
* mogitux souhaite une bonne nuit à toutes les IRCiennes et tous les IRCiens00:13
* mogitux is away: ZZzzz...00:13
bazhangmogitux, disable that please01:59
RickRollerhow do i change my hostname? (the name of the machine on login)05:33
oobilozhelp, i did an update and lost sound05:36
ruslan_osmanovhi. ho do I change the default save directory for abiword?07:19
olbiWhy when I using Xfce, I cant do Paste from RMC?07:52
=== Saij is now known as Guest55068
=== Saij is now known as Guest49265
_jasonsrus2007hello, i am looking for a slim, minimal dock, any  recommendations?09:18
olbidock like in Mac OS X?09:19
_jasonsrus2007that might work, thanks09:22
=== cipi is now known as CiPi
ruslan_osmanovhi. ho do i install libxml in xubuntu?09:43
ruslan_osmanovthere is nothing like libxml-2* within the package list09:44
ruslan_osmanovwhoops. see it. sorry )09:45
CiPisudo  apt-get install libxml2-dev09:47
ruslan_osmanovisn't is just libxml2?09:47
olbiyes, it is09:47
CiPiapt-cache search libxml09:48
CiPiapt-cache search libxml | grep dev09:49
olbiopen Ubuntu Software Center09:49
olbitype libxml2 and install it09:49
CiPiIt`s onli 2.09:49
ruslan_osmanovthanks. already got it. i'm trying to build gedit from source. it cannot find libxml: No package 'libxml-2.0' found09:50
ruslan_osmanovon the configure phase09:50
CiPiYou may need also...09:51
CiPisudo apt-get install libxml-libxml-perl09:51
olbii prefer geany09:51
olbigedit has too much dependicies :P09:51
CiPiI prefer nano09:52
olbiyou need install of these librariers :D09:52
ruslan_osmanovobvious. but they are installed all09:52
ruslan_osmanovfor instance http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/759062/09:54
olbiyou need dev versions :D09:55
olbilike libxml2-dev09:55
ruslan_osmanovhmm, indeed. thank you, olbi09:55
Squish000hi, how long does it take for the logbot to log?10:08
CiPiHow long it takes to get from UK to Romania?10:10
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ruslan_osmanovi need your help guys again. i've an irritating error using snippets in gedit. when i run gedit from terminal, it outputs http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/759078/10:14
ruslan_osmanovthis happens with Russian characters, e.g. стр[Ctrl - space]. "стр" is the tab trigger10:17
CiPiYou need all this packages.10:19
ruslan_osmanovCiPi, checking it out...10:20
CiPiI`m not sure, but you can also install it by synaptics package manager10:23
CiPirun synaptic from terminal.10:23
CiPiThan you have there gedit-dev10:23
CiPiType on the search box quick filter - gedit-dev10:24
ruslan_osmanovCiPi, thanks. just launched the installation10:25
CiPiNice. :)10:25
SpiKe_Spiegelhi all10:26
SpiKe_SpiegelDoes anyone know what Xfce version will be included in Xubuntu 12.04 "Precise Pangolin" ?10:27
SpiKe_SpiegelWill it be 4.8 or 4.10 ?10:27
SpiKe_SpiegelI didn't find any information on the Internet10:28
CiPi4.10 I don`t think it was released10:28
CiPiSo it is 4.810:28
Sysi4.10 should be released before release of precise but I'm not sure if it's going to be used10:29
CiPiThe final 4.10 release is scheduled for January 15th 2012. For the second time we try to follow the the release policy, so like in 4.8 you will see frequent development releases of individual components and, most importantly, a time-based release cycle which looks a lot more realistic the the one we had in 4.8.10:29
SpiKe_Spiegelyep, Xfce 4.10 is going to be release on March 310:29
baizonCiPi: you got an old release date10:30
CiPiI think, yes. :)10:30
CiPi2011-02-13 - 2011-11-05: Development Phase10:31
CiPi2011-11-06 - 2012-01-15: Release Phase10:31
CiPi            2011-11-06: Xfce 4.10pre1 release / Feature freeze10:31
CiPi            2011-12-04: Xfce 4.10pre2 release / String freeze10:31
CiPi            2012-01-08: Xfce 4.10pre3 release / Code freeze10:31
CiPi            2012-01-15: Xfce 4.10 final release10:31
CiPiIs from the official forum. :)10:31
SpiKe_Spiegelit has changed10:31
CiPiYou are right! :)10:31
SpiKe_Spiegelthe release is nearly 2 months before the next Ubuntu LTS... maybe Xubuntu will keep Xfce 4.8 :(10:32
Sysi#xubuntu-devel could be better place to ask (be patient if no devs are active)10:33
SpiKe_Spiegel@Sysi : I'll try asking :)10:34
ruslan_osmanovCiPi, nah, still the same issue10:35
CiPiOr die trying. :))10:35
CiPiJust joking.10:35
=== olbi_ is now known as olbi
CiPiruslan_osmanov, I`m sorry. I don`t know what`s with that gedit10:36
ruslan_osmanovit seems the plugin needs update in order to fit gtksourceview-3.010:37
CiPisudo apt-get update10:38
CiPithan: sudo apt-get upgrade10:38
SpiKe_SpiegelApparently it will be Xfce 4.810:39
baizonfor now10:43
baizonbut maybe it will made it10:43
baizonimho i dont think it will10:43
CiPiruslan_osmanov, why you don`t give it a try to VIM ?10:45
CiPior to GVIM10:45
SpiKe_Spiegel@baizon : I understand, a LTS has to be stable :p10:49
SysiSpiKe_Spiegel: in IRC, hilighting words better when you just have nick first in the line10:49
SysiSpiKe_Spiegel: hilighting being what you should notice on your client10:50
SpiKe_SpiegelSysi: oops sorry, I will pay attention for that10:55
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:56
Sysithat too, just to make your life easier10:56
SpiKe_Spiegelthanks !10:56
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
homebrewciderI'm streaming video on xubuntu 11.04. anybody know where it's stored temporarily?12:27
olbidir tmp I think12:28
Sysi/tmp or just RAM probably12:28
Sysipossibly in hidden folder in your home directory (where are settings of app you're using)12:29
homebrewcidertmp is what I thought , but not there12:29
homebrewciderhmm, can't find it anywhere12:33
=== myrtti is now known as Myrtti
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_Pete_what is this thing that when I download something with firefox, popup apperars saying downloads are ready?13:55
_Pete_and more over, how to disable it?13:55
=== Pici is now known as Guest9123
Conte-stysalute non riesco ad attivare i suoni di sistema... consigli?15:44
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:45
Conte-stysorry :-(15:47
knomeno problem15:47
SpiKe_SpiegelXWusel: tentative de troll ?16:04
=== CiPi is now known as cipi
=== cipi is now known as CiPi
BestPigI need some help to configure hotkey for the brightness control.17:56
BestPigMy key is reconize has XF86MonBrightnessDown, but when I hit the key, the brightness don't down.17:58
BestPigxfce need configuration to do this ? (xfce4-power-manager is launched)17:58
teknodukehi :) i'm having troubles with firefox in Xubuntu, i dont know why this start so slowwww... firefox takes 2 min for start18:14
Sysihow much ram do you have?18:17
teknodukeover 2gb free18:18
GridCubewhats the problem?18:18
Sysislow firefox start18:19
teknodukeslow firefox start, after its loaded its works perfectly18:20
Myrttia lot of extensions?18:20
teknodukeechofon, ad block, firebug18:20
teknodukeversion 8.0 firefox and xubuntu 11.1018:21
teknodukethe problem begins after i install java-common i think18:22
teknodukei remove java-common and reinstall firefox18:23
teknodukebut thats not solved the ultra slow starts of firefox18:23
SpiKe_Spiegelteknoduke, do you have any errors or warnings when you start firefox in a terminal ?18:39
teknodukeno, i'm not getting any error :/18:40
GridCubeteknoduke, have launched firefox from a terminal?18:41
SpiKe_Spiegeland with any other software, you don't have this issue ?18:44
teknodukeif i try to open new windows of firefox its the same problem its take 4-5 mins to load the new ff window18:44
teknodukenop the problem is enterly firefox, but its start after act. xubuntu18:44
TheSheepteknoduke: try starting it from terminal and see if it prints anything18:44
Sysiand third, sold18:45
GridCubeteknoduke, http://www.techarraz.com/web-browser/firefox-slow-startup-problems/18:48
teknodukereading :)18:49
GridCubeteknoduke, firebug is apparently known for slowing ff very very much18:49
GridCubealso teknoduke http://www.tweakguides.com/Firefox_1.html18:50
teknodukeyes i know that but it is not the problem18:50
teknodukethe ff windows is not loaded yet and i start it in the console 5min ago18:51
teknodukeno errors in the console, and not windows in the desk18:51
TheSheepteknoduke: you could try stracing it to see what it does18:51
teknoduke7 min and ff is loaded in the desk xD18:52
tekno|workhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11496810 <-- here the same problem18:58
=== tekno|work is now known as teknoduke
=== tekno`afk is now known as teknoduke
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
StormStrikesHey everyone.  Ive developed an issue I cant seem to nail down.  All of a sudden, my CD drive is not working.  It wont eject.  I manually opened it and slapped in a CD to try and burn something to it and the system is not detecting it.  Any ideas?21:38
Mp5shooterStormStrikes, try opening a terminal and typing mount /dev/cdrom21:40
Mp5shooterer wait, might've gotten the syntax wrong there21:40
Mp5shootertry it anyway!21:40
StormStrikesk, standby21:41
StormStrikescommand not found21:41
Mp5shooterhmm weird21:41
StormStrikeswait, I did it wrong, lemme try again21:41
StormStrikesI get the reply, cant find /dev/cdrom in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab21:42
Mp5shootercd /dev21:42
Mp5shootercan you find anything cd related in there21:43
Mp5shootercdrom0 or anything?21:43
StormStrikesI see cdrom21:43
Mp5shooternot sure :S anyone more experienced, feel free to step in21:45
Mp5shootersorry. I tried :P21:45
StormStrikesThanks for trying though.21:45
Mp5shooterno problem21:45
StormStrikesIt weird.  I burned a couple CDs earlier today, older versions of xubuntu and ubuntu to try and test out a few things related to my CPU fan constantly running.21:46
StormStrikesI booted using a Live CD and when I rebooted the system could not see my CD drive21:46
StormStrikesIve rebooted a couple times now trying to see if it was just something hung up, but still no joy.21:47
StormStrikesNow I cant even boot to the CD..Its just like the drive doesnt even exist21:48
GridCubecd drive readers sometimes fail like taht21:58
StormStrikesAnything I can do to fix it?21:59
GridCubeStormStrikes, try "sudo mount /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom22:00
GridCubeyou might need to create /media/cdrom22:00
GridCubesudo mkdri /media/cdrom should do it22:00
StormStrikesno medium found on /dev/sr022:02
GridCubeyour system seems to not be able to see your cdrom drive22:02
GridCubeits it a sata drive?22:02
StormStrikesEverything worked fine until I booted to a LiveCD...after that it just went kaput22:03
StormStrikesyes, its a SATA drive22:03
GridCubethen it should be sd[something]22:03
StormStrikesscd0 perhaps?22:03
GridCubesure why not22:04
GridCubenever had a sata cdrom :P22:04
GridCubeStormStrikes, run this on a terminal:  cat /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info22:06
StormStrikesOhhh, it says the drive name is sr022:07
GridCubetold you so22:07
GridCubeoh right22:07
GridCubeit said "no medium found"22:08
GridCubewell, it seems something broke22:08
GridCubeyou could like get a new one22:08
StormStrikesyeah, it would seem so....22:08
StormStrikesWell its on my laptop...22:08
GridCubethat happens22:08
GridCubetry to see if you can clean the laser? maybe it just cant read22:09
StormStrikeshmmm, I just noticed the indicator light is on for the CD drive, like it detects a CD in there, but there is none.22:10
StormStrikesIs there a command to manually eject the CD from terminal22:11
GridCubeits "eject"22:11
GridCubeno kidding22:11
StormStrikesLOL, well something are just so simple as to elude one22:11
StormStrikesk, tried that.  Get eject: unable to eject, last error: Inappropriate ioctl for device22:12
GridCubethat sounds bad22:12
GridCubetry "sudo eject"22:12
StormStrikesArent you just full of good news, LOL22:12
StormStrikessame error message22:12
GridCubewhats the dump if you use "eject -v" StormStrikes22:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:16
StormStrikesIf Ive done it right it should be at http://paste.ubuntu.com/759836/22:17
GridCubeStormStrikes, http://moonos.org/forum/8-software-a-applications/416-solved-ioctl-inappropriate-ioctl-for-device22:20
GridCubeare you using an old kernel?22:20
StormStrikesI was using an older one from the LiveCD.  Booted in to Xubuntu 11.04 and Ubuntu 11.04.  Did not have the issue until I rebooted from using Ubuntu 11.0422:22
GridCubemmhm does it works on boot then?22:23
StormStrikesmy CPU fan constantly runs and I was told it was due to a kernel bug and that I should be able to use an older version of xubuntu or ubuntu to see if it fixes it.22:23
StormStrikesNo, it wont boot to the CD drive now22:23
GridCubewhen you boot at the grub stage you can choose an option, i think its "old versions" or something like that, its the lalst one, and it shows you all the kernels you have to choose to boot from22:24
StormStrikesYeah, I remember seeing that.22:24
GridCubethere you should have all the kernels since 11.04 has released22:24
GridCubechoose an older one and see if it still hahppens22:25
GridCubeif it does then its hardware22:25
StormStrikesOkay, I will give that a shot...22:25
StormStrikesI will be back shortly.  Will try and boot to the older kernel and see what happens22:26
StormStrikesThanks for the help GridCube22:26
GridCube:) good luck22:26
=== teknoduke is now known as tekno|afk
StormStrikesGridCube, CD drive is working again23:44
GridCubewas the kernel then?23:45
StormStrikesI cant say for sure.  I had made a LiveUSB, booted back to Ubuntu 11.04, everything went fine, but the CD still didnt work...23:46
StormStrikesSo I rebooted trying to get to the grub menu..23:46
StormStrikesCould never get the grub menu to come up...so I just went back to the HDD install...ran the sudo eject command again and it popped it out..23:46
StormStrikesNow I can hit the eject button on the drive and it opens and it mounts blank CDs again.23:48
StormStrikesSo now Im back to trying to solve the constantly running CPU fan issue which I have been told is a kernel bug also...23:49
ballDon't you /want/ your CPU fan to run constantly?23:50
StormStrikesNo, not really on a laptop.  Particularly when the temps arent high either...kills battery run time23:50
holsteini have found that to be the graphics driver in the past23:50
StormStrikesIve been told that too....23:51
StormStrikesI do have the Nvidia GT550M graphics card with Optimus...23:51
holsteinthe machine im thinking about has VIA chips23:51
StormStrikesI had thought the fan issue was related to not being able to get a driver to work for the Nvidia.  But I posted on Phoronix and someone there replied and said they were separate issues.23:52
StormStrikesSo I was trying to get the fan to stop running all the time then I was going to tackle the graphics driver again..23:52
StormStrikesBut I got hung up on it all when my CD drive stopped mounting.23:53
StormStrikesI have a Dell 1750 with Xubuntu 11.10 installed on it and the fan hardly ever turns on on it and I can run around eight solid hours on battery with it..23:53
GridCube:) good to hear that StormStrikes23:55
GridCube:/ sadly i23:55
GridCubeknow not about the fan things23:55
ballPerhaps it was a design decision to leave the fan running.23:55
StormStrikesYeah.  Ive been told its been fixed in the new kernel...but I didnt want to have to wait until 12.04 to come out...23:55
ballI wish I could buy a laptop.23:56
Mp5shooterdo you travel23:56
StormStrikesI had five laptops.  I sold all but two of them..23:57
ballMp5shooter: only around the state for work.23:57
holsteinStormStrikes: try the mainline kernel23:57
StormStrikesmainline kernel?23:57
ballMp5shooter: Can't afford to travel any further.23:57
holsteinyou can dig up a .deb for it, and that'll be easy enough to remove if needed23:58
GridCubeStormStrikes, what kernel are you using?23:58
StormStrikeslemme check23:58
GridCubeyou could, and this will be dangerous, add the pangolin sourcers, it already has 3.2 kernels23:59
StormStrikesI was thinking somewhat along those lines...23:59

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