
BillHickscan anyone help me with a no-backlight problem00:15
BillHickswhen logging in to ubuntu latest version00:15
BillHicksusing acer laptop00:15
BillHickswith W7 as primary OS00:15
holsteini would try a few different kernels00:16
holsteini would do this by just burning a few LIVE CD's too if you dont want to fiddle with your system much00:16
holsteintrying the 10.04, and a daily 12.04 live would give you somre pretty decent data to work with00:17
BillHicksholstein is this a troubleshoot to my problemÉ00:17
holsteinBillHicks: its one way to go00:18
BillHicksur talking to me :P00:18
BillHickswell the thing is00:18
holsteinyou can also just google 'ubuntu my graphics card version'00:18
holsteinand see what comes up00:18
BillHicksI installed on my other pc it worked just fine00:18
BillHicksits not working with my laptop00:18
holsteinsure.. different graphics cards... different hardware00:18
holsteinthe hardware is the issue00:18
BillHicks; __ ; but hwy00:18
holsteinits different00:19
holsteindifferent vendors00:19
BillHicksso i cant have the latest version?00:19
holsteinyou should search for your graphics card type and see if there is a linux driver for it00:19
geirhadefferent vendors, different answers to the question "What's linux?"00:19
BillHicksOooo Geirha :D hi00:20
holsteinBillHicks: you can have whatever you want, you can force different drivers.. you can write your own driver.. you can call the company and ask them to make one...00:20
geirhaSome make drivers for linux, some only make drivers for windows00:20
holsteinlinux/ubuntu cant make one, if the information on how to make one is not shared00:20
BillHicksI dont know what a driver is00:20
holsteinBillHicks: you dont have to... you just dont have one for your graphics card00:21
geirhaIn the latter case, the open source community might ship in and make one, but they don't always work 100%00:21
holsteinor thats what i think the issue is00:21
BillHicks>.< computers are so complicated00:21
holsteinits so easy to try live CD's, i usually suggest just going that route til something works00:22
BillHickstoo much00:22
BillHicksso u mean00:22
holsteinBillHicks: let your vendor know you are having issues00:22
BillHicksto put it in simple words00:22
BillHicksi should contact ubuntu to ask them for a cd with the iso on it É00:22
holsteinBillHicks: whoever made your card00:22
holsteinwe are ubuntu ;)00:22
holsteinyou and I.. and everyone else00:22
BillHickswell this part of ubuntu is suffering00:23
holsteinBillHicks: ?00:23
holsteinBillHicks: these drivers are not included in windows00:23
BillHicksI dont know what driver means....00:24
holsteinif you would like a similar scenario where you purchase a machine, hit the button, and everything works.. you should try something like http://www.system76.com/00:24
holsteinotherwise, planning your purchases around linux support is not a bad idea00:24
BillHicksnah i already have W7 for that00:24
holsteinthere is literally nothing ubuntu can do to support the hardware that the vendors do not give information about00:25
holsteinwhen you think about how many devices the linux kernel does support, its quite amazing00:25
BillHicksthere is literaly nothing ubuntu can do to work with my graphic card that the vendors dont give info about u mean00:25
holsteinBillHicks: you can try the vesa driver00:26
BillHicksim sure it is00:26
holsteinyou can try other live CD's00:26
Sidewinder1BillHicks, Perhaps have a look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Device_driver for an explanation ob 'drivers.'00:26
holsteinas i was saying before...00:26
holsteini use several live CD's regularly for troubleshooting purposes00:26
holsteinalso some others for older hardware like puppy linux00:27
holsteinwith these live CD"s i can usually figure out what i need to do to get hardware support for those tricky graphics cards or other tricky hardware00:27
philipballewA driver is the code on the computer that talks to the hardware basically.00:27
holsteinBillHicks: what graphics hardware do you have?00:27
BillHicksill check for u00:28
holsteinBillHicks: you can always run ubuntu in something like virtualbox, inside windows 700:28
BillHickshow can i know?00:28
BillHickswhat graphic hardware i have00:28
holsteinBillHicks: i typically open a web browser, go to google, and type in the model name00:28
BillHicksof my laptop?00:29
holsteinor, i look to see if the operating system can report it to me00:29
holsteinBillHicks: whatever device we are assuming you are having graphics driver issues on00:29
BillHicksdo i type the model name of my laptop?00:29
holsteinBillHicks: if you want00:30
BillHicksyeah found it00:30
holsteinif you arent comfortable with google, you can flip the machine over, and give me the model #00:30
BillHicksno no basic computing i can handle that00:30
BillHicksGraphics Card00:32
BillHicksIntegrated 3D graphics00:32
BillHicksIntel® Graphics Media Accelerator 4500M with up to 1759 MB of Intel® Dynamic Video Memory Technology 5.0 (64 MB of dedicated system memory, up to 1695 MB of shared system memory), supporting Microsoft® DirectX® 1000:32
holsteinhmmm... typically intel is well supported00:33
holsteinBillHicks: what ubuntu version are you trying? and how are you trying it?00:33
holsteini suggest to you to try http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ubuntu-10.04.3-desktop-i386.iso00:33
holstein^ download that, burn it to CD, or make a USB stick with http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/00:34
BillHicksoooh ty :D00:34
holsteintry it LIVE first00:34
holsteinBillHicks: do you know what i mean by 'try it live' ?00:34
ubot2To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:34
BillHicksoh yes you mean try it before installing it :D00:34
holsteinBillHicks: there are live linux CD's which give you the option of trying them before installing and messing with the hard drive at all00:35
holsteinthe above iso has that option...00:35
BillHicksk cool ill try all of that later on00:42
BillHicksits just sad that i cant have 11.1000:42
BillHicksI wanted another version before that and it was a pain in the bu*t to instal it00:43
holsteinsad? well you can... you can likely install and upgrade, and all would be fine00:43
BillHicksand so i was like okey ill take 11.10 :( and this one doesnt work either00:43
BillHickswhat do u mean instal and upgrade00:44
holsteinBillHicks: yeah, but actually , the graphics bug you are experiencing is still there in that kernel00:44
holsteinBillHicks: the kernel is likely to be patched at some point hopefully00:44
holsteinto fix that issue00:44
holsteinintel hardware is typically well supported00:44
holsteinand that link you found tells you how to fix it00:44
BillHicksot so simple, but quite easy if you did not change /etc/boot.local, /etc/rc.local, or /etc/sudoers for your own purposes.00:45
BillHicksExtract the archive backlight_control.tar.gz on your computer. Open a terminal. Be sure to be root. Type00:45
BillHicks./sbrinst OS mode00:45
BillHicksOS can be one of 'suse' or 'ubuntu'00:45
BillHicksmode can be one of 'install' or 'uninstall'00:45
BillHickssbrinst needs to know which brightness adjustment matches your laptop. So, there is a little test. As you can see below in the setbrightness script, for some laptops FF means maximum brightness, for others 00. This test should find out which of them matches.00:45
BillHicksNote: If you receive a warning like "Your device ID does not match the default (00:02.0)" then go on and replace 00:02.0 with the correct ID in /bin/setbrightness line 42 (DEVICE='00:02.0 F4.B'). You also will have to set the DIRECTION flag manually (DIRECTION=0 means that 00 gains maximal brightness, DIRECTION=1 means that FF is the brightest setting).00:45
BillHicksdo i do this on windowsÉ00:45
BillHicksits from the l;ink i found :)00:46
holsteinBillHicks: again, thats why for you i suggest trying the 10.04, and the daily 12.04 live CD's00:46
holsteini mean, i feel like i might be motivated to wade through that information if i had the machine in front of me, but its not trivial00:47
BillHicksbut u just said i can try the 11.1000:47
holsteinright, and you have00:47
BillHicksi didnt enjoy it yet00:47
BillHicks; __ ; the screen is black00:47
BillHicksoh alright fine00:47
BillHicksill got with 10.0400:48
BillHicksand one day ill have the latest version00:48
holstein10.04 *is* the latest LTS version00:48
holsteinlong term support00:48
BillHicksooo and what is the 11.10 then?00:49
holsteinwell, i like to personally call the non LTS releases 'testing'.. but thats not necessarily true/fair00:49
BillHicksit has an interesting name too00:49
BillHicksokay wait00:49
BillHicksdoes the 10.04 has a cool desktop layout like 11.10 too?00:49
holsteinif you mean 'is 10.04 running unity? ' the answer is no00:50
BillHicksrunning unity00:50
holsteinits running gnome 2 by default00:50
BillHicksno no00:50
BillHicksi mean00:50
holsteinthere are lots of different DE00:50
BillHicksdoes it look like vista%00:50
holsteinim not sure.. it can i suppose00:50
BillHicksalright ill just google it00:51
BillHicksit looks like apple00:51
holsteingoogle what? makind ubuntu 10.40 look like vista?00:51
holsteinlinux is open00:51
holsteinthis is all open source software.. it can literally look however you want it to look00:52
holsteinout of the box, 10.04 has 2 panels00:52
BillHicks:O i can see that00:52
holsteinosx has one00:52
holsteinvista has one?00:52
BillHicksin other pictures they have black taskbars00:52
BillHicksim getting that version then :300:52
holsteinyou can delete one, and put it up at the top or bottom00:52
BillHicksthank you alot for your help!00:53
holsteinor the side.. litereally whatever you want00:53
holsteinBillHicks: sure00:53
BillHicksur awesome :300:53
BillHicksthanks alot00:53
dorkrock2hey. what is a good project for a linux beginner? I mean, a setup or something that would serve as a learning experience?01:44
stlsaintdorkrock2: what you mean?01:46
dorkrock2well, I am interested in using linux, but I have no motivation to learn beyond normal usage. a project, like some kind of server or router setup, could teach me things... but I don't know what exactly linux can accomplish in that regard01:48
stlsaintwell seems like your not that interested if your not motivated to learn it :\01:50
ubot2SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)01:51
holsteindorkrock2: ^01:51
stlsaintthere are many projects...first choose a specific area and start there01:51
dorkrock2good point, bad phrasing on my part, I'm motivated but lack a direction01:52
stlsaintchoose a area first then we can help better01:53
dorkrock2holstein: so I can set up a linux box as a SSH server? what can I do with it?01:54
holsteindorkrock2: anything you would do locally on that machine in the command line01:55
holsteinconnect to it via sftp01:56
dorkrock2well that's my problem, I'm staring at a blinking command line on my laptop and don't know what I want or can do with it01:56
holsteindorkrock2: start with.. what do you want to do?01:56
dorkrock2no idea haha01:57
holsteinyou can go lots of ways here.. are you into web development? servers? graphics? audio?01:57
dorkrock2of those 4 I'm into music the most, I also would like to start learning programming, so perhaps a music player and web browser01:59
dorkrock2can you do that through SSH?01:59
holsteinits all open, so in theory, you can do anything02:00
dorkrock2ok, I guess I have an idea of what to do then02:01
dorkrock2thanks you two02:03
bioterrorbillhicks, we have #ubuntu-beginners-team for chatting, people tends to keep this channel as a support channel06:44
billhicksno no i did come here for support06:44
bioterrorthat's the place where you can find all your favourite ubt members and have conversations with them ;)06:44
billhicksEarlier today and yesterday I was trying to instal ubuntu06:45
billhickswell i just became succesful06:45
billhicksin that06:45
billhicksand it worked06:45
billhicksso i just wanted to thank the 3 members that helped me06:45
billhicksone of them is geirha06:45
billhicksand 2 others with long names -.= im sorry i dont remember them06:46
billhicksbut yeah thanks06:46
billhicksI ended up using the version 10.04 for my laptop instead of uberstudent but its ok i like this version :D06:46
billhicksi have a couple of last questions06:46
billhickswhats good program to use instead of vlc...06:47
IAmNotThatGuybillhicks: try to keep all you want to tell in a single para, so that it will be easy for us to read. multi-lines often make us confused =]06:47
billhicksooo >.< sorry and also one of the other two memebers is holstein so thanks holstein for suggesting 10.0406:47
IAmNotThatGuyWe prefer VLC player at the most. Other than VLC I used mplayer. But I am not sure whether it will satify you.06:48
billhicksoh. well i tried to download it but it didnt work i guess ill try it again later on06:50
Snicksieas far as I remember, VLC can be installed from the ubuntu software center too ;)06:51
bioterroryes it can06:52
bioterrorand VLC has all the most needed codecs06:53
bioterroryou dont have to play with gstream-ugly-bad-good-whatever06:53
billhicksugh ill try that. I think i just did something wrong i guess. I thought vlc wasnt compatible with ubuntu this is why i came here to ask you guys06:55
=== billhicks is now known as MaynardJKeenan
deper29hey guys, quick question. anytime I boot up in ubuntu, it shows me different kernels I can choose from. Is there anyway to make that list smaller? or hide options?07:55
bodhizazendeper29, remove the old kernels07:58
deper29how do I do that?07:58
bodhizazenfrom synaptic or the software center or from the command line07:58
bodhizazenapt-get pure <your_old_kernel>07:59
deper29is there an easy way to get a list of all my kernels?08:00
bodhizazenls /boot | grep vmlinuz08:02
bodhizazenor search in synaptic, they will be listed there08:02
deper29thanks :)08:02
bodhizazenIn Fedora they only keep 3 kernels, more then 2 older ones are automatically removed08:03
=== Guest24086 is now known as Joeb454
deper29okay, I did this on my system: sudo apt-get remove --purge 2.6.32*10:54
deper29it seemed to remove all of my kernels, and now when I boot up, I have the option of memtest or windows10:55
coalwatergive me a sec to read lol11:05
deper29thanks :)11:05
bioterrordeper29, chroot11:06
coalwaterthere was a nice gui for that11:06
coalwaterubuntu tweek could do it11:06
bioterrordeper29, boot ubuntu cd/usb, mount few devices and your /, then chroot into that and install kernels11:06
ubot2A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot11:06
deper29bioterror: what do you mean mount few devices and / ?11:07
coalwaterhe wants to remove the kernels not add them11:07
coalwateror what11:07
deper29I have no kernels11:07
coalwater= root11:08
coalwater / =root11:08
deper29how do I mount? and what am I mounting?11:08
coalwateri dont really know, so bio should do the answering :D11:09
coalwaterdeper29: do u want to delete  or hide or add kernels?11:09
deper29I removed all of them11:09
deper29by accident :(11:09
coalwatero ok11:09
coalwaterso ull do a usb/cd boot11:09
deper29so I can only boot into windows now11:10
coalwaterthen do the mounting, and chroot, then pretend ur installign a new kernel, the live session will install on ur actualy hdd version thinking its the running one, that's basicly what he's to say i think11:11
deper29when you say do the mounting, what am I mounting?11:11
deper29I'm not exactly sure how to install a new kernel either, they always installed whenever update manager said I had updates11:12
coalwateri dont know where the kernels are actually located, maybe /boot or /root or smething11:12
deper29I'm just trying to document all of this since I won't have access to you guys when I try this :P11:12
coalwaterwhy not, u can still go on line with a live session11:13
bioterrorif you dont have a separate /boot11:13
bioterrorthen you mount your currently "broken" / to /mnt11:13
bioterrorthen you mount your /dev/sys and /dev/proc with "-o bind" to /mnt/proc/ and /mnt/sys11:14
deper29hold on, I'll boot the live cd11:14
deper29thanks for the help guys :) talk with you shortly11:14
deper29hey, I'm on now11:28
deper29so what do I do in here?11:29
bioterroropen terminal11:29
bioterrorsudo blkid11:29
bioterrorand pastebin the output11:29
bioterrorsudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt11:31
deper29what was nice? :P11:31
deper29and that's done11:31
bioterrorsudo mount -o bind /proc/ /mnt/proc11:33
bioterrorsudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev11:33
bioterrorsudo mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys11:33
bioterrorchroot /mnt/ /bin/bash11:33
deper29I have to sudo that last one I think11:34
bioterrornow I have to remember what was the kerne named :D11:35
deper292.6.38 something11:36
deper29generic I believe11:36
deper29and it was a 64 bit11:36
bioterrorsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-generic11:36
deper29will it install 64 bit automatically?11:37
deper29okay, i'm getting a few errors. I'll pastebin11:38
bioterrorthat computer has no network?11:40
deper29it should11:40
bioterrorit's the same where you are now ircing?11:40
bioterrorwhat's that11:40
deper29what's what?11:41
bioterrorthat whining about hostnames11:41
deper29I have no clue :/11:41
deper29maybe it's a sign I should be studying :P11:41
bioterrorit's not that bad situation :D11:42
bioterrordeper29, sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/<tab complete a kernel here>11:42
deper29it's still doing it's thing, should I stop it?11:43
bioterrordoing what?11:43
bioterrordownloading something or what?11:43
bioterrorno, dont stop then11:44
bioterrorif it is installing a kernel?11:44
bioterroror is it?11:44
deper29it's going really slowly because my network is awful11:44
deper29it says connecting to ca.archive.ubuntu.com11:44
deper29actually, not my network. this r8169 realtek driver bs11:44
deper29bioterror: I it finally finished the install linux-generic.11:54
deper29should I do the dpkg now?11:54
bioterrornow you do: sudo os-probe11:55
bioterrorand then11:55
bioterrorsudo update-grub11:55
deper29while i'm chroot?11:55
deper29sudo: os-probe: command not found11:55
deper29done and done11:56
bioterrornow now can press ctrl+d11:56
bioterrorand you should be out of chroot11:56
bioterrorsudo mount /mnt/sys11:58
bioterrorsudo umount /mnt/sys11:58
bioterrorsudo umount /mnt/dev11:58
bioterrorsudo umount /mnt/proc11:58
bioterrorsudo umount /mnt11:59
bioterrorand reboot11:59
deper29back shortly11:59
deper29hopefully in the proper one :D11:59
bioterrordid it work?12:02
deper29bioterror: no dice :(12:02
deper29I'm in windows now, I'll boot back into live cd I suppose12:03
deper29had to pick something when I rebooted :P12:03
deper29back shortly again12:03
geirhaSure you're booting the right harddisk?12:03
deper29certain of that12:03
bioterrorremember kids, do not use wildcards when removing unneeded kernels12:06
geirhahehe. Now I'm tempted to try sudo apt-get remove "*" in a VM12:07
bioterrordpkg -purge glibc12:08
bioterror--purge even12:08
IAmNotThatGuybioterror: Simply I can try 'sudo rm -rf' instead of wasting time with all other small commands ;D12:09
IAmNotThatGuyerr missed /12:09
bioterrorsudo rm -rf /*12:09
IAmNotThatGuybioterror: try it in your machine and tell me what happens :D12:11
MaynardJKeenanHeyyy awesome12:11
MaynardJKeenanim on irc from xchat12:11
MaynardJKeenanim so proud12:12
bobweaverHello there i am trying to install BURG and am at this step  sudo burg-install "(hd0)"    But I do not know how to substitute ‘hd0′  with the drive on which MY MBR is installed.   What is master boot record ?12:12
geirhaIAmNotThatGuy: /msg shbot rm -rf /*12:12
IAmNotThatGuyMaynardJKeenan: Wrong channel. /join #ubuntu-beginners-team12:12
IAmNotThatGuygeirha: ;P12:12
MaynardJKeenanalright will do :312:12
bobweaverthis is the link that I am using http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/linux-distributions/linux-distributions4-ubuntu/1679-how-to-install-burg-in-ubuntu-12:13
deper29bioterror: any other suggestions?12:14
deper29I imagine that should have worked the first time :/12:14
geirhaIAmNotThatGuy: I'm serious, you can try it if you want. shbot is a bot that runs shell commands in a VM. :) It doesn't run ubuntu though12:14
bobweavergeirha: like evalbot ?12:14
bioterrordeper29, thinking now12:15
IAmNotThatGuyoh! thanks geirha =]12:15
bobweaverbut with vm and not qemu >?12:15
geirhabobweaver: Yes, it's evalbot with some modifications12:15
geirhaqemu is vm software...12:15
geirhaVM, Virtual Machine12:16
bobweaversorry I meant vmware or virtual box or qemu < but not sure that I understand qemu all that well12:16
bobweaveronly use for deb gnu hurd12:17
bobweaverand eval bot12:17
geirhaAll of those can run virtual machines; evalbot and shbot both use qemu12:17
bobweaverahh cool12:17
geirhaI don't have much exprience with vmware, but virtualbox is hell to control from the command line. qemu is much more suited on that part.12:18
bobweavergeirha: know any thing about BURG or grum themes ?12:18
bobweavergrub *12:18
geirhabobweaver: No, never even considered changing grub theme12:19
deper29bioterror: I found something similar to what you were directing me to do, but instead they had done install linux-image12:32
bioterrortry it ;)12:33
deper29fingers crossed...again :P12:33
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bioterrordeper29, still problem?12:45
deper29I'm on my system12:45
bioterrorit was linux-image then?12:45
deper29other problems arose12:45
deper29yup :)12:45
deper29now just trying to fix video and ethernet :P12:45
deper29thanks for your help :D12:46
geirhaNow try removing the core component of your windows system and see how easy it is to fix that. :)12:46
geirhadeper29: Perhaps you're missing the modules12:47
bioterrorre-install graphics drivers ;)12:47
bioterrorcatalyst if AMD/ATI, nvidia if nvidia ;)12:47
geirhaI'm thinking linux-restricted-modules-<kernel version>12:48
deper29there we go, video and ethernet working properlf12:56
bioterrorseems like you had fun with GNU/Linux operating system12:56
deper29yes :P12:58
deper29question, I am trying to update to a 2.6.38 kernel using this guide http://ubuntuguide.net/install-latest-kernel-2-6-37-2-6-38-in-ubuntu-10-04-from-ppa13:01
deper29but when I go to install the linux-headers, it says it couldn't find it13:02
deper29any idea why?13:02
geirhadid the apt-get update complain about not getting the package list from that ppa?13:03
coalwaterforgot im on irssi13:05
geirhals: command not found13:05
deper29geirha: this was what I got at the end of my output http://paste.ubuntu.com/760384/13:05
geirhadeper29: That seems to be a different ppa13:06
coalwatermy netbeans broke :(13:06
geirhaaww, here, you can borrow my vim13:07
deper29geirha: those are the only ones it's having troubles with13:07
bobweaveranyone know how to find out what mbr is on my machine ?13:08
geirhadeper29: Then the ppa probably doesn't contain those linux-headers packages anymore. Possibly replaced with a newer version. Do a search;  apt-cache search ^linux-headers13:08
deper29I got a ton of stuff in there haha13:09
geirhaAnd which version are you currently using?  uname -r13:12
geirhaWell, seeing as that page is close to a year old, I'm guessing the ppa just doesn't have 2.6.38-1; it's got newer versions ...13:13
deper29I could probably just do linux-headers-2.6.38-13-generic right?13:13
geirhaSeems it only has 3.0.0 packages now13:15
deper29how do I install that?13:15
geirhaSeems those newer kernels are already included in ubuntu-backports13:18
ubot2If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging13:19
deper29also, I no longer have permission to read my log file in administration >> logfile viewer13:19
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coalwaterhi s-fox16:17
s-foxHello coalwater16:17
r4yI am trying to update grub from a live cd. How do I do that?17:05
coalwaterupdate like how ? r4y17:13
coalwaterthere's a nexie pixel vid for that lol17:14
r4ySorry I was Googling17:16
r4yI tried sudo update-grub already17:16
coalwatertry grub-update17:17
r4yI tried that as well17:18
r4yI omitted that though17:18
coalwatero yea, u need to mount17:18
r4yI tried mounting and unmounting with Disk Utility17:18
coalwaterhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lod8sRb_6I this vid might help a bit lol, just do upgrade instead of install17:19
r4yInstalling flash first17:21
coalwaterwell, i hope you figure it out r4y where ever u are , i gotta go17:39
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sandjkirklandtesting connection19:56
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=== bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_
ztag100need some help20:54
=== bodhizazen is now known as bodhi_zazen
macPawnsi need some serious help23:32
macPawnsmy touchpad has stopped working. fresh install 11.04 i38623:33
MaynardJKeenandid it work before?23:41
macPawnsi have installed a few times and it had issues with multitouch23:42
macPawnsbut then i solved that23:42
macPawnseverything was hokey dorey23:42
macPawnsit stopped, not showing under xinput list23:42
macPawnshaving to use usb mouse23:42
macPawnsi reinstalled, still nothing23:43
MaynardJKeenanbecause when i installed ubuntu 10.0423:44
MaynardJKeenanmy touchpad on my laptop still works but i cant zoom in with it anymore or basicly place 2 fingers at a time23:44
macPawnsi tried 10.04 and the wifi didn't work23:44
macPawns11.10 same thing23:44
macPawns11.04 seemed to work23:44
macPawnsi installed java23:46
macPawnsthen randomly it stopped23:47
macPawnsnow it doesn't show under xinput list23:49
ashamsmacPawns, can you see it in /proc/bus/input/devices23:59

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