir: over a wirless connection ? | 18:17 |
theadmin | Phrogz: Odd, sorry, I'm no good at diagnosing those APT problems to be honest, I'm not an Ubuntu usr | 18:17 |
omido | ok thnx .. | 18:17 |
Choir | ikonia > Yes. a wifi. | 18:17 |
froes | hi guys..... can i make transmission-daemon when downloading create folders using the 0775 mask instead of 0755 ? | 18:17 |
ThinkT510 | !google | byp | 18:18 |
ubottu | byp: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. | 18:18 |
froes | users from the same group cannot modify files | 18:18 |
froes | only read | 18:18 |
theadmin | ThinkT510: Fail xD | 18:18 |
theadmin | ThinkT510: Oh, actually is not | 18:18 |
Phrogz | theadmin: OK, thanks. Anyone else who knows Ubuntu apt and kernels: I'm out of space on /boot, I seem to have a missing kernel dependency, and I can't purge properly. Suggestions? | 18:18 |
theadmin | ThinkT510: My bad. | 18:18 |
Phrogz | Also: any suggestions for how I can resize /boot to be larger? | 18:19 |
Choir | ikonia > Secondly, I'm having some problems with IRC. I downloaded Irssi (so I'm accessing irc from the terminal), but I can't manage to connect to a particular server ( I got the same problem with internet (can't access a particular website. I think it might come from the dns). | 18:19 |
fladdermannen | which permissions should i set to a publickey to be able to use it to access via ssh? it says 660 is too open | 18:19 |
ikonia | Phrogz: you'll need to do it from a livecd | 18:19 |
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theadmin | Choir: Try setting your DNS servers to and | 18:20 |
ikonia | Phrogz: you could just remove some kernels | 18:20 |
ya4 | fladdermannen: 400 | 18:20 |
Choir | theadmin > That's the google dns right? How do I do it? | 18:20 |
omido | ThinkT510: well . from what i've seen IRC is used to promote google . cause "google it" is what linux irc people tell me most of the time | 18:20 |
Choir | theadmin > I did it while on windows, didn't work... | 18:20 |
Phrogz | ikonia: Can you be more detailed, please? Do you mean deleting the files out of /boot, or using aptitude/apt-get to uninstall some package? | 18:20 |
byp | omido i found some wiki about instalation ati drivers but it's in czech language ... | 18:21 |
theadmin | Choir: If you use Networkmanager, you can, uh... edit connections -> IPv4 -> Automatic (Address only) and insert those as the DNS servers. | 18:21 |
ikonia | Phrogz: apt-get remove purge $old-kernel-package-name | 18:21 |
omido | byp: i only know english and persian . thnx anyway . | 18:21 |
Phrogz | ikonia: Is there an apt-get command to list the installed packages matching a pattern, e.g. ^linux-image ? | 18:21 |
ikonia | Phrogz: dpkg -l | grep linux-image | 18:22 |
theadmin | ikonia: Not "remove purge", rather "--purge remove" | 18:22 |
ThinkT510 | omido: you said you were a "noob" so i thought "google it" wouldn't be very helpful to you since i assumed you weren't sure what you are looking for; sorry if i'm wrong | 18:22 |
ikonia | Phrogz: there you go, note theadmin's correct | 18:22 |
ikonia | theadmin: thank you | 18:22 |
DeltaEpsilon | is there something similar to MS Access for Ubuntu? | 18:22 |
byp | omido: maybe try to translate it by chrome or something... | 18:22 |
Choir | theadmin > Nope, can't find networkmanager; do I have to do it with a terminal? | 18:22 |
Phrogz | ikonia and theadmin: Thanks. Proceeding. | 18:22 |
ikonia | Choir: are you on the machine now ? | 18:22 |
lauratika | sorry got disconected | 18:22 |
ThinkT510 | DeltaEpsilon: libreoffice base? | 18:22 |
escott | DeltaEpsilon, libreoffice has a database system, but im puzzled why anyone would want something like access | 18:22 |
omido | ThinkT510: no. you are right . i just think that IRC is invented by google ;p | 18:23 |
Choir | ikonia > Yes. | 18:23 |
omido | byp: yeah . i'm using google translate to find out something out of that link . thnx | 18:23 |
forceflow | DeltaEpsilon: LibreOffice has an access alternative. | 18:23 |
ikonia | Choir: there is no dns entry for | 18:23 |
ikonia | Choir: that is not your machines issue, that is their issue | 18:23 |
ikonia | Choir: they have no DNS zones defined | 18:23 |
XeonBloomfield | mdadm RAID 1 + hibernation = anyone get it working? | 18:23 |
Choir | ikonia > Well, when I was still logging from mibbit, the echonode server existed... Do you know how I could access it? | 18:23 |
Phrogz | ikonia && theadmin: No glory: | 18:23 |
byp | i have some question on my own. i manage to get ssh connection authetication by public-private key but my color terminal in putty has gone... only bw | 18:24 |
ikonia | Choir: they may have a host entry on that serer | 18:24 |
ikonia | server | 18:24 |
Phrogz | I seem to be stuck in catch-22: I can't remove packages because I have an unmet dependency, but I can't meet the dependency because I'm out of space. | 18:24 |
Choir | ikonia > I think they were having issues anyway. Do I have to wait then? | 18:24 |
ikonia | Choir: yes | 18:24 |
xauth | Phrogz: use dpkg directly to remove the packages. | 18:25 |
Phrogz | xauth: Now `man`ning dpkg, thanks. | 18:25 |
escott | Phrogz, use dpkg to remove the package or tell apt-get to ignore dependencies | 18:25 |
xauth | Phrogz: dpkg --remove <pkgname> | 18:26 |
Phrogz | xauth: Thanks | 18:26 |
hrolf | Hi, I did sudo usermod -a -G myUser vboxusers | 18:26 |
hrolf | and then restarted | 18:26 |
Choir | ikonia > Okay. Thank you. Um.. I have more problems; I don't actually know if it's related with ubuntu, however. It's more about my hardware... :/ | 18:26 |
hrolf | and now I can get my graphics | 18:26 |
ikonia | Choir: try ##hardware for that | 18:26 |
hrolf | By I graphics I mean I only get a shell | 18:26 |
theadmin | hrolf: You get that messed up... You want "usermod -aG vboxusers myuser" | 18:26 |
hrolf | I think the X Server or Unity isn't getting loaded | 18:27 |
hrolf | theadmin: How do I resolve it? | 18:27 |
escott | byp, echo $TERM and add that to the color supported terminals in your .bashrc | 18:27 |
Choir | ikonia > Ok. Thank you very much :) | 18:27 |
theadmin | hrolf: But sorry, I don't think Virtualbox guest additions like the 3.0+ kernels | 18:27 |
Phrogz | xauth: dpkg -l is still listing the packages after dpkg --remove <package>; is this expected? | 18:27 |
xauth | escott: wait, apt-get can ignore dependencies? Never too old to learn.. | 18:27 |
hrolf | theadmin: I don't want it. I want to get back to normal | 18:28 |
hrolf | theadmin: How do I undo the changes? | 18:28 |
xauth | Phrogz: probably listed as config-files only. | 18:28 |
theadmin | hrolf: I beleive you have to uninstall it... somehow... not really all sure | 18:28 |
elementary-site6 | I have upgraded my kernel to 3.1.4-030104-generic and tried installing proprietary drivers after that, but it failed. | 18:28 |
escott | xauth, checking the man page it seems you are correct. i dont see how to tell it to ignore deps | 18:28 |
lauratika | i receive Intpu/output when trying to change home folder ownership | 18:28 |
hrolf | theadmin: After runnig that command I restarted my machine and now there is no Unity (I only got a prompt for login and a shell afterwards) | 18:28 |
lauratika | what can be wrong? | 18:28 |
hrolf | theadmin: I ran straight here to get it solved | 18:29 |
ThinkT510 | elementary-site6: then we can't help you | 18:29 |
hrolf | theadmin: Uninstall what? | 18:29 |
elementary-site6 | ThinkT510: Why? | 18:29 |
hrolf | theadmin: I think usermod messed it up | 18:29 |
theadmin | hrolf: Well, I'm off no help. Uninstall the vbox guest additions I suppose, or remove vboxusers from your user group or... Something like that | 18:29 |
hrolf | theadmin: Can't I just undo it? | 18:29 |
ThinkT510 | elementary-site6: you are not using a kernel from the repos | 18:29 |
ThinkT510 | elementary-site6: how did you get the kernel? ppa? or compiled? | 18:30 |
elementary-site6 | ThinkT510: I got it of the | 18:30 |
ThinkT510 | !ppa | elementary-site6 | 18:30 |
ubottu | elementary-site6: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa | 18:30 |
byp | escott: hmm you point mi right way.... i use encrypted home so this .bashrc is not run after login becouse is in encrypted home.... | 18:30 |
Phrogz | xauth: My thanks, that did clear space on boot and allow me to resolve the broken dependency. Thanks! | 18:30 |
elementary-site6 | ThinkT510: I know what a PPA is. | 18:30 |
ThinkT510 | elementary-site6: see the warning? if you want support contact the ppa maintainer | 18:30 |
xangua | elementary-site6: then you already know that you are on your own | 18:31 |
xauth | Phrogz: thank yourself for being able to follow a simple pointer. :) | 18:31 |
elementary-site6 | ThinkT510: Well who's the maintainer? How do I get that info? | 18:31 |
Phillip | Hey guise | 18:32 |
ThinkT510 | elementary-site6: i don't know, i stick to the repos | 18:32 |
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* Sidewinder1 Wonders why people try to mix kernels, versions..? Sounds like a recipe for disaster. :-) | 18:32 | |
elementary-site6 | ThinkT510: Okay, I've tried downloading the drivers of the Nvidia site. | 18:32 |
ThinkT510 | Sidewinder1: i wonder why people bother with ppa's at all | 18:32 |
Sidewinder1 | ThinkT510, Being on 10.04, me too! | 18:33 |
ThinkT510 | elementary-site6: once again, we can't help you with that | 18:33 |
needhelp1 | how do you set settings for unity and the unity launcher bar | 18:34 |
MonkeyDust | needhelp1 in ccsm | 18:34 |
needhelp1 | how do i open that? | 18:35 |
ThinkT510 | elementary-site6: anything you add outside of the official repos you need to get support from where you got it | 18:35 |
MonkeyDust | install it first, i guess, compiz-config | 18:35 |
needhelp1 | MonkeyDust, thats crazy lol | 18:35 |
needhelp1 | MonkeyDust, one would think it would already be installed | 18:35 |
Phillip | Does this irc have a active backtrack channel? | 18:36 |
escott | !backtrack | Phillip | 18:36 |
ubottu | Phillip: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition | 18:36 |
MonkeyDust | Phillip #backtrack | 18:36 |
dskw | hi all. if i want to setup irssi with the proxy version enabled, i suppose i have to compile from source? it seems that the irssi from apt-get does not come with the proxy option enabled | 18:37 |
hrolf | theadmin: I'm back | 18:38 |
hrolf | theadmin: So can't I get it back to normal state? | 18:38 |
theadmin | hrolf: Stop asking me and ask the channel -- I don't know | 18:39 |
Phillip | @monkeydust I said an active one, theres no one in that channel | 18:39 |
* Phillip he | 18:39 | |
hrolf | theadmin: Sorry | 18:39 |
ThinkT510 | Phillip: it is #backtrack-linux not #backtrack | 18:39 |
elementary-site6 | Okay, how about this: how do I install the nouveau driver in Maverick? | 18:39 |
froes | i have a folder permission of drwxrwxr-x on a folder and someone from the same group cannot create files on that folder | 18:40 |
hrolf | #ubuntu, I did sudo usermod -a -G <myUser> vboxusers and then restarted the machine and now I only get a shell | 18:40 |
hrolf | I'm on Ubuntu 11.10, how do I fix it back? | 18:40 |
ThinkT510 | elementary-site6: you should be able to use the restricted drivers dialog thing | 18:40 |
froes | any ideas ? | 18:41 |
ThinkT510 | elementary-site6: not sure if it would work with the kernel you installed though | 18:41 |
froes | touch: Permission denied | 18:41 |
escott | hrolf, so the usermod command is usermod -a -G group user | 18:41 |
MaMaGoody | hi, how do I pin a package so it won't be updated? | 18:41 |
elementary-site6 | ThinkT510: However, it does not show up (not because of the kernel, it's because it's Maverick) | 18:41 |
ThinkT510 | elementary-site6: i think it is called jockey-gtk or gtk-jockey | 18:41 |
hrolf | escott: Yes that's what I typed in. | 18:42 |
MaMaGoody | I tried to lock in synaptic but it didn't help, update manager still overwrite it. | 18:42 |
sigo | Hello everyone. I am trying to install GHBA using GCC but i am not sure how | 18:42 |
sigo | Kind of new to Linux | 18:42 |
hrolf | escott: Sorry I forgot it, here is what I did "sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers <myUser> | 18:42 |
hrolf | " | 18:42 |
sigo | but really enjoying it | 18:42 |
escott | hrolf, im not sure what the usermod command has to do with not getting a gui. what runlevel are you at? | 18:43 |
hrolf | escott: What is runlevel? | 18:43 |
escott | hrolf, `runlevel` | 18:43 |
hrolf | escott: Should I run it? | 18:44 |
ThinkT510 | !find nouveau maverick | elementary-site6 | 18:44 |
ubottu | elementary-site6: Found: xserver-xorg-video-nouveau, xserver-xorg-video-nouveau-dbg, nouveau-firmware, libdrm-nouveau1, libdrm-nouveau1-dbg | 18:44 |
ThinkT510 | elementary-site6: its there | 18:44 |
escott | hrolf, yes. it will tell you the current init runlevel | 18:44 |
hrolf | escott: I'll need to exit my irssi to use it. | 18:44 |
hrolf | escott: I'll get back to you | 18:44 |
escott | hrolf, ctrl-alt-f2 | 18:44 |
sigo | Can anyone help me with GCC? | 18:44 |
sigo | trying to compile something | 18:45 |
MonkeyDust | hrolf not if you use byobu | 18:45 |
hrolf_ | escott: Oops. I did ctrl+alt+f2 and got a new shell (I think) how do I switch between them? | 18:46 |
ThinkT510 | !tty | hrolf | 18:46 |
ubottu | hrolf: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login). To change the resolution for your TTY, see | 18:46 |
Phillip | Can anyone tell me how to use conky? I have installed it but can't find it anywhere | 18:46 |
sigo | k | 18:47 |
ThinkT510 | Phillip: type it in a terminal | 18:47 |
Charybdis | Phillip: Yeah, it's a CLI only program. | 18:47 |
Charybdis | You have to write a config file for it. | 18:47 |
ThinkT510 | Phillip: the default config is rather ugly so you might want to change it | 18:47 |
Phillip | Ok cool now how do I install a new conky theme? | 18:47 |
Charybdis | And then call the program pointing it to the config file. | 18:47 |
Phillip | There is pre-wrote configs am I right? | 18:47 |
Charybdis | There are default ones yes. | 18:47 |
Charybdis | Go to a command line and type: conky | 18:48 |
Charybdis | If you have a config file in your home folder named .conkyrc, type: conky -c .conkyrc | 18:48 |
ThinkT510 | Phillip: there are tonnes out there, if you want to see mine i'll post you a link | 18:49 |
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byp | escott: thanks for pointing me to the bashrc now it working:) | 18:49 |
Charybdis | Yeah, look at the ubuntu forums, there is a super thread with peoples conky configs. | 18:49 |
Charybdis | Some awesome stuff there. | 18:49 |
hrolf | escott: I'm at runlevel N 2 | 18:49 |
hrolf | escott: I did groups and I'm a member of about 8 groups | 18:49 |
escott | hrolf, all that sounds normal. try service lightdm start | 18:51 |
byp | could me anybody recomend me some simpler alternative to Munin? basicaly will be enough to monitor drive space, current network and hdd temperature. munin seems to be much complex:)) | 18:51 |
hrolf | escott: I think I know the cause now | 18:52 |
hrolf | escott: I ran the which comes with the VirtualBox Guest Addition.iso | 18:52 |
hrolf | and when I'm booting up the machine I get this message "Starting VirtualBox Guest Addition service VirtualBox Additions module not loaded" | 18:53 |
jujugoboom | I don't have Internet on my computer and I'm trying to install ndiswrapper from the cd but I can't find it. Ubuntu 11.10 | 18:53 |
hrolf | I think it might have caused it :( | 18:53 |
jujugoboom | And I have the disk as a software source | 18:54 |
froes | hi guys. have runned "chmod 775 *" on a directory, but a user from the same group cannot write to the folder | 18:54 |
Phillip | How do I write my own custom configs? | 18:55 |
jujugoboom | How can I install the software from the installation disk after install | 18:56 |
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ThinkT510 | !rootirc | Guest51647 | 18:57 |
ubottu | Guest51647: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. | 18:57 |
cktbreaker | Good morning everyone! | 18:57 |
Phillip | Is there any good CD Writing programs for backtrack? | 18:58 |
jujugoboom | Can someone help me | 18:58 |
escott | !backtrack | Phillip not here | 18:58 |
ubottu | Phillip not here: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition | 18:58 |
ThinkT510 | Phillip: backtrack support in #backtrack-linux | 18:58 |
ThinkT510 | Phillip: you read other conky configs and take what you like | 18:58 |
Harith | hello, I want to install ubuntu 11.10 on my HP, core i3, with ATI HD 5470 Rdaeon and buitin intel VGAs, when it comes to installation, intro sound is heard but screen is black, nothing happens | 18:59 |
Harith | please help with this | 18:59 |
Phillip | ThinkT510 I try to do /join #backtrack-linux in irssi and I just get sent back here :S | 18:59 |
hrolf | Okay I think I'm getting to the issue | 19:00 |
ThinkT510 | Phillip: you sure? it works for me | 19:00 |
hrolf | The problem seems that the in the VirtualBox Guest Addition.iso messed up something | 19:00 |
brightspark | How can I find how many cores a given program can take advantage of? I'm looking at a couple different processors for my next machine but am not sure where I would see the most benefits. | 19:00 |
hrolf | and now when I do startx I get errors that no screens found | 19:00 |
hrolf | I checked the Xorg.0.log and it is trying to load vboxvideo | 19:01 |
hrolf | and then in the log file there it says "No devices detected" and on another line it says "Fatal server error: no screens found" | 19:01 |
jujugoboom | I need help I'm trying to install ndis on my computer from the 11.10 install disk, I don't have Internet on it | 19:01 |
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escott | brightspark, thats not something you can easily find out most of the time. short of testing your application on different platforms you wont be able to find out | 19:02 |
brightspark | escott: thanks, thought there might be a utility that I could use. Oh well. | 19:03 |
escott | brightspark, what applications are you concerned about? | 19:04 |
GeorgeWashington | why does Skype's start up tune sound like a static-ish 8-bit sound? it seems to be acting funny. | 19:04 |
CruelC | 0hai | 19:04 |
CruelC | What to do with a *.run file in Lucid? | 19:04 |
DeltaEpsilon | is it possible to add a shortcut to the side bar in ubuntu for easy access to a file? | 19:05 |
escott | CruelC, you can chmod +x is and then ./, but you should first check that you need to do this. most software is in apt | 19:05 |
fladdermannen | is it normal that i get asked for a passphrase when using a public key to access via ssh, when i didnt define one at the time to create the publickey? | 19:05 |
brightspark | escott: mainly I'd like to improve the running time of mandelbulber. A decent render takes a few weeks currently and I would like to chop that down some. | 19:05 |
CruelC | Well, I'm asking for it with regard to Ubuntu semi-compatible "Lucid Puppy". The software in question is video card driver package | 19:06 |
ThinkT510 | CruelC: we don't support that | 19:06 |
CruelC | In #puppylinux everyone is _afk_ | 19:07 |
escott | brightspark, so something like that should be mostly cpu bound, so if it is multithreaded there won't be much of an upper bound. if your system is currently multicore check your cpu usage when it is running, and if more than one are maxed out you can pretty much go with as many as you want | 19:07 |
brightspark | escott: very good, thank you very much. | 19:07 |
ThinkT510 | CruelC: not really our fault | 19:08 |
CruelC | As "lucid puppy" 5.10 is semi-compatible with Ubuntu Lucid, I'm asking here. | 19:08 |
CruelC | <>_<> | 19:09 |
ThinkT510 | CruelC: then don't expect the answers you get to semi-work | 19:09 |
CruelC | If it will fail, I'll simply stop trying to use Linux. | 19:10 |
DeltaEpsilon | how do I restart gnome shell in terminal? | 19:10 |
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escott | DeltaEpsilon, gnome-shell --replace | 19:11 |
its_me | Hello. Is there an ubuntu dev. here? | 19:11 |
its_me | I need help with filing a bug report | 19:11 |
its_me | (probably) | 19:11 |
ActionParsnip | DeltaEpsilon: gnome-shell --replace in and Alt+F2 dialogue | 19:11 |
CruelC | Its_me: #ubuntu-dev | 19:11 |
trism | DeltaEpsilon: if you can get to the alt+f2 dialog, r will restart it as well | 19:11 |
its_me | okay, thanks | 19:11 |
ActionParsnip | its_me: just run: ubuntu-bug packagename | 19:12 |
CruelC | <>_<> | 19:12 |
jujugoboom | How can I manually install a .deb file without software center 11.10 | 19:13 |
theadmin | jujugoboom: sudo dpkg -i blah.deb | 19:14 |
CruelC | There's no way, it's all about the center. | 19:14 |
ActionParsnip | jujugoboom: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb; sudo apt-get -f install | 19:14 |
Mirx | What command is actually running as root bc I always use sudo for everything | 19:14 |
jujugoboom | Thanks | 19:15 |
Mirx | I was told not to run as root | 19:15 |
ActionParsnip | Mirx: its not always needed | 19:15 |
escott | Mirx, run things without sudo first, and then if it doesn't work complains about permissions then run it with sudo | 19:15 |
Mirx | Is sudo the real root command | 19:15 |
Mirx | Root and admin the same things? | 19:16 |
ThinkT510 | !sudo | Mirx | 19:16 |
ubottu | Mirx: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: | 19:16 |
ActionParsnip | Mirx: you only need sudo for admin tasks and writing where you do not have permissions | 19:16 |
escott | Mirx, sudo temporarily takes root privileges and then runs the command after the sudo | 19:16 |
mankand007 | hi all.. | 19:16 |
mankand007 | i have ubuntu 11.10.. | 19:16 |
Si2100 | Nice | 19:16 |
Mirx | ActionParship: How about when I install programs and updates | 19:16 |
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mankand007 | i also have asus m4a78ltm le motherboard.. | 19:17 |
escott | Mirx, you need sudo to install software, edit system config files, do some network things (like firewalls) etc | 19:17 |
ActionParsnip | Mirx: so moving data from one folder in you home folder to another in your home will not need sudo | 19:17 |
mankand007 | i don't get sound in my front audio jack.. | 19:17 |
Skummel | mankand007 ask on one line please. | 19:17 |
ActionParsnip | Mirx: updates write outside home, so will | 19:17 |
Mirx | escott: so just the command without sudo to move things around | 19:17 |
Si2100 | mankand007, hjave u checked the sound settings | 19:17 |
ActionParsnip | Mirx: need sudo | 19:17 |
jANaM | Anyone have a higher uptime than 7 days with Ubuntu natty? | 19:18 |
ActionParsnip | mankand007: if you run: alsamixer are all levels cranked and unmuted? | 19:18 |
Mirx | ActionParsnip: Pretty much anything outside my Home dir run sudo? | 19:18 |
escott | Mirx, try everything without sudo. if it doesnt work think about "does it need sudo or am I doing it wrong" if it falls in the general administrative category (you aren't messing with your files in your directory) then try with sudo | 19:18 |
ThinkT510 | jANaM: i have done yes | 19:18 |
ActionParsnip | jANaM: i would have, yes. I'm on precise now with something like that | 19:19 |
jANaM | then I have some other problem, thx | 19:19 |
Mirx | escott: ok | 19:19 |
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ActionParsnip | Mirx: exactly as you don't have permissions to write there as your user, which is all you are on the system | 19:20 |
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=== JoFo`` is now known as JoFo | ||
mankand007 | ubuntu 11.10 - asus m4a78ltm le motherboard..- i don't get audio in front audio jacks... the back ones work fine.. i thought it is some hardware issue... but recently i had to dual boot with windows xp, and the front panel works fine there anything i should do in ubuntu to get the sound? | 19:20 |
Si2100 | Check the sound settings | 19:20 |
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jANaM | I'm running lots of experimental software, so that could be a cause for my system's instability and usually needing a reboot after 4-7 days | 19:21 |
Mirx | ActionParsnip: what do I run as just for user purposes or do i just use a command | 19:21 |
ActionParsnip | mankand007: did you try my suggestion? | 19:21 |
okeanos | hi | 19:21 |
ThinkT510 | jANaM: what sort of experimental software? | 19:22 |
ActionParsnip | Mirx: commands without sudo will run as your user | 19:22 |
jujugoboom | How do I install .dll files using ndiswrapper in terminal 11.10 | 19:22 |
escott | mankand007, assuming you have hda sound it may be some pin settings with the particular pin configuration of your hda device. check the hda debugging page on the alsa website | 19:22 |
Mirx | ActionParsnip: ok | 19:22 |
=== fornix_ is now known as fornix | ||
ActionParsnip | jujugoboom: you need .sys and .inf for ndiswrapper | 19:22 |
jANaM | ThinkT510: A bitcoin miner that uses all my cpu power, and when I stop it I feel the system is becoming less responsive gradually. | 19:22 |
jANaM | I usually enable it when I'm not using my computer. | 19:23 |
ActionParsnip | jujugoboom: is there no native driver? | 19:23 |
escott | jANaM, have you tried nice'ing it | 19:23 |
fornix | can i access gnome menu when i am using unity? | 19:23 |
jujugoboom | I have a wnda3100v2 | 19:23 |
jANaM | escott: what is "nice'ing it"? | 19:24 |
sharpK | hey guys, I am having problems with my desktop ubuntu 11.10, I can get to the login screen, but as soon as I enter the password it either stays on the login screen, or goes into the desktop with no side launch bar or only half of the top bar, or just the desktop picture with nothing else | 19:24 |
sharpK | is there anything I can do from the login screen? | 19:24 |
sharpK | to recover? | 19:24 |
=== adam_ is now known as shovell | ||
escott | jANaM, nice program; see man nice | 19:24 |
mankand007 | @ActionParsnip: i tried once or twice using alsamixer... i remember seeing frontpanel as greyed out and set to 0... | 19:24 |
ActionParsnip | jANaM: set a high nice value like 15 and it will use less. | 19:24 |
Si2100 | sharkp, reboot and press F8 and try recovery mode | 19:24 |
sharpK | si2100, trying now | 19:25 |
ActionParsnip | sharpK: try unity2D | 19:25 |
mankand007 | escott, what exactly do you mean pin settings? is it something i can correct with software changes, or is it doomed forever? | 19:25 |
ActionParsnip | mankand007: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc | 19:25 |
jANaM | escott: thx. By the way I'll try next reboot without running the miner at all. | 19:25 |
jANaM | so I can be sure the real cause is the miner software. | 19:26 |
sharpK | ActionParsnip tried googling that but don't understand much of it... | 19:26 |
jujugoboom | Can someone help with a wnda3100v2 | 19:26 |
escott | mankand007, hda audio defines how to move the sound around the chip, but not how to output it to particular locations. so one laptop may have a different pin configuration than another. its just a software configuration issue, but for newer laptops that nobody has seen the software literally doesnt know where the headphone jack is | 19:27 |
ActionParsnip | sharpK: you choose it at the login screen | 19:27 |
okeanos | Hey guys!!! Just found this website They say it gives you anonymity by free web proxy sites?? I still don't get it how it works. And what does have to do with TUX??? Any ideas?? | 19:27 |
=== Apple is now known as Apple|Away | ||
mankand007 | ActionPartnership: sorry.. i'm right now in windows xp... as soon as i found out that the front panel works with windows, i came here... i think i'd better login from ubuntu and come back... | 19:27 |
ThinkT510 | !ot | okeanos | 19:27 |
ubottu | okeanos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 19:27 |
barney | okeanos: hey, I think the Tux is a tribute to Linux | 19:27 |
BrokenCog | hello, trying to change the side of the screen which the Unity Dash task bar is located - can it be moved to the right|bottom???????? | 19:28 |
okeanos | mhh too bad thats the wrong channel for this questen | 19:28 |
barney | It seems to be free | 19:28 |
ThinkT510 | BrokenCog: i don't think so, unity isn't very configurable | 19:28 |
sharpK | ActionParsnp, I got in with that, but what does that imply? | 19:28 |
barney | I visit , looks really nice. I think I'm going to use it! (-; | 19:28 |
BrokenCog | ThinkT510, thought maybe I was missing something. THanks. | 19:29 |
ActionParsnip | BrokenCog: you can move it to the bottom with a hack that breaks things. Its currently immovable | 19:29 |
BrokenCog | ah, breaking to fix something ... that's a start :) | 19:29 |
barney | hey nice, they also provide HTTPS-Proxies | 19:30 |
ActionParsnip | BrokenCog: omgubuntu has the how to as well as what it breaks | 19:30 |
barney | thanks okeanos! | 19:30 |
BrokenCog | Okay. I'll look into it. If it's not a feature the woman using the 11.10 laptop needs, maybe I'll show it to her. | 19:31 |
Madara_Uchiha | hello | 19:31 |
barney | I hope it isn't blocked at my school | 19:31 |
oCean | barney: stop that | 19:32 |
=== ferret__ is now known as ferret_ | ||
BrokenCog | ActionPar, do you happen to know the article title?? I'm not searching anything on Dash or Unity. | 19:34 |
vg | hola? | 19:35 |
escott | !es | vg | 19:36 |
ubottu | vg: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 19:36 |
vg | nobody here? | 19:36 |
gaber_ | me here | 19:36 |
helpmeprease | hey, i have a problem with the installer for ubuntu kubuntu and all others crashing upon install | 19:37 |
helpmeprease | %i'm currently in live mode and the installer crashed at like | 19:37 |
helpmeprease | wat do? | 19:37 |
gaber_ | how did it crash? | 19:37 |
helpmeprease | *crashed at like 74% | 19:37 |
helpmeprease | disk read write error | 19:37 |
gaber_ | opertaion? | 19:37 |
helpmeprease | i'm trying to use a usb startup disk to install | 19:37 |
helpmeprease | however, | 19:38 |
gaber_ | umm you sure your hdd is working? | 19:38 |
escott | helpmeprease, can you please open the disk utility and check the SMART status of your disk | 19:38 |
helpmeprease | itit should be | 19:38 |
helpmeprease | command? | 19:38 |
vg | hi | 19:38 |
helpmeprease | i'm on tty1 right now in irssi, so | 19:38 |
vg | somebody help me? | 19:38 |
helpmeprease | you'll have to bear with me | 19:38 |
vg | i need help with brightness buttons | 19:39 |
brightspark | So my computer has been running "System Testing" for ages now and it's basically stuck at the gathering information window with a little progress bouncer going back and forth. Why might it do this and how do I prevent it? I can't exit it or anything. | 19:39 |
fornix | vg, even i am trying to find how to have brightness persist between reboots! if that is ur question | 19:39 |
helpmeprease | what's the command for the smart utility | 19:39 |
Gentoo64 | smartctl i think | 19:39 |
lauratika | is there a way to know if banshee is connecting to internet? | 19:39 |
escott | helpmeprease, smartctl is the command line tool | 19:39 |
Gentoo64 | or maybe thats something else completely :) | 19:39 |
=== Apple|Away is now known as Appl | ||
vg | fornix: can u help me with brightness buttons? | 19:41 |
ethen | for some reasons I'm not able to install 11.10 on my sda11 or sda12 | 19:41 |
ethen | is it a some kind of bug ? | 19:41 |
vg | after install , quick brightness button run perfectly | 19:41 |
JuicyLucy | hello there | 19:42 |
vg | afert update and reboot , buttons dont run | 19:42 |
JuicyLucy | how can i install wine and all the extras? | 19:42 |
ThinkT510 | ethen: from the amount of information you've provided it is hard to tell | 19:42 |
hrolf | escott: Thanks for helping I went to #vbox and they said simply uninstall what I had installed (VBoxLinuxAdditions) and now I'm back to normal. The GUI is up | 19:42 |
gaber_ | quit | 19:43 |
gaber_ | oops sorry :P | 19:43 |
JuicyLucy | help | 19:44 |
ethen | ThinkT510: I'm using acer aspire 5742g notebook and having windows7 installed in first logical partition but when I try to install ubuntu 11.10 64 or 32 bit on my /dev/sda11 or /dev/sda12 if fails with some migration assistant problem but installas perfectaly in other logical partitons | 19:45 |
ethen | *it | 19:45 |
ThinkT510 | ethen: hmm interesting | 19:45 |
ThinkT510 | ethen: i've never gone further than 10 logical partitions | 19:45 |
ethen | it says migration assistant can not remount /dev/sda11 | 19:46 |
ethen | and same happens with /dev/sda12 | 19:46 |
ThinkT510 | ethen: and what filesystems did you format them as? | 19:46 |
ethen | ext4 | 19:46 |
lauratika | some one knows hoe to know if banshee is conecting to internet | 19:47 |
ethen | I tried with xfs too but same | 19:47 |
subsume | how do I add a command to my path? | 19:47 |
ThinkT510 | ethen: does the migration assistant say where it is migrating from? | 19:47 |
subsume | its in /usr/bin/ | 19:47 |
jANaM | escott: Is 'nice n=15 wget' valid? Do have an example of how to use, because the manual page...lacks an example | 19:48 |
escott | jANaM, the simplest is simply nice wget. i think it defaults to 5 | 19:49 |
ethen | ThinkT510: I did not enable ( that checknbox) which allows migrate windows document to ubuntu. if I'm getting you correct | 19:49 |
sharpK | if an x-screen setting for dual monitors (one being a TV) won't let me boot into ubuntu, should I try updating to new nvidia drivers or something? | 19:49 |
jANaM | escott: thx. it worked! | 19:49 |
escott | jANaM, but if you want to specify a level it is nice -n # program | 19:49 |
ethen | It did not specify anything except ' falied to mount /dev/sda12' | 19:50 |
escott | jANaM, there is also an ionice for non-cpu bound processes | 19:50 |
ThinkT510 | ethen: so the migration assisstant is trying to migrate from ??? even though you told it not to? | 19:50 |
ethen | yes | 19:50 |
ethen | excatly | 19:50 |
ethen | *exactly | 19:50 |
ThinkT510 | ethen: sounds like a bug to me | 19:50 |
jANaM | ah, well I used n=x because the manual page said "-n, --adjustment=N" | 19:50 |
ethen | yeah I guess so | 19:50 |
jANaM | but with your help I got it right. | 19:51 |
ThinkT510 | ethen: how many ubuntu installs do you have on that disk? | 19:51 |
medotyou | hi, does anyone know if i have to download the vm version of backtrack5 if i want to run it in a virtual machine? or would the normal iso also work? | 19:51 |
ethen | but interesting thing is that installation succedes if I install ubunut on /dev/sda3 to sda10 | 19:51 |
subsume_ | how do I add a goddamn command to my shell | 19:51 |
ethen | well for now I have just windows 7 on my machine | 19:51 |
ethen | and 1 swap partition and 1 ext4 partition which is supposed to have ubunut | 19:52 |
ethen | *ubuntu | 19:52 |
ThinkT510 | ethen: oh, so the other logical partitions are used for storage or something else? | 19:52 |
ethen | yeah just for storage | 19:52 |
szal | medotyou: wrong channel; we don't do BackTrack | 19:52 |
NetRunnerBlack | Hey guys, I'm having trouble with the open with feature. I'm using a program called Vault of Darkness, which creates .VML files. Ubuntu defaults to opening them with FireFox, and the Vault of Darkness program isn't showing up in the list of 'Open With' options. I tried clicking properties and going down the list, looking for Vault of Darkness to 'Add' it to the list but it wasn't there. | 19:52 |
ethen | ThinkT510: just music and movies | 19:53 |
jANaM | escott: thx. 'nice -n 15 wget' worked fine! | 19:53 |
ThinkT510 | ethen: you could search launchpad to see if it is a bug there, if not you could file one | 19:53 |
ThinkT510 | !launchpad | ethen | 19:53 |
ubottu | ethen: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see | 19:53 |
ethen | thank you ThinkT510 . I'll try to post bug with screenshot of it | 19:54 |
=== subsume_ is now known as subsume | ||
ThinkT510 | ethen: no worries :) | 19:54 |
NetRunnerBlack | Anyone have any ideas? | 19:54 |
Ampelbein | NetRunnerBlack: Vault of Darkness needs to add himself as a handler for vml files. | 19:56 |
ethen | and may be irrevent with this channel , if I try to install fedora 16 on those partition, it get installed but corrupting bootmgr of windows :D | 19:56 |
MonkeyDust | NetRunnerBlack try opening Firefox and there go to File > Open > your_file | 19:56 |
NetRunnerBlack | Ampelbein: Is there anything I can do clientside? | 19:56 |
NetRunnerBlack | MonkeyDust: I only have the 'Open File' option under File, but the issue is that I don't want FireFox to open it. I want Vault of Darkness to open it. | 19:58 |
Ampelbein | NetRunnerBlack: You could create a .desktop file and install that with desktop-file-install | 19:59 |
ethen | well ThinkT510 , there are several bugs already launched with this topic, seems like I might just have to disable migration assistant. | 19:59 |
NetRunnerBlack | Is there no way to open a browse function and manually select a program to open a file? | 19:59 |
NetRunnerBlack | Ampelbein: I'm pretty much a newbie at this, so um... what? | 20:00 |
Ampelbein | NetRunnerBlack: There should be such an option (Open with other file), though I don't use gnome/unity so can't verify currently. | 20:02 |
yarrow | NetRunnerBlack: right click the file, open with other application, enter custom command. The custom command will be the command used to run your application. Maybe /usr/bin/vault maybe | 20:03 |
NetRunnerBlack | How do I input a custom command? | 20:03 |
=== robot is now known as Guest60427 | ||
yarrow | which file manager are you using? nautilus? | 20:04 |
NetRunnerBlack | Ampelbein: There is 'Show other applications' but that doesn't show Vault of Darkness. | 20:04 |
NetRunnerBlack | yarrow: I'm really sorry, I have no idea. I'm on Ubuntu 11.10 with Unity, default file manager. | 20:06 |
Ampelbein | NetRunnerBlack: You can try, save as vault-of-darkness.desktop, edit the "exec" line to match vault of darknesses binary location, then do 'sudo desktop-file-install vault-of-darkness.desktop' | 20:06 |
Ampelbein | NetRunnerBlack: That should list it as a application for vml files | 20:06 |
yarrow | unity > /dev/null | 20:06 |
herpmeeprease | same problem different drive | 20:07 |
vg | hi | 20:08 |
Ampelbein | NetRunnerBlack: Forgot one thing: 'sudo update-desktop-database' after all this | 20:08 |
vg | my brightness buttons dont work , help please | 20:08 |
Fuwex | I just don't quite understand this. How exactly do I give my user permission to shutdown the computer via ConsoleKit? I.e., how do I instruct PolicyKit to allow my user to execute the consolekit power calls? | 20:08 |
Fuwex | Ubuntu 11.10 by the way | 20:08 |
NetRunnerBlack | Ampelbein Okay, so I just save that link you gave me as vault-of-darkness.desktop, what's a binary location? | 20:09 |
herpmeeprease | so i can't install cause i get a disk error, i'm tryin to usb install to hdd but two different disks now failed | 20:09 |
herpmeeprease | both 2 usb and 2 hdd disks | 20:09 |
vg | help? | 20:09 |
Ampelbein | NetRunnerBlack: The program file of vault of darkness, probably somewhere in /usr/bin/ | 20:09 |
herpmeeprease | smart status told me the disk i took out temp failed | 20:10 |
herpmeeprease | the other one is a brand new 3tb | 20:10 |
MonkeyDust | !find consolekit | 20:10 |
ubottu | Found: consolekit | 20:10 |
NetRunnerBlack | okay, thanks | 20:10 |
AlanBell | vg: what computer? | 20:11 |
vg | HP 630 | 20:11 |
vg | i3 2,4 4gb ram | 20:11 |
herpmeeprease | in live mode it throws messages that look like [446.00] and freezes up says it can't handle kernel | 20:11 |
sharpK | how do I get wmctrl in ubuntu? | 20:12 |
escott | herpmeeprease, the 446 is the number of seconds the system has been running | 20:12 |
pangolin | sharpK: sudo apt-get install wmctrl | 20:12 |
herpmeeprease | i guessed that | 20:12 |
AlanBell | vg: on Ubuntu 11.10? do they work differently with AC power vs batteries? | 20:12 |
herpmeeprease | so wat do i do? | 20:12 |
escott | herpmeeprease, tell us something useful. like the actual error message | 20:13 |
vg | AlanBell: yes with ubuntu 11.10. | 20:13 |
herpmeeprease | can i burn a cd from here? i'm in tty1 again | 20:13 |
sharpK | pangolin thanks, I don't know how you guys memorize all this package apt-gets | 20:13 |
MonkeyDust | sharpK try gnome-tweak-tool | 20:13 |
pentacle | has ubuntu 11.04 got the netbeans IDE 7 | 20:13 |
escott | herpmeeprease, you can burn a cd with wodim, but it sounds like you have some hardware problems | 20:13 |
NetRunnerBlack | Where should I put that file that you made me, Ampelbein? | 20:14 |
ThinkT510 | pentacle: i doubt it | 20:14 |
vg | AlanBell: with or without batteries do the same. Dont work the brightness buttons | 20:14 |
sharpK | MonkeyDust I actually need wmctrl because a bash script seems to use it for xbmc to run in windowed mode but act as full screen on a dual screen set up using nvidia twin view (that was a mouthfull) | 20:14 |
herpmeeprease | wat kind of hw? mobo? | 20:14 |
herpmeeprease | it *could be* video | 20:14 |
zippa | hi | 20:14 |
escott | vg, the brightness keys are not normal keys, they are tied into the acpi system. you should do some searches to see if there are workarounds for your system's acpi | 20:15 |
NetRunnerBlack | When I enter the terminal command you gave me it says no such file, does it need to be in a certain place or can I just navigate to it anywhere? | 20:15 |
zul__ | I'd like to install data_mapper_mapper into my ubuntu linux 10.04 but when I do gem list I can't find it. Anyone could help me? | 20:15 |
AlanBell | vg: ok, they are flickery on battery with my core i3 laptop, thought it might be the same issue | 20:15 |
sharpK | nice, it worked... | 20:15 |
herpmeeprease | when it starts throwin the seconds it's been on, i can swap over to tty7 again and the screen has artifacts | 20:15 |
escott | herpmeeprease, i dont know, you havent told us anything useful to diagnose what the problem might be | 20:15 |
DDAZZA | When hosting a website: Where should the website source be stored in the file system? | 20:15 |
herpmeeprease | wat u need? | 20:15 |
pentacle | ubuntu 10.04 has netbeans 6.8 which is easy to install. Are you sure that ubuntu 11.04 does not have netbeans IDE 7 | 20:16 |
escott | herpmeeprease, what error messages is the kernel giving you | 20:16 |
AlanBell | vg: bug 780625 suggests adding acpi_backlight=vendor to the kernel boot options | 20:16 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 568611 in linux (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #780625 Screen brightness control fails on Dell Studio 1558" [Low,Fix released] | 20:16 |
=== Mud is now known as Guest85696 | ||
vg | Alanbell: how i do this? | 20:17 |
herpmeeprease | i dunno i need to reboot into live mode to figure that out and wen i do i can't do anything | 20:17 |
coolstar | Is the gtk 2.0 api fully compatible with 3.0? | 20:17 |
herpmeeprease | lemmie try and write it down so i can see | 20:17 |
herpmeeprease | bbiab | 20:17 |
escott | coolstar, no | 20:17 |
vg | Alanbell: i dont know how to do this to kernel man, im noob | 20:18 |
sn00p | does anybody have dual monitors and will let me look at there xorg.conf i need to get mine fixed | 20:18 |
coolstar | escptt: So far as I created a webview, scrolledwindow, and window using the 2.0 code, it works when linked to 3.0 | 20:18 |
escott | vg, so if you go into /etc/default/grub there will be a line that says "splash something root" you can add the acpi_backlight=vendor there and then run update-grub | 20:18 |
coolstar | escott: So far as I created a webview, scrolledwindow, and window using the 2.0 code, it works when linked to 3.0 | 20:18 |
kb0odu | @snoop...Are they identical monitors? | 20:19 |
escott | coolstar, you should be recompiling. there are differences. also ubuntu ships with both a gtk2 and gtk3 library in 11.10 | 20:19 |
coolstar | escott: I am recompiling using g++ | 20:19 |
AlanBell | vg: using grub, but reading further I am not sure it will help on your laptop | 20:20 |
vg | escott: its to difficulty for me , i never in to grub and starting in linux | 20:20 |
coolstar | escott: I'm trying to make the same code work with gtk 3.0 and still be compatible with 2.0 | 20:20 |
AlanBell | vg: hold shift when you boot up, that should take you to the grub menu, from there I think you press e to edit the kernel command line, add that to the end and hit return a couple of times to boot | 20:21 |
escott | vg, open a terminal gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub and modify that one line. then run update-grub | 20:21 |
vg | ok | 20:22 |
vg | wai i try this | 20:22 |
AlanBell | escott: vg: best to try it on boot before editing the grub config file I think | 20:22 |
Satyr | Hey guys I have an issue with Flash having an audio delay, can anyone help me out? | 20:23 |
AlanBell | if it actually makes a difference, then edit the grub config file so it does it every time you boot up | 20:23 |
NetRunnerBlack | What's the ctrl + command to pull up the dir on a file? | 20:23 |
NetRunnerBlack | On unity, for copy paste purposes. | 20:23 |
vg | escott: this is the command for add in the last line? | 20:23 |
vg | acpi_backlight=vendor | 20:23 |
Satyr | Hey guys I have an issue with Flash having an audio delay, can anyone help me out? | 20:24 |
escott | vg, there are a number of ones to try. that is one of them | 20:24 |
=== mohammad is now known as Guest63970 | ||
vg | escott: i cant understand a lot this article , | 20:26 |
escott | vg, make sure you have a working livecd/liveusb whenever messing with grub or the kernel | 20:26 |
herpmeprease | So I reboot and I get beeeeeeeep beep beep | 20:27 |
vg | escott: i do this in to the liveusb? | 20:27 |
sharpK | Guys, best VNC server for ubuntu? | 20:27 |
vg | escott: no in the common install? | 20:28 |
escott | vg, no. but you should have one as a backup in case what you do messes up your boot | 20:28 |
randomusr | What's a decent app for creating flow charts in Ubuntu? Tried openoffice draw and writer, but they bite. | 20:29 |
Marne | msg nickserv identify marnecarne | 20:29 |
vg | escott: ive got open grub (/etc/default) what i need do? | 20:29 |
escott | randomusr, how big a flowchart? and how much do you want to be customizing layout | 20:29 |
Satyr | Hey guys I have an issue with Flash having an audio delay, can anyone help me out? | 20:29 |
vg | escott: add un last line what command? | 20:29 |
escott | vg, you can add the acpi_backlight=vendor in the same line that has the splash and root arguments | 20:30 |
lnxslck | i installed kubuntu and then ubuntu desktop | 20:30 |
escott | vg, but be careful not to mess up the existing arguments while doing this | 20:30 |
lnxslck | when ubuntu loads i get the kubuntu theme, can i change it to ubuntu? | 20:30 |
herpmeprease | Its an m2n sli board with an evga 8600 | 20:31 |
vg | escott: it is difficult...i dont know what to do... | 20:31 |
escott | vg, i' | 20:31 |
randomusr | escott, something similar to the charts in MS office. How big and customization are subjective. That said, I hope to create a flow chart with pointers to the next level | 20:31 |
escott | vg, im not sure how else to explain it. you want to add this argument to the arguments the kernel is currently being given | 20:32 |
escott | randomusr, but how bit. 10 nodes, 100 nodes, 1000 nodes? | 20:32 |
escott | vg, the current line looks like splash quiet root=uuid something something, you want it to be splash quiet acpi_backlight=vendor root=uuid something something | 20:33 |
Satyr | Grr can anyone help me out | 20:33 |
randomusr | escott, i'm not sure I understand the context you're using. I only want a graphical chart to show relationship of components within and application. | 20:33 |
escott | randomusr, a flow chart has nodes, how many nodes will your flowchart be? how many components are there? do you want to be able to manually position them or not | 20:34 |
randomusr | escott, if by nodes you mean how many boxes; then probably up to 13 at most | 20:34 |
randomusr | oops | 20:34 |
randomusr | escott, yes manually positioning is desired. | 20:34 |
randomusr | escott, any recommendations based on that? | 20:35 |
DeltaEpsilon | any one knows of an applicaiton that can display lyrics of a song on my screen? | 20:36 |
Satyr | Could osmeone please help me out? | 20:36 |
randomusr | Satyr, what version of ubuntu and flash are you using? | 20:36 |
escott | randomusr, you didn't like libreoffice. you could try dia, but you might not like that anymore. if you just want better graphics you might try something with latex metapost or latex pstricks | 20:36 |
escott | randomusr, what was it you didnt like about libreoffice | 20:36 |
ThinkT510 | DeltaEpsilon: i know exaile has a lyrics tab that works for me | 20:36 |
Satyr | 11.10 ubuntu, with KXStudio installed, as well as flash version | 20:37 |
escott | randomusr, you could also try drawing it with the gimp | 20:37 |
randomusr | escott, I'm using openoffice, not libreoffice though I understand that they are very similar. When I attempt to insert a chart it's simply a basic chart without tying nodes together... A bit more manual | 20:38 |
ThinkT510 | Satyr: flash 10 on 11.10? flash 11 is in the repos | 20:38 |
Satyr | Well I am using chromium.. | 20:39 |
Satyr | I don't no | 20:39 |
Satyr | know | 20:39 |
Satyr | How can I remove flash as a whole and reinstall it | 20:39 |
escott | randomusr, any of these customizing layout approaches will be very manually intensive. if you want to just specify the graph structure and have a program make something sensible from it then use graphviz | 20:39 |
dj_who | hi, i have problem with DVB-T signal is good enough but i can't watch tv picture is "scrambled" | 20:39 |
ThinkT510 | !flash | Satyr | 20:39 |
ubottu | Satyr: To install Flash see - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 20:39 |
randomusr | escott, thank you, I will try graphviz | 20:40 |
DeltaEpsilon | I would like to use wordpress/joomla for my website. but I am not sure how safe they are. any one has an idea? | 20:40 |
DeltaEpsilon | any suggestion? | 20:40 |
kb0odu | DeltaEpsilon: Both are written in php and will need patching/updating as new versions come out. | 20:41 |
kb0odu | DeltaEpsilon: They also have different purposes - Wordpress is more for personal blogging and Joomla is more for a community / group site. You should see which one fits in with your needs better. | 20:42 |
Zippoblur | Hi | 20:42 |
Zippoblur | :-) | 20:43 |
randomusr | Satyr, I would use flash with Firefox and the adobe flash plugin (non-free) version. No need to pay for this as non-free refers to licensing. You may want to ensure the latest version of pulseaudio | 20:43 |
escott | vg, how are things going | 20:44 |
ThinkT510 | randomusr: he left | 20:44 |
dj_who | any one can help with my dvb-t problem | 20:44 |
dj_who | ? | 20:44 |
vg | escott: im nothing , its very difficult for me | 20:44 |
ThinkT510 | vg: you can do it, we believe in you | 20:45 |
Zippoblur | I love ubuntu | 20:45 |
escott | vg, its hard for us to help if you are silent. so if you want us to check your work you can send the proposed modifications to the file to | 20:45 |
vg | jaja its a turn crazy with commands... | 20:45 |
KomiaPoika | hi | 20:46 |
Zippoblur | poland is great | 20:46 |
KomiaPoika | i need to edit a config on a usb drive with openbsd BSD 4.2 filesystem, is it possible in ubuntu? | 20:46 |
vg | escott: what is this page? | 20:46 |
escott | !paste | vg | 20:46 |
ubottu | vg: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 20:46 |
ThinkT510 | KomiaPoika: i think openbsd uses ffs by default so i don't think so | 20:47 |
KomiaPoika | isn't there a port to mount rw ffs drives? | 20:48 |
vg | escott: i explain my dude there? | 20:48 |
ThinkT510 | KomiaPoika: not that i'm aware of, though i must admit i haven't really looked | 20:48 |
danslo | So uhhh... Everytime I boot ubuntu, looks like lightdm isn't started... when I switch to alt+f2, login, sudo service lightdm start, everything works fine .... anyone have any clues? | 20:49 |
escott | vg, no ask questions hee, but if you are unsure of the modifications to the file post your changed file there | 20:49 |
* conntrack makes a tapping sound | 20:51 | |
colloquialismic | hey guys | 20:52 |
colloquialismic | i was curious | 20:52 |
ThinkT510 | colloquialismic: good thing you are no longer curious | 20:52 |
colloquialismic | is there a way to grab 50 different .jpegs and "mass save" them all to a newly created folder... and create that new folder as well | 20:53 |
colloquialismic | haha | 20:53 |
escott | colloquialismic, probably. where are you grabbing them from | 20:53 |
Phr3d13 | How do I install Ubuntu onto my android phone? | 20:53 |
colloquialismic | an email. | 20:53 |
colloquialismic | i want to create a script that will grab them all from this email and save them all.. saving time - lol (in the process i will waste more time) but it is for some friends | 20:54 |
escott | colloquialismic, there are various command line email tools that could certainly download and extract attachments, but it would be a fair bit of setup. most decent email clients should have a save all attachments button | 20:54 |
colloquialismic | gmail? | 20:54 |
escott | colloquialismic, gmail has a download as zip option | 20:54 |
conntrack | haha | 20:55 |
ThinkT510 | !rootirc | root | 20:56 |
ubottu | root: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. | 20:56 |
=== root is now known as Guest69552 | ||
Guest69552 | cat | 20:56 |
=== r3v0_zZzZz is now known as r3v0 | ||
vg | help with brigthness buttons please | 20:57 |
Phr3d13| | Any server open in here? | 20:57 |
Phr3d13| | Server ops | 20:57 |
escott | Guest69552, its not about the nick you are using in channel, but the assumption that your irc name defaulted to your username and therefore you are root on the system you are running | 20:57 |
Guest69552 | how to hack wifi | 20:58 |
Guest69552 | by back track | 20:58 |
escott | !backtrack | Guest69552 | 20:58 |
ubottu | Guest69552: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition | 20:58 |
Guest69552 | pls | 20:58 |
ThinkT510 | escott: well, that explains it :) | 20:58 |
ikonia | Guest69552: not something we support in here | 20:58 |
Guest69552 | pls | 20:58 |
ikonia | Guest69552: try the channel #backtrack-linux | 20:59 |
escott | ThinkT510, pretty much | 20:59 |
Guest69552 | i don't know | 20:59 |
Phr3d13 | What is backtrack? | 20:59 |
ThinkT510 | escott: i'll never understand the appeal of backtrack and defaulting to the root account | 20:59 |
ikonia | Phr3d13: it's another linux distribution | 20:59 |
Phr3d13 | I figured as much, guess I'll do a little Googleing | 21:00 |
colloquialismic | ok | 21:00 |
escott | ThinkT510, a secure system is too complex for script-kiddies to deal with | 21:00 |
ThinkT510 | escott: :) | 21:01 |
colloquialismic | escott, and ThinkT510 Now... do you know of a linux equivalent of automater? | 21:01 |
escott | colloquialismic, what is automater? | 21:01 |
colloquialismic | like... i want to now go to any website and pull all jpegs off and download them to my harddrive | 21:01 |
colloquialismic | lol sorry | 21:01 |
colloquialismic | auto-mater | 21:01 |
ThinkT510 | colloquialismic: he already told you how | 21:02 |
colloquialismic | the OSx automator | 21:02 |
colloquialismic | no... this is not a email attachment | 21:02 |
=== Mud is now known as Guest39661 | ||
escott | colloquialismic, the apple thing. so there are a couple things. you could certainly generate fake xinput events, but its more traditional to figure out what batch process you want to do and then determine what the underlying tool is to do it. so if you are manipulating images with a photo tool, then you would use imagemagick | 21:03 |
escott | colloquialismic, so in the case you are describing you would use curl or wget to download the files | 21:03 |
colloquialismic | oh wow.. u can use wget to download a specific img? | 21:04 |
colloquialismic | so.. then i string all the wgets together? or is there more to it? | 21:04 |
escott | colloquialismic, you can hand wget a list of urls and it can download all of them. wget can crawl websites and mirror the whole thing if you want | 21:05 |
ashok | how to boot a live iso image form natty, where to keep the image what changes needed in grub? | 21:05 |
vit | buenas | 21:05 |
colloquialismic | escott, do you know how to do that off hand? | 21:05 |
colloquialismic | i'm googling it now | 21:06 |
escott | colloquialismic, if you are planning to do this once, there are plugins for firefox which can do the same and would be easier. otherwise you wget the html page, and then pull all the image links out of that, and wget all them | 21:06 |
vit | buenas trades quisiera hacer una pregunta | 21:06 |
escott | !es | vit | 21:06 |
ubottu | vit: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 21:06 |
dj_who | ashok what image | 21:06 |
dj_who | what distro | 21:06 |
vit | ok | 21:06 |
colloquialismic | oh boi | 21:07 |
colloquialismic | ok | 21:07 |
ashok | right now i am trying to dual boot debian | 21:07 |
vit | thanks | 21:07 |
colloquialismic | i understand but dang... you weren't kidding about the prep work ha | 21:07 |
colloquialismic | well, this is a project for a friend. | 21:07 |
crunchbang | hello | 21:07 |
crunchbang | kdkkd | 21:07 |
escott | colloquialismic, its harder and harder these days given the increasing amount of javascript in webpages | 21:07 |
crunchbang | dskjf;as | 21:07 |
colloquialismic | yeah | 21:07 |
colloquialismic | it is going to be fun | 21:07 |
colloquialismic | thanks man | 21:07 |
dj_who | i dont know but normaly with ubuntu for example use iso_scan and loopback | 21:09 |
dj_who | and put iso to any partition | 21:09 |
garden92 | how can i mount isos? | 21:09 |
ashok | how to modify grub to boot? | 21:09 |
colloquialismic | escott, just out of curiosity what is the firefox extension that automatically pulls the images off html pages? | 21:10 |
dj_who | put new menu entry | 21:10 |
ThinkT510 | !iso | garden92 | 21:10 |
ubottu | garden92: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 21:10 |
escott | colloquialismic, | 21:10 |
dj_who | in a /etc/grub.d | 21:11 |
brontosaurusrexw | colloquialismic, probably worth looking into how to steal the browsers cache for a specific page | 21:11 |
colloquialismic | yeah. i thought about that brontosaurusrexw | 21:11 |
colloquialismic | thanks escott | 21:11 |
randomusr | I'm having an issue on my laptop where my cursor sometimes jumps to another location when typing and occasionally other places on the screen. How can I fix this? | 21:11 |
dj_who | with | 21:11 |
dj_who | #!/bin/sh | 21:11 |
dj_who | exec tail -n +3 $0 | 21:11 |
dj_who | at the beginning of the file | 21:12 |
dj_who | then new menu entry | 21:12 |
ThinkT510 | randomusr: do you have a touchpad? | 21:12 |
=== gloomer is now known as whereswaldo | ||
Mr_Queue | randomusr: disable the touch bad? | 21:12 |
Mr_Queue | err pad. | 21:12 |
randomusr | ThinkT510, yes, but the one to point with? | 21:12 |
ThinkT510 | randomusr: then you are likely accidentally brushing the touchpad when you type | 21:13 |
dj_who | here an example | 21:14 |
dj_who | | 21:14 |
dj_who | for ubuntu | 21:14 |
randomusr | ThinkT510, nowhere near it... This problem happens more on my macbook and less on my Dell Inspiron. Could it be a driver issue? | 21:14 |
ThinkT510 | randomusr: i don't know sorry, i only use thinkpads | 21:15 |
ashok | thanks | 21:15 |
colloquialismic | ThinkT510, Yeah, i don't really like backtrack either. I just use ubuntu as my main operating system and i install all the tools i need. like... yesterday i forgot about the sudo command hah, it is helpful. secure :) | 21:15 |
randomusr | ThinkT510, thanks | 21:15 |
=== brennan is now known as eternalulz | ||
MadsRC | Hey Guys. After I've configured my UFW, I've noticed a lot of activity on port 33437/udp from Apparently it's only when i'm on freenode. anyone know if that IP is related to this IRC channel? | 21:15 |
brontosaurusrexw | colloquialismic, also you may ask in #bash | 21:15 |
ashok | where do i find the UUID | 21:15 |
=== whereswaldo is now known as gloomer | ||
colloquialismic | yeah :D thanks brontosaurusrexw | 21:15 |
dj_who | ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid | 21:16 |
brontosaurusrexw | colloquialismic, lion? | 21:16 |
Phr3d13| | !register | 21:16 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 21:16 |
ThinkT510 | colloquialismic: sudo is rather fundamental, i'd find it pretty impossible to forget | 21:16 |
dj_who | dont know debian support loopback | 21:16 |
dj_who | U must check that | 21:16 |
colloquialismic | brontosaurusrexw, nope lucid :D | 21:17 |
brontosaurusrexw | hehe | 21:17 |
dj_who | if iso -scan doesn't work maybe try fromiso oprion | 21:17 |
escott | ashok, sudo blkid | 21:17 |
hugio | what's up | 21:17 |
colloquialismic | ThinkT510, well, i meant i accidentally did not run wireshark as sudo - thus providing no interfaces for me to begin capture with haha. i was silly. | 21:17 |
ThinkT510 | hugio: the sky | 21:18 |
mankand007 | hi all.. i'm not getting sound from my front jack in ubuntu 11.10... please help... | 21:18 |
hugio | ;] | 21:18 |
dj_who | example : fromiso=/dev/sdb3/multiboot/live-linux/tails.iso config | 21:18 |
colloquialismic | whats down with da hugio | 21:18 |
ThinkT510 | colloquialismic: oh yeah, i can forget to prefix some things with sudo too | 21:18 |
colloquialismic | ahh.... downthemall is a life saver :D | 21:18 |
colloquialismic | ThinkT510, yup ha... at first i was like... ugh.. what now ha | 21:18 |
colloquialismic | it was a long day | 21:19 |
mankand007 | i have Codec: VIA VT1708S listed... | 21:20 |
mankand007 | please help.. | 21:20 |
mankand007 | i'm getting the sound from front audio jack in windoz | 21:20 |
washuu_de | @makanda: I had that chip, too. I wonder what was that problem... | 21:21 |
N_ | I want linux softwares to manage 2 monitors. can you tell me someones? :) | 21:22 |
escott | N_, what graphics card and driver do you have | 21:22 |
ThinkT510 | !xrandr | N_ | 21:22 |
ubottu | N_: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: | 21:22 |
lnxslck | anyone tried burg? | 21:23 |
=== Phr3d13| is now known as Phr3d13 | ||
escott | mankand007, washuu_de assuming this has hda | 21:23 |
ThinkT510 | lnxslck: what is burg? | 21:23 |
dj_who | i have a burg menu for iso booting | 21:23 |
mankand007 | thanks escott, i'll take a look.. | 21:24 |
dj_who | from usb disk | 21:24 |
Phr3d13 | !burg | 21:24 |
dj_who | it is working fine for me | 21:24 |
N_ | I need to change softwares windows from one to another, and the show the bars in both monitors | 21:24 |
N_ | *to | 21:25 |
N_ | my english is not very well | 21:25 |
lnxslck | ThinkT510, it's a boot loader like grub but better looking | 21:26 |
Wavesonics | Hey i need a good live distro for fixing computers, is there a good Ubuntu based one? | 21:26 |
washuu_de | @N-:.-What is the problem? What language do you prfer ? | 21:27 |
lnxslck | Wavesonics, xubuntu? | 21:27 |
Phr3d13 | Wavesonics: the Ubuntu ISO works as a live cd | 21:27 |
washuu_de | I'm not native english/american myself | 21:27 |
Wavesonics | Phr3d13, lnxslck I was kinda hoping for one sorta intented for this, so it has different tools bundled with it | 21:28 |
blag | is it even possible to install 64-bit ubuntu onto a 32-bit machine? | 21:28 |
ThinkT510 | Wavesonics: i can recomend partedmagic (it isn't ubuntu based though) | 21:28 |
escott | blag, no | 21:28 |
oCean | blag: no | 21:28 |
blag | does the 64-bit live cd even boot? | 21:28 |
Phr3d13 | You can build your own Ubuntu live cd | 21:28 |
N_ | I installed the XRandR, where can I find the link to execute the program? | 21:28 |
Wavesonics | ThinkT510, cool ill look into it, thanks | 21:28 |
blag | ...on a 32-bit machine? | 21:29 |
oCean | blag: it won't | 21:29 |
blag | huh, well, apparently my computer is 64-bit...weird... | 21:29 |
Phr3d13 | oCean: it did for me | 21:29 |
dj_who | blag, any core2duo is 64bit | 21:30 |
oCean | Phr3d13: then either you have 32 bit image or 64 bit cpu | 21:30 |
Barbarian | N_, on unity you go to the dash, type in xrandr, and it should show ug | 21:30 |
Barbarian | *up | 21:30 |
N_ | ok, thanks | 21:30 |
blag | dj_who: i know, im on an early atom board so i thought it was 32-bit, but uname tells me im running the x86_64 SMP kernel, so i guess they are 64-bit atom procs... | 21:31 |
Phr3d13 | My bad small viewing screen on my phone | 21:31 |
dj_who | blag, ohh | 21:32 |
N_ | the software has not graphic interface? | 21:32 |
blag | N_: xrandr is a command line program, if you want GUIs for it, look for grandr | 21:32 |
N_ | ok | 21:32 |
blag | dj_who: so there is no way my computer is 32-bit then? | 21:33 |
Kimble | Hi. Anyone successfully set up Netatalk for AFP access from a Mac? Ub 11.10. | 21:33 |
dj_who | i think 100% not | 21:34 |
mankand007 | escott: in the file they provided, for my video card, auto is the only option for snd-hda-intel , and its already present in my alsa-base.conf | 21:34 |
oCean | blag: no, you're running 64 bit ubuntu, your cpu is 64 bit. In terminal grep lm /proc/cpuinfo this should return a list with CPU capabilities, including lm, meaning longmode | 21:34 |
blag | sweet | 21:34 |
mankand007 | and i'm not sure how to use their hda-analyzer tool... | 21:34 |
mankand007 | escott:and i'm not sure how to use their hda-analyzer tool... | 21:34 |
escott | mankand007, likely because it is a new board and a developer hasn't seen that hardware yet. if you can play around with the tool and figure out what the correct pins are, and then forward that in a bug-report to the developers they can add your boards profile to their list of boards, and then things might work in the future | 21:35 |
blag | oCean: lol, i guess I've been running the wrong Ubuntu release on my machine then... | 21:35 |
blag | sweet | 21:35 |
empity | my ubuntu live usb pen | 21:35 |
its_me | Hello, what is the feature that shows all open windows in a workspace called? (Windows/Super button shows all open windows) | 21:35 |
empity | says that the b43 firmware for the wireless card is missing | 21:35 |
N_ | nice, the software is fine, but don't have options to configure the main bar ou start bar(I don't know what is the name of the bar of programs in english) | 21:35 |
empity | and that I should download it | 21:35 |
victori | anyway to upgrade from 9.x to 11.x? | 21:36 |
mankand007 | escott:hmm... i'll try my luck with the tool... thanks for the advice! | 21:36 |
victori | well, I just need sources.list from 11.x I suppose | 21:36 |
ThinkT510 | victori: you'd be far better off fresh installing | 21:36 |
victori | blah, I used to run debian sid for the longest time without any issues. | 21:37 |
braninvat | Hey all, I've been having a lot of issues lately with 10.04.3 logging me out (what seems to be) randomly. | 21:37 |
ThinkT510 | victori: if you really want to though you'd have to go through every release in-between | 21:37 |
victori | ThinkT510: think you can upload your sources.list somewhere? pastebin it | 21:37 |
m0rtil | hi! | 21:37 |
its_me | Hello, what is the feature that shows all open windows in a workspace called? (Windows/Super button shows all open windows) | 21:37 |
ThinkT510 | victori: no | 21:37 |
braninvat | I've turned off the flash plugins in my browser, but it does not seem to be helping. | 21:37 |
escott | mankand007, for your understanding a pin is an electrical connection on the audio chip. a pin may or may not be connected to a port (like the headphone jack). just play around routing the audio to a pin, and enabling output on that pin, until you get sound from the jack. and right down the pin that works. you can use the --monitor mode to see how the system is reconfiguring the sound system when you plug stuff in | 21:37 |
Kimble | Does anyone know of a netatalk IRC channel? | 21:39 |
ThinkT510 | !eol | victori | 21:40 |
ubottu | victori: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 21:40 |
colloquialismic | guys... i am getting lonely | 21:41 |
colloquialismic | does anyone know of a linux space in alabama? or should i get a dog? or a woman? | 21:42 |
N_ | so do i | 21:42 |
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer | ||
ThinkT510 | colloquialismic: you could /join #ubuntu-offtopic | 21:42 |
braninvat | If you have to ask "should I get a dog or a woman", you probably shouldn't have either. | 21:43 |
ikonia | guys, ubuntu support discussion please. | 21:43 |
guntbert | braninvat: don't continue please | 21:43 |
N_ | o_o | 21:44 |
N_ | :) | 21:44 |
braninvat | Don't continue please? | 21:44 |
guntbert | braninvat: stop that off topic talk | 21:45 |
Phr3d13 | Meaning stay on topic | 21:45 |
SudoFox | Hello | 21:46 |
braninvat | Well... good to know the Ubuntu online community is so friendly. :-( | 21:46 |
SudoFox | AAGH! | 21:46 |
Kimble | I've set up netatalk on Ub 11.10 following all the guides I can find, but get denied when trying to login. The username and password are correct. Any ideas? | 21:46 |
SudoFox | I don't know. I'm too busy trying to find out how to fix a *fscking* ntfs partion. | 21:47 |
Myrtti | braninvat: this is the biggest channel in Freenode. Our social chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic | 21:47 |
SudoFox | Cynical nix humor intended. | 21:47 |
BarkingFish | braninvat: We're perfectly friendly, providing you keep the right material in the right channel - this one's for tech support. You want #ubuntu-offtopic | 21:47 |
gnuskool | Any light desktop alternatives worth trying? | 21:47 |
escott | SudoFox, you have to do it from windows | 21:47 |
BarkingFish | sorry, cancel that one, lagged | 21:47 |
SudoFox | I can't. | 21:47 |
ikonia | SudoFox: I'd advise against trying to do this from within Linux | 21:47 |
ThinkT510 | gnuskool: lxde | 21:47 |
SudoFox | I. can't. | 21:47 |
kevwilde | when i select "Shutdown..." from Unity, it returns the the login screen, why doesn't it shut down? | 21:47 |
escott | SudoFox, if you dont have a working windows system you shouldnt be using ntfs | 21:47 |
Kimble | SudoFox: can't you boot from a UBCD or similar? | 21:48 |
SudoFox | All I want to do is shrink my ntfs partition, but mine is screwed up. | 21:48 |
Kimble | Presumably a dual-boot machine? | 21:49 |
SudoFox | If I replace the driver files it says is missing with new copies (writing to records to file or something) it'll boot sometimes but slowly. | 21:49 |
braninvat | Fine, then. Can you advise me as to why ubuntu 10.04.3 is logging me off randomly? I don't have compiz installed and have disabled flash in my browser.. but it's till logging me out. | 21:49 |
ikonia | SudoFox: what are you talking about "driver files" ? | 21:49 |
* dragonkeeper is looking into the ubuntu-embedded project. anyone used this ? | 21:49 | |
SudoFox | I'll be back soon. | 21:50 |
SudoFox | Quick errand to run. | 21:50 |
=== guy is now known as Guest32702 | ||
x404x | I try to mount a disk and i get filesystem not found | 21:50 |
x404x | im using the filesystem diskutil reports | 21:51 |
Kimble | x404x: try mounting the partition not the root volume. | 21:51 |
x404x | hm how do i know what the partition is ? | 21:52 |
=== Default is now known as default__ | ||
ThinkT510 | x404x: sudo fdisk -l | 21:52 |
ThinkT510 | x404x: see if you recognise it from there by size and fs type | 21:53 |
=== aracon is now known as ara-con | ||
x404x | hm nope still bitching | 21:53 |
=== root is now known as Guest89517 | ||
x404x | hm weird it worked when updating in fstab but not on command line | 21:55 |
x404x | hm maybe it got confused until i editied it right | 21:55 |
escott | x404x, you are doing sudo mount for things not in fstab | 21:55 |
Guest89517 | hey im trying to format a COMPLETELY new hardrive, and I need to first create a partition table, this will be used for a Win7 install, is an MS-DOS partition table what I need? | 21:55 |
x404x | no im using sudo -i always | 21:55 |
ThinkT510 | Guest89517: yes | 21:55 |
x404x | tired of bitching coz i forget sudo or perms etc | 21:55 |
escott | Guest89517, unless the disk is bigger than 2TB or is it 3TB | 21:55 |
x404x | so always my first command is login as root | 21:56 |
Guest89517 | ThinkT510, escott cool thanks guys | 21:56 |
x404x | wish ubuntu would respect me as admin tho | 21:56 |
ThinkT510 | x404x: never login as root | 21:56 |
ThinkT510 | !noroot | x404x | 21:56 |
ubottu | x404x: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information. | 21:56 |
x404x | if people can login as admin they cant remember sudo -i ? big security | 21:56 |
escott | x404x, if you want an insecure system use backtrack | 21:56 |
x404x | they would have to guess my ip , username and pass first anyway to get anywhere | 21:57 |
x404x | thats not very likely | 21:57 |
x404x | since its behind a firewall | 21:57 |
x404x | so they wont even know its there until they give the right data | 21:58 |
ZekeS | x404x: if you really are an admin you should know by now how to set your root PW | 21:58 |
andyn | !root | andyn | 21:58 |
ubottu | andyn, please see my private message | 21:58 |
escott | x404x, check on google how many people have accidently typed rm -rf /* instead of rm -rf */ think about how many arbitrary code execution vunerabilities there are for firefox/chromium/flash etc | 21:58 |
ThinkT510 | x404x: sacrificing security for a little convenience (due to lazyness or forgetfullness) is never a good idea | 21:58 |
x404x | i have set my root pw | 21:58 |
x404x | ouch good point | 21:58 |
x404x | rm is not a command you want to type wrong | 21:59 |
ZekeS | escott: isn't that why GNU Coreutils has --preserve-root as default for rm (but not ch[own,mod,grp])? :p | 21:59 |
x404x | then again the system isnt worth much if a cant admin it | 21:59 |
x404x | can i disable rm or make it ask yes or no atleast ? | 21:59 |
ikonia | x404x: rm is alaised to rm -i by default | 21:59 |
guntbert | x404x: double advice 1) don't press <enter> so often, 2) don't run everyday tasks as root | 22:00 |
ZekeS | x404x: man rm and/or info coreutils 'rm invocation' | 22:00 |
hirogen | hi trying to install ubuntu from a usb stick on a 7year old raid complaint asus motherboard, only issue is its not got a sata hard disc, therefore it doesnt find a partition when trying to install, i got no idea how to fix this, argh | 22:00 |
Guest85764 | rm reality.sys ???? | 22:00 |
escott | ZekeS, point is without root permissions you can only damage your data, not the system. with sudo you have to work a bit harder to ruin things | 22:00 |
x404x | hm anyway i try to aboid rm * when in root dir hehe | 22:00 |
x404x | I havent managed to make that bobo yet | 22:00 |
mactrent | escott: sudo su ftw | 22:01 |
Kimble | I think the basic idea is: always use the least amount of power required to perform any action. | 22:01 |
x404x | worst i did was repairing a wakuum cleaner with a dodgy capasity with the whole content leaking out and it touched the chassis , nice little lights out.... after that i got some not so nice messages from my raid | 22:01 |
guntbert | mactrent: not recommended either | 22:01 |
ZekeS | mactrent: man sudo :p | 22:01 |
x404x | then again im impressed with the licking it takes an fsck brought it back online | 22:02 |
ikonia | x404x: do you need help with ubuntu at all ? | 22:02 |
kla | little divas | 22:02 |
kla | oops | 22:02 |
x404x | all i can get yes hehe ;=) always something that dont do what i want | 22:02 |
x404x | im setting up remote admin / vino | 22:02 |
ikonia | x404x: ok - could you please keep the to the topic of Ubuntu support discussion in this channel, | 22:02 |
x404x | cant get the server to change its ip to what the router should give it | 22:02 |
ikonia | x404x: please keep the stories out | 22:02 |
x404x | sorry | 22:03 |
Kimble | I could really use some help with my Netatalk conundrum, if anyone's knowledgable? :) | 22:03 |
x404x | i tryed to go to the network settings and dhcp and update it but it still gets the wrong ip | 22:03 |
mactrent | zekes: He said it was hard to do things in sudo. su makes it easier - for better or for worse. | 22:03 |
ikonia | x404x: dhcp is not controlled by the client | 22:03 |
ikonia | x404x: the dhcp server will need a static mapping to give the client a specific IP | 22:04 |
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x404x | is there a command in ubuntu to force a renew ip ? like the ipconfig/renew in windows ? | 22:04 |
yiannis-Gnome | hi | 22:04 |
ikonia | x404x: down/up the interface | 22:04 |
x404x | ah ill try that | 22:04 |
ikonia | x404x: however it won't matter unless you have setup a static map on the dhcp server | 22:04 |
mactrent | ifconfig /add <address>; ifconfig /del <address> | 22:05 |
x404x | yes that took quite a fight to make it accept the servername ip and mac all at once to the correct ip, it insisted to change back to some old mac that was there | 22:05 |
ikonia | x404x: what are you talking about ? | 22:06 |
SudoFox | back | 22:06 |
x404x | the static dhcp server i hope | 22:06 |
SudoFox | back | 22:06 |
x404x | hm no it still dont get the right ip | 22:06 |
SudoFox | I can boot ubuntu desktop edition w/ hiren's boot disc (I use it to get to bootmgr) | 22:06 |
x404x | its correctly setup in the router | 22:06 |
SudoFox | But that doesn't matter. | 22:07 |
ikonia | x404x: the problem will be your dhcp server, not the client | 22:07 |
SudoFox | I'm using the new live disc. | 22:07 |
hirogen | what does installing ubuntu without atapi mean? | 22:07 |
ThinkT510 | SudoFox: 12.04? | 22:07 |
SudoFox | No, 11.10 | 22:08 |
x404x | hm dang that actually worked , i guess i was to impation to up it, had to wait a couple secs for it to go down before up again | 22:08 |
SudoFox | Doesn't really matter. | 22:08 |
x404x | thats big progress now to see if vino answers | 22:08 |
ikonia | SudoFox: what do you need help with, please summerise | 22:09 |
x404x | how to setup vino ports ? | 22:09 |
ikonia | x404x: in what way set them up | 22:09 |
ThinkT510 | SudoFox: can you stick to one line please, no need to hit enter all the time (harder to follow) | 22:09 |
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x404x | they need to match the firewall openings | 22:09 |
SudoFox | I want to shave 50 GiB off my ntfs partition, which may or may not be damaged. (Not basing my decision off of this) | 22:10 |
ikonia | SudoFox: your ntfs partition needs to be repaired from within Windows | 22:10 |
SudoFox | *facepalm* | 22:10 |
ikonia | x404x: the default ubuntu firewall is open, have you changed it to close ports ? | 22:10 |
escott | SudoFox, nobody you should listen to will suggest that you resize until after running chkdsk in windows | 22:10 |
x404x | not that one, i have a hardware firewall routing it | 22:10 |
x_ | startx starts X but how do you kill it completely? | 22:11 |
x404x | so i need to setup the ports to answer the ones the router redirects to it | 22:11 |
ikonia | x404x: there is normally a .conf file, it will be listed in the documentation | 22:11 |
Satyr_ | Could someone help me out | 22:11 |
guntbert | x_: by logging out again | 22:11 |
escott | x_, thats an unusually way to start x, but if you do it that way, x stops when you exit the terminal that gets spawned when you start x | 22:11 |
lnxslck | so when i try to watch a movie, it starts searching for plugin then stops at 50% how to fix this? | 22:11 |
lnxslck | anyone? | 22:11 |
Satyr_ | I have the latest flash player, and I have the latest version of chromium, however in Google Chrome, Firefox, and Chromium there is an audio delay with flash. This delay does not occur anywhere else. | 22:12 |
mactrent | lnxslck: What program is this? | 22:12 |
ThinkT510 | lnxslck: thats with totem is it? | 22:12 |
lnxslck | mactimes, totem | 22:12 |
lnxslck | ThinkT510, yes | 22:12 |
ThinkT510 | lnxslck: sounds like you need to install the codecs | 22:12 |
ThinkT510 | !codecs | lnxslck | 22:13 |
ubottu | lnxslck: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 22:13 |
x404x | right , theres only a zilliion conf file so thanx for narrowing it down ;=) | 22:13 |
Satyr_ | ThinkT510 do you remember me | 22:13 |
lnxslck | ThinkT510, yes, and totem starts looking for the plugins but it stalls at 50% | 22:13 |
SudoFox | I can't do that! It's so messed up and slow that it won't work! Recovery console tried doing it, took forever (It didn't boot for a long while until I used testdisk) and only boot windows in safe mode, slower than a computer 15 years old, which also can't resize the disk b/c it's safe mode!) | 22:13 |
Satyr_ | I was here earlier and you gave me the link to install flash. | 22:13 |
ThinkT510 | Satyr_: yes, i can't remember your problem though | 22:13 |
lnxslck | ThinkT510, i used to have this working, any app would start looking for the plugins and installed them | 22:13 |
ThinkT510 | Satyr_: oh | 22:13 |
lnxslck | not now | 22:13 |
Satyr_ | I had an audio delay with flash | 22:13 |
ikonia | SudoFox: then your options are massivly limited | 22:13 |
Satyr_ | It still exists with all three browsers | 22:13 |
ikonia | SudoFox: take it to someone else with a windows machine, or see if the guys in ##windows have any tricks | 22:14 |
SudoFox | *ugh* I know. | 22:14 |
Satyr_ | I am using KX Studio to bypass pulse audio though | 22:14 |
x_ | escott, umm. not sure what that means. | 22:14 |
Satyr_ | However all of my other audio does not have a delay | 22:14 |
ikonia | SudoFox: ok, so if you know, why are you in this channel complaining about it | 22:14 |
Satyr_ | So is there a way to set up a latency for only flash audio? | 22:14 |
ThinkT510 | Satyr_: i've never heard of kx studio. what is it for and how did you install it? | 22:14 |
SudoFox | To see if anyone has even the slightest way to do it. | 22:14 |
x_ | escott, like if im using flubox, I can right click and "exit" but X is still running so I can't re-open fluxbox later. and I can't find any process with X in the name... | 22:15 |
SudoFox | Oh, forget it. | 22:15 |
Satyr_ | One second let me give you links: | 22:15 |
BrunoAMelo | hello | 22:15 |
ikonia | SudoFox: there are ways to do it, however they put your data at massive risk | 22:15 |
Satyr_ | | 22:15 |
Satyr_ | | 22:15 |
mactrent | x_: Xorg uses a capital X, if that helps. | 22:15 |
ikonia | SudoFox: the best way of doing it would be to use the correct tool, Windows, to check it | 22:15 |
Satyr_ | I had a successful install, and everything other than the flash audio delay is working great | 22:15 |
SudoFox | | 22:15 |
koreanhack | hey does the ati driver work | 22:15 |
escott | x_, the first application that x starts is the "session manager" and when it closes x closes. so look and see what the first application you have configured to start is | 22:15 |
Satyr_ | It is a way to make it so that you can use Jack Audio instead of Pulse Audio | 22:16 |
ThinkT510 | Satyr_: ah, so it is a ppa, i can't help you then sorry | 22:16 |
x_ | mactrent, ps -a | grep Xorg returns nothing. | 22:16 |
Satyr_ | Can you tell me how to set up a latency just for Flash? | 22:16 |
SudoFox | isn't xorg audio-related? | 22:16 |
x_ | escott, look where? | 22:16 |
Tannerbaum | How do I enable dialup on my computer? | 22:16 |
escott | x_, look at pstree and figure out what the child process of X is | 22:16 |
ikonia | xorg is visual | 22:16 |
mactrent | x_: Same here. But with a capital A, it does. | 22:16 |
x_ | mactrent, yea, ok 1121 blah blah xORG | 22:17 |
ThinkT510 | Satyr_: i wouldn't know how to sorry, my flash works like it should | 22:17 |
Satyr_ | :( Thanks anyways. | 22:17 |
x_ | mactrent, so if I kill that process X will die and be able to be restarted ? | 22:17 |
BrunoAMelo | can anyony give me a hand? I have a work i must do to school, im trying to add a new system call to my kernel and im following a guide i saw online but im struglling with it... any advice? | 22:17 |
x_ | escott, pstree 1121 returns Xorg | 22:18 |
ikonia | BrunoAMelo: that's not really an ubuntu issue | 22:18 |
mactrent | x_: It'll automatically restart itself. I believe it also needs to be killed with signal 9. | 22:18 |
BrunoAMelo | can you point me to where someone can help me? | 22:18 |
x_ | mactrent, so. sudo kill -9 pid ? | 22:18 |
ikonia | BrunoAMelo: sorry no, talk to your teacher or class mates | 22:18 |
lighta | where can we sugest new package in ubuntu repo ? like teamspeak 3 instead 2 for exemple ? | 22:18 |
mactrent | BrunpAMelo: ##linux | 22:18 |
BrunoAMelo | ty mactrent | 22:19 |
mactrent | x_: Yep. | 22:19 |
BrunoAMelo | other thing, i cant find sys.c | 22:19 |
BrunoAMelo | should i create it? | 22:19 |
x_ | mactrent, k gonna try brb | 22:19 |
mactrent | BrunpAMelo: Are you trying to compile something? I doubt an empty source file will do you any good. | 22:20 |
x_ | mactrent, I think that even with -9 x restarts cause I ended up right back at the login screen.... | 22:20 |
bazhang | lighta better to search a PPA than wait for that eventuality, if you *must* have the very latest version | 22:20 |
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BrunoAMelo | im supposed to add the system call and compile the new kernel. if i compile it first it creates it? | 22:21 |
ThinkT510 | x_: what version of ubuntu are you using? | 22:21 |
x_ | ThinkT510, 11.10 I think oneric | 22:21 |
mactrent | x_: Yes. Looking through the man pages now... | 22:21 |
lighta | ye that could be a solution bazhang even if I won't be sure of integration then | 22:21 |
ThinkT510 | x_: then i think you need to stop the service lightdm | 22:22 |
x_ | so kill -9 the lightd, pid first ? | 22:22 |
manbra_linux | I messed up my ubuntu install badly. I'm in a live disk and I mounted my hd. I just ran sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 22:22 |
x_ | lightdm | 22:22 |
ThinkT510 | x_: i think: sudo service stop lightdm | 22:22 |
jrib | aeiou | 22:22 |
manbra_linux | What else should I do? | 22:22 |
x_ | ThinkT510, ok. do that before killing x id imagine? | 22:22 |
bazhang | lighta thats the risk you take when you go outside the normal repos | 22:22 |
jrib | aeiou | 22:23 |
bazhang | jrib true | 22:23 |
ThinkT510 | x_: try it, see what happens | 22:23 |
x_ | ThinkT510, k brb | 22:23 |
bazhang | manbra_linux, "messed up" how | 22:23 |
x_ | ThinkT510, stop: unrecognized service | 22:24 |
manbra_linux | bazhang: I followed and removed way too much | 22:24 |
ThinkT510 | x_: sudo service lightdm stop | 22:24 |
ThinkT510 | sorry | 22:24 |
manbra_linux | oh I also couldn't get internet in recovery console | 22:24 |
manbra_linux | Not sure if I removed something, or if that's normal | 22:24 |
manbra_linux | apt-get couldn't connect | 22:24 |
mactrent | manbra_linux, try pinging; that | 22:25 |
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bazhang | manbra_linux, have you tried alternate servers, what are the exact error messages; pastebin them please | 22:25 |
manbra_linux | bazhang: it's working now, I'm runninsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop on chroot or w/e it is | 22:26 |
koreanhack_ | how do u install ati drivers | 22:27 |
ThinkT510 | !ati | koreanhack | 22:27 |
ubottu | koreanhack: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 22:27 |
hirogen | is ubuntu fat32 also? | 22:28 |
hirogen | or do i selsxt ext2 ? | 22:28 |
hirogen | ext3 ? | 22:28 |
hirogen | select* | 22:28 |
ThinkT510 | hirogen: your question does not make sense | 22:28 |
hirogen | ok ive jsut got a old computer with a sata hard drive, im looking to install ubuntu | 22:29 |
mactrent | hirogen, Ubuntu uses ext4 by default. | 22:29 |
ThinkT510 | hirogen: if you are installing ubuntu then no you don't use fat32 | 22:29 |
hirogen | ive loaded ubunu of a usb drive and gone into Gparted | 22:29 |
hirogen | ah ok | 22:29 |
hirogen | so i use? | 22:29 |
ThinkT510 | hirogen: ext4 is default | 22:29 |
x_ | ThinkT510, that actually made X stop, but then I could not even switch ttys and every keep I hit printed garbage charachters to the screen. | 22:29 |
hirogen | thx | 22:29 |
ThinkT510 | hirogen: no worries :) | 22:30 |
mactrent | x_: Xorg handles the virtual terminals, so that would be a problem. | 22:30 |
x_ | so is there no way to kill x completely and not have it respawn or lightdm make it respawn that is. | 22:31 |
guntbert | mactrent: no, the VTs are independent from X | 22:31 |
hirogen | what is ext4 btw in comparison to ext4, like difference between fat16 and fat32? | 22:31 |
mactrent | Not according to the man pages of Xorg. | 22:31 |
x_ | hirogen, its much newer, and it's journaled meaning it keeps track of files in case of problems. | 22:31 |
hirogen | ok | 22:31 |
x_ | hirogen, much easier to recover a damaged ext4 filesystem afaik. | 22:32 |
escott | mactrent, the vt device is generic, but if x dies then xterm dies, and the vt is usually closed, but you can have screen which can survive the death of x | 22:32 |
guntbert | mactrent: the VTs are all completely on the console, they have nothing to do with the X-terminals you run within X | 22:32 |
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mactrent | escott: Yes, it can survive, but you can't switch, as x_ described. | 22:32 |
x_ | someone has to know how to kill x / lightdm and have it drop me to a useable terminal .... | 22:32 |
x_ | I shouldn't have to reboot to kill x haha! | 22:33 |
escott | x_, if lightdm is running then service lightdm stop | 22:33 |
x_ | escott, no, that crashes my whole computer ;\ | 22:33 |
tobe | hi guys plz help. I recorded a video with guvcviewer but cannot view it with kdenlive. any help? | 22:33 |
guntbert | x_: did you try <ctrl><alt>F1 (or ... F2) ? | 22:33 |
hirogen | wow this ubuntu is amazing | 22:33 |
x_ | guntbert, yea but if I kill lightdm first I can't switch ttys and it prints garbage chars on each key press, like a bug or something. | 22:34 |
hirogen | i love all the features | 22:34 |
escott | x_, buggy graphics driver that isnt returning control to the kernel for the physical ttys | 22:34 |
guntbert | x_: no need to kill it first, just try it | 22:34 |
HJC | hello | 22:34 |
x_ | escott, it's the nvidia propreitary and I haven't had any problems with it. | 22:34 |
x_ | guntbert, I know how to switch ttys ... thats not the problem. | 22:35 |
HJC | Broadcom 4312 STA proprietary wireless driver wireless card Dell inspirion 1545 installed ubuntu 11.10 and wireless working fine the suddenly stopped working reinstalled ubuntu 11.10 again after not know what to do, wireless worked for a while then dropped out again. | 22:35 |
candyban | x_, what is the problem? (joined late to the "party") | 22:35 |
guntbert | x_: ok, I didn't follow completely, sorry | 22:35 |
x_ | candyban, if I kill X, lightdm restarts it. If I kill lightdm my computer is unuseable, no ability to switch tty's and each key press prints garbage to my screen. | 22:35 |
x_ | I want to be able to kill x and have a useable terminal.... | 22:36 |
candyban | x_, you have gettys running? | 22:36 |
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x_ | candyban, whats a gettys ? | 22:36 |
candyban | x_, "ps axf | grep getty" | 22:37 |
Myrtti | is there a way to know at what speed my CPU fan is going right now on oneiric? | 22:37 |
escott | x_, if you cant ctrl-alt-f1 without corruption, then chances are stopping x will leave you in a bad place | 22:37 |
tobe | does anyone know how to fix video playback problems? | 22:37 |
x_ | candyban, yea on everything except 7 it appears which is the X tty | 22:37 |
x_ | /sbin/getty | 22:37 |
candyban | x_, k. That is the process that will handle the login on your VT 1-6 :) | 22:38 |
x_ | escott, I think you are missing the point. | 22:38 |
HJC | can someone help me with my wireless problem plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :( | 22:38 |
x_ | candyban, ok. so how does this help me killx and lightdm ? | 22:38 |
mactrent | HJC: In case none of us can help you, ##linux might have some answers. | 22:38 |
candyban | x_, if there was no such process running, you would not have been able to get a usable terminal | 22:38 |
x_ | ic | 22:39 |
x_ | it appears the problem lies within lightdm then ? | 22:39 |
candyban | x_, did you try login in into your box via ssh ? (so you can see what is going on) | 22:39 |
HJC | kk thanks | 22:39 |
x_ | candyban, no. I haven't but it seems like it's a bug in lightdm that I can't fix my self. | 22:39 |
guntbert | x_: what we are trying to tell you: you can have a usable terminal even when X is running - at least for the time being | 22:40 |
x_ | -__ | 22:40 |
candyban | x_, not sure what your problem exactly is ... sounds a bit like an old fglrx problem ... | 22:40 |
x_ | i dont use fglrx ? | 22:40 |
escott | HJC, what is the output of rfkill list | 22:40 |
hirogen | mount point when creating a parition what do i select /boot /home plus also getting this annoying error #no file system is defined please correct this from the partitioning menu, ive managed to create a partition in ext4, how frustrating | 22:40 |
mactrent | x_ wants to kill X entirely, and have only a terminal. | 22:41 |
candyban | x_, So what exactly happens when you hit ctrl-alt-f1 ? | 22:41 |
rokia | can someone help me. i get this message error when opennim my personal directory (Xubuntu) : error when opennin /home/rokia/.gvfs : network's final node is not connected | 22:41 |
x_ | guntbert, I have no problems running X or using terminals or switching tty's dude. | 22:41 |
steve84 | hi im new to ubuntu and i need help to remove ppa's | 22:41 |
escott | hirogen, you have to have at least a / mountpoint. the others are optional | 22:41 |
bazhang | steve84, what version of ubuntu | 22:41 |
x_ | candyban, it works fine! but if I kill lightdm first it will just print garbage chars to my screen. not switch anything with ctrl+alt+f whatever. | 22:41 |
steve84 | <bazhang> im using ubuntu 11.10 | 22:41 |
bazhang | !info ppa-purge | steve84 | 22:42 |
ubottu | steve84: ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr56 (oneiric), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB | 22:42 |
candyban | x_, ok ... how did you kill lightdm ? (kill -9 ?) | 22:42 |
steve84 | how do install that? | 22:42 |
x_ | candyban, no sudo service lightdm stop | 22:42 |
rokia | can someone help me. i get this message error when opennim my personal directory (Xubuntu) : error when opennin /home/rokia/.gvfs : network's final node is not connected | 22:42 |
hirogen | ok | 22:42 |
bazhang | steve84, from the package manager, as with all software | 22:43 |
candyban | x_, which video driver are you using? | 22:43 |
mactrent | steve84: Another option is to use the Software Sources GUI. | 22:43 |
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x_ | candyban, nvidia 280.13 on a..... gefore gt 430 pci express. | 22:44 |
steve84 | <mactrent> how do i do that im new to linux | 22:44 |
bazhang | mactrent, you mean synaptic package manager, as software sources no longer exists | 22:44 |
hirogen | cool i got it | 22:45 |
hirogen | now its asking me to make swap space | 22:45 |
hirogen | holy shit i feel like a right retard cos im in this alien operating system lol | 22:45 |
bazhang | hirogen, no cursing here | 22:45 |
candyban | x_, did you upgrade your drivers/kernel ? | 22:45 |
x_ | candyban, uhh.. 3.0.0-13-generic is kernel. | 22:45 |
mactrent | steve84: Go to the Ubuntu Software Center, then click Edit->Software Sources | 22:46 |
wh1zz0 | PLS GUYS>.. I really need your help... I have SERIOUS Info in a certain file, after working on this txt file I saved and shutdown my PC. Now I have come back to work but I cannot not access this file. It gives me this fucking error... This is really KILLING me.. The information on this file which Im trying to open is something I have worked for, for almost 1 month now, how come all of a sudden I cannot access | 22:46 |
wh1zz0 | this file. I never renamed it, I never changed the permissions, I never deleted it and restored it, I never changed the file extensions.. GOD!... Please help me | 22:46 |
FloodBot1 | wh1zz0: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:46 |
escott | hirogen, swap space is for when you run out of ram (too many browser windows open) usually recommended to have 2xRAM unless you have lots of ram (4+Gigs) | 22:46 |
candyban | x_, you get this behavior reliably (like after a reboot) | 22:46 |
x_ | candyban, no kernel updates available or video drivers. | 22:46 |
escott | hirogen, its also useful to have a small partition for the swap space to enable hibernation (powersaving) to work better | 22:46 |
x_ | candyban, idk I just did it the one time, you need me to do it again ? | 22:46 |
steve84 | <mactrent> and that way i can remove any ppa's i manually added? | 22:47 |
hirogen | this computer is ancient its 7years old! | 22:47 |
hirogen | ah ok | 22:47 |
candyban | x_, you did not run any upgrades after your last reboot? | 22:47 |
hirogen | i got 1 large parition atm | 22:47 |
x_ | candyban, nope | 22:47 |
mactrent | steve84, That's right. Should be under Other Software. | 22:47 |
escott | hirogen, so for an older system make that large partition slightly smaller, and add a swap partition at the end which is 2xRAM | 22:47 |
candyban | x_, try to ssh into your box and see what is going on while you kill X/lightdm | 22:48 |
x_ | k | 22:48 |
x_ | see what is going on with... dmesg ? | 22:48 |
candyban | for starters :) ... syslog Xorg.?.log | 22:48 |
MonkeyDust | wh1zz0 does this link help? | 22:49 |
froes | hi guys. i have put vfs.usermount=1 in /etc/sysctl.conf. runned sysctl vfs.usermount=1, but still get | 22:49 |
x_ | candyban, which is the newest log, lower number or higher | 22:50 |
escott | froes, non-root users cannot mount anything that is not listed in fstab. use udisks to mount on the command line or sudo | 22:50 |
candyban | x_, lowest | 22:50 |
wh1zz0 | MonkeyDust: Thanks for the link BUT there;s no solution ther | 22:51 |
mattalexx | In Firefox in Natty, I'm having a performance problem. I disabled all plugins and extensions, loaded this page: , And middle-clicked any of the links to products on that page. It's over two seconds before a new tab appears and starts to load. Can anyone please confirm on their installs? | 22:51 |
froes | escott, my fstab | 22:52 |
x_ | candyban, nothing in any of my xorgs | 22:52 |
escott | froes, try to specify ntfs-3g as the partition type, and remove the mountprog argument | 22:52 |
mactrent | mattalexx, Works instantly on mine - 11.10, Firefox 8, plugins running. | 22:52 |
mattalexx | Hm | 22:52 |
mactrent | mattalexx, How many tabs do you have? | 22:53 |
x_ | candyban, I can't see any errors I mean | 22:53 |
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candyban | x_, did you also check /var/log/lightdm ? | 22:53 |
=== Guest95418 is now known as robot__ | ||
candyban | x_, perhaps you can change to gdm to see if the problem is related to lightdm or your drivers | 22:54 |
hirogen1 | an attempt to install apt to install addional packafes from teh cd failed, lol im using a usb stick, still though gope this doesnt mess up the install | 22:55 |
froes | escott, if i do that " mount: /dev/da4s1 : Operation not supported by device " happens | 22:55 |
Barridus | where is the preferred program (web browser, etc) thing now? | 22:55 |
hirogen1 | why do i have a bad feeling ubunu 10, will run badly on a 7year old pc lol | 22:56 |
x_ | candyban, ok thanks for the help guess i'll check out gdm some time cause I have no way to know if the problem is in these drivers in not a programmer and they are closed source I believe | 22:56 |
x_ | candyban, im guessing its a problem with lightdm though, I can't find anything in the log | 22:57 |
teratoma | for some crazy reason the kernel in current ubuntu and ubuntu dev runs REALLY slow on my Lenovo x200 | 22:57 |
mactrent | Barridus, Top-right corner, System Settings, System Info, Default Applications. | 22:57 |
teratoma | i hear there is some kernel option i can use to boot that will fix this. anyone know what i am talking about? | 22:57 |
oOze | mattalexx, no probs here ff8.0.1 here | 22:57 |
bcuraboy | need a little help | 22:57 |
mactrent | bcuraboy, We'll see what we can do. | 22:58 |
candyban | x_, that is why, when you switch to gdm and the problem persists, you can eliminate lightdm as a potential cause | 22:58 |
Barridus | mactrent - strange place for that. thanks | 22:58 |
bfig | hello... i just lost like 7 hours of work on a live usb... how can i make it persistent? :| | 22:58 |
bcuraboy | i'm using rhythmbox,and i would like to show the current track playing here on the xchat client.i know that there is a command that we add to the user's command | 22:58 |
escott | froes, /dev/da4s1 is a freebsd disk identifier. please ask in the freebsd channel | 22:58 |
bcuraboy | can anyone tell me that line?? | 22:58 |
x_ | candyban, yea. do I just install gdm throught apt, and uninstall lightdm ? | 22:58 |
candyban | x_, they can coexist ... just change the default to gdm | 22:59 |
x_ | candyban, how. | 22:59 |
caravone | Hey, I did a fresh install of oneiric on a new Lenovo X220 w/ssd (dual boot with Windows partition). It works great until I restart, then it boots to purple screen of death. Reinstalled and got the same result again. I can boot in recovery mode after running fsck. help? | 22:59 |
mactrent | Barridus, I agree, it's out of place. | 22:59 |
x_ | candyban, figured it out thanks. | 22:59 |
bcuraboy | i'm using rhythmbox,and i would like to show the current track playing here on the xchat client.i know that there is a command that we add to the user's command | 23:00 |
x_ | candyban, appears I alrdy had gdm installed. so how should I go about killing x, kill gdm first? | 23:00 |
oOze | bcuraboy, don't ask to ask just ask. | 23:00 |
mactrent | bfig, Depends how you made it. For persistent USBs, I believe UNetbootin fits the bill. | 23:00 |
afidegnum | Hello good morning, pls I am using the latest version of installed ubuntu. anyone has a meaninful guide to install Gnome 3? | 23:00 |
candyban | x_, sudo stop lightdm ; sudo start gdm | 23:00 |
oOze | bcuraboy, you can use xchat scripts for that | 23:00 |
candyban | x_, perhaps best to put a sleep in between | 23:00 |
_calum | how can I get started in game development on Ubuntu? I wish to use C++ for programming | 23:00 |
satx | hello, i'm new to irc, i want to connect to wikileaks irc on ssl port 9999 | 23:01 |
bcuraboy | the problem is that they just show bcuraboy is listening to: and don't show nothing more | 23:01 |
satx | how to do this plz? | 23:01 |
MangledBody | Hi everyone! I have problem with sound, it just don't start till several reboots, any clue? | 23:01 |
_calum | any resources I should look at? | 23:02 |
hirogen1 | fuck its crashed when trying to reboot after install cos i cant get rid of this hardware drivers screen, it asked to install nvidia drivers, anyway to end task this, as recommeneded drivers are installed anyway | 23:02 |
escott | !language | hirogen1 | 23:02 |
ubottu | hirogen1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 23:02 |
roothorick | any guides/tips/recommendations on running Ubuntu from a CompactFlash card? | 23:02 |
bfig | mactrent: it is just an ubuntu instalation usb | 23:02 |
afidegnum | any answer please? | 23:02 |
hirogen1 | sorry | 23:02 |
mattalexx | mactimes, 1 tab. Still happening in safe mode. | 23:02 |
escott | hirogen1, at what point did it cras | 23:02 |
mattalexx | oOze, Thanks | 23:02 |
* bcuraboy is listening to: | 23:02 | |
mactimes | mattalexx What? | 23:03 |
mattalexx | mactrent, 1 tab. Still happening in safe mode. | 23:03 |
_calum | !gamedev | 23:03 |
mattalexx | mactimes, Sorry, wrong guy | 23:03 |
mactimes | mattalexx Oh, ok. | 23:03 |
MangledBody | satx: Did you tried Putty? | 23:03 |
escott | roothorick, no difficulties with the install, but the bootloader is going to be tough the bios or bootloader needs to be able to read and boot from the compatflash card | 23:04 |
hirogen1 | escott when i selected reboot | 23:04 |
hirogen1 | but | 23:04 |
bfig | mactrent: is there a way for me to change an install usb to a bootable, persistent install? | 23:04 |
hirogen1 | tbh it crashed kinda , even thoguh i could do other things and move mouse and create folder, i think whats crashing is this hardware drivers page that has come up | 23:04 |
hirogen1 | it wont dissapear | 23:04 |
_calum | I made a few simple direct X test games. For Ubuntu would I need to use Opengl API? | 23:04 |
escott | bfig, im not sure you can change an existing one, but you can just create a new one with usb-creator-gtk | 23:04 |
hirogen1 | even if i click on X | 23:04 |
escott | !enter | hirogen1 | 23:05 |
ubottu | hirogen1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 23:05 |
mactrent | bfig: UNetBootin, or my favorite, MultiSystem. | 23:05 |
escott | hirogen1, its hard to understand what you are saying. has the system rebooted? | 23:05 |
hirogen1 | nope | 23:06 |
hirogen1 | ive selected reboot | 23:06 |
hirogen1 | but its not rebooted, its just halted | 23:06 |
hirogen1 | hardware drivers is the only thing runnin | 23:06 |
hirogen1 | i cant shut it down | 23:07 |
escott | hirogen1, please stop hitting enter | 23:07 |
bfig | mactrent: gonna try that. thanks | 23:07 |
rwiebe | hello who can help me to install my graphic driver? | 23:07 |
x_ | candyban, If I use gdm, it never loads lol | 23:07 |
escott | hirogen1, if you hit capslock does the capslock light turn on? | 23:07 |
hirogen1 | im going to reboot it manually and hope ubuntu has installed without being corrupted. i cant wait to hand this pc back to my cousin lol | 23:07 |
x_ | candyban, sudo service gdm start will flicker my screen but then nothing happens. I used sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm and switched to gdm. | 23:07 |
hirogen1 | nooooooooooooo, no hd detected | 23:07 |
escott | !sysrq | hirogen1 | 23:08 |
ubottu | hirogen1: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see | 23:08 |
candyban | x_, did you try a reboot? (perhaps lightdm is holding some resources) | 23:08 |
x_ | candyban, yea I did reboot ;\ | 23:09 |
bcuraboy | o_portista17, tas ai? | 23:09 |
MangledBody | Nobody can help me? :( | 23:09 |
candyban | x_, so your system won't come up graphically with gdm? Did it say why ... btw. did you install the nvidia drivers manually (from the website) or via a package? | 23:10 |
escott | MangledBody, you need to be more specific. you said the equivalent of "my car wont start, anyone know why?" | 23:10 |
x_ | candyban, using the restricted drivers app. and yea nothing happens with gdm im checking the logs. it just flickers my screen then goes back to terminal but it says it was running ... | 23:10 |
candyban | escott, battery dead? ;) | 23:10 |
escott | x_, what is on vt7? ctrl-alt-f7 | 23:11 |
rwiebe | does someone knows how to install my ati driver? | 23:11 |
x_ | escott, this screen, (fluxbox launched using lightdm) | 23:11 |
candyban | x_, What did your Xorg.0.log say? | 23:11 |
MonkeyDust | !ask| rwiebe | 23:11 |
ubottu | rwiebe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 23:11 |
escott | x_, then its likely starting on :1 which would be tty8 ctrl-alt-f8 | 23:11 |
MangledBody | escott: Sorry... It's about sound, you know, when you turn on your computer, there is inviting melody, or what they call it. But I don't get it and no sound either, no youtube,, rhytmbox, just deaf OS. Till several reboots, when it starts | 23:12 |
x_ | escott, 8 has a blinkinh cursors in top left but nothing else. | 23:12 |
* bcuraboy is listening to: | 23:12 | |
bcuraboy | any help? | 23:12 |
bazhang | bcuraboy, with? | 23:12 |
escott | x_, ps aux | grep gdm should tell you want display it is running on. check the other ttys | 23:12 |
bcuraboy | rhythmbox | 23:13 |
bazhang | bcuraboy, please clarify | 23:13 |
_calum | is my best option for game dev on Ubuntu with c++ using opengl library? | 23:13 |
lnxslck | anyone uses burg? | 23:13 |
escott | x_, look for /usr/bin/gdm :# | 23:13 |
x_ | escott, root 1993 0.0 0.0 70044 3016 ? Ssl 18:05 0:00 gdm-binary | 23:13 |
candyban | x_, check /var/log/gdm/ | 23:13 |
bcuraboy | using a script i've downloaded from xchat page.which is supposed to show the song that is playing on the media player | 23:14 |
escott | MangledBody, run sudo lshw -c sound to figure out what model of sound card you have | 23:14 |
x_ | candyban, :1 says that there is a screen alrdy | 23:14 |
MonkeyDust | bcuraboy please don't use that here | 23:14 |
imark | has anyone tried to get wiimote to work with ubuntu?? | 23:14 |
bazhang | bcuraboy, try in #xchat | 23:14 |
bcuraboy | thank's | 23:15 |
x_ | candyban, screen active on display 1 remove /tmp/.X1-lock | 23:15 |
bazhang | imark, to do what, please clarify | 23:15 |
imark | bazhang: trying to use as a mouse/pointer | 23:15 |
bazhang | imark this? | 23:16 |
imark | ive read the drivers will be included in the kernel as of 3.2 | 23:16 |
MangledBody | escott: PCI (sysfs), SCSI, but both texts disappear | 23:16 |
benbloom | can someone refer me to a good resource for diagnosing and addressing problems with video? | 23:16 |
candyban | x_, you have anything in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? | 23:16 |
escott | MangledBody, it takes a little time give it a moment | 23:16 |
x_ | candyban, yea | 23:16 |
benbloom | when i say problems with video i mean video playback | 23:16 |
candyban | x_, rename it | 23:17 |
bazhang | benbloom, what player, what video format, which system | 23:17 |
imark | bazhang: is this up to date, its from 9.10 | 23:17 |
x_ | candyban, | 23:17 |
MangledBody | escott: OH, on 4-th try: *-multimedia UNCLAIMED, description: Multimedia audio controller, product: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd., vendor: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd., physical id: 8, bus info: pci@0000:01:08.0, version: 02, slot: 16, chassis 4, width: 64 bits,clock: 33MHz,capabilities: slotid bus_master cap_list,configuration: latency=64 | 23:18 |
bazhang | imark, the edit date is July of this year, that's just the first relevant wii thing I found | 23:18 |
candyban | x_, can you start X manually on a different virtual terminal? | 23:18 |
imark | bazhang: well the packages are all in apt, good start thanks | 23:18 |
x_ | candyban, type, startx on... ctrl+alt+f4 ? | 23:19 |
x_ | candyban, and you want me to rename my xorg.conf first right | 23:19 |
escott | MangledBody, you had to run the sudo lshw command 4 times for it to appear? | 23:19 |
benbloom | bazhang: I guess flash is the biggest culpret for video problems, but i also notice framerates on native video (dragon) aren't quite up to expectations | 23:19 |
MangledBody | escott: um... yes | 23:19 |
candyban | x_, well, you can try both ... I always check X by running X :1 (or X :2) | 23:20 |
bazhang | benbloom, dragon player from Kubuntu/KDE? | 23:20 |
escott | MangledBody, what brand computer is this | 23:20 |
x_ | candyban, type X :1 ? | 23:20 |
benbloom | yes. i'm running kde | 23:20 |
benbloom | but like i said my main prob is with flash/firefox bazhang | 23:20 |
MangledBody | escott: some sort of nVidia, motherboard, integrated GPU and sound card | 23:20 |
bazhang | benbloom, I'd highly advise just about any player except dragon, like mplayer/vlc | 23:21 |
_armando99 | anyone experienced with windows ? :))) | 23:21 |
bazhang | _armando99, ##windows NOT here | 23:21 |
candyban | x_, maybe you need :2 (as it was complaining about :1) | 23:21 |
_armando99 | nobody | 23:21 |
_armando99 | `s there | 23:21 |
x_ | candyban, it looks like its working but only text. let me try 2 | 23:21 |
benbloom | k. good to know. and what about flash on firefox? it's attrocious | 23:21 |
bazhang | _armando99, thats not right. this is ubuntu support only nonetheless | 23:21 |
maslen2 | I recently restarted my machine after installing some updates, and now it displays the NVIDIA logo when it starts, but doesn't get any further | 23:22 |
x_ | candyban, looks like it's running, it goes to video mode for a sec then drops to text but no error and looks like it's still running... | 23:22 |
ActionParsnip | benbloom: are you using 32bit Ubuntu or 64bit? | 23:22 |
benbloom | bazhang: good tip on Dragon. I figured since it ws bundled with kubuntu it would be a good choice... go figure | 23:22 |
benbloom | 64b | 23:22 |
ActionParsnip | benbloom: and what is the output of: lsb_release -sc please | 23:23 |
ThePendulum | Greetings | 23:23 |
escott | MangledBody, i cant find anything online about this device. is the sound working now? | 23:23 |
maestrojed | I have a 2nd harddrive that does not mount until you access it via "Places" or something similar. I want it to mount automatically. Someone told me to look at /etc/fstab but I need help. I see two drives listed in fstab, and ext4 and a swap. I am not sure if either of these are the 2nd HD I am concerned about. | 23:23 |
ThePendulum | I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 and Gnome 3, but I am getting silly graphical artifacts | 23:23 |
benbloom | oneiric | 23:23 |
MangledBody | escott: no | 23:23 |
escott | MangledBody, lsmod | grep snd does anything appear? | 23:23 |
escott | !fstab | maestrojed | 23:24 |
ubottu | maestrojed: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 23:24 |
MonkeyDust | maestrojed are you familiar with adding entries in fstab? | 23:24 |
maestrojed | Is it possible my 2nd hard drive is not in fstab at all? | 23:24 |
ThePendulum | Is there a chance we're seeing back the customizeability of Gnome 2 in Gnome 3+, btw? | 23:24 |
ActionParsnip | benbloom: and did you install adobe-installer from the partner repo to get flash? | 23:24 |
subliminal | will apparmor prevent the sudo nopasswd from wokring? | 23:24 |
maestrojed | MonkeyDust no, I have looked at it before, but no, I don't really know what I am doing | 23:24 |
MangledBody | escott: No, that is bad, isn't it? | 23:24 |
x_ | maestrojed, sudo fdisk -l and figure out which /dev/sdx the device is. | 23:24 |
ActionParsnip | ThePendulum: I'd ask in #gnome but i'd say yes eventually | 23:24 |
benbloom | no. i used the bundled plugin | 23:24 |
benbloom | restricted extras | 23:24 |
escott | maestrojed, run "sudo blkid" and identify the uuid of the partitions you want mounted, and add a line to your fstab with the matching uuid | 23:24 |
klj613 | is it safe ssh'ing as root with root requiring a password? as i cant see the difference as ssh as a regular user then 'sudo' to become root. | 23:24 |
benbloom | ActionParsnip: I used restricted extras at install | 23:25 |
MonkeyDust | !fstab start here| maestrojed | 23:25 |
ubottu | MonkeyDust: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 23:25 |
x_ | escott, nice I didn't know you could do a general sudo blkid to list all. I thought you had to know which /dev/ ;-) | 23:25 |
ActionParsnip | benbloom: uninstall the flashplugin-installer etc stuff and use that instead, you will get 64bit flash to match your 64bit OS | 23:25 |
escott | MangledBody, well it means that the system is not recognizing the device (which makes sense given that it took 4 runs of lshw for it to show-up). try running modprobe | 23:25 |
maestrojed | Ok, thank you all. I am looking into all of this | 23:25 |
MangledBody | escott: Can you guide me, please? | 23:25 |
x_ | maestrojed, do what escott told you. | 23:25 |
benbloom | k. thanks ActionParsnip | 23:25 |
ThePendulum | I wish #gnome had some activity | 23:26 |
x_ | candyban, is my video driver fubar ? | 23:26 |
maestrojed | x_ escott ok, thank you | 23:26 |
escott | MangledBody, im just saying run "sudo modprobe" and see if that helps | 23:26 |
benbloom | wait ActionParsnip, which one should i use? | 23:26 |
MangledBody | escott: What parameter? | 23:27 |
escott | maestrojed, feel free to !paste stuff to us if you want to know what things mean | 23:27 |
escott | MangledBody, try -a | 23:27 |
ActionParsnip | benbloom: adobe-installer which is in the partner repo, which needs enabling. Uninstall the flash packages you have installed already | 23:27 |
=== kalle_ is now known as bunny | ||
maestrojed | escott ok, as far as options, I am only listing "auto". Anything else you would suggest? This is just a data drive with my music and media | 23:27 |
MangledBody | escott: Usage: modprobe [-v] [-V] [-C config-file] [-d <dirname> ] [-n] [-i] [-q] [-b] [-o <modname>] [ --dump-modversions ] <modname> [parameters...], modprobe -r [-n] [-i] [-v] <modulename> ... ,modprobe -l -t <dirname> [ -a <modulename> ...] | 23:28 |
ActionParsnip | benbloom: if you give the output of: dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark' I can advise better | 23:28 |
escott | klj613, safer for root to not have a password. at least use authorized_keys | 23:28 |
benbloom | k | 23:28 |
x_ | maestrojed, UUID=3eb73ce5-529d-4c88-a852-c0b04250xxxx /mount/point filesystem | 23:28 |
=== bunny is now known as Guest89092 | ||
x_ | maestrojed, then do a sudo mount -a | 23:28 |
candyban | x_, not sure if it is the driver itself or some configuration you have | 23:29 |
ThePendulum | How do I minimize something in Gnome 3? :| | 23:29 |
maestrojed | would a mount point be something like "/dev/sdb1" or "/media/Pam" (Pam is the label for the drive) | 23:29 |
klj613 | escott: i assume authorized_keys be ssh keys? i'm unsure how to keep the same ssh key whilst ssh'ing from different computers using puttyportable | 23:29 |
x_ | candyban, hrm. well my only config is xorg.conf I believe and I did not create this, the video driver did so maybe nvidia is to blame? | 23:29 |
escott | klj613, if im planning to crack your system I *know* that a root user exists. if there is no way to login as root then i will never be succesful. if you use an authorized_keys file then i have to steal your private key, if you only allow non-root authorized_keys login, i need to steal your private key and your password | 23:29 |
ActionParsnip | ThePendulum: click the minimise button in the top left of your screen | 23:29 |
benbloom | ActionParsnip: ii flashplugin-downloader:i386 Adobe Flash Player plugin downloader | 23:30 |
benbloom | ii flashplugin-installer Adobe Flash Player plugin installer | 23:30 |
ThePendulum | ActionParsnip: Lol, if it was that simple I wouldn't be asking | 23:30 |
ThePendulum | ActionParsnip: There's just the close button | 23:30 |
escott | MangledBody, the thing is i dont know what the module is. if you want to reboot until sound works you can then lsmod to figure out what module you need | 23:30 |
klj613 | escott: ah, i get what u mean. u would have to know my username, password, ssh key.. rather than cracking root (with password and/or ssh key) | 23:30 |
escott | maestrojed, depends on the partition type | 23:30 |
MangledBody | escott: ok, it will take some time | 23:31 |
ActionParsnip | benbloom: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-downloader:i386 flashplugin-installer | 23:31 |
maestrojed | escott ok, I am going give this a few tries. See if I can figure it out | 23:31 |
maestrojed | thx | 23:31 |
ActionParsnip | benbloom: then enable the partner repo and install adobe-installer | 23:31 |
bunny_ | ickser identify a102bh5z | 23:31 |
bunny_ | nickserv identify a102bh5z | 23:31 |
ActionParsnip | ThePendulum: can you give the output of: lsb_release -sc please | 23:31 |
x_ | maestrojed, your mount point is an actual folder. | 23:31 |
klj613 | also if im running a website (LAMP specifically at the moment) what firewall should i have? i'm new to hosting my own vps. thanks btw | 23:31 |
bazhang | bunny_, time to change pw | 23:31 |
ActionParsnip | bunny_: you may want to change your password now | 23:31 |
candyban | x_, did you check all log files in /var/log/gdm ? | 23:31 |
escott | maestrojed, if you dont know the partition type then you can use the disk utility. if the partitions are linux partitions (ext2/3/4) auto is fine, for fat32/ntfs you may want to use some other otions | 23:32 |
x_ | maestrojed, your /etc/fstab line looks like this: UUID=blahblah /mount/point filesystemtype | 23:32 |
escott | klj613, all the firewalls are based on iptables | 23:32 |
maestrojed | escott its ext4. I typically mounts at /media/Pam so I am going to give it a try first. | 23:32 |
maestrojed | x_ yes, thank you. I just rebooted so we will see :) | 23:32 |
maestrojed | Yay! Its there x_ escott | 23:32 |
klj613 | escott: okay thanks, i'll google to find out more :) | 23:33 |
escott | maestrojed, so that looks like uuid=??? /media/Pam ext4 defaults 0 0 | 23:33 |
maestrojed | escott yes, I had "auto" instead of "defaults" but it seemed to work. I appreciate the help | 23:33 |
x_ | candyban, | 23:33 |
escott | maestrojed, klj613 i need to sign-off. goodluck | 23:34 |
maestrojed | escott thank you, pease | 23:34 |
maestrojed | peace :) | 23:34 |
klj613 | escott: thanks for your help, appreciate it :) bye | 23:34 |
x_ | maestrojed, you do not need to reboot to mount/unmount filesystems in lunux maestrojed | 23:34 |
maestrojed | x_ yeah, but I wanted to make sure it was mounting after a boot | 23:35 |
x_ | maestrojed, if you use sudo umount /mount/point and do a sudo mount -a if it mounts, it will mount at boot. | 23:35 |
Deftones | HI | 23:35 |
x_ | anything in /etc/fstab will be mounted at boot | 23:35 |
ActionParsnip | x_: or you can use: sudo mount /mount/point and the fstab file wil be consulted | 23:36 |
Deftones | I SAID HI | 23:36 |
anli__ | I need a video editing program | 23:36 |
anli__ | Any recommendations? | 23:36 |
x_ | ActionParsnip, sudo mount -a doesn't use fstab? | 23:36 |
Deftones | SONY VEGAS PRO | 23:36 |
Deftones | I SAID HI | 23:36 |
maestrojed | on to my next question. I want to share this 2nd hard drive across my local network, read and write, and with OSX machines. I know Samba. So I was going to download the samba server and start setting it up. Is there an easier way with Ubuntu? | 23:36 |
bazhang | Deftones, stop that please | 23:36 |
Deftones | wat? | 23:36 |
bazhang | Deftones, this is ubuntu support | 23:37 |
x_ | maestrojed, editing smb.conf is pretty easy ;-) | 23:37 |
kcj | Does anyone know how I would go about creating my own keymap? | 23:37 |
Deftones | ŁËĆ | 23:37 |
candyban | x_, what was the version of your nvidia driver again? | 23:37 |
Deftones | SORRY | 23:37 |
benbloom | ActionParsnip: is it adobe-flashplugin? i'm not seeing a 'adobe-installer' | 23:37 |
x_ | maestrojed, but does mac osc work with nfs server, cause if so nfs is faster | 23:37 |
ActionParsnip | x_: yes but its just another way :) | 23:37 |
x_ | ActionParsnip, ah ok | 23:37 |
x_ | candyban, nvidia 280.13 | 23:37 |
Deftones | THER AR A LOT OF PEPOLS IN HER | 23:37 |
bazhang | Deftones, no caps | 23:37 |
x_ | Deftones, yes hello. do you have an ubuntu related question? | 23:37 |
bazhang | Deftones, actual support questions? | 23:37 |
ActionParsnip | benbloom: adobe-installer is fine, it will give you 64bit flash, you were previously using 32bit flash on 64bit OS which isn't great | 23:37 |
maestrojed | x_ ok, agreed on the smb.conf. Just making sure thats the best way. I am not sure about OSX and nfs, I will look it up, I don't think so. | 23:38 |
imark | Deftones: Please dont spam the caps lock, do you have a question | 23:38 |
klj613 | how do i terminate all screen sessions? | 23:38 |
ActionParsnip | Deftones: yes, its the fastest growing distro's official support channel, its usually very busy (nice nick btw) | 23:38 |
Deftones | wat is ubuntu | 23:38 |
MonkeyDust | klj613 exit | 23:38 |
candyban | x_, I see nothing wrong in this log ... and you did not see a greeter? | 23:38 |
x_ | candyban, one with greeter in it? | 23:39 |
benbloom | ActionParsnip: with partners enabled i'm not seeing adobe-installer just adobe-flashplugin and adobe-flash-properties-gtk/kde | 23:39 |
bazhang | Deftones, a computer OS | 23:39 |
MonkeyDust | Deftones an operating system | 23:39 |
x_ | candyban, | 23:39 |
Deftones | thank you bye TROLOLOL | 23:40 |
x_ | candyban, I gotta run for now though, maybe if you figure it out from that log send me a pm (cause if you post in channel it will be gone lol) anyway thanks for the help! | 23:40 |
imark | worst trolling ive ever seen | 23:40 |
benbloom | enabling sources in muon also enables them in apt right? | 23:40 |
maestrojed | x_ OSX can do nfs. Checking it out. Is the server called "nfs" or is that just a protocol? | 23:41 |
candyban | x_, time for me to go as well ... 12:41 am ... | 23:41 |
Hatori | Yeah | 23:41 |
x_ | candyban, yea I gotta go right now but thx anyway. maestrojed gotta run but it's nfs-server on ubuntu | 23:42 |
maestrojed | x_ peace! Thx | 23:42 |
x_ | maestrojed, oops! nfs-kernel-server and youll need to edit /etc/exports just look up a guide online its easier than samba. | 23:43 |
ActionParsnip | benbloom: install adobe-flashplugin | 23:43 |
x_ | it only shares hd's not printers though. | 23:43 |
maestrojed | x_ thx | 23:43 |
x_ | peace! | 23:43 |
ksx4system | what script was used at | 23:43 |
ActionParsnip | benbloom: the properties will also install as required | 23:43 |
ksx4system | where can I download the source? | 23:43 |
benbloom | thanks. | 23:43 |
ActionParsnip | ksx4system: you can install pastebinit and pastebin from CLI | 23:43 |
ActionParsnip | ksx4system: if that's what oyou mean? | 23:44 |
KFP | Hi! Am I right in assuming that if I want to swap my Nvidia graphics card for a newer one (also Nvidia), I can just basically yank the old one out and put the new one in? | 23:44 |
hirogen | i think my sata cable is a bit lose hence im now getting "reboot and select proper boot device or instert boot media in selected boot device and press a key" after installing Ubuntu of a usb, the bios doesnt see the sata hd, which doesnt surprise me, with it being a 7year old motherboard . i give up! | 23:44 |
ksx4system | ActionParsnip: no, I'd like to set up my own pastebin site. | 23:44 |
ActionParsnip | KFP: which nvidia driver are you currently using? and did you make an xorg.conf file? | 23:45 |
ActionParsnip | ksx4system: oic, not sure dude | 23:45 |
=== Appl is now known as Apple | ||
Krysanto | Hi guys | 23:45 |
Krysanto | i was wondering if I could play old JRPG's in Ubuntu via wine | 23:46 |
klj613 | MonkeyDust: i havnt used screen much, i just attached(opened) a old screen session when i first time used it. and i want to cancel/terminate the session but when i type exit it says "tehre are stopped jobs." ? | 23:46 |
KFP | ActionParsnip: Nvidia driver version 195.36.24. Don't think I've made an xorg.conf file. | 23:46 |
a904 | hello | 23:46 |
a904 | go to fuck | 23:46 |
a904 | every body wants fuck? | 23:46 |
=== enchilad1 is now known as enchilado | ||
a904 | fuuck | 23:47 |
ActionParsnip | KFP: then yank away, personally I would remove the driver then reinstall the 280 driver by installing the 'nvidia-current' package. I'm guessing the GPU is later | 23:47 |
a904 | bitchhhhhhh | 23:47 |
ActionParsnip | !ops | 23:47 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U! | 23:47 |
a904 | go to fuuuuuuuuuuuuck | 23:47 |
=== Apple is now known as Appl | ||
benbloom | thanks ActionParsnip, looks better. | 23:48 |
KFP | ActionParsnip: Presumably do this after putting the new card in? | 23:48 |
hirogen | how do i fix mbr on a harddrive if i install ubuntu again from a usb stick? like i think its corrupted prolly from failed winxp installs | 23:48 |
user82 | shotwell keeps on crashing when exporting images. can anyone figure out why :( ? | 23:48 |
ActionParsnip | benbloom: :) | 23:49 |
MangledBody | escott is no longer here?:( | 23:49 |
ActionParsnip | KFP: remove driver, remove hardware, instal new hardware, boot, install nvidia-current | 23:50 |
shaneo | @ | 23:50 |
ActionParsnip | hirogen: are you intending to format and reinstall? | 23:50 |
Rafeiro | hi | 23:50 |
Rafeiro | is there any tool to change screen brightness with lxde? | 23:50 |
benbloom | think i found a bug though | 23:50 |
benbloom | but that's for another time | 23:50 |
KFP | ActionParsnip: Ok, thanks. :) | 23:50 |
hirogen | yes actionparsnip | 23:51 |
Rafeiro | someone? | 23:51 |
ActionParsnip | hirogen: then a corrupt MBR is moot, when you install the installer will write the MBR with Grub2 and you won't have an issue | 23:51 |
ActionParsnip | Rafeiro: what make / model system? | 23:52 |
hirogen | iok | 23:52 |
Rafeiro | its an acer 6931g | 23:52 |
Rafeiro | i have some control buttons on the laptop but not for brightness | 23:52 |
hirogen | i think the problem is raid setup confuses ubuntu.. so i need to fool it, acording to this article | 23:52 |
MonkeyDust | klj613 C-a C-\ (quit) Kill all windows and terminate screen. | 23:53 |
klj613 | MonkeyDust: thanks. | 23:53 |
Cas | hi we have a problem with plugins loading in Oneiric were there changes made to pkg_resources in this release? | 23:54 |
Cas | python | 23:54 |
ActionParsnip | Rafeiro: sure it's not a gateway MX6931 ? | 23:55 |
Rafeiro | no :) i'm pretty sure lol | 23:55 |
Rafeiro | sorry, ActionParsnip 6930g | 23:55 |
Rafeiro | acer :) | 23:55 |
ActionParsnip | Rafeiro: acer aspire 6931 | 23:55 |
Rafeiro | acer aspire 6930g | 23:56 |
MonkeyDust | 5735Z here | 23:56 |
ActionParsnip | Rafeiro: try adding the boot option: acpi_backlight=vendor | 23:56 |
ActionParsnip | Rafeiro: | 23:57 |
Rafeiro | ty, gonna check :) | 23:58 |
l1nr007 | Hi, can you please tell me how to exclude 2 folders "path/dir1" and "path/dir2" and 2 files "file1.txt" and "file2.css" with rsync command ? | 23:59 |
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