
Riddelldoko: hmm probably my fault with delay caused by my injury, I should take a look tomorrow00:01
dokoRiddell, strange, it seems to be just installable. just did give it back00:02
dokoRiddell, infinity looks like a temporary uninstallability. package started to build00:13
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infinitydoko: Does compiz correctly find its own lib with the build-dep dropped, you didn't need to mangle the CMake mojo at all?00:53
infinitydoko: (I was about to look into the same thing, since webkit's getting close to done)00:53
infinitydoko: Oh, I guess the successful builds say yes. ;)00:54
broderslangasek: interested in uploading http://web.mit.edu/broder/Public/libsigc++-2.0_2.2.10-0ubuntu2.debdiff ?03:03
broder(i'm writing up the corresponding debian bug report now)03:03
=== pitti_ is now known as pitti
micahgpitti: did you decide chromium was sitting in -proposed long enough?07:09
pittimicahg: there was a v-done on it07:09
pittiwas that wrong?07:09
micahgpitti: oh, that was on one of the other bugs in the changelog :), meh, I just never got to testing it on oneiric since I had to update it to a newer release anyways, there was an issue with M15 which I was hoping was fixed in a newer stable release that I haven't pushed yet07:11
pittimicahg: it seems Pedro tested it quite extensively07:11
micahgI think I pushed it to lucid though, and there was only the one complaint07:11
micahgpitti: ah, let's run with that then :)07:12
pittimicahg: so, should the SRU team generally refrain from pushing chromium until you say the word?07:12
micahgpitti: well, there were multiple bugs, not all v-done, I would think it's the same as any other SRU in that regard07:12
micahgpitti: but in general, it needs someone to ACK that it's been tested07:12
micahgin this case, i'd say pedro's testing can suffice07:12
SpamapSanybody want to try pounding on this website? curious to see how much punishment it can take and whether or not I can get juju to scale it up fast enough tomeet demand..07:18
SpamapSnijaba: ^^ your limesurvey charm BTW ;)07:19
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dholbachgood morning07:54
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Laneybdmurray: Morning, looks like your ubuntu-reviewers automated notice talks about unsubscribing ubuntu-sponsors ;-)08:22
pittiso, the next precise_probs.html will look like http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/precise_probs.html09:10
infinitypitti: Including teeny-tiny fonts?09:13
pittiinfinity: oh, are they too small in your browser?09:13
pittiI can bump them from x-small to small09:13
pittibut it reads quite fine here09:13
infinityI can read it, but I also have fairly good eyesight. :P09:14
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infinitypitti: Also, when the apt message is "not going to be installed" instead of "not installable", you may want to drill down further to find the root cause.09:16
pittiindeed I also played with -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true, but it's not particularly helpful09:17
pittibut yes, trying to install both will give a better error message then09:17
pittiI'll look into this09:17
infinityIf "apt-get install foo" gives you "Depends: bar, but it is not going to be installed", then "apt-get foo bar" will give you the next level of icky.09:18
infinityI also had some nice Perl lying around that does all this by parsing package files.09:18
pittiright, that's what I usually do09:18
infinityWas written by wouter to do sane dep-wait detection in sbuild.. And I never integrated it into the Ubuntu sbuild (don't ask me why).  I can dig it up.09:19
infinityI really should polish it off and get it in lp-buildd.09:19
infinitypitti: http://grep.be/blog/en/computer/debian/dep-wait-parser09:19
pittiinfinity: at that point it's pretty much recursive britney :)09:22
pittithanks for the link09:22
infinitypitti: Yeah, reuse of britney's code in britney would lead to similar results (and, I assume, less forking).09:22
infinitypitti: Was just example code. ;)09:22
infinitypitti: (And a reminder to myself to jam it into launchpad-buildd... Three years late isn't too late, is it?)09:23
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cjwatsonpitti: precise_probs> nice one09:54
pitticjwatson: ^ more useful apt output now09:54
pittikubuntu-full is still a mystery to me (it doesn't have apt output because it succeeds)09:54
cjwatsonI didn't understand that either; I assumed it must be a bug somewhere inside britney, but couldn't see what09:55
cjwatsonyou probably need to step through it to figure that out09:55
pittijamespage: taking libxalan2-java FTBFS10:04
jamespagepitti, ack10:04
pittiinfinity: ^ FYI (as you were the last uploader)10:04
jamespagepitti: OK if I grab the merge for debian-science?10:22
pittijamespage: please10:22
jamespagepitti: great10:22
Laneydoes the britney run for precise_probs only consider main packages?10:29
pittiLaney: yes10:29
LaneyI'm wondering if we can get the raw uninstallable data out somehow, even better for the whole archive10:29
pittiLaney: IIRC running it on the whole universe would take weeks, it's an O(n^2) or worse problem10:30
cjwatsonI believe it's NP10:30
Laneyyeah, it is10:30
cjwatsonbut there's debcheck already10:30
pittiLaney: apt-cache unmet with some filtering might do perhaps10:30
Laneywhy isn't that used for probs?10:31
cjwatsonerr because different software stacks and no time10:31
Laneyok I was just wondering if one was different somehow10:31
cjwatson(also I don't know how long it takes to do a full run; precise_probs is hourly and needs to be quick10:31
Laneyalso "broken" on debcheck doesn't mean uninstallable10:32
Laneypriority mismatch too10:33
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pitti@pilot in11:24
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: pitti
* dholbach hugs pitti11:25
* pitti hugs dholbach11:25
dholbachsiretart, hey Reinhard - ready to sync xine-lib? :)11:31
dholbach(just asking because it's in testing now and we should able to close 835437)11:31
pittimeh, armel buildds are severely underpowered now that we lent many of them to armhf11:31
tsdgeospitti: i think you guys don't understand that poppler-data is not only for CJK languages11:37
pittitsdgeos: I do understand it11:38
tsdgeospitti: so? why cripple pdf viewing by default?11:38
pittitsdgeos: but the chance that e. g. an English speaker needs it is quite small, whereas in the CJK area you pretty much need it all the time11:38
pittitsdgeos: as I said, we don't put it on the CD because it's quite large and not needed in areas with latin languages11:39
pittitsdgeos: we could certianly have language-selector install it for all languages, though11:39
pittithat should provide a better compromise11:39
tsdgeos"an English speaker needs it is quite small" <- why?11:39
pittitsdgeos: well, because they don't usually read Chinese documents?11:40
tsdgeosand as i told you11:40
tsdgeosyou do not understand that poppler-data is not only for chinese documents11:40
tsdgeosthere is English documents11:40
tsdgeosthat need it11:40
tsdgeosto be properly viewed11:40
tsdgeosthat's just a mapping11:40
pittiall these encodings apply to CJK langauges only11:40
tsdgeosit's a mapping11:40
tsdgeosit's "usually" used for CJK languages only11:41
pittie. g. I never looked at a document which needed it11:41
tsdgeosi have11:41
tsdgeosdifferene i'm the poppler maintaner and you are not ;-)11:41
pittiyes, I believe you11:41
pittiI did NOT say that no non-CJK speaker would ever need it11:42
pittiI said that the chance is considerably smaller11:42
pittiso we install it from the network for langauges with a high chance of needing them11:42
tsdgeosfair enough11:42
pittiand as I said, we could extend that to install it for all languages11:42
pittiit's an additional 11 MB for everyone then, which will rarely, if ever, be used, but it would provide that support for legacy encodings11:43
tsdgeosit's up to you11:44
tsdgeosi can only say that there is regular bug reports about people not being able to read documents because poppler-data is not installed11:44
doko_libproxy (0.3.1-2ubuntu2) natty; urgency=low11:44
doko_  * debian/control:11:44
doko_    - Drop KDE from build-deps on ARM to workaround FTBFS due to KDE stack11:44
doko_      being broken due to toolchain issues. This will be reverted after11:44
doko_      Alpha 1 (LP: #683072)11:44
doko_ -- Michael Casadevall <mcasadevall@ubuntu.com>  Mon, 29 Nov 2010 16:00:27 -080011:44
tsdgeosi only wanted you guys to know it11:44
tsdgeosif you can live with that11:44
doko_we need a better way to track work-arounds11:44
pittitsdgeos: right, thanks; I'll go with installing it for all languages, as it keeps coming up occasionally11:45
seb128tsdgeos, hi11:45
tsdgeosseb128: hi11:45
seb128tsdgeos, could the pdf viewer detect when opening a document that poppler-data is needed to view some glyphs?11:45
seb128tsdgeos, like could we do some "install on demand" in i.e evince?11:45
tsdgeosseb128: yes it could11:46
tsdgeosbut then you'd need to add that11:47
tsdgeosto pdftotext too11:47
seb128tsdgeos, ;-)11:49
doko_pitti, did you fix openoffice.org for armhf as well?11:51
pittidoko_: yes, it wasn't an exclusion but an inclusion11:51
pittidoko_: i. e. -base only gets built on the arches that libo-base actually exists for, i. e. i386 amd64 powerpc11:51
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pittiseems to make more sense to me11:52
pittieven if it exists on arm* some day, the oo.o-base transitional isn't needed as oo.o-base never existed on arm* before11:52
pittithe oo.o source can go away entirely after precise11:52
infinitypitti: Erm, you fixed it by making the source not build on arm at all?11:54
pittiinfinity: yes, so that it'll become NBS11:54
infinitypitti: Oh, derp.  It's all arch:all.11:54
infinitypitti: Nevermind. :)11:54
pittiinfinity: not any more :)11:54
infinitypitti: I was just wondering why there were only 3 arches building, then brain kicked in.11:54
pittiit should be NBS after the next publisher11:54
pittithen I'll remove it11:55
infinitypitti: Yeah, I meant "all the packages arm cares about are arch:all".11:55
cjwatsoninfinity: ~ubuntu-archive/public_html/armhf/ doesn't seem to be owned by ubuntu-archive throughout11:55
infinitycjwatson: I've been rsyncing to it as me, so yeah, seems possible.11:56
cjwatsoninfinity: could you 'mkdir -p dists/precise/main/debian-installer/binary-armhf && touch dists/precise/main/debian-installer/binary-armhf/Packages' in there, please?11:56
cjwatsonoh, and possibly regenerate Release11:56
infinityMy hackish Release gen script won't do that.  But can fix.11:57
cjwatsonthat'll help the debian-installer build11:57
cjwatsonAh, if you've scripted it, possibly best that I couldn't write to it directly.11:57
infinitycjwatson: Regenerating now.12:04
cjwatsonpitti: I fixed the ordering in archive-reports a bit so that the chdist update is guaranteed to complete before precise_probs is generated, since you're relying on that now12:09
pitticjwatson: oh, thanks12:09
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shnatselcjwatson: thanks again for your help on the doc about building large-scale derivatives! Really appreciated.12:10
cjwatsonglad it helped12:11
infinitycjwatson: That look good?12:11
cjwatsoninfinity: should be, I'll give d-i a shot again12:11
infinitycjwatson: Was it just barfing because it expects a main/d-i component matching every line in sources.list?12:12
cjwatsonand it's easier to adjust the bootstrap archive for that than to filter it out in d-i12:12
* infinity nods.12:12
cjwatson(and arguably less wrong)12:12
infinitycjwatson: And... I broke my own Releases file somehow.12:18
cjwatson e659416b35f5f28f15a677eaa8411ba5    1666282 main/binary-armhf/Packages12:20
cjwatson d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  0 main/debian-installer/binary-armhf/Packages12:20
infinityYeah, wuh indeed.12:20
cjwatsontwo missing spaces maybe?12:20
infinityMaybe?  Is it that picky?12:20
cjwatsonoh, I see12:20
cjwatson 22a0ff9ffeb9ff014eec2543adeb78a71d810fd64969fbf4a24af4b94a71ed26    1666282 main/binary-armhf/Packages12:20
cjwatson e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855  1666282 main/binary-armhf/Packages12:20
cjwatsonpretty sure that's not what you meant12:20
infinityOh, err.  Oops.12:20
infinityExcept, that shouldn't matter.12:20
infinityCause it's not checking the d-i bits...12:20
infinityAt that point.12:21
cjwatsonBut it might well pick the last of two claimed distinct SHA256 sums for a given file.12:21
cjwatsonWhich would make the checksum of main/binary-armhf/Packages incorrect.12:21
infinityI missed the duplicate filename. :)12:21
infinityla la la.12:22
cjwatsonShould reduce the build queue length really quickly, though.12:22
infinityAnd how!12:22
infinityYou'd think lillypilly would be faster than my Panda for this.12:24
shnatselpitti: I came here to bug you about bug 899568, but you've approved the merge before I even pinged you ^^ Thanks!12:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 899568 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "gnome-session is registered in alternatives system by wrong package" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89956812:24
infinityI should have just hand-edited the Release file. :P12:24
infinity(But wanted to make sure the script was right)12:24
pittishnatsel: heh :) thanks12:24
pittishnatsel: I also uploaded the package12:24
shnatseloh, that's why it's "fix released" already12:24
shnatselpitti: twice the thanks then! :D12:25
infinityOh, there's a germinate eating all my CPU.12:25
infinityKay, fixed.12:25
pittishnatsel: see /topic, I'm patch pilot ATM :)12:25
cjwatsonMaybe I'll convert update-germinate to something like the prospective Launchpad multi-germinate magic at some point.12:25
cjwatsonAlthough I think it spends a lot of its time writing out giant rdepends listings anyway ...12:26
infinitycjwatson: That seems happier.12:29
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
infinitycjwatson: And d-i is happy with the fake indexes. \o/12:31
infinity.. and fails right after.12:31
infinityRather mysteriously and non-verbosely...12:32
cjwatsonNot a giant surprise.  (Is there a porter chroot around somewhere?  I was flying blind.)12:33
infinityI don't think lamont's got one on scheat yet.12:33
infinityYou could ask nicely, now that precise/armhf is actually debootstrappable.12:33
infinityThere's a ticket for it.12:33
cjwatsonMaybe it doesn't like empty Packages files or something12:34
infinityYou want some udebs in there for the lolz?12:34
infinityI happen to have some.12:34
infinityThough that sounds a lot like writing an actual apt-ftparchive config.12:35
lamontinfinity: it's debootstrappable now?12:35
infinityOr, I could just generate a one-off.12:35
infinitylamont: Should be.12:35
infinitylamont: But please don't replace my buildd chroots. :P12:35
lamontI shall attempt this12:35
cjwatsoninfinity: It really ought not to need them.  It's a bug if it does.12:35
lamontinfinity: are they dirty dirty little chroots/12:35
infinitylamont: Not really.  Not anymore. :P12:35
infinitylamont: But still, I'll let you know when we're ready to swap them for scripted versions.12:36
cjwatsoninfinity: In fact, I see where it might be.  I can test it once lamont's done. :-)12:36
infinitylamont: porter chroot on scheat, however, would be lovely.12:36
cjwatson                grep-dctrl -! -rFKernel-Version . $KV_COND "$packages" > "$packages.tmp"12:36
cjwatson^- probably needs || true12:36
infinityThat seems likely.12:37
infinityShouldn't that fail on building against proposed/updates too?12:37
infinityOr do we never rebuild against post-release pockets until we have new kernels? :P12:37
infinity(ie: we get lucky)12:37
cjwatsonThat's probably so.12:38
infinitylamont: Oh, not to put undue pressure on you or anything, but Nafallo led me to believe that rescuing gourd and acorn would have to be a group effort between the two of you.  If you could make that happen, I'll love you forver (until the next time I want something).12:41
lamontyou are so ephermal that way12:42
Nafalloinfinity: only gourd.12:42
infinityNafallo: Oh, you can make acorn happy all by yourself?12:42
infinityNafallo: Even better.12:42
Nafalloinfinity: potentially.12:42
Nafalloinfinity, lamont: nvm. gourd is happy this time.12:43
Nafallolamont: ^-- cleanup of these two however.12:43
infinityNafallo: Oh, huzzah.12:44
infinityadconrad@cocoplum:~$ suite-diff.py /srv/launchpad.net/ubuntu-archive/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-arm*/Packages.gz gt | wc -l12:44
infinity^-- Getting there.12:44
lamontnasl has 10912:46
infinityCan worry about the rest when we do the mass 110 rollout.12:47
infinityWhich will hopefully be after armel is done building several multi-day builds... :/12:47
infinityIn retrospect, stealing all the pandas for armhf may have been cruel.12:48
lamontarmel still has nasl... :)12:48
infinityYeah. ;)12:48
infinityI gave it to armel when I realised it had an outdated lp-buildd.12:48
infinityI'll leave it there for now.12:48
infinityAnd maybe give them one more too.12:49
cjwatsoninfinity: Better d-i uploaded now, though it'll dep-wait on a few u-boot-ish things that haven't been arwoofed yet.12:50
infinityarwoofication incoming shortl.12:51
infinitylamont: Say, where's the 10th Panda?12:53
infinitylamont: Oh, that's the one you asked Nafallo to wiggle cables on, right?12:53
lamontaltais hates us all12:53
lamontcaph is the 11th though12:53
cjwatsonK observed (or possibly passed on an observation) this morning that Scotland now has more pandas than Tory MPs12:53
cjwatsonthough that's a different kind of panda ...12:53
lamontheka also hates us all12:53
lamontcjwatson: heh12:54
infinityadconrad@scheat:~$ dchroot -c precise-armhf12:54
infinity(precise-armhf)I have no name!@scheat:~$12:54
infinityNice hostname. ;)12:54
lamontI suspect it may be true for our kind of pandas, too12:54
lamontinfinity: I'm still building it, and your bits are clearly broken. :-p12:54
infinitylamont: They are?12:54
lamontinfinity: please score libnss-db through the roof12:55
infinityOh, libnss-db.  Right.12:55
infinitylamont: Err, it's built.12:56
infinitylamont: 6 days ago.12:56
infinitylamont: Which would explain why it's installed in the chroot. :P12:56
infinitylamont: Any more simple requests?12:56
lamontI just installed it manually :-p12:57
infinitySure, blame my archive for your script.12:57
infinityI bet it was special-cased out for armhf by dannf.12:57
siretartdholbach: thanks for the reminder, I can do that in a minute12:58
cjwatsonlamont: I don't suppose I could get RT#49745 (germinate/mawson) done too?  I have a dependency stack a mile deep for this and would like to start whittling it away. :-)13:02
cjwatsonOr is that a webops thing?13:02
mthaddonnope, that's a GSA thing13:03
mthaddoncjwatson: anyone in #canonical-sysadmin should be able to help13:03
mthaddonyeah, I'd better defer to the GSAs there13:04
lagA little help: My panel resets to default on reboot and I can't change my clock display settings (related?)13:05
infinitydoko_: Why the build-dep change for libproxy?13:09
doko_mozjs not in main13:09
infinityAhh, didn't notice it getting dropped.  Fair enough.13:10
infinityAnd after I put in a whole 5 minutes of effort to make it build, too.13:11
siretartdholbach: done13:17
doko_Daviey, what's the story about squid/squid3? I assume squid3 is used, but squid is still in the archive (and fails to upload for armhf). should it be removed?13:22
doko_infinity, do you work on u-boot-linaro?13:25
chrisccoulsonpitti, you might like bug 900280 ;)13:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 900280 in zarafa-drag-n-drop (Ubuntu) "Please remove source and binaries from Precise" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90028013:25
chrisccoulsonis there any way to blacklist all packages with pkg-mozext-maintainers as the maintainer?13:25
cjwatsonNot as yet.13:26
chrisccoulsoni feel like this is a game of cat and mouse every cycle now13:26
cjwatsonI thought I saw a bug for that earlier13:26
cjwatsonI mean for this batch of removals13:26
cjwatsonWe may be able to do more fine-grained blacklisting once we have autosyncing moved over to the API, but that still has at least one blocking Launchpad bug in the way.13:26
chrisccoulsonoh, i did look and didn't see any13:27
cjwatsonchrisccoulson: bug 89148413:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 891484 in uppity (Ubuntu) "Please remove these Firefox extensions binaries and source + blacklist" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89148413:27
cjwatsonOverlapping set of packages.13:27
chrisccoulsonoh, it doesn't contain most of them, that's why i didn't see it13:27
infinitydoko_: I was going to get jcrigby to to the Linaro stuff, but if he doesn't have the time, I will.13:28
Davieydoko_: fails to upload?  As in a Launchpad buildd issue?13:28
Davieydoko_: squid is planned to still be in universe, with squid3 in main.  The was the last plan i heard.13:28
infinityDaviey: Fail to upload usually means a package building a binary older than what's in the archive.13:28
DavieyAhhh, i'm going to bet there is a transitional package in squid3 causing this13:29
infinityDaviey: In other words, if you want that source around, kick out the offending binaries that were replaced elsewhere.13:29
Davieyinfinity: thanks13:29
Davieydoko_: I think squid can actually go, but i'd like to confirm with zul who was mostly handling the transition - i believe.13:30
cjwatsonThat's what I understood to be the plan when I NEWed squid3, I think13:32
pittichrisccoulson: heh, yay cleanup13:40
pittidebfx: ah, so your upload of step counteracts my upload of meta-kde :) so we can probably revert the latter13:43
doko_Daviey, yes launchpad issue, both packages build the squid binary13:43
debfxpitti: first let's see if it really builds ;)13:44
infinitydebfx: It builds in experimental on armel.13:44
infinitydebfx: I like our odds.13:44
cjwatsondoko_: Not a Launchpad issue in the sense that this isn't a Launchpad bug, though.13:45
debfxinfinity: Debian's Qt uses OpenGL on all architectures so that's no indication that it builds on Ubuntu13:46
infinitydebfx: Ahh.13:46
zulsquid can go13:46
infinitydebfx: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/step/4:4.7.3-0ubuntu2/+build/298670413:48
infinitydebfx: Looks good.13:48
pitticjwatson, doko_: docbook5-xml is a newer version of docbook-xml, docbook-xsl b-deps on that now; just data files; I'd just promote it, or do you want a full MIR?13:48
infinitypitti: step on armhf built.  Probably fair to assume armel will too.13:49
dholbachsiretart, thanks! :)13:50
doko_pitti, sure13:50
pittisuperm1: can you please have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/mythtv/font-rename/+merge/83047 ?13:55
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
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Davieypitti: I believe it has landed, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/mythtv/mythtv-fixes/revision/45014:06
pittiDaviey: oh, thanks; so apparently it wasn't "formally" merged, closing my MP then14:06
Davieypitti: I think it was proposed against lp:mythtv rather than, lp:~mythbuntu/mythtv/mythtv-fixes14:07
Davieypitti: So, i think Mario rebased, which is why it didn't auto close.14:10
pittiDaviey: anyway, as long as it's fixed, I'm happy :)14:10
pittijust wanted to prevent longer-term uninstallability14:10
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pitti@pilot out14:47
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
pitticjwatson: is there an easier trick to build britneymodul.so  than scp'ing the whole dir to local workstation, building there, and scp'ing back?14:59
pitti(lillypilly doesn't have apt -dev stuff)14:59
infinitypitti: My guess is that, until you started hacking on it, it hadn't been rebuilt in years. :P15:00
infinity(But I could be wrong)15:00
pitti240522 2011-11-23 17:38 britneymodule.so15:01
pittinot _that_ long ago :)15:01
infinityI stand corrected. ;)15:01
infinityOr sit.15:01
pittiI'm ok with the rsync-twice dance, just wondered whether I'm missing something obvious15:01
infinityYou could be missing the part where Colin just has a local tree for it and builds and pushes in one direction.15:02
infinity(again, guessing)15:02
pittiprobably that, yes15:02
pittikubuntu-meta 1.241 kubuntu-full (amd64) uninstallable15:02
pittiI want to see why it's telling this lie15:03
pittiooh, I bet I know15:04
pittiit depends on nvidia-current15:04
pittimain -> restricted dependency15:04
pittiwell, recommends:15:04
infinitySo, not a lie.15:04
infinityOr, that reports on recommends?15:04
pittiand it sounds wrong, too -- this would break all non-nvidia systems15:05
infinityNeed to get 1278 MB of archives.15:05
infinityAfter this operation, 3399 MB of additional disk space will be used.15:05
infinityNote to self: never actually install kubuntu-full.15:05
pittidebfx, ScottK, Riddell: ok if I drop this: dvd: * (nvidia-current)15:07
pittidebfx, ScottK, Riddell: it breaks non-nvidia systems (as it diverts libGL) and also is a main -> restricted dependency which counts as uninstallable15:07
debfxpitti: yes and fglrx too15:08
pittidebfx: thanks for confirming; seed updated, rebuilding -meta now15:09
doko_Daviey, MIR for suds needed (pulled in by fence-agents, which looks serverish)15:17
debfxpitti: what's the exact result of the image size debate this cycle? can each flavor decide if they want 750 MB images?15:20
pittidebfx: I guess so; sabdfl said he was ok with 750 MB images, but for ubuntu itself we want to try and stick to 700 MB for precise15:21
Davieydoko_: that is raised, isn't it?15:22
Davieydoko_: bug 89826815:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 898268 in suds (Ubuntu) "[MIR] suds" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89826815:23
doko_Daviey, yes, but incomplete, and needed for armhf15:23
Davieydoko_: ok15:23
debfxpitti: so ubuntu desktop is sticking with the 700 MB as the default installation medium? would it be an option for kubuntu to have a 700MB cd image but use a 1.5 GB usb/dvd image as the default?15:29
pittidebfx: I guess so15:29
debfxok, thanks15:30
jbichaover 900,000 bugs!15:36
pittijamespage, jibel: do you see what's wrong in https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-upgrade/lastFailedBuild/ or https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-upgrade/lastFailedBuild/PROFILE=lts-server-amd64,label=upgrade-test/ ?15:36
pittifor the first URL, I looked at the "ubuntu" profile15:37
pittiI can't see any error in apt-term.log or main.log15:37
pittiooh, it's probably the tests after that15:38
pitticonsole output has some stuff15:38
jamespagepitti: it looks like something went wrong during the test to me "Connection to localhost closed by remote host...."15:40
jibelpitti, server doesn't restart after upgrade,  it can't find the rootfs anymore after the upgrade15:41
jibeljamespage, ubuntu upgrade is fine, it just the status on the public jenkins that is not updated.15:42
jibeljamespage, it failed last night because I tried to run 2 tests simultaneously on the same server but there was conflicting ports to communicate with the testbed.15:43
pittiah, thanks15:44
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psusismoser: I've worked up some patches to util-linux now for the online resize support... including a simple wrapper command15:51
psusismoser: also an update mode to partx15:52
smoserpsusi, you're too kind.15:53
smoserthat is awesome.15:53
smoserdo you have a bug for this ? or blueprint or something?15:53
psusiit just dawned on me that is kind of the canonical reference implementation of the user side of the blkpg ioctls15:54
psusiI filed a bug against the kernel and attached the patch asking that it be added, and I have proposed a branch of parted for merging15:54
smoserbug number ?15:55
psusiactually I also filed one to fix the loopback device to clean up partitions when you detach the backing file.  bugs #899717 and #89972315:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 899723 in linux (Ubuntu) "[PATCH] Add partition resize function to BLKPG" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89972315:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 899717 in linux (Ubuntu) "[PATCH] Loopback device partition cleanup on detach" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89971715:56
smoserpsusi, are/were you going to send util-linux upstream ?15:57
psusismoser: going to as soon as I finish a bit more testing16:01
psusismoser: but with these changes, you will either be able to run partx -u /dev/sda or respart /dev/sda start size16:02
psusismoser: after using sfisk to update of course16:04
cjwatsonpitti: it's annoying; I think I built it in a porter-amd64 chroot.16:04
psusiso basically when sfdisk complains about BLKRRPART, just run partx -u and you're done16:04
cjwatson[5~/wg 29516:05
Laneyimpressive number of windows16:05
Davieyor a really intelligent walking across the keyboard.16:06
l3oncjwatson, hey! :) ... I'm looking at libparse-http-useragent-perl ... last entry in changelog says:16:06
l3on  * Pre-Depends: dpkg (>= 1.15.6) for xz compression support.  Needed until16:06
l3on    after Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.16:06
l3onDo you think we still need it ?16:07
stgraberl3on: that's needed for 10.04 => 12.04 upgrade IIRC16:07
psusixz is required anyhow16:07
stgraberl3on: to force dpkg to upgrade itself first before trying that one16:07
psusidpkg pre-depends on it16:07
l3onah ok, cjwatson I can take it ? (last change has done by you)16:08
l3onthanks stgraber and psusi  :)16:08
cjwatsonl3on: When I said we needed it until after 12.04 LTS, I meant it.  Please keep that change.16:08
cjwatsonpsusi: You missed the point, I'm afraid.16:08
psusicjwatson: I figured that a moment later ;)16:09
cjwatsonl3on: If you dropped that change, then Launchpad would refuse to accept the upload of any binaries built from that package.16:09
cjwatsonl3on: I left that very specific note in the changelog so that people wouldn't need to ask when they could drop it.16:10
l3onthanks cjwatson :)16:11
psusismoser: by the way, yesterday I played around with getting my desktop to boot without an initrd.. got boot time on my ssd down to just under 8 seconds from about 12... had to build the achi module into the kernel though, and of course, without the uuid kernel patch, the root= argument is fragile...16:13
cjwatsonl3on: You can take that merge if you like.16:13
l3onI took :)16:13
smoseryeah. thats cool.16:13
psusismoser: I was wondering about those cloud images... what vm are they running under?  qemu?  and when they boot, do they use grub, or just directly load the kernel?16:15
tedgWhat's the default optimization level in Ubuntu?  -O2?16:17
smoserpsusi, they boot from grub. and will boot under kvm or xen (xen with pv-grub)16:19
smoseryou can play with an image by following that.16:20
psusismoser: could probably shave off a bit more boot time skipping grub16:24
smoserskipping ?16:25
psusiI'm pretty sure qemu-kvm had a switch where yuo can pass it the kernel image to boot directly rather than have it load and execute the MBR in 16 bit mode16:26
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smoserpsusi, yes, you can.16:32
smoserand that is actually how uecalyptus loads... but then you have to deal with the host knowing the kernel parameters of the guest, and you can't (easily) update your guest kernel and reboot.16:33
smoserso... grub makes lots of sense. timeout is zero on EC2 images, but we do have a 5 second (i think) timeout in the images by default. that could be addressed. the reason is to allow the user to get in if they're booting in kvm. thats less important now than it used to be, thoug. previously the only way you could reasonably use the image in kvm was to modify the command line parameters.16:34
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doko_bryceh, you did merge libdvdread, but didn't fix the ftbfs on amd6416:38
pitticjwatson: so kubuntu-full still pulls in sl-modem-daemon and bcmwl-kernel-source in the "dvd" seed, but these packages are in restricted16:40
pitticjwatson: this is what makes kubuntu-full uninstallable16:40
pitticjwatson: I don't think bcmwl should be in that metapackage, as the installer will automatically pull it, right?16:41
pitticjwatson: should these two perhaps go in to dvd-live?16:41
pitticjwatson: handled bcmwl, already in kubuntu's ship-live16:43
pittiso I wonder what to do with sl-modem16:44
pittimoving it to dvd-live would take it out of kubuntu-full and should fix the problem16:46
doko_didrocks, please could you look at the unity-lens-files build failure on armhf? such a pkgconfig file doesn't exist. https://launchpadlibrarian.net/86366105/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-armhf.unity-lens-files_0.6.12-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:53
doko_should fail on intel too?16:53
jimbauwensAnyone here that works on the Ubuntu installer?16:54
didrocksdoko_: yeah, we discusssed it with lool, the new zg doesn't contain it and it will be fixed in the next u-l-f upload16:54
doko_didrocks, when about?16:54
didrocksdoko_: which is not there yet, but will happen at some point16:54
didrocksdoko_: next unity release, still under discussion when it will be16:54
doko_didrocks, could it be fixed for the armhf bootstrap in the mean time?16:55
didrocksdoko_: I can distro-patch which is a little bit ackward for me right now, but if you need it urgently…16:55
doko_didrocks, not urgent, but then the gnome desktop would be complete :-)16:56
didrocksdoko_: will do it shortly then, if we can't release that week16:57
ogra_would surely speed us up in starting to build images16:57
* infinity picks up the librest FTBFS.16:57
* ogra_ was glaring at that ... weird xml trash16:57
infinityogra_: Nah, it's just stuff trying to hit the internet.16:58
infinityogra_: Easy fix.16:58
ogra_oh, i probably titnd scroll far enough up yet :)16:58
didrocksogra_: you have weird stuff to glare at :)16:59
pittijamespage: FYI, fixing the python3-gobject NBS16:59
pittijamespage: and I'll commit the python-gobject-cairo bits into ubiquity/software-center bzr17:00
pittiah, ubiquity already has it17:01
pittimvo, tremolux: I can't commit to lp:software-center/5.0; can you please s/python-gobject-cairo/python-gi-cairo/ ?17:02
pittiok, really leaving now, good night!17:04
tremoluxpitti: hello! yep, will do17:04
tremoluxpitti: have a good night  :)17:04
jimbauwensThe ubuntu installer sets too big swap partitions on modern machines. The system will become quite unstable before it can even use the half of it.(for most applications)17:04
mvopitti: why for 5.0? does this need to go into oneiric?17:04
jimbauwensShould I make a report on launchpad about this?17:06
doko_cjwatson, infinity: is there an easy way to look for packages in main, which are not yet built on armhf? promoted packages keep their low build score, and starve to build ...17:07
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tremoluxpitti: if you are still around, about your request, seems you mean for us to change the dep in trunk, no in the 5.0 (Oneiric) branch, correct?17:21
seb128tremolux, he left it seems but yes, that's for precise only17:24
seb128tremolux, the renaming didn't happen in oneiric ;-)17:24
tremoluxseb128: yep, thanks for confirming!  :)17:24
cjwatsonpitti: dvd-live has a confusing name - that's analogous to live (i.e. on the live filesystem) rather than to ship-live (i.e. in a pool alongside the live filesystem)17:37
cjwatsonpitti: we could abuse or rename dvd-live-langsupport, if it's not suitable for ship-live ...17:38
cjwatsondoko_: I guess this is what quinn-diff is for, although I don't know if anyone runs it for Ubuntu17:39
cjwatsondoko_: shame the build queue doesn't seem to be exposed in the API17:40
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dokoLaney, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/86705706/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-armhf.gnome-desktop-sharp2_2.26.0-6_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:23
infinityI'll never understand why people think it's sane to patch *after* you autoreconf.18:26
Laneyinfinity: it's a legacy ltmain.sh --as-needed patch18:28
Laneydoko: thanks, I'll just replace it with dh_autoreconf18:28
lifelessI have a q about apt & debtags: do the tags need to be in the packages file, or is there a lookaside file that can be used ?18:48
broderi didn't think debtags were published in the main archive at al18:48
lifelessthey are not currently18:49
broderoh, is that changing?18:49
lifelessWhat I want to know is where apt etc look for them today18:49
lifelesssoftware centre would like them published; we're trying to see what can be done18:50
tumbleweedon debian, they are in Packages18:50
Laneydoko: uploaded, sync when LP knows about -718:50
Laneyor I will18:50
enricolifeless: apt looks for them in the Packages file; software-centre uses apt-xapian-index for searches, and apt-xapian-index can be fed using plugins18:51
enricolifeless: however, I'm not sure what software-centre does for visualization of tag data18:51
lifelessenrico: doesn't today as they aren't published18:51
enricolifeless: tags can be extracted from apt-xapian-index rather easily18:51
lifelessenrico: so apt can't use a lookaside file ?18:51
enricolifeless: a-x-i can read them from /var/lib/debtags/package-tags using its debtags.py plugin, for example18:52
enricolifeless: apt can't use a lookaside file afaik18:52
enricolifeless: for the record, the procedure to extract them from a-x-i is to look for all terms starting with 'XT' in a document18:52
enricolifeless: the document can be looked up searching the term 'XPpackagename'18:53
lifelessthat lep talks about using a separate file18:54
lifelessI guess based on this discussion that that is science fiction?18:54
enricolifeless: I don't know APT or software-centre's code enough to be able to tell, I recon you'd have to talk to the respective authors18:55
enricolifeless: tags don't change that often, so pdiffs would have little size difference with/without tags18:56
enricolifeless: but I'm more the right person for tag algorithms, or for setting up tag feeds from Debian to Ubuntu and vice versa, for example, rather than for apt or software-centre work18:57
slangasekI don't believe Ubuntu is currently doing pdiffs at all, though18:58
slangasekor is that part of the proposal?18:58
lifelessits not18:58
enricoslangasek: it's not. Sorry for mentioning them, I didn't know Ubuntu wasn't doing them18:58
lifelessthe question revolves around the cost of change for the publisher18:58
slangasekyes, we'd like faster publishing, not slower, please ;)18:59
lifelessadding in a new table, API's to maintain it, and retuning the publisher to snarf the additional data is a bit of work18:59
lifelessdoing an async snarf-and-emit of a tag set to a separate unsigned file would have less impact and be easier I suspect18:59
lifelessthe more we shove into the publisher the tighter the critical section is19:01
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iamfuzzany openssl gurus about?  I'm having some linkage troubles19:57
Ampelbeiniamfuzz: Might be useful to include such things as error message, linker command etc ;-)20:01
iamfuzzAmpelbein, http://pastebin.com/dNNw98sf20:02
iamfuzzit's a strange thing. It never happened against 0.9.820:02
iamfuzzbut the symbols ARE  present in libcrypto.a20:02
iamfuzzand -lcrypto is being passed20:03
cjwatsonlink order matters20:03
Ampelbeiniamfuzz: objects go before libs20:03
cjwatsonyou need to put -l<foo> after anything that uses symbols from it20:03
roadmrfoo :)20:04
cjwatsonthis isn't an OpenSSL change; but more recent Ubuntu versions are stricter about this20:04
iamfuzzcjwatson, ah ok, I'll switch the order around and see if I can sort it out20:05
iamfuzzthe libs are needed20:05
cjwatsonindeed, but the purpose of this linker change was to allow us to drop DT_NEEDED entries for libraries that weren't needed20:05
cjwatsonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/ToolchainTransition also20:06
cjwatsonessentially the linker used to be doing loads of extra work both at build time and at run time to support people linking things backwards :-)20:07
iamfuzzcjwatson, but it allowed people like me to be lazy!20:08
cjwatsonthat's nice, but. :-)20:09
iamfuzzcjwatson, many thanks, that's all it was20:09
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psusihrm... it appears that util-linux isn't using a patch system.. so if I cherry pick an upstream commit and commit it in bzr, won't that cause a conflict on future merge that will be a pita to resolve?21:10
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infinitypsusi: Don't really care if it's in bzr or not.21:19
roadmrHi, SRU versioning question! I want to SRU some changes to checkbox 0.12.8, what should the new version number be? is 0.12.8ubuntu1 OK? (trunk has moved on and is now at 0.13, my changes are cherry-picked from that)21:19
infinitypsusi: But converting it to 3.0 (quilt) is on my todo.21:19
infinitypsusi: When I can sneak it past lamont. ;)21:20
broderroadmr: i probably wouldn't introduce an "ubuntu" component since there wasn't one there before. i think i would pick something like
roadmrbroder: oh that looks nicer21:21
stgraberroadmr: I usually use the example from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation#Packaging as they cover most use cases. So based on that it should be 0.12.8ubuntu0.1, but as broder said, as your package is native to Ubuntu and not Debian, just adding .1 is probably fine21:22
infinityOh, if it's Ubuntu-native, then yeah.  No ubuntu needed.21:22
roadmrstgraber: yep, that's the example I'm looking at21:22
stgraberinfinity: yeah, checkbox is one of these weird ubuntu-native packages that's not a meta package :)21:22
infinitystgraber: One of the three? ;)21:23
roadmrinfinity: yep, native (i.e. we're the upstream anyway) - but I don't think I can do a "microrelease" as our 0.12 branch is up to 0.12.11 and has some non-sruable changes21:23
roadmrinfinity: so ubuntu's 0.12.9 would be different from upstream's 0.12.9 (feels wrong)21:23
infinityroadmr: Right, that would be wrong.21:23
infinityroadmr: is fine.21:23
broderthat being said, it's pretty weird that checkbox is versioned as debian/ubuntu-native21:23
infinityIf it has "upstream" releases, it shouldn't be natively-packaged, no.21:24
infinityBut fixing that in an SRU is also wrong. :P21:24
broderagreed :)21:24
stgraberyeah, checkbox really should split its packaging out of the upstream branch, actually make proper release tarball and have a nice -0ubuntuX version number like the rest of the world21:24
stgraberbut I know I've already been complaining a few times about it (every time I have to review/sponsor it) without much changing so far...21:25
roadmrstgraber: sorry, I'll try to have a look at the versioning for this cycle, I'm just getting acquainted with how versioning works21:25
infinitystgraber: Offer to maintain it in Debian, but only if you can have shiny upstream tarballs?21:25
roadmrOooo, checkbox in debian!21:26
infinityOriginal-Maintainer: Marc Tardif <marc@ubuntu.com>21:26
infinityI take it back.21:26
stgraberroadmr: that'd be great if you could fix that this cycle indeed. Would make packaging by other distros much easier and also make reviewing/sponsoring easier because you'd be like the rest of the world :)21:26
roadmrstgraber: but we want to be different, just like everyone else :P21:27
infinityWell, "other distros" won't happen unless it has pluggable backends or something, I suspect.21:27
roadmrstgraber: hehe no, seriously, I'll definitely have a look21:27
broderi thought the LP-submission was the only thing ubuntu-specific21:27
broderi'm using checkbox at work and just tore that out :)21:28
stgraberinfinity: I thought checkbox was all about flexibility and you just need something parsing/pushing the xml output21:28
infinitystgraber: Maybe.  I've never looked at the code. ;)21:29
roadmrstgraber, broder, infinity: I'll go with then, and I'll look into versioning / debianizing things too. Thanks!21:29
broderroadmr: sounds awesome :-D21:29
lamontinfinity: util-linux will not implement a VCS in the source package.  and that's all 3.0 (quilt) is21:50
lamontinfinity: :-p21:50
infinitylamont: Yeah, yeah.21:54
infinitylamont: Give me write access to git, then. :P21:55
psusilamont: so if I make changes, just make them directly?  won't that cause a conflict when merging the same change from upstream later though?21:55
infinitypsusi: Not if it's identical to an upstream commit, no.21:55
psusiright, but if there is the slightest little difference...21:55
infinityThen there's a conflict.  We're smart people.21:56
psusihrm... trying to figure out how to effectively deal with that... I mean, as far as I know, you can't see ohh, local commit foo and remote commit foo are the problem... they look the same, so drop local foo, the way you can with quilt patches21:58
infinityOf course you can.21:59
lamontpsusi: it's doable.  sometimes it sucks, but mostly it's not so bad21:59
infinitypsusi: We import your change as a revision in git.  We merge upstream git.  Conflict.  Resolve.  It's obvious which was from where.22:00
psusihow?  I mean, bzr just tells you there's a conflict, go fix it.. but not the conflict is between local commit foo, and remote commit bar22:00
infinitypsusi: (Granted, it's even better if you just tell lamont which upstream commit you want, and he can cherry-pick the actual commit)22:00
infinitypsusi: Cause then that will retain ancestry and auto-resolve its own damned self.22:00
psusiit's not committed yet, just posted to the ml today :)22:01
infinityAhh. ;)22:01
dr3mrohello , I am trying to create a ppa for daily build of a project i am not the owner of it hosted on google code but it fails when i enter the repository address in launchpad https://code.google.com/p/plowshare22:37
micahgdr3mro: you probably #launchpad for recipe help22:38
micahg* want22:38
htorquebdmurray: hi! about bug 899683 - are you sure it should be a dupe of the no space left master bug?22:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220961 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #899683 [MASTER] ubiquity crashes instead of notifying the user of not enough disk space" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22096122:48
htorquebdmurray: i installed oneiric a couple of times with the same settings during the last six months, now precise fails with that weird partition sizes.22:49
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bdmurrayhtorque: nope, I'll fix it22:53
slangasekcjwatson: hi, question on bug #77137222:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771372 in procps (Ubuntu Oneiric) "procps runs too early in the boot process" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77137222:59
slangasekcjwatson: why does this only show up when the installer is upgrading the package, vs. initial install?23:00
slangasekcjwatson: i.e., is there an installer bug there too, which causes diversions to be removed between the install and upgrade bits?23:01
slangasekhmm, looks like debootstrap diverts initctl, after which it's restored23:02
cjwatsonslangasek: Possible, but fixing that in a stable release seems even sketchier ...23:03
cjwatsonchroot-setup.sh is supposed to divert initctl too23:03
slangasekright; I'm not proposing fixing that in a stable release, but I want to understand what's actually happening here - and make sure the bugs get fixed for precise if need be23:04
bdmurrayhtorque: could you elaborate regarding what you choose when partitiioning?23:04
htorquebdmurray: the default "erase all and use whole disk"23:05
cjwatsonslangasek: There is something odd there, indeed.  I don't quite see what; visually, the code seems right23:08
slangasekcjwatson: should I raise a bug on debian-installer?23:08
cjwatsonslangasek: yes please23:08
cjwatson(probably belongs on either pkgsel or debian-installer-utils, but debian-installer is the place to start)23:09
robert_ancell@pilot in23:27
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: robert_ancell
slangasekcjwatson: bug #90052623:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 900526 in debian-installer (Ubuntu Precise) "d-i fails to divert initctl when upgrading packages during install" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90052623:37
cjwatsonincidentally, it's not technically impossible to fix post-release, just difficult to ensure that the fix goes everywhere relevant ...23:39
slangasekcjwatson: right :)23:43
slangasekoh heh; I've just realized that the procps change that was being SRUed is broken on lucid/maverick/natty anyway.  Guess I'll rescind that23:44
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