
ApOgEEyo fzlamn 07:52
ApOgEEhi all07:53
ApOgEEhi sweemeng 07:53
sweemengyo ApOgEE 07:53
* sweemeng is officially one...07:53
* sweemeng apologize to everyone, for not using ubuntu07:53
ApOgEEsweemeng: no need to apologize. the freedom is yours07:54
sweemengi apologize for trolling on ubuntu-my07:54
ApOgEEhahaha... i'm using windows 7. how about that?07:55
ApOgEEam i trolling too?07:55
sweemengtelling everyone to say i am on mint on purpose07:55
sweemengnah don't worry07:55
sweemengjoke failed07:55
sweemengi am bored here07:56
sweemengwhat you expecting07:56
sweemengtrying to unbored mysel07:57
ApOgEEhahaha... feel free to unbored yourself07:57
_weldanw/hois sweemeng07:59
_weldanno #mint found07:59
sweemengi am not that sweemeng that is always join in meetup07:59
sweemengand talk alot07:59
sweemengpeople tend to mixed us up together07:59
ApOgEEmaybe you can get unbored with this http://www.robotshop.com/gorobotics/articles/reviews/more-vacuum-testing-more-robot-destruction07:59
_weldani know07:59
sweemengi am the irc oce07:59
sweemengApOgEE, no money bro08:00
ApOgEEme too08:00
ApOgEEsweemeng: planning to scrap some components out of broken boards08:01
sweemenghmm good idea08:01
ApOgEEdid you know any place to get the broken boards for scrapping?08:02
ApOgEEperhaps, we can collect them and keep it at your hackerspace08:02
ApOgEEcoz my space is limited... lol08:03
sweemengwe have some08:03
ApOgEE_damn... i got dc08:15
ApOgEE_leaving my ghost here08:15
sweemengi see dead ApOgEE_ 08:16
sweemengthey are everywhere.....08:16
=== ApOgEE_ is now known as ApOgEE
ApOgEEsorry locobot_2 for my curse... should i apologize to a bot?08:18
ApOgEE -locobot_2(~UbuntuLoc@ubuntu/bot/locobot)- #ubuntu-my: The channel is logged (at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode). Please observe the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. Thank you!08:18
ApOgEElol lol trololol08:19
ApOgEEfzlamn: are you here? or another ghost?08:20
fzlamnhi all.. 08:39
ApOgEEfzlamn: apa cer?08:52
ApOgEEdah sign ke belum?08:52
fzlamnbelum lg09:00
ApOgEEapa masalah?09:00
ApOgEEsorry, aku x masuk fb kat opis...09:00
ApOgEEaku nampak kat email je msg ko... x nampak apa pun kat gambar tu09:01
ApOgEEkasi tampal kat imagebin la09:01
ApOgEEcantenna dah siap? hahaha09:02
fzlamnnanti sy cuba solve dulu09:02
fzlamntu pun ptg ni buat09:02
ApOgEEapa poblem nak sign code of conduct?09:03
ApOgEEdah ada gpg key ke belum?09:04
fzlamngpg key ada dh09:04
fzlamndh tu ada email yg nk kena encrypted09:05
fzlamnsangkut kat email tu la sekarang nih09:05
ApOgEEooo.. ada file untuk download tak kat email tu?09:07
fzlamnx ade la pulak09:09
fzlamnkalau kat launchpad tu ada la09:09
ApOgEEapa dia punya email tu, aku x ingat dah... boleh tunjuk kat aku?09:10
ApOgEEkasi upload kat imagebin.org dia punya screenshot09:11
fzlamnokay... nanti sambung.. nk balik dulu =D09:14
ApOgEEooo... ok09:14
fairuzhelo rakan211:00
ApOgEEhi fairuz dan fzlamn 11:25
ApOgEEaku nak balik lak... 11:26
ApOgEEhehehe... see u later dude11:26
fairuzApOgEE: Later11:26
=== Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty
fzlamnselamat malam 13:57
fzlamnmcm mana nk sign coc?14:00
KatieKittyikut je tutorial yg ubuntu letak kat page tu...14:02
fzlamnsekarang sangkut kat email yg encrypted tu14:06
ApOgEEfzlamn: dah setel ke belum?14:11
fzlamntgh baca link kat atas nih14:13
ApOgEEfzlamn: email yg encrypted tu hanya ko je boleh bukak14:13
ApOgEEdengan private key ko14:13
ApOgEEmeh aku ajar ko main2 dengan encryption14:14
fzlamnmcm mana cara nk buka mail tu??14:14
fzlamnthnaks in advance14:14
ApOgEEko copy encypted content ko tu kat dlm text file pastu save14:14
ApOgEEpastu ko bukak terminal, ko taip $ gpg namafail.txt14:15
ApOgEEkalo ko punya key ada password, masukkan password14:15
ApOgEEpastu ko boleh baca encrypted content dia kata apa14:15
fzlamntext file tu text editor ke?14:16
ApOgEEapa2 text editor pun boleh14:17
fzlamnsave kat dokumen boleh?14:17
ApOgEEguna gedit, copy paste pastu save14:17
fzlamnsave dlm format .txt14:20
fzlamnbuka terminal n taip $ gpg namafail.txt14:20
fzlamnkena buat directori x?14:21
ApOgEEko select dari ---BEGIN sampai END PGP MESSAGE--- pastu copy, paste dlm gedit14:21
ApOgEEpastu save kat home dir ko14:21
fzlamnrun kat terminal ek?14:22
ApOgEEpastu ko bukak terminal, pi kat home dir, ko taip $ gpg -d nama_fail_tadi.txt14:23
ApOgEEkalo ko letak password masa create key, dia akan mintak password14:23
ApOgEEpastu dia akan decrypt mesej tu14:24
fzlamnsekarang keluar kat terminal enter new file name.14:25
fzlamnbetul ke akn jd mcm tu?14:25
ApOgEEjangan lupa '-d' tu14:29
fzlamnmcm mana nk p kat home dir?14:30
ApOgEEtaip la $ cd14:32
ApOgEEhome dir ko tu ialah /home/sparrowhawk14:32
ApOgEEatau apa username ko14:32
ApOgEE/home/fzlamn ke, apa ke14:33
* ApOgEE ingatkan dia paham home dir... ceh14:33
fzlamnkalau dir ke lain tu tau la buat.. hehehe ke home ni x pernah lg..14:34
ApOgEElol... ko guna apa dir pun boleh14:34
ApOgEEaku nak suruh ko masuk terminal dan masuk kat dir yg sama kat mana ko save text file tadi tu14:35
ApOgEEtu aje14:35
fzlamnmiahahaha... Please go here to finish adding the key to your Launchpad account: 14:37
fzlamndh tu ada addrs14:37
fzlamnhbs ek?14:37
ApOgEEdah tu, guna la address tu utk finish adding key14:42
ApOgEElepas ko pi address tu, finish la14:43
ApOgEEmeh kita buat latih tubi seterusnya...14:43
ApOgEEnak main tak?14:43
ApOgEEfzlamn: mesej ni hanya ko je boleh baca... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/760495/14:44
ApOgEEmenggunakan ilmu yg aku ajar tadi...14:44
fzlamnsebentar ye...14:46
fzlamnthanks sebab membantu14:46
ApOgEEdah dapat baca ke belum?14:46
fzlamndapat baca yang mana?14:48
ApOgEEyg aku letak kat pastebin tu14:48
fzlamnjap... sy x sign coc lg?14:49
fzlamnala... nape jd mcm ni ek.14:49
ApOgEEapa yg berlaku?14:50
fzlamnsekarang sy kat page sign coc14:51
fzlamnada yg nk kena download, dh tu sy download la14:51
fzlamnpas tu nk kena run command gpg --clearsign 14:52
ApOgEEdah buat ke belum?14:52
fzlamnbl sy run akan ada 1 lg file kn14:52
fzlamnsy x boleh buka file tu14:53
fzlamnfile yg .txt.asc tu x boleh buka14:53
ApOgEEko kene taip $ gpg --clearsign namafile.txt14:54
fzlamndh, n file tu x blh buka14:55
ApOgEEfile .txt.asc tu boleh bukak kat gedit14:55
ApOgEEapa errornya?14:55
fzlamnThere is no application installed for PGP/MIME-encrypted message header files14:56
fzlamnkena install la nih?14:56
ApOgEEko boleh taip $ cat namafail.txt.asc14:56
ApOgEEapa yg keluar?14:56
ApOgEEpatutnya dia ascii format14:57
fzlamnkeluar coc yg d download td14:58
ApOgEEya betul... itu lah patutnya14:59
ApOgEEia hanyalah text file yg ada pgp digital signature ko kat bawah tu14:59
fzlamncopy yg tu ke page sign coc ke?15:00
ApOgEEya, copy semua sekali15:00
ApOgEEdari -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE .... sampai END PGP SIGNATURE-----15:01
ApOgEEelok bukak dlm gedit15:02
ApOgEEsenang nak copy paste15:02
fzlamnsikalang baru boleh senyum15:02
ApOgEEdah siap?15:02
fzlamnnk p tgk latih tubi tu pulak... alhamdulillah15:03
fzlamnterima kasih15:03
ApOgEEok, berbalik pada latih tubi tadi... dah boleh baca ke belum... hahahaha15:03
ApOgEEpgp encryption ni bagus untuk hantar mesej rahsia15:04
ApOgEEhanya penerima yg ada private key je boleh baca15:04
ApOgEEkalo aku nak curi rahsia ko, aku kene curi ko punya private key... hehehe...15:05
=== KatieKitty is now known as Katie-Offline
ApOgEEsila lah backup ko punya private key dan simpan kat tempat selamat15:06
fzlamnhehehehe... x baik keje curik215:07
fzlamnsedang buat latih tubi ni15:07
ApOgEEaku nak pi mandi...15:08

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