
=== nightwis- is now known as nightwish
beata|coyoteTrying to get Palm serial adapter to work, kernel 2.6.35, autoloaded kl5kusb105 driver shouts into kernel log about "usb 4-2: read status 30 0" and managed to actually crash the machine once.06:50
beata|coyoteGoing to load the generic driver when I have time.07:22
=== kloeri_ is now known as kloeri
=== jpds is now known as Guest37602
dupondjeHi! Somebody around that take care of daily kernel builds ? :)14:59
dupondjequite silent :)15:08
bjfdupondje, there was a problem with them yesterday, they were put on manual, they will be back tomorrow probably16:11
dupondjewell thats not really the issue :)16:14
dupondjeI just want to know if the .config that it uses can be modified a bit ?16:15
=== himcesjf1 is now known as himcesjf
bjfdupondje: the best think to do is make a request on the mailing list16:41
=== SpamapS_ is now known as SpamapS
psusithere seem to be a lot of kernel modules in the initrd.. to make the initrd optional, the system would have to determine that none of them are required to boot.  If it is smart enough to figure that out, why not just omit the specific modules that are not required, and use a much smaller initrd rather than none at all?17:48

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