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bkerensaHow would I upload a patch for possible sponsor?03:18
nigelbYou can either attach a debdiff to a bug and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors03:19
nigelbOr you can submit a merge proposal03:19
bkerensanigelb: Ahh well I prepared a packge for multiarch at the join Jam/DSP and just wanna get credit for my first submission03:20
bkerensanigelb: which might be easier?03:20
nigelbheh, that varies from sponsor to sponsor.03:20
nigelbI personally find debdiff easier03:20
nigelbBut I might be old school :P03:20
* micahg also prefers debdiff, but that only works if there isn't an official non-UDD Ubuntu VCS branch03:22
* micahg is piloting tomorrow, so can take a look then03:23
bkerensamicahg: Well I do not know how to do either ;) so any guidance :P this isnt a bug but just a package moved to multiarch03:24
micahgbkerensa: I have to run right now, but someone else should be able to help you here, otherwise, I'll be happy to when I get back (1-4 hrs)03:25
jtokarchukso how does MOTU work? I have read the literature, but can I basically just pick a package that's not in ubuntu and make it so? Is there a todo list?03:29
stlsaintJontheEchidna: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted03:37
jtokarchukI'm going to assume that was directed at me, I read that, so essentially, just work through bugs and produce meaningful packages?03:44
micahgjtokarchuk: that's the general idea, MOTU fixes random stuff in the archive04:30
micahgbkerensa: did you manage to find help yet?04:30
jtokarchukmicahg, Thank you. I submitted an app for mentorship, but am awaiting a reply04:31
bkerensamicahg: Yeah apparently I should wait till patch is uploaded upstream then sync down and I will get credit since I'm in changelog?04:31
micahgbkerensa: well, you won't get credit in LP per se, but it can count towards development activity04:32
micahgbkerensa: regardless of whether or not a patch is uploaded to Ubuntu, we try to upstream appropriate patches to Debian04:34
EvilResistancemicahg:  so they get synced in to the next version of Ubuntu?04:35
EvilResistance(from debian)04:35
micahgbkerensa: the question of whether or not to upload to Ubuntu directly vs Debian is time frame and immediate impact of having the fix in Ubuntu generally04:35
micahgEvilResistance: we're still in Debian Import mode04:35
EvilResistancemicahg:  true, but i meant when in a non-import mode04:35
EvilResistancei.e shortly after the release of oa version of ubuntu04:35
micahgEvilResistance: eh, depends on what and when04:36
bkerensamicahg: What if someone does the same work and I miss out?04:36
bkerensamicahg: I just dont know how to submit the patch since it is not a bug but instead moved a package to multiarch04:36
micahgbkerensa: you can still use a wishlist bug to track that sort of thing04:37
micahgbkerensa: which package is it?04:37
EvilResistanceyou mean libaudiofile0 ?04:38
EvilResistance(there's nothing that directly matches audiofile0 in natty, oneiric, or precise)04:38
micahgEvilResistance: hopefully he means the audiofile source :)04:38
EvilResistancewouldnt that show up in the source repos though?  *tends to have them enabled by default*04:40
micahgbkerensa: IMHO, that should probably go through Debian as it has a lot of reverse dependencies that might break with the multiarched package, you can file a bug in LP for Ubuntu and link it to the Debian bug so people are aware of your work04:41
micahgeh, I guess <30 isn't that many...but still having 10 days to migrate from unstable to testing gives time to catch these things04:42
micahgslangasek: ^^ any opinion on whether or not multiarched audiofile should go through Debian first?04:43
bkerensamicahg: heh well slangasek will be adding to debian since he helped me multiarch it ;)04:44
micahgbkerensa: well, whatever he says, I'd listen to in this case :)04:45
bkerensapeh :P04:45
micahgactually, I'd listen to what he says in general :)04:45
slangasekbkerensa, micahg: we certainly want multiarch patches to be pushed to Debian, but we don't want Ubuntu to wait for them to land in Debian first05:12
slangasekbecause there's no guarantee that will happen in time for precise05:12
micahgslangasek: what do we do about rdeps, rebuild blind?05:13
slangasekmicahg: what about rdeps?  multiarch doesn't require them to be rebuilt unless there are .la file references05:15
micahgslangasek: ah, ok, I know sometimes depending on how paths are hard-coded in apps at build time, a rebuild might be necessary, but I guess the answer is wait and see if anything breaks and fix it :)05:16
micahgi.e. pkg-config paths converted to some version of hard-coded paths at run-time05:19
slangasekoh, well, that is generally only relevant when plugins are involved05:19
slangasekwhich is why today's Local Jam avoided libraries with plugins :)05:19
micahgsounds good05:22
micahgbkerensa: so, if you get can get a debdiff into a bug and that bug in the sponsorship queue, I'll have a look tomorrow when I'm piloting, unless slangasek was planning on sponsoring :)05:23
micahgbkerensa: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Traditional_Process if you didn't use bzr to get the source package05:25
micahgbkerensa: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Use_Ubuntu_Merge_Proposals if you did use bzr05:26
bkerensamicahg: How do I turn the .patch into debdiff?05:47
bkerensaslangasek: ok well.... I need to figure out how to get a debdiff from the patch file I have?05:49
slangasekbkerensa: it's already a debdiff05:50
slangaseka debdiff is just a patch expressing the difference between two source packages :)05:50
bkerensaslangasek: Oh ok and I just need to file a bug requesting it be added or?05:50
slangasekbkerensa: yep05:50
bkerensaslangasek: Nothing special? if so I will file it now with Debian and Ubuntu05:50
slangasekbkerensa: nope, nothing really special :)  I did send you an email with some info about how to file the bug in Debian, but if you already know how to do that, you can ignore that mail05:51
jtokarchukx.x Why does it seem that everything is fixed in harvest05:53
bkerensaslangasek: Ok just fired away to Debian06:00
bkerensaslangasek: Is the format of opening a bug pretty much the same?06:01
bkerensaon Ubuntu06:01
slangasekbkerensa: no, for Ubuntu it's best to use the 'ubuntu-bug' command06:01
bkerensaslangasek: Then I just attach the same patch and request it be supported?06:02
slangasekyes - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Traditional_Process06:02
broderslangasek: out of curiosity, has pkg-create-dbgsym been modified to set multi-arch same?06:04
slangasekI don't know06:04
broderoh hey, apparently it does. go pitti06:07
bkerensaslangasek: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audiofile/+bug/90015306:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 900153 in audiofile (Ubuntu) "Request support for multiarch in libaudiofile0" [Undecided,New]06:10
ubottuDebian bug 651029 in src:audiofile "Please support multiarch in audiofile" [Normal,Open]06:11
micahgbkerensa: thanks for your work :), I should be able to get to this tomorrow when I pilot unless pitti beats me to it07:06
bkerensamicahg: thx07:09
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dholbachgood morning07:54
highvolt1gejgood morning08:14
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l3onfabrice_sp, ping17:21
l3oncjwatson, can I look at merging ttf-cjk-compact ?17:37
cjwatsonl3on: please leave that to me17:40
l3oncjwatson, ok :)17:40
l3onsome merge to suggest? :)17:41
micahgl3on: there are some labeled free to take on merges.ubuntu.com17:42
l3onmicahg, ok :)17:43
micahgl3on: would you happen to be interested in preparing security updates?  there's lots of those that need to be done for universe packages18:00
l3onmicahg, ok... could you provide more info? :D18:00
jtayloris there a list for security updates that need done?18:00
micahgjtaylor: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/universe.html18:01
micahgwe also highlight 5 packages per week in our weekly security meeting in #ubuntu-meeting starting about now :)18:02
micahghere we keep a list of highlighted packages which gets refreshed weekly: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/HighlightedPackages18:04
micahgif you're interested in helping with these, feel free to join #ubuntu-hardened to learn more :)18:05
l3onthanks , I'll do :)18:07
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fabrice_spl3on, pong19:57
fabrice_sp!ping > l3on19:58
ubottul3on, please see my private message19:58
jtayloris there some documentation on all the motu formalities and procedures? I still suck at navigating the wiki efficently ._.20:19
geserI don't know of any, just ask and someone will point you to the matching wiki page :)20:21
tumbleweedthere are no formalities, really20:21
tumbleweedhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership list the benefits20:21
* micahg thought there was a work item that came out of UDS for new developer tasks20:22
tumbleweedDMB session?20:22
tumbleweedwe seem to have a massive lack of notes for it...20:22
micahgah :)20:22
zookoDammit, I just registered https://launchpad.net/python-fs and I somehow failed to change the desired URL to https://launchpad.net/pyfilesystem .20:24
zookoI don't see how to change it now.20:24
jtayloryey lwn subscription :) only I'm already ~4 weekly editions behind in reading :/20:24
zookoShall I send some sort fo support request to launchpad?20:24
cjwatsonzooko: I believe so, yes; https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad20:25
zookoHrm, and why can't I report a bug here now? https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-fs20:25
zookocjwatson: thanks.20:25
cjwatsonBug tracking has to be turned on explicitly for new projects.  Should be in https://launchpad.net/python-fs/+configure-bugtracker20:26
cjwatsonlinked from the front page under "Configuration options"20:26
cjwatsonthe project page, I mean20:26
tumbleweedcjwatson: we were chatting a while ago about a tool that'll tell you if something is safe to upload during a freeze20:31
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zookocjwatson: thanks.20:31
tumbleweedi'm currently grabbing daily build .list and .manifests to build an index of included packages20:31
zookocjwatson: https://launchpad.net/python-fs/+configure-bugtracker says "Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page. "20:31
tumbleweedmicahg, and stgraber suggested grabbing the contents of the supported seed too20:31
zookocjwatson: but I already requested that launchpad folks do it in my launchpad support question.20:32
tumbleweedis there any convenient way to do that?20:32
micahgtumbleweed: it's in a bzr branch20:32
tumbleweedmicahg: aah20:32
stgrabermicahg: or rather, in multiple bzr branches20:33
micahgstgraber: right, just saw there's the desktop supported and then other supported in platform (and possibly others in the other seed branches)20:34
stgrabertumbleweed: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/seeds/*/supported20:34
stgrabertumbleweed: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/seeds/*.precise/supported rather20:34
tumbleweedstgraber: will they always have the same names?20:34
tumbleweedotherwise I've got to parse HTML file listing20:34
cjwatsonum, that only gives you the top-level packages20:34
cjwatsonplease don't reinvent germinate20:34
cjwatsonit's complicated enough as it is20:35
stgraberyeah, the initial suggestion was to look at germinate's output :) not sure what tumbleweed needs that's not part of germinate's output20:35
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.precise/structure and then work from the files it lists20:35
cjwatsonit's kind of complex though20:35
tumbleweedah, missed that file20:35
cjwatsonand that's only for i386; there will be some differences across architectures20:36
cjwatsonand s/ubuntu/somethingelse/ etc.20:36
cjwatsonalso why is the supported seed relevant?  supported doesn't end up on any images20:36
micahgcjwatson: the only time it seems relevant is after final freeze20:37
el2roHi, could someone help a bit explaining in rough level.. what would be needed to build (backport) some packages in lauchpad?20:37
cjwatsonwe could symlink the LP publisher's germinate output to somewhere public, maybe20:38
cjwatsonthat might not be an entirely crazy thing to do20:38
el2roI have started to play with backportpackage tool.. And tried to backport latest PHP to lucid, but it fails with dependency issues. Those should not be so hard to fix, but is there some page explaining what backportpackage tool is doing... e.g. how to that stuff manually and fix the package to make it work20:39
tumbleweedcjwatson: I assume that'd give the output from other architectures?20:40
* tumbleweed has a go at parsing this20:41
micahgel2ro: backportpackage just changes the version so that's it's lower than the current one to support upgrades, it also changes the target in the changelog to whatever you're targeting (it has nice help output to show you the rest of its features), it won't "fix" a backport for you though, for that you need to make source changes20:42
el2romicahg: ok, but I am still missing the big picture :) Howto do those things manually and fix things. What tools needed to fetch package from launchpad... changes most likely I can handle... how to push changes package to own PPA.20:46
el2roI guess it is not so hards, but learning curve is so hard or well hidden, that it is so templating just building stuff on my web hosts and I don't want to do that :)20:47
micahgel2ro: well, if you're using backportpackage, you already have the source, you'll want to look in the source folder at debian/control, these instructions might be helpful as well: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Updating_an_Ubuntu_Package20:54
micahgel2ro: actually, this one might be better except you don't need steps 8 or 9 (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Traditional_Process)20:57
el2romicahg: thx, I will take a look if they will take me any further20:58
cjwatsontumbleweed: the LP publisher's output would, yes21:04
tumbleweedany way to get a lits of the flavors? (pity it isn't rsyncable, like cdimage.u.c is)21:06
cjwatsonLP source, cronscripts/publishing/cron.germinate, I'm afraid21:07
tumbleweedmeh, I'll just use hardcoded lists that get stale21:07
micahgtumbleweed: wget --mirror?21:07
tumbleweedmicahg: yeah, that's the other way...21:08
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jtaylorubuntu no change rebuilds will auto-sync?22:07
micahgjtaylor: yes (i.e. -XbuildY)22:14
tumbleweedmicahg: is that output better?22:24
micahgtumbleweed: what output?22:25
tumbleweedmicahg: committed a new version of the ubuntu-safe-to-upload tool (it's new name)22:25
micahgtumbleweed: ah, will check22:25
micahgtumbleweed: looks nice22:28
micahgtumbleweed: although the name doesn't match the tool per se22:29
tumbleweedis-seeded ?22:29
* micahg forgot what the hangups around the word seeded were22:30
tumbleweedpeople misuse the term a lot22:30
tumbleweedthis, of course, started out looking at image contents, not seeds22:30
tumbleweedbut now does look at seeds (although not all seeds, only supported)22:31
micahgis-seeded seems appropriate since this is what it's checking22:31
brodertumbleweed: can i possibly get you to sponsor http://mentors.debian.net/package/rfs/freeimage for me?22:50
broderhmm...actually, hold that thought. i just realized that i want to try and tweak one of my patches for the purposes of future maintenance22:50
tumbleweedhrm, it's git tree is out of date22:51
el2roSome help pls... trying to upload a package to ppa with dput to be build for lucid (from Oneiric). How to make it build that stuff only to lucid?22:52
tumbleweedel2ro: put lucid as the distribution in the changelog22:53
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el2rotumbleweed: thanks, I will try to digg in22:54
brodertumbleweed: oh, huh. i didn't notice it had a git tree. my inclination is to just drop the debian/control tags22:57
tumbleweedit's only *just* out of date, so easy enough to sync it up again22:57
broderoh, i see. ok22:57
tumbleweedoh, sorry, it is up to date22:58
tumbleweedjust not tagged22:58
broderugh. yeah, but reconstructing the history in git will be annoying22:58
broderi guess i can do it the trivial way22:58
tumbleweedyeah, screw pretty history22:58
tumbleweedit's orphaned, after all22:59
broderthe package is kind of a mess - it ships with embedded copies of a half dozen libraries23:00
broderand its makefile lists the source files for *all* of them on a single line23:00
Resistancebroder:  wouldnt dget be preferred for getting the source packages for <packagenamehere> rather than using backportpackage to try and get the source?23:01
broderthe last debian upload dropped in a new version of libtiff, which was the only one the uploader couldn't tease apart from the rest of the package23:01
broderwhich made the merge, uh, well, unpleasant23:01
broderResistance: sorry, i'm not sure what you're referring to?23:01
Resistancebroder:  random question, basically.  Which is preferred for getting the source package of any given package, in order for modification in order to prep for backporting?23:02
brodertumbleweed: i think i can tweak the patch process so that the insane makefile is generated automatically at build time, instead of being in debian/patches/ and requiring a painful manual merge23:02
Resistancebroder:  assuming that the modification is needed before actually submitting to a PPA or testing the actual backport23:02
broderResistance: i'm not really sure i see how that's a backport specific question23:02
Resistancebroder:  its not sec23:02
broderbut in general, i like pull-lp-source for getting random source packages23:03
tumbleweedbroder: sounds reasonable23:03
Resistancebroder:  do yo uknow if the oneiric php5 exists in the backports for natty?23:04
broderResistance: "rmadison php5" can tell you that fairly quickly23:04
broderit doesn't look like php5 has been backported to any active release23:04
broderi would expect doing so to be a pretty hard sell23:05
Resistanceyeah, i was considering backporting it within a PPA (not in the -backports repo), but if it was already backported i'd just add the backports repo here ;P23:05
Resistancehey broder, possible bug in backportpackage23:10
Resistancebroder:  theoretically this would work: backportpackage -s oneiric -p natty php523:10
Resistanceit errors23:10
broderuh, backportpackage doesn't take a -p argument23:11
Resistanceaccidential mistype23:11
brodercan you pastebin the error?23:11
Resistance[kahless /var/teward/php/sourcepackage/oneiric]% backportpackage -s oneiric -d natty php5                                                  [ teward on pts/1 ]23:11
ResistanceUsage: backportpackage [options] <source package name or .dsc URL/file>23:11
Resistanceanyways, its just not taking the source package name23:12
Resistancesec i'll pastebin the entire thing23:12
broderResistance: you didn't specify an operation to do with the package once it was backported23:12
broderyou either need to specify -w or -u23:12
Resistance-u is upload...23:12
Resistancewhat's -w23:13
broderso the build product has somewhere to go - either on your filesystem or LP23:13
broderit specifies a "temporary" directory to stuff the build products23:13
broderit should specify that in the error message:23:13
broder"backportpackage: error: Please specify either a working dir or an upload target!"23:13
Resistanceyep seems to be working now23:13
Resistancei assume pbuilder is a prereq for using -w ?23:14
Resistancenevermind there we go23:14
Resistancebroder:  if i locally backport the oneiric php5 to natty, what's the probability i explode PHP?23:22
Resistance(upon installation in the natty system)23:22
broderno idea23:23
Resistancei guess asking in the php channel would be a better idea, or poking around the Ubuntu developer network?23:23
broderor at least finding somebody who knows how the php stack is put together (#ubuntu-server, maybe?)23:24
Resistancei'll stop there23:25
zookoFolks, where is the official Ubuntu web page describing the Release Schedule?23:25
zookoAnd in particular, when is Feature Freeze for 12.04?23:25
zookoI'm wondering if we'll have a new Tahoe-LAFS release out in time for that.23:25
broderzooko: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule23:26
broderFF is 2/1623:26
brodernote that feature freeze exceptions for packages in universe without a lot (any?) reverse-deps are pretty easy to get23:26
zookoWhen's the deadline for FF exceptions?23:30
tumbleweedthey get harder to get, closer to release23:30
broderthe hard, unbreakable cut-off is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnseededUniverseFinalFreeze23:31
* zooko nods.23:31
zookoOkay, thanks.23:31
broderbut it's sort of a gradual transition from "whatever you want goes in" to "nothing goes in"23:31
brodertumbleweed: ok, i'm happy with http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/f/freeimage/freeimage_3.15.1-1.dsc now23:33
broderit has some excellent dh-autoreconf abuse23:33
tumbleweedah, I sponsored the current version in Ubuntu. That's why I remember it23:34
broderdoes that mean i can blame you for re-enabling the embedded libraries? :)23:35
tumbleweedbroder: there wasn't much choice23:35
* broder shrugs23:35
broderi think it's more long-term maintainable with my tweaks, hopefully23:35
tumbleweedunless I'm thinkig of something else...23:36
Resistancebroder:  is there any way i can grab the Debian sid source for a package using either backportpackage or dget?23:36
Resistanceor should I be askign that in the debian channel on their home net23:37
broderResistance: backportpackage can take debian releases for -s23:37
broderalternatively, pull-debian-source23:37
tumbleweedbroder: are you ignoring the git tree?23:37
Resistancebroder:  so theoretically i can put sid in for -s and (attempt) to backport to <ubuntudistro> ?23:38
broderResistance: yes23:38
Resistance(granted that'd be stupid to direct backport without testing ;P)23:38
brodertumbleweed: oh, bah. let me see if i can fake the requisite commits23:38
tumbleweedbroder: ok, I'm off to bed, anyway, but I'll have a look in the morning23:38
brodertumbleweed: cool. i'm assuming i can't push to git.debian.org, so i'll throw the tree on github or something23:39
tumbleweeddo you have an alioth account yet?23:39
broderi think so23:39
broderdoes that grant git.debian.org access?23:39
tumbleweedyes and no23:40
broder(incidentally, i don't actually blame you for turning the embedded libraries back on - it took me a solid 3 or 4 hours to get everything teased apart correctly)23:40
tumbleweedgit.debian.org is part of alioth23:40
tumbleweedthis package is in collab-maint, so all collab-maint members can commit to it23:41
Resistancebroder:  out of curiosity, is it possible to use both -w and -u simultaneously, thereby throwing the backported source into a directory, and uploading it to a PPA?23:41
broderResistance: yes23:41
broderyou just have to pass one of the options, otherwise backportpackage would do all of its work into a tmp dir and then chuck all of it23:42
tumbleweedbroder: however, you can push a private branch, http://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Git#Using_personal_Git_repositories23:42
brodertumbleweed: ok. i'll get that sorted out, then23:42
tumbleweedbonus points for adding the missing tags :)23:43
brodersnapshot.debian.org ftw23:45
RoAkSoAx /win 423:45
broderooh, even better, git-import-dscs can do it for me23:45
tumbleweedbroder: the commits look there, just not tagged23:45
broderah, so they are23:45

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