
holsteintruepurple: aptitude is another package manager00:02
holsteini suggest you use tools you are comfortable with00:02
* JackyAlcine <3 aptitude00:19
truepurpleholstein, and safe causes this aptitude to be used INSTEAD of synaptic?00:28
holsteintruepurple: safe-upgrade is the command00:29
holsteinyou use either synaptic, or aptitude00:29
holsteinor another package manger00:29
truepurpleaptitude have a graphic interface?00:31
veebullokay, quick question here...00:32
veebullI have a second 2TB hdd mounted under /srv00:32
veebulltrying to create a subdirectory under /srv that I (the main user) can use for backups00:32
veebullI've changed the group ownership on /srv to 'staff', added myself to the 'staff' group, and chmod'd the group permissions to rwx00:33
veebulland I *still* can't create a directory under /srv?!?00:33
geirhaYou need to log in for the new group membership to take effect00:39
veebulljust to be clear here... I have to log all the way out, not just restart the terminal program?00:40
veebullfor some reason I thought that just closing the terminal session and initiating a new one would renew/re-read things with the new permissions... but obviously that ain't working.00:41
geirhaWell, you can log in with sudo;  sudo -u yourusername -i00:50
veebullI just went ahead and logged out and back in.  Worked like a champ ;)00:52
veebullNow I can rest a little easier having Deja Dup backing up my home directory automatically.00:53
veebullthanks for the nudge in the right direction!00:53
truepurpleholstein, does aptitude have a graphic interface?02:10
JackyAlcinetruepurple: Yeah, aptitude-gtk, but if you're looking for that, I'd recommend synaptic.02:12
holsteintruepurple: there are several GUI package managers, like synaptic02:48
holsteinaptitude has a curses interface02:48
dixoncxI wants to join ubuntu-beginners-team07:21
JackyAlcineHey dixoncx07:29
JackyAlcineHave you checked out our Wiki page on Ubuntu?07:29
dixoncxhey, JackyAlcine07:38
dixoncxi was reading that...07:38
billhicksim so happy i found this09:46
billhicksive wasted 3 hours today trying to figure out to partition my hdd on my laptop09:46
coalwaterdoesnt that do the job ?09:51
billhicksGparted? thats a program?09:51
mysteriousdarrenused for partitioning and a very easy to use one09:52
billhicksOh well since I was working on W7 I used the one they had09:53
billhicksI was trying to partition it so i can instal ubuntu09:54
billhicksbut the partition i made had 10gb of size and my friend said thats not enough for ubuntu09:54
billhicksso i gave up09:54
billhicksId really like to have Uberstudent :)09:55
billhickswich brings me to this question: is uberstudent very different from ubuntu?09:55
billhicksand which one would you recommend for a beginner09:55
coalwateri dont know what uberstudent is10:06
billhicksuberstudent is a ubuntu edition for students10:08
coalwaterwell it says here that its built on debian, so it shouldnt be so different10:09
coalwatersince ubuntu too is built on debian10:09
coalwaterUberStudent is built from the Debian branch of Linux, known for its exceptional stability and security. It also builds upon Ubuntu and similar Linux distributions, known for their top user-friendliness. This is perfectly in keeping with the spirit of educational inquiry where scholars build upon and refine the work of others to advance knowledge. Everyone increasingly benefits.10:10
coalwaterthats from their site10:10
coalwaterapparently it uses lxde user interface, if you like that interface u can download lubuntu10:11
geirhaSo most likely, the installer will do the partitioning for you.10:12
billhicksgeriha it will do the partioning without damaging my windows 7 files ?10:15
geirhaWhen you install Ubuntu, you get the choice of using the whole disk, install side by side by whichever OS you already have, or to manually partition.10:15
billhickscoalwater I have never used it. I just thought it would be best suited for my needs. I assumed its like ubuntu but with a different software bundle. but same principle i guess.10:15
geirhabillhicks: Yes, but do make sure you've got a backup of the files you can't afford to lose.10:16
billhicksGeirha I saw that option, my friend installed ubuntu today but we arent exactly proffesionals in this area... We didnt understand a word from the option "do something else" in the installation window10:17
billhicksgeirha, you mean my files or like windows 7 system backup?10:17
coalwaterdo something else directs you to the partitioner, which is basicly a gparted10:18
coalwaterhow much free space do u have on ur hard disk anyway, the more free it is the easier it is to partition10:19
billhicksaha, yeah i think ill do the installation while i have this irc channel open on another pc...10:19
billhickswait ill attempt to guess how much free space i have ...10:19
billhickswell it says im using 200GB out of27410:20
billhicksso im guessing i have 74gb free10:20
geirhaThe partitioning has always worked out fine for me, but it's not a trivial change, and things can go wrong.10:21
billhicksI suppose so10:22
billhicksI did set up a restore point so if things go in an awful direction I can always restore my settings to that point10:23
billhicksand If anything else fails ill restore my laptop to its factory settings10:23
billhicksI just dont want to have format my laptop10:23
geirhaHm. I'd consider doing a defrag on that windows partition first.10:23
billhicksI did that :D10:23
geirhaGood :)10:24
billhicksim proud right now10:24
coalwaterbillhicks: you only have 1 partition now ?10:24
billhicksi have 2 but the second is only 10gb10:24
coalwateri think if you add another 15 gigs it would be good enough10:26
billhicksalright ill use another partioning program. Ill add as much as i can10:27
billhicksexcept that im scared that by using another partioning program, something can wrong with my C: partition10:27
billhicks... like i said, im really not a genius in softwares10:27
coalwateru dont need to cut much, cause ubuntu can access the windows ntfs drive, so you dont need a huge home10:27
geirhaRemove that second partition, leave 15-20GB of unpartitioned space10:28
billhicksso Ill partition a 20gb space10:28
billhicksill mount the uberstudent on a flashdrive10:29
geirhaLinux uses a different type of partition than windows, so you might as well let it create them itself (it will create two partitions)10:29
billhicksis there a step by step tutorial anywherE?10:29
billhicks>.< there is an option to instal them side by side10:32
geirhaYes, it uses the same installer as Ubuntu. If you leave unpartitioned space, choose the option "Use the largest continuous space"10:32
geirha(when you get to that part of the install)10:33
geirha*continuous free space10:33
billhicksso really i dont have to create a partition10:34
billhicksi just need to defragment my disk?10:34
geirhadefragmenting is to make it easier to resize an ntfs partition10:34
geirhaYou've already done that part manually now10:34
billhicksah this option was also available with the installer10:35
billhicksI think ill give this a try on my next break :)10:35
billhicksdo you guys know how I can mount the OS on my flash drive?10:37
billhicksI believe there is a software for that10:38
billhicksill google it :)10:38
geirhaI know how to put an Ubuntu iso on a flashdrive. For uberlinux, the procedure may or may not be the same.10:38
geirhaBrowse down to step two, choose medium and OS and click Show me how10:39
billhicksi think it should work10:40
billhicksoh yes uberstudent is in the list :D10:46
billhicksis it ok if the partition is labeled as extended partition?11:09
billhicksor is this normal?11:09
billhickslike its a logical drive in an extended partition...11:10
billhicksand its 48 gb :) its more than enough to instal additional programs :D11:15
geirhaYes, linux doesn't care if it's installed on a primary or a logical partition11:15
billhicksill format my usb key , mount the OS and ill see what happens :)11:16
billhicksis ubuntu easy for beginners?11:17
billhicksor will it be hard to use the first week?11:17
geirhaYes and no.11:17
geirhaI'd say it's pretty easy for beginners, but it does things a bit differently than windows11:18
geirhaSo you may find that trying to do something the way you did in windows, doesn't work as well.11:19
billhicksI guess ill get used to it.11:20
billhicksI like challenges on a daily basis :D11:20
geirhaFor a person who has no prior experience with any OS, I'd say Ubuntu (and similar distros) are just as easy to learn as windwos and mac.11:21
billhicksis it true that i will be able to customize it ?11:22
geirhaFor one thing, when you want to install some (free) program in windows, you go to google or bing or whatever your favorite search engine is, search for it, find a download link, download and install.11:22
geirhaIn Ubuntu, you open the software center, search for the program you want and click install11:22
billhicksooh nice!11:23
bioterrorgeirha, in windows you go to http://ninite.com/11:28
billhicksI didnt know about that :O11:32
billhicksis it true that ubuntu or lubuntu is safer?11:41
coalwaterback :D11:46
mysteriousdarrensafer? how?11:46
billhickswb coalwater11:47
billhickswell safer to use the internet11:47
billhicksmore secure shall i say11:48
coalwatersafer than what ?11:48
Sidewinder1billhicks, Yes, ubuntu is much more secure than win; you may wish to have a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081211:49
billhickscan i ask, why do you guys use ubuntu? do you use any other OS in parrallel?11:51
coalwateri use windows for games lol11:51
mysteriousdarrenLubuntu with Windows 8 for graphic design stuff11:52
Sidewinder1I dual boot with ubuntu, 10.04 and XP; although I rarely use XP, anymore; since 2007.11:52
Sidewinder1Funny part is that I still haven't deleted XP; I'm not really sure, why.. :-)11:53
billhicksdo you guys just like unix based os more?11:53
billhicksor do u endorse open source?11:54
billhicksor is it for security?11:54
mysteriousdarrenEndorse opensource projects, and want more security than Windows can provide. Freedom helps too!11:54
billhicksawesome. I guess im joining in for the right reasons11:55
Sidewinder1billhicks, Pretty much all three.11:55
geirhasame here11:58
Sidewinder1billhicks, If you're seriously considering a move to or dual boot with ubuntu, you might have a look here, for a step-by-step: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index  However I would suggest not trying WUBI; it's use can be problematic.12:00
geirhaHe's currently installing a Debian/Ubuntu derivative though.12:02
Sidewinder1As long as it ain't wubi. ;-)12:04
billhicksI am seriously considering it. Im switching the basic ubuntu on my tower and to uberstudent on my laptop12:04
billhicksI think these will meet my needs12:05
billhicksto basic ubuntu*12:05
mysteriousdarrenwhen did u start using uberstudent?12:05
billhicksim still keeping W7 in a dual boot just in case something goes wrong. I cant afford to not use my pcs12:05
billhicksI havent lol I joined this channel because i couldnt wrap my mind around how to instal it12:06
billhicksso far i did a partition12:06
billhicksand Im going to mount it on a flashdrive12:06
billhicksbut im aslo studying for my exam... lol12:06
billhicksso im completing steps on my breaks12:06
Sidewinder1Just make sure that you Md5sum the ubuntu ISO image to make sure that your download was perfect.12:08
Sidewinder1!md5sum | billhicks12:28
ubot2billhicks: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:28
Sidewinder1!hashes | billhicks12:28
ubot2billhicks: See http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/9.10/MD5SUMS for the md5sums of the latest Ubuntu release12:28
billhicksis it necessary?12:32
coalwaterits better than having an error in the middle of the installation12:35
billhicksooohh gotcha12:36
coalwaterits a simple terminal command, md5sum file12:36
billhicksyeah well it uses words i cant understand lol wait im reading it12:37
coalwateru just compare the hash of ur downloaded file with the hash the site gave u12:38
billhickswhats a terminal?12:38
coalwaterthe black screen with nothing but white writing lol12:38
billhicksand how can i compare it? i have to complete this step by step no?12:39
billhickscommand prompt?12:39
geirhaYou need to install a program to calculate md5sum in windows12:39
billhickswill it workd for uberstudent?12:40
coalwatergeirha: firefox's addon 'down them all' does that for me, i like that addon12:40
coalwateru give it the hash while downloading and it auto verifies after download finishes12:40
geirhayes, though you need to find the sum to compare with at uberstudent's site.12:40
billhicksthis is math12:40
coalwaterlol no12:40
coalwaternot that sum12:41
geirhaAnyway, I'm leaving. Off to participate in some yule stuff.12:41
billhicksalright thanks a lot geirha for all your help :)12:42
billhicksyou helped me alot!12:42
billhicksill definitely do this on my break, ill find the sum somewhere12:43
coalwaterwhat are u trying to find , i could help12:43
billhickswell the sum for uberstudent12:44
billhicksbecause this is what im installing :D12:44
Sidewinder1coalwater,  He means the md5sum hash for uberstudent12:45
coalwateris this it?12:47
coalwaterthis is the gnome desktop one, there's another sum for the lxde one12:48
Sidewinder1billhicks, Once you find the hash for uberstudent, you'll probably need to go here to find a program to download for windows to run in order to check the hash: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:48
coalwaterhttp://uberstudent.org/releases/ just work your way from here12:48
billhicksyes it is this one coalwater12:50
billhicksthank you sidewinder for the link!12:50
* Sidewinder1 Kisses ubot2, due to her vast knowlege base. :-)12:50
Sidewinder1billhicks, My pleasure.12:50
billhickshey have u tried this version of ubuntu: uberstudent?12:50
billhicksis it stable, good, and everything nice?12:51
billhicksare there ubuntu versions better than others?12:51
Sidewinder1billhicks, No; actually, I've never heard of it, before today. I'm assuming it's German?12:51
billhicksno not really , I just googled: ubuntu and students12:52
coalwateri woudlnt call it an ubuntu version, its more like an ubuntu drevative i guess12:53
billhicksand the first links were blogs raving about it12:53
Sidewinder1I prefer the LTS (Long Term Support) versions; it's just personal preference. I'm currently running ubuntu desktop, i386 Lucid Lynx, 10.04.12:53
billhicksI wanted application and ubuntu uses for students and hear feedbacks about ubuntu from students point of view12:53
billhicksoh cool :)12:54
coalwaterSidewinder1: yea, i guess im gonna stick with precise, better than installing new ubuntu every 6 months lol12:54
billhicksis it the latest versions of ubuntu?12:54
coalwaterlatest version is oneric, 11.1012:55
Sidewinder1coalwater, I'm very concerned about the learning curve regarding unity; I know gnome inside out and don't really want a significant change..12:56
coalwaterunity isnt that hard, u get used to it, but to be honest its still buggy12:56
Sidewinder1billhicks, Have a look here for an explanation of the variuos versions: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28operating_system%2912:57
coalwaterthere's a stupid focus issue, pop up windows dont get focus by default , usually makes me close wrong windows by mistake12:57
Sidewinder1coalwater, Yes, that's what I've heard; I'm hoping that 'they' have most issues, addressed in Precise, by the time I need to upgrade.12:58
coalwateri hate when i close firefox12:58
coalwaterthen i need to wait for all tabs to load again12:59
Sidewinder1billhicks, Again, if you're migrating from windows, I think it will be easier for you to transition if you use Lucid, 10.04.12:59
Sidewinder1billhicks, And 10.04 is supported until 04/2013.13:00
Sidewinder1coalwater, Wouldn't you agree?13:00
billhicks:O ill try that one then on my tower13:02
Sidewinder1billhicks, Again, my pleasure. :-)13:02
billhickswhat is edubuntu fo r?13:15
coalwateredu. education stuff13:16
Sidewinder1billhicks, Please see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edubuntu13:17
billhicksi have one last tiny question13:17
billhicksfor the md5sum13:17
billhicksI have to mount the iso on a flashdrive first right?13:18
billhicksbecause they said13:18
billhicksMake sure that when you download the CD iso to download the md5sum and place it in the same directory.13:18
billhicksoh wait13:19
Sidewinder1Not sure; better to md5sim the iso on the drive where you downloaded it.13:19
billhicksi think they meant the download folder13:19
billhicksthey should be in the same Downloads folder13:19
Sidewinder1md5sum, even. :D13:19
billhicksoh i download it the md5sum13:20
Sidewinder1billhicks, When you run the md5sum program on the ISO, it should come back with the hash; something like: hnjrs89fy9h78045uvjvcj8... You then need to compare that to the hash, listed at the site where you downloaded the ISO. They must match, exactly. Then you know you get a perfect ISO, downloaded.13:24
billhicksits giving me an error when it try to move the iso into system 32 so they can be in the same directory13:24
billhicksshould i execute the md5sum?13:26
billhicksbecause i didnt13:26
Sidewinder1billhicks, No, no don't move it to C:\system32... Again, md5sum the ISO if it's correct, follow the instructions here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installing13:27
billhicksit doesnt say anything abt md5sum >.<13:28
billhicksim going to execute md5sum13:28
Sidewinder1billhicks, Before installing, you should read up on partitioning; also very important!!! Make certain, prior to installation that you, in Windows, that you defragment your drive, at least twice, prior to shrinking...13:29
billhicksI did partition my drive13:30
billhicksand from what i know the instalation sofwatere will make the two main drives13:30
billhicksby it self13:30
billhicksyeah thats abt it13:31
Sidewinder1Again, that psychocats link that I gave you should answer most of your questions/issues.13:32
billhicksthank u :)13:35
billhicksits nice to see so many people dedicated to helping ubuntu users13:35
billhicksI wish i could say the same for windows lol13:35
coalwateri think somewhere in this world there is lol13:44
billhicksis this the morning routine13:57
billhickseveryone joins in?13:57
coalwatera normal netsplit13:57
billhicksoh lol13:58
coalwater13:38 -Martinp23(martinp23@freenode/staff/martinp23)- [Global Notice] Hi everyone. It's time for further ircd upgrades to take place (see blog.freenode.net for details). The servers  affected today are pratchett, calvino, leguin and niven. One of our US hubs will also be restarted, so there will be a very large netsplit. Please fasten your seatbelts.13:59
coalwater I'll send mesages directly to affected users antd will let you know when it's all done. Thanks!13:59
coalwaterthat was the global notice13:59
billhicksthats nice of him13:59
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Sidewinder1For a moment, there were only 98 people in #u.. That's gotta be a first; gotta' love netsplits.14:03
billhickswell im off to instal uberstudent14:57
billhickswish me luck lol14:57
coalwatergood luck even though ur gone lol15:05
jp_HraniceHallo is here somebody to help on #ubuntu-testing ?15:43
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