
DarwinSurvivorwillwh: you mentioned reinstalling without encryption and screen issues going away. Was home-encryption causing video card problems?00:12
DarwinSurvivorI've been trying to track down some nasty video driver issues myself and am using encryption. If they are related I would love to know more00:12
willwhI don't know - was my headless server :)00:13
khooveranyone here know much about the android sdk?01:52
khooveror limitations of the OS, in general.01:52
DarwinSurvivorwillwh: oh, did you man "gnu"screen issues?03:09
DarwinSurvivorkhoover: I've heard the emulator is encredibly resource intensive (quadcores-drop-to-their-knees intensive)03:11
DarwinSurvivor< willwh> good bye silly screen issues :P03:11
DarwinSurvivoroh, yeah, my bad :P03:12
willwherr, yes I did.03:12
DarwinSurvivorlol, ok03:19
BluesKajHi folks13:16

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