
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk
aboganiBenC: ping07:13
aboganiBenC: About "Reviving Ubuntu PowerPC"...07:18
aboganiBenC: What systems will be used as reference in this effort?07:18
aboganiBenC: Thanks!07:18
ppisatiinfinity: how is the armhf image going?08:35
* smb steps in08:35
jjohansenppisati: last I heard well08:37
ppisatiuhm, nice11:19
ppisatiif you switch kernel release, it breaks princhanges&c11:19
BenC__abogani: I'm more interested in server platforms (as opposed to legacy mac systems)12:29
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BenCabogani: personally, I'm using a freescale e500mc based system (8-core, 32-bit)12:30
StratisphereMorning, i'm running xbmc with PVR on oneiric but there is a bug with the 3.0 kernel that prevents me from using my TV card. There is a patch available but hasnt made it upstream I believe. Whats the best way I can go around compiling the patch in to my kernel on my machine?12:44
Stratisphereor whats the risk with downgrading to a 2.6 kernel?12:44
aboganiBenC: Interesting. Is there a roadmap already?12:46
smbStratisphere, Mostly the risk is that it is not tested at all. So some stuff may break or it works. And probably it will be a hassle to always keep track of updates to those older kernel... 12:48
smbStratisphere, But as a work-around... Since it is a different version, at least you can boot back into other kernels with grub12:49
Stratisphereyeh true. What about downloading the 3.0 source and patching the fix in, if I just grab the source from https://github.com/torvalds/linux/tags is that suitable?12:51
Stratispheresorry, what i'm getting at is, does ubuntu have any specific bits in it?12:51
smbStratisphere, Rather go to git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-oneiric.git12:51
Stratisphereah ha, thats what I was after :)12:51
smbThat also has all the build stuff to make debs12:52
Stratisphereoky cool12:52
Stratisphereis it somewhat stable?12:52
smbThe master branch is what is the current kernel in proposed which goes into updates12:52
smbSo fairly stable12:53
Stratisphereoky cheers12:53
Stratispherethanks for your help :)12:53
smbnp :)12:53
Stratispheresucks, had to upgrade from lucid to fix the IR remote, but upgrading meant it broke the Tv card :P12:53
smbI know the pain. Though for me it will be the other way round (at least I intend to go to oneric lts backport kernel to enable mine)12:54
Stratisphereahh, the struggles of an awesome HTPC :D12:55
* Stratisphere hopes the wife appreciates it when he's done12:56
smbStratisphere, hehe, depends on the media you put onto it, me thinks. :)12:56
Stratispherelol ruhoh. Mostly my scifi stuff! I keep telling her to tell me what to download but she never does lol12:57
Stratispherestill. She can now play her iphone things on the TV which is kind cool 12:57
smbYou know how it works, you're supposed to know without asking. ;) But having the other thing may help, too. :)12:58
Stratispherehmm, lol the changesets are already in that repo13:13
Stratispherewow it takes a while to compile the kernel!14:01
smbDepends on how powerful the build machine is... But "normal" ones... yes14:02
Stratisphereout of curiosity, say you were to compile the kernel and then change one .c file... does it just compile that one file and then relink them or does it have to compile everything from scratch? (sorry, c noob here :P)14:02
* Stratisphere should have started the compile in a screen :(14:04
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smbUsing the normal packaging without tricks, everything. At least when you use dpkg-buildpackage. There is work-arounds14:05
smbby only running "fakeroot debian/rules binary-xxx" and removing the build stamp file under debian...14:06
smb(xxx = the flavor like generic or generic-pae)14:06
Stratispheregotta say, you guys deserve top credits. i'm sure i've just seen the top of the pile but how you guys manage such a massive and complex project is amazing14:07
Stratispherebtw, whats -pae?14:07
tgardnersconklin, have you been running any of your tests on an ecryptfs mounted FS ?14:07
smbThe PAE feature enabled (which is physical address extenstion, I believe). This allows to use more than 4G of RAM in i38614:08
Stratisphereknew I had heard/seen it before14:08
=== jibel_ is now known as jibel
ledzgiohi all14:25
ledzgioI have a patch for an ethernet driver and I have to compile the kernel and apply that patch14:26
ledzgiocould someone help me in that?14:26
smbWill this help? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel14:28
ledzgioyes, I have to apply this patch14:29
ledzgio http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/125198/14:29
ledzgiohow can I do that following the document you linked before?14:29
smbledzgio, I would propose to get the source the git way. Then you can save the raw patch and try "git am <patch>"14:30
ledzgiocould you please explain better whats mean " Then you can save the raw patch and try "git am <patch>""14:31
smbledzgio, There is a patch link on that page that will let you download the complete patch. Then you go into the directory containing the source git tree and run the command "git am" with the file as argument14:32
smbOr without git you run "patch -p1 < xxx" where xxx is again the patchfile14:33
ledzgiook you mean the patch in the link I have sent to you correct?14:33
ledzgiothe command git am will apply the patch to the kernel?14:34
ledzgioat that time I only need to build the patched kernel correct?14:34
Stratisphereim off. Thanks again for your help smb :)14:34
smbStratisphere, welcome14:34
smbledzgio, yes. git am does a bit more if the file is in a special format which is to make it a commit in the repo14:35
smbThe link you sent looked like it would be the right format. But anyways if either way of applying succeeds you build that source14:36
smbI suggest you change debian.master/changelog to add something like +myversion to the version number in the first line14:36
smbThat way the package and the running kernel have a specific version where you can see that you are really running your kernel14:37
ledzgiook perfect14:37
ledzgiothabk you, I'll give it a try later14:38
ledzgioif you will be here I'll contact you again if I have problem14:38
smbI may or may not be14:39
smbBut there are always some people that can help around14:39
ledzgiook thank you very much14:39
ledzgioyour help is really appreciated14:39
ledzgiothe last thing14:40
ledzgioI think that patch is good with kernel 3.0 or 3.1 also14:40
sconklintgardner: no, but there's no reason not to. The ltp lite that's currently being used doesn't do much file system testing. I'll (eventually) try running tests against ecryptfs 14:41
sconklintgardner: I've pretty much completed the inventory of what's in ltp: https://wiki.canonical.com/SteveConklin/LtpTestList14:42
smbThat depends. I did not read all the details. If its just going upstream the chances are higher. But it was some wireless driver and there could be more change in that area of code14:42
ledzgioI told you that because on top of that page are specified the versions and architectures supported(?)14:43
tyhickssconklin: Sync up with me before you do start running tests against eCryptfs. I hope to have a nice way to set up various types of eCryptfs mounts and run the typical filesystems tests against those mounts.14:43
sconklintyhicks: sweet, OK14:44
smbledzgio, Well that is the usual thing with backports. You may find that the compile breaks because some defines are not present (meaning support was neither) and then you have to tweak things. Also note that on that page the status has been set to superseded. Could mean there is something newer or different14:46
tgardnersconklin, tyhicks: I'd like to get a full suite of ecryptfs tests running well before Beta 1. I'm still getting plenty of hate mail over corrupted disks.14:46
sconklintgardner: I can walk you through a manual install of ltp and tell you how to run the tests. In a few days, I may have that automated14:47
sconklin(running of ltp in general, not ecryptfs)14:47
tgardnersconklin, I'll wait. I've got other things on my plate right now.14:47
tyhickstgardner: agreed - before Beta 1 would be great14:48
ledzgiosmb, when you say "you have to tweak things", which kind of tweaks?14:52
smbledzgio, Decide how to modify the code, so it does compile in a way that still does work the same for the remaining code...14:54
ledzgiook I have some basics of C, I think i can do that if those tweaks are not too complicated14:59
ledzgiothank you15:04
ledzgioyour help is really appreciated15:04
smbyou're welcome. no worries15:04
* ogasawara back in 2015:29
smosersmb, around ?16:12
smbsmoser, at the moment, yes16:13
smoserthat is get-console-output of a precise hvm instance.16:13
smoseri'll point out that there is no 'idle=halt'.16:14
smoserthe instance was not reachable.16:14
smbsmoser, right. Hard to say. Usually we know things get missing. Hm, also let me do a quick version check...16:17
smoseri dont know if idle=halt would help or not. i tried a quick start, stop, attach, modify /boot/grub/grub.cfg, re-attach, start,16:17
smoserbut then got *no* console output16:17
smbsmoser, I did not see a using mwait in that one... so probably not...16:19
smbsmoser, But maybe it was before the k(u)nmap patch, though that normally hit only on higher load...16:19
smosersmb, that is just the latest precise daily... but i have unfortunately no recollection of if this has worked at all in precise.16:19
smbsmoser, I think I got precise booting in my environment (I also think in the ec2 alike) but having booted too many variations I get confused 16:20
smband I got amd 16:20
smosersmb, i suppose i should open a bug, eh?16:22
smbsmoser, Can you reproduce it at will? ;-P But ok, we need to have an eye on it...16:24
smoserit reproduced 2 times out of 216:24
smoserbut maybe i'm lucky16:24
smbAt least you might be lucky with the xen version16:25
smbSo this one at least is 3.4...16:25
smosersmb,  bug 90130516:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 901305 in linux "precise fails boot on ec2 hvm" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90130516:28
smbOh HVM, right... Hm... That one I clearly have been running at least with my Oneiric dom0... at least16:29
bjftgardner: is the lts-backport-natty kernel on the 10.04.3 CD/DVD ?16:35
smbsmoser, The only difference is that I usually go for the "normal" kernels when doing hvm installs...16:37
tgardnernope, only maverick thus far16:39
tgardnerbjf, ^^16:39
bjftgardner: thansk16:40
tgardnerbjf, the next point release should pick up natty and oneiric16:41
tgardnerbjf, I wonder if there is a bug for that yet.16:44
bjftgardner: i doubt it but skaet would probably know16:45
tgardnerI'm creating one16:45
tgardnerbjf, skaet: bug #90131716:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 901317 in debian-installer "10.04.4 DVD must include Natty and Oneiric kernels" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90131716:49
* smb ends the day17:11
ledzgiosmb are you there?17:28
ledzgioI'm going to build my own kernel with a patch for my ethernet card17:29
ledzgiois there a way to enable pae support?17:29
ledzgiofor ram > 4GB17:29
ledzgioi'm going to patch my kernel, but when I type git am patch_file it says "patch format detection failed"17:34
ledzgiothis is the patch http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/125198/17:34
* ppisati -> eod17:48
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tgardnerogasawara, I think apw's ext4 patch is worthy of an upload17:49
ogasawaratgardner: ack17:49
vanhoofsforshee: yo18:38
vanhoofsforshee: just to be certain, "[PATCH] dell-wmi: Change debug statements from pr_info to pr_debug"18:38
sforsheevanhoof, hey18:38
vanhoofsforshee: right thread?18:38
sforsheevanhoof, yep. I was just typing a reply to your email18:38
vanhoofsforshee: ok, i'm gonna go ahead and bounce it and send him a mail if that's cool with you18:38
sforsheevanhoof, that would be great, thank you18:39
vanhoofsforshee: done, let's see what we turn up :)18:42
ledzgiohow can I enable pae support when building my own kernel?18:42
vanhoofsforshee: also sent him something with a bit of context18:42
sforsheevanhoof, good deal. I hope we can get a response on the thread, but I have no problem with sending the information myself either18:44
ledzgiowith git18:45
tgardnerledzgio, there is already a flavour with PAE enabled, e.g., generic-pae18:45
* cking has nearly finished with his wrestling with powertop18:56
* tgardner -> lunch19:06
ledzgiohow can I change the kernel name when I try to build my own?19:25
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ledzgiothank you guys19:32
argeshey, looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/842560 . Looks like the bnx2 binary blob is having issues. Does it make sense to suggest upgrading the firmware? and where/how is that done?20:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 842560 in linux "bnx2 firmware missing" [High,Confirmed]20:04
tgardnerarges, its not a firmware problem. its a udev race.20:06
argestgardner, ok been trying to understand it reading through the bug. so the fix is in udev?20:06
argesor should be20:06
tgardnerarges, yep, the driver is working fine. its in the transition from initrd udev to rootfs udev20:07
tgardnerarges, apw is more familiar with the details20:07
argestgardner, ok, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/842560/comments/43  made me think it was a kernel issue20:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 842560 in linux "bnx2 firmware missing" [High,Confirmed]20:08
argesok i'll sync up with apw then when he's around20:08
tgardnerarges, we had a number of chats with slangasek at UDS about this issue. I'm pretty sure apw found the root of the problem.20:09
apwarges, yep we are pretty sure the issue is that firmware loads are not restartable20:10
argestgardner, ok awesome.20:10
apwarges, but that only matters because we don't drain waht is in progress when we restart udev20:10
argesapw, ok, anything I can help you with on this bug?20:11
apwarges, essentially we need to clean up the hand over, probally using the systemd handover20:11
apwarges, it near the top of my todo, i need to re-review it in the morning perhaps we can chat tommorrow then after that20:11
argesapw, yea sounds good20:12
apwarges, you might investigate who has the reproduing machine and see if we have access to it for testing20:13
dupondjesomebody alive that takes care of the daily builds ? :)20:13
argesapw, volon can reproduce the bug20:14
bjfdupondje: what is the issue you'd like someone to address ?20:15
apwarges, vorlon ?  20:15
dupondjeWell, the .config needs to be changed a bit20:15
argesapw, steve langasek20:15
apwarges, indeed20:15
dupondjecause the CONFIG for intel wireless changed.20:15
apwdupondje, whats wrong with the dailies ?20:16
dupondjewhich makes no more intel wireless driver is build :)20:16
dupondjeand thats annoying :)20:16
tgardnerapw, I think he means mainline20:16
bjfdupondje: we are kind of detail oriented, not good at guessing20:16
slangasekapw: do you need me to get you access to the reproducing box?20:16
apwdupondje, whats the config name change from and to, and i'll get it fixed20:16
apwslangasek, that may well make sense, i don't think i need it immeidiatly but yes20:17
* apw adds it to tommorrows todo20:17
slangasekok, let me see if I can get that sorted20:17
dupondjehttp://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel.wireless.general/81036 FYI20:19
bjfdupondje: thanks, we'll take a look at that20:19
dupondjethanks :)20:20
* dupondje was looking why his wireless didn't work in the daily builds :P20:20
skaetbjf, tgardner - ack. 20:25
tgardnerskaet, its been so long I've forgotten what this is about.20:26
ckingslangasek, I've completed the journal-commit test (+readahead) with various applications running and updated bug 900923. Just some more data points to consider20:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 900923 in pm-utils "pm-utils: readahead and journal-commit waste power" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90092320:26
skaettgardner, backports on DVD20:26
tgardnerskaet, ah, right20:26
slangasekcking: thanks :)20:27
ckingI'm very happy to test different scenarios if you deem it necessary20:27
slangasekcking: I don't imagine so; I'll have a look at the data today20:28
ckingcool - thanks20:28
* ogasawara wonders what's bringing zinc to a crawl. taking forever to upload.20:29
ckingjsalisbury is doing a git merge which is sucking cycles20:30
ckingnope, it's something else too20:31
jsalisburycking, hmm, let me take a look20:31
tgardnerogasawara, prolly gitweb20:31
ckingreckon so20:32
jsalisburycking, on zinc, I'm not doing a git merge that I know of?  Maybe I have something that ran away20:33
ckingjsalisbury, it was busy for some tens of seconds and then popped away..20:33
jsalisburycking, ok20:34
vanhoofsforshee: looks like the mail just landed -- hopefully that's helpful20:35
dupondjesforshee: seems your quite active in the platform mailing list. Any chance you can have a look @ my email from some days ago?20:36
dupondjeaka 'dell-laptop: bug in rfkill'20:37
sforsheevanhoof, that's great. Thanks for your help.20:49
sforsheedupondje, I found your message. Let me look at it.20:52
vanhoofsforshee: np, let me know if you need any other info :)20:53
sforsheedupondje, have you filed a bug?20:53
sforsheein launchpad that is20:53
dupondjesforshee: not yet20:53
sforsheedupondje, please do so. If you use 'ubuntu-bug linux' to file the bug it will attach a bunch of useful information20:54
vanhoofdupondje: only thing that comes to mind is this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/88783420:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 887834 in network-manager "Unable to find wireless networks after toggling wireless" [Undecided,Fix committed]20:55
vanhoofdupondje: but that's a total guess20:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 901410 in linux "dell-laptop: rfkill bug" [Undecided,New]20:58
dupondjeWhen I block the dell-bluetooth, my Wireless LAN gets hard blocked20:59
dupondjewhich ofc shouldn't happen :)20:59
sforsheedupondje, thanks. I'll set aside some time a little later to take a look, and then I'll comment on the bug.21:00
* ogasawara lunch21:19
dupondjesforshee: thanks alot :)21:19
* tgardner -> EOD22:12
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