
=== bkerensa_ is now known as bkerensa
* bkerensa begins to work on signs05:14
blkperlbkerensa: wiki.ubuntu.com just gave me an error while logging in05:30
bkerensablkperl: blame Canonical ;)05:34
blkperlwell i clicked the sign in button on your wiki so ha ;)05:35
blkperlit seems to be working now05:35
bkerensablkperl: Canonical hosts and manages the Wiki ;) My servers do not ever have as much trouble as theirs :P05:37
blkperlill just have to blame charlieS as usual05:40
bkerensablkperl: You coming to the event tomorrow?05:54
blkperlbkerensa: yep05:54
bkerensablkperl: Cool just look for a sign with a mashup of the debian and ubuntu logo05:55
* bkerensa is wasting a intense amount of colored ink on signs right now05:56
bkerensaGoing forward I'm making laminated signs :P05:56
* blkperl is familar with the puppetlabs office, its hard to miss :)05:56
bkerensayeah they dont exactly have a sign outside :P05:56
blkperldo you know which puppetlabs employees will be there?05:57
bkerensahopefully the Occupy Portland folks arent marching tomorrow because they decided to camp in the park blocks05:57
blkperl#occupypuppetlabs ftw05:57
bkerensablkperl: Nope.... I only know two people at PuppetLabs..... Jose Palafox and I met their CEO once but thats it05:57
blkperlhehe :P05:58
blkperlyou need to meet Dan Bode he's funny05:58
* blkperl use to know the whole dev team but then they trippled in zie05:59
bkerensablkperl: Yeah the company is growing... They keep getting millions and millions more in VC money06:00
MarkDudebkerensa,  how did you do that on FB?09:03
bkerensaMarkDude: Uhh special markup :P. anyways Im off to bed I have a event tomorrow early :)09:11
bkerensaslangasek: Seeya tomorrow morning at Starbucks09:11
=== Odysimus is now known as Guest9828
Bkerensa-mobislangasek: ok at starbucks16:56
bkerensahey nathwill18:51
bkerensahi blkperl18:51
blkperlis bkero coming today?18:52
bkerensaidk is bkero is coming :D18:52
bkerensacould he be here already?18:53
blkperli don't think so18:53
=== voivod is now known as tmancill
bkerensa Hi WalterN21:45
bkerensahi zenlinux_21:53
WalterNbug bashing?21:54
bkerensaWalterN: Right now SRU Verification in the room I'm in but I'm waiting for my virtualbox to finish21:55
bkerensaother room they are doing Multiarch21:55
blkperlbkero: status?22:07
bdmurraykees: so http://ec2blablah.amazonaws.com should work?22:08
keesbkerensa: hrm, having trouble with the port still22:08
keesit _should_ but it doesn't.22:09
keesthe ec2 network security group thinks port 80 is open.22:09
keesstill poking at it22:09
bdmurrayokay, thanks22:09
keesjuju uses a separate security group. of course. :P22:10
keesbdmurray, bkerensa: okay, should work now.22:11
bkerensawill check22:12
bkerensakees: Yep works good22:12
zenlinux_bkerensa, sorry, my xchat notifications aren't working for some reason. hello :)22:19
bkerensazenlinux_: Are you at the jam?22:33
bkerensablkperl: Has bkero arrived out there?22:34
jhelwigbkerensa: zenlinux_ is out in the main room of the jam, though no longer on IRC, apparently.22:40
bkerensajhelwig: Cool just trying to keep up with who has shown up :D22:40
blkperlbkerensa: i havn't seen a bkero22:45
bkerensablkperl: Looks like he is picking up two people then heading this people22:55

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