
x404xI can connect to ftp locally but it dont work remotely , do i need to add a remote host to hosts file ?00:12
SpamapSx404x: you might have a firewall between you making life difficult00:17
SpamapSx404x: honestly, why other with FTP? just use HTTP or SSH00:17
qman__yeah, FTP is, always was, and always will be utter crap00:21
x404xi love qualoty adsl modems00:24
x404xalways exilarating to have them random reboot or crash every 5 mins00:24
x404xis ubuntu setup to only allow lan connections by default ?00:26
SpamapSx404x: um, what do you mean?00:30
x404xwell it seems to block anything coming from outside the lan00:31
x404xall services work fine on local ips but are dead outside00:31
x404xjust get connection refused00:32
x404xim using same settings as before on the router and it worked before00:32
x404xbut im using a new built  server, its been so long since i setup the old that i cant remember the settings now00:33
x404xis there a hosts or firewall setting that block remote access ?00:33
SpamapSufw might be doing it.. not sure00:34
x404xif i run nmap on the local ip it shows the correct ports open, but running on the remote ip it says all are closed00:40
x404xufw is inactive00:43
SpamapSmaybe stuff just isn't listening on those ips00:44
SpamapSsome stuff is by default only00:44
x404xit works from other ips on same local net00:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #487270 in eucalyptus "improve wsdl stubs generation" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48727001:16
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ZanzacarHi I setup my IP address on the computer side instead of the router side and I think it is causing some problems with IP address now. I dont remember how I did this and was hoping someone might be able to help me out.05:08
ZanzacarI actually cant connect to it since there are problems so I guess I will have to pull out a monitor and keyboard or something05:09
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trimetaHmm. My RAID5 array is suddenly telling me it's in a "clean, recovering" state. But I never knew that one of my drives died; apparently it did, and now it's being restored. How worried should I be, and should I be purchasing a new drive right now?06:15
trimetaAlso, how do I know which drive failed?06:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #899823 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration  cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89982307:22
spatcan someone explain why a grep with a \s in the patern is not matching when launched from the cron (took me an hour to find that out)08:13
spatthink i found it... locale in cron is screwed up...08:20
spat/etc/default/locale is set why is cron not using that?08:37
jasonmchrist0sHi folks would just like to give thanks to those that prepared this https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/serverguide.pdf09:02
jasonmchrist0sI feel that good printable documentation is important.09:02
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jasonmchrist0sI know thanksgiving is over but better late than never, right?09:43
philipsmattocan you help me?10:31
philipsmattocan you help me?10:34
=== cerber0s is now known as cerberos
greppyphilipsmatto: just ask your question, if someone can help, they will.10:35
philipsmattotoday i have installed Ubuntu Server 11.1010:37
philipsmattoi have ip static10:37
philipsmattoSo change always10:38
philipsmattoi install lamp, apache ecc... Now I insert on the browser but browser say : Firefox can't establish a connection with the server10:41
philipsmattowhy? What i must doing for put my server on the internet?10:41
airtonixphilipsmatto: ubuntu server doesn't come with a desktop environment or firefox. so your statements make no sense.11:28
philipsmattowhy, i have a pc with ubuntu server11:29
airtonixand l.a.m.p. is an acronym for Linux Apache Mysql PHP11:29
airtonixphilipsmatto: ok i'm going to assume you can't be bothered to type out your full situation properly. so we'll assume you're using firefox on another machine. is a network address to the current machine you're accessing it from.11:30
airtonixphilipsmatto: ie: will only ever give you access to the apache server if you access from the same machine that apache is installed on11:31
philipsmattoops i don't have open port 80, okok all ok11:32
philipsmattotrnk u11:32
airtonixi doubt that is your problem11:32
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uvirtbotNew bug: #899918 in samba (main) "Samba upstream bug 7509 prevents being a target for Windows Vista backup client" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89991814:36
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DuvrazhHello, has anyone successfully configured Netatalk and Avahi-Daemon to function as a TimeMachine for Apple products?17:08
DuvrazhIf anyone got avahi and netatalk to work on 10.04 lts as TimeMachine I would appreciate a pm or reply of some form, thank you.17:10
JanCDuvrazh: hm, I never tried that on Ubuntu, but I think my ReadyNAS uses those for that purpose  ;)17:10
JanC(I have no Apple hardware, so no way to try)17:11
DuvrazhIs it running on them?17:11
DuvrazhI'd love to see your config files17:11
JanClet me check17:11
DuvrazhI would be interested in /etc/default/netatalk, /etc/netatalk/afpd.conf, and /etc/netatalk/AppleVolumes.default17:13
JanChttp://paste.ubuntu.com/759498/ = /etc/netatalk/afpd.conf17:22
JanChttp://paste.ubuntu.com/759499/ = /etc/default/netatalk (you're lucky this NAS is based on Debian ;) )17:23
JanChttp://paste.ubuntu.com/759503/ = /etc/netatalk/AppleVolumes.default17:23
JanCDuvrazh: ^^^17:23
JanCI'm not using netatalk BTW17:24
JanCso this is probably just some default values17:24
Duvrazh:) well something is better than nothing… lets have a look17:24
DuvrazhNot default, but doesn't look like a time machine… more like iTunes server (also good to know, copy paste)17:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #899976 in nova (main) "Error in nova.conf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89997617:26
DuvrazhRecent room joiners, if you've succeeded at getting avahi-daemon and netatalk to function as a Bonjour-based TimeMachine, please let me know; I'm having configuration problems with error message.17:28
JanCDuvrazh: I know there are some ways to make this ReadyNAS work as a Time Machine, but as said before, I don't need it, so I never investigated in-depth  ☺17:34
Duvrazhdo you have links to any documentation?17:34
Duvrazhgooogle-ing the ubuntu server time machine 10.04 lts pattern of thought doesn't usually generate something that actually works.17:35
Duvrazhin fact it never has… :*(17:35
JanCI remember reading stuff about it on their site/forum  ;)17:35
Duvrazhon ReadyNAS'?17:35
JanCand ReadyNAS is based on Debian, with some changes17:35
JanCso should apply to Ubuntu to some degree too17:36
DuvrazhI could always take the easy way and virtualize readynas in ubuntu lol17:36
JanCI doubt their firmware works virtualised  ;)17:37
JanCespecially mine (it has a SPARC CPU...)17:37
JanCnewer ones have an Atom, so that might work virtualised, maybe  ;)17:38
JanCI never tried17:38
DuvrazhOn your ReadyNAS, is TimeMachine enabled in your guy frontend? (per their instructions)17:38
Duvrazhgui*. DAMN YOU AUTOCORRECT17:39
JanCprobably not17:39
JanCactually, I hope not  ;)17:39
JanCI'm not even sure there is a UI option like that specifically17:40
JanCbut IIRC if you enable certain sharing options, a Mac OS X desktop can do the rest17:41
DuvrazhMine see it, I've got it broadcasting via Bonjour protocols17:41
DuvrazhI can't mount it though17:42
JanCmaybe a permission issue?17:42
jamilbkhi peeps -- is anyone else getting a 403: Forbidden error when running 'apt-get update' on their Ubuntu EC2 instance?17:44
jamilbkus-west1 region17:44
DuvrazhJanC: I swear it's a configuration issue.17:45
DuvrazhError message is:17:45
DuvrazhThe version of the server you are trying to connect to is not supported. Please contact your system administrator to resolve the problem.17:46
jamilbkAHHH! fixed it with `service dns-clean restart`17:47
Duvrazhjamilbk: you ever made avahi-daemon and netatalk into a functional TimeMachine for a Mac?17:48
jamilbkDuvrazh: nope, sounds like a sweet idea actually. i do have a spare netbook just lying around17:49
rafaeli need to connect in the server the same way i do with vnc because a need to set the server to process someting sometimes how can i get this ?17:49
jamilbkDuvrazh: is that what you're wrestling with?17:50
jamilbkgood luck17:50
Duvrazhlol thank you17:50
DuvrazhI think the only problem is version checking. My iMac says "The version of the server you are trying to connect to is not supported. Please contact your system administrator to resolve the problem."17:51
Duvrazhotherwise it appears to be okay.17:51
JanCDuvrazh: recent OS on that iMac?17:55
Duvrazhapparently all the documented methods worked on older versions… Something changed17:57
JanChm, I wonder if that iMac has a setting for supporting older Apple "Time Machines"?  ;)17:57
Duvrazhif its made by Apple, probably does without issue17:58
Duvrazhgetting it to go to this spare computer though is a beast of a problem. Right now all the computer does is Folding@home via the Origami package (nice for clustered webmin status calls)17:58
Duvrazhew all you want, it's a hell of a convenience18:00
JanCa long as you don't use webmin on debian/ubuntu machines  ;)18:01
Duvrazhwebmin from sarge repository runs fine on 10.04 to 11.10 ubuntu server18:02
Duvrazhpostfix and samba has to be modified but otherwise recognizes and properly manages config files18:02
JanCwebmin has a long history of trampling over the configuration policies in Debian/Ubuntu, and thus causing resulting in difficult to debug issues18:04
Duvrazh*fingers crossed* so far so good ;)18:04
Duvrazhbbl need rental car18:04
JanCit also means you're less like to get support  ;)18:05
youlyssesHey guys, how are ya?! I just set up my first home server on ubuntu 11.10, and haver alot of files to copy over from a external drive... So I want to mount it on my server and copy iy over to my home directory, is there an easy way to do this? Like is there some program that will automatcally mount my drives for me when I plug them in, like in a desktop os, becasue i'm having issuses doing it manually ...18:17
patdk-lapnope, manual is the way to go :)18:19
youlysses...So, I want to "mount /dev/sdf1 /media/external" but the flags are killing me... it keeps tellling me they're invalid. :(18:24
patdk-lapwhay are you using flags?18:29
youlyssesI'm using the defualt ones in the tutorial "sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/external -o uid=1000,gid=1000,utf8,dmask=027,fmask=137"18:31
youlyssesOh wait a sec, maybe i got it?!18:32
youlyssesSweet! Ok so I was using the fat16/32 intrustions, when I needed the ntfs.18:34
youlyssesBut, got it.18:34
N3I need some serious help19:02
pmatulisN3: ok19:02
qman__youlysses, no options are really needed by default, the only catch is that the kernel NTFS support is read-only, and you need ntfs-3g for rw19:02
N3My server got messed up when I tried to uninstall ubuntu-xen-server19:02
N3I got knoppix running on it, re-assembled the raid, unencrypted it, and set up the lvm19:03
N3But whenever I make changes to it, it does not seem to save it19:03
N3Like in /etc/crypttab19:03
N3or /etc/lilo.conf19:03
N3nothing seems to "save"19:03
N3its not mounted read only19:03
qman__you're likely working on the knoppix live environment19:03
qman__did you chroot into your mounted system?19:03
N3I did not "chroot", I just basically mounted it19:04
N3how do I chroot it?19:04
qman__well, if you're not chrooted, /etc/crypttab is knoppix's /etc/crypttab19:04
N3nah, its /mnt/wat/etc/crypttab19:04
N3Ok, actually it looks like it saved it19:04
N3but lilo does not honor the changes AFAIK19:05
qman__I don't know enough about how lilo works in ubuntu, but chances are you need to run the equivalent of update-grub19:05
N3yeah I looked into that19:06
pmatulisN3: why do you think you're using LILO?  and what ubuntu release are you working on?19:06
qman__grub has been the ubuntu default since before I started using it, with 5.1019:07
qman__so if you have lilo, you must have done it yourself19:07
pmatulisN3: it would also be good to know what happened when you removed ubuntu-xen-server19:08
N3I did it myself19:09
N3pmatulis, I tried to remove it, but a "df" said that /boot was @ 100%19:09
N3(it was trying to install linux-server, or either I tried to re-install linux-server)19:10
Duvrazhhas anyone succeeded at getting avahi-daemon and netatalk to function as a Bonjour-based TimeMachine, 10.04 lts19:10
N3anyways, it did not have enough room19:10
N3so I deleted some of the old images19:10
N3and it shat a brick19:10
qman__yeah, that's the wrong thing19:10
qman__you need to apt-get remove old kernel versions19:10
N3Yeah I know that now19:10
qman__touch the old file names, then chroot in, and apt-get remove should work19:11
qman__and that will probably also fix your bootloader for you automatically19:11
qman__at least with grub, the post-install and post-remove scripts regenerate the config19:12
qman__here's a pretty thorough process on arch, but it applies generally to linux: http://superuser.com/questions/111152/whats-the-proper-way-to-prepare-chroot-to-recover-a-broken-linux-installation19:13
N3f this returns an error chroot: cannot run command '/bin/bash': Exec format error, this usually indicates that you booted with one architecture (e.g. 32bit) and are trying to chroot into another (e.g. x86_64).19:17
N3can grub RAID?19:21
ikoniagrub isn't anything to do with raid19:22
patdk-lapunless your boot drive is raid519:23
ikoniayou can't boot from raid 0 or raid 519:24
jamilbkanyone else running on EC2? getting a 403: Forbidden with `apt-get update`19:25
qman__jamilbk, I'm not, but that means one of your sources is broken19:26
ikoniajamilbk: what repo is it hitting ?19:29
ikoniajamilbk: manually check that repo see if it's online19:29
jamilbkus-west-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com has address us-west-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com has address
jamilbkyeah it's online:19:30
jamilbkthe .127 address was giving problems. manually setting it to the .124 address in /etc/hosts fixed the problem19:30
jamilbkmust be an ubuntu mirror issue19:30
jamilbksysadmin fail19:31
ikoniajamilbk: those sites are showing down to me19:31
jamilbkyeah it's a private address19:32
ikoniaoops, so it is19:32
jamilbkonly accessible from within the cloud ;-)19:33
ikoniajust saw it was a 10 address19:33
=== Guest68615 is now known as EvilResistance
N3Ok so I got somewhere19:38
N3I've almost got lilo to install19:38
N3But now I'm getting "Fatal: open /vmlinuz: No Such file or directory"19:38
ikoniaN3: why are you using lilo ?19:39
N3and crypto19:41
N3and lvm19:41
patdk-laphmm, I remember doing all thos eon grub19:41
patdk-laphell, I still do :)19:41
ikoniaagain.....why are you using lilo19:42
ersiIt's classic! Traditional!19:42
N3Ok so I can, for sure, use grub?19:42
ikoniait's dead19:42
patdk-lapusing lilo, is like using grub in dumbed down mode19:43
ikoniait's nothing like using grub19:44
ikoniathe whole way it works is different, it's not any "dumber" it's just a different way of doing things19:44
patdk-laplilo has no understanding of anyhting, it just a point and execute19:45
patdk-lapgrub can do that also, but makes much more sense to understand the filesystem and stuff, like it does19:45
ikoniayes, it's totally different approach19:46
N3So grub?19:46
ikoniaI'd use grub, it's the current main option within ubuntu19:47
* pmatulis wonders what happens to a system that is running lilo when a kernel is upgraded19:52
DulcinCan anyone take a look at this screenshot taken from my remote console: http://dulcin.nl/temp/s.jpg19:58
Dulcinmy server won't boot up anymore after a reboot19:58
ikonialooks like a kernel dump19:58
Dulcinwhat could be the cause?19:58
ikonianormally hardware19:58
ikoniabut it's very very hard to say19:58
DulcinI was trying to install bugzilla with at on of perl modules, and then did a reboot19:59
Dulcinand then this happened :(19:59
ikoniagot an older kernel on the machine ?19:59
ikonia(see the grub list/menu)19:59
Dulcinit's completely up to date19:59
Dulcinubuntu 11.1019:59
ikoniathat's not what I asked20:01
ikoniado you have an older kernel still installed ?20:01
DulcinI'm not sure then? I thought when you install ubuntu 11.10 it has the latest kernel20:01
DulcinI did not specifically change anything20:02
ikonialook in the grub boot menu, see if there is an older one there, try booting it, see if you get a kernel panic with that too20:03
Dulcinthe thing is, it's completely unresponsive so I guess I have to ask the provider to do it20:04
Dulcinit does not respond to 'send ctrl-alt-del' either20:04
ikoniawhat ?20:04
ikoniait's a kernel panic, it will not do anything20:04
ikoniatry booting an older kernel from the grub menu, see if that panics also20:05
Dulcinyes, but how do I do that? The machine is not here physically20:05
Dulcinand it's not responding to any key input from the remote console20:06
ikoniawell, if you're using a remote console to boot it and see this before it's on the network, you must be able to use the remote console to select options from the grub menu20:06
ikoniathen ask someone on site20:06
DuvrazhOpinion: latest kernel sucks20:06
ikoniathen your opinion is wrong20:07
ikoniaand totally based on nothing20:07
Dulcinyeah I will ask someone, but I guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow20:07
DuvrazhTwonky doesn't run on it well, and that's very important to me20:07
DuvrazhI had to drop back to 10.04 lts to keep functionality for my media box20:07
Duvrazhnewer is not always equivalent to better. usually, but not always20:08
ikoniaDuvrazh: why is the newer kernel "bad"20:08
ikoniaDuvrazh: please explain your reasoning ?20:08
Duvrazh^^^ right there20:08
uvirtbotDuvrazh: Error: "^^" is not a valid command.20:08
ikoniaDuvrazh: how do you know that's a kernel problem20:08
ikoniaDuvrazh: it could be a hardware issue20:08
ikoniaDuvrazh: it could be a user error20:09
Duvrazhnope, same box no hardware change, older kernel it runs perfectly. newer one, doesn't run at all20:09
Duvrazhnope, I thought about that too, had a friend try it, same luck20:09
ikoniaDuvrazh: which kernel versions are you comparing20:09
Duvrazhcurrent for 10.04 lts and current for 11.1020:10
ikoniaDuvrazh: ok, so between those two versions there are massive differences in more than just the kernel20:10
Duvrazhoh yes i know20:10
ikonia....ok, so again, why are you sure the new kernel "sucks"20:10
Duvrazhwhy are you sure it doesn't? are you a spokesperson? do you get pleasure in proving people wrong? it's my opinion.20:10
ikoniaI'm not sure it doesn't, but I'm not in a channel making statements like "new kernel sucks"20:11
DuvrazhI don't like the newer Ubuntu, and the kernel included with it.20:11
Duvrazheven though ubuntu is by far my favorite20:11
Duvrazhof all the lovely little distros20:11
ikoniaif I was going to state that the new kernel was a problem, I'd certainly try to have something to validate that20:11
Duvrazhokay how about the main software I use for specific purposes does, in practice, not work in the new environment.20:12
ikonia"enviornment" not "kernel"20:12
Duvrazhas mentioned before20:12
Duvrazhomg, you're one annoying child20:12
Duvrazhenvironment encompasses kernel20:12
nebajothCHANGE IS BAD MKAY20:12
ikoniaDuvrazh: yes, it does include the kernel, but you're stating the new kernel is a problem20:12
DuvrazhI've tried upgrading to newer kernel on older systems, environments in your terms, and it still doesn't function20:12
Duvrazhtherefore, kernel = at least some part of the problem20:13
ikoniaDuvrazh: the new kernel was not designed to work with the older ubuntu versions20:13
ikoniaDuvrazh: (within the ubuntu packages)20:13
ikoniathat's why mixing component versions between distros isn't advised20:13
Duvrazhit WILL work, but it's not stable, the procedure calls are different in a few areas20:13
ikoniaDuvrazh: ok, so then it's not a fair test if you know it's not stable20:14
Duvrazhyou're missing the point, and i will no longer continue this in public chat. if you're really that passionate about not listening at all, you'll want to send me a private message instead of flooding this channel with useless back and forth banter20:14
EvilResistanceanyone able to recommend any php-based bug trackers?  bugzilla is a pain to configure for nginx, because i dont have perl set up20:15
ikoniaI'm not missing the point, you're just making ill thought through statments that "new kernels suck" without anything to back it up beyond bad designed tests20:15
N3I'm getting lvm device name (***) does not begin with /dev/mapper20:15
ikoniaEvilResistance: is trac php or perl ?20:15
ikoniaN3: where are you getting that ?20:16
DuvrazhEvilResistance: don't know if it has the features you need but try phpBugTracker @ phpbt.sourceforge.net20:16
ikoniaN3: what part ?20:16
nebajothtrac is python20:16
N3after lilo loads linux20:16
ikoniasorry, I'm not helping you with lilo20:16
ikoniaagain, I don't know why you are not using grub20:16
N3lol ok20:17
EvilResistanceikonia:  i dont think its PHP, but i'm not certain its perl either20:17
EvilResistancecant tell20:17
ikoniaEvilResistance: python20:17
EvilResistancei dont have python configged with nginx either20:18
* EvilResistance never had a need to configure it20:18
nebajothEvilResistance: look at mantis20:18
nebajothor flyspray20:18
Dulcinwell I've sent them a mail, hopefully it will be solved tomorrow20:21
Dulcinthanks for your input ikonia20:21
EvilResistanceah cool20:22
EvilResistancenebajoth:  i think mantis will work20:22
EvilResistanceflyspray might work too20:22
EvilResistancei'll fiddle with both later before i decide ;P20:22
Duvrazhhas anyone been successful with avahi-daemon and netatalk to use ubuntu server as TimeMachine backup device?20:23
Duvrazhhas anyone been successful with avahi-daemon and netatalk to use ubuntu server as TimeMachine backup device?20:33
hsmodhey all.  i'm sshing TO a oneiric box and from it i'm ssh X forwarding back to my workstation (oneiric workstation).20:37
_johnnyhi, i'm running my own CA (for internal use in my company), and for fun i've been meaning to get EV on certain domains to get green bars with names (like https://github.com/ has). i've added businessCategory and a few others, and they're in the signed certificate - however it doesn't display. so: can anyone verify that this is the right way to go about this?20:37
hsmodwhen i do that, my workstation is pretty unresponsive20:37
hsmodbecomes VERY slow20:37
hsmodnot internet slow but entire cpu anything i do locally is very slow20:37
hsmodtop shows compiz is taking about 25-50% cpu20:38
Duvrazh_johnny: have you added your CA as a recognized CA in the browser your business is using? github's certificate comes from a rather large organization that's already included in those browsers, that's a lot of back&forth checking to make sure those certificates are valid, just to display that green bar. (have you seen the cost of those? outrageous prices.)20:39
_johnnyDuvrazh: yes, the ca is added on all laptops including the one i'm testing on20:39
_johnnycertificates are valid (and green)20:39
Duvrazhbut the bar still doesn't show?20:40
_johnnyit's a luxury problem going for the EV20:40
_johnnysorry, i wasn't clear20:40
_johnnyi mean like: https://github.com/20:40
_johnnyin chrome it'll display company info20:40
_johnnylike http://i.imgur.com/hByjz.png20:40
_johnnywhich, from what i can tell, is from being an EV cert - which in turn seems to require a businessCategory property20:41
DuvrazhThose EV certificates are by recognized authorities… They've made it difficult to replicate on purpose. The names are from go daddy, to global sign, to wells fargo....20:43
Duvrazhsome light reading to help you, because they're special certs20:44
Duvrazhto get green bar, you have to be audited against the WebTrust EV Program20:45
_johnnyi'm not trying to replicate (immitate) github, i'm trying to add it to my own certs :p20:45
_johnnybut i see. so chrome does it only from the CA's it deems in WebTrust i guess20:45
DuvrazhI think the same is true of chrome and most other name-brand browsers20:45
Duvrazhremember this was commercialized by fortune 500's.20:46
N3ikonia, ok plz help me install grub20:46
_johnnyDuvrazh: your suspecions were correct according to http://blog.sidstamm.com/2009/04/roll-your-own-ev.html20:49
_johnny"regular SSL root certificates can be added easily to any browser, but the EV root certs can't."20:50
DuvrazhI had looked into it once for a Windows Remote Troubleshooting website I used to run… pain in the ass, and VERY expensive20:50
DuvrazhI gave up pretty quickly, too lazy for that mess20:50
Duvrazhsorry to bust your bubble sir20:51
_johnnynot at all. it's not a necessity. and the more you know.. ;)20:53
Duvrazhyou're right :)20:53
SockPantshi all20:58
SockPantsall of a sudden my webserver is broken. sounds unspecific but ive never seen anthing like it20:58
SockPantsi was developing in wordpress and it went down (its a virtual machine) so i reboot it, now it keeps getting stuck at * Starting the web server apache220:59
SockPantsit won't boot.20:59
Duvrazhit's virtual?20:59
SockPantsok shit virtualbox is falling apart as soon as i touch the data on that drive, off to #virtualbox21:05
EvilResistancefirst, !language21:07
EvilResistanceSockPants:  and two, what're you trying to do in virtualbox?21:07
* EvilResistance runs 6 windows server instances virtually, and 5 *nix servers virtually21:08
SockPantsEvilResistance: sorry :) well, i have a server vm and a desktop vm, both ubuntu, and after the ubuntu one crashed randomly i decided to copy my websites off of the drive using the desktop vm. only the vm unexpectedly killed itself mid-copy, so now i'm suspecting something's wrong either with the virtual drive or with the filesystem21:09
SockPantsoh rats, it might have to do with having 0 bytes free on the host fs *facepalm*21:09
EvilResistancethat might be the issue ;P21:10
Duvrazhsimplest explanation :)21:12
SockPantsheheh yeah it often takes me a trip to irc to formulate the exact problem before i realize the simplest things21:13
SockPantsand everything is up and running again21:13
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blkperladam_g: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/net-snmp/+bug/80236723:59
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 802367 in net-snmp "snmpd reports "truncating integer value > 32 bits" at ERROR loglevel, should be DEBUG" [Low,Triaged]23:59

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