
fosburgis there any video how-to's on ubuntu-studio?01:56
uwehi all09:05
uwegoog morning09:11
uwehi all09:37
uweanyone here with som eexperience with ubuntustudio 11.1009:38
=== gniourf_gniourf is now known as Gymnopediste
AlexOnAirBonsoir à tous ! :)23:03
AlexOnAir*installe unbuntu studio*23:03
AlexOnAirJ'ai hâte de voir l'engin ! =D23:04
holsteinAlexOnAir: you should try #ubuntu-fr :)23:04
AlexOnAirOh yes, I'm sorry, but I had for the distribution "Unbuntu Studio 10"23:06
holsteinyou 'had for' ?23:06
AlexOnAir10.10 I think23:07
AlexOnAir*I had to23:07
holsteinAlexOnAir: im allergic to speculation, so lets confrim23:07
AlexOnAirxD sorry ^^'23:07
holsteincat /etc/issue23:08
holsteinin a terminal ^^23:08

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