
=== bkerensa_ is now known as bkerensa
pleia2big, scary migration aborted due to a bug I found this evening, sigh, but at least this means I have my Sunday back :)02:06
MrChrisDruifGreat to hear pleia2 =)02:12
pleia2hah, I have mixed feelings about it :)02:12
pleia2just means migration is postponed to *next* Sunday02:12
pleia2but at least I will have a few more work days to get the kinks worked out this weke02:12
pleia2and I won't have to spend next Saturday on it like I did today02:13
pleia2anyway, I am going into weekend mode now, possibly with alcohol :)02:13
MrChrisDruifAnyhow, I'm off for the night. Should I send emails to the respected derivatives about the new section on UWN tomorrow?02:15
pleia2you can do it whenever you'd like :) you're in charge of this new section02:16
pleia2the xubuntu team used to send their meeting minutes to the ubuntu-news-team list, but we had a leadership changeover and things02:18
pleia2so haven't since september :\02:18
MrChrisDruifAlright, I'll get back on it tomorrow02:21
MrChrisDruifSleep well everyone when the time cometh02:22
pleia2have a good night :)02:22
MrChrisDruifThanks, bye =)02:22
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akgranerworking through these summaries - bbiab :-) playing taxi to my kids....16:16
pleia2can anyone else pitch in to help akgraner with summaries?17:39
akgranerpleia2, I'm up to in the press :-)17:40
akgranerI'll keep at it but anyone who wants to jump in please feel free :-)17:41
akgranerITB and ION need summarizing :-)17:46
akgranerI've got 2 more in ITB and then it's just ION  - getting some lunch and I'll come back and finish (unless someone gets to it before I do :-D)17:54
greg-gcan the gdoc link be added to the /topic ?18:19
greg-gin other news, i think19:04
MrChrisDruifYeah, sounds about right19:06
akgraneroh sorry guys20:33
akgranergreg-g  - do you still need the link20:33
greg-gakgraner: found it... got distracted with other things though :)20:34
akgranerno worries  I'm back at mt computer :-)20:34
bkerensaakgraner: Wanna say hello to any of the Debian Ubuntu folks here?20:55
akgranerOf course I always like to meet new people :-)20:56
akgranerwhere is here?20:56
akgranerHey folks on 3 summaries left  - and I am moving things to the wiki so that people can start reviewing them :-) Please and thank you20:58
akgranerI've moved everything to the wiki now and it's saving - In other new has the titles and link in that section as place holders for now .  pleia2 I'll do those last 3 summaries - can you proof once I get those added21:12
pleia2akgraner: I will try later, I'm about to head out the door to run some errands21:22
akgranerno worries - just wanted you to know you didn't have to stress about it :-)21:22
pleia2thanks :)21:22
bkerensaakgraner: my webcam is not working apparently that or its just the pangolin acting up21:30
akgranerno worries21:31
akgranerwere you doing a google hang out21:32
bkerensaakgraner: Ahh no its just a bunch of us converting packages to multiarch and also doing SRU Verification21:32
bkerensabut a good bit of Canonical people are here (Allison Randal, Brian Murray and Steve Langasek) plus DD's21:33
akgranerTell them I said hello - I <3 those folks21:33
akgranerbkerensa, you are in good company!21:35
* akgraner just managed to get my very 1st ARM Board to boot :-) woo hoo!21:35
akgranerOk all the summaries are in  - so it just reviewing etc21:49
MrChrisDruifakgraner; congratz with the ARM board booting =)23:08
=== MrChrisDruif is now known as DrChrisDruif
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