
micahgknome: when01:48
micahgwhen's the next meeting01:48
SpiKe_Spiegelhi all10:35
SpiKe_SpiegelI have a question : what version of Xfce is going to be included in the next Xubuntu LTS ? (4.8 or 4.10)10:36
baizonfor now its 4.810:37
SpiKe_SpiegelXfce 4.10 final release is planned on March 3th, nearly two months before Xubuntu 12.04 release, so I wonder if it's too late for Xfce 4.10 implementation or not :p10:37
SpiKe_Spiegel@baizon: alright10:38
meetingologySpiKe_Spiegel: Error: "baizon:" is not a valid command.10:38
baizonim not a valid command? why why!? :(10:38
ochosiSpiKe_Spiegel: yeah, but if you read the xfce-dev mailinglist a bit you know that they most likely won't stick to that date10:59
ochosiand morning everyone11:06
knomei can't attend meeting this weekend or monday either14:53
knomewe really need to get a new schedule and meetings that do not pend on me14:54
ochosihey knome 15:05
knomehey ochosi 15:05
ochosistarted to re-organise the greybird code for better readability today15:06
knomenice, are you adding comments too?15:06
ochosiwill take quite some more work, but i think that should also fix most of the bugs15:06
ochosii'm only working on gtk3 atm15:06
ochosiwhat kind of comments would you want?15:06
knomeat some point it would be nice if the theme documented pretty much every definition15:07
knomeor at least every definition block15:07
ochosihmm, every definition sounds rather tedious15:07
ochosii mean i can see why it would be useful15:07
ochosibut in a way it's a lot of duplication15:07
knomeit could be a file in the repo only15:07
ochosibetter murrine/unico docu would be better15:08
knomedoesn't need to be published, if you think that has downsides15:08
ochosino, i don't see downsides apart from that being quite a bit of work for me with dubious gain :)15:08
ochosi(dubious because you'll hardly hear about it)15:09
ochosimeh, i shouldn't have started with rebasing parts of greybird on ambiance15:14
ochosiotoh it might be the only way to clean up the code where it's messy and fix a few bugs15:15
GridCubethere is a meeting today?18:18
madnickdunno, i don't think so since knome said he cant attend18:19
GridCubewell luckly classes ended last week so ill be able to attend some meetings i hope18:28
jussiknome: ping19:58
PjotrHello, I'm not sure whether I need to submit a feature request at Launchpad, because maybe the feature involved, already exists.20:30
PjotrI want to lock the panels of Xubuntu and as much of it's desktop environment as possible, for a user who has a history of accidentally damaging his desktop environment (removing panels and such). I know how to do that in Gnome, but not in Xfce.20:30
PjotrDoes Xubuntu have this feature, or should I submit a feature request?20:30
mr_pouitkiosk mode20:32
mr_pouithttp://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?pid=20556#p20556 for the panel20:33
Pjotrmr_pouit: this looks promising! Thank you.20:39
micahgknome: is there a meeting today or tomorrow?21:04
astraljavamadnick said knome cannot attend, so doubtful.21:06
micahgmeetings aren't incumbent on knome attending21:06
micahgochosi: quadrispro uploaded a new gmusicbrowser to Debian, we'll get it next week21:07
micahgand if knome has a problem with the meeting times, let's agree on new meeting times :)21:08
Unit193[09:53:36] < knome> i can't attend meeting this weekend or monday either21:21
Unit193[09:54:36] < knome> we really need to get a new schedule and meetings that do not pend on me21:21
micahgah, while I was disconnected21:21
Unit193micahg: Got a sec (in the other channel maybe) to figure out a FF bug/weirdness?21:26
micahgUnit193: was about to head out, but let's see, which channel?21:27
ochosimicahg: thanks!21:29
micahgochosi: The only thing I did was not update it :)21:29
ochosibtw, i'm refactoring the greybird code21:29
ochosiit's a partial rewrite21:29
ochosihope i can fix the few outstanding bugs this way and get a better look in some places21:30

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