[00:09] hmm...i bet searching for ubuntu bugs by archive component isn't indexed well enough to not timeout, is it? [00:09] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.component=3&field.has_patch=1 times out consistently for me [00:10] (yes, i realize that's not the friendliest query) [00:14] lots of things are timing out [01:02] broder: archive compoent should be fine [01:02] broder: I suspect its the combination :) [01:02] lifeless: no, i can't get that query to complete without the &field.has_patch=1 either [01:03] have you filed a bug ? [01:03] not yet [01:03] I will do so [01:03] thanks. feel free to subscribe me [01:03] i think that just the component query failing might be recent - i thought i played around with that during UDS or something [01:07] broder: what component is that ? [01:08] lifeless: universe, i believe [01:14] bug 899776 [01:14] Launchpad bug 899776 in Launchpad itself "Distribution:+bugs timeout searching by component universe" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/899776 [06:10] Hi. Is it possible to rename a project group? [06:10] I mean, I can see that I can due to my privs but I wonder if it is actually safe to do when there are projects connected to it. [06:12] * cody-somerville is going to give it a shot. [06:33] cody-somerville: It's fine, yeah. === wgrant_ is now known as wgrant === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan [11:58] hi guys, i got the following issue: http://pastebin.com/jAVD0wzw. I can build mysql on my own box but it fails the ppa build. Any ideas? === jpds is now known as Guest37602 === TheEvilPhoenix is now known as Guest68615 === fahadsadah is now known as Guest58241 === Pici is now known as Guest9123 === czajkows1i is now known as czajkowski [16:20] Hello. I uploaded source package to lp, when to expect it to be built or at least some information to change on my page? [16:21] Here it says "no updates" https://launchpad.net/~temoto/+archive/weighttp [16:21] Oh, forget it, i got email with errors. === SpamapS_ is now known as SpamapS [17:10] hi === Renegade|ghost is now known as Renegade15 [17:13] question: how do I access blueprints via launchbaselib? I've looked at related Google results, and they're all bugs, questions and blueprints written in a time of API change and are all very convoluted and not helpful. [17:15] Renegade15: you need to use the devel api_version not 1.0, to get at most of the specification related bits: https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#specification [17:23] okay, let us assume I do that...what path would I take to get to the blueprints? [17:27] if by path you mean URL, look at the URL template on the link I gave you [17:28] no, I meant pythonically, if you will...like, the launchpad object exposes both bugs and projects collections...where would I find specifications? [17:30] search for getSpecification on that page === Guest68615 is now known as EvilResistance [20:09] Hi, I've problems with my receipe in launchpad: https://code.launchpad.net/~tux-style/+recipe/eflxx-daily [20:10] I change the repo link from lp:~tux-style/eflxx/trunk to lp:~tux-style/eflxx/trunk/eflxx, but after save the receipe shows the old text and build is wrong in this folder. [20:10] Could anyone give me a hint? [20:14] audifahrer: lp:~tux-style/eflxx/trunk and lp:~tux-style/eflxx/trunk/eflxx both refer to the same branch [20:16] lifeless: ok, but I like launchpad to build a deb for this source: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tux-style/eflxx/trunk/files/head:/eflxx/ [20:16] lifeless: my first lib is named as the branch. Maybe this is confusing... [20:19] you need your recipe to accomodate the layout you have within your branch [20:19] the normal thing is to have just one library/package within a branch === _thumper_ is now known as thumper [20:39] lifeless: ahh, ok. Didn't know this [20:42] lifeless: but if you write "normal"... is there an exception to change directory to do this? [20:44] the recipe can control how things work [20:44] so yes - see the docs [21:13] I read the docs, but didn't see it. I tried the run command, but failed [21:14] lifeless: so, you think it's ok, if I do an import request for each deb package I like to build? Even if they're all below the same SVN trunk somewhere? [21:16] thats the preferred way to import from svn [21:17] audifahrer: the run command isn't enabled on launchpad [21:17] ok, then I'll do it like this. I just didn't know it [21:17] thanks [21:45] What should i write in my packages Section ? lintian does not like "universe/web" [21:47] temoto: that's probably a better question for #ubuntu-packaging [21:48] Thanks. [21:49] * micahg wonders if there's room in /topic for a pointer to #ubuntu-packaging [21:52] micahg: you can try ;P [21:57] micahg: current topic length is 253, freenode's max topic length is apparently 390, so yeah, should be fine [22:27] now I put one library in one branch and build receipe for it. But result is still not as expected: https://code.launchpad.net/~tux-style/+recipe/eflxx-daily [22:27] why is my library (*.h, *.so,...) not inside the .deb and -dev.deb?