
Azelphurwtf, I'm booting 11.10 from USB on my laptop, I heard the login screen sound so I assume it made it reasonably far01:34
Azelphurbut my screen is just cycling through colors, blue, white, black, red, green, and blue again01:34
Azelphurthe whole screen, cycling through those colors.01:34
czajkowskipopey: ping07:44
czajkowskimorning sent to pm not NSFW link07:45
AlanBellmorning all08:14
exobuzzpopey, https://ship.parcelforce.net/welcome - stupid web developers or stupid management ?08:59
exobuzzthey used to forbid you from using the site at all. i suppose this is an improvement from being totally crap to just crap08:59
exobuzzthis should be on th efacebook thread. im getting my social networks all confused09:01
DJonesOops http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-1602700609:04
Myrttiooo, snow has stayed on the ground overnight09:07
hoovermorning all09:08
hooverany git users / experts around?09:08
hooverI'm wondering how to clone a git repo from this url:09:09
hoovergit clone tells me that there's no repo on that address 8(09:09
=== Guest37602 is now known as jpds
Myrttiused http://git.larsmichelsen.com/git/nagios_downtime.git and got fatal: not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?09:18
hooverI've also tried git: as a protocol, connection refused09:21
MooDoohello all09:24
Myrttiaudible_bell \o/09:46
popeythats a good thing is it?09:46
AlanBellhow did you do it Myrtti?09:48
Myrttiwell, if I've got irssi hilights, it seems that audible_bell passes through to screen and from screen to terminal and from terminal to Compiz and from Compiz to Unity, which makes the terminator icon wiggle in the unity bar09:48
Myrtticould set the sound effect volume in PulseAudio to 0 if I disliked it, but as of now it's an excellent thing09:49
MyrttiAlanBell: first I noticed that I didn't have it enabled in zsh, and I probably still don't09:49
Myrttisecond I checked if screen was set ok and it wasn't, but I have no way of telling if that was the case before yesterday when I had connection problems and had to kill screen and irssi09:50
Myrttithen I tried xset b 100 and pactl upload-sample and well, seems to work now09:51
popey♥  get_iplayer09:57
Myrttiyeah it's magnificent :->09:57
popeyooh yay, i told get_iplayer to grab 'how to build', seems they're repeating series 1 somewhere, it's picked up one of those episodes as well as the 3 eps from series 209:57
MyrttiI've put the RSS feeds into liferea and liferea is rigged to start get_iplayer in a terminal when the title of the feeditem is clicked09:59
MyrttiI'm usually interested in science, nature and history so it serves me well09:59
popeyi might go back to liferea09:59
Myrttiit integrates nicely with memenu10:00
gordi don't pay the licence fee so my version of get iplayer is go to amazon and buy the bluray :(10:00
bigcalmgord: that's very well behaved of you10:00
popeygord: you dont need to pay license fee to use get_iplayer10:01
MyrttiI can only assume D pays it10:01
popeyyou only need to pay license fee to watch live or near-live telly10:01
bigcalmpopey: but is it morally wrong?10:01
popeynot if the law says so10:01
gordeh i'd feel bad10:01
popeyno different than watching non-live iplayer on bbc.co.uk10:01
gordto be honest, i only want the nature documentaries and i want them on bluray10:02
gordfrozen planet comes out on the 8th!10:02
Myrttipopey: only difference is that you don't need to suffer the browser adding an extra layer of possible troubles10:02
bigcalmalias get_iplayer_web_interface="cd ~/Music/iPlayer;perl get_iplayer.cgi --port=1935 --getiplayer=/usr/bin/get_iplayer --listen="10:02
popeyhmm, liferea comes with a podcast subscription which doesnt exist10:02
bigcalmI <3 the web interface10:03
bigcalmReminds me of the mythtv interface quite a bit10:03
MyrttiI wonder how slippery it's out there now the snow is there10:04
Myrttishould walk to the other side of the suburb to run some errands10:04
dogmatic69no snow in the west midlands10:04
gordget the feeling we won't get snow this year, still not actually that cold10:04
dogmatic69gord: where abouts are you?10:04
bigcalmIt's anybody's guess10:04
* Myrtti goes to take a picture10:04
gorddogmatic69, crewe10:05
dogmatic69looked like snow close to you on the news last night10:06
bigcalmYay Tampere10:07
gordfyi, snow that falls but does not stick, is not snow10:08
gorddo not trust it10:08
Myrttigord: well it's been there over 12 hours now10:08
gordMyrtti, yeah not disputing your snow, your snow is very valid ;)10:09
knightwisehey everyone :)10:09
Myrttimy snow ♥10:10
* popey files bug 900214 :D10:13
lubotu3Launchpad bug 900214 in liferea (Ubuntu) "Example feed should include Ubuntu Podcast" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90021410:13
Myrttipopey: an Ubuntu podcast or the Ubuntu podcast?10:14
popeyhow many are there? ☺10:14
MyrttiI thought there was full circle and some others10:15
MyrttiI don't know, it's just that that bug name isn't unambiguous :-P10:15
popeybug 90021410:15
lubotu3Launchpad bug 900214 in liferea (Ubuntu) "Example feed should include Ubuntu Podcast(s)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90021410:15
nigelbpopey: hah10:16
popeywill add similar for gpodder ☺10:16
MyrttiI wish there was a proper gpodder.net podcast client for Android10:16
MyrttiI'd love to get rid of Listen10:17
Laneyi keep getting flats on me bike :(10:18
Myrttiright, cup of tea consumed, time to get going10:19
gordreplace bike wheels with concrete wheels, problem solved10:20
Myrttihaaaa cuecat to the rescue10:22
knightwiseas a podcatcher Gpodder is quite ok on ubuntu10:23
knightwisebut i keep getting "user locale input settings" errors when i try to run Gpodder from the command line interface10:23
MyrttiUK banks should develop something like what Finnish banks have - barcodes on the bottom of the paper bills. Makes paying individual bills easier. Of course nowadays would be easier if it were a qr code10:25
MyrttiI got some USB cuecats from USA just for two purposes, random paper bills and librarything10:27
hooverI'm also looking for a good android podcast client10:39
DJonesMyrtti: About QR code, the rugby team I watch has just brought out their new shirt for teh 2012 season, its supposed to have a QR code in the design to take you direct to the clubs website10:39
hooverI just dumped podkicker after it turned my sd into read only for the umpteenth time10:39
hooverI'm now back to downloading them manually on the htc's sd card and listening to them in the std music player10:40
=== Guest24086 is now known as Joeb454
knightwisehoover: doggcatcher ?10:41
popeyhoover: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_podcatchers#Android10:41
knightwisehoover: i download them using gpodder and have an rsync script that kicks them over to my droid10:41
danfishb'ah :( I'm officially banning Mondays. From now on it's a 6 day week.10:47
hooverthanks for the link10:47
hooverknightwise: yep, I was thinking of doing the same10:47
MooDoodanfish: you wish :D10:52
danfishMooDoo: I did wish - closed my eyes and clicked my heels together and everything10:57
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:57
MooDoodanfish: obviously you were not wearing red jeweled magic slippers11:00
bigcalmI'm on holiday this week - so why am I working?11:01
bigcalmI don't understand me11:01
MooDoobigcalm: crazy fool :) go do something else11:02
bigcalmMight go and have a hair cut11:03
Guest63416do chrimbo shopping11:08
lubotu3another contentless ping... sigh...11:09
JutnuxCoach trip:(11:10
lubotu3another contentless ping... sigh...11:11
bigcalmWill be doing xmas shopping on Saturday after the uu meal11:15
* AlanBell updates the booking11:19
bigcalmChange in numbers?11:20
AlanBellyeah, I booked 9 originally and we have 811:20
bigcalmHow do the numbers compare to what you had expected?11:21
AlanBellless interest from canonical than I had expected, otherwise about what I thought11:23
AlanBellit isn't a cheap night11:23
bigcalmIndeed not11:23
Laneyhow much is it?11:23
bigcalmI've got another xmas meal to attend with Hayley on the Thursday evening11:23
bigcalm41 per head11:23
bigcalmThis is going to be a bit of an expensive week for me11:24
hooverhey biggie11:25
hooverI just ordered a Kindle Fire for my wife11:25
bigcalmHi hoovie11:26
* Laney could be tempted to attend11:26
Laneydepending on trains ...11:26
Laneyis it too late?11:26
AlanBellLaney: arrgh!11:26
Laneydid you just change it?11:26
Laneyif so don't worry11:27
AlanBellwell I can probably unchange it11:27
AlanBellonly sent the email 10 minutes ago11:27
Laneyno no don't put yourself out11:27
bigcalmLaney: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1409/detail/11:27
AlanBellnot putting myself out, if you can make it then awesome, I will update them11:27
AlanBellbut it does cost me personally £35 for no-shows!11:27
Laneyhmm, last train back 231511:28
bigcalmThere are 2 sittings per evening and the 2nd one starts at 9pm. So I assume that we'll be ushered out by 8.30pm. So the rest of the evening is free for a pub or something I guess11:30
bigcalmI just started 2 sentences with 'so'. Somebody is going to be annoyed.11:30
AlanBellso it won't be me11:30
bigcalmI recall popey apologising about starting with so. But I can't remember whom it was to11:31
popeyhmm, going to be tight to get me and wifey there for 18:3011:33
popeydidnt realise they did two sittings11:33
bigcalmWell, that's confusing11:33
Laneymmm, first advance11:34
LaneyAlanBell: aye go on then, put me down11:42
* Laney buys train tickets11:43
bigcalmLaney: join the event :)11:43
Laneywill do11:43
Laneytravelling first class on the way there11:43
DavieyI'll be on a plane :(11:43
* Laney dons cool shades11:43
bigcalmLaney: two Iains in one place. Lets be confused :)11:43
Laneyi'll be iron you be eeyane11:44
DavieyDon't wanna make it the following week? :)11:44
Laneygoing somewhere nice?11:44
bigcalmMy ex-gf went from me (Iain) to an Ian11:44
AlanBellLaney: booking updated :)11:44
bigcalmMy fiancée went from an Ian to me (Iain)11:44
dutchiemy current gf has gone from a josh to a josh11:45
MartijnVdSdutchie: by accident?11:45
* AlanBell wonders what the argh is11:45
Laneysilly loco website11:45
bigcalmHighlight frenzy!11:45
AlanBelloh, just that11:45
LaneyI was lookign for register in the grey menu11:45
Laneybut it's a link over to the right11:45
Laneythere we go11:46
dutchieMartijnVdS: an accident she hasn't noticed for ~8 months if so11:46
* dutchie back to wondering why big shiny computer won't turn on after being moved from university to home11:47
MartijnVdSdutchie: imagine her face when she notices! :)11:47
* Laney eyes east midlands trains11:47
Laneyrock & roll & booked11:49
MartijnVdSrick & roll11:49
MartijnVdSಠ_ಠ <-- like that, bigcalm ?11:50
bigcalmMartijnVdS: aye, that'll do nicely :)11:51
bigcalmSynergy doesn't like transmitting special chars11:51
bigcalmGoodness me, there's a dubstep mix of Barbra Steisand: http://open.spotify.com/track/1OaBSDFIXcDn2YPD82uMHX11:53
bigcalmBarbra Streisand11:53
MartijnVdSbigcalm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu_zwdmz0hE ?11:54
bigcalmNever seen the music vid though11:55
bigcalmThis is fun11:55
dutchie:( can't work out what is wrong with my computer12:15
MooDoodutchie: have you tried turning it off and on again?12:19
* MooDoo ducks and runs12:20
dutchieMooDoo: yes, but it won't even turn on :(12:20
gorddutchie, is it that you are using it?12:21
bigcalmUser error. Replace user and press any key to continue12:21
bigcalmDid somebody really make a keyboard with an 'any' key on it?12:21
gordi think i saw a photochop of that once, but really you could just put a sticker with the word "any" on tilde or something12:22
oimonwow, office 2010 is hideous12:53
MooDoooimon: the ribbon isn't too nice, but it's useable12:54
oimonit's very hard to use12:55
oimonthere's an indented paragraph that it impossible to unindent, and you can't see at a glance stuff like fonts used, and size12:55
oimoni have to use it to edit a document and i['ve screwed it all up12:55
dogmatic69is it possible to measure a clients bandwidth from a server somehow, with out action from them12:59
dogmatic69while browsing a site maybe12:59
jpdsdogmatic69: ipref.13:07
dogmatic69http://www.ipref.com/ :/13:07
jpds$ apt-cache show iperf13:09
Myrtti!info htop13:34
lubotu3htop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-2 (natty), package size 57 kB, installed size 204 kB13:34
* oimon realises he's bought clementines instead of satsumas :(14:11
Laneygood choice14:13
siriuslyclementine is a good choice for a music player too ;)14:18
oimonthat's the only universe in which clementine is better...the universe of music players14:18
johnbristolIs anyone familiar with a Samsung Printer Unified Driver / Ubuntu 64bit permissions compatibility issue? Googling shows others stuck on getting the CUPS driver to work, and the file manager generating infinite copies of itself, but I can't see a solution posted.14:38
popeyjohnbristol: is there a bug filed?14:38
directhexpopey, closed-source crufft14:38
popeyjohnbristol: the guy who looks after printing in Ubuntu is very attentive to printing bugs14:38
oimonS.P.U.D. lol14:38
johnbristolit installed fine on Slackware, I'm trying to get the printer working for my brother14:39
oimonwhich printer johnbristol?14:40
oimoni have some samsungs that i used existing ubuntu drivers instead of installnig that gubbins and they were completely compatible14:40
johnbristolthank you oimon, I'll look inside CUPS for an alternative, that's a helpful idea14:41
oimone.g. The samsung ML2010 printers seem to work fine using the Samsung ML-1510 Foomatic/gdi driver.14:42
oimonAlso tested ML-2010 and ML-2240 successfully using the Samsung ML-4500 driver14:43
directhexhttp://www.openprinting.org/printer/Samsung/Samsung-ML-1865W says only the samsung driver is known to work14:44
johnbristolthat's a helpful page directhex. SPUD's faultless on my linux box, I'm just stuck on getting it to function under Ubuntu. But I'll try oimon's suggestion and see if I can get another driver to bite. I suspect it's to do in part with a root permission.14:47
hoovercheers all14:48
directhexjohnbristol, you personally shouldn't need special permissions to print - it's the cups daemon which runs the printer, so the cups user takes care of all that14:50
johnbristoldirecthex, it was Nautilus spawning hundreds of jobs during the install which gave me that impression. I could easily be wrong.14:51
directhexunified installers are always wrong, and written by people who are barely technically literate. sadly14:52
johnbristoldirecthex, the unified installer was faultless for me on Slackware. I may just get him to buy an Ubuntu-recognized printer instead.14:54
directhexjohnbristol, the developer of the installer will have made completely wrong assumptions about linux, and those will fail hard on the "wrong" distro. e.g. using bashisms and declaring #!/bin/sh is a common one14:55
directhexsince sh is always bash, it's no problem using bashisms, right?14:55
AlanBell/bin/sh -> dash14:59
Azelphurwoooo, got my laptop back15:33
Azelphursent it in for repair back in August, took so long \o/15:33
* oimon keeps getting cut on the cutting edge PPAs :(15:34
AlanBellpopey: how did you get on with learning vi?15:35
AlanBellAzelphur: cool! at least it is back now.15:36
Azelphurindeed :P15:36
BigRedSdirecthex: That's currently rivalling absence of <ifmod> for my #1 annoyance :)15:37
AzelphurAlanBell: looks like my HDD size magically doubled too.15:39
Azelphurcan't complain xD15:39
oimonchromium os lime released: http://blog.hexxeh.net/15:44
oimonin case you forgot chrome/ium OS existed :)15:44
johnbristoldirecthex, there's a working solution at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=341621 - I've added this for the archive in case anyone hits this discussion in future.16:06
JutnuxCoach trip home,argh.17:03
Myrtti!info audacity17:25
lubotu3audacity (source: audacity): fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.13-3ubuntu1 (natty), package size 2421 kB, installed size 6364 kB17:25
AlanBell                                                                                                                          jpds ^^^^^^17:25
MyrttiMiia - avocados: 1 - 117:25
gordonjcpaudacity is horrible17:26
gordonjcpI can't believe that's the best we have for editing samples17:26
Myrttibought two to make quac, one was underripe and the other ended up being so stubborn with the seed I cut myself :-(17:26
Myrttigordonjcp: I agree on both accounts17:27
jpdsAlanBell: Not my bot.17:27
AlanBelloh, who runs that one then?17:27
AlanBellgordonjcp: what does a good sample editor do?17:28
DJonesIsn't that bot tsimpsons17:29
Myrttiif I could get all the features of Audacity in the UX of Jokosher with a bit more helpful experience, I'd be happy17:30
MyrttiI want openshot of audio17:30
MyrttiI like openshot.17:30
jpdsAlanBell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots#lubotu317:30
ali1234why can't you just use openshot?17:30
ali1234audacity really is horrible17:31
AlanBellI like openshot too, but it seems like audacity to me, there are tracks and you drag stuff on the tracks and chop them up and change levels and such17:31
ali1234well yeah17:31
ali1234but audacity is slow, annoying, and crashes all the time17:31
directhexaudacity is prime-time stuff. ION turntables ship with audacity for windows as their only software17:31
ali1234but all A/V editors work like that17:31
AlanBellI use it to remove noise, clip things to length and sometimes fade in and out17:32
gordonjcpAlanBell: not look horrible, not crash all the time, not take ten minutes to import or export a sample18:27
jutnuxDoes anyhone know when the Ubuntu mugs will be in stock?18:43
czajkowskino davmor219:25
AlanBello/ daubers19:33
daubersThis evening I am mostly hacking on the hackspace website19:33
daubersdjango ftw \o/19:33
MartijnVdSyou h4x0r you19:51
MyrttiI'm mostly cursing at Audacity19:59
jutnuxAudacity :-(20:15
jacobwwhich hackspace daubers ?20:41
daubersjacobw: Reading20:41
daubersHM Inland Revenue owe me monies!!!20:48
jutnuxLucky you :-)20:49
daubersChristmas has come early this year20:50
huxthe drinks are on daubers :)20:52
daubers /o/20:53
gordreason i stopped paying my licence fee #315 http://balletnews.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/1066075-low_res-strictly-come-dancing-2-700x515.jpg20:53
huxlol omg how much did they give U to make U tghat excited lol20:54
huxdoes that ARGH mean they want it back now20:54
Myrttidaubers: I got 470€ returned on Friday, but I knew about it in June already :-) goes to student loan repayments20:54
daubersMyrtti: Mine was a bit more than that in £20:55
Myrttidaubers: yeah well I calculate every year how much tax I should pay and I do calculate it a bit too big just to be safe, but not too much - it's interest free loan for the government after all20:56
daubersInterestingly this was for 2006...20:57
daubersMyrtti: This'll pay for my bike retest and a bit of money towards a holiday in Aus in a couple of years :)20:57
jutnuxGo too fast daubers?20:59
daubersjutnux: No, wobbled a bit from nerves :( enough to cross a lane boundary21:00
jutnuxAh right :-( What bike do you have21:01
daubersnot got one at the moment21:02
monsterwizardI'm reading about the branch and bounce algorithm the one with the estimiated function. Have I read this correctly?...To work out the estimated function time how mny more steps there are by 5021:22
bigcalmAlanBell: ping21:32
bigcalmAlanBell: have you conveyed my allergy information?21:34
AlanBellI have, but I have to do so again on a form21:34
bigcalmCheers :)21:34
AlanBellwe have to do a menu choice form that I got sent today21:34
bigcalmI trusted that you had, but Hayley insisted that I ask again21:34
bigcalmI see21:35
bigcalmI thought it was going to be a surprise21:35
AlanBellit is, to an extent21:35
zleapthis raspberry pi is looking good http://www.raspberrypi.org/21:35
AlanBellbigcalm: http://www.danslenoir.com/london/images/site/menu/menu.jpg21:36
AlanBellwhite, blue, green or red21:36
bigcalmIs it a choice per person or per booking?21:37
AlanBelland starter&main, main&pud, or starter&main&pud21:37
AlanBellper person21:37
* AlanBell goes to email the 9 peeps21:37
bigcalmI love causing people work :P21:38
popeyAlanBell: do you have wifeys email address?21:39
popeyguess it21:39
bigcalmwifey@p... ?21:39
AlanBelltherealpopey@popey.com :)21:39
AlanBellyeah, I knew that ;)21:39
awilkinsNow, I'm really really annoyed21:50
awilkinsMy *!"^&$^!" computer has decided that it likes to boot Ubuntu after all21:51
awilkinsWhy now, no idea. You'd think being left off overnight would be enough if it was time-dependent21:51
AzelphurHDD failure could explain it, try running a SMART test21:52
awilkinsAzelphur, SMART running all the time... it doesn't explain it, alas, it refused to boot off LiveUSBs as well - it would boot the loader, but wouldn't load the main kernel21:57
awilkinsBut it would boot Windows fine... it runs memtest fine21:58
awilkinsIt ran mprime for a solid hour with zero errors21:58
awilkinsBut then it has a massive sulk, segfaults, hardlocks, blackscreen reset crashes21:58
awilkinsI'm wondering if I should get a UPS21:58
awilkinsI thought it might be the GPU.. was thinking of swapping in the old one21:59
awilkinsIt runs Skyrim with no more crashes than average for a Bethesda game.. and no hardlocks or black resets in Windows22:02
ali1234sounds like hardware problems22:10
ali1234i need a new router. any suggestions?22:13
Myrttiali1234: sadly I have to say "no Belkin"22:16
ali1234well i'm looking at netgear or linksys22:17
ali1234is it worth paying the extra to get a gigabit switch?22:17
awilkinsDepends whether you transfer very large files a lot22:33
AzelphurSo I finally got my inspiron duo tablet pc back, Trying to resolve the kernel panic when you plug/remove the power. It's a known issue that happens to all inspiron duo users. Anyone have any suggestions?22:33
ali1234post the backtrace22:34
Azelphurhow do I post a kernel panic backtrace? there's not too much of a way to copy it22:35
AzelphurI could take a photo, but it flies off the top of the screen22:35
* Azelphur prods ali123422:37
shaunoAzelphur: serial port!22:37
Azelphurit doesn't have one22:38
ali1234change the console font to the really tiny one22:38
ali1234then take a photo22:38
Azelphurhow do I do that? :D22:38
ali1234recompile kernel22:38
shaunois there not something you can poke in /proc to get dumps these days?22:38
ali1234probably not after a kernel panic22:38
shaunonot after, but if it's repeatable, he can do it before-hand?22:39
Azelphurit's totally repeatable, just unplug and watch the magic \o/22:39
shaunoand no need to recompile for a tiny console font, vga=ask on the boot prompt and pick the least sane option you can find22:39
shaunoyeah, I have a usb soundcard that does the same thing on osx :/22:39
ali1234try pci=noacpi22:39
Azelphurali1234: tried that, no luck22:40
Azelphurdoing vga=ask22:40
Azelphurshauno: Legacy `ask` parameter no longer supported.22:41
Azelphurindeed :(22:41
shaunowith linux, I'm starting to suspect I'm a legacy user22:45
shauno.. "not supported"22:45
Azelphurali1234: is that much of it useful to you? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/Photos/December%202011/IMG_20111205_224319.jpg22:46
Azelphurali1234: nope22:47
ali1234try disabling smp22:47
ali1234some kernel parameter22:48
Azelphurk I'll go look that up \o/22:48
shaunonosmp or maxcpus=0, unless that's legacy too22:48
shauno(yes, zero, as wrong as that sounds)22:49
ali1234man bootparam22:50
ali1234those should both still work22:50
Azelphurtrying it now, not really a perm solution though22:51
ali1234try to report this bug22:51
ali1234also try using a recent mainline kernel22:51
Azelphurit has been reported22:51
AzelphurI was looking for a ppa or something for that earlier but couldn't find one22:51
ali1234try old ones too, it might be a regression22:52
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 881043 in pm-utils (Ubuntu) "Dell inspiron duo crahses when plugging or unplugging the power adapter" [Undecided,Invalid]22:52
Azelphuryea, that bug report says it's a regression22:52
ali1234ok so you need to do a git bisect and find the regression22:53
ali1234the first thing to do is find the newest kernel that works and the oldest kernel that doesn't work from the kernel ppa22:53
ali1234try those :)22:54
ali1234don't try the point releases if possible, it will just make the bisect harder22:55
ali1234you know how to install those right?22:55
Azelphurnot really22:55
ali1234is it 64 or 32?22:55
Azelphurstill panics with nosmp22:55
ali1234do you need any dkms stuff?22:56
Azelphurdon't think so, no22:56
ali1234well, get the headers anyway22:56
ali1234you grab the two deb files that end with amd64 and the one that ands with all22:56
ali1234dwownload them all to a folder like 2.6.39/22:57
Azelphurah, pretty easy22:57
ali1234cd into folder and sudo dpkg -i *22:57
ali1234then on boot hold left shift and select it from the menu22:57
ali1234while you are doing that, you might want to set up a kernel build on your main PC because building kernels takes ages as you probrably know22:58
ali1234you will want to git clone linus' tree22:58
ali1234you can point it to an existing kernel tree if you have one, and it will not download it all again22:59
Azelphurnever done this before so I doubt I have :)22:59
ali1234here is a guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild23:00
ali1234you will want to run that on main PC and then copy of the deb files23:01
Azelphuryay guides23:01
AzelphurI'm just downloading the 2.6 and 3.0 debs to try23:01
ali1234the idea is to find the working and not working debs23:02
ali1234then you use git to find the point between those two versions where it stops working23:02
AlanBelldoing a kernel recompile at every step!23:05
AlanBellthat sounds like a process that would take weeks to do23:06
AzelphurAlanBell: not on a 4ghz i723:06
ali1234AlanBell: it's a bisection. as in "cut in half"23:12
ali1234so you start in the middle and take the midpoint at each step23:12
AlanBellbinary search23:13
AlanBellhow long does a kernel build take Azelphur23:14
AlanBelloh, you are not there yet23:14
ali1234half an hour or so23:14
Azelphurali1234: I installed those packages but no sign of the new kernels in the grub menus23:17
ali1234maybe you need to run update-grub23:18
* Azelphur tries23:18
shaunokernel builds feel like they never change.  it took 30-35 minutes on my 38623:18
shaunoer, 30-45.  but regardless23:18
ali1234there's a lot more modules these days23:18
ali1234if you disable them all, it takes 5 minutes23:19
Azelphurali1234: nope update-grub doesn't solve it either23:32
ali1234maybe you have to install the debs individually then23:32
Azelphurperhaps :)23:33
Azelphurali1234: nope, they seem to install but there's no mention of them in the grub menu23:38

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