
broderspock:~/patches.ubuntu.com broder$ grep -l -r -e '-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE' -e '-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0' .  | wc -l01:07
broderi wonder how many of those honestly really and truly need fortification turned off01:07
micahg18 isn't such a bad number01:08
micahgbut in a lot of cases, I'd guess it's in the rules file and not a patch01:08
broderthat should show up on patches.ubuntu.com, right?01:08
broderi thought that was debdiffs between our package and the debian merge base01:08
broderhmm, ok. well, the first one i looked at (scheme2c) built successfully but failed with a fortification error running the test suite. that seems like it could be legitimate01:10
broder...and kees disabled fortification on the second one (sysklogd)01:12
micahgbroder: might not be a diff :)01:12
broderhaha. fair enough. i suppose i could just grep my lintian lab01:13
broderor wait until kees gets hardening-check merged into lintian01:13
keessysklogd is a craaaazy one01:14
keesfwiw, anything that is disabling hardening is supposed to have a) a bug open, and b) a line with details in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ToolChain/CompilerFlags01:15
keese.g. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ToolChain/CompilerFlags#sysklogd https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ToolChain/CompilerFlags#scheme2c01:16
keesbroder, micahg: ^^01:16
broderkees: ah, cool. i got curious about this when i was reviewing a merge for cdebootstrap01:16
broderwhere -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE was used as a bad way of expressing -Wno-warn=unused-result01:16
broder(this is an old patch - not the merger's fault)01:17
micahgkees: cool, I"ve seen several uploads disabling this, so now I know where to check to make sure they're being tracked01:17
keesmicahg: yeah, I've tried to catch them in the past, but I forgot to subscribe to oneiric-changes (and now precise-changes) until the bulk of stuff went in. I wish those lists would auto-sub everyone01:18
micahgkees: FWIW, you can download an archive of it01:18
keesmicahg: right, that's what I usually do once I realize I forgot to subscribe. :)01:19
keesbut I have procmail rules set up to toss anything with "fortify" in it into my inbox so I'd see it right away.01:19
keesbut yeah, hopefully there will be more auto-nagging happening once lintian gains some smarts about this. I've got a fair bit of work left on that front, though.01:20
broderit sounded like niels was largely receptive01:21
broderthough i guess the arch-dependent stuff will probably be annoying01:21
keesbroder: yeah, for once, my hurdles are technical. :)01:39
micahgbroder: is there any reason why there can't be a lintian-arch package?01:39
brodermicahg: it'd be a bit unfortunate. right now i can run lintian on packages of any architecture01:40
broder(lintian.uw.o actually scans both amd64 and i386 packages now, not that you can tell because that information doesn't show up in the html report anywhere)01:41
broderi'd vaguely like to add armel, armhf, and powerpc at some point01:42
micahgbroder: it might be possible to use the arch specific package on any other arch (multiarch FTW) if it's only needed for generation01:42
broderpossibly, although wouldn't we know at build-time the arch-specific information? seems silly to do 5 builds as a mechanism to sort out information we already know01:44
micahgbroder: no idea :)01:45
broderkees: ^?01:48
broderyou were planning to code in all of the arch-specific information, right?01:48
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brodergeez. i want to revoke freeimage's upstream's right to write makefiles05:14
broderevan@caron:~/src/freeimage/freeimage$ perl -ne 'BEGIN{$max_len = 0;} END {print $max_len."\n";} $max_len = $max_len < length() ? length() : $max_len;' Makefile.srcs.OTHER05:18
brodertheir makefile lists every source file on a single line!05:18
broderit makes merging........extraordinarily painful05:29
EvilResistancebroder:  ouch, that sounds terrible!05:55
broderit's a mess. i've at least gotten something to compile now, though it still doesn't link06:14
broderah, hopefully it's just because oneiric didn't transition to libjpeg806:19
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EvilResistancebah i forgot the syntax for the backport package thing06:35
broderEvilResistance: try backportpackage --help or the manpage06:39
EvilResistancehey broder, can you help be diagnose an upload failure to a ppa for backporting using backportpackage?06:45
broderEvilResistance: sure. pastebin the failure?06:45
EvilResistanceit went through everything... except this step:06:46
EvilResistance  Uploading php5_5.3.8.0-1ubuntu2~lucid1~ppa1_source.changes: 3k/4k550 Changes file must be signed with a valid GPG signature: Verification failed 3 times: ['General error', 'General error', 'General error'] : Permission denied.06:46
EvilResistancethat's the error06:46
EvilResistanceany idea what the heck is happening here?06:46
broderah, yeah, that's not actually an error06:46
broderit's an lp bug06:46
broderthe upload actually succeeded06:47
broderyou should get mail about it momentarily06:47
broderbug #79895706:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 798957 in Launchpad itself "PPA Uploads are seemingly (but not actually) rejected" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79895706:47
EvilResistancehere's the full output: http://pastebin.com/SuXH9PfG06:48
EvilResistanceoh really?06:48
EvilResistance(btw lag spike)06:48
EvilResistanceyep that worked...06:50
EvilResistance(and yes, its another Precise backport xD)06:50
EvilResistancebut thankfully *not* one i'm going to actually submit for official backporting :P06:50
micahgEvilResistance: yeah, you'd run into some issues with that :) >100 rdepends06:51
EvilResistancemicahg:  i *did* notice that my Backports PPA did take into account that swig2.0 *was* backported from Oneiric to Natty :P07:01
EvilResistanceas i had requested ;P07:01
micahgEvilResistance: yes, that's built07:02
EvilResistancemicahg:  who do i bug to cancel a dep-wait'd build?07:18
micahgEvilResistance: why would you want to cancel it as opposed to fixing the dep-wait (unless you have to reupload, which will supersede the depwait build)07:19
EvilResistancemicahg:  because https://launchpadlibrarian.net/86583318/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.php5_5.3.8.0-1ubuntu2~lucid1~ppa1_MANUALDEPWAIT.txt.gz07:20
EvilResistancetake a look at what's missing07:20
EvilResistancelike, literally *missing*07:20
micahgheh, that seems like a bug in packaging almost...07:21
micahgEvilResistance: fix it and upload a new version, it'll supersede it07:21
EvilResistancei'm not in the mood to :P07:21
EvilResistanceMTecknology:  you do it xD07:21
micahgEvilResistance: it'll only retry if it detects the depwait fixed I think, so not to worry07:22
EvilResistancecan i cancel the amd64 one though07:22
EvilResistancewhich hasnt started?07:22
micahgEvilResistance: if you don't have the option on the page, then no, it's not really worth bothering someone for it sidnce it's a 2 minute or less buil07:23
MTecknologyEvilResistance: do what?07:27
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tumbleweedLaney: import complete, merged.tar.gz is updated09:43
tumbleweed(don't forget to merge my git branch)09:45
Laneyto the tarball09:58
Laneytar cjvf ubuntu-changes-difficult-teenage-years.bz2 ubuntu-changes10:02
LaneyImportError: No module named dateutil.parser10:05
Laneyhow essential is that? i am loathe to bother dsa again10:06
tumbleweedit's the only way to parse times with timezones10:07
tumbleweedbut you can hack around it locally with PYTHONPATH until dsa install it10:07
tumbleweeddateutil has no other dependencies, and is pure-python...10:08
Laneyarkle, ok, in a bit10:09
Laneyepic fail10:26
LaneyCloses: 282717 143536 281671 281672 271232 258698 210932 237109 233980 228298 225936 223579 221483 43538 100330 161947 205608 221483 221148 220275 219621 219336 217533 206559 203280 204790 205606 202189 190886 120704 171163 169501 161020 147408 144165 111752 111752 115200 113621 110563 98974 98974 98986 98670 98672 63012 70142 72075 85809 88108 95447 96149 91315 80561 87687 54740; urgency=medium 25193; urgency=low10:28
Laneyoh, I remember10:30
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LaneyI remember → ignored 2005 from LP last time10:39
Laneydoesn't explain how it got in there :P10:40
tumbleweedLaney: looks like two issues:11:52
tumbleweeddpkg-parsechangelog's --since looks for that exact version, not <=11:53
tumbleweedand this entry: autoconf (2.13-17) unstable; closes=54740; urgency=medium11:55
Laneywow, was that valid?11:57
* tumbleweed doesn't know BTS history, it's from 200011:58
tumbleweeddoesn't look like it11:59
tumbleweedthing is, we probably have too much data in the Closes lines12:01
tumbleweedI don't think I want to do another full import quite yet12:02
LaneySELECT DISTINCT signed_by_name from ubuntu_upload_history where signed_by_name like '%<N/A>%';12:02
tumbleweedthat's not too bad12:04
* tumbleweed wonders how Piotr is signing uploads for Ubuntu12:04
tumbleweedoh, I see12:05
Laney          if current['Signed-By'].find('@') != -1:12:10
Laney            current['Signed-By_name'], current['Signed-By_email'] = aux.parse_email(current['Signed-By'])12:10
Laney          else:12:10
Laney            current['Signed-By_name'] = current['Signed-By']12:10
Laney            current['Signed-By_email'] = ''12:10
tumbleweedLaney: grumble, finding a bunch of problems here12:22
tumbleweedwe're donig version comparison with strings...12:22
Laneyyeah that sounds like a bad idea12:23
jtaylorhm we should remove psyco from precise, it only works with python 2.612:25
tumbleweedjtaylor: please12:26
jtaylorrequries blacklisting or?12:26
tumbleweednot entirely sure what the best answer there is. There's an RFA bug for it in Debian that says "maybe the package should be removed from Debian altogether"12:28
tumbleweedso maybe it'll go away12:28
tumbleweedLaney: also doesn't look like we have superseded spph entries in ancient releases12:30
jtaylorhm yes debian will probably remove it before wheezy, I'll check up on it if it was not done before precise release12:31
tumbleweedit's not in wheezy12:31
Laneywhat goes wrong if we remove status="Superseded"?12:33
tumbleweedslows down12:33
tumbleweedthat was a performance hack12:33
Laneywould it be that much worse?12:33
tumbleweednaah, screw lp12:34
Laneydoesn't feel like it would pick up /that/ many more spphs12:34
Laneymost should be superseded anyway12:34
Laneylet's see if those changes work12:42
tumbleweedok, so why does POX turn up as a signer12:52
* tumbleweed goes digging12:52
Laneyno more <N/A> in signed_by_name12:55
Laneyhttp://ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?render=html&sponsor=*&sponsor_search=name&sponsoree=Micah+Gersten&sponsoree_search=name looks better12:56
tumbleweedum, distribution=unstable in upload history?12:58
tumbleweedright, but we want the target distribution, surely?12:59
tumbleweedthat I can actually fix up quite easily without re-importing12:59
Laneyprobably. it uses the changelog currently13:00
tumbleweed:/ it's so hard to find problems in the data until you start playing with it...13:01
* tumbleweed needs a zsed13:02
Laneyused to have some code to construct the distribution, but it  must have been before the initial commit :(13:06
tumbleweedheh, jaunty has zodb 1:3.6.0-4, edgy had 3.6.0-413:22
tumbleweedrecipe for changelog confusion13:22
Laneygood job those debs weren't in the archive at the same time13:23
tumbleweedlooks like even the changelogs in the librarian got messed up by that13:23
tumbleweedlooks like we need some de-duplication of Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed. Look at kernel uploads13:26
Laneyhow did they get there?13:28
tumbleweedhaven't got that far yet13:29
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Laneypushed spph distribution usage13:32
tumbleweedok, manually fixed that up13:33
Laneyhow did you map back?13:33
tumbleweedbecause I had improted each release into a separate directory13:33
Laneyoh you cunning fox13:33
tumbleweednew merged.tar.gz published13:34
Laneyi'll start a reimport and then i have to go do some christmas shopping13:34
tumbleweedyou just freaked me out. That's not something I want to be thinking about, yet13:34
Laneylast night I had a dream that it was December 24th and I hadn't got any presents yet13:35
Laneytaking that as a sign from my subconscious13:35
Laneyok then, reimporting13:37
tumbleweedLaney: so, POX is the package_creator of sqlalchemy 0.2.8-1 in the SPPH (it's a sync, in edgy) https://api.launchpad.net/devel/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+sourcepub/13447713:48
tumbleweedLaney: and nobody is the creator or signer of https://api.launchpad.net/devel/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+sourcepub/1835055 (which is an early native-sync)13:53
tumbleweedgenerating 11 lines of text for each upload shouldn't be so rediculously error-prone13:54
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l3onHi all, someone could help to figure out if NO_PKG_MANGLE is still mandatory with cdebootstrap ?14:52
l3onI found this bug debian 48689914:52
ubottuDebian bug 486899 in cdebootstrap "cdebootstrap: Please set NO_PKG_MANGLE while building nested package" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/48689914:52
l3onand I'm building without NO_PKG_MANGLE..14:53
l3onwhat should I look for ?14:53
tumbleweeddidn't we discuss this a while ago?14:53
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l3ontumbleweed, yes... but the discussion was only "Hey l3on, you forgot to add NO_PKG_MANGLE" :D14:58
l3onso, I don't know what reply in the bug14:58
tumbleweedwell, after the last message in that bug, do you really think the maintainer has changed his mind?14:59
l3ontumbleweed, no but it's a 2008 msg...  :)15:00
tumbleweedyou can try, I guess, but I expect no reply or a NACK15:01
l3ontumbleweed, wait... problem here is that Felix was asking me to figure out if NO_PKG_MANGLE is still necessary ...15:02
l3onand I would like to know how to reply him :)15:03
tumbleweedl3on: I can't answer that, I don't know enough about pkgbinarymangler.15:03
l3onI'm building cdeboostrap without that, and then I should check mangle packages, but... what do I have to look for ?15:03
l3onah ok :)15:04
l3onin any case, thanks :)15:04
l3onah tumbleweed other thing... :P15:05
l3onShould we prefer "-Wno-warn=unused-result" o "-Wno-error=unused-result"15:05
tumbleweedno-error, so that you can still see the warnings15:06
l3onoki :)15:06
l3onfabrice_sp, ping :)15:10
effie_jayxhello all,15:25
effie_jayxcan anyone give me some advise on how packaging separate branding for an app like firefox works?15:26
JanCeffie_jayx: I think that depends highly on the application itself (how easy does the application make this?)16:08
JanCalso, hi, long time since we chatted last time, I think  ☺16:09
effie_jayxJanC hey :)16:09
effie_jayxJanC: well I did mention about firefox, kinda hoping any mozilla ubuntu ninja responded16:09
JanCI think Firefox has some infrastructure to make this reasonably easy16:10
JanCeffie_jayx: you might also want to ask in #ubuntu-mozillateam then16:10
effie_jayxthanks JanC, won't be a stranger :)16:10
JanCbut AFAIK Firefox allows you to put branding into one file with references and/or a separate directory or something16:11
fabrice_spl3on, pong16:12
l3onfabrice_sp, hey... hi! It's about bug 884185... I don't know how to figure out if NO_PKG_MANGLE is still required... could you give me some input?16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 884185 in cdebootstrap (Ubuntu) "Please merge cdebootstrap 0.5.8 (universe) from debian unstable" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88418516:14
fabrice_spHey l3on, I would build it with and without. What tool do you use to build packages?16:16
JanCeffie_jayx: also, maybe some people in -locoteams can help (some of them make their own modified live/install CDs)16:17
l3onfabrice_sp, debomatic ..16:17
effie_jayxJanC: thanks16:17
fabrice_spl3on, can you check if pkgbinarymangler is installed or not?16:18
l3onfabrice_sp, here you can find cdebootstrap with NO_PKG_MANGLE=116:18
l3onfabrice_sp, yes... pkgbinarymangle is installed16:18
fabrice_spl3on, I can see that in the build log :-)16:19
l3onfabrice_sp, let me know when I can upload the other version... (without NO_PLK_MANGLE)16:20
fabrice_spl3on, why don't you just upload a 2.1 version to be able to compare both?16:20
l3onfabrice_sp, yes your' right :P16:20
fabrice_spl3on, the problems that was fixed that was was with pkgstriptranslations (see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdebootstrap/0.3.15ubuntu1 ), so if it FTBFS without NO_PKG_MANGLE, that's it16:29
l3oneh ?!16:30
tumbleweedwhy was that a problem, though? cdebootstrap isn't main16:30
fabrice_spyeah, I know16:31
fabrice_spI assume it was FTBFS in feisty16:31
fabrice_spthat's why I think it's not useful anymore16:31
l3onwell now it builds fine16:31
tumbleweedand the nested deb looks ok?16:31
l3ontumbleweed, I looked into and they present same files16:32
fabrice_spwith the same sizes?16:33
l3onI didn't check :/16:38
l3onOk... here NO_PKG_MANGLE=1 enabled: http://debomatic.debian.net/precise/pool/cdebootstrap_0.5.8ubuntu1/16:38
l3onhere NO_PKG_MANGLE dropped: http://debomatic.debian.net/precise/pool/cdebootstrap_0.5.8ubuntu2/16:39
fabrice_spl3on, tks! I'm checking the files16:40
l3onbroder, ping16:44
l3onfabrice_sp, you're welcome :)16:44
fabrice_spl3on, seems identical. Did yo utest the package without NO_PKG_MANGLE ?16:53
l3onfabo, nu16:53
l3onops... fabrice_sp nu16:53
fabrice_spl3on, cdebootstrp-static works fine, so I think that NO_PKG_MANGLE can be dropped17:24
l3onfabrice_sp, thanks... I'll work on it :)17:26
fabrice_spl3on, thank you to work on it!17:26
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jtokarchukhowdy, I just submitted an app for mentorship, I have used ubuntu for a while but have now fully made the jump from Windows. Will take a little to get used to the programming environment of Linux, but excited to help out.18:14
Laneytumbleweed: ah, fun. I can live with it if the problem is Launchpad's, not ours.18:14
tumbleweedyeah, so take this data with a pinch of salt...18:16
Laney"it is what it is"18:16
tumbleweed"pull requests accepted"18:17
tumbleweedthe massive lists of bugs come from the .changes files, so no point de-duplicating them18:17
Laneywell, that's cheap to do isn't it?18:18
tumbleweedit is18:19
LaneyI don't mind fixing problems with the data if it is clearly wrong and there is a relatively-non-hackish fix18:20
Laneybut when LP just holds plain incorrect data I also don't mind living with it18:21
Laneybasically we should make it as good as we can and no better18:21
l3onDaviey, ping18:24
l3onsomeone knows how I can check if xen_netback and xen_netback are built in for the server and generic-pae kernel in precise ?18:28
broderl3on, tumbleweed, fabrice_sp: for what it's worth, pkgbinarymangler does a bunch more things for real archive builds than PPA or local builds, so this may just not be possible to test easily18:37
broder...i guess you might be able to create a /CurrentlyBuilding file that would fool it...18:37
tumbleweedLaney: committed18:40
l3oncjwatson, ping18:42
Laneytumbleweed: I already did that!18:49
Laneywithout sorted() though18:50
tumbleweedthe curse of DVCS :P18:50
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Laneymismerged :P19:01
Laneywho needs to test?19:02
tumbleweedI tested on a single record19:02
tumbleweedit fails now, with the mismerge, btw19:03
Laneyok, crons back on19:09
tumbleweedLaney: http://people.ubuntu.com/~stefanor/upload_activity/ (Jan 2006)19:16
tumbleweedthat's around your cutoff for the new data, right?19:17
tumbleweedwell, duh19:17
tumbleweedbut why the old data island19:17
Laneyi started with new stuff from 2006-0319:22
Laneyit deduplicates within a run19:24
* tumbleweed wonders what's going on with the first 3 weeks of 06, then19:24
Laneyso if there was some overlap between old and new it probably chose the new?19:24
tumbleweedright, but then ther's 2 weeks of old again19:24
broderhmm...i wonder why dpkg-source adds the debian-changes-blah patch to the end of the quilt series. that seems backwards19:25
Laneythere was a test import of some kind into soyuz19:25
Laneybefore it was opened to everyone19:25
Laneyit's probably to do with that19:25
tumbleweedbroder: newer ones don't19:25
Laneygorra go out, ttyl19:25
brodertumbleweed: you mean because they refuse to add the patch, or because they add it to the beginning?19:25
tumbleweedbroder: what's wrong with the end of the quilt series?19:26
tumbleweedyou can't put it at the beginning, if all the patches are applied19:26
tumbleweedend is the only place it can go19:26
brodertumbleweed: because it's finding the remaining changes after unapplying the patches19:26
tumbleweedbroder: yeah, that'd probably be wrong19:27
tumbleweedalthough, conceptually, you'd expect dpkg-source --commit to put it at the end19:27
broderas a side note, debian qa uploads are allowed to make arbitrary improvements to packages, right?19:28
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verwilsthi guys,trying to build mysql-server-5.5 in my ppa, but it fails..19:55
verwilstit built fine on my test machine19:55
verwilsti just changed gcc-4.5to gcc-4.4 because im compiling for lucid19:55
verwilstwhich went fine in my testing19:55
verwilstCMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineCCompiler.cmake:44 (MESSAGE):  Could not find compiler set in environment variable CC:  i686-linux-gnu-gcc-4.4.19:56
verwilstany idea?19:56
jtaylordoes someone have a native ppc machine running unstable or precise?21:06
micahgjtaylor: I have access to a porter box as should the DDs in this channel21:10
micahgjtaylor: do you need to check something runtime or build time?21:11
jtaylorbuild time21:11
jtaylora package crashes gcc on my pbuilder-dist21:12
jtaylormicahg: ~jtaylor-guest/public_html/pyzmq_ppc_compiler-error.c.gz on wagner, the commandline to build is the second line in the file21:16
* micahg guesses this is a host he doesn't have access to21:18
micahgor was this part of the alioth break out21:19
jtaylornot sure alith = wagner or vask?21:21
Zhenechboth :)21:22
jtayloralioth.org gets me on wagner21:22
jtayloror is it balanced?21:23
Zhenechssh is wagner, ~ is shared iirc21:23
Zhenechvasks is static (anongit etc)21:23
jtaylorpublic_git is not shared21:24
jtaylorI always push to the wrong host ^^21:24
micahgjtaylor: sorry, can't access that easily at the moment, maybe one of the DDs can help21:25
* Zhenech looks idly21:25
jtaylorI'll ask in a debian channel21:26
Zhenech/srv/home/users/jtaylor-guest/public_html/pyzmq_ppc_compiler-error.c.gz: Permission denied21:26
Zhenechi should at least have read perms :P21:26
Zhenechlets see which porterbox i need21:30
jtaylorsome powerpc21:30
jtaylorrecent unstable, if it is a real issue it was probably introduced in the latest gcc -521:33
Zhenechdid you erase the file?21:34
Zhenechjust wanted to scp it to pescetti21:34
jtaylorI decompressed it21:35
Zhenechgot it21:35
jtaylorsrym, just tried if the compile command works on wagner21:35
Zhenechcompiling *drumroll*21:37
Zhenechtakes too long now, I bet something will crash :)21:37
jtaylorits a large file :)21:38
Zhenech(sid)evgeni@pescetti:~$ ls21:38
Zhenechpyzmq_ppc_compiler-error.c  pyzmq_ppc_compiler-error.o21:38
Zhenechna worked21:38
jtaylorgcc version?21:38
jtaylorso probably an issue with the VM then, thx21:39
jtaylorhm thats -421:39
jtaylor-5 is recent21:39
jtaylorporterbox is on testing?21:40
Zhenechthat's what installed in the sid dchroot21:40
Zhenechi could fetch my ppc, but tooo lazy *g*21:43
jtaylor:) thanks for the help21:43
jtaylorif you have time it would be great if you could retry it when -5 is in that chroot21:43
jtaylorits not urgent21:44
micahgYokoZar: I noticed that we just got a wine-gecko-unstable package (versioned 1.0.0+dfsg-1), could you file for removal/blacklist if it's not need21:59
YokoZarmicahg: from sync I presume?  yeah it's probably blacklist22:00
micahgYokoZar: yeah, most likely22:00
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=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
effie_jayxGuys, good evening. now that most peopel use VCS to manage packages, are deb-src  a thing of the past?22:18
effie_jayxI mean making a apt-get source X is only needed when?22:18
micahgeffie_jayx: depends on your workflow and purpose of apt-get source as well as if it's maintained in a VCS or not22:19
effie_jayxmicahg: with regards distributions, lets say I have an ubuntu derivative, Do I really need to publish deb-src eventhough the sources are maintained in a VCS?22:20
effie_jayxor is it two separate things?22:20
micahgeffie_jayx: 2 separate things, deb-src is showing what source produced which binary, the VCS shows the history of the package22:21
effie_jayxok thanks22:25
effie_jayxalso micahg when stablishing differences in source packages debdiff and apt-get source would be more suitable than just cloning a repo and then building a source package22:26
effie_jayxit is not integral22:26
=== Guest59067 is now known as medberry

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