
micahgbdrung: chrisccoulson told me that sometimes that is ignored in the .rdf file, I'm not sure exactly how it works00:13
effie_jayxhello, could anyone offer a short explanation how firefox branding is handled in ubuntu?16:12
effie_jayxpackaging wise16:12
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
ahoneybunany way I could help?21:17
Unit193micahg: This one better? or fine other way?21:28
micahgUnit193: depends on the issue :)21:28
Unit193Well... about:config > browser.allTabs.previews > True and open about 31 tabs (That's how many I need) and it will only show you the first 621:30
micahgI remember trying that before, let's see what I get with ~400 tabs open21:31
* Unit193 idiot21:31
Unit193Aurora, FF1021:31
micahgUnit193: wfm :)21:31
micahgoh, I"m on 921:31
* micahg tries on 1121:32
micahgUnit193: wfm on 11, trunk, with 75 tabs21:32
Unit193Oh, looks as if I open 1 or two more it's working again, this isn't normal...21:33
Unit19338+4 pined hits it. But I guess never mind, this is weird21:35
micahgUnit193: sounds like a weird bug, if it's reproducible in a clean profile, I'd suggest filing a bug upstream21:36
Unit193Crap. I was afraid of that :/  Thanks, micahg21:36
Omeganightly is where it's at21:54
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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