
bobweaverhello there I would like a ubuntu cloak  is this possible ?02:42
Unit193Could you link your launchpad account?02:43
Unit193Sorry, but you'd have to be a Ubuntu Member :/02:44
Unit193!member | bobweaver02:44
ubottubobweaver: Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership02:44
bobweaverlike http://wiki.ubuntu.com/josephmills02:45
Unit193Not only do you have to do significant and sustained contributions to Ubuntu, you also have to apply for it  (Note that I'm not a member either)02:46
Unit193Have a read of the link ubottu gave :)02:46
bobweaverI am now tha nsk Unit19302:47
bobweavernow *02:47
bobweaverI also hand out free cds of ubuntu like 20 a week02:47
Unit193Sure, and thanks for helping out02:48
bobweaverfarmers market and downtown02:48
bobweaverI see why cprofitt wanted me to take pictures now02:48
* bobweaver says time to step up his game !02:51
cprofitthey bobweaver02:54
cprofittthe pictures were more for the loco02:55
cprofittbut you could reference them as well02:55
cprofittcan be real simple -- like this - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/Events/2010070102:56
cprofittbobweaver: join the ny channel we can discuss this more in there02:57
Andy80Unit193: you assign cloaks?02:58
Unit193Andy80: No sir, I have nothing to do with that, just trying to help02:58
Andy80ok :)02:58
Unit193Andy80: You just have to stick around and wait for onje of 'em to show up02:58
Andy80yeah, I'll try tomorrow maybe... it's too late at the moment.... 4:00 AM in Europe02:59
bobweaverthanks cprofitt03:00
Unit193Andy80: Okay, hope they're here next time!03:00
Andy80I'm still a bit in love with my actual cloak, but.... the project is dead :\ so I think I'll use the possibility to have an Ubuntu cloak (yes, I'm a member, approved today :P )03:01
Unit193Yeah, I checked. Congrats though!!03:02
Andy80Unit193: thanks :)03:03
jussiAlanBell: what the heck?  they gave you membership?07:19
jussiand he isnt here07:19
jussibad morning...07:19
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vibhavI wonder if a karma for 1251 is enough for a cloak>17:29
pangolinan ubuntu cloak?17:30
pangolincloaks are not given because of karma17:30
k1lyou need to become a member to get a cloak17:30
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership17:30
pangolinread that ^17:30
vibhavI have been translating for long17:30
vibhavI guess17:30
vibhav6 months17:30
pangolinapparently you haven't read it17:31
vibhav"translation" is listed in contribution17:31
pangolinvibhav: there is a process that must be followed17:31
pangolinyou need to read all the words not just the ones you want to read17:31
vibhavoh , I forgot about that17:31
k1lvibhav: read that link. it tells you what you got to do to become a member.17:32
k1lwe dont decide here wether you become a member or not17:32
pangolinmy karma is 73 and I am a member17:32
pangolinkarma has nothing to do with it17:33
vibhavgot it17:33
k1lpangolin: you got some extra karma for you nick :)17:33
popey17:33:02 < pangolin> karma has nothing to do with it17:34
popeynot entiely true17:34
pangolinexplain please :)17:35
vibhavbig karma = More contribution (or something like that)17:35
vibhavcontribution to Ubuntu17:36
pangolinI would rather popey explain it to me :)17:36
pangolinMy contributions at the time of applying for membership were not measurable with karma.17:36
popeyits an indicator17:37
popeyalong with many others17:37
popeyso 'nothing to do with it' isn't entirely accurate. some people on the RMBs will look at karma as a quick indicator of activity17:37
popeythey will of course delve more deeply into what the contributions are, but it's a good quick stake in the ground17:38
pangolinI see17:38
pangolinGood to know, thanks for explaining it.17:38
popeyat one point I had bazillions of karma just for answering launchpad questions.17:39
pangolinpopey: hypothetically would that be enough to merit membership?17:42
popeywhat? a big karma number?17:42
pangolinsay a karma of 15000 for answering LP questions.17:42
popeynot on its own, no17:42
popeylike I say, it's just an indicator17:43
pangolingot it :). vibhav you need to read the info ubottu gave you and follow the instructions :)17:43
pangolinis it possible my karma has gone down?\17:45
pangolinI thought I saw it at 96 at one point17:45
vibhavpangolin: karma expires17:45
popeyit degrades over time17:45
vibhavpangolin: If LP related contribution halts17:45
popeyto promote a 'sustained' contribution17:45
pangolinoh, well I better start keeping track of it to see when it hits 017:45
popeyvibhav: it degrades whether you carry on or not17:45
popeyi wouldn't bother ☺17:46
MyrttiI don't :-P17:46
PiciNon-ubuntu things on launchpad also grant karma.17:46
vibhavgotta go to sleep17:47
pangolingood night17:47
* popey gives vibhav some sleep karma17:47
k1l_hmm, while i see Andy80 quitting, he asked for a cloak yesterday and is already a member18:34
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