
vilaoh, hi all !09:08
mgzmorning all09:36
jelmerhi mgz, vila09:37
lelithi everybody! I'm trying to understand the "remove-branch" command, and fail to see its purpose. My goal is to "retire" some remote branch, after it was merged in trunk and thus not anymore "active"...09:39
lelittrying that command, I see it apparently deletes only the .bzr/branch subdir of the branch...09:39
lelitgiven that the remote branches are in a "shared" repo (for a given user), is it safe to simply "rm -rf" the single branch, or does that corrupt the shared repo in some way?09:41
mgzlelit: it's safe.09:43
lelitgreat, thanks. OOC, do you know the purpose of the remove-branch command? when is it useful?09:47
mgzlelit: not removing remote workingtrees with it is arguably a bug. mostly it rmbranch does just boil down to rm, the command exists so there's a consistent interface for different branch schemes09:57
lelitI see, thank you09:58
mgzI bet half these bzr-explorer file watcher bugs are just from accidentally including .bzr in the followed paths11:13
mgzwhich then clashes with bzr trying to do internal work there at the same time11:13
vilamgz: be bold, bet on the other half ;)11:15
mgzthe rest seems to be other misc locking/permission failures - some IDE holding files open, etc11:24
mgzwoho! failures.11:26
mgzis there a way to get merge to not set the submit branch on things?11:53
mgzI do too much editing of .bzr/branch/branch.conf as it is, and I merge sideways more than up.11:54
lelitbtw, a coworker yesterday asked me the difference between "submit-branch" and "push-branch", and I didn't find a satisfactory answer...11:57
vilamgz: --no-remember12:28
vilalelit: push_location is where push goes, submit_branch is where you merge from (the assumption is that it's where you *will* submit)12:29
vilamgz: also, 'bzr config --remove submit_branch12:30
vilamgz: or 'bzr config submit_branch=<here, and nowhere else from now on>'12:30
mgzah, yes, `bzr config` is a bit easier than editing stuff in .bzr for single changes, slower when you want to nuke a bunch of stuff though :)12:35
mgzan option to not do it in the first place would be nice, lots of merges aren't from a submit location12:36
vilamgz: 'bzr merge --no-remember ../one-shot' ?13:31
mgznext time I'll try and remember no remember but I doubt I'll remember13:34
mgzokay, end of qbzr time and start of lunch time13:34
vila.. which is why the default is --remember :-P13:34
vilamgz: a fun one for you: try to make a test called 'test_base_dir' succeed13:49
vilamgz: rats, the missing bit is also a spoiler :-/ The test should inherit from TestCaseInTempDir13:50
wgza repeat of bug 581298 maybe? :)14:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 581298 in Bazaar "bt.test__walkdirs_win32.TestWin32Finder.test_dir fails without ever being run" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58129814:01
vilaoooooh :)14:02
mgzright, time to work out what to do with trace14:36
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dannfthe libvirt/qemu-kvm UDD trees on LP seem to be hosed - attempts to branch from them give an error18:03
dannfis this the right place to look for help on that?18:04
jelmerdannf: hi18:04
jelmerdannf: this is the right place18:04
dannfjelmer: cool18:05
jelmerdannf: this is bug 84806418:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 848064 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "Revision not present branching from udd-imported branches on lp" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84806418:05
dannfjelmer: sounds like reimporting might be an option? what does that entail?18:07
pooliehi all19:51
wgzhey poolie!20:17
pooliehi there20:17
GRiDhi poolie, wgz20:28
* wgz waves at GRiD20:36
dvheumenHi, want to check something, just to be sure: If I create a symlink, add it to the working copy and then change my mind and 'bzr revert symlink'. Then it should not delete the symlink right?21:08
dvheumen(add --> not yet commit)21:08
dvheumenI'm asking because I think it's a bug in bzr21:13
abentleydvheumen: No, we have special handling for files when reverting, but not for other types.  If you want to unversion the symlink without deleting it, "bzr remove --keep" will do that.21:24
dvheumenabentley, then you don't consider this undesired behavior?21:25
abentleydvheumen: correct.21:25
dvheumenhmm... okay ...21:25
dvheumenbtw, do you mean remove or revert?21:26
abentleydvheumen: I mean remove.21:26
dvheumenso, in the case of revert?21:27
dvheumenit seems strange to me to delete something that hasn't been under control in the first place21:27
abentleydvheumen: Revert tries to return to to your previous state.   It doesn't consider how you got there.21:28
dvheumenyeah exactly, so why delete a symlink that was 'originally' there before I added it to the working copy21:28
abentleydvheumen: Because the previous state is the last-committed state, and that didn't have a symlink.21:29
abentleydvheumen: We do the same with directories.21:29
dvheumenbut you make an exception for files then, doesn't that seem strange?21:30
abentleydvheumen: Even with files, the exception is based on filetype, not based on whether you added them without committing.21:31
abentleydvheumen: And we make that exception because deleting a file can cost the user a lot of data, whereas directories and symlinks don't contain much data in and of themselves.21:32
dvheumenhmmm... okay, in that case it's not a bug :P21:32
dvheumen(although I'm not completely sold on the reason ;-)21:32
dvheumenthanks :)21:33
abentleydvheumen: The more junk you leave in the way, the more you open yourself up to conflicts later on when tree updates create an entity with the same name.21:36
dvheumenabentley, yeah, that's true. However, this symlink probably has some meaning and when I revert I would do this with a thought such as "on second thought, no I don't want to do this versioning operations". And it wouldn't occur to me that I'm actually deleting a file, changing a directory structure.21:37
dvheumenso I'm accidentally touching something that I wouldn't expect21:38
dvheumenalthough, maybe I should do some more reading, since it *is* reported that the symlink gets deleted21:38
abentleydvheumen: Sure.  But there are tradeoffs here, and there isn't *much* meaning in the symlink.21:39
dvheumenyeah, I know :)21:39
dvheumenI should just get used to this behavior21:40
dvheumenanyways, you're just in time ... I hadn't yet submitted the bug report :P21:42
abentleydvheumen: You can also use shelve --all as an alternative to revert.  That will allow you to correct any surprising behaviour.21:42
dvheumenI'll keep that in mind21:42
jelmer_hey poolie, welcome back22:09
pooliehi there, thanks22:13
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LeoNerdbzr checkout; edit stuff... bzr commit --local {because the laptop was offline}22:41
LeoNerdHow do I now push it upstream?  bzr push  claims no location known or specified. I know I -can- copypasta from  bzr info  but that feels awkward and hackish22:41
LeoNerdAhhh.. bzr push :bound22:44
* LeoNerd read bzr help location-aliases22:44
Noldorin_hi folks.23:20
Noldorin_is there any way to provide secure access to a bzr server other than via SSH?23:20
jelmerNoldorin: over http/https23:21
jelmeror, alternatively, if you don't require a smart server you can also use sftp/ftp, smb, ...23:22
Noldorin__jelmer sftp is still ssh... but yes the other options sound appealing. how does https speed compare to smart server?23:24
Noldorin__(with ssh)23:24
jelmerNoldorin_: the smart server can be used over HTTPS as well, though it requires some setup23:25
Noldorin__ah right23:25
Noldorin__jelmer, but not ftp?23:25
jelmerNoldorin_: right, it would be pretty hard to tunnel something custom over ftp :-)23:26
Noldorin__yeah heh23:26
Noldorin__i could imagine!23:26
Noldorin__jelmer, hmm will have a look, thanks for tip23:27
Noldorin__be back in a bit23:27
jelmerNoldorin__: ssh should be simplest to setup though (hardly any setup at all), any reason you're not using that?23:27
Noldorin__jelmer, alas, windows server = ssh (almost) impossible23:28
Noldorin__unless some has some good tips for it23:28
Noldorin__tried a lot, but always some sort of error.23:28
Noldorin__openssh for windows just isn't maintained :-(23:30
Noldorin__maybe there are decent commercial solutions. who knows23:30
jelmerah, hmm23:30
jelmerI don't have any experience with SSH servers on Windows23:30
Noldorin__yeah. not sure many in the world do :-P23:31
Noldorin__you use openssh sshd on linux though yes?23:31
jelmerNoldorin__: yep23:32
Noldorin__jelmer, maybe cygwin environment then...hard for windows services though23:34
Noldorin__brb restarting23:35
Noldorinjelmer, back23:58
jelmerhi Noldorin23:58
Noldorindid you have any thoughts while i was gone?23:58
jelmerI had plenty, but nothing about SSH on Windows I'm afraid..23:59
Noldorinfair enough23:59

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