
penguin42directhex: And how many programmers do you know that are sane?!00:04
ali1234there is no need to learn to build entire applications in assembly language but you do need to know stuff like the stack, pointers, calling conventions etc00:06
ali1234x86 is too complicated though00:06
AlanBellsome people start from the electronics end and go to arduino stuff00:28
Azelphurpenguin42: I'm sane sometimes \o/00:51
penguin42Azelphur: Prove it00:51
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Ubuntu and QML - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/12/04/ubuntu-and-qml/04:13
czajkowskiAlanBell: https://plus.google.com/102921374554385564572/posts/8sVoWjFj6jG08:08
czajkowskiAlanBell: aye :)09:37
czajkowskidaubers: ello09:51
* daubers warms up the soldering iron09:54
* danfish alerts the fire brigade in daubers area :)10:12
MartijnVdSTime for a morning/recovery run10:14
popeyodd czajkowski that link doesnt work for me10:24
popeyah, ok now .. odd10:24
czajkowskipopey: should do you're in the groups I posted to10:25
czajkowskicanonical, Ubuntu, UK Geeks10:25
popeyno, its because i have multiple google accounts, that link doesnt work10:26
popeyi have to massage it10:26
czajkowskiso you're the awkward one :)10:26
popeyno, google is10:26
shaunoI have to add /u/1/ into them too.  their permalinks aren't so perma10:26
popeyexactly shauno10:26
czajkowskiah I see10:27
Myrttisemi-authentic English breakfast ♥11:02
Myrtti(no English sausages)11:02
brobostigongood morning everyone.11:03
* MartijnVdS sticks to sesame rolls with "komijnekaas"11:03
MartijnVdS(cheese with cumin)11:05
daubersstupid arduino ide11:10
MyrttiI've got so many wishes for Christmas presents but I'm sadly low on ideas what to give others11:11
Myrtti(Lilypad Arduino is on my list for Santa)11:11
MartijnVdSMyrtti: Pirate Fluxx (or any other Fluxx)11:16
Myrttiif it's not available in Finnish, then no :-(11:17
MartijnVdSMyrtti: hm.. there's a Dutch, German, Spanish and Japanese version11:18
MartijnVdSMyrtti: (and English of course)11:18
Myrttino Finnish so no go :-(11:18
jonsainthi all. can anyone recommend software for making a mp3 cd??11:18
MartijnVdSjonsaint: soundconverer11:18
MartijnVdSit converts any music you have to MP3, then you just select the MP3s in brasero11:18
jonsaintand that makes a mp3 cd?11:19
MartijnVdSno it converts your music to mp3s suitable for MP3 cds11:19
Myrttimp3 cd is just a cd with mp3's in it11:19
jonsainti got the mp3 files but looking for something to burn the mp3 music to cd11:19
Myrttijonsaint: even the filemanager itself should be able to burn, you don't need any special app for it11:19
Myrttibrasero is of course nice11:20
jonsaintMyrtti, so all i do is burn it as a data cd?11:20
Myrttiwhat I would check is your cd player first11:20
Myrttidoes the manual say if there is a limit on how many directories it can recurse into11:21
jonsaintmy car cd is mp3 compoatible as i already play mp3 in there11:21
Myrttiatleast in the misty hazy days of mp3 cd players there were limitations in the directory depth11:21
jonsaintil give it a try11:22
Myrttiyeah, it should just work11:22
jonsaintcheers for the help11:23
brobostigongwibber 3.3 seems alot more resource friendly, but the gui, is still so sluggish.11:43
siriuslyI am quite liking Hotot as an alternative11:46
brobostigonsiriusly: i havent tries yet, what protocols can it deal with?11:47
siriuslybrobostigon:   just Twitter & Identica and since I dont use FB it's not a problem11:48
brobostigonsiriusly: ah, ok.11:48
siriuslyI want to like Gwibber and I know it has come on in leaps bust as you say the GUI is  still quite sluggish11:49
siriuslyalthough I do like the way it's integrated into the desktop experience11:50
brobostigonhence, i do use mustard and seesmic more, on my phone, for thiese purposes.11:50
siriuslyYeah I have seesmic on my android phone too11:51
* brobostigon is weird though, using launchpad ppa's inside debian.11:55
penguin42wow, I never knew there was a snowman in unicode12:44
penguin42although, to be honest in this font I couldn't tell what it was12:45
Myrttiwhere does gwibber store all the messages it has fetched?12:48
penguin42although I'm getting lost in Wikipedia looking up the other contents of 'Miscellaneous Symbols'12:48
* penguin42 fails to find what the 'Permanent paper sign' ♾ is for12:49
MartijnVdSpenguin42: http://archive.ifla.org/IV/ifla64/115-114e.htm ?12:55
penguin42well, I've learnt something - and I've not even had breakfast yet12:56
penguin42hmm, I'll go and cure that 2nd part12:59
brobostigoni suppose, mixing ppa's and normal debian repos inside debian. will only be an issue, if things start to clash. afterall a ppa, is basiclly, a normal debian repo.13:00
=== myrtti is now known as Myrtti
AlanBellphpmyadmin in precise looks very shiny13:35
* AlanBell wonders when the chickens are going to start laying13:36
bigcalmAlanBell: isn't phpmyadmin just a web app and not tied to a specific distro?13:36
* jacobw is a fan of the chickens13:36
* brobostigon asks the air force not to send any loud planes over AlanBell's house.13:37
AlanBellbigcalm: sure, but I just added the version from the repos and it has been updated and looks shiny13:37
bigcalmI forget that some web apps make it into the repos. Which is good and bad. Most web apps are constantly out of date13:38
AlanBellyeah, I wouldn't do wordpress from the repos, but phpmyadmin I can't be bothered to install myself13:38
AlanBellit can have security issues so I often uninstall it after using it13:38
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penguin42splittety split14:11
czajkowskipenguin42: network upgrade14:12
occupy64kChanges in the matrix?14:12
czajkowskipenguin42: if you look at global notices14:12
czajkowski14:11 [freenode] -Martinp23(martinp23@freenode/staff/martinp23)- [Global  Notice] Wheeeeee. The main part of this week's upgrades is done.  Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoyed the ride... Our last  round of ircd upgrades is next week, so don't miss the fun :)14:12
penguin42there have to be ways to do ircd upgrades more transparently14:17
ali1234copyover, but it is a pain to implement it14:19
ali1234file descriptors are preserved across execve() but you have to reallocate all your data structures etc14:21
penguin42nod, just a serialise/deserialise14:21
penguin42is https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse 404 for everyone else?14:42
=== LjL^ is now known as LjL
brobostigonok, empathy in debian sid, not connects to msn, so they must have updated something, that isnt in bitlbee on my vps in lucid.14:59
BigRedSpenguin42: yep, from here15:29
penguin42hmm ho hum, apparently it works for some people in some places15:30
penguin42worked last week15:30
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
jutnuxHey popey, when is the next podcast up? :)17:54
popeyjutnux: we record this tuesday18:02
popeyalso http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/calendar/ :D18:02
jutnuxGood good.18:03
awilkinsI am vexed. My computer now refuses to boot Ubuntu, even from a LiveUSB. But it still boots Windows fine.18:17
awilkinsIt ran mprime for an hour (when Ubuntu still booted) with no trouble. It runs Memtest86 through a full pass with no errors. Grr.18:17
MartijnVdSawilkins: have you adjusted the boot order?18:18
MartijnVdShave you checked the boot bits of the liveusb?18:18
awilkinsMartijnVdS: Nope... the LiveUSB has worked for some time too18:18
MartijnVdSstränge even18:18
awilkinsIt's been flaky for a few weeks - but only in Ubuntu. Hardlocks and resets18:19
MartijnVdSfile bugs!18:19
awilkinsWindows will play Skyrim for hours and only suffers from the usual crashing level you'd expect from a Bethesda game18:19
MartijnVdSI guess?18:19
MartijnVdSI've just found the source of your problems ;)18:20
awilkinsI may swap the card out for the older 880018:20
BigRedSI've an nfs mount over what I suspect to be a flaky network. Is there a favourite tool that I can use to do a massive volume of realistic-loking I/O on it to see if I can make it fail while I'm awake?18:20
awilkinsMartijnVdS: It even had the crashes when I was running Nouveau18:20
MartijnVdSBigRedS: cp ubuntu.iso /mnt/nfs18:20
MartijnVdSBigRedS: \o/ lots of i/o18:20
BigRedSMartijnVdS: yeah, that was my first thought :)18:27
BigRedSWondered about a bunch of random reads/writes. But it's all on vms, so I've no idea where the actual bits being flipped are18:27
penguin42BigRedS: Bit flips? A flaky network should never actually make flaky data in the actual files18:29
MartijnVdSbit flips sounds like a broken nic18:33
MartijnVdSalso, that should be caught by checksum algorithms on several levels18:33
BigRedSno, there aren't any bit flips, just the device goes away18:33
MartijnVdStry running nfs over tcp -- if you still get corrupted data, you want to start suspecting the disc/controller18:33
BigRedSwhat I meant was that traditionally I'd want to be reading and writing all over the place, rahter than just one file18:34
penguin42BigRedS: What do you mean 'goes away' - sorry, please be a bit more precise18:34
BigRedSApache processes (which are reading off it) end up in D state and the mount point is empty. It's actually gluster, not nfs, too18:35
penguin42ok, sounds like you have a gluster specific problem then18:35
BigRedSyeah, I just want to se what's going on when it fails18:36
penguin42BigRedS: anything in dmesg?18:36
BigRedSare those logged anywhere to survive between boots?18:37
penguin42should end up in /var/log/kern.log18:37
penguin42or possibly /var/log/syslog18:37
BigRedSyeah, nothing in syslog18:37
BigRedSand only complaints by apache about the sudden disappearence of the fs18:39
BigRedSI'll just cp a CD a few times and see what happens18:39
* penguin42 assumes gluster has some monitoring stuff18:40
BigRedSyeah, I've inherited somebody else's mess18:41
=== monsterwizard is now known as boobie
jutnuxpopey: Went to make cake in a cup but had no self raising flower :'(19:31
jutnuxDon't know if you remember that article ;)19:32
MartijnVdSjutnux: do you have baking powder?19:32
MartijnVdSadd that to the flour :)19:32
jutnuxMartijnVdS: Not that I know of.19:32
jutnuxMartijnVdS: Silly mother made cake earlier and used all of the sr flower.19:32
jutnuxBecause it looks really nice :'(19:33
penguin42jutnux: Well, obviously you should take a slice of the cake instead19:36
jutnuxpenguin42: Been there, done that, gained 8 stone ;)19:36
penguin42jutnux: And you do better with cakes in a cup?!  When I do that they're quite substantial - I don't use a small cup :-)19:37
jutnuxI've never had cake in a cup before hahaha. I have a massive beer mug type cup so that will be fine :)19:38
* penguin42 puts lots of cocoa, chocolate chips and a spoon of marmalade in19:38
jutnuxMarmalade? :-O19:39
MartijnVdSjutnux: at least it's not marmite19:39
jutnuxI hate Marmite.19:39
penguin42jutnux: Yeh Marmalade - gives a nice orange taste; orange and chocolate go really well19:39
jutnuxI'll probably get some self raising flower on the way home tomorrow then make it.19:40
jutnuxI wish more people would move off of facebook19:40
jutnuxthen I could shut down my account.19:40
jutnuxI swear lifehacker is going downhill19:47
jacobwmarmite contains vitamin b which makes people less aggressive19:55
jacobwconclusion, marmite lovers are better people :)19:55
jutnuxA wide variety of foods contain vitamin B6, including potatoes, bananas, beans, seeds, nuts, red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, spinach,19:55
jacobwi unlaterally shutdown my facebook again 2 years ago19:56
jutnuxWish I could19:57
jutnuxWhy do people customise unity arghhh19:57
jutnuxEspecially when they make it look disgusting19:57
jacobwpeople customise everything19:58
jutnuxJust had some cheesecake, feel proper sick.19:58
jutnuxWorth it though.19:58
jacobwit doesn't sound as such19:58
jutnuxRaspberry cheesecake, can't go wrong ;)19:59
MyrttiI didn't even realise you could customize Unity19:59
jacobwyou can even customise gnome320:00
MartijnVdSthey fixed that now?20:00
jacobwi'm sure their working on it20:00
jacobwi want to see someone make kde look like gnome320:00
jutnuxDidn't someone make LXDE look like XP?20:01
jacobwgnome is quite easy to make look like XP20:02
MyrttiI knew GnomeShell can be customised. Haven't found out how Unity can.20:03
popeydefine $customised20:03
Myrtticolours, sizes, backgrounds, etc20:08
MyrttiI can't find out how to remove the workspace switcher20:08
Myrttiwell, havent really looked20:09
popeycompizconfig-settings-manager lets you do a fair amount20:10
AlanBellI have just found the launcher icon size slider20:11
jutnuxI only really found the uses of workspaces last year20:11
MyrttiI use keyboard shortcuts for switching anyway20:12
MyrttiI'm really disappointed how audio_bell works in GnomeShell but not in Unity20:12
MyrttiI can't even figure out why20:12
* AlanBell goes to file a bug in unity20:12
jacobwi'm pleased all the new desktop shells are using keyboard shortcuts20:12
* jacobw loves keyboard control20:13
AlanBellkeyboard control is good, but it isn't complete20:13
DaraelISTR that some change was made deliberately to stop audio_bell working in Unity.  Don't know how, but I'm sure it's intentional.  Don't think it's a good thing, either, but there you go.20:14
Myrttiintentional? erh. I'd prefer it to be configurable like it is in GnomeShell.20:15
Myrttione feature that Gnome hasn't managed to remove20:15
BigRedSUnity's less good at keyboard than Gnome 2 was IMO20:18
MyrttiI wonder how I manage to find new problems in my system almost on daily basis20:21
Myrttinow I want to know which spellchecker drivel uses but seem to be unable to locate info about it20:21
MarquessDeBonBonWhat's all this Alt+click business?20:22
* AlanBell wonders what MarquessDeBonBon is on about20:25
jutnuxAlanBell: I think he means in Gnome-Shell how you can move the dockable things.20:25
awilkinsMartijnVdS, Damn machine won't even boot the alternate installer for Natty now. Just gets to a flashing text cursor on a black screen...20:58
awilkinsHardware failures that favour Windows over Linux..20:58
MartijnVdSawilkins: I'd say it's a hardware issue then20:58
awilkinsIt's almost like MS made a firmware virus20:58
Myrttiiiiiiiiiiiii snow20:58
MartijnVdSMyrtti: snow?20:59
awilkinsIt boots the loader, syslinux20:59
awilkinsThen when you try and get past that to the initrd etc flashy cursor20:59
awilkinsEven with "nosplash"20:59
awilkinsBadger sputum.20:59
DaraelThat's one of the more interesting expletives I've seen.21:00
awilkinsDarael, Not mine... one of Douglas Adam's21:00
DaraelSo it is.  How could I have forgotten?21:00
roachyevening all :)21:10
roachyquiet in here tonight....21:18
jutnuxHahhahahaha, someone on a forum took apart a Lithium Ion battery and put it in the bin.21:25
jutnuxMoments later the bin was on fire.21:25
jutnuxHe didn't understand why until after he put the fire out.21:25
zleapLithium + h20 = flames21:25
zleapor does it combust in air,21:26
jutnuxH20 it burns.21:26
jutnuxI think21:26
DaraelIt oxidises in air, but not rapidly enough to burn.  In water, on the other hand...21:26
zleapwhat if there is high humidity21:27
zleapjust out of interest21:27
DaraelI don't actually know, but I'd assume if it's high enough it'll "spontaneously" combust.21:27
zleapDarael,  You ever seen caesium in water21:27
DaraelYup.  Boom.21:27
DaraelFrancium would be even more impressive, if they could get it to remain stable for long enough...21:28
zleapLiHO should that be LiOH21:28
jutnuxhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCk0lYB_8c0 - All of the metals :L21:29
zleapfrancium bomb test21:30
zleapwhich is not a proper descriptionof the video really is it21:30
DaraelFrancium and fluorine would be particularly impressive, I should think.21:30
jutnuxIt's Hydrogen bomb test haha.21:30
zleapyeah i kinda thought it looked odd for francium in water21:31
zleapisi t really that rate21:31
jutnuxReacts with air so quickly I guess.21:32
AlanBellthere was a mythbusters episode where they were messing about with irresponsible quantities of reactive metals21:32
DaraelThat it reacts with air wouldn't make it rare, merely difficult to get the pure stuff.21:33
DaraelIt's rare because it's unstable, and decays quickly.21:33
jutnuxI guess.21:33
jutnux" less than 30 g of it exists on Earth at any given time. "21:33
zleapi really miss having a periodic table program I had on win3.1  it gave detailed decay trees for elements21:34
jutnuxI wish I was alive for 3.1 :-(21:34
AlanBellso not something the mythbusters could easily chuck in a bucket of water to see what happens21:34
zleaphowever on win95  it really seemed to eat memory21:34
* AlanBell remembers windows 221:34
* MartijnVdS too21:34
zleapand me21:34
MartijnVdShad it on my dad's XT21:35
MartijnVdSwell clone21:35
zleapwe had that ast college when loadingf adobe pagemaker (well it says windows 286)21:35
MartijnVdSzleap: that's 3 I think?21:35
zleapthat maks sense as i got my first pc while at college that had 3.121:35
jutnuxI got my first PC when I was 4.21:36
zleapit was also that first pC on which i started to play with Linux21:36
jutnuxGood ole learning land!21:36
zleapyes all the networked machines you could go into gwbasic and type shell to get a command prompt, on the non networked machines this was blocked21:36
jutnuxMy school security is terrible.21:37
zleapwhat is funny is you tell people and they just dismiss it21:37
jutnuxUnplug the network cable, bring up cmd prompt, plug it back in and you have a command prompt connected to the network.21:37
zleapi take it that is due to a bug (or for us feature) in windows21:38
webpigeonsay probably RM being RM21:38
jutnuxAlso they let me create an account on the local machine.21:39
jutnuxChange the admin password on the local machine21:39
zleapyes i got an old rm machine ones, guessed the bios password pretty easy RM21:39
webpigeonheh, you are meant to change those :P21:40
jutnuxI was taking an MCAS exam (got offered to me for free, don't smite me) and the Vista PC got a BSOD.21:41
jutnuxWas so funny.21:41
czajkowskithenn /c21:41
webpigeonjutnux: what you don't know is that it was part if the test :P21:41
jutnuxEither way21:42
jutnuxI sat there21:42
jutnuxfor 30 minutes21:42
jutnuxwhilst they replaced everything21:42
jutnuxHDD and Ram failure apparently21:42
webpigeonat the same time?!21:42
MartijnVdSwebpigeon: Static shock can do that21:42
MartijnVdSor lightning21:42
jutnuxProbably static21:43
webpigeonMartijnVdS: still, decent surge protector...21:43
webpigeonand don't poke things when it's running :P21:44
jutnuxI messed up a laptop like 6 years ago21:45
jutnuxBy hoovering it21:45
MartijnVdSUh.. how?21:45
jutnuxI was 10 and knew no better.21:45
jutnuxStatic build up.21:45
MartijnVdSby spinning the fan?21:45
MartijnVdSand the fan acting as a small generator?21:45
jutnuxDon't know21:46
jacobwhoovers generate a lot of static21:46
jutnuxBut now I keep a can of compressed air, only cost me like £5.21:46
jutnuxAny stories of your cock-ups guys?21:46
jacobwi read this a little while ago, it made me laugh a few times21:48
webpigeonThanks for the link21:49
jutnuxYeah, thanks. This is funny hahhahah21:49
zleapon the subject of batteries http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2fD-hYVLxE&feature=related&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D6RNVDmtTcS4%26feature%3Drelated21:54
ali1234i always hoover out my computer21:55
=== 15SAAI1SA is now known as ianto
zleap52 x 9v = 468v  which is more than what you get on 3 phase (415) and mains (240 / 110)21:55
jutnuxali1234: I sometimes do when I have no compressed air.21:55
ali1234compressed air just blows the crap around21:55
jutnuxNot if you aim ;)21:55
jutnuxSee you later anyway guys.21:55
jutnuxHave a good night ;)21:55
zleapcareful with compressed air and any condensation21:57
MyrttiAlanBell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/76931422:17
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 769314 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "System bell broken in Natty/Unity (despite heroic...)" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:17
Azelphurwhere's Pac-Man when you need him23:23
AzelphurPac-Man, he's the guy that eats all the dots.23:24
webpigeonAzelphur: think he's hanging out with the arch lot23:27
AzelphurI see23:27
Azelphurwoo it's pacman23:28
webpigeonAwww, unprintable char23:28
AlanBellghost is in trouble23:28
webpigeonUnicode Character 'CANADIAN SYLLABICS CARRIER TTE'23:30
webpigeonthere is me thinking there was UTF8 pacman :(23:30
popeyhaha, excellent AlanBell23:33

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