
Mr_EE1ikonia: good morning! tell me if i want to change to unity how do i do it or install it on the same lubuntu08:11
bioterrormay I ask why?08:13
Mr_EE1the most of my questions are for lubuntu then the answers i get are for unity's environment i cant get want they have been giving me to do08:14
bioterrorthen use the vanilla buntu and enjoy your unity08:15
bioterrorI dunnoa bout your questions nor the answers08:15
Mr_EE1bioterror: how08:15
Mr_EE1bioterror: what is the vanilla buntu?08:16
bioterrorif you think about ice cream08:17
bioterrorthe very basic flavour of ice cream is vanilla, right?08:17
bioterrorit's blend and so on08:17
bioterrorthe very basic flavour of ubuntu is... ubuntu!08:19
bioterrorthen there are these excotic flavours like kubuntu, xubuntu and lubuntu08:19
Mr_EE1bioterror: so how do i install them together08:19
bioterrorMr_EE1, I would first like to know what you're after08:20
Mr_EE1i dont get you?08:20
bioterrorwhy you want unity, for real08:20
bioterrorwhat have you been doing so that you really want it, why you need it08:20
bioterroras you have installed lubuntu and you're now screaming for unity08:21
bioterrorenlighten me08:21
Mr_EE1the net it does' nt  have the answers on my q?08:21
bioterrorand your question is?08:21
Mr_EE1i mean when i am looking for the q? the window that are there they are for unity08:22
Mr_EE1the window are not the same08:22
Mr_EE1and that unity looks great thatn lubuntu08:22
bioterrorI drove my driving licence on Toyota Avensis Honda Civic, but still I can drive trucks, vans and turbocharged cars without a problem08:23
Mr_EE1ok for an example: a dash there is no dash in lubuntu08:23
bioterrorno dash?!08:24
bioterroris dash that thing where you type application name and it will show it to you?08:26
bioterroruse alt+f208:26
bioterrortype what ever you want08:26
bioterrorbut now for real08:27
bioterrorwhat are you looking for08:27
Mr_EE1that is the basic thing even in in fedora its there08:27
bioterrorgood for fedora08:27
Mr_EE1do you wanna play me brother?08:28
bioterroryou installed lubuntu and you come here for asking unity08:28
bioterroras unity is more than just dock on the left side of the screen08:28
Mr_EE1ok whats up with you for me wanting what i want?08:30
bioterrorI was here and I saw you demanding unity08:31
Mr_EE1yes i want it realy bad for your information08:31
Mr_EE1you know what forget i ever asked that q?08:32
bioterrorhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.10/release/ there you go08:32
bioterrorinstall ubuntu08:32
br0therif you got lubuntu running you just need to install the unity-desktop08:32
Mr_EE1how do i install it bro do i have to format or together with lubuntu08:33
Mr_EE1br0ther: thanks brother i appreciate ok08:33
Mr_EE1br0ther: then after what steps should i do08:34
Mr_EE1br0ther:  it says ""E: Unable to locate package unity-desktop08:35
br0therinstall the meta package, logout from lubuntu session and at the login screen select unity as desktop and login08:35
br0theret cvoila08:35
br0theret voila08:35
Mr_EE1what is  ""et voila"'08:36
br0therfrench idiom08:36
br0therI guess the package name is actually just unity thoguh08:37
Mr_EE1if i try unity it says that its already installed08:37
br0therlooks like it is missing some sessions ans stuff so that's not the correct name indeed08:38
br0therI think there are better channels to ask about this as unity is a competing desktop to lubunbtu08:38
bioterrorwe do not compete at all08:38
Mr_EE1it does bro08:39
head_victimI think installing unity requires "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"08:39
Mr_EE1that is a big08:40
br0therubuntu-desktop sounds indeed about correct08:40
Mr_EE1then after installing it i just log out and log inn on unity?08:40
yonyonfirefox doesn't support 'smb' protocol, there is any other way connecting to a LAN server?08:40
bioterroryonyon, use pcmanfm08:41
bioterroryonyon, smb://server/share/08:41
head_victimYep, Lubuntu is aimed at lower specification and older hardware. So if you have an older computer don't expect unity to function as well as lubuntu is all.08:41
yonyoni dont want to see the files. i have an apache server (wamp) running on WIN708:41
yonyoni want to see the webpage08:42
bioterrorsamba has nothing to do with webpages08:42
head_victimCan you even browse webpages over smb?08:42
Mr_EE1i am using nvidia motherboard dual core08:42
head_victimI run unity in a dual core VM with 4gb ram without too much lag. That should be alright, I've never had it on bare metal yet though.08:43
Mr_EE1dual core 2 processor08:45
yonyonhow can i make firefox to resolve the DNS for the homegroup lan first?08:45
bioterroryonyon, you should have your local dns first in your /etc/resolv.conf08:46
yonyonit will resolve WIN7 names? (like 1-pc)?08:47
bioterroryou just said you have DNS for your LAN08:47
br0therI put fixed IPs for my home lan in /etc/hosts08:48
bioterrorif you dont have a local dns, then you have to edit /etc/hosts and add manually hostnames for the ip addresses08:48
bioterrorbut I still think those are the jobs of dhcpd08:49
bioterrorless work to do it once properly than many times on different computers08:49
yonyonmy resolv.conf file contain this line "domain siemens", "search siemens", "nameserver"08:50
bioterrorseems like someone is at work office :--)08:51
yonyonno i do not work at siemens. my router is siemens SL2-14108:51
yonyonthose 3 lines sufficient to resolve WIN7 names?08:52
bioterrorif you have specified in your routers lan settings ip addresses to match certain mac addresses08:53
br0theryonyon: if your router has a DNS server that it populates.08:53
br0theryonyon: I highly doubt it08:53
yonyonbr0ther, i am sorry but i don't really understand anything with those network settings08:55
yonyonthere isn't any easy way to configure linux to resolve WIN7 names?08:56
bioterrorjust like you have in windows08:56
yonyoncopy the content from windows hosts files to the lubuntu one?08:57
bioterrortechnically yes08:58
bioterrorthey are almost the same08:58
bioterrorbelow localhost08:59
bioterroradd what ever you want08:59
yonyoni have only 1 line09:00
yonyon"       localhost127.0.0.1       localhost"09:00
bioterrorbelow that, add what ever you want09:01
yonyonno, i mean i have only that line on my windows hosts file09:01
bioterrorI do too09:01
yonyonon my netbook(lubuntu) i already have the same line09:02
yonyonstill not working09:08
=== bodhizazen is now known as bodhi_zazen
phiscribeanybody got a list of bookmarks pertaining to swithcing desktops and windows managers around, how to clean up leftover files, ect.  (i want to go to unity 2d end result.20:13
phiscribebut i want to be able to go back to lxde at will20:14
phiscribeall in 10gb partition20:14
yonyonhow can i set compiz to be the default windows manager instead of openbox?20:24
lphiscribefrom the box in questions (i think im not a klone)20:24
phiscribethose are the kinds of questions i am having too, my google fu is broken20:25
myrmidetteanyone awake?20:27
myrmidetteI'll ask anyway: what controls the brightness keys in lxde?20:27
myrmidetteI can't find any keybindings relating to brightness the same way as they do to sound in my rc.xml20:28
phiscribebut its 3 years old20:28
Unit193phiscribe: Not all left overs will really be fixed, but the !puregnome, !purekde, and !purexfce give links to good ones (/msg ubottu !purelxde) You can also try out LiveCDs or *maybe* dualboot20:29
phiscribemmm purge, sounds like i need to steal the neighbors newspaper first, and bring extra charmin20:30
* phiscribe copies this to a note20:31
Unit193Remember to make sure you're using the version at the top20:32
Unit193yonyon: Compiz isn't exactly lightweight, but I'd ASSUME you just install it and hit alt+f2 and type    compiz --replace20:32
phiscribeok, im reading through the notes, i DO wish to be careful, thanks for the program list20:32
Unit193Just note that it's not as good as a clean install20:33
phiscribeis the a pureunity2d type command20:35
Unit193http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome That includes LXDE20:37
Unit193yonyon: You could also look at cairo compmgr too20:41
fabioqcq: im installing ubuntu 10.10 with the minimal cd using CLI. will "$sudo apt-get install lubuntu-core" provide me with a desktop environment? TIA.20:58
yonyonUnit193, i dont really need compiz20:58
yonyoni need a composite manager for cairo-dock20:59
yonyonthe problem with "compiz --replace ccp" is that i lose the lxpanel21:00
Unit193fabioqc: Why 10.10? It's best to go wtih either the currect, or 10.04 if your hardware requires you to21:00
fabioqcid like to know if lubuntu-core provides a desktop environment, or would i have to run the full lubuntu-desktop command instead?21:02
fabioqc10.10 because i found a guide on best performance for the GMA 50021:03
Unit193The core should work, and I *think* the GMA500 will be better supported next release (From what another user of that said)21:03
fabioqcthis is the guide i found = (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1229345)21:05
fabioqcthey've done good work on the gma 500 since i last tried a few years back.21:06
fabioqci wonder if those instruction (in the guide) will work for 11.10 ?21:08
=== bodhizazen is now known as bodhi_zazen
=== fabioqc is now known as fabioqc_AWAY
Unit193bodhi_zazen: Have any comments on the GMA500 in 11.10 or 12.04? ;)21:10
=== fabioqc_AWAY is now known as fabioqc
fabioqcUnit193 : I went away there for a second. I'm about to give 11.10 a try.21:40
fabioqcone last thing, is it necessary to add the lubuntu-desktop repository if i will only be installing the lubuntu-core21:46
Unit193Not on 10.10, no21:50
=== Zechariah is now known as zkriesse
teamahmaHow can I open magnet link using chromium? (torrent)23:54
holsteinteamahma: i would probably just right click and save the torrent file, and open it with whatever23:56
teamahmabut in magnet link there is all the trackers :)23:57

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