
bschaeferthumper: so when the panel starts it changes the color of the top panel to match the dash00:31
bschaeferi mean when the dash opens it changes the panel color to match00:31
bschaeferthumper: i just started up again let me take a quick look at the code again to refresh...00:31
bschaeferTrevinho: what have you done/found on the blur panel bug?00:34
Trevinhobschaefer: I've started sudying the thing and done many tests00:34
thumperTrevinho: would it be worth off loading the findings and looking at bamf?00:35
Trevinhohovever it's quite hard since there are many layers mixing....00:35
bschaeferTrevinho, that is what I have been doing, what I found is under PanelView::UpdateBackground is where it changes the panel to just the color if _dash_is_open00:35
Trevinhoby the way my findings aren't that much things... I just moved the panel below the blur, but then the blending doesn't work as expected00:35
Trevinhohowever bschaefer you need to work on DrawContent and on Draw00:36
Trevinhomore than there00:36
TrevinhoI actually just commended the code in the if {} (keeping only the else part)... and doing tests only with Draw(Content)00:36
bschaeferTrevinho, I was looking at those and just made _dash_is_open to false and it wasn't do much to the effects of the panel. What I am thinking is an if statement in UpdateBackground00:36
bschaeferif (_dash_is_open && (_menu_view->GetMaximizedWindow() == 0))00:37
bschaeferthat will be if the window is maxed, and then an else if (_dash_is_open_) then an else00:37
bschaeferTrevinho, there is still a lot of stuff I need to look into, but since the Dash doesn't cover the panel view we can't rely on that00:38
bschaefercolor to change something we put there, so it seems like we are going to have to maybe use 2 layers one with the color that shows the background and one to keep something behind it00:39
Trevinhobschaefer: the blur effect is not done by the dash on the panel00:40
Trevinhobut by the panel itself00:40
bschaeferTrevinho, yeah, which is annoying00:40
TrevinhoYep, but there's no other way to get that00:40
Trevinhosince they're two different windows00:40
Trevinhohowever, before of focusing on the UpdateBackground logics (that maybe is also unneeded as that could have been done not drawing the bg_layer on DrawContent, without regenerating it at every step)00:41
bschaeferhmm, yeah if the dash covered the panel this would be an easy fix!! So now I wonder if we can keep the panel there and put the color it gets changed to over it00:41
Trevinhothat is easy00:41
Trevinhothe main issue is blending the layers on draw and drawcontent00:41
Trevinhobschaefer: have you seen the desired effect that JohnLea has posted on the bug today?00:42
bschaeferTrevinho, have not, let me take a look00:42
Trevinhothat's what he wants... So basically you need to draw the background layer under the layer that applies the blur00:43
bschaeferyeah, that is something I had imagine he wanted00:43
Trevinhothe problem here is mixing them correcly00:44
Trevinhobut on this jaytaoko can help00:44
TrevinhoI contacted him yesterday about this00:44
Trevinhobut he told me he should have looked into that more00:44
bschaeferTrevinho, cool hopefully he gets that ping otherwise I can contact him also.00:45
bschaeferhave you talked to macslow at all about this?00:45
TrevinhoI was planning to do that, but since I've looked at that issue only on late nights, he wasn't there :)00:46
bschaeferit might be worth while to send him an email since he was working on it before. I can send him an email later when I find more stuff out00:46
bschaeferTrevinho, doesn't the background layer normally get applied under the blur layer?00:47
* bschaefer hasn't looked into that part as much00:48
bschaeferTrevinho, so are you saying apply the blur then apply the background so it doesn't get the background on the blur?00:49
Trevinhothe background layer is actually the layer with the standard panel color, and generally is applied over the blur00:49
Trevinhohowever the blur is drawn only when the dash is opened00:50
Trevinhoand it uses no blending, so it goes over the background in fact00:50
bschaeferTrevinho, so that would be why it shows the background00:50
TrevinhoWell... The blur layer has the colors of the background00:51
Trevinho(where with background I mean the wallpaper)00:51
bschaeferyeah that is what I ment also. So if the background layer has the standard color of the panel...ie put the blur over it so it blurs00:52
Trevinhoeh, yep00:53
Trevinhothat's theory00:53
Trevinhobut it doesn't work as I expected00:53
bschaeferwhich is what you said, that looks like a good approach haha :)00:53
bschaeferwhat happened?00:53
TrevinhoThe blending is not enabled by default for the blur layer, so it just doesn't consider what's below00:54
Trevinhoenabling the blending you can get something working, but not well00:54
Trevinhoi.e. result: http://ubuntuone.com/7Mo4ntSpgC6Gqa3zQidsnL (dark theme), http://ubuntuone.com/0esZCMee6pzPAWBPG4pTkB (bright theme)00:55
bschaeferTrevinho, looks like the right track though00:55
bschaeferTrevinho, do you have  a branch or ppa I could look at? Or is it small changes you did?00:57
bschaeferTrevinho, as I was looking more at the UpdateBackground part and less at the draw content00:57
Trevinhobschaefer: no, I've nothing online00:58
Trevinhobschaefer: look if this helps http://paste.ubuntu.com/763336/01:00
bschaeferTrevinho, sweet thanks! Ill also try to get a hold of jay on this along with sending an email to macslow later.01:02
nobodyspecialanybody online?02:31
nobodyspecialunity sucks balls.  Just wanted to make that clear to you guys.  What a disaster.02:32
Trevinhobschaefer: did you found something?03:33
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bschaeferTrevinho, not anything worthwhile as it seems so close to just looking right03:52
TrevinhoThe problem is also with bright themes03:52
Trevinhotry with Ambiance03:52
bschaeferTrevinho, I am scanning through other rop blending options also03:52
bschaeferTrevinho, alright let me re compile. so far this two are looking the closest, rop.SrcBlend = GL_DST_COLOR;    rop.DstBlend = GL_ONE;03:54
bschaeferTrevinho, which you had already03:54
bschaeferTrevinho, did you play around with Draw at all?03:56
TrevinhoHowever, drawcontent manages what should be there03:56
Trevinhodraw only pushes it03:56
bschaeferTrevinho, it just seems to need to blend better with the dash, the line is very hard...with ambiance03:57
bschaeferTrevinho, i mean with radiance, the white one04:00
bschaeferTrevinho, I am also thinking that the bar is going to be constant, since he doesn't want the background behind it04:19
bschaeferie no matter whats on the screen if its full screen it will look the same depending on the theme04:19
Trevinhothat should be happen...04:19
TrevinhoI also thought to that, and using a workaround04:20
Trevinhobut I'm sure that the clean solution can be done correctly using nux04:20
bschaeferTrevinho, yeah, this is my first time messing with nux and its blending so I am still trying to get use to that haha04:21
bschaeferTrevinho, messing with the front end part that is04:21
TrevinhoI know what you mean... I've spent more than 4 hours looking to that04:21
bschaeferTrevinho, yeah haha that is what I have been doing also now04:22
bschaeferjaytaoko, ping!04:22
bschaeferI think jay would be able to help out, not sure what his timezone is though04:22
Trevinhoit could be late for him04:23
TrevinhoI know he's Canadian04:23
Trevinhobut I don't know his TZ04:23
TrevinhoThat doesn't explain why I'm Italian and I'm still UP by the way :D04:23
bschaeferTrevinho, haha I was about to ask you your time zone04:23
bschaeferTrevinho, it is only 8:30 pm here04:24
Trevinho5:30 here...04:24
Trevinhoof course...04:24
bschaeferTrevinho, well dam...that is pretty early/late04:24
Trevinhodamned branches... .I've too much code waiting to be landed to be maintened04:24
bschaeferTrevinho, haha, yeah merging trunk?04:25
Trevinhothey should04:25
Trevinhobut they're missing few tests or they needs some cleanups04:25
Trevinhoso I've to rework them04:25
Trevinhoand this take time by the way04:26
bschaeferhaha that sounds very time consuming04:27
Trevinhoa lot04:27
bschaeferit is 11:30 jays time04:28
bschaeferI missed him then, he is USA east coast time04:29
bschaeferTrevinho, did you look into this function at all? SetPremultipliedBlend04:31
bschaeferI am trying to find what else could possibly be changed in the DrawContent that would be helpful...04:32
Trevinhobschaefer: I guess that is used when pushing layers04:32
Trevinhois the default blending04:33
bschaeferTrevinho, I see, should have copied the whole line of code. GfxContext.GetRenderStates().SetPremultipliedBlend(nux::SRC_OVER);04:33
jaytaokoTrevinho: hello05:14
Trevinhohi jaytaoko05:14
Trevinhojaytaoko: bschaefer is now working on that bug we were discussing yesterday05:15
TrevinhoI hope you could help him05:15
jaytaokoTrevinho: ok05:15
Trevinhoit's time to go to bed for me now05:15
Trevinho(it's 6:15 am here :/)05:15
Trevinhosee you guys!05:15
jaytaokoTrevinho: indeed have a good night/day05:15
jaytaokobschaefer: hello05:16
jaytaokobschaefer: I have to reboot my system, feel free to send me an update by email regarding the blending effect. cheers05:17
bschaeferTrevinho, night!05:19
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davidcalleandyrock, the BFB quicklist is awesome!09:25
andyrockdavidcalle, thx, if you've any suggestions...09:25
davidcalleandyrock, no suggestions, it looks great. I was curious if lenses not supposed to be visible would show up here, but it handles them well.09:29
andyrockyeah, later we can do something like this09:30
andyrockApplication Lense09:30
andyrockFiles & Folder Lens09:30
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om26erhyperair, andyrock is wondering if the patch in bug 888636 is for trunk or 4.0 ?17:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 888636 in unity (Ubuntu) "Alt+Tab default delay of 150ms is too long" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88863617:11
andyrockhyperair, hi17:11
hyperairom26er: it's against oneiric's unity package, because i'm too lazy to build a newer one.17:11
hyperairandyrock: hi.17:11
andyrockhyperair, ok... but i don't think that this can be merged in unity 4.017:12
andyrockhyperair, in unity trunk i can review and eventually approve it, but you should update it :)17:13
hyperairandyrock: mm it doesn't apply?17:14
hyperairi see.17:15
* hyperair sighs.17:15
* hyperair isn't really interested in bzr cloning..17:15
andyrockand yes, use bazaar please :)17:15
hyperairbut but17:16
hyperairi really *hate* bzr.17:16
andyrockhyperair, git right? :)17:17
hyperairit's easy enough when you have a an apt mirror really close by (within walking distance)17:18
hyperairand can apt-get source stuff17:18
hyperairand git import-dsc17:18
hyperairnot so fun when you need to clone lp:unity over a connection that consistently fails.17:18
andyrockoki oki17:19
andyrockpush the new diff so...17:20
andyrockwe'll do it for you17:20
hyperairhyperair@thinkpwn:~/src/unity% patch -i ~/src/debian/unity/unity/0001-Add-alt_tab_delay-option-to-configure-alt-tab-delay.patch -p1                                              [ 1:24AM]17:24
hyperairpatching file plugins/unityshell/src/unityshell.cpp17:24
hyperairHunk #1 succeeded at 256 (offset 3 lines).17:24
hyperairHunk #2 succeeded at 2069 with fuzz 2 (offset 15 lines).17:24
hyperairpatching file plugins/unityshell/unityshell.xml.in17:24
hyperairIT APPLIES DAMNIT.17:24
hyperairthere. new patch.17:25
hyperairandyrock: ^17:25
andyrockhyperair, i'm sorry but in trunk it doesn't apply :)17:29
hyperairandyrock: i just did that bzr diff from trunk!17:30
hyperairit's lp:unity right?17:30
andyrockhyperair, you should do switcher_controller_->17:30
andyrocknot switcherController->17:30
andyrocktry to build it, and you will get an error ;)17:31
hyperair..that's very straneg17:31
hyperairi built it..17:31
hyperairi built it on the *old* unity.17:31
hyperairi guess things changed since then17:31
hyperairwell i'm not really interested in figuring out how to build unity from trunk, so could you just fix that up pretty please? :-)17:31
andyrockhyperair, ok... adding to my TODO list17:33
hyperairit's just a one-liner change, isn't it?17:34
hyperairthe one you mentioned..17:34
andyrockmaybe the fixme17:34
andyrockin the description option17:34
hyperairafaik they're *all* fixmes17:34
andyrockbut we can do it17:34
andyrockyeah but we don't want another fixme :)17:34
* hyperair facepalms17:35
hyperairi was just trying to be standard.17:35
hyperairandyrock: https://paste.debian.net/148624/17:37
hyperairthere you go.17:37
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