
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Build delays due to earlier hardware failure | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
EvilResistancewgrant:  so the builders for archive and ppa are both back online?00:33
EvilResistance(granted the build/publish backlog is insane)00:33
wgrantEvilResistance: Yeah, the publishers are catching up with the backlog, and things are building again.00:34
phillwwgrant: is there a reason we cannot admin people yet?00:40
wgrantphillw: I'm not sure what you mean.00:41
phillwwgrant: I have a ticket booked, which I will need answering eventually, but I've made my Head of Dev a member on a couple of channels he really needs access to, but I cannot make him admin, even though I am myself?00:42
wgrantphillw: On a couple of Launchpad teams?00:42
wgrantOnly the team owner can promote members to admins.00:42
wgrantThis has been the case for about 6 years, but I changed that yesterday.00:43
wgrantSo from next week admins will be able to make other people admins.00:43
phillwwgrant: thanks for that. We'll simply file for them to be deleted as the owner / senior admin is the cause of https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/181112 but, we are Borg, we will adapt :)00:44
wgrantphillw: Could you specify the teams?00:45
micahgwgrant: I was curious about that, the bug seemed to imply that the previous behavior was correct00:45
wgrantAs maxb asks.00:45
wgrantmicahg: About admins not being able to promote admins?00:45
micahgwgrant: yes, sorry00:45
wgrantmicahg: It was deliberate, certainly.00:45
wgrantmicahg: But it depends how you define "correct".00:45
phillwwgrant: It's not been a fun day, #speechcontrol was handed over to #SII a while back http://pastebin.com/1T5FSEGtĀ  Then two days ago my junior admin went on a spamming spree. I have regained control of #freenode areas, but we cannot regain LP ones.00:48
wgrantphillw: Reply to the question on LP with the team URLs and owner URL.00:49
wgrant(also, that paste doesn't seem to exist)00:49
micahgwgrant: admins can't change owners though, right?00:49
wgrantmicahg: Right.00:49
phillwwgrant: soz, it hit spam filter http://pastebin.com/1T5FSEGt00:49
micahgok, it should be fine then, the owner can always can an abusive admin00:50
wgrantmicahg: The admins can completely destroy the team already anyway, if they're really abusive.00:50
micahgI guess that's true00:51
phillwmicahg: you have NO idea how hard this hurting me to have had a young admin who I trusted impleccitealy go bad. I've had remove his admin access to google educational systems.00:52
EvilResistancemicahg:  wgrant:  I assume that, if a package has the same name, but has different versions in different releases within a PPA, then both version will be shown?00:53
EvilResistancefor example, 1.2.1 in natty, and 1.3.3 in oneiric will be shown separately?00:53
wgrantEvilResistance: Yes.00:53
phillwWe'll just send out another email alert to say those LP areas are no longer available...00:53
phillw*well* not available, not be used nor trusted.00:54
phillwwgrant: did you get it this time?01:02
wgrantphillw: I did.01:03
wgrantYou need to add details to the question before we can transfer the team.01:03
phillwwgrant: can you either PM me, or email me on phillw@thesii.org01:06
wgrantphillw: Hmm? You haven't mentioned the team name or the username of the person who is being problematic.01:07
wgrantYou need to put that in the question that you filed before we can work out what to do.01:07
spmwgrant: phillw: if we can get the team/user names sorted; I'll action that immediately.01:08
phillwwgrant: michealH@thesii.org, also was know MH0@thesii.org - his cloaks have been removed.01:08
EvilResistancewhy do i know that identification...01:09
phillwSorry, his cloaks were @SII ... we'd not long had it authorised01:09
EvilResistanceOH!  THATS why.01:10
* EvilResistance recognizes the user01:10
phillwEvilResistance: you tell me, I had a couple of days ill and all hell let loose.01:10
wgrantphillw: I still don't know which teams you're talking about.01:10
EvilResistancephillw:  he decided to abuse authority as a staff role in the TrekWeb group01:10
EvilResistancehe immediately lost his access, so...01:10
phillwhe also kicked off on TouchLay, and then kicked of on SII against our head trustee.01:11
phillwThere is a debate for him to be k-lined from #freenode, but that, is not actually my current problem.01:12
EvilResistancei take it that debate is amongst staffers01:12
EvilResistancephillw:  can i throw ya a /query?01:13
phillwby all means01:14
wgrantphillw: Can you link me to the problematic teams?01:14
wgrantAnd the problematic user?01:14
wgrantIn LP?01:14
phillwit is the old Speech Control team, that went all the way to ubuntu council. That team was re-assigned to Abhijit, who just could not get devs to stay there after what had happened. I asked that he allocate it over to stay dormant until there were enough devs to ressurect it.01:16
phillwThere are also some areas of SII which I am a trustee of that I do not have access to.01:16
EvilResistancephillw:  you have a privmsg ;P01:17
wgrantphillw: You need to put team URLs, abusive person URLs, and relevant evidence supporting your request (eg. that paste) in the question./01:18
phillwwgrant: and anyother staffers... would you please /join #sii-lp thanks01:21
maxbphillw: Launchpad has a process for handling user requests - it is the answers.launchpad.net part of the site. Please use the existing process, as you've been asked01:31
maxbI appreciate you've been landed in a bad situation, but right now you're rambling around the topic without providing the necessary information for it to actually be actioned01:32
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EvilResistancei take it personal (non-team) PPAs can't be made private without some kind of fee/payment to canonical/LaunchPad ?02:49
lifelesswe're currently reevaluating how we want to do things but at the moment its private==proprietary, and we charge for proprietary usage03:09
=== jtv-eat changed the topic of #launchpad to: Build delays due to earlier hardware failure | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: jtv | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
=== jtv-eat is now known as jtv
phillwHi launchpad, we had a little session earlier, it does appear that we missed one LP area being transfferred over. I'm really sorry about this & know that you guys are up to your eyeballs in other stuff. It's just a simple re-assign to new owner if anyone is about. Thanks.03:20
lifelessphillw: add it to the question please03:20
wgrantBah, ~speechcontrolteam?03:20
wgrantIndeed, I missed one.03:21
phillwwgrant: by the way, if it makes you feel any better, I did tell off my head of dev for vanishing while we were doing this :)03:22
wgrantphillw: That should be fixed now.03:22
phillwwgrant: you would need to PM for his excuse, I could not state it open channel, but he did have a decent reason :P03:24
phillwThe Female of the specious is deadlier than the male03:26
EvilResistancelifeless:  any specifics on the cost, out of curiosity?03:31
EvilResistancelifeless:  i've got my employer asking me, since i'm an Ubuntu/Launchpad user, about private ppas :/03:32
lifelessa standard project yearly cost gets you unlimited private ppas03:33
lifeless(within reason :P)03:33
lifelessEvilResistance: https://launchpad.net/+tour/join-launchpad#commercial03:34
* phillw ::SIGH:: but here is the question (03:31:59) JackyAlcine: Well, from there, can wgrant change that project from Micheal to you or myself? the registration name?03:40
wgrantphillw: The "Registered $DATE by $PERSON" confers no privileges, and can't be changed.03:42
wgrantThe Maintainer field on the project page is the owner of the project.03:42
phillwwgrant: can you pop back into #sii-lp    ... please?03:42
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ahasenackis launchpad still a bit flaky? I'm getting timeouts just by going to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu08:42
wgrantahasenack: Do you have an OOPS ID?08:43
wgrantThat page is known to be one of our slowest pages, because of the insane number of bugs that Ubuntu has.08:45
wgrantAh, hmm.08:49
wgrantahasenack: It should work if you leave launchpad-beta-testers. There's a performance regression in the beta bug listings.08:50
ahasenackwgrant: ah, thanks09:03
wgrantBug #901122, bug #90112409:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 901122 in Launchpad itself "New bug listings need to preload more attributes" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90112209:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 901124 in Launchpad itself "New bug listings get length of collection twice" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90112409:06
YokoZardput by sftp broken?  launchpad refusing ssh connections10:14
wgrantYokoZar: It's back now.10:15
wgrantI suspect an upgrade ran late.10:16
YokoZarwgrant: That was fast :)10:16
micahgare branch e-mails delayed ATM?10:19
wgrantmicahg: There are occasionally delays of 10 or so minutes around this time.10:19
micahgI'm at 25+10:20
YokoZarwgrant: actually now I'm getting this error:  Permission denied (publickey).10:20
micahgwgrant: the LP interface is updated, so they've been parsed10:20
wgrantYokoZar: Indeed, something is broken.10:21
* wgrant investigates.10:21
wgrantYokoZar: Should be happy now.10:26
YokoZarwgrant: Seems so.  Thanks!10:26
jtvhello czajkowski11:05
=== jtv changed the topic of #launchpad to: Build delays due to earlier hardware failure | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
l3onHi all... what's the best way to get the list of packages in ubuntu by lplib ?11:22
jelmerl3on: hi11:32
jelmerl3on: binary or source ?11:33
jelmerl3on: probably lp.distributions["ubuntu"].main_archive.getPublished{Sources,Binaries}()11:33
l3onthanks jelmer ... binary :)11:34
l3onops,, I mean source :P11:34
Unskipphello , is here online any mentor from OpenIntents ?11:53
dholbachit seems like http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs is timing out a lot, so I just did a quick API call to find out how many bugs are open for Ubuntu12:41
dholbachit seems there are 0 status="Incomplete" bugs12:41
dholbachthat sounds a bit weird to me12:41
dholbachand according to https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html it should be a valid bug status12:41
wgrantdholbach: They appear as "Incomplete (with response)" and "Incomplete (without response)"12:41
wgrantIt should reject plain "Incomplete"12:42
dholbachshall I file a bug about that?12:42
wgrantPlease do.12:42
dholbachthanks, will do12:42
wgrantAs for the timeouts, that's bug #901124 and bug #90112212:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 901124 in Launchpad itself "New bug listings get length of collection twice" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90112412:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 901122 in Launchpad itself "New bug listings need to preload more attributes" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90112212:42
wgrantThey should go away if you leave the beta team.12:42
dholbachahh, great12:43
dholbachthanks wgrant12:43
dholbachwgrant, bug 90120312:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 901203 in Launchpad itself ""Incomplete" is not a valid bug status" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90120312:45
wgrantdholbach: Thanks.12:45
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didrocksI have a need for unity to be able to programmatically copy packages between 2 ppas. Is there already a script doing that (and only copying the new packages from ppa B to ppa A?)13:31
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bigjoolsdidrocks: see the api call "syncPackage"14:38
didrocksbigjools: I think you meant copyPackage, isn't it? :)14:39
bigjoolsdidrocks: no14:39
bigjoolsthat doesn't work for PPAs (yet)14:39
didrocksbigjools: hum, i don't find syncPackage in https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html ?14:40
didrocks(I would say syncSource ?)14:40
bigjoolsdidrocks: GAH,. synceSource, my bad14:40
bigjoolssyncSource, even14:40
didrocksbigjools: it seems to apply to archives only as well, isn't it? let me try in an ipython14:42
bigjoolsdidrocks: I don't understand the question14:42
didrocksbigjools: from the API page it seems that the syncSource method is only for an "archive", like copyPackage, not for ppas. But it's probably me still not used to the REST api presentation :)14:43
bigjoolsdidrocks: PPAs are archives14:43
bigjoolscopyPackage doesn't work if the target is a PPA, until I fix a way of doing failure notifications14:44
didrocksbigjools: ah ok, excellent! So, it seems that's exactly what I wanted, thanks :)14:44
didrocksbigjools: seems to work really well! Thanks again for the help :)15:00
bigjoolsdidrocks: np!15:02
bigjoolsdidrocks: bear in mind I want to deprecate that call though15:02
didrocksbigjools: ok, for the syncPackage one?15:02
bigjoolsdidrocks: yes, it times out too much because it tries to do too much.  Well, syncSource is mostly ok, syncSources is the baddie.15:03
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didrocksbigjools: as I want to copy the whole ppa content (and don't really know what was already copied before), I think I will just use syncSource and loop on all packages anyway15:05
bigjoolsdidrocks: you say this is for Unity, what are you doing?15:06
didrocksbigjools: basically, we have a "staging" ppa at https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/staging15:07
didrockswe are then running checks on the whole content as soon as a new package arrives15:07
didrockswhen all check are ok, we want the whole staging content to be copied to https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/ppa15:07
didrocks(hum, not sure there is a programmatic way to get all the package's name in the ppa though)15:09
didrockssorry, was getPublishedSources, will use that :)15:10
bigjoolsok cool15:11
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joeydanilos: ping16:15
joeydanilos: anyway to build this into the LP? :-)   https://wiki.linaro.org/Cycles/1112/Release/Dashboard16:16
danilosjoey, otp16:18
joeydanilos: no worries. expand out bugs and blueprints in there to see what I'm after.  I didn't create the format but it is very useful16:19
koliqiBuilt successfully + automated build log filter detected the problem?18:48
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apwi am seeing terrible upload performance to upload.ubuntu.com currently?20:44
bdmurraybug 91083120:45
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 910831 could not be found20:45
bdmurraybug 91038120:45
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 910381 could not be found20:45
bdmurraybug 90138120:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 901381 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "excepthook in gtk_ui.py should write a crash report instead of calling ubuntu-bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90138120:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 901381 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "excepthook in gtk_ui.py should write a crash report instead of calling ubuntu-bug" [Undecided,New]20:47
apwbdmurray, that looks to be the bug matching the number at least20:48
bdmurrayapw: yeah for a moment there the http url wasn't working but the https did20:48
apwbah this upload is going to take about 2 hours at the current rate ...20:49
bdmurrayanyway back to our regular program20:49
apwis that something we know about ?20:49
bdmurraywhat? http://l.net/bugs/NUMBER?20:50
bdmurrayI use that all the time and its been around forever20:50
apwbdmurray, ahh yes, no we are talking at cross purposes20:51
apwyour entry into the discussion with bug numbers felt like you were after the bug for my issue, clearly a separate discussion20:51
* apw hastles is20:51
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: LP App servers misbehaving - investigating ; Build delays due to earlier hardware failure | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
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=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: Build delays due to earlier hardware failure | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad

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