
ScottLstochastic, i got your email but it didn't say anything except quoting me00:52
stochastichrrm, strange ScottL I sent it from my phone, not sure what happened02:23
stochasticI'll re-send02:23
* stochastic just got home02:23
knomei suppose some of you *could* be interested: http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/precise_wall/brainstorm-20111207-01-rays.png02:35
stochasticknome is there a way to get the dots on the new site to have a blue centre on the current page (i.e. if we're looking at the audio tab, the third dot would signify that)?  Also I notice the backgrounds don't load right at the start of the pageload but rather once that tab is clicked on (creating a background lag while the image loads) - can we load them all at first initial page load?04:35
knomestochastic, i need to check the dots stuff, but that should be possible yeah, and yes, i need to preload the images10:43
* abogani waves all12:40
ScottLhi knome , falktx_ , abogani 12:52
knomehey ScottL 12:52
knomei'm leaving in 15mins, but hey still :))12:53
ScottLabogani, i'm going to email steve about making sure the kernel is progressing12:53
ScottLabogani, even if steve has the best of intentions he might not completely appreciate our desire to get that kernel into the repos this cycle12:54
aboganiScottL: Obviously.12:54
ScottLabogani, this might even require skipping a few "steps" in the blueprint and pushing this to REVU very, very soon12:54
ScottLabogani, but i will await his response before doing any precipitously12:54
ScottLknome, :)   don't do much on the website about the dots yets, i want to talk with stochastic about that12:55
knomeyeah, not doing12:55
aboganiScottL: It sounds reasonable.12:55
knomemight get to that @weekend or so12:55
ScottLstochastic:  holstein and i were talking about just making the slide show automatic12:55
ScottLstochastic: one part of the slide show isn't necessarily more important than another and removing the dots might save some space for more text12:56
ScottLstochastic: but let me play with it tonight and we can discuss a little further12:56
knomebbl ->12:56
ScottLstochastic: my goal for the slide show is to give examples of use cases for potential users to show them why they should use ubuntu studio, then the feature tour can explain more about it12:57
ScottLstochastic: i had what i thought was decent verbiage until holstein pointed out that it wasn't fitting on laptop screens and pushing the "See More" button into the row of white buttons12:58
* ScottL is heading to work12:58
=== shnatsel is now known as shnatsel|busy

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