
Noldorinjelmer, how's bzr-git and whatnot going anyway? :-)00:03
Noldorindw, won't pester you about my issue this time heh00:03
jelmerNoldorin: mostly working on finishing some of the other stuff I've been working on at the moment, will get back to it after I finish this00:04
jelmer(faster smart server, feature flags, colocated branches, multi-tarball support in UDD)00:05
Noldorincool :-)00:06
Noldorinwhat's UDD though?00:07
Noldorinalso not familiar with feature flags heh00:07
wgzNoldorin: on the grounds negative results are useful too, it would be great if you could post to the bzr list saying what you tried on the sshd front and how it failed00:07
* jelmer waves to wgz00:07
Noldorinwgz, heh, i've largely forgot now. it was a traumatic experience. but i may be able to summarise the basics still.00:07
jelmerg'night all00:23
wgznight jelmer!00:31
Noldorinnight jelmer01:18
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vilahi all07:55
* vila entering 2.5b4 freezing08:05
vilathanks to whoever merged up 2.4 to trunk, one less hassle :)08:05
vilamgz, wgz: Can you run 'BZR_PLUGIN_PATH=-site make po/bzr.pot' in bzr.dev and look at the resulting diff08:26
vilathere seem to be more stuff for the registry options (good) but also some deletions (not all  good)08:27
vilanot to mention the irritating spurious line numbers changes but that's a different topic (I still think there should be a way to use filters to avoid that)08:28
vilamgz, wgz: concretely, I'm concerned about '--strict' and '--directory' options for push being deleted08:30
vilathe rest seems fine08:30
vilajelmer, poolie, mgz: about to commit -m 'release 2.5b4', so: pqm.lock(RM)08:31
vilascratch that: pqm.unlock()08:32
lifelessdeleting -d? why?08:36
lifelessalso, can we please unbreak resolve --all path-to-tree ?08:36
vilabug # ?08:36
vilaresolve --all is evil in general just don't use it08:37
vila-d is not deleted from the command, only from the .pot file which may be related to mgz deleting some global options which is why I want him to check08:38
vilalifeless: I mean, --all remove the conflicts without trying to resolve them nor clean up, this should not be needed anymore08:38
vilalifeless: if you encounter case where it breaks, please file bugs08:39
lifelessvila: I use it every time someone deletes a directory from LP08:39
lifelessvila: and we get directories that can't be removed or whatever08:39
lifelessits the simplest way to get things correct08:39
vilalifeless: resolve --take-other ? bzr.transform.orphan_policy=move ?08:40
lifelessvila: far too hard08:40
vilaDid I miss a smiley there ?08:40
vila--take-other is too much compared to --all ??08:40
lifelessto remember that it exists when --all will DTRT, yes.08:41
vila--all will not do the right thing08:41
lifelessvila: you say that, but it does08:41
vilahmm, I've seen it involved in too many bug reports to agree there, but if it works for you, you know why :)08:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 901580 in Bazaar "cannot resolve --all path-to-tree anymore" [Undecided,New]08:43
vilabut you started with 'can we please unbreak resolve --all path-to-tree ?' so I'm a bit confused08:43
lifelessyes, I would like that command to work as it used to.08:43
vilalifeless: when did it start failing ?08:46
vilaI don't remember recent changes there08:46
lifelessvila: I'm not sure, 2.4 probably08:46
lifelessI'm not tracking .dev these days08:46
lifelessNot deliberately, just seems to have happened08:46
vilajelmer, poolie, mgz: about to submit 'release 2.5b4', so: pqm.lock(RM)08:54
vilajelmer, poolie, mgz: pqm.unlock(), double-check your submissions against lp:bzr, news entries in particular should now go into 2.5b509:27
vilamgz: hey !09:27
vilamgz: did you read the log here ?09:27
vilamgz: or should I re-paste ?09:27
mgzah, I've not yet, but will do so09:33
mgzvila: when I last checked, the pot changes were all correct, but I haven't looked at a full b3->b4 diff09:35
vilamgz: may be '--strict' and '--directory' were dupes ? Anyway, if you can double-check and tell me, that would be nice :)09:36
mgzheh, xgettext comlains about po-merge plugin, amusing (I guess that's why you said -site :)09:38
mgz"utf8" -> "utf-8" works.09:39
vilayeah, already fixed, silly python for using emacs markup with an encoding that is not recognized by emacs09:41
mgzha, I see the issue09:44
mgzI make dpush a public command, which added the help for that09:44
mgzand it appears 'after' push, so the options with the same help text get attributed to dpush and removed from push09:45
vilahuh ? --strict doesn't mention 'push' literally ?09:45
mgzis says "Refuse to push..." which is also true for dpush09:46
vilaok, a bit weird but good enough :)09:46
mgzeverything else looks fine09:50
vilamgz: cool, thanks for checking !09:50
mgzvila: if I remove the deduping code in export_pot, both headers get printed when combined by the gettext tools in the make step09:53
mgzproviding that as an option and using it from the makefile may be a good thing09:53
mgzie, rather than removing the entry and adding it further down, the diff is then:09:54
mgz+# help of 'directory' option of 'dpush' command # help of 'directory' option of 'push' command09:54
vilas/when/then/ ?09:54
mgz-#: bzrlib/builtins.py:115809:54
mgz+#: bzrlib/builtins.py:1158 bzrlib/foreign.py:27109:54
vilaoh, far better no ?09:54
vilaalso, make po/bzr.pot^W^W export-pot is a bit verbose, if you're tweaking around, can you add a -v option ?09:55
vilatag wishlist ;)09:56
mgzhm, should I do a b4 release today then?10:07
vilamgz: yup10:07
vilamgz: did you receive my freeze mail or is it another one that get lost ?10:07
mgzthat one arrived :)10:08
vilaha good10:08
MezHey.  I've just shelved something - now trying to unshelve it, I get10:40
Mezbzr: ERROR: No such file: None10:41
Mezhow do I fix this?10:41
Mezbzr 1.13.110:42
Mez(this bug is apparently fixed in 1.13 ?10:42
vilaMez: wow, 1.13 is 2.5 years old, what distro/OS are you using ?10:44
Meza box that's still running jaunty :(10:44
MezCause someone f**ked up when they created the dev machines.10:44
vilacorrection, 1.23.*2* is 2.5 years old10:44
vilacorrection of the correction, 1.13.*2* is 2.5 years old10:45
wgzbug 319790 which *vila* says it fixed in 1.13 but I wouldn't trust him :)10:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 319790 in Bazaar "bzr unshelve crashes losing all changes" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31979010:45
Mezyeah - I'm viewing that now10:46
Mezgoing to poke a backport onto the server10:46
wgzusing a non-ancient bzr would obviously help, or you could apply the patch from the bug and see if it works then :)10:46
vilajaunty EOLed long ago we don't even have a PPA for it ;-/10:48
Mezyeah - I know.... :(10:48
vilaMez: looking at the patch and the bug comments, I agree with mgz, applying it locally is probably the shortest and safest way to get you unblocked10:50
vilaMez: do you have admin rights on this machine ?10:50
Mezvila: also - that patch in that bug is present in this version :(10:51
vilaMerwin: Great ! Quick ! While nobody watch, upgrade to oneiric !10:51
MezI think you just confused Merwin.10:51
vilaMerwin: sorry, bad completion :-/10:51
* vila curses xchat10:52
Mezvila - I wish I was allowed.10:52
vilaMez: Yeah, just kidding to remove some pain from your shoulders ;)10:52
vilaso, patch already applied ? Make sure you use the right bzr (bzr version)10:53
Mezwe've only got one install of bzr on there.10:54
* Mez wonders if he can sshmount that box to his and then use his version of bzr10:56
fullermdYou could just run a newer version out of your homedir.10:56
MezNot without upgrading python10:56
fullermdI said new_ER_, not necessarily new_EST_.10:56
vila2.4 should still work with your version of python (which is ?)10:56
fullermdbzr has required py2.4 since...  I dunno.  Ever?10:56
fullermdCertainly 1.3.10:56
MezCouldn't install the lucid version on jaunty - it required a higher verison of python-support10:57
fullermdBinary packages are always more strict.10:57
fullermdThe latest 2.3 from tarball should be fine.10:58
MezNinja *10:58
MezI just mounted the box via sshfs to my machine10:58
Mezthen bzr unshelved on my machine10:58
vilaha crap even my jaunty vm is toasted :-/10:58
vilaMez: Pfew, good move ;)11:00
vilaMez: unblocked then /11:00
Mezyeah... lol11:00
Mez(I added the new files to the main repo"11:00
* vila stop cursing xchat and blames its keyboard instead11:00
* Mez <3 bzr but hates it when things like this happen because he has to deal with dodgyness11:01
MezNow all I need is stacked branches working :)11:02
Meznot stacked...11:02
vilacolocated ? :)11:02
Mezvila: is what cologated?11:02
vilastacked branches, colocated branches, nested trees, the later is not fully implemented yet11:03
vilaMez: A set of branches for a single working tree all in the same .bzr directory11:03
Mezwhatever the bzr terminology for the equivalent of externals11:03
vilaMez: more like the default git setup11:03
vilanested trees then11:04
vilabut there are various plugins that already address some use cases11:04
vilabzr-externals, scmproj11:04
Meznot too sure I understand colocated branches.11:06
vilaMez: It mainly matters for big working trees where you don't want to have one for every branch you work on but instead shares it (to avoid long recompiles for example). So you just switch from one branch to another but stay in the same dir11:08
vilaMez: you could do that with bzr already as long as you maintain your branches in a separate hierarchy and use a checkout11:09
Mezvila - I was going to say - we already do that XD11:09
vilaright, but some people find the actual setup too complex or just can't figure how to get there11:09
* Mez setup a nice bzr system11:12
Mezbut we have some issues with the codebases that we have to work on /systems11:12
mgzis there a shortcut for deleting all tags from a branch that doesn't have those revisions present?11:23
mgzI know pushing to it will propogate them again, but can try squishing11:23
jelmervila: 2.5b4 uploaded to Debian and Ubuntu12:25
mgzdarn slow connection, you beat me :D12:33
mgzI did have to test some installer changes first, so can't just blame ISP12:34
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wgzdammit, final tests fail.13:03
wgzruntime location change did break qbzr13:05
jelmerit seems some of the gpg tests are still broken on sid13:24
* jelmer drops python-gpgme from the builddeps again13:24
wgzokay, revert and rebuild works13:26
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Merwinhi guys13:38
vilajelmer: \o/13:38
vilajelmer: file a bug for this gpg failure ?13:38
mgzremind me to unbreak my SxS after lunch13:38
vila. o O (SxS... looks like a car reference...)13:39
MerwinWe are using bzr (4-5 peoples on the same repo, commiting many times a day). We have branches (not checkout). Each time someone push somethings, we have to do a bzr merge, and then a commit before pushing13:39
MerwinThe problem is that in bzr qlog, we finally only see "Merge" "Merge" "Merge" and we have to open each node to see what have been commited13:39
MerwinIs there a way to avoid that ?13:40
vilaMerwin: that's the idea yes, the commit message after the merge is supposed to be a summary13:40
mgzMerwin: having an integraty bot thingy really helps here13:40
vilaMerwin: what would like ?13:41
MerwinSo if I commit, merge, commit, push13:41
MerwinI'll have to write twice the same commit :p13:41
mgzhe wants a pretty mailine like bzr has13:41
vilayup, but in terms of workflow13:42
Merwinvila, with git you can avoid this by not commiting the merge, and just push your own commits13:43
MerwinMaybe this is like a checkout+local commits in bzr ?13:43
vilaMerwin: but then you get a straight mainline13:43
jelmerMerwin: what commands would you use in git?13:43
Merwinjelmer, humf I didn't remember lemme check13:45
Merwinvila, yep, but we have a small team, we would prefer this13:45
vilathe smallest team starts at 2 and even there you'll have to merge when both people commit on top on a shared revision13:46
vilaunless you use a central branch and checkouts to make sure you're always up-to-date when you commit13:46
Merwinjelmer, with a rebase :)13:47
Merwinvila, are localcommits pushed ?13:47
Merwin(in chekcout mode)13:47
* fullermd continues to advocate that the phrase "local commits" be struck from the checkout lexicon.13:48
vilaif you use a checkout there is no local commits, they always occur on the shared branch unless you use --local in which case you're not using the central branch anymore so you're back to square one and you have to merge locally to resync13:49
MerwinOk, so there is no alternative ;)13:49
MerwinIt's not really important anyway13:50
vilaor too many... the bzr-rewrite plugin provides a rebase command if you're into that13:50
ccxCZproblems with bzr-svn14:43
jelmerccxCZ: can you elaborate? :-)14:44
ccxCZhttp://paste.pocoo.org/show/517983/ << previously failed on different revno14:44
ccxCZso I assume the http is unreliable and bzr-svn fails instead of retrying14:45
jelmerccxCZ: right14:45
ccxCZis there some easy workaround?14:46
jelmerccxCZ: pull into the branch X revisions at a time14:46
ccxCZbranch -r 1 and then pull -r with increments?14:47
jelmerccxCZ: yep14:48
ccxCZhmm still seems to fetch whole svn history14:48
jelmerccxCZ: it'll cache the history metadata first14:48
jelmerccxCZ: after that it tries to fetch the content of the individual revisions14:48
jelmerccxCZ: that first step is basically just running "svn log -v"14:49
jelmerccxCZ: what failed exactly?14:50
ccxCZbzr: ERROR: A Subversion remote access command failed: REPORT of '/svn/e/!svn/bc/63093': Could not read response body: Connection reset by peer (http://svn.enlightenment.org)14:50
jelmerccxCZ: what's the command you're running?14:50
ccxCZbzr branch -r 1 http://svn.enlightenment.org/svn/e/trunk trunk14:50
jelmerccxCZ: does "svn log --with-all-revprops --xml -v http://svn.enlightenment.org/svn/e" work?14:51
ccxCZ46187 to go (from 66033)14:57
jelmerccxCZ: I tried it here as well, and it hung up on me14:57
ccxCZsubversion/libsvn_ra_neon/util.c:608: (apr_err=175002)14:57
ccxCZsvn: REPORT of '/svn/e/!svn/bc/66033': Could not read chunk size: connection was closed by server (http://svn.enlightenment.org)14:57
jelmerso it's mostly an issue of an unreliable server :-(14:57
jelmerone way to work around it might be to create a local clone with svnmirror14:58
jelmerand then run bzr-svn against that14:58
ccxCZthere is such thing? I was on brink of installing svk for that14:58
jelmerccxCZ: it's part of svn itself15:00
ccxCZI see no such command here and neither as a subcommand of svn{,admin}15:02
ccxCZhmm, maybe it's in extras?15:03
jelmerccxCZ: sorry, it's named svnsync15:03
ccxCZgaargh svn, now I remember why I ran away from you15:08
ccxCZokay, managed to create a repo and now syncing revisions15:11
ccxCZwouldn't it be better to ask only for necessary data when doing branch -r 1?15:13
ccxCZhttps://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/enlightenment/trunk btw15:13
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saperhi, I did "bzr launchpad-login" sucessfully (I have SSH key there) but I get "Permission denied (public key)" when doing "bzr branch lp:movim", since I don't have any rights on this project. How do I "bzr branch" anonymously while being "lp-loggedin" ?16:02
fullermdThat's an ssh error, not a LP permissions error.16:02
saperthanks. seems like my session couldn't talk to ssh-agent. fixed by logging-in again, thanks!16:04
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jordanI have a noob question -- I just installed the bzr-gtk package on ubuntu 11.10, but am not seeing an executable for it. How do I start it up? :)17:36
jelmerjordan: it's a plugin for bzr17:43
jelmerjordan: e.g. "bzr viz"17:43
jordanjelmer, ty17:44
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jelmerg'morning poolie21:33
pooliehi there jelmer21:38
pooliejelmer, that is nice to hear about multiple tarballs21:38
jelmerpoolie: from the standup you mean?21:43
jelmerit's a bit disappointing how long that's taking21:43
poolieis it slowing down because of anything in particular, like is it hard to test?21:51
jelmerI thought I'd finished it - and it seemed to be working, but getting rid of some of the last issues has required some significant changes in bzr-builddeb21:52
pooliebugs.launchpad.net/judge is now enabled, jelmer22:00
pooliei know it's probably buggy22:00
pooliesome stuff is hardcoded22:00
jelmerpoolie: thanks!22:00
jelmerI don't remember what the bug was I wanted to report, but I'll file it next time I run into it22:01
jelmerit did work well for some other stuff, comparing pypy to python222:01
pooliespecifically N is hardcoded which is a bit ridiculous22:02
jelmerit must depend on what N actually is, though, right ? :-)22:06
Noldorinhi jelmer, poolie22:11
pooliehi there22:11
lifelesspoolie: have you taken today off?22:31
lifelesspoolie: or are you here?22:31
poolieboth :(22:32
pooliebut i hope to go out soon22:32
pooliewhat's up?22:32
* lifeless twistches22:32
lifelessoh, I was going to suggest a bit of a chat, if you wanted22:32
pooliethat would be nice22:32
lifelessskype or pots22:33
pooliewill just finish something here, 2m22:34

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