
=== bkerensa_ is now known as bkerensa
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bkerensaczajkowski: Hello08:14
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JanCdoes anybody know who's responsible for reviewing (commercial and/or open source) apps at Canonical now?14:17
JanCpeople are complaining about 1 month delays to get even their first review...14:17
nigelbJanC: jml is on that team.14:17
JanC> 1 month actually...14:17
nigelbThere are a few more people, but I don't remember their names.14:18
JanCnigelb: ah, good to know14:18
nigelbJanC: I'm now sure who handles the reviews though.14:18
czajkowskiJanC: http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/commercial-software-faqs/14:18
czajkowskihas a lot of info but no name14:18
nigelbJanC: this is through apps.ubuntu.com right?14:18
nigelbBecause if its REVU, its a different story.14:19
JanCI suppose so, it's about commercial apps14:19
JanCwas somebody on #ubuntu-app-devel14:19
JanCand I heard other complaints earlier14:19
nigelbJanC: Oh. I just realized, dpm is a good person to talk to about that.14:20
JanCso I think this is something Canonical needs to improve  ;)14:20
JanC"""<Magnesus> ok, I'll probably just remove the game from Software Center then, it's to risky to publish sth (especially sth people have to pay for) that can't be easily updated if I detect an error""" --> not good14:21
JanCunless Canonical doesn't care about software center anymore...14:22
jussiJanc: canonical  doesnt care about any of the products anymore, they just exist to annoy their userbase and see how long people stick around... its just a huge social experiment, havent you heard? :P : P :P14:37
JanC"""<PWF> It's sad, so sad  It's a sad, sad situation  And it's getting more and more absurd... My app in pending review status 6 days, 20 hours ago""" --> more of this  ;)20:09
AlanBellthat is really not good20:15
JanCAlanBell: it's a problem at Canonical that hurts the reputation of all of the Ubuntu community...20:19
AlanBellthey can't have an overwhelming number of apps in the queue20:21
bkerensaDebian/Ubuntu jam is going well20:21
JanCAlanBell: they have a > 1 month queue of commercial apps right now20:21
JanCwhich either means nobody is working on it, or there are a large number of apps  ;)20:22
* AlanBell suspects the former20:22
popeyI am in the office in London tomorrow and I know who is responsibe for this, I'll have a word with them20:22
popeyin fact..20:23
* popey mails now20:23
JanCpopey: thanks20:23
popeybtw AlanBell http://popey.com/~alan/Workspace%201_011.png20:25
popeythats what my google chat thing looks like ☹20:25
AlanBellhmm, my office looks a lot tidier from my end20:26
AlanBelloh, and you seem to have some screen corruption20:26
pleia2AlanBell: have a moment to explain this planet spreadsheet?20:58
czajkowskipopey: you should so grow a moustache!21:00
AlanBellpleia2: yes21:01
pleia2AlanBell: so how are we identifying which ones are valid ubuntu members?21:01
pleia2or we're not on this spreadsheet?21:02
AlanBellcolumn A is a list of all valid members21:02
AlanBellcolumn B and C are all the nicks in the planet config file21:02
AlanBellcolumn B are the ones I can tie to member names21:02
AlanBellColumn C I can't21:02
pleia2oh, so the rows don't match up along the spreadshet21:03
AlanBellnot for column C21:03
AlanBellbut they are in rough alphabetical position21:03
pleia2ah, that's the logic21:04
pleia2ok, so we need to go through column c and see if we can figure out who they are21:04
pleia2(I see dholbach started)21:04
AlanBellmight be an idea to put it on google docs or something21:04
pleia2can't we just search bzr history?21:05
AlanBellooh, interesting21:05
pleia2I actually know a fair number of these off the top of my head (not quite sure what that says about me, or if it's a good thing :))21:06
greg-gczajkowski: can you invite me to the lococouncil channel, I can't get back in21:13
akgranerpopey I was watching something on the Country music channel and the lead singer for Rascal Flatts was on - and I have changed my mind  - you remind me of him not Elvis :-P21:13
czajkowskigreg-g: done21:15
pangolinpopey: I don't think that was a compliment21:16
popeypangolin: I don't think that was gratitude21:16
pangolinoh I see the quotes21:16
czajkowskiyeah we'll stick to UK elvis suits popey better21:16
akgranernah - I like Rascal Flatts - I wasn't making fun of popey...21:47
AlanBellnot sure I see popey here http://lh5.ggpht.com/_LOMwk5a9V-I/SlCip5zRJkI/AAAAAAAACWQ/jDMi1M4IeHY/Rascal%20Flatts%5B2%5D.jpg21:51
pangolin20 years ago, I see it22:00
akgranerhe doesn't look like that now - I'll have to get you a recent pic22:19

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