
linassooo ... I upgraded to upstart .... and now my computer hangs during boot...02:26
linasI'm, trying to debug with init=/bin/sh .. but where's the best place to ask for this kind of help?02:27
linasthe hang happend after fsck finishes... 02:27
linassaying init --verbose and then looking at dmesg says this:02:28
linasinit: mounted-tmp state changed from post-stop to waiting02:28
linasinit:Handling stopped event02:28
linasinit: Handling mounting event02:29
linasand that's all .. it s just hung .. 02:29
linasahh hmm02:30
linasall my file system are mounted, except one .. 02:30
linasthe one that is not mounted is one that uses the device mapper02:30
linasits a logical volume an lvm-managed filesystem02:31
linasso maybe uspart/mountalll doesn't like lvm  ?02:31
linasif there's a better channel for this, let me know ... 02:33
linas.. manually trying to mount says mount: special device /dev/mapper/bla-blah does not exist02:35
linasso the device mapper didn't run or something...02:35
linaslsmod doesn't seem to show device-mapper maodules .. hmm02:36
linaswell, a good a time as any to figure out how device mapper is supposed to work.02:38
linasbut is there a way to tell upstart to just move on, and finish booting?  cause i DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT THE MISSING FILESYSTEM...02:38
linasWHOOPs bad capslock02:39
linasarghhh ... so I commented out the lvm volume in /etc/fstab and now the boot goes much farther.02:58
linasa bunch of daemons get started, including the lvm daemon.   (!)02:59
linasso clearly, mountall was trying to mount lvm volumes wayy too early03:00
linasbut now, it crashes in fsck, since this time, fsck is beeing run a second time !?!?! and since all the file systems are already mounted, it stoo late for that.03:01
linasso wtf ... 03:01
linasmust be left-over grunge in /etc/init.d and some backwards-compat thingy in upstart...03:01
JanClinas: you say you just upgraded to upstart, but you don't say which OS (version) you are on, so it's not obvious which jobs you are using...10:35
JanC(e.g. Ubuntu uses different upstart jobs than ChromeOS, and different versions of Ubuntu have improved the upstart jobs they use too)10:40
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