
pgranerslangasek, you about?05:45
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slangasekpgraner: ish06:10
slangasekpgraner: what's up?06:12
pgranerslangasek, hey weired apt-get install validation error on davidm's machine06:17
pgranerslangasek, davidm is going to give you the pastebin06:18
davidmslangasek, sent06:19
slangasekdavidm, pgraner: behind a proxy, by any chance?06:20
pgranerslangasek, taipei office06:20
pgranerslangasek, not sure if there is one here06:20
* doko_ curses the renamed ruby sources and starts removing ...08:37
=== doko_ is now known as doko
cjwatsonpgraner: I mailed davidm a likely local solution09:01
pitti_doko: oh, some of them appear to have been renamed in Debian; just removed libfeedtools-ruby09:35
pitti_doko: (I'm currently running process-removals)09:35
dokopitti_, ahh, ok, please do the remaining ones too09:36
pitti_doko: do you want to handle them and I ignore them? or should I just leave it to process-removals?09:36
pitti_doko: ah, roger; doing that then09:36
dokopitti_, just saw these on http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/primary-precise-armhf.html09:37
pitti_there's still a ton of them indeed09:38
pitti_doko: will that page automatically remove entries for removed packages?09:38
dokopitti_, I assume you won't see the sources there once the source is removed09:40
* ogra_ runs a manual armhf image build, dont be surprised if you get build failure mails :)12:48
ogra_bah, live-build doesnt know about hf12:49
ogra_(well, it does, but FLAVOUR doesnt seem to get set for the kernel)12:56
* ogra_ tries with explicitly set subarch13:01
ogra_hmm, intresting, it doesnt seem to fail13:06
* ogra_ wonders why it doesnt work with just setting the toplevel arch13:22
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ogra_first armhf image built !16:01
pitti_ogra_: wow, enough of main built now?16:01
pitti_ogra_: does it actually boot? :_016:01
pitti_:-) even16:01
ogra_pitti_, yesterday already16:01
ogra_i didnt try yet16:01
ogra_the netinst ones booted yesterday when tobin tested16:01
ogra_so i would expect the preinstalled ones to boot too16:01
ogra_but first of all i will try to build each of them manually before i do further tests16:02
ogra_we're weeks ahead of teh plan anyway so i can take my time :)16:02
skaetogra_ great!!16:17
ogra_yeah, isnt it :)16:17
ogra_doko, and infinity seriously deserve a fat (and i mean *F*A*T*) bonus this cycle :)16:18
* skaet makes sure to add armhf into the image set for alpha2 16:19
ogra_i personally would love to drop armel asap if we dont find massive issues with hf16:19
skaetyup,  now on to getting it well tested and dealing with the issues (hopefully not massive).  ;016:21
skaet:) even.16:21
ogra_well, i woudlnt expect many ... but we'll see16:21
ogra_my task for today is to have them all handbuilt once (modulo mx5)16:22
ogra_and if they all build, have them autobuilt from tomorrow on16:22
ogra_ha ! forst feedback for the ac100 image from the community ...16:24
ogra_it boots !16:24
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=== bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_

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