
mhall119hey AlanBell, where should I put links to phone mockups?00:05
AlanBelllooks nice mhall11900:09
DrDruifAh, still with switching the Unity bar down when in portrait mode?00:13
DrDruifmhall119; you heard the wiki-pages are updated?00:13
mhall119DrDruif: yeah, since the design around the launcher was to use the abundant space, and preserve the scarce space00:14
mhall119I just added my links to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPhone/Designs00:14
DrDruifGreat =)00:14
DrDruifI actually like these mock-ups: http://nrutledge.blogspot.com/p/ubuntu-mobile-project.html00:15
mhall119DrDruif: yeah, those are nice00:16
dmj726mhall119: is that mockup of yours done in pencil?00:16
dmj726seems more like inkscape00:17
mhall119dmj726: it's Pencil, yes00:19
eldron2323Are there any UI designers here?02:45
=== ian_ is now known as imnichol
mhall119AlanBell: what do you think of my indicators mockups http://people.ubuntu.com/~mhall119/uphone/# ?20:53
mhall119I was watching a video of Ubuntu on a new tablet, and trying to get an indicator icon with your finger seemed awkward to difficult20:53
MrChrisDruifFull screen indicators?20:54
mhall119full screen indicator menus20:55
mhall119but accessing them by dragging down the top-panel, then swiping left and right, rather than trying to hit the icon itself20:55
mhall119kind of a mix between how you access Android notifications and how you can navigate desktop Unity with the keyboard20:56
AlanBellooooh nice mhall11920:56
mhall119it's nice in that it allows us to access all of Unity's indicators from the pull-down screen, not just notifications like in Android20:56
MrChrisDruifWhen you get a new email (just an example) it shows in the top-bar, but shows in the pull-down menu20:57
mhall119so you get network, sound menu (including playback controls) and calendar all from there20:57
MrChrisDruifWith a nice big banner style button to access it20:57
mhall119MrChrisDruif: it turns the message indicator blue, dragging down shows you what is in the messaging menu, including mailbox counts20:58
mhall119pressing the Inbox item opens your inbox20:58
MrChrisDruifOn android those lines are about twice as high, this is still a very small line to hit20:59
mhall119MrChrisDruif: yeah, my scale is probably too small21:00
mhall119but I like the visual21:00
mhall119MrChrisDruif: I spaced them out a little more, and on my 15" display at least, they are actual-size for my phone21:34
* mhall119 is poking my non-touch screen to feel how difficult they are to hit21:34
MrChrisDruifAnd? Do they respond good to your input? =P21:35
mhall119they are still a little tight, but I'm not sure if that's because touching my screen is awkward, or because of their dimensions, but it's very close to being *right*21:36
MrChrisDruifDid you update the view link?22:47
mhall119MrChrisDruif: same URL, just refresh22:49
mhall119it doesn't look much different, I only changed the spacing by a handful of pixels between each item22:49
MrChrisDruifAlright, I didn't see much difference, that's why I asked22:50
mhall119if there isn't a wayward battery icon on the landscape indicators phone, then you've got the latest22:51

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