=== dvz- is now known as Guest30218 === Guest30218 is now known as dvz [23:24] Unit193: any use for a p4 3.2ghz processor? [23:25] Well, I'd guess it doesn't work in this, but it's better. Got the page for it? [23:25] uhm....dunno? I just took it out of my old desktop I'll go look [23:29] which number do I search for? [23:31] Bottom one [23:31] Or I could take the number [23:34] No, but if you want you can send me one and I can test it out for you ;) [23:36] Unit193: should be one of these I believe: http://ark.intel.com/compare/27468,27467,27466,27502,27500 [23:36] socket 478 btw [23:46] Checking on this [23:47] k [23:51] Figures, I was right [23:56] It's not compatible, thanks though