
artnaymorning all07:44
artnayanyone aware of ubuntu tour's situation and especially its translation situation?07:45
artnayhttp://www.ubuntu.com/tour/ vs. https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-tour/ doesn't match. so is the tour translatable and if yes, where is it hosted?07:46
sagacido translations need to go offline again when you do the precise openings?08:56
artnaysagaci: I don't think so as the imports have been done (afaik)09:00
sagacirighteo then09:01
artnaydpm: hi09:02
artnaydpm: is ubuntu tour translatable somewhere? http://www.ubuntu.com/tour/ I found https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-tour/ but it seems to be a different project.09:02
artnayhaving that tour translated would be a huge thing on LoCo sites09:03
artnayand as most of the strings are already translated, it shouldn't be much work09:03
dpmartnay, we're working on making it translatable (the code needs to be more i18n-friendly), but I don't know the current status. I'll post an update on the mailing list as soon as I know more09:04
artnaydpm: ok, having that translated for LTS would be great.09:05
kelemengaborartnay: the precise import queue is currently stopped, copying the translations from oneiric is done09:05
kelemengabordpm: I guess it is okay to re-enable the imports now, is it?09:06
dpmkelemengabor, yeah09:06
kelemengaborokay, import queue is active09:07
kelemengabordpm: I see the there are still a lot of templates with 0 priority, is that priority setting project progressing?10:18
dpmI haven't started yet10:23
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