
bkerensaczajkowski: Might I PM you briefly?07:30
dholbachgood morning07:54
nigelbMorning dholbach07:54
nigelbdholbach: Did we eventually participate in GCI?07:54
dholbachhi nigelb07:55
dholbachnigelb, no07:55
dholbacheverybody said "yeah, nice idea" and that was it07:55
nigelbWe thought of participating (community webdev), but all of us were too busy to help :(07:56
dholbachyeah, I guess that was the problem - everybody being too busy07:57
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scott-workgood morning12:52
* scott-work hopes this week will be less busy at work12:53
cjohnstoncprofitt: pong13:39
cprofitthey cjohnston13:40
cprofittwith the summit bitesized... I had a few questions13:41
cprofittdo I need to run an instance of it like I do with locodirectory?13:41
cjohnstonmore than likely.. there are some things, like if your changing a word or something, you may not need to.. but normally, any changes you do you need to test13:42
* cprofitt nods13:42
cprofittWhen I get home tonight I can setup a server with that on it... is there a set of instructions for doing so?13:42
cprofittI think I see what needs to be changed for the 'real name' bug but wanted to test it13:43
cjohnstoncprofitt: best I can tell, there needs to be a field to enter a 'real name' added..13:44
cprofittit looks like we have one already13:44
cjohnstonthen if the new field is filled out, display the new field, otherwise use what is imported from LP13:45
cprofittbut only use it in the non-launchpad sponsorship13:45
cjohnstoncprofitt: i think the one we already have is imported from LP13:45
cjohnstoncprofitt: ahh13:45
cprofittthere are two types of sponsorship13:45
cprofittin the LP sponsorship name = None is set13:45
cprofittin the non-lp it is set to forms.CharField(max_length=100, required=True)13:47
cprofittI will read the docs, setup a server and give it a test though13:48
cjohnstongotcha... ya.. the LP one I know imports it from LP.. and the problem is that not everyone in LP gives their correct name13:48
* cprofitt yep13:49
cprofittsummit uses a document based DB or is it a traditional relational?13:49
cjohnstonmhall119: nigelb ^13:49
AlanBellthrough the django abstraction layer13:50
cprofittthanks AlanBell13:50
cjohnstonthanks AlanBell13:50
mhall119cprofitt: we use postgres in production, sqlite for local dev13:51
* cprofitt nods13:51
dpmhey all, does anyone know why we've got two twitter feeds? https://twitter.com/#!/ubuntu and https://twitter.com/#!/Ubuntu_OS - I thought the official one was the first one, but it seems the Facebook page posts go to the second one14:29
akgranerdpm,  jono has admin on the FB page so maybe he would know :-/14:31
dpmakgraner, yeah, we've got our catch up later on and I'll ask him, I was just wondering if someone else might now14:38
akgranerWe need a wiki with all that - oh where's jcastro since he *loves* wikis and all that ;-)14:38
* cjohnston thinks we should create wiki.jorgecastro.com14:58
jcastro_hey dholbach15:43
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scott-workhmmm, no doctormo yet this morning :(15:46
dholbachhey jcastro15:47
jcastroyou go on holiday soon right?15:48
dholbachjcastro, I just took off 8th-14th because I had some holidays and swap days left15:48
jcastroah ok15:48
dholbachbut I'll be back afterwards until Christmas15:48
jonohey all15:51
dholbachhey jono15:52
jonohey dholbach15:52
jonodholbach, want to get started now?15:57
dholbachjono, sure15:57
jonodholbach, invite sent15:58
scott-workhi jono16:22
jonohowdy scott-work16:23
* scott-work notes that doctormo continually persists in his continued absence 16:26
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jonodpm, all set?16:30
dpmjono, yep16:30
jonodpm, invite sent16:33
jcastrojono: we're on for today still right?16:42
* popey hugs jcastro 16:44
jcastro<--- lunches16:45
jonojcastro, yup16:52
dholbachI call it a day - see you all tomorrow!17:11
jcastrodaker: ping a ling!17:56
dakerjcastro, yo17:56
jcastroare you still working on the joomla charm?17:57
jcastroit has a new-charm tag on it which means it's looking for a review17:57
jcastrowhich I suspect is wrong17:57
dakeractually no, and i can work on it again17:58
jcastrook I will untag it, when it's ready just plop a "new-charm" tag on it17:58
jcastrothat way it's not sitting in the queue17:58
akgranerjcastro - just heard a new term today - "Server Huggers"   - Are You a Server Hugger? Don't Be Ashamed - http://www.readwriteweb.com/cloud/2011/12/are-you-a-server-hugger-dont-b.php18:04
jcastroakgraner: that's a pretty out of date view by now18:07
akgranerI just thought the term was funny18:07
jcastrothough in the next year with openstack maturing guys like that can have their cake and eat it too18:07
akgranerand could see you converting the "server huggers"18:08
jcastrothough, nothing ever truly dies18:10
jcastroI mean, there are people still using Solaris for crying out loud. :)18:10
dakerjcastro, ok18:15
jonojcastro, yo18:53
jonoabout yet?18:53
* jcastro pauses the metal18:53
jcastroI need either G+ or phone18:54
jcastroskype on my new tablet is unfortunately as horrible as the other platforms. :-/18:54
jonoG+ is fine18:54
jonomy cam doesnt work though18:54
jonowhich is a good thing as I am full of cold and look like a zombie18:54
jcastrojono: I can hear you18:56
jcastroone sec18:56
cprofitthope you feel better soon jono - colds are not so bad, but looking like a zombie just rots18:56
jonocprofitt, thanks!18:56
jonofeeling pretty crappy18:57
jonothis is definitely manflu18:57
cprofittnever heard that term before :-)18:58
scott-workluckily everyone in our office is finally getting over this stuff19:16
scott-worki was down and out for a couple of days during thanksgiving (which kinda really sucked)19:16
cprofittI get to go for surgery on the 20th... so want to not get sick19:18
scott-workcprofitt: oooh, i bet19:20
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scott-workakgraner: let's talk sometime about maybe me (ScottL) possibly writing some Ubuntu Studio articles for the newsletter23:02
scott-workbut i'm going home for the current moment23:02
jonoany Evolution experts here?23:14
jonoanyone know if you can hide the sending message in an Evo compose window? so when the mail sends it just hides the Evo compose winodw? window23:15
bkerensa##darwin perhaps even23:15
akgranerScottL, just blog and drop me the link :-)23:25
akgranerjono you like evolution over thunderbird?   I just removed it with each fresh install - maybe I should try it again23:40
jonoI prefer Evo23:44
jonoworks better with GMail23:44
popeyNeither works 'well' with gmail23:45
popeyI've pretty much switched all my mail over to non-gmail now, because of the braindead imap functionality gmail has23:45
popey'hi' btw23:45
doctormonjono: Don't suppose you're visiting the uk between now and Christmas?23:49
cprofittI prefer evolution23:54
jonodoctormon, I am indeed23:54
jonogoing to my parents23:54
* AlanBell is looking forward to seeing doctormon on Frida23:56

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