
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
Noldorin_hi folks02:03
Noldorin_any windows devs around herE?02:03
rick_h_Noldorin_: that'll be a bit hard to come by I think02:12
Noldorin_rick_h_, not really. some of the launchpad devs do stuff on windows02:12
rick_h_Noldorin_: ok, so rare then perhaps :) I don't think anyone on my squad uses windows and my experience in asking for IE testers has run into a little challenge from time to time02:14
Noldorin_rick_h_, i know mgz does.02:15
Noldorin_but fair enough02:15
wgrant_Ah, he's bzr, not LP.02:15
Noldorin_i admit it's a lot rarer than unix devs ;-)02:15
Noldorin_wgrant_, oh right02:15
wgrant_A couple of bzr people might use Windows regularly.02:15
wgrant_But no LPer does AFAIK.02:15
Noldorin_yeah, fair point02:15
rick_h_ah, ok makes sense02:16
Noldorin_wgrant_, know of any other bzr guys who do windows stuff regularly btw?02:19
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=== jpds is now known as Guest37602
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cjwatsonHow hard would it be to get mawson synced up to current reality and have some kind of publisher run done that includes cron.germinate?  I'd like to have a control point before a germinate upgrade.17:13
cjwatsonThis is for bug 899972.17:19
_mup_Bug #899972: cron.germinate is very slow <Launchpad itself:New for cjwatson> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/899972 >17:19
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rick_h_afternoon lifeless18:38
lifelesscjwatson: that will take ~48 hours probably, maybe more.18:38
lifelesshey rick_h_18:38
lifelessrick_h_: how was your induction sprint ?18:38
rick_h_lifeless: heh, a bit crazy18:38
rick_h_but some good stuff18:38
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wgrantlifeless, cjwatson: Indeed, takes well over 24 hours to restore the DB. And DB restores are in an undefined, broken state at the moment, so it would take some massaging to fix.22:14
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wgrantremoved: lib/canonical/launchpad/pagetitles.py22:38
wgrantsinzui wins.22:38

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