
icerootis this still valid? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/KnowledgeBase/Exporting#Full (getting all translations for a release) because https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise has 40400:18
dpmgood morning all07:56
sagacihi, so is precise opening today sometime or is it happening later on07:57
dpmsagaci, don't worry, we'll open translations soon :)07:58
sagaciheh, I just want to get them done in time for 12.0407:59
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andrejzhello dpm! i will be a few (<5 minutes) late15:55
dpmandrejz, no worries, thanks for the heads up15:55
dpmhi kelemengabor, all set for the call?15:59
dpmlet's wait a few mins for TLE to turn up, andrejz also said he might be a few minutes late15:59
kelemengabormostly :)15:59
dpmok :)16:02
andrejzok i am here16:06
dpmok, just a sec, let me start the hang out, even if TLE is not there yet16:07
dpmok, there we go :)16:08
dpmTLE, all set?16:08
TLEhey guys, sorry, I'll be in in a minute, you guys go ahead16:08
kelemengaborI'm here too16:09
dpmTLE, no worries, kelemengabor, andrejz, hangout started16:09
dpmkelemengabor, andrejz, TLE, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Meetings/Next16:10
TLEhey guys, I'm in, but only listening, I'll have the mic problem fixed for next time16:21
andrejzok, TLE16:23
kelemengaborandrejz: also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+bug/835929 about gcc templates16:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 835929 in ubuntu-translations "Gcc template names (affects: 1) (heat: 4)" [Medium,Triaged]16:24
TLEappearent microphones evaporate at room temperature16:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 473830 in cups (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "The cups-common binary package should not install PO files (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]16:52
kelemengaborandrejz: there was one thing I did not understood during the call: why is it important to ask upstream projects about enabling translations for Universe packages? I mean, we dont ask for permission in the case of Main packages, why is Universe different?17:11
andrejzhm good point. i guess the main idea is to let them know so they can use them17:13
kelemengaborthat't the responsibility of the individual Ubuntu translation teams and the upstream translator of the given language, usually...17:15
andrejztrue, but the idea was to make it easier17:15
kelemengaborfor example, as an upstream translator I'd be certainly upset if the maintainer would use the translation made by $distributions translators without asking me17:16
kelemengaborokay, but we cannot make it much easier compared to other modules17:18
kelemengaborand we do not even notify anyone else either17:19
dpm The meeting notes. I'll circulate them on the mailing list too:17:34

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