
=== chris____ is now known as ghosthand
=== chris____ is now known as ghosthand
rectecHello. I keep getting disconnected from my wifi network whenever I'm downloading something. When I get disconnected, the network plasmoid says it's configuring the network, but this will go on forever. So I have to disable networking and wireless and re-enable them to reconnect. Any suggestions?01:17
rectecDid you guys get that?01:20
LINKSWORD2Hey guys, can anyone tell me the size of the ISO for Kubuntu 11.10?01:33
LINKSWORD2I need to know if it'll fit on a 650MB CD.01:33
rectecLINKSWORD2: On my Kubuntu DVD it's using 697.3 MiB01:36
LINKSWORD2 Then I need a DVD/RW01:36
rectecLINKSWORD2: yeah that's exactly.... 731.1720448MB : (01:38
rectecLINKSWORD2: Well we're all gonna have to switch to DVD once 12.04 comes out01:39
LINKSWORD2 I'm screwed.01:39
LINKSWORD2 Once 12 comes out, you can upgrade through the repository.01:39
rectecLINKSWORD2: You don't have a DVD burner?01:39
rectecLINKSWORD2: Yeah it's fine. I've been burning Kubuntu to DVDs for a while now.01:40
LINKSWORD2Yes and no...01:40
LINKSWORD2I've been running Linux as an experiment.01:40
LINKSWORD2My other computers still run Windows.01:41
LINKSWORD2 I've got a DVD burner on my laptop, but no DVD's.01:41
LINKSWORD2 Just a 650MB CD-RW01:42
rectecWell those are pretty cheap these days. I bought a 50 pack of DVD-RWs for a few bucks01:42
rectecYears ago01:42
LINKSWORD2 How much? lol01:42
rectecI still have them : P01:42
rectecHere I'll do some window shopping01:42
LINKSWORD2Perhaps you should send them to me. :P01:43
LINKSWORD2Are you running 11.10?01:44
rectec25-packs for around 14 bucks at wal-mart01:44
LINKSWORD2 Could you image-bin a screenshot of your basic setup?01:44
rectecWhat's that?01:45
LINKSWORD2 I'm having display issues, and I need a comparison.01:45
rectecWhat do you want me to screenshot? Nvidia settings? Display settings?01:47
LINKSWORD2 Basic desktop.01:47
LINKSWORD2 Wow, that's cool. But I don't see your top window border?01:49
rectecPanel you mean?01:50
LINKSWORD2 Oh. Duh. Uh... Open something like Firefox or whatever.01:50
LINKSWORD2 My problem is that the top window bar on windows don't display.01:51
LINKSWORD2Ugh. Mine's not displaying properly.01:53
rectecWindow decoration?01:53
rectecCheck your settings. Type in "deco" in Kickoff01:54
LINKSWORD2What's the default theme called?01:55
LINKSWORD2Hang on. BRB01:57
rectecYeah me too01:57
LINKSWORD2Still the same.01:57
LINKSWORD2 Still the same.01:57
rectecWhat'd you try?01:58
LINKSWORD2Changing the window decoration mode.01:59
LINKSWORD2Back to Oxygen.01:59
rectecHave you tried a different theme?02:00
rectecCan you upload a pic of your window?02:00
LINKSWORD2 Yeah. Hang on.02:00
rectecwhen did this start happening?02:04
LINKSWORD2 As soon as I upgraded to 11.1002:04
LINKSWORD211.04 was fine, but 11.10 did this....02:04
rectectry pressing alt+f2 then type kquitapp plasma-desktop02:05
rectecthen once that's done press alt+f2 again and just type plasma-desktop02:05
LINKSWORD2Doesn't appear to affect anything.02:06
LINKSWORD2Still looks the same when I opened Rekong.02:07
rectecUgh I'm probably gonna have to reinstall kubuntu anyway. More and more problems are stacking up02:08
rectecDo you have libkdecorations4 installed?02:08
LINKSWORD2Uh.... What's that? lol02:08
rectecit's needed for window borders02:08
LINKSWORD2How would I find it?02:09
rectecopen a terminal and enter 'sudo apt-get install libkdecorations4'02:09
rectecwithout quotes02:09
rectecit should come installed by default02:09
LINKSWORD2It's already on.02:10
LINKSWORD2 So... Now what?02:11
rectecmaybe it's the widget theme. Yours looks different. Try typing "style" into kickoff02:11
rectecWhat one do you have selected?02:12
LINKSWORD2It's Oxygen.02:12
LINKSWORD2 I had a window-appearance called Wonton Soup enabled.02:14
LINKSWORD2 But disabling it doesn't affect the top bars on windows.02:14
rectecOk try this02:15
rectecMake sure you have this window focused. Press alt+f302:16
rectecDoes it open up a menu?02:16
LINKSWORD2 Yep.02:16
rectecGo to Advanced. Is "No border" checked>02:16
LINKSWORD2OK. Checked.02:17
rectecNeeds to be unchecked02:17
LINKSWORD2It was unchecked in the first place. lol02:17
rectecDidn't help, though..?02:18
LINKSWORD2And nothing has changed.02:18
LINKSWORD2Nope. No help there.02:18
rectecHeh. This is why I always do a fresh upgrade. Let me see what I can come up with02:18
rectecEvery window has this problem, right?02:19
rectecalt+f2 'kwin --replace'?02:22
LINKSWORD2 Refreshed, but then it goes back to the same.02:22
rectecDo you have a package manager?02:23
LINKSWORD2 Yes.02:24
rectecStart it, search for kwin and reinstall kde-window-manager?02:24
LINKSWORD2Still the same.02:27
rectecI wish I could help you more. The only suggestion I have left is simply reinstalling kubuntu02:28
LINKSWORD2 I was going to reinstall version 11.10 by disk, but it seems my CD-RW is too small.02:29
rectecDon't have a flash drive?02:29
rectecWell I gotta go02:31
rectecGood luck02:31
=== harry is now known as Guest75481
=== mirco_ is now known as mirco
tacomanhow do I remove 11.10's folder view plasmoid that points at the desktop?04:14
tacomandesktop folder, I mean04:15
tacomanfor that matter, the cashew labeled "unnamed" on the far right... I'd like to remove that as well04:17
tacomanbasically I'm looking to get the actual desktop to be nothing more than my wallpaper04:17
tacomanno widgets, I don't have any use for them04:17
tacomanI imagine it might be in the Kubuntu FAQ listed in the topic, but that sadly appears to be unviewable04:21
tacomananyone? I can't find any docs on it04:35
tacomanand not for lack of trying04:35
RickRollerhow do i change my hostname? (the name of the machine on login)05:32
Unit193!crosspost | RickRoller05:38
ubottuRickRoller: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.05:38
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.05:38
=== roman__ is now known as romandi
schuhi people. i need help urgently: i tried to install the latest kubuntu (as an image inside windows) but after the reboot the installation crashed. now i'm stuck since in the windows boot manager, i got only 1 option - ubuntu. once i try to start it, it goes into the installation but tells me that the partitions are messed up and that i should fix them in the partition manager (which i never...08:04
schu...really reach since the modal window keeps coming back). any ideas how to fix that?08:04
schalkuzwhere do I get the python-gtk files?08:07
schalkuzhi all, where to install the python gtk files as required by crossover?08:09
reptiliaвсем привет!08:24
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=== gaurav__ is now known as Guest48821
lachfomeHow i can enable voice talk in kubuntu / what pkg in need to install ?10:11
avihay_voice talk as in text to speach? lachfome10:11
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lachfomeavihay: voice call with google talk l10:12
=== wigo is now known as wigoone
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Martthi everybody12:32
=== yrr is now known as ACM_Resh
BluesKajHi all13:05
Martthi rudy__13:30
rudy__im newbie here13:32
RedAshesit is kind of funny that installing znes would remove vlc, but I'm wondering why?13:56
=== JoeSomebody is now known as Guest17867
=== LjL is now known as Guest26921
=== TheEvilPhoenix is now known as Guest68615
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=== Pici is now known as Guest9123
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Hazel-i can't play any mp3 with amarok15:53
Hazel-it says i should install some codecs15:53
Hazel-i did15:53
Hazel-but it keeps saying i need to install the codecs and the list of them is empty!15:54
BluesKajHazel-, install kubuntu-retricted-extras15:55
Hazel-BluesKaj: it was the first thing i did15:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 881475 in amarok (Ubuntu) "mp3 autoinstall is broken" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:56
Hazel-it's the same problem15:56
Hazel-but i installed libxine1-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly but it's not working either15:57
ironHello :>15:57
ironSomeone is here?16:12
Peace-iron: '16:18
Peace-iron: you need of help? or i go to do my little job16:20
ironYeah well16:20
ironA little bit :)16:20
Peace-iron: so...16:20
ironDo you know why Kopete doesn't work with WLM?16:20
Peace-mmm wlm ?16:20
ironWindows Live Messenger16:20
Peace-hahahhaah nope man16:20
Peace-i mean i could works for chatting16:21
Peace-maybe but microsoft do everyday a change16:21
Peace-on the msn protocol16:21
Peace-and other programs doesn't work16:21
Peace-iron: use google video talk16:21
ironUh ?16:22
ironWhy for?16:22
Peace-iron: i used , it's nice and it works16:22
ironI got all my friends on WLM16:22
Peace-google video talks is a plugin that can be installed on kubuntu and you can video chat with it16:22
Peace-iron: maybe you could test telepathy16:23
ironAnd hmm16:23
ironPeace-: Other thing, for Adobe Flash, how should I install it?16:23
Peace-sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras should be enougt16:23
Peace-!flash| iron16:23
ubottuiron: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash16:23
iron... 74Mb *_*16:24
Peace-iron: you can install only the flash...16:24
ironI download the .tar.gz on adobe.com16:25
ironbut I don't know how to install it ¤_¤16:25
iron(Pretty new to Linux)16:25
Peace-iron: you don't need to download from other website16:25
Peace-iron: ALT F216:26
ironI know16:26
Peace-iron: type konsole16:26
ironFor console,16:26
ironI want like the 'real' adobe flash16:26
ironAnd it's not in the repositories I think16:26
Peace-iron: read the wiki16:27
iron"sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer"16:28
=== himcesjf1 is now known as himcesjf
densoloвсем привет16:29
CorigoAny suggestions on how I can troubleshoot my software RAID5 and the fact that it suddenly stopped mounting?16:34
Peace-Corigo: first i will test with a new fresh user16:34
ironThis is so weird16:43
ironWhen I'm on ebuddy16:43
ironAnd I try to connect with Kopete16:44
ironI got an alert telling me someone else want to be connected16:44
ironBut nothing appears in Kopete *_*16:44
xobbGood morning, Does anybody know how to make openconnect work with KDE plasma network manager applet? (kubuntu 11.10)16:49
ironI can't help you :s16:50
xobbmore information here  https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28818816:51
ubottuKDE bug 288188 in general "Knetwork manager cannot create openconnect vpn connection" [Wishlist,Resolved: downstream]16:51
xobbany ideas how can I recompile the NM applet and install openconnect 3.0.3?16:52
CorigoHey, some how VLC became my default "File Manager" how can I reset this to Dolphin?16:54
xobbSystem Settings -> Default Applications -> File Manager16:55
xobbswitch to dolphin then16:55
xobbdamn this channel is active on Sunday evening16:55
=== misterx is now known as Mandalay
Don_jrIs is plausible and/or efficient to have Kubuntu 11.10 installed and remove KDE completely in exchange for gnome? or would it just be easier/faster to install ubuntu outright?17:55
DarthFrogInstall Ubuntu if you want Ubuntu.17:57
Peace-Don_jr: install ubuntu 20 minutes , remove kde && install gnome ==> much more than 20 minutes17:58
DarthFrogIf you already have Kubuntu installed, you need only install the ubuntu-desktop package to get GNOME.17:58
DarthFrogYou can switch between KDE and Unity as you wish, when logging in.17:59
Peace-but unity sucks :D18:00
DarthFrogThat's a mantter of opinion.  Correct opinion, of course, but bopinion nontheless. :-)18:00
Don_jrI don't want teh bloat of the extra KDE stuff installed though, I dual boot the system with windows for gaming and don't want the extra space, I'll just reinstall ubunto and remove kubuntu outright, start with a fresh system, thank you very much for the input.18:01
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome18:02
BluesKajhe'll be back :)18:04
kio_httpBluesKaj: Great, I removed the lines and KDE's plasmoid works fine now ... thanks for your time18:06
kio_http(I prefer this channel less crowded)18:06
BluesKajkio_http, ok glad to hear that18:07
BluesKajkio_http, yeah kde issues are better discussed here anyway18:07
=== BluesKaj is now known as BluesKaj-busy
The_JagHi, is there a way to implement natural (inverse) horizontal scrolling in kde? It seems to me that I can only achieve vertical one. :(18:45
The_JagAlso, any information about kinetic scrolling?18:45
kio_httpHi, I am using KDE telepathy 0.2 on Kubuntu 11.10 on two computers, both have KDE 4.7.3. On one computer it works, on the other it works with WLM and yahoo but for Google talk and Jabber I get "internal component error"18:49
The_Jagpls anyone?18:51
kio_httpThe_Jag: What is the problem?18:52
The_JagHi, is there a way to implement natural (inverse) horizontal scrolling in kde? It seems to me that I can only achieve vertical one. Also, any information about kinetic scrolling?18:53
kio_httpThe_Jag: Horriontal scrolling for touchpad is possible18:54
The_Jagkio_http: how to enable it (reversed)?18:54
The_JagI already scroll the "usual" way horizontally: I just want to invert the movement18:55
kio_httpThe_Jag: What do you mean reversed18:55
kio_httpThe_Jag: You want to scroll vertically and yet move horrizontally?18:55
The_Jaglike MAC OSX Lion, like touchscreen behaviour18:56
The_Jagie: moving the fingers to the left make the document "flow" to the left (which is the opposite of the usual way)18:56
The_Jagfor vertical scrolling there's an option "reverse scrolling" in the mouse page in the settings. But I found nothing for horizontal18:57
kio_httpThe_Jag: Not sure about that but you can explorer touchpad settings by searching "touchpad" in kickoff menu18:58
The_Jagkio_http: I found nothing there. Maybe there's some script or terminal command to enable this18:59
The_Jagjust invert the x-axis18:59
kio_httpThe_Jag: No idea18:59
The_Jagkio_http: thanks anyway :)19:00
kio_httpAny ideas on my kde telepathy problem anyone? http://www.picamatic.com/show/2011/12/04/10/00/8062267_320x120.jpeg19:00
kio_httpThe_Jag: If its synaptic you can try http://www.synaptics.com/solutions/technology/touchpad-linux19:01
The_Jagok let me have a look! thanks!19:02
anqxyr_hello everyone19:07
anqxyr_can anybody help me with a problem with wifi connection?19:07
anqxyr_or is there more suitable channel for issues like this?19:07
kio_httpanqxyr_: This channel is ok as long as its kubuntu19:10
kio_httpanqxyr_: If we can't help #ubuntu, #linux have more people and are also suited19:10
anqxyr_it's kubuntu, 11.0419:10
kio_httpanqxyr_: But more crowded channels can be problematic sometimes19:10
kio_http!enter | anqxyr_19:11
ubottuanqxyr_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:11
anqxyr_I have notebook that gets wifi from my modem, and today internet just stopped working. Connection was set up through network manager, with auto connection on, and now NM still shows it, but won't auto connect. I don't know how exactly NM sets up connection, but there is no mention of it in ifconfig. Basically, what I want to know is how I can make NM connect to wifi manually, or make it connect automatically again.19:17
=== Guest68615 is now known as EvilResistance
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user_all people20:04
user_how to editt20:04
user_myy user name20:04
=== david is now known as Guest57945
=== Guest57945 is now known as nickstonefan
nickstonefanthats better20:09
cireI am searching for the 3D desktop effects for the corners. Where have they gone? (oneiric)20:09
rorkcire: do you mean the settings for actions when your mouse pointer hits the corner of the desktop?20:10
cirerork: yes. This works, but I am searching for the serttings.20:11
cireI had aptosid before, there was a n entry in system settings20:11
rorkcire: System Settings > Workspaces > Screen Edges20:11
rork*Workspace Behaviour20:12
cireohh, right. I thought they were under desktop effects20:12
cirethank you20:12
rorkyou're welcome :)20:12
=== pistol is now known as boabsta
smozeHi! Is there an easy way to uninstall all nvidia drivers?20:32
smozeI mean how can I be sure they're all gone?20:33
smozeHi! Is there an easy way to uninstall all nvidia graphics drivers?20:41
TheTrashHi. What is the defacto standard wireless ethernet manager tool in kubuntu?20:44
Ddpbfyou could try wicd-kde also20:46
TheTrashAhh I know wicd, guess I'll go with that.20:47
TheTrashGuess I'll reboot with my new b43 driver... Macbook Linux is funny like that.20:48
TheTrashThis works nicely, thanks!20:50
pyromaniac77i have little pictures next to all my menus all of a sudden how do i make them go away21:23
=== dashavoo_ is now known as dashavoo
beyondcrIs this a good place to ask questions?22:29
BarkingFishDepends on what you're asking about :)22:30
BarkingFishWe only deal in Kubuntu technical support here :)22:30
BarkingFishso if you're asking about anything Kubuntu related, knock yourself out22:30
abaloneDoes anyone here have an idea why Stella (Atari VCS emulator) would not run in OpenGL mode? Nvidia drivers work, glxgear works, desktop effects work, games work, and Stella OpenGL works in Linux Mint but not Kubuntu. It falls back to software rendering which isn't as pretty.22:36
beyondcrI installed the amd ccc when I try to launch it I get a dialog asking for a password, when I put my password it tells me it is wrong,22:40
abaloneOr perhaps somebody knows why JACK won't initialise with the full 96000 Hz unless Pulseaudio is also running. Which is funny because if anything it should work *better* without Pulse getting in the way.22:40
beyondcrI have no problems becoming super user in term22:41
TheTrashI'm trying to install a mouse theme (specifically Grounation, tried a few forks as well), I used the Get new theme option from the control panel, the installation seems to go alright (and Get new theme shows Uninstall as an option if I load it afterwards), but my cursors never show up in the list. They do seem to unpack to ~/.icons/ . Is this a known issue?23:01
beyondcrI guess what I am trying to get at is, Is it possible to change a setting so that I donot need to enter a  password to install or run applactions  that require higher esclation while under the desktop interface23:11
beyondcri dont want to give myself full root acess I just want to get rid of some of the password popups it gets alittle annoying when you have to enter a password 10 times in 5 mins23:17
fede¿What the taskmanager keyboard shortcuts does?23:43

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