[00:01] added [02:35] akgraner; mail is send [06:22] http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/12/06/thanks-ubuntu-weekly-news-team/ [08:10] good morning [08:21] dholbach: good morning [08:21] :D [08:21] hey bkerensa [08:21] dholbach: working on next release [08:21] :D [08:21] nice :) [08:21] thanks a lot bkerensa [14:38] There, responded on the responses on my question to the flavors for cooperation =) [14:42] MrChrisDruif, thanks - jono's been cc'd the thread [14:43] Yeah, Charlie apparently also replied, but I only saw the news team send to, so I forwarded his reply to everyone with my commentary =) [14:44] Thanks - let jono sort out the wording issue [14:44] I wanted him to see it as it's an indicator of an undercurrent [14:44] ?? [14:53] MrChrisDruif, Thanks for your help and getting this organized. We really appreciate it! [14:53] Your welcome akgraner =) === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [22:00] I was getting all these messages in my mailbox....and I didn't know why. I finally figured it out it from my ubuntu-news subscription ='D [22:10] hmm we only send 1 message a week from ubuntu-news so there shouldn't be a lot - the only thing from that list should be the newsletter [22:10] is it ubuntu-news-team sometimes that gets more [22:13] pleia2, I have some time off between Christmas and New Years - I want to work on the wiki pages one of those days - I'll Sandbox things and send you and the team links so we can get the re-org process started [22:13] akgraner: ok, sounds good [22:14] I just have the fridays off [22:14] nice! [22:14] yeah but I don't want you to spend your whole time off looking at wikis [22:14] :) [22:15] but I know that sometimes it's easier to tweak a populated page rather than stare a blank on [22:15] I have an aunt visiting on christmas eve eve - christmas so that weekend is pretty much lost [22:15] one [22:15] but I'll be around a bit for new years [22:15] no worries - just want you to know - so we don't duplicate efforts and all that jazz [22:43] akgraner; that's what I meant.."ubuntu-news-team" [22:44] That sounds like a plan akgraner [22:48] Btw, I saw a Ubuntu Mobile meeting on the Fridge today, but it seems that team isn't active anymore? [22:50] It seems they have been renamed and/or re-tasked to ARM