
jtokarchukuser negre and maybe one other using rampant profanity, #ubuntu03:39
Flanneljtokarchuk: Thanks03:39
tonyyarussoIt's grazie.03:42
jtokarchuk#ubuntu, user boer, trolling04:59
EvilResistanceanyone watching #ubuntu at this boer guy?05:00
EvilResistancei think he might be a troll05:01
EvilResistanceJordan_U:  thanks for hopping into the channel and addressing the situation :)05:03
Jordan_UEvilResistance: You're welcome.05:03
EvilResistanceargh, laggy internet today05:04
jtokarchuk#ubuntu , boer is back again offtopic trolling05:27
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ubottuError: You are not identified08:33
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EvilResistancea banforward is needed on a user in #kubuntu-offtopic20:40
EvilResistanceto the fix connection channel20:40
guntbertplease have a look at trollax0r in #ubuntu21:36

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