
StormStrikesMy thought though was that if it were truly a kernel issue then I could boot to a livecd with an older kernel and the fan should stop running so much00:00
StormStrikesHowever, that did  not pan out00:00
GridCubeStormStrikes, you could get the pangolin alphas too00:00
StormStrikesSo I tried the alpha release of ubuntu 12.04 and the fan still runs...00:00
StormStrikesthough Im not sure if it makes a difference using a livecd or doing a full install00:00
holsteini would try a live CD, or just a mainline kernel or something before upgrading like that00:00
StormStrikesIm not entirely new to Linux, but Im not as experienced as some...and I certainly dont mess with the kernel usually....how would I try out the mainline kernel?00:02
holsteinthe reason i do that is because its just a .deb.. its easy to undo/revert00:02
StormStrikesI certainly do not want to use Ubuntu and its Unity...Ive had my fill of that and is why I use Xubuntu...00:02
holsteinhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.2-rc4-oneiric/ for example00:03
ballI preferred Xubuntu to Ubuntu even before the Unity thing, but having seen that I'm glad I use Xubuntu.00:03
StormStrikesYeah, I am exceptionally happy with Xubuntu and will stick with it..00:04
holsteindid i miss someone suggesting *not* using xubuntu?00:04
StormStrikesSo I can just download that kernel and install it?  As simple as that?00:04
holsteinStormStrikes: you can download the .debs there, and install00:05
holsteini usualy unhide grub00:05
StormStrikesNo holstein, I was just commenting I dont want to go back to unity...sorry for the confusion on that00:05
holsteinyou can select the other kernel you are using now, and boot in to remove that one00:05
holsteini miss nautilus... but im trying not to install it00:06
holsteinStormStrikes: i also like GridCube 's idea of just trying a daily LIVE iso for PP00:08
StormStrikesDoes Xubuntu have a daily live iso?  I didnt see one but could have missed it00:09
holsteinthat might be text alternate installer though...00:11
holsteinno.. i think its live00:11
StormStrikesYeah, I downloaded the live 12.04, but when I installed it to a usb stick, it booted as ubuntu...00:13
StormStrikesIm downloading it again though...now that the CD drive is working again I will burn it to that at boot from there...00:14
holsteinStormStrikes: its the same kernel either way... so for your tests, it doesnt matter00:14
StormStrikesOkay, cool.00:15
StormStrikesI dont really need the Nvidia graphics, but if I can get the fan to stop constantly running I will be a really happy camper...00:16
Willie-Tinghahi ppl00:25
Willie-Tinghane 1 here00:25
Willie-Tinghai need help00:26
GridCube!ask Willie-Tingha00:26
GridCube!ask | Willie-Tingha00:27
ubottuWillie-Tingha: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:27
Willie-TinghaI am using a wireless modem - I get 1 or 2 dropouts a day - how can I set the system to restart automatically - Xubuntu and Kubuntu instead of using the taskbar icon00:28
Willie-Tinghasorry ubottu  - it is my first time here - be compassionate!!00:29
GridCubeWillie-Tingha, :) ubottu is an irc bot00:29
GridCubeWillie-Tingha, what do you mean by restart?00:29
Willie-Tinghabots should be compassionate then!!00:29
Willie-Tinghawhen I get the dropout I have to click on the taskbar icon and click the wireless icon to restart the connection - i would like this to be automatic00:30
GridCubehe didnt went HAL9000 on you yet  :P00:31
GridCubeit should be automatic00:31
GridCubemine is00:31
Willie-Tinghai thought it should be - but mine just hangs until i restart the connection manually00:31
Willie-Tinghadid you know that Arthur C Clark chose the initials HAL because they are the letters before IBM??00:32
ballWillie-Tingha: Clarke denies that, though he probably does so with a wink.00:33
Willie-Tinghahe was too clever not to do that00:33
ballWillie-Tingha: I think Clarke was embarrassed by that a little.00:33
Willie-TinghaI will go off and check everything again and see if I can fix the problem - thanks for the chat - maybe I shall return again00:34
joe``i deleted the task manager from the xfce panel and was wondering how to keep the notification area, date, and workspace switcher positioned all the way to the right02:16
krispaulIn ubuntu the fn volume keys works, but not in xubuntu, how i can debug/fix this issue?02:39
krispaulI confess i never had and issue like this in the past, so please be patience with me.. i dont know where start to look for touchpad hw, if pci? if usb?..02:40
holsteinkrispaul: there are probably some packages that main ubunt uuses that xubntu is not using02:51
krispaulfor example..02:54
CiPiType xev in terminal and see if is returning something.02:55
CiPiIt may be the default behavior...02:55
CiPiIf is returning something, see this and change the behavior of the keys. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard02:55
krispaulit is, okay let see02:56
CiPiBro, I`m gettong out, is 5 in the morning in my country. :)02:57
CiPiHope that you have some luck with that.02:57
krispaulbtw why apple, my laptop is samsung..02:59
krispaulah ok, i do must change  behavior, just an example :)03:00
CiPiYes. :)03:00
CiPiGood luck.03:03
=== CiPi is now known as cipi
lhasaany ideas why thunar would have no icons when opened w/ gksudo ? there's no error message (in the console at least)04:44
dethosHello, can anyone tell if there is any graphical to edit xfce aplication menu?04:53
dethos'graphical tool04:54
lhasathere is, it's called alacarte but ... it has an absolutely obscene number of dependencies04:54
lhasai had the bright idea once to use it to edit my menu and then remove it, it was rather ugly :P04:56
dethoserr.. ok thank you, needed to edit the menu but i thought i would a simple tool!04:58
dethosif it has that many dependencies, i think i can live with the menu just the way it is!04:59
Unit193sudo apt-get install alacarte --no-install-recommends    command to run in terminal05:03
Unit193But, what version of Xubuntu?05:04
Unit193Great, go for it05:08
dethosok ty for the help!05:09
lhasathanks, i'll remember that for next time :D05:15
ruslan_osmanovhi. need your help guys very much05:41
ruslan_osmanovcan´t find Russian keyboard layout in xubuntu05:41
ruslan_osmanovthere are some layouts missing in comparison with gnome05:46
TVasEyesin the systray mixer volume control, I like to change05:57
TVasEyesthe gmusicbrowser app to parole, how to?05:58
SysiTVasEyes: I think it should be there just by it being used.. you may need to relogin, or it just doesn't work06:49
Sysi(it's indicator btw)06:49
TVasEyesSysi, thanks for the reply, everything works fine,06:49
TVasEyesI simply want to replace the default gmusicbrowser with parole,06:50
TVasEyescannot find any config files.06:50
Sysiit might be possible with pavucontrol06:50
TVasEyesSysi, pavucontrol?06:51
Sysi!info pavucontrol06:51
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.1-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 136 kB, installed size 1024 kB06:51
TVasEyesah, thanks, Iĺl look into this.06:52
ncrecordshello. quick question: is there a way to install MintMenu on XUbuntu 11.10?07:47
ncrecordsgoogling gave no answers - I hope you can help me. or just tell me to stop seqarching if that is impossible to do07:48
ncrecordshello? sorry for being annoying, but... em.. is anybody here?07:52
incorrecthow can i disable xscreensaver?09:33
baizonin the settings09:36
baizoni think display09:36
Sysiscreensaver settings09:38
rightxubuntu 12.04  install err!!10:19
dpyrohey all, how the heck can I swap my escape and caps lock keys10:34
dpyroi could do it under gnome but am lost here10:34
TheSheepdpyro: I would look at xmodmap10:41
dpyrotried it10:42
dpyrobugs out10:42
dpyrogoogled it10:42
dpyroother people had trouble with the caps lock key10:42
dpyroi'm looking for a gui solution, hopefully10:42
TheSheepI just turned my caps lock into a compose key with an xkb option10:43
* dpyro vims10:43
TheSheepwith dpkg-reconfigure console10:43
dpyrohell i even have them swapped on my windows desktop10:43
TheSheepjust use ctrl+[10:44
dpyrotwo keys? blasphemy!10:44
TheSheepI think that messing with xmodmap and caps lock is a little more complicated, because it has a state10:45
TheSheepbut it's doable10:45
dpyrothe only problem with xmodmap is that it doesn't detect my keyboard properly10:49
dpyroi've tried all the PC/US* layouts and none of them are right, just less wrong10:49
TheSheepum, I'm pretty sure keyboard detection is not involved11:10
TheSheepyou just remap them11:10
Error404NotFoundfunny: i was listening to music on laptop speakers for a while, now when i plug in headphones, volume goes unmute with absolutely no way, not in my knowledge, to unmute it. I have tried killing pulseaudio.13:38
ineedhelpSomething happend that broken my sound. If I try to play an mp3 file in gmusicbrowser it says that I am missing gstreamer plugin.13:40
ineedhelpusing xubuntu 11.1013:40
ineedhelphow do I start gstreamer server??13:48
Sysiineedhelp: you need dome gstreamer plugin, search for them in synaptic or software center13:56
Sysior you can install xubuntu-restricted-extras and get all nice badly licensed blobs13:57
ineedhelpSysi: I don't even have sound on youtube, if I try to up or down volume it does nothing in tray (speaker is always on "full" volume)13:58
ineedhelpmaybe remove something in my home directory? any configuration?13:59
ineedhelpsound was working without xubuntu-restriced-extras13:59
Sysitry pulseaudio -k13:59
ineedhelpso after pulseaudio -k I don't get error that I am missing plugin14:02
ineedhelpbut still no sound14:02
ineedhelpspeaker still shows full volume in tray14:02
ineedhelpokay. brb14:02
ineedhelpnope, didn't help. gstreamer error have got back14:08
ineedhelpstill no sound14:08
ineedhelphttp://pastebin.com/gepCn09c gmusicbrowser error14:10
ineedhelpokay, installing gstreamer0.10-lame seems to solved gstreamer error14:15
ineedhelpbut still no sound14:15
oobilozineedhelp.. is that hte only one without sound?14:21
oobilozdoes it work when ur speakers are on14:21
oobilozwhen u go to alsamixer, is the speaker down to zero?14:21
carlossi have a big problem with xubuntu where windows that gain focus automatically jump to the existing workspace.  rather than staying where they are14:21
carlossthis gets real annoying.  anyone know how to fix?14:22
oobilozclick on the workspace icon on the upper right hand corner14:26
oobilozi think14:26
oobilozu can change it14:26
oobilozand then choose one workspace14:26
oobilozcan't remembe very well but on that portion where it shows u... near hte time14:26
carlossall i see are workspace settings for adding more workspaces14:27
carlossnow how to disable windows from jumping to different workspaces on their own14:27
oobilozisn't there an option14:33
oobilozwehre u can pick a number.. one workspace14:33
oobilozu don't disable it as such14:33
oobilozdid u go to settings14:34
oobilozand workspaces?14:34
oobilozgo to settings, workspaces. number of workspaces switch to one (if htat's what u want to happen)14:34
CaptainKnotsam I able to dd a xubuntu 11.10 iso to a flash drive in another distro  to get a working installer flash drive?14:36
Sysinope, you ened to use unetbootin14:41
CaptainKnotsunetbootin sucks on suse14:41
Sysicarloss: see window manager settings14:42
carlossSysi: i looked in there14:42
Sysithere's tap for that, second tab IIRC14:42
=== benl_ is now known as blutgens
carlossthere's a focus tab that i edited earlier that didn't seem to do the trick14:43
carloss"auto give focus to newly created windows"14:43
carlossit's still doing the same thing.  unless i need to log out and log in for it to apply14:44
Sysiit's not that option14:44
carlosswhich one, then?14:44
Sysiit's in focus-tab14:45
carlossi'm there14:47
carlosswhat option?14:47
SysiI'm not on xfce ATM, I just remember it's obvious14:48
carlossSysi: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7156802/Selection_001.png14:50
carlossmaybe that helps14:50
* unco aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa14:51
oobilozthe workspace setting didnt' work eh?14:52
Sysicarloss: that is not "window manager tweaks"14:52
oobilozthat sux, sorry14:52
carlossahhh, Sysi14:52
carlossSysi: "Activate focus stealing prevention"14:53
carlossSysi: never mind14:53
carlossi found it14:53
carlossxubuntu is now perfect14:53
Sysiit's not that14:53
carloss"When a window raises itself..."14:53
carlossDo Nothing14:53
Sysifor example14:54
carlossthanks, Sysi14:55
baizonhi guys, i have a problem with ccc and 2 displays16:04
baizonit doesnt work at all16:04
baizonwhen i try to change the settings ccc closes and the change isnt applyd16:05
baizonany advices? catalyst is 11.1116:06
TheSheepwhat is ccc?16:08
baizonwasnt it catalys command center? :D16:09
baizonno sorry its catalyst control center :D16:09
TheSheepI have no idea what that is, I'm pretty sure it's not a part of xubuntu16:10
baizonits the amd software tool to configure graphics16:10
TheSheepI guess you need to report a bug to amd %)16:11
baizoncome on no help at all? :P16:11
TheSheeptry running it from terminal and see if it prints anything16:11
baizongot new laptop and opensource drivers arent working very well16:11
baizontrying the closed source16:11
TheSheepclosed source is hard to help with16:12
TheSheepyou can't just check what's wrong with it easily16:12
baizoni know16:12
TheSheepyou have to hope that it shows some useful message somewhere that suggests what might be wrong16:13
TheSheepor that you find a workaround described on some forums16:13
baizonyeah searching right now16:15
baizonok reboot time16:19
crazymutexhey guys17:21
crazymutexsince when does root need a mount point to be in fstab to be able to mount it?17:21
crazymutexto mount a fs on it17:22
crazymutexI get "cant find /foo/bar in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab" error thou I ran mount with sudo17:22
charlie-tcaIt doesn't, but it does need a directory/folder to mount to. fstab generally provides the folder17:22
crazymutexwell, isnt root supposed to be able to mount anything anywhere, regardless of fstab entries17:23
charlie-tca /etc/mtab is the list of all mount points, so if it did not mount, it will be missing there.17:23
charlie-tcayes, if there is an existing folder to use as the mount point17:24
crazymutexthe folder exists17:24
charlie-tcaI mount about 10 folders here that are not in /etc/fstab.17:24
crazymutexit's a crptoloop17:25
crazymutexit seems it gives me that error because I typed a wrong password17:25
crazymutexthis is misleading17:25
baizonok im back17:38
baizonso now i know the problem... aticonfig and xrandr is it17:39
baizonhow can i disable xrandr?17:39
cyocumHi, I just got a new XPS L702X laptop with a geforce 550M...it does seem to work and I tried installing the newest nvidia drivers (no joy either)...anyone have an experiences with this?17:54
cyocumI mean it "doesn't seem to work"17:54
=== cipi is now known as CiPi
=== CiPi is now known as cipi
=== cipi is now known as CiPi
baizonanybody a idea how to fix this problem? -> "--dtop and --desktop-setup, are not supported when RandR 1.2 is enabled!"18:44
theunsi installed xbuntu  11.10  on old desktop, and when it starts it get stuck at 'checking battery', is there a way for it not to check the battery?20:39
theunsI have to startup in recovery mode in grub then choose normal boot then it boot up20:41
TheSheepI think it gets stuck a little bit later, the battery message is just the last message it displayed20:42
TheSheepyou can try using some boot parameters20:42
theunstrue, this can also be20:42
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:42
TheSheepsee the boot options link in there20:42
theunsok, thanks, i will have a look20:43
TheSheeptheuns: you want the 'common kernel options' section20:45
theunsok, thanks20:47
theunsBut which one? is the big question20:47
dpyroAnyone know how I can swap Esc and Caps Lock?20:53
TVasEyes-dpyro, from memory, via definitions in ~/.Xresources or ~/.Xdefaults.21:00
teknodukehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11496810 <-- any help¿21:08
baizonteknoduke: any addons?21:11
baizonor plugins?21:11
Sysitry disabling all plugins and them re-enabling them one at a time21:12
teknodukebaizon ad block, echofon21:12
baizontry what Sysi wrote21:12
baizonwhen ff works again21:13
baizontry to remove the addons21:13
baizonor reset your settings21:14
baizonif that doesnt help21:14
teknodukenice i found the problematic addon was Cuevana player21:16
teknodukethanks baizon21:16
baizonnp teknoduke21:17
TVasEyesdpyro, actually xmodmap.  http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/unix3/upt/ch06_01.htm21:20
baizonis there a way to disable xrandr so i can use aticonfig?21:22
atrunoand i make the heigth of  the drop down xubuntu menu entries to be larger like in gnome ?21:25
jeffs13anyone available to help answer a technical question?21:25
atrunonot that big but bigger.  i have to strain my eyes21:25
TheSheepatruno: you can use larger icons21:25
TheSheepjeffs13: depends on the question, you just have to ask21:26
baizonjeffs13: just ask21:26
jeffs13I am setting up a bit of a home server, and was attempting to use xubuntu to do so, and this is my first attempt at using ubuntu or xubuntu with multiple internal hard drives21:27
jeffs13and I'm having a problem with it constantly shifting device names, and can't make heads or tails of some of the udev / related info out there21:27
jeffs13i.e. sda becomes sdc becomes sdb depending on each boot...21:27
TheSheepjeffs13: use uuids21:28
jeffs13uuids in udev rules, or is there an easier/better way to do this21:29
TheSheepjeffs13: you can just use uuids in fstab directly21:30
TheSheepactually ubuntu does that by default21:30
GridCubeuuids are cool if you don't ever partition your drives21:30
TheSheepyou can also use /dev/disk/by-uuid/ or by-label21:31
jeffs13the problem is that nothing at all is happening to any drive except the boot one by default, they dont even appear in fstab21:31
TheSheepthey won't appear in fstab by themselves21:32
GridCubejeffs13, what does gparted says?21:32
TheSheepyou have to add them yourself, like this:  UUID=a39ff4bb-f257-4008-8b2b-a1e027782590 /home ext4 defaults 0 021:32
jeffs13ok, I'll try adding21:35
jeffs13gparted or other managers do show them, and I can mount manually there21:35
GridCubeyou can get its /dev/sd[NUMBER] there and use it on fstab too21:36
jeffs13I'll try that, thanks a bunch21:38
dpyroTVasEyes: i tried xmodmap21:43
dpyroit bugs out with "keysym Caps_Lock"21:43
dpyroi tired xkeycap21:43
dpyrocan't detect the right keyboard in the first place21:43
TVasEyesdpyro, is your keyboard usb or ps/2, do you use xorg.conf or is keyboard detected?21:45
dpyrovmware w/ win7 host (usb logitech keyboard), xubuntu 11.10 guest21:47
dpyroit's detected fine in xfce itself21:49
dpyroand the keyboard settings manager module gets along with it too21:49
GridCubedpyro, whats your problem?21:50
dpyroGridCube: I'm trying to swap caps lock and escape21:50
GridCubeno idea21:52
GridCubedpyro, http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/01/31/changing-the-system-keyboard-mapping-on-ubuntu-dvorak-vs-qwerty/21:54
dpyroGridCube: but that's between layouts21:55
dpyroi want to swap two specific keys21:55
GridCubedpyro, http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/How_to_make_a_keymap21:57
GridCubethe only reason i've ever heard anyone swaping escape is for vim21:58
dpyrowell yes that's why21:58
dpyroalso GridCube that doesn't help either21:58
dpyroi don't want to map it in vim21:59
dpyroi want to map it system-wide21:59
GridCubedpyro, http://people.uleth.ca/~daniel.odonnell/Blog/custom-keyboard-in-linuxx1122:02
dpyrolooks like that may work22:03
dpyroi was hoping for something along the lines of ~/.Xmodmap22:03
GridCube:D \o/22:03
dpyrobut everything I copy-pasta gets syntax errored22:04
GridCubedpyro, http://www.in-ulm.de/~mascheck/X11/xmodmap.html22:05
GridCubesorry I don't know22:05
GridCube:D I'm just a librarian22:05
dpyrothanks for the help though, you got me going in the right direction :)22:05
GridCube:D success then!22:06

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