
Daragaardany one here awake? i need help in joining the forums08:18
Daragaardno one?08:19
Daragaardno one can explain why i can't get the password mail to know what i my forum password?08:19
Daragaardany one awake?12:33
Daragaardstill no?12:33
script_יש לי באג במערכת16:55
script_אובונטו 10.0416:58
script_יש לי שאלה אובונטו 10.04 לא מזהה את האייפון פיתאום18:13
script_ולא אף טלפון אייפון אחר18:13
script_ניראה לי הצ'ט הזה לא פעיל הוא שאני לא מחובר18:15
guideamacמישהו כאן19:36
guideamacאני ממש תקוע פתחתי בפורום החדש איזה 100 משתמשים ואף אחד לא עובד19:37
guideamacיש לי בעיה פה19:45
Daragaardis now some one awake here?22:00
Daragaardi need to know why i never get the password mails for the forum22:02
moshe742what do you mean?22:02
DaragaardI registered22:02
Daragaardand waited for the password mail or conformation mail22:03
Daragaardnever got it22:03
Daragaardnot in the spam no where22:03
Daragaardi tried that openID thing but i can't figure out what the hell it whats from me so i just dropped it22:04
moshe742do you have password?22:04
Daragaardno never got it22:05
Daragaardthat's all i need a first password22:05
Daragaardi'll change that once i login for the first time22:05
moshe742your nick here is your username on the site?22:08
moshe742i will try to register you, hopefully it will work22:11
moshe742what is your mail?22:12
moshe742serfus, here?22:12
Daragaardthank you22:13
moshe742check your mail, you are already registered with this mail, so most likely you have another user name on this site22:15
Daragaardmight be SeaSpray22:15
moshe742don't know, did you get the mail?22:17
moshe742ok, i tried to do it with my mail and it didn't work either, so i guess there is some problem with the site, i will write it on the forum so it will be dealt with22:24
Daragaardok thank you22:25
moshe742try to do it again in the next few days and check if the problem is solved22:25
Daragaardi'll check it tomorew22:25
moshe742i don't know if it will be fixed by tomorrow, but keep trying and in a few days ask again here if its not solved by then22:29

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