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rickspencer3pitti, around at all?10:17
pittihey rickspencer310:17
rickspencer3hey pitti, I have a silly question for you10:17
rickspencer3basically, I wake up each morning and check https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/ first thing10:18
rickspencer3however, the daily builds are quite ready and so the smoke tests aren't run yet10:18
rickspencer3this is going to sound crazy, but ...10:18
rickspencer3is there anyway to start the dailies about 2 hours earlier so the results are there first thing in the morning here?10:18
rickspencer3the dailies *aren't* quite ready10:19
pittiin theory that's possible, of course; in practice, we'd probalby need to adjust a lot of other images as well, as we shouldn't run them in parallel10:19
pittiunfortunately they failed over the weekend due to buildd lag10:21
pittiwe had a massive number of uploads on Friday due to armhf; not much we can do there, I'm afraid10:21
rickspencer3pitti, this is far from an emergency situation, it would just be nice to be able to follow up on any significant problems first thing, rather than waiting10:22
pittiactually, yesterday's desktops did build (and today's)10:22
pittirickspencer3: actually, I quite like them at the current time; it gives me about two hours to fix problems before we build images10:22
pittiso at 6:30 my time I can look at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/precise_probs.html, and fix uninstallability in time for the image builds10:23
* rickspencer3 looks10:23
pittiif we do them earlier, we'll need to re-spin a lot more often10:23
rickspencer3pitti, that totally makes sense10:23
pittibut yeah, I see how it would be nicer for you to have them earlier :)10:23
cjwatsonI think the reason I didn't originally want them too much earlier is that it reduces the chance of end-of-the-day Pacific time uploads being incorporated10:23
rickspencer3so you look for problems in the archive before you try to spin an ISO10:23
pittiso, we can have them earlier at the expense of lessening the probability of them succeeding10:24
rickspencer3pitti, no that makes sense10:24
rickspencer3I see that for you, daily quality starts *before* the builds and smoke testing10:24
rickspencer3I think it's smarter to optimize for that10:24
rickspencer3so ...10:24
rickspencer3carry on :)10:24
pittirickspencer3: yes, our archive reports usually catch failures before we attempt the image build10:24
pittiwe get an hourly feedback loop with them10:25
rickspencer3pitti, for your uninstallable packages report, can you tell which ones will cause the ISOs not to build?10:25
pittirickspencer3: yes10:25
pittirickspencer3: whenever ubuntu-desktop is uninstallable10:25
rickspencer3does ubuntu-server have a similar metapackage?10:26
pittirickspencer3: it's not 100% correct (as we ship a few additional packages in live-ship), but usually good enough10:26
pittiof ubiquity is uninstallable, that's bad as well, of coruse10:26
pittirickspencer3: no, I don't think so; but in general we just try to keep above list at zero10:26
pittiso that all images will build10:26
* rickspencer3 stops trying to gild the lily10:27
rickspencer3thanks pitti10:27
rickspencer3as usual, you are a true scholar and gentleman ;)10:27
pittirickspencer3: thanks to you, too; it's always good to check the justification of how we have things set up :)10:28
rickspencer3jibel, pitti, can I assume that https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-desktop-i386_encryptedhome/ fail because of bug #89476811:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 894768 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) (and 1 other project) "Installation randomly fails with: File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/install_misc.py", line 621, in copy_file targetfh.write(buf) IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument (affects: 23) (dups: 23) (heat: 353)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89476811:02
cjwatsonrickspencer3: yeah, looks like the same bug11:03
rickspencer3thanks cjwatson11:03
* rickspencer3 shakes fist at 89476811:03
rickspencer3cjwatson, I know it's being worked on :)11:04
pittirickspencer3: correct, it's in the d-i syslog11:04
pittibut nice that these builds now actually appear, thanks jibel for fixing that11:04
pittilast week they just didn't appear at all11:04
pittirickspencer3: these days, when amd64 succeeds and i386 fails, it's most likely that bug11:04
jibelrickspencer3, yes it is. line 2902 of d-i-syslog Dec  5 08:50:18 ubuntu install.py: IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument11:05
rickspencer3thanks guys11:05
cjwatsonuh, who just flushed my syncs?11:44
cjwatsonor removed, I can't tell11:44
infinitycjwatson: Flushed, I'd guess, based on the build queues all shooting up.11:51
infinity(And no idea who)11:52
doko_cjwatson, I'm guilty ...12:58
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stgraberinfinity: just saw your upload of livecd-rootfs, should that package get added to the list in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewReleaseCycleProcess?15:05
stgrabergood morning skaet15:06
skaetgoodmorning stgraber. :)15:07
infinitystgraber: Nah.  The default suite in BuildLiveCD is a convenience to people hacking on it (to avoid passing "-d precise"), it makes no real difference.15:07
infinitystgraber: The buildds all pass the suite explicitely anyway.15:07
infinity(And I usually do when testing too, which is why I never notice the default)15:07
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cjwatsonSubject: LiveFS --f-omap4/ubuntu/armel+omap4 failed to build on 2011120517:41
* cjwatson fails to puzzle that out17:44
infinitycjwatson: Someone screwed up a manual build, I assume.18:18
infinitycjwatson: ogra and I were puzzling over the same thing.18:18
infinitycjwatson: The only way I could fathom that subject line is with --f on the buildlive command line.18:18
infinity(Which is weird, in and of itself)18:18
infinitycjwatson: Oli's suggesting we tag Log mails with SUDO_USER to call people out. ;)18:19
ogra_well, we wouldnt need to log the name18:19
stgraberjibel, skaet:
ogra_but put "manual build" in the mail subject if SUDO_USER isnt empty18:19
ogra_so we can at leats see its manual fiddling that caused it18:20
stgraberjibel, skaet: So support for multiple results for the same user is there. There are still a few bugs around the feature though, will fix a bit later (need to get some food, then DMB meeting)18:20
infinityogra_: Pfft.  If you're going to go partway, just finish the job and make the subject line: "Nelson: Ha, ha, ${SUDO_USER} sucks!"18:20
skaetinfinity, ogra_ some of my manual tests didn't end until after midnight it appears,  so I could be the culprit.   All of them suceeded (they were no publish though).18:21
* skaet was doing timings on arm builds yesterday18:22
infinityskaet: I assume the conclusion was "slow"?18:22
ogra_well, i got that failure mail 90min ago ...18:22
skaetinfinity,  glacial18:22
ogra_livefs builds should take 90min each18:22
skaetinfinity,  I'll bounce you the numbers...   arms the highwater mark now on full respins.18:23
ogra_plus about 30-40 for the post live-build stuff cdimage/debian-cd do18:23
infinityskaet: It always was.18:23
ogra_so all in all 2.5h for one image18:23
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skaetogra_ yeah,  that's about what I was seeing.18:23
ogra_we used to have 4h builds, dont complain !18:23
skaet:)  yeah, but we have more images to build now,  so.... ;)18:24
infinityI'll have it all parallelised by February, at least.18:24
ogra_well, spice seeds would help with that18:24
infinityogra_: livefs-in-soyuz will help more.18:24
* skaet looking forward to the parallelization. :)18:24
ogra_90min for buildlive once and then 15min per subarch to mangle it ;)18:24
infinityogra_: Don't sell something we're not (currently) working on. ;)18:25
infinityogra_: But livefs-in-soyuz, I've promised for this cycle.18:25
ogra_infinity, well, i always wanted to just have a three layered casper filesystem setup ... one for rootfs, one for kernel/modules and a cow18:26
skaetstgraber,  excellent.   :D18:26
ogra_that would have solved it earlier18:26
ogra_copy on write :)18:26
ogra_else i would have written pony ... i'm not *that* much into cows :)18:27
* skaet was definitely wondering about those cows. ;)18:27
ogra_infinity, when i was about to start on that we came up with preinstalled so i never implemented it18:28
infinityAnyhow.  Once lamont and I get the armhf builder to admit that it's actually meant to build things, I might spin ubuntu/armhf+omap for the lolz.18:28
infinityShame we don't have a more useful kernel yet.18:28
ogra_omap4 would really be nice18:28
infinityWell, I could probably make ti-omap4 build without any serious effort.18:29
infinityI just don't want to step on toes, and ppisati said he was on it.18:29
ogra_you could just cp it on ports :)18:29
infinityUhm, no.18:30
infinityI'd have to repack it, at the very least.18:30
infinityBut no.18:30
infinityAnd many other times no.18:30
* cjwatson checks that ogra doesn't have a cocoplum account :-P18:30
ogra_infinity, btw, looking at buildlive, SUDO_USER would always be set ...18:35
ogra_(if root runs it it forcefully sudos to "cdimage")18:36
ogra_if [ "$(id -u -n)" != "cdimage" ]; then18:36
ogra_        exec sudo -H -u cdimage $0 "$@"18:36
ogra_(or cron or whoever)18:37
infinityNo, that's if a user runs it.18:37
infinityIt's legacy code.18:37
ogra_though, cron runs it as cdimage18:37
infinitycron executes it as cdimage.18:37
charlie-tcaI broke the daily testing tracker19:07
charlie-tcait won't let me update an in-progress test19:07
stgrabercharlie-tca: that's likely my fault :)19:08
* stgraber looks19:08
charlie-tcaOkay, I will agree ")19:08
stgrabercharlie-tca: ah, could it be you didn't see the UI change?19:08
stgrabercharlie-tca: you can now post multiple results19:08
stgrabercharlie-tca: so you need to click on the edit icon to change an existing one19:09
charlie-tcabut I can not update the test that says in-prgress. It errors19:09
stgraberah, ok, that part is probably my fault then :)19:09
charlie-tcaShould I post the error to pastebin?19:09
stgrabernope, got it in the log19:09
stgraberresultid does not exist19:09
charlie-tcaAnyway, I did the test and it worked today19:10
stgrabercharlie-tca: should be fixed now19:11
charlie-tcastgraber: Thank you19:11
stgraberI'd expect removal of results to still be broken though, that's pretty high on my to-fix list (post DMB meeting)19:11
charlie-tcaWorked now. That is great!19:12
jibelstgraber, nice, there will some ui work though, because it is not really intuitive.20:17
jibeland I confirm that removal of results is a bit broken ATM20:18
stgraberjibel: yep, wokring on the removing results part. I agree the UI is not terribly intuitive, especially after 4 years of a similar UI that could only add/update the results :)20:18
jibelstgraber, no problem, step by step20:19
stgraberjibel: oh, actually, removed results are only a problem for admins because we're supposed to see them and that part of the code fails :)20:21
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stgraberjibel: fixed. So now admins should be able to see any removed result (you can restore by updating them without any change) and users can only see their own removed results (and restore them too)20:38
stgraberhehe, I guess is a good example of what an admin can expect to see on release week :)20:40
stgrabermaybe with a few less removed results though :)20:40
stgraberwhich reminds me I need to make the LP integration script a bit more clever to avoid tagging bugs linked to a removed result20:42
jibelstgraber, and blacklist bug 1 please :)20:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 1 in tilix (and 28 other projects) "Microsoft has a majority market share (affects: 1119) (dups: 2) (heat: 5202)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120:47
stgraberjibel: yeah, I guess a bugnumber blacklist could be useful :) I did a mass remove of that one last week but I'm sure we have many more like it20:47
stgraberI see we have 0, 2 and 5 on the list of bugs that have never been updated from LP20:48
stgraberI'll cleanup these that are clearly invalid, that should make the cronjob a bit faster20:49
stgraberjibel: qatracker=> DELETE FROM qatracker_bug WHERE bugnumber IN (0,2,5,91919191,3737384,5577744);20:50

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