
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
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Resistancewhats with my ppa build of a mysql backport continually being pushed back?  initial estimates were 3 hours, then 6 hours, and its now 6.25 hours since upload, and it still has a two hours until build time.05:29
wgrantResistance: The build queues are somewhat backlogged due to a major hardware failure yesterday.05:30
Resistancewgrant:  that i'm aware of05:31
Resistanceexactly *how* backlogged are we talking?05:31
Resistancebecause that was > 24 hours ago :/05:31
wgrantHmm, that's interesting.05:31
wgrantWhich build?05:31
Resistancewell the builds i submitted are just over 6 hours ago.  i highly doubt theres so much backlog that a > 24 hour period of time wouldnt have cleared that backlog.  https://launchpad.net/~trekcaptainusa-tw/+archive/backports/+build/2993138 <-- i386, and https://launchpad.net/~trekcaptainusa-tw/+archive/backports/+build/2993137 <-- amd6405:32
wgrantHeh, there is :)05:33
Resistancethen the question becomes whats the ETA on the clearing of said backlog?05:33
wgrantWe have a few builders off doing various other things until the weekend, so we have only barely enough capacity left. And with the ~12 hour backlog left by yesterday's failure...05:34
wgrantLet me bump those builds up the queue a bit.05:34
wgrant"Start in 1 minute"05:34
mardypoolie: hi :-)06:34
mardypoolie: if all development happens upstream (in git), does it still make sense to mirror the repository in bzr?06:35
pooliewell, it can make sense if you're getting some benefit out of it06:36
pooliecan you commit to the upstream branch?06:36
poolieif the patch is really targetted to upstream and you can commit there, you might as well merge it to there directly06:36
poolieusing either bzr-git or git06:36
mardypoolie: yes, I can commit upstream06:37
mardypoolie: but there's always the possibility that upstream requests some modifications to the patch06:38
mardypoolie: so I'm afraid that branches might diverge06:39
poolieso if there is really conceptually just one branch, it's better not to have two physical branches representing it06:39
pooliebecause they can diverge06:39
mardypoolie: in the upstream repository, I have a "ubuntu" branch which I control, and being in the same repository, I can take care of diversions more easily06:41
mardypoolie: so, what I was doing till now, was just pulling from thisgit "ubuntu" branch into LP's bzr branch06:41
mardypoolie: if people prefer to have the code in LP as well, is it possible to mark it as read-only?06:42
mardypoolie: like, inhibit merge requests, or at least warn that they'll have to go upstream?06:43
pooliei think the easiest thing is to just take them upstream06:43
pooliefor instance get the 'download diff' url and pipe that into git apply-patch or similar06:43
pooliethen mark it merged06:43
poolieit could be a bit smoother06:44
mardypoolie: that's smooth enough06:44
pooliethere are a cluster of things we could improve around people who have made a proposal that's not quite in the right place06:44
poolieeg based off or targeting the wrong branch06:44
mardypoolie: is there a specific way to mark the repository as read-only, or is it just a matter of writing it in the project description?06:45
lifelessmardy: what do you mean by readonly?06:45
mardylifeless: some form of indication to the LP user, which tells that merge requests should better be handle upstream06:46
lifelessso not readonly (as any non-owned branch is readonly), rather 'not primary'06:47
mardylifeless: yes, exactly06:47
lifelessI think a reasonable bug would be to note that there isn't a way to do this today06:47
wgrantIf the dev focus branch is an import then it will already point upstream, at least a bit.06:48
wgrantIs the dev focus branch not an import?06:48
mardywgrant: no, unfortunately (https://launchpad.net/bugs/878085)06:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 878085 in Launchpad itself "NoSuchRevision error during git import" [High,Triaged]06:49
pooliemardy, it would be useful if you say that on that bug, in case it helps jelmer06:51
pooliehe'll be online in a couple of hours06:51
mardypoolie: good point, will do06:52
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=== bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad to: Build delays due to earlier hardware failure | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: bigjools | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
=== jrgifford is now known as Guest46496
keffie_jayx_hello all13:18
keffie_jayx_I am working on a daily-build ppa13:18
keffie_jayx_I was wondering what happens to debian/changelog  when the merging of to branches happens. My guess it is not used at all13:18
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dobeykeffie_jayx_: if two branches have the same files with different revision info, there is a conflict or divergence issue when you try to merge them13:44
Resistanceso question regarding PPAs and builds that have missing dependencies...14:34
bigjoolsfire away14:34
Resistancei fulfilled the dependency by uploading a package that is sufficient into the same PPA, and the dep-wait'd builds were automatically resubmitted.14:35
Resistanceis that normal?14:35
bigjoolsyes, depwait builds are checked periodically14:35
Resistanceah.  next question.14:36
Resistancetwo days ago i'm aware hardware exploded on the librarian14:36
Resistanceexactly how much of a backlog did that generate?14:36
bigjoolssee https://launchpad.net/builders14:36
Resistancebecause it took 12 hours for the dependency on a dep-wait'd build to be built and published14:36
Resistance(initial build time: 2 hours.  next:  6 hours.  next: 8 hours)14:37
bigjoolsyes, that's about the backlog at the moment14:37
Resistance(over a course of about 3 hours that's the time changes)14:37
Resistancewell technically unless the uploads system is suspended, its theoretically to get past the backlog, no?14:38
bigjoolsit'll clear it in a day or so14:38
Resistancei highly doubt that bigjools, considering that yesterday the queue was just over 300, and now its over 800 (i386)14:44
bigjoolsResistance: well if you don't believe me then that's your perogative14:44
james_wis branch scanning on the blink?14:48
bigjoolsjames_w: not that I know of, how long has it been?14:49
james_wjust a couple of minutes: https://code.launchpad.net/~jml/pkgme-binary/remove-ldd/+merge/8494214:49
james_wfour in fact14:49
james_wthe propsal should be marked as merged now I beleive14:50
james_wthere we go14:50
james_wjust needed some patience obviously :-)14:51
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
=== deryck is now known as deryck[afk]
psusiCurtis Gedak is the upstream maintainer of gparted, but lp shows the maintainer is registry administrators, and Curtis doesn't have permission to futz with bugs targeted to parted.  This is the right place to get that fixed right?15:22
bigjoolspsusi: yes15:22
psusiand also associate the upstream bug tracker with the project15:22
bigjoolspsusi: I've made him maintainer15:23
bigjoolshe can set the bug tracker now15:24
psusiahh, cool15:26
psusinow, what exactly do you set the upstream bug pointer to? is http://gparted.org/bugs.php fine, or does it need a more specific url to do the automatic linking?15:27
bigjoolspsusi: it offers you a selection of know bugtrackers15:37
bigjoolsso you tell it which type it is and put the URL in15:37
=== deryck[afk] is now known as deryck
buzz_11 hour queue on launchpad builders again. it seems every time i upload to the ppa there is a massive delay. hard to support the ubuntu users like this. also no longer allowed to look at the https://launchpad.net/builders page ?16:34
bigjoolsbuzz_: some builders have been removed until saturday, the queue will be long until Sunday16:34
bigjoolsthere is also a bug preventing users seeing /builders if it has a private recipe build on it16:35
Laneyhah, I was /just/ going to ask why that was16:37
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
colon_DHi I want my PPA package to build for lucid natty and oneiric, right now I have trafficserver (3.0.2-1ubuntu5) oneiric; urgency=low  -- if I change oneiric to unstable like I have seen others use what releases does that build against?19:56
bigjoolsyou need to modify the package version and re-upload for each release19:57
=== bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad to: Build delays due to earlier hardware failure | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
colon_DAhh, OK.  Can I just dch -e and dput the resulting .source without conflict?19:58
bigjoolsas long as you don;t upload the same file versions again19:58
bigjoolsmost people put the series name in the version19:58
colon_Dthat would be wise -- thanks bigjools :-)19:59
dchiltonhi.  when I wget a file to my linux box, no problems -- unless it's from launchpad.  then, I get a message: "Resolving launchpadlibrarian.net (launchpadlibrarian.net)... failed: Name or service not known.; wget: unable to resolve host address `launchpadlibrarian.net'"20:11
dchiltonhere's the detail from @shell -> http://pastebin.com/gQMGVeLd .  not at all sure what to do here ... :-/20:11
lifelesswhat does20:11
lifelesshost launchpadlibrarian.net20:12
lifelessoutput for you?20:12
lifelessand whats in your resolv.conf20:12
dchiltonlifeless: host launchpadlibrarian.net --> launchpadlibrarian.net has address; launchpadlibrarian.net has address
lifelesslooks correct20:12
ams_csI'm having trouble uploading a release file to LP20:13
lifelessso, resolving works20:13
lifelessdchilton: wget should get the same result20:13
dchiltonlifeless: resolv.conf contins -> "nameserver; nameserver"20:13
dchiltonlifeless: i'd think so too, but, well, it appears not to ...20:14
lifelessams_cs: some details might help us sort that out :P20:14
lifelessdchilton: try wget
dchiltonlifeless: er, from my DNS server?20:15
lifelessno from the machine that is doing wget20:15
ams_csI'm trying to upload a 70MB file to https://launchpad.net/gcc-linaro/4.6/4.6-2011.12/20:15
dchiltonlifeless: is a dns server ... why try to get a file FROM it?20:16
lifelessoh bah20:16
lifelessI meant to put in as the ip20:16
lifeless / host20:16
dchiltonheh ... sec20:16
ams_csit's failed 5 times already - gets to 100% and then gives the normal launchpad error "please contact #launchpad" if it persists20:16
dchiltonlifeless: same thing -> Resolving launchpadlibrarian.net (launchpadlibrarian.net)... failed: Name or service not known.20:17
lifelessams_cs: does it give an OOPS id ?20:18
ams_csthe other file I had to upload today went through on the second attempt, but this one not20:18
lifelessdchilton: huh? you put an ip address in and it still ends up on the hostname ?20:18
ams_cslifeless: not sure, I'll have to wait and see if it fails again20:19
ams_cslifeless: currently 37% .....20:19
dchiltonlifeless: yup.20:20
dchiltonbut only @ launchpad, it seems ... if i wget http://ip_address from elsewhere, no issues.20:21
* dchilton thinks a heavy, blunt 'computer repair tool' is called for ...20:21
lifelessdchilton: I'm not sure how to diagnose this20:23
lifelessif 'host launchpadlibrarian.net' works20:23
lifelessthen your network can resolve it correctly20:23
lifelessand its a local issue20:23
dchiltonlifeless: sounds reasonable ... but a local launchpad-specific issue? rather weird, no?20:24
lifelessstrace might help20:24
lifelessor maybe its your libproxy patch or something20:24
dchiltonlifeless: doubt it, but who knows.  got some things to try.  gonna clear every dns-related cache i can find, and do this stepwise.  thanks.20:25
ams_cslifeless: upload failed again. no oops code, just the normal zero info page.20:32
ams_cslifeless: could it be my 0.5Mb upload speed causing a timeout?20:33
lifelessams_cs: can you get a screenshot of it ?20:33
ams_cslifeless: did you get the file transfer notification?20:36
lifelessams_cs: the what now?20:37
ams_cslifeless: Xchat has a "Send File" option on the context menu attached to your name. It claims to be offerring you a file, although you're clearly not downloading it20:38
lifelessIRC file transfer is a terrible idea20:38
lifelessfirewalled off for security.20:38
ams_cslifeless: any other suggestions how to post an image?20:39
lifelessams_cs: attach it to https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/19455820:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 194558 in Launchpad itself "Project file uploads time-out but don't OOPS" [Critical,Triaged]20:39
ams_cslifeless: done20:41
lifelessams_cs: ok, I believe that that is ha_proxy20:43
lifelesswhich fits our current theory of the issue20:43
lifelessafter you upload the file, it has to be uploaded again internally20:43
ams_csHow can I get around it?20:43
lifelessmake your releases smaller20:43
lifelessthis is critical and escalated20:43
ams_csyeah, the bazaar guys said the same about our sourcebase20:44
lifelessits one of what, 8 or so bugs we're working on as a top priority20:44
ams_csmy next experiment was going to be to upload it to another location, and then push it to LP from there at a faster rate. Is that likely to make a difference?20:45
lifelessI don't htink it will20:45
lifelesswhat happens is this20:45
lifelessyou upload to apache20:45
lifelessapache opens a connection to haproxy20:45
lifelessha proxy to launchpad20:45
lifelesswhile you upload it streams through these three systems20:46
lifelesslaunchpad buffers it on the appserver.20:46
lifelessthen at the end of the upload, haproxy starts a 20 second timer20:46
lifelessthe appserver starts uploading it to the librarian immediately.20:46
lifelessThat takes (e.g.) 21 seconds20:46
lifelesshaproxy says 'fail' and shows that brief error20:46
lifelessthen the appserver finishes the upload, and it goes to record it, but the timeout code kicks in, and it errors in the appserver too.20:48
ams_cshum, we've been uploading releases this size every month for months now20:49
lifelessyes, you can see that any variation in the datacentre performance can take you across that critical timing window20:49
lifelesswe've had this bug report open for a while20:49
lifelessonly recently identified it as systemic and promoted it to high-priority20:49
lifelessis your LP user id ams_cs ?20:50
lifelessah, ams-code* will find it20:50
lifelessnope, thats just a timeout :(20:54
lifelessstill looking20:54
ams_cslifeless: back now, yes my username is ams-codesourcery20:59
lifelessI'm doing a search to see if there is any evidence about the server side behaviour21:00
ams_cslifeless: the upload has just completed21:12
lifelessams_cs: congrats21:12
ams_cslifeless: I uploaded it to another machine, as I said. from there it only took 20 seconds or so (instead of 20 mins from my machine) and worked first time21:13
lifelessams_cs: I'm fairly sure upload speed doesn't count into this21:13
lifelessams_cs: tell me something though, if you can21:13
ams_cscould be just coincidence21:14
lifelessams_cs: after your browser stopped sending content, how long before the error appears21:14
ams_cslifeless: errr, not long, it's not instantaneous though. hard to tell what else is going on in the background. maybe 10 seconds. I wasn't really timing it21:15
lifelessams_cs: thanks21:15
lifelessams_cs: that helps21:15
ams_cslifeless: oh one other difference: my local upload was from Chrome; my remote upload was from Firefox21:16
ams_cschrome 16.0.912.59 beta  vs.  firefox 3.6.2221:17
lifelessthe only timeout oopses I've found for you so far21:18
lifelessare on a merge proposal21:18
lifelessams_cs: 3 timeouts affected you today21:22
lifelessams_cs: none matching the upload ><21:22
ams_csI had some timeouts viewing bazaar history21:23
lifelessthey aren't instrumented yet21:24
lifelessI might get that done today21:24
lifelessso we have data.21:24
ams_csbzr timeouts?21:25
ams_cswe get lots of those. bzr hates gcc21:25
poolieon what page?21:26
ams_cshttps://code.launchpad.net/gcc-linaro  - "This branch has not been scanned yet" means it timedout trying to do it.21:26
ams_csnone of the merge requests or branch pages have working diffs either21:27
ams_cspoolie: it's not really bzr but launchpad being impatient I think, but bzr does make a meal of it21:28
Foragelaunchpad allows you to copy packages from specific ppa's, though I can't seem to find a way to copy an older release of a package released by a ppa. Is this possible to do somehow?21:29
poolieif it's been replaced in that ppa, it's21:30
lifelessForage: I don't think we have a UI for that21:30
lifelesspoolie: not entirely :)21:31
lifelesspoolie: they do go from the archive, thats for sure21:31
Forageis some URL trickery possible?21:31
lifelessForage: not to do a copy21:31
lifelessForage: you may be able to dig around and find the old package files though21:32
ForageI'd like to get the following package: https://launchpad.net/~telepathy/+archive/ppa/+build/284612421:32
lifelessForage: should just be able to wget those debs21:32
Forageand then re-upload them?21:33
lifelesswell, you can get the source package and reupload it yes21:33
Foragewould that require me changing the version as well?21:33
lifelessthe binaries will have to rebuild in the new ppa21:33
lifelessit shouldn't21:33
wgrantForage: On the usual copy page (+copy-packages), search for Superseded packages.21:34
wgrantForage: We delete them after a week or so, but if they're recent you can still copy them.21:35
Forageas far as I can tell they are gone then: https://launchpad.net/~telepathy/+archive/ppa/+copy-packages21:35
Forageno mention of Superseded21:36
wgrantForage: There's a filter at the top21:36
wgrantChange Published to Superseded.21:36
wgrantThe binaries are still shown on the build page, so it should be copiable.21:36
Foragelovely, it is!21:37
Foragesorry, launchpad is a bit of a maze to me21:37
nuclearbobis this the right place for questions about the launchpad api?21:45
wgrantnuclearbob: It is indeed.21:45
nuclearbobwgrant: super.  I'm trying to find out how to get the reporter of a bug once I've got the url or resource for the bug21:46
wgrantnuclearbob: The'21:47
wgrantThat's bug.owner21:47
wgrantNot to be confused with bug_task.owner, which is the creator of a specific task.21:48
wgrantThey'll be the same for bugs with a single task, but may be different if there are multiple tasks.21:48
nuclearbobso if I create a bug, and then it gets assigned to someone else, bug.owner is me, but bug_task.owner is the new assignee?21:49
wgrantNo. bug_task.assignee is the new assignee. bug_task.owner is still you.21:50
nuclearbobokay, thanks21:50
wgrantBut if I come along to that bug and say it also affects dpkg in Ubuntu, the dpkg in Ubuntu task's owner is me.21:50
nuclearbobokay, good to know21:52
ForageI'm a bit lost on the version numbering of a package. Suppose there's now a version 1.2.3-0ubuntu1 provided by ubuntu. I want to update to a newer upstream release. Should I version it 1.2.4-0ppa1, 1.2.4-1ppa1 or 1.2.4-0ubuntu1ppa1?22:02
wgrantForage: 1.2.4-0ppa122:02
wgrantForage: The first number after the - is the Debian version.22:02
wgrantFor a package that's not in Debian, that's always -0.22:03
Forageah, ok22:03
wgrant-0ubuntu1 is the first Ubuntu version. -0ubuntu1ppa1 is greater than that, which you don't want.22:03
wgrantBecause an official Ubuntu version should probably supersede your package.22:03
ForageI was in doubt because I was not sure 1.2.4-0ppa1 would get replaced by 1.2.4-0ubuntu122:04
Forageif ubuntu happens to do the update later on22:05
Foragehow long does it take for a dput ppa upload to show up on the site?22:14
wgrantForage: Up to 5 minutes.22:15
Forageok, cool. Too short for a game of HoN though :-(22:15
Forageah, the building will take longer22:16
wgrantYeah, the queues are a bit long at the moment.22:16
wgrantSee /topic :)22:16
mtaylorI'm trying to get translations importing set up for a python project which does not store the .pot file in the tree22:40
mtaylorI've done that for another project - but I have no recollection of _how_22:41
Resistanceanyone know why an amd64 build would be processed faster than an i386 build?23:10
mwhudson_all packages are built on i386 (i think?) so they can be more loaded23:11
Resistancewow, really?  it took almost an hour and a half to compile php5(backport i'm doing) ?23:12
Resistanceah that explains why the _all packages i have were only built on an i386 builder23:12
mwhudsonoh you mean build time vs waiting time?23:17
Resistanceno actually23:19
Resistance(although i am amazed at how long it took for php5.5 to actually build ;P)23:19
mwhudsonthe queue is estimated at 11 hours currently so don't complain too much about 1.5 hours :)23:20
Resistancewell the thing was in the builders for over 24 hours before it built, and then dep-waited.23:22
Resistanceit took almost another 24 to actually get to the amd64 build23:22
Resistance(thankfuloly its running the i386 build now)23:22
Resistanceso overall, it was in the queue for 40 hours before it started getting processed at all23:23

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